Re: Anniversary Adopt — May | Emerald

Postby a ghost! » Thu Mar 22, 2018 12:23 pm

username :: dinah. name :: glen gender :: female

confession response ouo
as Jane was led from her home into the outside, the sweet warmth of the fire had left her fur as she was left to stand in the grass in front of one she had known for little over a year.

'' Hey, Janie? ''

she'd blink at the nickname, one she had gotten used to over the ages of spending time with this kalon. she'd begin to tilt her head to the side, her eyes open in complete oblivious as her ears flopped to the side. ''Yeah, buddy ol' pal ol' friend breadslice homie ??''

His eyebrows would burrow at the name, breadslice homie was one Jane favorited towards him. he'd begin to shake his head to move the words from his attention, looking up to show a shining smile to the kalon in front of him.

'`Stop with that expression, ya look stupid.`' Jane would point out, her expression remaining clueless as Felon looked, honestly, deeply offended. '' I don't look stupid!'' he'd try to exclaim, Jane beginning to click her tongue in a 'tsk tsk tsk.'

Felon's mouth would twist into a small angry face, his ears peeling backwards to lay flat against his head as he stood in front of the darkened green kalon. '`Janie, Janie Janie Janie!'` He'd begin in a small, singsong voice, ultimately annoying Jane.

''Felon, Felon Felon Breadslice??''
''Stop calling me that.''

''Janie, I like you.''
His face would puff out, his cheeks filling up with air as he began to resemble somewhat chubby in the face. Jane's face would flip to the side, looking at her friend with a seriously confused expression written across her face. She'd spring back to her feet, flinging her paw in the air to respond.


She'd then run off.
Felon was more than confused.
We don't blame ya, Felon.
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Re: Anniversary Adopt — May | Emerald

Postby Spirit23Wolf » Fri Mar 23, 2018 4:34 am

username: Spirit23wolf
name: Aadish
gender: Male
confession response: It was the day the day I was about to get my first squire I was so excited I had been knighted 2 years ago and was finally ready for the responsibility of training up a new knight. There were a lot of boys gathered hoping to be picked by a knight and a couple girls but it wasn’t often that the girls got picked they just couldn’t seem to keep up with the boys. Today there were only 10 knights ready to choose a squire so it should be interesting to see the tournament and how it plays out.

It was an amazing tournament everyone was at the top of their game and trying their hardest to show all of their skills. Their was on girl who really stood out to me she was fast and always won her first fight I knew that she would be the one that I would choose nothing seemed to scare her. When the tournament was done all the contestants lined up in the middle of the arena. Sense I was the youngest knight their I got first pick I chose the girl who’s name was lily the look on her face was amazing it went from shock to wonder to awe.

It had been 2 years sense I had chosen lily as my squire and she was amazing at it she knew what to do before I could tell her and she was top of the training classes. The only thing was I was starting to notice her looking at me differently then she used to but I didn’t know how to tell her what I felt she became like a daughter to me but I just couldn’t bare to hurt her so I let her continue on with what she was doing but it just got worse and worse.

It was the night before her knighting when I heard a knock on my door it was lily wearing only a nightgown I invited her in and she jumped on it like a pack of dogs on a three legged cat. She sat down across from me on my bed and started biting her lip a nerviest habit I knew she had. Before I could say anything she quickly started talking “look I have been your squire for over 2 years now and I have loved every minute of it you saved me from the life of an orphan taught me how to be strong and brave and noble. But I don’t feel the same way that I did two years ago now I feel something different towards you instead of feeling grateful witch I still am I feel something weird and it took me a while to figure it out but that new feeling is.... love I love you Aadish with all my heart.” I just looked at her stunned not really expecting that but a part of me always knew “ I’m sorry lily” I managed to get out I love you to but like a daughter nothing more. Her face crumpled then it froze into a mask her only reply was “ok Aadish I will see you in the morning then.” She then walked out of my room without a second glance.

Her knighting went well but as soon as it was over she disappeared leaving no trace the only time I saw her after that was occasionally when she and I were both on guard duty at the same time she never looked at me though. After that I continued trading squires none of them were ever as good as her but it filled the aching hole in my heart.
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Re: Anniversary Adopt — May | Emerald

Postby Half Tree » Fri Mar 23, 2018 7:28 am

    username] Half Tree
    name] Smaragd [archaic, any green gemstone]
    gender] Male
    confession response]
    .....Smaragd reads intently from the the book, sprawled open on the dark wood desk. He only gets a few lines in before Jay starts moving around the dimly lit library coming up next to where he is seated and looking over his shoulder.

    .....“Didn’t you read this one already?” he asks.

    .....Jaynen’s eyes stray from the book focusing on the handsome man sitting so close. He studies Smaragd’s profile, admires the shape of his eyes and the way his hair casts intriguing shadows over the planes of his face as he gives a long answer as to why he is reading this particular book again. Without considering the consequences Jaynen can feel the words bubbling up from his gut pushed forward by a storm of butterflies.

    .....Interjecting themselves into the middle of a sentence the words tumble out, “Smaragd...I think that I love you.”

    .....The whole world comes to a grinding halt as a sharp intake of breath rattles Jay to the core, he hadn’t intended to say it. He remains staring tense hoping the quiet admission went by without being marked. The hope is quickly nullified when Smaragd glances up at the man hovering over his shoulder considering him for a moment with a blank expression.

    .....“I know.” he states matter-of-factly before looking back to his book.

    .....Silence settles between the two men, as deep and cold as a coating of fresh snow. Smaragd seemingly undisturbed but Jay is deeply hurt, the clenching of his heart forcing the air out of his lungs in a pained exhale.

    .....“Y-you know?” Jay says, “That is all you have to say? You know?! For how long?! W-why would you not say anything?!”

