❛ the lazy writers ❜ V2

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Re: ❛ the lazy writers ❜ V2

Postby Ranger of the North » Fri Jan 12, 2018 2:20 pm

Thanks for the plotting tips, guys! C:

What's in your writer's survival kit?
A computer-cord, because this silly won't charge past 0% :'c': And m' phone, for notes. Also humans for crowd-sourcing XD If there's no plug, I'll ditch the 'puter and take a pencil and notebook instead lol

Are there any stories you're putting off writing? Why?

What would you consider your magnum opus?
Pain and/or Life <3

What are your favorite character tropes to use in your writing? To see in other writing?
Deep friendships without romance. I LOVE IT when other people do it, but haven't had much chance to dabble myself :p

Do you prefer developing characters or plot first? Why?
Idk; I love getting to know my characters, but plots are also pretty important XD

What do you do to help get you "in the mood"?
Put my earbuds in and/or stay up too late XD Being away from all the kids often helps, too c:

@Winch ooh, connected! noice c:
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Re: ❛ the lazy writers ❜ V2

Postby Yubel Fated » Fri Jan 12, 2018 5:05 pm

What's in your writer's survival kit?
Coffee, Tea, Lillie (Laptop) + Chord, Foreign music or Asmr Video*, character wiki, Pajamas, Chips, food, Hemmingway, and my Eeyore robe.

* Yeah its weird. But it works.

Are there any stories you're putting off writing? Why?

Restructure.... Tempting Fate..... Prisoner of Galra. The Silenced (The Memories Lost), Riding the Waves, an Attack on titan fanfic.

Restructure and Tempting Fate I have planned out. It's just getting motiviation at this point.

Prisoner of Galra.... I dropped out of the Voltron Fandom. So I've been kinda stalling on this fanfic. I have no idea what to do with it with what I have. And what I have is that Blaze is Champion and basically almost a carbon copy of Shiro. Although she's more snarky and sucks at lying.

Riding the Waves has a similar problem.In which i'm not motivated so Ive been kinda stalling. This book is different in that I dont have it planned out.

The Silenced, formerly known as The Memories Lost, Ive been bouncing back and forth with. I have motivation and then I'm like wait a minute. I have no idea what i'm doing.

The Attack on Titan fanfic.... I haven't even finished the manga or started the Anime. So I know next to nothing about this world or what i'm doing.

What would you consider your magnum opus?

I don't really have one. Every Author has their bread and butter. Meanwhile I dont know what mine is.

While reading the description.. Maybe The Girl Who Was Trapped in a Video game as mine? Since its what really dove me into writing.

What are your favorite character tropes to use in your writing? To see in other writing?

Tropes I like to use is the hard headed, Motherly, stubborn types. Ari and Tyler as well as Manya are good trope holders of these three.

Apparently I like cool collected characters. Like Toshiro, Byakuya Kuchiki..... Byakuya Togami. Though I do go for the dorky characters such as Clemont Uryu and Cheren. One of which explodes things >.>

Do you prefer developing characters or plot first? Why?

It really depends on the story.

With Tempting Fate I Developed Ari before doing his story. But he was mainly an RP Character.

Meanwhile with Restructure the opposite was true.

What do you do to help get you "in the mood"?

....... Tea...... Going on long road trips. Not having Surgery. Um........ Not being bothered?


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Re: ❛ the lazy writers ❜ V2

Postby BucketORandomness » Fri Jan 12, 2018 11:42 pm

Aight. I missed a bunch of questions, so imma try to answer all of them... Oh dear...

Ranger of the North wrote:
anxious ghost wrote:I need some help? How do you guys come up with good plotlines? Cuz I've only ever really come up with one and I don't know how to recreate that process. I have at least one character, and a couple of random ideas. Any advice would be appreciated!
I'm having this problem, too! Help our poor afflicted souls, @everyone-else XD

Mainly, I think of a random idea and talk about it until it becomes a world, then I think about what kind of plot would fit in that world and what kinds of characters might be there. For instance, I was talking with someone about authors killing off main characters, and he said his author killed the mc in the second chapter. I thought about how an author could do that, start with a huge cast, and basically kill all of them off until the very last one becomes the hero because they're literally the only one left. Then, I thought about what kind of world that would be in, like some kind of horror or post-apocalyptic. Possibly even something involving a time machine. Then it's just "What if this character had this personality trait and met this other character with another personality trait?" like the first mc being overly confident, and the others are basically lackeys and their friends. Then, I start writing a basic series of events that would happen, and suddenly I have a storyline. Hope that helps? >^.^<

Have you ever written fanfiction? If yes, what was it of? If no, would you consider it?
No, I haven't, mainly because the worlds aren't mine and I'm afraid of altering the characters. I have actually considered it, though, with a weird kind of super-mesh of all the possibilities that could ever happen and a kind of super character that could interact with the world of any book they read. It would have been cool, but the aforementioned fears took over and it's just kinda stayed in my head for now.

