Mau Mau's Fairy Tales (please no posting)

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Mau Mau's Fairy Tales (please no posting)

Postby Alina_Mau » Thu Nov 11, 2010 3:51 pm

Mau Mau's Fairy Tales

This is where I will post stories that I've written about CS pet pairs or just characters I have. I'll also post my fursona's/characters and their own stories as well here. I'd prefere it if people didn't post, for space reasons but feel free to pm me your opinions, ideas, and comments. I love to here what others say about my writing! :3


To read The Winters Love go here.

To read The Tale of Moon Wing the Owl~Cat go here.

To read Love in Tellora (unfinished) go here.
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Mau Mau's Fairy Tales

Postby Alina_Mau » Tue Jan 11, 2011 5:28 pm

Here I'll link the stories for my fav characters but atm I have very few and they don't have their stories yet so untill I do that they'll sit here on display for the world to see! ♥

Vanni Lala ♀ ~~~~~ Jack ♂

Both of these were made by the wonderful and amazing SockyTM and they both link to her art shop! ^_^
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Mau Mau's Fairy Tales

Postby Alina_Mau » Tue Jan 11, 2011 5:29 pm

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The Winters Love

Postby Alina_Mau » Wed Jan 12, 2011 1:23 am

The Winters Love

Sakura --- Boreas

My petals fell like rain, as though I was crying, for in truth I would if I could. He is lost from me now, now when I am finally beautiful, he is gone. Two lovers walk below me dancing and laughing amongst my flowing petals and I laugh in spite of my own pain, wishing I could be like them. A cold wind rushs past and for a moment I feel him close once more.


It started in the late fall when it was my time to sleep. All the other trees had shed their leaves and settled down to sleep for one more winter. Being a rather large tree I had known of winter for many years but thought nothing of it...of him. This year was different though. The weather had been odd and I was restless, unable to sleep as the others did. As I watched the sun set and the street lamps come on a single white flake drifted down from the sky to land on my branch. Something I had not been awake for in my life, a single flake. Like a gift from the gods it had drifted down so gently it could have been a fallen feather.

"How beautiful you are," I said. "Almost like my sweet cherry blossoms."

To my surprise it answered back to me.

"What is a cherry blossom?" a gentle voice said. The voice was not young but not old and it held an innocence that warmed my heart instantly.

"A cherry blossom is what I make. It is a flower of great beauty."

"Oh," said the small snowflake some how refusing to melt away. "Am I really as beautiful as that?"

As the words were said a cold wind whipped through my branches and suddenly many snow flakes fell all around me like I make my petals fall and whirl in the spring.

"Oh yes," I said in awe. "Yes, you are."

"Good, I wish to be beautiful for you. You are the only one to speak to me in this place. I am always very alone in the winter, no one really speaks to me here."

"Where do you go in the spring?"

"In the spring I leave this earth and wait for the coming of my time once again. I am never alone then. There's always plenty to do to prepare for winter but once winter comes I am to do no more than tell the snow to fall or the winds to blow.

"You are not the snow?" I said in such innocence he laughed. A laugh so sweet and pure I had to laugh at his joy.

"No my dear tree, I am the Spirit of Winter. The flakes you see around you are no more then my embodyment, but tell me do you have a name with which I may remember you by?"

"My name is Sakura but what is your name?"

"My name is Boreas."

As he spoke the words the winds suddenly whipped around me as though he was embracing me.

"Will you be my friend Sakura?" his gentle voice seeming almost vulnerable.

"I would very much like that," I said gently. "I will do my best to stay awake with you for as long as you're here Boreas." I meant every word never knowing the pain it would cause us both.


Weeks went by of the winter chill and I saw things I had never seen before, children making men of the snow, sometimes even throwing snow at one another. Through it all I stayed awake with him, loving every minute of this new white world I was being surrounded by. At times it was hard for me, I was not used to the cold like this, the burning cold. Once, a snow storm hit the town and one of my branches fell off and as I screamed in silent pain to the world around me the wind died and the snow suddenly stopped falling I could feel his gentle presence holding me.

"Are you alright?!" His voice was pained and frightened. "Oh, my Sakura what have I done to you?"

"I'll be fine Boreas don't fret so," I said with a pained laugh. "I'm a tree and this is certainly not my first lost branch."

My words seemed to put him at some ease and a mild wind wrapped about me in embrace. From then on there were no storms, none like that one anyway, only gentle snow falls or blustery days. We talked for hours in a day, laughter and joy in our words, as long as we could share our world together all was right, the world was right. I knew I was falling in love with him and I believed that he deserved more in his life than what he had, he was a beautiful soul destined to be alone but I could never believe that. Every night I'd wish upon the stars that I would be able to stay with him, that he would love me as I loved him.

"My bare branches must be so unappealing to you," I said with an apparent pout to my voice.

"I don't know what you mean, I have only ever known you this way."

"But my branches are so rough and bare, I wish to be beautiful for you," My voice almost pleading and willing my flowers to bloom in the mid of winter.

"I simply don't understand," He paused for a moment a few gentle snowflakes falling around us. "You are beautiful and I love you. I don't want or need you to be anything other than you are."

At a loss for words all I mumble out was a "thank you" even though my mind was screaming "I love you" with every fiber of my being. The days from then on were far too short and yet even more perfect, now that we both knew we were in love. One morning I woke up to find myself covered in ice, glowing in the light of the rising sun.

"Oh my word!" I said in complete awe.

"You said you wanted to be more beautiful, my love, this is the best I can do for you," he said with a slight laugh. "I still don't see how you could be more beautiful than you are though."

