❝ HEY! they call me the freak of the fall! ❞

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❝ HEY! they call me the freak of the fall! ❞

Postby ellyenchanted » Wed Jun 20, 2018 9:18 am

      warrior cats
Code: Select all
• moontuft
• moontuft is a tolerant and sweet-tempered tom cat.
• thoughts are always frazzled, would forget his own head if it wasn't attached
• always multi tasking but terrible at it
• he is a talented and dedicated medicine cat
• was made fun when he was younger for being odd
• can act childish and airy
• rather talkative, will go on tangents if you let him
• not super social, is either in the medicine cat den or out collecting herbs
• he is the kind to get completely wrapped up in his work
• gets tunnel vision sometimes
• sort of oblivious to how others might perceive him
• not good at connecting with others emotionally
• brutally honest sometimes
• super passionate and can get easily overexcited
• impatient

• crowpaw
• quieter but still on the social side
• he is calm and laid back like his best friend mothpsw, but he tends to act more distant and airy
• he is very private and secretive, hard to get to know
• doesn't share inner thoughts are deeper desires with anyone but mothpaw
• he provides a good listening ear as he is a trustworthy cat, but most prefer to talk to mothpsw
• can quickly become very serious
• has a little charm
• tends to feel less for others
• capable of cruelty when it comes to protecting loved ones

• hollowpaw
• has social anxiety
• very timid and scared of almost everything
• storms are especially scary
• and large crowds
• he is a very good hunter, and feels most at peace alone in the forest tracking prey
• will only really every speak to his sister and brother
• trusts them completely
• has trouble making eye contact
• occasionally fumbles his words which makes him feel more embarrassed or ashamed
• light sleeper, sometimes has trouble sleeping as every little noise wakes him
• will awkwardly stare at you if you try to talk to him and he doesn't know you very well
• wishes he was different, hates himself

• mothpaw
• very superstitious, believes in the supernatural
• likes to tell ghost stories to the kits
• super fun to be around, she has a good energy without being too overwhelming
• very thoughtful, gives good advice
• social and laid back, she likes to have deep connections with her clan members
• never seems to be stressed about anything
• not afraid to get down and dirty
• everything happens for a reason
• always looks forward to new experiences
• good at making others feel comfortable
• excellent secret keeper
• solid friend and family member
• a part of her wishes she could have been a medicine cat

• tigerpaw
• cismale
• confused about his sexuality
• hotheaded and a tad bit arrogant, but he means well
• he has a good heart, just acts stupid sometimes
• boastful, he's all talk
• super competitive
• afraid of humiliation
• wouldn't actually hurt a fly
• tries to be brave all the time but sometimes he gets scared - would never admit it
• argumentative, always has to be right
• truly insufferable
• he's not a bully just annoying
• a sweet heart when he wants to be
• very respectful of his elders
• loyal til the end


[center][size=85][b]name:[/b] jackaleye // [b]past name:[/b] jackal // [b]age:[/b] 26 moons // [b]rank:[/b] warrior // [b]ex-rank:[/b] loner
[b]gender:[/b] cismale // [b]sexuality:[/b] bisexual // [b]kin:[/b] lionfeather // [b]crush:[/b] n/a // [b]mate:[/b] n/a[/size][color=transparent]____[/color]

[size=85][b]appearance:[/b] jackaleye is a scraggly looking feline with rough dark brown tabby fur that tends
to get frequently matted. he is tall, thickly built, and well muscled from his own personal training.
his back and belly are riddled with scars from previous battles, but he never speaks of them. his
eyes are a cold, dull amber color that never seem to miss anything. he is an imposing force and
enjoys the intimidation factor.

[b]personality:[/b] jackaleye is not a pleasant cat to be around. he is rude, self-centered, arrogant,
and calculating. he has a quiet, simmering air of anger about him that never seems to calm. he
seems not to harbor good will towards anyone else but his brother. he has a nasty, abrasive attitude
and lacks empathy. he is cutthroat in his one goal - keeping himself and his brother alive. while
never admitting it, he is capable of horrific cruelty in the name of survival.   