What is your favorite genre to write? Read?
Fantasy and fantasy. Sometimes sci-fi, and hardly ever nonfiction. I prefer to disappear from reality when I write and create a new one ;)

What is your least favorite genre to write? Read?
"creative nonfiction" and "textbook" Both feel really dry when I read them, and I find nonfiction to be really boring to write.Also, if you're writing about things that really happened, how is that creative? Doesn't that just make you a reporter?

What are your thoughts on werewolves and vampires always being "hot" or "sexy" in YA novels?
I personally find it about as appealing as Sleeping Beauty level "Damsel-In-Distress". That is to say, it feels like an overdone trope that could use some help and a revamp. They're fun the first, but after a while, it's just dull.

Can you listen to music with lyrics, or can you only listen to instrumental music while writing?
If I try to listen to lyrics, I will literally stop writing so I can listen/sing/dance along to the song in question. I end up listening to orchestral, meditation, cultural, or just instrumental music

Out of the three stories above, which story seems the most interesting? What seems the least interesting and why?
Honestly, I think I like the first one best ((Demon bit)). The third seems a little confusing at the moment, and the second as well, but they all sound like they could make for some great stories.

What's in your writer's survival kit?
quiet, comfy, warm, blankets, sun-spot, books, music, water, and any notes I've taken on the world I'm writing in.

Are there any stories you're putting off writing? Why?
Honestly, PTEN. I say school's in the way, or Mom's got my notes, but really I hit a wall. There's tons of stuff going on, and the scene's really exciting, and I have to get another character with the others, but to get that charrie from A to B is a really boring and necessary scene, since I can't just time skip, I don't think. Also, class is making me question if I should post anything online before it's been finished and drafted three or four more times. PTEN is very much a first draft, and I don't know how I feel about putting such an unfinished product on the interwebs anymore.

What would you consider your magnum opus?
Had to look up the meaning for that allegedly fantabulous term, but I think it would still be PTEN. It's a huge project that I really enjoyed coming up with. I've put a lot into the world, and the characters are really fun, but it's not finished yet, so I'm not sure if it really counts.

What are your favorite character tropes to use in your writing? To see in other writing?
In my writing, I like the whole idea of an apparently weak character finding out they're important and responding to that. Some of them run, others embrace it, but I like trying to write about what they might do. In others, though, I think I like the sassy characters who fly by the seat of their pants. It makes for some really fun action and consequences, and sometimes they even make me laugh.

Do you prefer developing characters or plot first? Why?
As mentioned at the start of this long post, I usually make the characters first.This tends to lead to a stagnation in the plot on occasion, though, especially in cases where I'm not overly invested in the world. I'll get through the introduction and then into some of the rising action, but because I didn't plan out a plot, I have no idea where the climax would be, so the story peeters out on its own. I did try to make the plot first, and then fill in characters where they were needed to move the story along, and they felt way too bland and two-dimensional for me to write anything. I do know that at least Rick Riordan suggests developing both of them at the same time.

What do you do to help get you "in the mood"?
Well, I'll start by reading my notes, then maybe reading older parts of the story ((Though this can lead to an accident called Editing Before Completion)) I'll find a quiet spot in the sun, imagine what might happen next, then put myself in my character's shoes, and then write. Of course, that doesn't always work, and I'll sometimes just doze off or get really distracted by a completely different idea and end up not writing at all.