"Oh Boreas I love it! I'd dance if I only could," We laughed at this knowing a tree couldn't really dance.

"Well if you did I'd have to dance with you!" A sudden wind whipped through the icicles making them hum as he laughed his sweet musical laugh I had come to love so much.

Rather suddenly we realised there were people below us, two men. They were all bundled up in their coats and boots complaining about having to shovel the driveways in the morning and how Old Man Jenkin's pipes burst from the cold last week.

"Well atleast it's almost over, right?" one of the men asked the other and they both walked off laughing.

"Do they really mean it?" I asked with a sadness and a shiver in my voice.

"I'm afraid they do my lovely Sakura, I soon must leave this place so that I may work on creating winter next year."

We were silent for a long time. I felt like crying, screaming, and begging all at once but I knew it would do no good. He was needed to keep balance of the seasons of the whole world and I was a tree. Our love was never meant to be forever and yet....and yet somehow I didn't believe that. How could it not be? Love like ours didn't happen between such odd pairings. We were unique, special and yet somehow not worthy of forever like so many normal human pairings? I could not believe an end to our love no matter how many times I told myself to let it go.

"I'll come back to you next year, I promise. Even if you're asleep I'll stay with you untill I must leave once more."

"Oh Boreas, please don't go I don't want to live without you!" I blurted out. "I could never be like I used to be, not after all of this. I'll never be just a tree like them because I'll always be in love with you," I could feel a heat inside me as the ache of losing him welled within me.

"My sweet Sakura, I would throw all responsibility to the wind and give up all that I have ever been to stay here with you forever but my leaving is not of my choice. When the time comes I'll simply be wrenched from this plane and brought back home to begin again to work of this next winter," the sadness in his voice was overwhelming, his soft almost whisper of a voice.

From then on we clung to eachother as though our lives depended on it. It would snow almost daily for that was his only way to cry. We always knew this time would come yet somehow knowing it was near created a sadness that hung over every word and thought we had, even dampening our laughter which in that time was few and far between.

"I love you Sakura," his voice sounded faint and warped.

"Boreas what's wrong?" I said with a mild panic. Deep inside I knew what was happening but I didn't want it to be the truth.

"Never forget that I love you. I'll come back to you," his voice faded away into nothingness and suddenly the air was still. No wind whipped around my trunk, no snow fell from the heavens, all was nothing but silence.

"No...NO!" I screamed and cried. "Don't do this to me please! How can you do this to me, to us. HOW?!?"


In some ways I died that day. I don't speak to the other trees anymore, I have nothing to say to them. All they talk about is how their leaves look and whether or not it will rain. I mourned for a long time, I was the last to bloom. I finally decided I'd bloom for him in hopes that he would see my beauty, the way I had always wanted him to. All the snow was gone and it had been weeks since then, it was nearing summer time and storm clouds were nearing the town. A low rumble could be heard from the clouds and the children in the park I was in started getting their things to go home to avoid the storm. The other trees around me started going to sleep to avoid the harshness of the storm.

"how weak," I thought. After spending all winter awake I stood in front of the ever nearing clouds with a newfound fearlessness and as they grew closer I saw the form of the clouds shape into an animal with glowing eyes and thundering paws. Static electricy flowed through his mane and as he shook it, lightening flew out.


He seemed to be targeting me, staring at me intently, his paws pounding ever closer. He let out a rumbling roar that seemed to echo out over the town and suddenly with a shake of his mane and a whip of his tail a giant lightening bolt shot down at me setting me ablaze. I could feel it spliting me in two, the water inside my trunk boiling off into the air. I looked up at this creature expecting a hateful laugh or a sadness but a small gentle smile was on his face.

"The pain will not be forever child, and once it's all over you will have happiness in ways you never have before," his voice thundered and echoed through me.

Once he was sure that no water would save me he turned and pounded away allowing the rain to fall. The pain had stopped and I was aware of my earthbound shell dying around me. The noise had awoken some of the trees around me, some were screaming others just glad they weren't close enough to catch fire from me. I couldn't blame them, I would never wish this pain on any of them. In reality it was only the shock that hurt as I had never stopped being in pain to the point of numbness. As I heard my limbs fall around me I thought only of my Boreas, my love, who I would gladly die for, even if it only meant I was no longer alive to haunt his heart.

Eventually I became blind, deaf, and numb and everything went black for I don't know how long untill I found myself in a white hall with small white flowered trees growing out of the floor. I wandered around for a bit realising I could move when out of the corner of my eye a flash of pink caught my attention. I turned to see a pretty pink creature looking back at me.


As I walked closer I realised the creature was mimicing my movements amd after some careful examination I decided I was looking at my own self, now free of my tree tunk.

"But what is going on?" I said, thinking myself alone.

"You have joined us in the land beyond," a womans voice echoed down the hall.

I looked down the hall to see a creature similar to me floating down to the floor and gracefully walking towards me. She was beautiful with gentle colors on a white pelt and a small golden halo suspended above her gently shaded head. Her wings spread out around her in a feathered glory I had never seen before. I glanced back at the mirror for only a moment to find that my wings were very unlike hers and much more like the butterflys that would flutter around my cherry blossoms back when I was a tree.

"Are you an angel?" I asked, having seen a parade of what the humans thought angels would appear to be.

"Oh goodness no!" She laughed a musical trill. "I am Hope."

"Why am I here, Hope?"

She gave a wise and gentle smile and turning to walk away she said "Because this is where you belong."