[b]history:[/b] neither he nor lionfeather like to dwell on their past much. both were born to a loner
mother who abandoned them before they reached the clan apprentice age. the pair of brothers
haven't left each others side since. they say they've have spent their loner lives traveling and
simply doing their best to survive. some are still suspicious of this... [/size][/center]


[list][list][list][list][list][b][color=#400000]I COULDN'T UTTER MY LOVE WHEN IT COUNTED[/color][/b][/list][/list][/list][/list][/list]
[list][list][list][list][list][list][list][size=85][color=#400000][b]GENERAL INFORMATION:[/b][/color]
[color=#008000]✯[/color] timberwing
[color=#008000]✯[/color] 28 moons
[color=#008000]✯[/color] july 12
[color=#008000]✯[/color] cismale
[color=#008000]✯[/color] preferred pronouns → he/him
[color=#008000]✯[/color] clan or group → warrior
[color=#008000]✯[/color] titles

[color=#400000][b]IMPORTANT INFORMATION:[/b][/color]

✯ [color=#008000]DOMESTIC CAT[/color] | HEALTH: 100%
—— [b]minor injuries:[/b]
—— [b]major injuries:[/b]
✯ [color=#008000]ACCESSORIES:[/color]
✯ [color=#008000]SCENT:[/color]
✯ [color=#008000]AESTHETICS:[/color]

—— [i][b]significant traits:[/b][/i] stoic, hardworking, studious, patient, caring, confident, courteous, disciplined, likes to feel helpful, humble, kind, a good leader, sometimes a little too blunt which can make him seem insensitive, logical, responsible, steadfast, reliable, predictable, brave, stubborn, 

[color=#008000]✯[/color] appleflower x badgerclaw
[color=#008000]✯[/color] sibling to diamondsky and finchnose
[color=#008000]✯[/color] adopted sister falconblaze
[color=#008000]✯[/color] friends
[color=#008000]✯[/color] enemies
[color=#008000]✯[/color] crush on moontuft
[color=#008000]✯[/color] homosexual
[color=#008000]✯[/color] info on platonic relationships
[color=#008000]✯[/color] info on romantic relationships

[color=#400000][b]FUTURE PLOTS:[/b][/color]

[color=#008000]✯[/color] will not attack without reason
[color=#008000]✯[/color] will not start fights
[color=#008000]✯[/color] will end fights
[color=#008000]✯[/color] will not run away
[color=#008000]✯[/color] feel free to powerplay friendly actions
[color=#008000]✯[/color] open to minor injury
[color=#008000]✯[/color] ask before capture, minor injury, maim, major injury
[list][list][list][list][list][b][color=#400000]AH BUT I'M SINGING LIKE A BIRD 'BOUT IT NOW[/color][/b][/list][/list][/list][/list][/list]


[list][list][list][list][list][b][color=#2471A3]WHERE THE FIELDS ARE PAINTED GOLD[/color][/b][/list][/list][/list][/list][/list]
[list][list][list][list][list][list][list][size=85][color=#5499C7][b]GENERAL INFORMATION:[/b][/color]
[color=#85C1E9]✯[/color] finchnose
[color=#85C1E9]✯[/color] 28 months
[color=#85C1E9]✯[/color] july 12
[color=#85C1E9]✯[/color] cismale
[color=#85C1E9]✯[/color] preferred pronouns → he/him
[color=#85C1E9]✯[/color] clan or group → warrior
[color=#85C1E9]✯[/color] titles

[color=#5499C7][b]IMPORTANT INFORMATION:[/b][/color]

✯ [color=#85C1E9]DOMESTIC CAT[/color] | HEALTH: 100%
—— [b]minor injuries:[/b]
—— [b]major injuries:[/b]
✯ [color=#85C1E9]ACCESSORIES:[/color]
✯ [color=#85C1E9]SCENT:[/color]
✯ [color=#85C1E9]AESTHETICS:[/color]

—— [i][b]significant traits:[/b][/i]

[color=#85C1E9]✯[/color] appleflower x badgerclaw
[color=#85C1E9]✯[/color] sibling to diamondsky and timberwing
[color=#85C1E9]✯[/color] adopted sister falconblaze
[color=#85C1E9]✯[/color] friends
[color=#85C1E9]✯[/color] enemies
[color=#85C1E9]✯[/color] crushes
[color=#85C1E9]✯[/color] bisexual
[color=#85C1E9]✯[/color] info on platonic relationships
[color=#85C1E9]✯[/color] info on romantic relationships