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Re: ❛ the lazy writers ❜ V2

Postby ~Teya~ » Sat Jan 13, 2018 6:31 pm

@WInchester's Wolf I wanna read alll of the prologue of 'The Gallery' criiiiiiiiiiiiii ;((

What's in your writer's survival kit? xD Hmm, that's a good question. Strangely enough, I usually only use the dictionary. Sometimes when writing a certain part, I think I might be saying the same word too much or I simply can't find the right word, so I use the dictionary that comes up whenever you just type in a word on google. c: It's suuper helpful for finding just the right words. cx

Are there any stories you're putting off writing? Why? Yeah, there are a few. But the main one is a lack of interest / don't know how to continue it (I've partially started it). I feel like a lot of people never put out certain stories because they feel they're not good enough; that is partially my problem.

What would you consider your magnum opus? Hands down, PSG, I know it's not the best, or the worst, but it's mine, and mine only. I guess what I mean by that is, it came completely from my heart, and others actually really enjoyed it, and cared about the characters I created! I don't know, it just makes me happy knowing I could keep someones attention of 30 whole chapters, and 40,000 words, and at the same time, complete it in just two months, consistently writing almost everyday, while it still being a blast with the encouragement of others. ;O;

What are your favorite character tropes to use in your writing? To see in other writing? I like writing about bad doods that aren't truly evil, idk why c: maybe they're a reflection of me lmao I also write about fairly normal peeps suddenly having their life turned outside down in an instant. ;P

Do you prefer developing characters or plot first? Why? Hmmmmmmmmmmmm I like both, personally. Frankly, I'm horrible at plots, but I recognize you need a plot for the reader to stay interested XD So I guess, I do like developing more? I love characters and doing whatever I want with them. xD

What do you do to help get you "in the mood"? I try not to watch YouTube right before, or else my mind will stray, and be like, "wouldn't it be muchh more funnn to watch this vidEEEOOOOO???" And also, I try to start writing when my house is fairly quiet, which is rare XD In essence I get in the mood by trying to not do anything else before I start, I guess xD
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Re: ❛ the lazy writers ❜ V2

Postby sparrow; » Sun Jan 14, 2018 9:27 am

I missed some questions in the last few pages, so I'm gonna go and answer them all now:

Have you ever written fanfiction? If yes, what was it of? If no, would you consider it?
I wrote fanfic when I was younger, but not any more. I'm kinda unsure about if I'd ever write it.

What is your favorite genre to write? Read?
Fantasy and dystopian for both, although I also really like to read realistic fiction.

What is your least favorite genre to write? Read?
Romance I hate reading, and have never written (not even as a side plot or anything). I also don't really like writing or reading non-fiction.

What are your thoughts on werewolves and vampires always being "hot" or "sexy" in YA novels?
I don't read those kinds of books, ever, so I can't really say.

Can you listen to music with lyrics, or can you only listen to instrumental music while writing?
I can't listen to music at all when writing, it distracts me a lot. Even instrumental music.

Out of the three stories above, which story seems the most interesting? What seems the least interesting and why?
The first one, because it just seems like the kind of story I personally would enjoy the most. But that's just me, so... yeah. Least interesting? I'm not sure, maybe the second one? Just because it's less of the kind of story I usually like to read, if that makes sense.

I need some help? How do you guys come up with good plotlines? Cuz I've only ever really come up with one and I don't know how to recreate that process. I have at least one character, and a couple of random ideas. Any advice would be appreciated!
How to come up with good plotlines? That's not something I do. But anyway - I usually get inspiration from one thing, some random idea, and build a story around that. It could be a sentence or a character or a species or anything, really. Also, I tend to lie awake for an hour or two at night before going to sleep. Which is probably bad for me. Still, it means I'm thinking and planning a lot, even though I often don't end up writing the story.

What's in your writer's survival kit?
Mostly chocolate. I write on my computer, so I don't need too much else. Also my notebook, which is rapidly filling up with random ideas (it's almost full, and I started using it this month...)

Are there any stories you're putting off writing? Why?
All of them. Just... all of them.
Minds of Clockwork - I sorta lost inspiration for this one, haven't worked on it in a very long time.
Necroshifter - There's one scene I'm having trouble writing, so I'm pretending it doesn't exist instead.
SaG - I'm still trying to decide whether I love or hate the plot, the main reason I like this story is probably the title...
Shadow - I want to write in first person for this, but I don't like first person. I'm smart.

What would you consider your magnum opus?
*googles magnum opus* I don't have one.

What are your favorite character tropes to use in your writing? To see in other writing?
Hm. I quite like the typical "cynical genius" character in other books, although I've never used it myself. I'm not very good at character development in my own writing, so I'm not so sure there.