With that she faded away and I was once again alone in the seemingly endless white hall of trees and the occasional mirror. I walked for the longest time having nothing better to do. I used this time to explore my new body as I had never before had the ability to move. I walked and ran and I even tried to use my new wings but that seemed like it would be a challenge for another day. I heard a familiar pounding of paws and suddenly I was filled with fear knowing what was approaching me and yet, giving it a moment of thought, I suddenly had no fear but more a demanding question to be delivered to this creature who had changed my whole world.

"Just what is going on here?" I turned suddenly with a stern look on my face.

My jaw dropped in awe as I turned to see two men looking at me, one being the lion that brought my demise and the other being...

"My love, you look beautiful." He said with a wide grin and a laugh.

Before me stood a creature very similar to myself in varying shades of blue with shadowed snowflakes across his pelt. His dark lined wings had the lightest shading of blue upon them and my heart skipped a beat as he fluttered them. Regardless of his words I instantly knew who it was as I could feel his presence and I collapsed into him with my body shaking uncontrollably in my sobs of joy.

"Hush now love, everything will be right in our world now," he said gently wrapping his arms around me.

"Ahem," The sound of a clearing throat was heard and I looked at the lion who controlled thunder and lightening.
"I'd like to apologise, Miss Sakura. It was the only way we could bring you here to stay with us," spoke the Lion with his suprisingly gentle voice.

"I could never be angry with the one who gave me back my love." I said and I threw myself at the vastly larger than myself lion in a giant hug. "Thank you." I whispered quietly in his ear.

"Now you are one of us," Boreas said cheerily. "You know me as the Spirit of Winter and this here is the Spirit of Storms, Set."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss." Set gave a sheepish grin and sat with a thunderous thud.

"But what am I in all of this? How can I be here without a purpose?"

"You do have a purpose, dear child," Hopes voice came from behind us and she appeared once again. "In the hearts of all should be a love for every season but the love for winter can be very lacking and this is what you have become. A love for winter what makes joy arise in the hearts of all. When they witness the falling of a snowflake, smell the burning of wood in the crisp cold air. You have become the feeling of joy and happiness in winter, Winters Love." with that she disappeared quite like before.

"So it's all over?" I cuddled into Boreas once again.

"Our story has only begun, my dearest love."



The End

Last edited by Alina_Mau on Tue Mar 08, 2011 6:33 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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The Tale of Moon Wing the Owl~Cat

Postby Alina_Mau » Sat Jan 15, 2011 9:09 am

The Tale of...
Moon Wing the Owl~Cat


As I sit upon my tree top I think back on my life and realise it is a very sad one. It gets better, but a sad story none the less and I tell it now to remember always how far I've come in my life.

~Mother and Father~

I was born different, very different. I would have been the pick of my litter, the top feline of my sibilings, having the perfect mix of markings between my mother and my father. I was the strongest in mind, body, and spirit. All of this was destroyed for me the moment I was seen though, for I had wings and a beak like a bird. Even if the rest of me was perfect cat, it no longer mattered for I was imperfect in my families eyes. I was hated and despised for what I was, not to mention that I was just the offspring of two, very in love, alley cats which also prompted a hatred of it's own.

It was only my mother's guilt that she did not abandon me the moment I was born, but the day I was weaned was it. My father had always been an attentive parent to the other kittens but not to me, saying I wasn't his. On the day I was weaned he took me on a trip. I remember being so excited, "I finally get to be with daddy!" I thought. I remember some of the other kittens asking to go with us but he declined, making me feel all the more special. The last thing I remember of that place is skipping along side my father and looking back to wave to my mother. I had told her that I loved her before running along to catch up with my father, and looking back I caught her allowing a single tear to roll down her face, knowing that she would never see me again, wondering if I would die. The trip with my father had been exciting and confusing all at once, he had chosen me to go with him but we had spoken almost no words between us the entire way. Suddenly he stopped and sat at the entrance of the woods outside of town, having spoken no words, I did the same but rubbed against one of his legs in a loving gesture I had seen recieved very well from the other kittens. He seemed sad when I had done this and I sat in front of him with a questioning look on my face.

" Daddy, why are you and Mommy sad today? " I asked, in the innocence I was overwhelmed in.

" Well, your mother and I had lost a kitten today, " he swallowed hard and forced a smiled before I could ask anything else. "Let's play a game."

" Okay! " I said in excitement, jumping around and swishing my tail wildly.

He lead me deeper in the woods and proceeded to tell me that we were going to play hide and seek and that I had to hide where I couldn't see him or it would be cheating. He faced the way we had entered the forest and began counting so I ran off in a mad dash to find the best, most impressive hiding place I could. That was the last time I had ever seen my father or any member of that group I had once called my family. After that day I wandered the forest alone for a long time, eating little bugs and berries I found, which my bird like beak made easy for me. I spent a month or two like this, wandering alone, eating what I could find and the first encounter I had in this new place was not a good one. I had decided to make a sort of camp under a tree and I returned there to spend the night regularly. One afternoon, while I was tidying up the base of the tree, I heard a voice. The first voice I had heard since my fathers.

" Ugh, what are you?! " a bitter voice split through the air like a knife, making me wince.


I turned to look at him and he bared his teeth at the site of me.
" h-hello, " I stuttered and cowared back from his aggresion.

" Die freak!! " he screamed, as he lunged at me with wild hatred in his eyes.

I ran up the tree as fast as I could, my petite kitten claws peircing the bark like needles. It was general knowledge that cats could escape dogs like this, dogs being less height prone creatures, but this one didn't seem to have a problem. He was a feral dog and his claws were well developed. His claws dug into the bark of the tree like sharpened chisels, his eyes on me being driven by his hatred. I had run out of stable branch to stand on, I didn't have anywhere to go, I didn't know what to do, I paniced. Then, I flew. I had spread my wings and went to fall just to find myself flying. I chose a direction and didn't stop.