[color=#5499C7][b]FUTURE PLOTS:[/b][/color]

[color=#85C1E9]✯[/color] will not attack without reason
[color=#85C1E9]✯[/color] will not start fights
[color=#85C1E9]✯[/color] will not end fights
[color=#85C1E9]✯[/color] will run away
[color=#85C1E9]✯[/color] feel free to powerplay friendly actions
[color=#85C1E9]✯[/color] open to minor injury
[color=#85C1E9]✯[/color] ask before capture, minor injury, maim, major injury
[list][list][list][list][list][b][color=#2471A3]AND THE TREES ARE FILLED WITH MEMORIES[/color][/b][/list][/list][/list][/list][/list]


[list][list][list][list][list][b][color=#800080]STUPID BOY THINK THAT I NEED HIM[/color][/b][/list][/list][/list][/list][/list]
[list][list][list][list][list][list][list][size=85][color=#800080][b]GENERAL INFORMATION:[/b][/color]
[color=#bf00bf]✯[/color] diamondsky
[color=#bf00bf]✯[/color] 28 moons
[color=#bf00bf]✯[/color] july 12
[color=#bf00bf]✯[/color] cisfemale
[color=#bf00bf]✯[/color] preferred pronouns → she/her
[color=#bf00bf]✯[/color] clan or group → warrior
[color=#bf00bf]✯[/color] titles

[color=#800080][b]IMPORTANT INFORMATION:[/b][/color]

✯ [color=#bf00bf]DOMESTIC FELINE[/color] | HEALTH: 100%
—— [b]minor injuries:[/b]
—— [b]major injuries:[/b]
✯ [color=#bf00bf]ACCESSORIES:[/color]
✯ [color=#bf00bf]SCENT:[/color]
✯ [color=#bf00bf]AESTHETICS:[/color]

this regal felines looks and certainly acts like a princess. diamondsky can charm her way out of any situation. she is intelligent, classy, and quick-witted. she is outwardly friendly, but words are her weapons. she can be very conniving, and if she doesn't like you, she finds a roundabout way to be nasty. she is never straightforward and prefers to say things that are coy and vague. diamondsky thinks herself better than most, and will not tolerate ill treatment of herself or her siblings. she is an extremely loyal friend and family member, though she will not hesitate to cut someone off if they have wronged her in an unforgivable way. she likes to pretend she is aloof and above others, but there is truly nothing she wouldn't do for her loved ones. diamondsky is indeed very vain, and tends to think their is no romantic partner that really is worthy of her love.
—— [i][b]significant traits:[/b][/i] self-absorbed/self-centered, clever, smooth, deadly, proud, loyal, unforgiving, and social.

[color=#bf00bf]✯[/color] appleflower x badgerclaw
[color=#bf00bf]✯[/color] sibling to finchnose and timberwing
[color=#bf00bf]✯[/color] adopted sister falconblaze
[color=#bf00bf]✯[/color] friends
[color=#bf00bf]✯[/color] enemies
[color=#bf00bf]✯[/color] crushes
[color=#bf00bf]✯[/color] heterosexual
[color=#bf00bf]✯[/color] info on platonic relationships
[color=#bf00bf]✯[/color] info on romantic relationships

[color=#800080][b]FUTURE PLOTS:[/b][/color]

[color=#bf00bf]✯[/color] will not attack without reason
[color=#bf00bf]✯[/color] will not start fights
[color=#bf00bf]✯[/color] might end fights
[color=#bf00bf]✯[/color] might run away
[color=#bf00bf]✯[/color] feel free to powerplay friendly actions
[color=#bf00bf]✯[/color] open to minor injury
[color=#bf00bf]✯[/color] ask before capture, minor injury, maim, major injury
[list][list][list][list][list][b][color=#800080]I GO COLD LIKE CHANGIN' SEASONS[/color][/b][/list][/list][/list][/list][/list]