Do you prefer developing characters or plot first? Why?
Plot, because characters develop because of the plot. I think. Again, I can't make good characters so don't trust me there.

What do you do to help get you "in the mood"?
I don't know, I just write when I feel like writing. It's a hobby for me, so I don't have to bother with deadlines or anything.

Okay, that was a lot of questions. I'm just gonna fade away again, then...

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Re: ❛ the lazy writers ❜ V2

Postby Ranger of the North » Sun Jan 14, 2018 10:57 am

BucketORandomness wrote:Are there any stories you're putting off writing? Why?
Honestly, PTEN. I say school's in the way, or Mom's got my notes, but really I hit a wall. There's tons of stuff going on, and the scene's really exciting, and I have to get another character with the others, but to get that charrie from A to B is a really boring and necessary scene, since I can't just time skip, I don't think. Also, class is making me question if I should post anything online before it's been finished and drafted three or four more times. PTEN is very much a first draft, and I don't know how I feel about putting such an unfinished product on the interwebs anymore.
Naw, well I like it; I think it's a really good first-draft! Like look at my firsts. Or don't. Trash, trash that I'm pleased with, but still T R A S H

I learnt what 'magnum opus' means from Charlotte's Web c':
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Re: ❛ the lazy writers ❜ V2

Postby Winchester's Wolf » Sun Jan 14, 2018 12:21 pm

@Teya: hehehehe
Whenever I finish it c:
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Re: ❛ the lazy writers ❜ V2

Postby winged-backpack » Mon Jan 15, 2018 1:38 am

Hey everyone! Sorry for disappearing for a few days, I've been really ill but I'm much better now!

Can you listen to music with lyrics, or can you only listen to instrumental music while writing?
I definitely use music with lyrics when I'm writing, especially when the lyrics reflect the mood of the piece I'm working on. Sometimes I'll use instrumental music, but really only when I need to 100% concentrate on what I'm doing (aka. studying) and even then I only listen to movie soundtracks (all the Harry Potter and Star Wars ones to be specific).

Out of the three stories above, which story seems the most interesting? What seems the least interesting and why?
They all seem really interesting! Maybe if you need help deciding, you could write out, like, full page-long plot summaries and then whichever one comes most naturally to you when you're writing is probably the one to go with, but even if it isn't, you'll have those detailed plot summaries to go from!

I need some help? How do you guys come up with good plotlines? Cuz I've only ever really come up with one and I don't know how to recreate that process. I have at least one character, and a couple of random ideas. Any advice would be appreciated!
I really can't help you here. The two good ideas I've had for my writing were both sort of conceived over a year ago, and were sort of eureka moments more than anything. For the poetry and occasional short stories I write, they're more on-the-spot and don't really start as plots. My advice would to be write down the ideas and character development you already have and try to find ways to connect them all and expand them into a plot. I'm sorry I can't be of more help ^^'

What's in your writer's survival kit?
My laptop is #1. I do literally everything on my laptop from writing to studying to drawing so it's really, really important to me (I named it Thor because it's red and my desktop computer is called Loki because it's got green LEDs in it). Next would be a warm drink, normally it's coffee but I also go for nice flavoured tea, regular builder's tea and hot chocolate. Depends on the day. As for snacks, I normally go for a nice salty, savoury snack like doritos (especially chilli heatwave). I also like to keep the books I'm reading nearby and my ukulele for when my writing steam runs out and I need to take a break doing something else.

Are there any stories you're putting off writing? Why?
Just one, this concept I had a while back which some of you might remember, the story about designer babies being made into super-soldiers? I loved the idea, I'm just not developed enough in my writing to be able to write it yet.

What would you consider your magnum opus?
If I had to pick one from the stuff I've finished currently, it would have to be my poem Common Room, mainly because when I read it, the final line always gives me chills. I know that saying that as the writer sounds like I'm being a bit full of myself, but the context of the poem is that I was having a panic attack in the sixth form common room and I wrote down my thoughts while I was having them (which is something my therapist told me would help) and I read it back after, and I barely remember writing some of the things I did. The poem is on my wattpad if you want to read it, but be warned it deals with very, very dark things and I would really recommend you don't read if you're easily triggered.