I eventually came to a coasting fall towards a barren edge of the woods as the winds died and my body gave out from exhaustion. I ended up droping into a bramble bush and there I and my exhausted body gave up. I had been hated, abandoned, and now someone has tried to rid this Earth of me so hard that they tried to kill me. So there I was crying, my feeble young body shaking with sobs of depression surrounded by thorns that peirced my fragil young body with ease. I had thought my world had ended, that everyone was going to get their wish and that I would just waste away. Finally my tears subsided enough that everything simply went dark.

When I awoke it was dusk and I began to get cold so I decided to try and get free of the brambles that held me prisoner. I pulled, pushed, clawed, and bit my way through and when I was almost out I heard a quiet whooshing sound and I looked up to see a beautiful owl descending towards me.


" No, please no! Don't hurt me, " I begged as I croutched back towards the brambles that cut me.

" My dear child, why would I hurt you? " came a soft, low voice that made me calm.

" Everyone seems to hurt me or atleast want to, " I said quietly, curling up.

" I have no intention of hurting you, little one, " she said with a sadness falling across her silver speckled face.

I said nothing to this, afraid that I would make her angry and I squeezed my eyes shut as she came close to me.

" How long have you been here, like this? " the lady owl began to brush the brambles and thorns away from me with her soft feathers.

" Only a few hours I think, " I crawled slowly away from the bush as she brushed them away until I was free.

" Where is your family child, you are far too young to be out here alone, " she had a knowing look on her face though she asked anyway.

" I've been alone for a while now, Daddy left me here, " I could feel the sadness on my face and I turned away from her.

" You have no one to look out for you? No one to teach you to fly? " she said these words with a gentle tone and I realised I had forgotten that I even had wings, that I was different. Yet she found me normal.

" No, I have no one, but I flew here, " I said with a bit of pride in my voice.

" Well, we shall take care of that, " she gave me a smile and helped me to a hollowed out tree. "What is your name child?"

" I don't have one, " I shrunk against the tree thinking of all the things I had been called in the past.

" Then I shall name you if you wish, " looking me over, her gentle golden eyes glistening.

The sun had set and a full moon had risen by the time we had reached the tree. I nodded slowly at the prospect of someone so kind giving me a name, one I finally may want to have. She smiled and turned her large round eyes towards the moon.

" Your name shall be Moon Wing, dear kitten, " she ushered me into the tree with her star speckled wings. " Now you need some rest, go to sleep. "

" But what is your name? " I said with a yawn as I curled up.

" Lady Starlight is my name, now go to sleep. "

From then on life was better for me. Everyday Lady Starlight came to me. She helped me find food, she taught me how to fly, and she loved me for who and what I was. But everyday she also left, simply flying away, saying she had to return home and that she would be back the next day. I would always hide in my tree when she was gone, I was afraid to go outside without her. Months went by like this, I grew and she taught me how to be myself and to be happy about it. Eventually I came to hate it when she left me, even if I could escape danger, I hated to be without her. I finally had had enough of being alone.

" Lady Starlight where do you go when you leave me? " I asked with a slight hint of demand in my voice.

" I go to my home Moon Wing, you know that, " she said with an amused tone of voice.

" But I don't want you to leave. Why can't you live here, with me? " I pouted looking into her shining eyes.

" I have to go home to take care of my family, " she gave me a look I didn't understand and we fell silent for a moment.

" You don't have to come here. I can take care of myself, " I faked a smile and whipped my tail about trying to be at peace with my decision.

" Oh? Are you sure? " a look of curious sadness fell across her face.

" Well if you have a family then you're needed and I can take care of myself, " I knew sadness was blatently on my face though I tried to hide it in vain.

" You should join my family. I do not want to leave you Moon Wing, you do not deserve to be alone, " she hugged me with her silver sprinkled wings and I shed a tear of joy knowing that I was finally loved.

We flew off to the south from the hollow tree I once considered my home. At one point we flew over the small city I had been born in and I gave a look of sadness towards her. A sudden freeing relief washed over me, now knowing that I no longer needed that memory of family anymore. Excitment filled me, as I wondering what new life lay before me. We passed another city and seemingly passed through something invisible, suddenly in a forest that was twilight even though it had just been midday. Our destination seemed to be the Largest tree in the forest, a tree that rose far above the rest and a trunk wider than ten trees combined maybe even more. As we landed upon the top branches of this tree the leaves seemed to shake and glow, as if greeting us.

" Welcome home, Moon Wing, " said Lady Starlight. " Welcome to the Twilight Forest. "

She gave me a hug and ushered me down the branches where I found a tunnel-like hole that turned into a spiral staircase around the whole trunk of the tree. The farther down we went the more the woods seemed to glow and I stopped in awe when I realised it was not my imagination.

" Come now, come now. You live here, you'll have all the time in the world to stare at the trees, " she said with a laugh.

When we finally reached the bottom of the tree, which seemed to take less time than expected, I saw another creature, back turned from the tree, waiting for Lady Starlights return. I shyd back letting Lady Starlight go before me, which she seemed to notice and allow.

" Don't worry, " she whispered. "You're safe here."