[list][list][list][list][list][b][color=#bf0000]LIKE MULAN GON' TO WAR WAR WAR WAR[/color][/b][/list][/list][/list][/list][/list]
[list][list][list][list][list][list][list][size=85][color=#bf0000][b]GENERAL INFORMATION:[/b][/color]
[color=#ff8000]✯[/color] falconblaze
[color=#ff8000]✯[/color] 28 moons
[color=#ff8000]✯[/color] october 4
[color=#ff8000]✯[/color] cisfemale
[color=#ff8000]✯[/color] preferred pronouns → she/her
[color=#ff8000]✯[/color] clan or group → warrior
[color=#ff8000]✯[/color] ex-loner

[color=#bf0000][b]IMPORTANT INFORMATION:[/b][/color]
[color=#ff8000]✯[/color] falconblaze was found the the edge of clan territory as a kit. she didn't speak for months afterward, and once she did, she insisted she had no memory of her origin. falconblaze was adopted a queen who had kits around her age and became the fourth sibling.
[color=#ff8000]✯[/color] though her exact age isn't known, she says she is the same age as her adoptive siblings. however, she was given her own birthday to celebrate. this did not make her feel alienated, but made her feel special.
[color=#ff8000]✯[/color] despite loving her adopted family, she sometimes has feelings of not truly belonging. she has always desired to find out where she came from, who her parents were, if her birth family was even alive.
[color=#ff8000]✯[/color] her mysterious origins aside, she feels strong allegiance to her clan and would do anything to protect those she loves.

✯ [color=#ff8000]DOMESTIC CAT[/color] | HEALTH: 100%
falconblaze is a lithe black she-cat with sleek short fur. she is of average size, but well muscled due to pushing herself during training. she has minor scarring on her back and belly from old battles, but most are hardly noticeable. her eyes resemble flames burning brightly. 
—— [b]minor injuries:[/b] n/a
—— [b]major injuries:[/b] n/a
✯ [color=#ff8000]SCENT:[/color] akin to smoke

falconblaze was born to fight. she is meticulous in her training and upkeep of her physical health. she is a bit hesitant and awkward in social situations, and though a bit blunt, she tries her best to be as friendly as possible. falconblaze is known to be serious and will not let herself take a break. she takes her duties as a warrior seriously and is focused on the protection of the clan. for not being clanborn, she is surprisingly loyal and dedicated. she is incredibly disciplined and hardworking. there is nothing falconblaze wouldn't do for the good of all, even if that means sacrificing her own life.
—— [i][b]significant traits:[/b][/i] loyal + alert + active + capable + hardworking + honest + independent + responsible + protective

[color=#ff8000]✯[/color] birth parents are unknown. adopted by appleflower x badgerclaw
[color=#ff8000]✯[/color] adopted sibling to diamondsky, finchnose , timberwing
[color=#ff8000]✯[/color] known family members [ neither littermates nor parents. can range from grandparents, nieces, aunts, adopted members, etc etc ]
[color=#ff8000]✯[/color] friends
[color=#ff8000]✯[/color] enemies
[color=#ff8000]✯[/color] crushes
[color=#ff8000]✯[/color] homosexual
[color=#ff8000]✯[/color] info on platonic relationships
[color=#ff8000]✯[/color] info on romantic relationships

[color=#bf0000][b]FUTURE PLOTS:[/b][/color]

[color=#ff8000]✯[/color] will not fight without reason
[color=#ff8000]✯[/color] will not start fights
[color=#ff8000]✯[/color] will end fights
[color=#ff8000]✯[/color] will not run away
[color=#ff8000]✯[/color] feel free to power-play friendly actions
[color=#ff8000]✯[/color] open to minor injury
[color=#ff8000]✯[/color] ask before capture, minor injury, maim, major injury
[list][list][list][list][list][b][color=#bf0000]FOR MY PEOPLE I'LL DO MORE MORE MORE MORE[/color][/b][/list][/list][/list][/list][/list]

[list][list][list][list][list][b][color=#2471A3]I DID SOMETHING BAD, MAYBE I WAS WRONG [/color][/b][/list][/list][/list][/list][/list]
[list][list][list][list][list][list][list][size=85][color=#5499C7][b]GENERAL INFORMATION:[/b][/color]
[color=#85C1E9]✯[/color] minnowpaw
[color=#85C1E9]✯[/color] minnie
[color=#85C1E9]✯[/color] 9 months
[color=#85C1E9]✯[/color] born february 20
[color=#85C1E9]✯[/color] cisfemale
[color=#85C1E9]✯[/color] preferred pronouns → she/her
[color=#85C1E9]✯[/color] clan or group → apprentice
[color=#85C1E9]✯[/color] titles