What are your favourite character tropes to use in your writing? To see in other writing?
I've always liked the 'reluctantly defiant' character trope, but only when it's done well. Offred in The Handmaid's Tale is a great example of it, she's desperate to get on with her life and live on to try and see an end to Gilead, but she's kind of forced to disobey by the very people who are oppressing her. I just think it's a really interesting play on her character. An example of it being done badly is Jyn Erso in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. Jyn Erso is the most 2-dimensional, cardboard character in all the 9 star wars films, and that's including Anakin "I-Don't-Like-Sand" Skywalker and the Gungan-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named. She gets no good development, like she is the reluctant hero at first, but then she just suddenly changes and she's completely fine with everything. I don't really have any tropes that I use because I just don't have enough characters to be able to.

Do you prefer developing characters or plot first? Why?
Plot, mainly because I tend to watch my characters develop in reaction to the plot's development. I also like knowing whats going to happen to the characters before I know how they're going to react.

What do you do to help get you "in the mood"?
Have something else that I need to be doing instead. Literally, the only thing I need to do when I'm not in th mood to write is to have something else that I desperately need to be getting on with...recently it was my personal statement for my university applications, before that it was my EPQ (qualification worth half an A Level) though now that I think about it I got a place at all the universities I applied to and an A in my EPQ so maybe it's not the worst thing I could be doing...huh.

That was a lot of questions, wow! Now have one of my own:
Code: Select all
[b]Do you ever have ideas that you feel that you're not 'good enough' as a writer to start yet? How would you overcome this as a barrier?[/b]

For me, I have that one project I mentioned about the designer baby super-soldiers that I have planned out from start to finish: I have the plot, the characters and world ready. The only thing I feel that I don't have is the skill to be able to write the story. I love the idea, and I love working on 10,000 Doors because it's got such a less complicated narrative in that it only has one main character and the setting stays very much the same throughout. I really don't know how to get over this feeling of not being able to write a story that I know so much about!

(I have some not-writing-related good news that I just need to get out somewhere but I got offered a place my dream university!! I'm super excited!! Sorry, bit off topic but I just need to get it out ^^')
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Re: ❛ the lazy writers ❜ V2

Postby Silver Pandorica » Mon Jan 15, 2018 2:11 am

*falls into forum* I’M ALIVE
I haven’t posted here in so?? Long?? Oh my freaking goodness. Just...hi. Hello. Buenos Dias (I hate Spanish class guys). Nothing really interesting has been up with me, I was just too lazy to keep up with the thread and I got really distracted with some other stuff.

I think I finished like one chapter of CITR since I last posted here? I know, pathetic. Nevertheless, one is better than none. Anyway, don’t mind me. I’m just going to answer these questions here c:

Have you ever written fanfiction? If yes, what was it of? If no, would you consider it?
Yes. *dips head in shame* Every bit of fanfaction I’ve ever written, which really isn’t much, is always horrible. The only one I can really recall at the moment is a teensy little thing I did on Miraculous Ladybug. I didn’t get very far before the cringe was too much and I stopped. I’ve also done roleplay a that take place in the Percy Jackson universe, if that counts.

Honestly though, I’d love to do fanfiction of a video game sometime. Like a Mario or Animal Crossing game. That sounds like fun, heheh ^^

What is your favorite genre to write? Read?
Write: Realistic fiction, fantasy, adventure, dystopian.
Read: Realistic fiction, fantasy, adventure, dystopian.
I read what I write, I write what I read.

What is your least favorite genre to write? Read?
I absolutely despise horror, as I’ve got a weak stomach and can’t handle gore. Ah, and I’m a wimp. Yep. Scary stuff is not my thing. Also, I don’t like heavy romance and smut. Romance is fine, just not as the entire plot, and not as...well, something innapropriate for children.

What are your thoughts on werewolves and vampires always being "hot" or "sexy" in YA novels?
Never read a novel with either. I’ve seen the Twilight movies, lol. They were okay (don’t hate me). But the concept is just so overused that I prefer not to read it. It’s pretty much just the same thing over and over again.

Can you listen to music with lyrics, or can you only listen to instrumental music while writing?
If I listen to any music at all, it’s usually ones without lyrics. If I try to listen to music with lyrics when I’m writing, I’ll end up diverting too much attention to the song and get really distracted.

