Site update news

1st August 23

August 2023

Today marks Day 5 of our Summer Event, make sure you are checking back daily to make sure you aren't missing any giveaways and make sure to read all the text to follow along with the story!

Make sure to Adopt this month's new batch of pets!

We have new Shark Lion Store Pets available for purchase made by FleshCanvas! Buy the set at a discounted price!

The Birthstone Set for August is now available! These wont be back in stock until next year!

Last but not least, we have new Dressup Challenges today! Don't forget to check them out and enter for chance to be featured in our next Mid Month Update!

28th July 23

It's time to join Avian & Totoro on their Summer Vacation

Welcome to the 2023 Summer Vacation Event! After our scare with the internet last year we decided it would be best to get off the grid. We asked you where you wanted to go, and it seemed summer camp was high on your wishlists. Thankfully, we were able to make it happen! Camp Smoothie awaits, and we’re looking forward to a simple existence and a lot of s’mores.

Click here to enter the campgrounds!


It looks like forest animals disturbed the arts & crafts tent. As you browse be sure to pick up any loose beads you find so we leave no trace! To collect these items look for a prize banner that will sometimes appear at the bottom of the page. It doesn't appear on every page, you will need to keep browsing around the site until you find one!

Click here to ask questions and discuss the event with other players in the Events board
Click here to show off your pets that are camping with us!

So what are you waiting for? Let's go check it out!