She quickly whisked down the last of the stairs and sidled up to the creature there, spooking him in the process. There was laughter and embracing and then they settled down to talk of their day. The creature she was talking to seemed like a black cat with small detatched wings, exceptionally large ears, eyes, and tail with very small dainty feet. I decided rather quickly, after hearing his voice, that the cat like creature was male. He had strange long antenea like whiskers on top of his head. He was black all over with white tipped feet, wings, tail, "whiskers", and cheek fluffs, which I found to be exceptionally adorable. He had white spots all over and a glowing white S over his left eye.


I heard him mention my name to find them talking about me.

" So how is Moon Wing, Mother? "

" Oh she's alright, better than you think actually, " said Lady Starlight, with a smirk in her voice.

" Mother, when will you ask here to come here? You know I don't like it when you travel far outside of the woods. "

" Well, about that... " she turned and looked at me beckoning for me to come over.

I rather quickly slunk over to her and hid rather suddenly under her wing and peered out to him. Starlight began to laugh and lifted her wing to reveal me.

" Moon Wing this is my adopted son, Phaser. He is a special species known as a Moon Glow. "

He fluttered his small wings and croutched down to look me in the eye, whispering a gentle " Hello. "

I gave a weak smile and returned a small " Hello. " I relaxed my wings slightly and a small feather fell from them which widened Phasers eyes and he gently extended a paw and touched the feather a couple of times before batting at it. Lady Starlight laughed at this scene going on under her wing and I too gave a small giggle. Phaser suddenly pouted, looking at both of the girls.

" What are you two laughing at? " he said with a pout on his face.

" Come along now children, let us look at the stars, " Starlight said with another laugh.

Lady Starlight lead us to the top of the tree and even though the sky was still colored with the sunset you could see the stars clearly visable when you looked up from the top of the tree. Knowing I had never seen this before Phaser told me how Lady Starlight was a spirit of the lost souls of the world saying that they were fallen stars. It was her job to guide and care for these souls until they could return to their proper place in the sky. I didn't know what to think about this but I didn't quite care... All that mattered to me was that I was loved, that I was home. That was all that mattered. After that day I never called Lady Starlight by her name again, only Mother, for that was who she truely was to me.


From then on I lived an amazing life. Phaser taught me much about the forest and how it had come into being and that it was a seperate demension from the world I was born in to protect the forest from the outside world. Every day Mother would leave to look for more lost star souls and Phaser and I would explore the forest together playing with the small creatures that lived there with us. He would tell me stories about the past and about his species which I always found very interesting. He sometimes would even tell stories about Mother but he could never tell me very much for even he did not know her story but he knew that she was special and I agreed. When I was about eleven months I joined my mother in her quest to leave the forest and look for lost souls. She plucked out a feather and turned it into a necklace for me to wear so that I could sense a lost soul as she did. One day I decided to return to the forest I had been abandoned in as a kitten and I suddenly had an overwhelming feeling of sadness and the feather began to glow, something Mother had told me was a sign of a lost soul. I landed and looked around, hearing a sudden whimpering from a rather large leafed plant. I lifted a leaf to discover a small puppy who looked a great deal like a red husky with two different colored eyes. He shrank away from me in fear and began to beg me not to hurt him.

(Credit to SockyTM Pic links to SockyTM's art shop.)

" I have no intention of hurting you, " I said in my gentlest tone, being reminded of how I had once been.

" You don't? " the dog looked up at me with the saddest eyes I'd ever seen.

" No I don't, as a matter of fact I have a place that you can go where no one will ever hurt you again. " I gave an encouraging smile but the small puppy shrank away.

" I don't know, mommy said she'd be back but a man took her and she hasn't been back since, " the pup said with a sniffle.

" Well is there anyone else here? " I looked around but questioned if the pup had been left like I had been.

" There was but the man came and took them too. I don't know why he left me. " Large tears fell down his comparably small face and a sudden realisation of what had happened fell over me.

" How long have you been here? " I said settling down onto the ground putting my paw on his gently.

He accepted my warm paw and proceded to tell me he had been there with his family after they had run from the man and that it had been several days since the man had found them and taken the rest of his family away. Suddenly my feather took on a slight glow and I heard a familiar quiet whoosh behind me and my mother descended from the sky.

" Have you found a new friend Moon Wing? " Starlight spoke in the tone of a loving mother, just what the puppy needed.

" I believe I have and he's all alone too, " a sadness entered my voice thinking of what it was to feel so lost and alone in this place.

Starlight came over to the pup and talked to him for a while and then offered to go looking for his mother. He agreed and she left for a long time. I stayed by the puppies side talking with him, learning that his name was Jack and that he had two sibilings one being all white and another being a standard black husky.

It wasn't until well after dark that Mother returned and told us of how the man had taken his mother to a place called a kennel and that the other puppies where given homes and that jack wouldn't be safe with her anymore. Mother told us that she wanted Jack to come with with us where he can be safe. Finally after a few tears and many gentle encouraging words he finally agreed to come with us. Mother took Jack in her feet and we flew off to go home, not making it back till dawn to be greeted by a rather displeased Phaser. His unhappyness from our staying out all night died instantly when he saw the sweet little puppy we had brought home with us.

My family became complete that day. Mother and I search still for lost souls but things could not be better for us. My life is perfect here and I've never been happier.
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Re: Mau Mau's Fairy Tales

Postby Alina_Mau » Tue Mar 08, 2011 12:47 pm

Love in Tellora

She was beautiful, the epitome of grace, gentility, femeninity. Her movements, the way her hair fell around her face, the sparkle in her bright blue eyes. Her markings were that of a peafowl and her tail had the radiant emerald green and eye like spots typical of those birds. She was perfect and as I inhaled the fragrant scent that followed her I heaved a great sigh. I knew she wasn't mine, I knew she was never meant to be mine, but oh how I longed for her. She ran a small shop in the center of town, selling flowers and oranges, and the sweet scent followed her long after the shop was closed. Because of this a small crowd of butterflies seemed to follow her about attracting customers during the day and lulling her to sleep at night. Her name was Allondra and she was known as the most beautiful girl in the whole town of Tellora.