I need some help? How do you guys come up with good plotlines? Cuz I've only ever really come up with one and I don't know how to recreate that process. I have at least one character, and a couple of random ideas. Any advice would be appreciated!
A couple random ideas is all you need, dude. That’s all most of us can come up with, haha. Just take those ideas and shape and refine them. It’s a lot harder than it sounds, I won’t lie. I get a lot of little ideas for new stories all the time, but never really use them because I don’t take the time to plan anything out. I just wish ideas would come for the book I’m already writing and not always for a new story...

What's in your writer's survival kit?
My phone. That’s where I jot ideas down and even do some of my writing. And water, cause water keeps you hydrated. Idk.

Are there any stories you're putting off writing? Why?
YES please help me
I dunno, cause I’m lazy I guess. And it’s like, I think about my book all the time. What’s going to happen next and stuff. But by the time I actually get to where I have to write that part, Iowa interest. It’s like I get bored or something. Or I just draw a complete blank. *sigh*

What would you consider your magnum opus?
I guess CITR. I’m 30 chapters in and people seem to like what they’ve read. That’s pretty cool ^^

What are your favorite character tropes to use in your writing? To see in other writing?
Hm...I always have like the “loner” character. But, it’s done so often that it has to be done well. AND they have to be a loner for a reason, and that reason can’t be because they want to seem cool or edgy. I have used this character, probabaly one too many times. I just can’t resisg tbh. I should branch out more.

Do you prefer developing characters or plot first? Why?
Characters! In my story, the plot pretty much revolves around the characters. I mean, there’s other stuff too, but you know...I just think it’s more fun, to be honest. I loveeeeee creating new characters!

What do you do to help get you "in the mood"?
Pfft, I dunno. Usually I’ll just wait for a strike of inspiration and ride it out until it’s gone. It tends to get me through a chapter or two. If anyone else has a better method, please let me know. I will love you forever.
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Re: ❛ the lazy writers ❜ V2

Postby geto » Mon Jan 15, 2018 2:38 am

Owo just discovered this thread and thought I'll post on it,,

I love answering questions so-

Have you ever written fanfiction? If yes, what was it of? If no, would you consider it?
Yea I have! My first was 2 years back on Antisepticeye and Darkiplier (which has been deleted because of the amount of cringe I've gotten looking back at it),,yea I know,,I'm such a nerd. But recently I've been coming up with a plot of a combination of The Purge x Dystopian/Hunger Games? We'll see how that goes, but knowing me I'll probably end up chugging the plot down a bin as I always do when I can't figure out an ending.

What is your favorite genre to write? Read?
I lean more towards romance/fantasy/post-apocalypse and even occasionally, war. I'm more of a dark typed writer than those sappy happy stories.
Fantasy is definitely a yes though, not much of romance since all the plots are always the same thing over and over again.

What is your least favorite genre to write? Read?
Horror, I mean,,wattpad isn't exactly the best place to look for horror stories that suit to my liking. Never considered writing one either.

What are your thoughts on werewolves and vampires always being "hot" or "sexy" in YA novels?
Well,,in most books I've read, vampires are either stereotyped as "hot" or "dark and sexy", personally, I don't think vampires go well with high schools but hey, you do you;).
Personally fine with anything but just don't go too overboard with it, though werewolves could be considered (to me) more of a "dark typed" character than a hot and sexy one. Again, just an opinion here!

What's in your writer's survival kit?
1. Plots
3. Lots of papers and imagination and inspirational music.
2. A bin to chug all plots down to when I lose the motivation:')

Are there any stories you're putting off writing? Why?
Gosh, tons. Way too many to count. Honestly I'm really disappointed in myself as I could always think up a good starting, and then never ever finding a way to end it cus I'll find it either 1. Very confusing, 2. Clashes with what the story should be focusing on and 3. Never finding the right words or phrases to describe a scene perfectly.
Anyone that wants to help me w that, I'll gladly appreciate it:'')

What would you consider your magnum opus?
Nothing much really, but if I have to choose, it'll be my newest book that is in the making, 'Pure Blood'.

What are your favorite character tropes to use in your writing? To see in other writing?
Leaning more towards the loner/troubled one, idk it just seems to get to me as he/she tries to fight for something but no one listens and they lose everything that they have.
Something like the bad side of having immortality.

Do you prefer developing characters or plot first? Why?
Plot honeslty, characters can then be developed to fit right into the plot later on so it would be a tad bit easier rather than twisting the story to fit your character's traits.

What do you do to help get you "in the mood"?
Other books or fantasy typed music to get my imagination flowing
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