[color=#5499C7][b]IMPORTANT INFORMATION:[/b][/color]
[color=#85C1E9]✯[/color] minnowpaw lowkey has mommy issues due to too many broken promises. her mother who was often absent from her life, and would walk back in it with promises that 'things would be different' and that 'she would never leave again'. minnowpaw believed her time and time again. but each time would break her heart a little more. her mother passed when she was 8 months old. minnowpaw hasn't been able to trust an adult she-cat since.
[color=#85C1E9]✯[/color] commitment issues when it comes to romantic or even platonic relationships. because of her mistrust, she would prefer to be the one doing the hurting than be hurt herself. she has built brick walls around her heart and can't seem to let anyone in.
[color=#85C1E9]✯[/color] minnowpaw's father died before she was born, but she idolizes him and thinks of him as a hero. she gravitates toward and seeks guidance from male authority figures.

✯ [color=#85C1E9]DOMESTIC CAT[/color] | HEALTH: 100% | [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/13/33/ca/1333ca480dbba5dd5468758ae2b156ae.jpg]ref[/url]
minnowpaw is a dusty brown tabby feline of average height and weight. her fur is soft but always ruffled and unkempt. she has a friendly looking face with wide, hazel eyes. minnowpaw has avoided looking at her reflection, as all she sees is her mother's face staring back at her.
—— [b]minor injuries:[/b] n/a
—— [b]major injuries:[/b] n/a
✯ [color=#85C1E9]ACCESSORIES:[/color] minnowpaw is always seen with a gold pendant hanging around her neck that he inherited from her father.
✯ [color=#85C1E9]SCENT:[/color] dirt and earthy tones, as if she just got done rolling in mud.
✯ [color=#85C1E9]AESTHETICS:[/color]

minnowpaw is outwardly friendly towards others, but her kindness only goes so far. she is mistrusting and being a trickster herself, she is not easily fooled. she can't take anything seriously which tends to get on the nerves of others. not many things hold meaning for her, seemingly even her own siblings. she is loud and energetic with a constant mischievous smile on her face that tells you she's up to no good. minnowpaw tends to have the most wild and crazy ideas that gets herself and whoever she drags along in trouble. she has an overwhelming curiosity and can never seem to be still for long. time spent on pranks or shirking duties is time well spent for her. in the end, minnowpaw would not admit it, but she craves deeper relationships, but just can't seem to get over her fear of letting someone close.
—— [i][b]significant traits:[/b]  adventurous + clever + energetic + playful + sly + selfish + intolerable + childish[/i]

[color=#85C1E9]✯[/color] leopardfoot x rippleshade
[color=#85C1E9]✯[/color] sibling to beepaw and duckpaw
[color=#85C1E9]✯[/color] known family members [ neither littermates nor parents. can range from grandparents, nieces, aunts, adopted members, etc etc ]
[color=#85C1E9]✯[/color] friends
[color=#85C1E9]✯[/color] enemies
[color=#85C1E9]✯[/color] no crush
[color=#85C1E9]✯[/color] bisexual
[color=#85C1E9]✯[/color] info on platonic relationships
[color=#85C1E9]✯[/color] info on romantic relationships

[color=#5499C7][b]FUTURE PLOTS:[/b][/color]

[color=#85C1E9]✯[/color] might attack without reason
[color=#85C1E9]✯[/color] might start fights
[color=#85C1E9]✯[/color] will not end fights
[color=#85C1E9]✯[/color] will run away
[color=#85C1E9]✯[/color] feel free to power-play friendly actions
[color=#85C1E9]✯[/color] open to minor injury
[color=#85C1E9]✯[/color] ask before capture, minor injury, maim, major injury
[list][list][list][list][list][b][color=#2471A3]SOMETIMES PEOPLE SAY THAT I'M A BIG TIME BOMB[/color][/b][/list][/list][/list][/list][/list]