I felt that I loved her, I knew that I loved her and no one could convince me otherwise. She did not know of me. I was invisible to her and her kind, the mortals. I was an immortal, an angel and by their standards some kind of god. I was Cupid, The Master of Love. Well....not a master, not yet anyway. I was still in training as a member of the Celestial order of Love. My mentor, Eros, had decided to retire after thousands of years of matchmaking. As for myself I was nothing of what was typically thought of as a Love Arrow. I was not white or pink or elegant. I was clay brown with scribbling swirls over my body with dull teal flashing and flowing through my swirls of brown. I had jarringly blue eyes, one of which was hidden by my curtain of purple hair that flowed to my shoulders. I had my ribs wrapped from an accident I had when first learning to use my wings and I chose to keep them that way, having gotten used to the wraps.


With my arrows on my back I sat up in a tree above her stand admiring her for hours on end. Being still in training I was only assigned to take care of the love in a small town known as Tellora. A random girl came upon the shop and I recognised her as the girl I had been waiting for, soon a boy about her age was going to show up, trip upon a rock and fall head long into Shanira, who was meant to be his soul mate, the girl he would spend the rest of his life with. She made small chat with Allondra as she looked over the oranges and flowers. Suddenly the thudding footsteps of a running man could be heard and I readied my bow and arrow, turning my head to watch as the boy came running full speed towards the unsuspecting girl. A crash and a scream later and I let loose my arrow onto the fallen couple below, just for them to discover they had fallen ontop of eachother, kissing. They blushed heavily and exchanged apologies and the boy, named Erim, offered to walk Shanira home. I heaved a sigh and gave a slight chuckle as I watched the new couple walk away knowing their fate right to the end of their days.

Erim [♂] ~~~ Shanira [♀]

I settled back down on my perch planning to watch my lady love when a sudden breeze came up and a blonde fairy whooshed by me and I turned to find myself facing my mentor, Eros. Eros was tall and lean yet muscled enough to not be lanky. He was white with elegant golden scrolls running across his lithe body. A pair of thin framed glasses resting low upon the bridge of his aristocratic nose, barely hiding his bright, hot pink eyes. He had gold tinted, wing like fur tufts that rested at the base of his ears enhancing has already angel like apprearance. He was a high ranking Love Arrow, as we were called, and he had assistants that followed him to prove it. The Holy Wolfkin was his first awarded companion the small white wolf gave a presence of peace and kindness wherever he went. The Vallenleo, a small heart spotted leopard, aided in bringing soul mates together, giving them the overwhelming feeling to be together. Lastly but far from least was the Love Fairy, who grants her companion the ability to be able to send a love arrow anywhere in the world condensing a great deal of time.


"It's becoming late Cupid, you should be heading home," said Eros in his typical slightly aloof tone. His fairy flew around my head and gently tugged upon my earring repeating "Go home, Kewpie" several times. I swatted at the little sprite gently with a laugh.

"I feel fine, I havn't been out that long," I glanced quickly over my shoulder. "Plus, I still have another couple to match before I'm done for a day or two." The thought of not seeing Allondra for so long tugged at my heart but I knew it would look suspicious as our kind were never allowed to be with the mortals.

"It's time you head home, you need to pace yourself, I can take care of them," Eros said, his voice gentler than before. Eros had raised me and he had become a father to me.

"If you feel it's what I need," I gave a slight bow and gave the vallenleo and holy wolfkin a pat and walked off into the cloud of transportation that was always visible to our kind.

♥ ~~~~~ ♥

As the etherial mist began to clear I found myself in the Cloud City of the Celestial Order. A place where the immortals of the world resided, where you could find the seasons and the elements, the ladies of dreams and nightmares, as well as myself and Eros to name a few. All of the creatures here brought feeling, emotion, and sensation to the mortal world below. As I padded towards the grand stone house that was my home I heard excited squeals and giggles coming from behind me and I braced myself for the double tackle I knew was speeding my way. The Sleep Sisters ruled the mortals world of dreams, one of the sweet dreams and one of the nightmares, both of them were sweet girls, one a bit louder than the other. They pounced me laughing and talking all at once and I volunteered to collapse under their weight knowing they wouldn't be satisfied till I had.

Mari ♥ ~~~ ♥ Melaina

"CUPID!!!" screamed Melaina, the controller of nightmares.

"Oh, you're home," said mari in her gentle soothing voice. "We've been waiting for you, silly!"

Mari gave my cheek a peck of a kiss as we laughed and Melaina started talking about how she got to scare "the silly" out of some mortal, who had been mean to his little sister, and how she just loved karma. Eventually Mari hushed her exhuberant sister and said that I should be getting rest. I had been out arrowing for a week straight, a short time for a high level arrow like Eros, but the girls ushered me into the house and Mari began to make me a hearty dinner.

"Hey Cupid," Melaina said with a wide grin on her face. "What do you want for your birthday?"

I noticed Mari send her a shooting glance and I suspected they had already obtained my gift. I thought longingly of the golden haired beauty that held my heart but I knew if I mentioned such a thing that nothing good would happen.

"I, uh, I havn't thought about it. As a matter of fact I had forgotten all about it really," I gave a weak laugh and a sorry look to the girls.