[center][size=85][b]name:[/b] lionfeather // [b]past name:[/b] lion // [b]age:[/b] 26 moons // [b]rank:[/b] warrior // [b]ex-rank:[/b] loner
[b]gender:[/b] cismale // [b]sexuality:[/b] heterosexual // [b]kin:[/b] jackaleye // [b]crush:[/b] n/a // [b]mate:[/b] n/a[/size][color=transparent]__[/color]

[size=85][b]appearance:[/b] lionfeather is a sand-colored tom cat ideal with blending into the desert
environment. his fur is short and well cared for, and his eyes are twin in color with his brother.
yet there is a kindness lionfeather's face holds, and his eyes seem to shine a bright gold. having
been the runt of the litter, he is small in stature and just as thin. curiously, there are hardly any
scars or mutilations that mar his body.   

[b]personality:[/b] somehow lionfeather is the polar opposite of his brother. he is sweet-tempered
and finds joy in the littlest of things. he might seem a bit dull or slow, but his optimistic attitude
and happiness is infectious. he has a great amount of empathy for others and he is always willing
to provide an ear for listening. he is forgiving in nature, gentle-hearted, and humble. he alone
is able to keep jackaleye in check and keep him from doing unnecessary harm.
[b]history:[/b] -see jackaleye's history-[/size][/center]


leader: morningstar | 62 months | ♀

deputy: orchidfall | 57 months | ♀

medicine cat: moontuft | 35 months |

medicine cat apprentice: starlingpaw | 11 months | ♂

warriors: lionfeather | 26 months | ♂
jackaleye | 26 months | ♂
falconblaze | 28 months | ♀
diamondsky | 28 months | ♀
finchnose | 28 months | ♂
timberwing | 28 months | ♂
koisplash | 32 months | ♂
ravendust | 35 months |
cloudswipe | 35 months | ♂

senior warrior:
honeyfrost | 68 months | ♀
appleflower | 62 months | ♀
badgerclaw | 68 months | ♂
sunnywhisker | 62 months |

apprentices: minnowpaw | 9 months | ♀
crowpaw | 10 months | ♂
tigerpaw | 11 months | ♂
hollowpaw | 10 months | ♂
mothpaw | 10 months | ♀

queens: cherrystem | 24 months | ♀
rosefoot | 35 months | ♀

kits: solarkit - pebblekit - marigoldkit - mosskit | 1 month | ( cherrystem x cloudswipe )
goosekit - otterkit - deerkit | 3 months | (rosefoot x koisplash )

elders: blossomstrike | 92 months | ♀
swanstripe | 88 months |
lunargaze | 104 months |


cherrystem x cloudswipe
rosefoot x koisplash
appleflower x badgerclaw

lionfeather + jackaleye (loner parents)
diamondsky + finchnose + timberwing + adopted sister falconblaze (appleflower x badgerclaw)
crowpaw + mothpaw + hollowpaw (appleflower x badgerclaw)
solarkit + pebblekit + marigoldkit + mosskit (cherrystem x cloudswipe)
goosekit + otterkit + deerkit (rosefoot x koisplash)
morningstar + sunnywhisker + appleflower (lunargaze x npc)
moontuft + ravendust + cloudswipe + rosefoot(npc x npc)
starlingpaw + tigerpaw (npc x npc)
badgerclaw + honeyfrost (blossomstrike x npc)
orchidfall + npc (swanstripe x npc)

crowpaw ➼ tigerpaw
starlingpaw ➼ minnowpaw
morningstar ⇆ orchidfall
timberwing ➼ moontuft
Last edited by ellyenchanted on Thu Apr 06, 2023 11:23 am, edited 16 times in total.
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Postby ellyenchanted » Wed Jun 20, 2018 9:21 am

name ideas

feminine- tephra, kahlua, katana, penryn, vienna, Alaska, augusta, alioska, aibhlin, akilah, akira, alaia, alair, aleki, allerie, amaris, ambrosia, amelia, anani, araceli, arizona, asteria, atsuko, aylin, Beth, briar, bruna, Caprina, carina, catrin, catrice, cecily, ceres, clementine, cleo, columba, cypris,