Melaina gave me a shocked look and Mari took the opportunity to change the topic. I let the girls talk as I fell into thought of my life in the Cloud City. Being an immortal I don't really have parents, as a matter of fact it's very rare that immortals do. We just sort of descend from above and get taken in by one of the older immortals. It is said that only when an immortal becomes tired of his or her current post does a new child arrive destined to replace the weary immortal. In the end this means that eventually all immortals are allowed the chance to raise a child in a sense. I had been taken in by Eros, who was known for being weary of his job long before I appeared. Not many knew that this was solely because Eros was lonely and wanted a love of his own, his job mearly poking and proding at the empty space in his heart. The girls were our neighbors and they helped Eros raise me, I can't think of a time they weren't in my life. As a child I had developed a crush on Mari, though being young it became a family joke and I grew up simply assuming it was never meant to be. Even now, if I was to admit it to myself, I am still very dedicated to Mari, but love her? The girl who helped raise me? She has watched me grow and remained a constant in my life but I felt it was a silly thought for us to be together. She was my dearest friend but to her I was just a little brother and I was satisfied with that I thought.

"Here's you're meal Cupid," said the gentle, soothing voice of Mari as she set down a plate heaped with food, she was the cook in the family.

"Aww and nothing for me?" Melaina was known for enjoying food.

"Here, share mine, I won't be able to finish all of it anyway and you know it."

We all had a laugh and after filling myself, I retired to my room to rest. I had very little idea as to what would happen to me or how my life would change.

♥ ~~~~~ ♥

It was several weeks before I got my next match making notice. I had three couples to match, two today and one tomorow. I was so excited to see Allondra again and honestly, I was excited to match more couples. I had been working on my training for 25 years and I was begining to truely love my job. I had only been going the job alone for five years and every time I suited up to leave I remembered how nervous I was the first day I went alone. I finished packing and I waved the girls a goodbye, Eros was up in his tower, matching the rest of the worlds couples.

I entered the mist of teleportation and found myself at the outskirts of town. This was unusual as it was the farthest I've even been from the center of town, where I usually matched couples that browsed Allondras stall. I sat upon the high, gray stone wall that surrounded the small town and I leaned over the edge knowing my wings would keep me from any danger. As I looked around waiting for some obvious sign of life I noticed a rustling sound in the underbrush and my eyes scanned a large clump of bushes up the beaten dirt road that led to my city. I watched the bushes for a great deal of time and unsatisfied with the lack of seeable life I desended toward them, my wings allowing me to glide down and land noislessly. I peered through the bushes to find a small tan rabbit covered in brown spots. He was nibbling on some clover he had found and would occasionally hop about aimlessly out of boredom, or fun, I wasn't quite sure which. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a second rabbit, smaller with darker browns. She hopped slowly about, eyes darting wildly, as though she was lost and scared. I was curious as to how they would interact with eachother.

Fredrick [♂] ♥ ~~~ ♥ Amabella [♀]

"Mi' Lady, Is there anything I can do to assist you?" the male rabbits tone was gentle and quiet, as though he could feel her fear.

"Please, where am I?!" panic was evident in her voice and she frequently looked behind herself, like she was waiting for the world to well up and fall upon her.

"My name is Fredrick and you are now with me," he took several steps closer to her. "No harm shall come to you." His accent was not from around here to my surprise.

"R-really?" she relaxed for a moment but tensed up again. "But the hunters and my mother, she's gone. What will I do? What will I do?" she collapsed into sobs and he held her tightly.

Fredrick spoke to her gently untill she stopped crying and she told him her name. He told her that he would take care of her and that she would never be alone again. Silently my arrow flew and landed gently upon the new couple. My heart was heavy from the thought of what had happened to her yet glad knowing what her future was to bring. I flew off into town looking for my next couple and found myself once again at the fruit and flower stand of my beautiful Allondra. Her hair was blowing gently in the light breeze and her eyes sparkled as she watched the young children run about the fountain in the center of the town square. A pair of attractive cats walked up to Allondras stall and browsed. They made a handsome pair, though clearly poor, and she blatently flirted with him even though they were not an item. He did not discourage this behavior nor did he acknowledge it telling anyone looking that he too liked her but was afraid to admit it to his affectionate friend. I drew my arrow and let it fly as she curled her arms about one of his with a sweet laugh.

Penny [♀] ♥ ~~~ ♥ Cloud [♂]

Rather suddenly he took her by the hand and gently kissed her and they walked off with the biggest grins I think I had ever seen. I settled up in my usual perch and watched Allondra and out of the corner of my eye I spotted a brutally handsome man walking towards her stand. His hair hid most of his face but what you could see was attractive and sly but he had a hateful spark in his deep red eyes. He was white with demented red swirls across his body. He had two tattoos that displayed hearts, one was on his arm with piercing thorns and another, on his shoulder, was black as midnight. The black heart was just below a large deep scar. He had several piercings and he wore a collar with a broken heart pendant dangling weakly from it.


He had swagger, attitude, he walked with purpose and he made me nervous. The closer he got the tighter the knots in my stomach became. Allondra looked up and at first her face was absolutly thrilled to see him but as he became closer she saw the hatred that clouded his face and she shrank away from his oncoming figure.

"Why arn't you home?!" he asked with a demanding voice.

"I'm working Percivius, I always work at this hour, remember?" her voice was quiet and pleading, as though she was begging to him, not reasoning with him.

"And I expect you to be home when I come home, remember?" he spoke his words in an angry, mocking tone.

"I didn't know you were going to be home till tomorow Percivius. How could I have known you would be home early?"