masculine- Adler, akeno, alexander, apollo, aquila(o), arcelio, ari, arlan, arley, arlo, atley, atreo, aurelio, Camilo, cassian, chase, Danilo, devereaux, Emerson, emiliano, emrys, Fallow, fenn, fenris, finnian,

androgynous- clarke, Adair, adley, andreas, sydney, ellery, everly,

nonhuman- starlet, slurry, rune, rift, hazard, helix, glyph, fable, cairo, canary, chinook, comet, everest, finch, nemesis, ibis, minnow, rio, capri, salem, royale, sibyl, vega, kestrel, sparrow,

warrior cat names

she-cat: morningmyth, orchidfall, pondsplash, westpaw,



rogue/loner/kittypet: origami, caprisun, kismet,


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Last edited by ellyenchanted on Tue Apr 04, 2023 2:36 pm, edited 28 times in total.
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Postby ellyenchanted » Wed Jun 20, 2018 9:22 am

warrior cat biography

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[list][list][list][list][list][b][color=#2471A3]LYRICS LYRICS LYRICS LYRICS LYRICS[/color][/b][/list][/list][/list][/list][/list]
[list][list][list][list][list][list][list][size=85][color=#5499C7][b]GENERAL INFORMATION:[/b][/color]
[color=#85C1E9]✯[/color] full name
[color=#85C1E9]✯[/color] nicknames
[color=#85C1E9]✯[/color] age → ages every ?
[color=#85C1E9]✯[/color] birth date
[color=#85C1E9]✯[/color] gender
[color=#85C1E9]✯[/color] preferred pronouns →
[color=#85C1E9]✯[/color] clan or group → rank
[color=#85C1E9]✯[/color] titles

[color=#5499C7][b]IMPORTANT INFORMATION:[/b][/color]

✯ [color=#85C1E9]BODY[/color] | TYPE | HEALTH: 100%
—— [b]minor injuries:[/b]
—— [b]major injuries:[/b]
✯ [color=#85C1E9]ACCESSORIES:[/color]
✯ [color=#85C1E9]SCENT:[/color]
✯ [color=#85C1E9]AESTHETICS:[/color]

—— [i][b]significant traits:[/b][/i]

[color=#85C1E9]✯[/color] parents
[color=#85C1E9]✯[/color] littermates
[color=#85C1E9]✯[/color] known family members [ neither littermates nor parents. can range from grandparents, nieces, aunts, adopted members, etc etc ]
[color=#85C1E9]✯[/color] friends
[color=#85C1E9]✯[/color] enemies
[color=#85C1E9]✯[/color] crushes
[color=#85C1E9]✯[/color] sexuality
[color=#85C1E9]✯[/color] info on platonic relationships
[color=#85C1E9]✯[/color] info on romantic relationships

[color=#5499C7][b]FUTURE PLOTS:[/b][/color]

[color=#85C1E9]✯[/color] will / will not / might attack without reason
[color=#85C1E9]✯[/color] will / will not / might start fights
[color=#85C1E9]✯[/color] will / will not / might end fights
[color=#85C1E9]✯[/color] will / will not / might run away
[color=#85C1E9]✯[/color] feel free to powerplay friendly actions
[color=#85C1E9]✯[/color] open to ( capture, minor injury, maim, major injury )
[color=#85C1E9]✯[/color] ask before ( capture, minor injury, maim, major injury )
[list][list][list][list][list][b][color=#2471A3]LYRICS LYRICS LYRICS LYRICS LYRICS[/color][/b][/list][/list][/list][/list][/list]

════ NAME ════
tags; name

      words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words

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[center]════ [size=85][b][color=#408080]NAME[/color][/b][/size] ════
[size=85]tags; name[/size][/center]
[list][list][color=#408080][b]♡[/b][/color] [size=85]words [/size][/list][/list]

    ────── ❝ 𝐍 𝐀 𝐌 𝐄 ❞ ──────
    age; gender; sexuality; location; tags;
    words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words

Code: Select all
[list][size=150]────── ❝ 𝐍 𝐀 𝐌 𝐄 ❞ ──────[/size][/list]
[list][size=85][b]⤷[/b] tags;
[b]⤷[/b] words [/size][/list]
Last edited by ellyenchanted on Wed Apr 05, 2023 5:52 pm, edited 11 times in total.
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