Suddenly the seething man grabbed Allondra by the arm and pulled her from her stall, giving quick glances around him to make sure no one was watching.

"I don't give a damn what you know or thought you knew all I care is that I know where you are," he threw Allondra back onto the ground behind her stall and her shouler gave a soft crack as she landed.

Wide eyed and shaking she dared not move nor look the man in the eyes. He told her to stay where she was till he came back to get her at the end of the day. After he left she started crying softly and I wanted to join her when I heard a voice call my name. I turned to find the travel mist opened wide with Melaina at the mouth of the entrance. Her face was panic stricken and I rushed towards her.

"What's wrong?!" I didn't know what was wrong but my voice had seemingly absorbed her panic.

"Quickly Cupid, we need you home. They've attacked again and Eros is hurt, badly."

"Please Cupid," from the mist I heard the voice of Mari but I couldn't see her. Her voiced sounded weak instead of soft.

Melaina ran into the mist and I believe I had heard her saying somthing to Mari about her walking around while being hurt. I ran after them afraid of what I'd see when I got through the other side.

♥ ~~~~~ ♥

As I ran through the mist into the Cloud City I smelt the acrid sting of smoke and I emerged into a city of chaos. There were buildings on fire, cracked walk ways, broken statues, people crying and some of them were bleeding, including Mari. Melaina was leading Mari back to my house, as theirs had been burnt. The elementals of Fire and Water were working together to put out the fires with there wives, Winter and Summer, helping people to safety.

Elemental of Water [♂] ♥ ~~~ ♥ Lady of Winter [♀]

Elemental of Fire [♀] ♥ ~~~ ♥ Lady of Summer [♀]

I was amazed watching the elementals weild their powers. The Fire Elemental would pull the fire out of the buildings and his brother, the Water Elemental, would draw water from the fountain and drown out the wild flames. Their wives found this artful display to be totaly normal and went on talking amongst themselves as they directed people to the city hall and made foods for the people there to eat. Satisfied that everything was under control outside I hurried into my house to find Mari laying on the couch. I exchanged words with Melaina and we decided to move her to my room, to rest more comfortably. I picked up her weak, half asleep body and carried her to my room. Melaina was scurrying around pulling down bed covers, holding doors, getting more bandages, and other things she felt would help. I set Mari down gently and covered her to keep her warm. She mumbled slightly and looked up into my eyes. My heart ached at the sight of my dear Mari in such a state and I knelt by her side stroking her hair gently till she fell back asleep. I closed the door behind me quietly and walked into the kitchen.

"how is she?" Melaina was still outwardly shaken by the events and I had her lay on the couch and relax.

"She's fine and will be, she just needs some rest is all. How is Eros? His door is closed." I knew Eros was strong and could handle himself but Melainas words earlier made me nervous.

"He's fine now but he's not allowed to leave his bed till I say so," She said this in a very matter of fact, determined way and I knew Eros had tried his "strong man" act on her to get back to work.

"Hahaha, you two better get along now," I gave her a wink and she playfully hit me. Eros and Melaina had never been unfriendly but they had a tendancy to disagree.

"Mmm like wet cats in winter," her voice said this in a sarcastic monotone making me laugh. "How long are you going to stay Cupid?"

"Probably till tomorow, I only have one couple to match tomorow. I'll come back right after though," I gave her a smile and a hug and told her to get some rest.

The Sins had come and attacked us. This was not unusual news honestly but it had never been done with such cruelty. The Sins had lived with my people once for in fact they were one of us. Their jobs were that of the negative effects on humans and in time it drove us appart as they weren't satisfied with our rules and peaceful way of living. So the seven of them left and found a place of their own to stay. They would occasionally pop up and cause a ruckus but never to the point of such violence.


Luster [♀] ♥ ~~~ ♥ Glanz [♂]


Greer [♂] ♥ ~~~ ♥ Desdemona [♀] ♥ ~~~ ♥ Rasparrow [♂]


Envorl [♂] ♥ ~~~ ♥ Vailorena [♀]

The seven Sins were known to be run by Luster, who was known for being madly in love with Eros. Lately it was rumored that Rasparrow, known for his extreme anger and cruelty, had over thrown Luster and had taken control of this small band of unruly outlaws. If this was the truth then that would explain the unusual violence that took place while I had been gone.

Suddenly my thoughts went back to Allondra and the man, Percivius. She was dating him, I could sense those kinds of things, but she wasn't happy. Even when she looked happily at him in the face before she was afraid, she wasn't truely happy. I wanted to make her happy, I wanted to protect her. I was excited to go back to Tellora, I was excited to see her again.

♥ ~~~~~ ♥

I woke up early the next morning and tried to sneak out of the house before anyone else was awake, or atleast thats what I wanted to do.

"Cupid, is that you? Please come here," Mari called to me softly, her voice like a soft breeze on a summer day.

"Ofcourse but I do need to leave soon," I was still thinking of Allondra, that terrified look in her eyes.

"I won't take too much of your time, I just wanted to give you something," she pulled a string that held a pendant around her wrist like a bracelet and tied it around my neck. "It'll protect you," she said the words in a gentle whisper that made the hair on the back of my neck shiver.


"Don't worry Mari, I'll be back later," I gave her forehead a quick kiss and walked out of the house.

The smell of smoke still weakly clung to the air but for the most part everything had cleared up. The fires had been succesfully put out and most of the rubble picked up. I jumped into the teleportation mist and quickly worked my way to Tellora.

♥ ~~~~~ ♥
Last edited by Alina_Mau on Sat Mar 12, 2011 4:30 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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