    .....“You have never been particularly subtle in your infatuations in all the years I have known you.” Smaragd says.

    .....Closing his book and rising from the seat Smaragd moves as if to walk past Jaynen for the bookcase behind him, but is stopped by a trembling hand encircling his wrist. He looks down at the pale fingers contrasting strongly with his own tawny complexion. The hand releases him as if hit with a bolt of electricity, Jaynen having realized he had grabbed him without intending to.

    .....Jaynen looks away from the piercing pale blue eyes that flick up to meet his own grey gaze. He takes a slow breath pressing his hands flat to the desk on either side of his hips, hunching forward a bit as his emotions overwhelm him.

    .....“Why di-What do you feel about this?” he utters in a meek voice.

    .....Smaragd continues his way to the shelf he was going for and grabs the book he needed. He walks past his struggling companion to resume his seat opening the book on the table top.

    .....“Nothing.” He says. “As long as you do not allow yourself to impact my work, we can continue as usual.”

    .....“No, no no no. You cannot just shrug this off! I am being serious right now.” Jaynen says in a loud outburst jumping to is feet.

    .....Smaragd lifts his shoulders in a shrug, “It is nothing against you, I just don’t feel love like you want me to feel, for you, or for anyone else. It has just always been that way.”

    .....“You cannot go your whole life never feeling love. It-its impossible!” He paces away trying to piece together thoughts through his desperation, “What about the last guy? Weren’t you involved with him? Did you feel nothing at all?”

    .....“There was no emotional attachment to any of my past engagements.” Smaragd leans back from his desk to watch his companion’s frustrated fidgeting. “For how long you have been with me as a friend I am surprised you never noticed this key detail about my person.”

    .....Jaynen shakes his head turning to stare into passive blue eyes, “You couldn’t even try, just this once? For me, us?”

    .....“Familial love I have plenty, but outside of that I...cannot. There is no helping who I am.” Smaragd stands to move towards Jaynen. “I am truly sorry, but there is not an ‘us’ and there never will be. Not in the way that you want me Jay.”

    .....“NO! You don’t get to call me that anymore. I-I…” Jaynen shouts turning on him in a fury.

    .....Tears of frustration rolling off his cheeks from the violence in his movement as he spins on his heel leaving the room with a soft click of finality as the door shuts softly.

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Username: dave.

Postby yeena » Fri Mar 23, 2018 2:54 pm



    Gender: Male
    Word Count: 1048/1050

    Gwyneth didn’t hear the word love a lot. He lived with a single parent, his mother, and she worked long hours every day to keep their flimsy boat floating in the sea of society. Gwyneth was single and didn’t plan on finding anyone anytime soon. School was a lonely pastime, where he sat at the top of his class but with zero interactions. Most of his peers that wanted to converse with him merely wanted to wiggle an answer out of him, that he never hesitated with giving. The bottom line was that he didn’t hear the word love a lot.
    Consequently, he didn’t use the word a lot either.

    Life wasn’t easy in general, but it was slowly becoming unbearable to Gwyneth. Loneliness kept him awake at night, longing for some sort of comfort that never seemed to come. There were dark bags growing under his eyes, dark blemishes that spread like a shadow under his eyes. The bright fiery glow in his eyes started to burn away, whisked away by the waves of stress and an undying sadness. His hair was steadily becoming more matted and unhealthy, the quality of the dark locks steadily degraded as hard weeks passed by.

    One night he stayed up after his mother had come home and gone to bed, too tired to ask him too much about his day. The dinner he had prepared for the two sat in the microwave still, untouched. His mother didn’t do much after she came home from work, her jobs drained every ounce of energy from her body like a leech. He was curled up under the thick covers on his bed, head pressed tightly into a pillow while he let out the stress of the week fall out onto the soft fabric. His thin shoulders shook with each muffled cry; why was he crying exactly? That’s the one question he couldn’t answer.


    Today was Saturday, which meant that this was also the one day that his mother could stay home without the fear of pay deduction or the risk of being fired. Most of these days were spent with her asleep in her room, periodically waking up to eat. She tried to use her break days to catch up on the sleep that slipped through her fingers throughout the week. He didn’t expect this day to be any different, although, when he woke up, he was greeted with the strong smell of freshly cooked eggs and the sickeningly delightful smell of bacon. Nearly surprised, he was presented a plate, dished with a small serving of breakfast. Gwyneth noticed his mother standing a couple feet away from the stove, grinning at him, urging him to eat.
    Weary, yet unwilling to argue, he ate the food carefully and slowly. It occurred to him while he was eating that this had been his first meal since yesterday morning.

    The day pressed forward like a heavy weight being dragged by a thin, brown lead. It was slow and it was nothing from the ordinary; he was still alone. He couldn’t find the muse to formulate proper responses to his mother’s attempts at conversation, instead humming and nodding along and keeping his gaze somewhere else in the room. It wasn’t until the sun started to set that he bid his quiet farewells as he called it a night after making dinner. His mother held no protest to him collecting himself up so early, merely giving him an awkward response.


    Gwyneth curled up under his covers as usual, his hands clutched tightly over his ears. Perhaps, just perhaps, he could drown out the world around him just by blocking out his ears. His hair tickled his hands just barely, making his eyes water. The thought that his hair, that he had been growing out for years at this point, slowly withering away due to improper care made him angry. Beyond angry; but he didn’t have the muse to care for it anymore. Nobody seemed to take notice of him anymore, what was the point?

    The door to his room creaking was what made him furiously wipe his face against his pillow and untangle himself from the confines of his blanket. It was his mother. He stared at her with weary, puffy eyes. Her voice was calming, entrancing. She had a glass of water in one hand and she navigated gracefully over to the side of his bed to pass the glass over to him after he scrambled to sit up. She knew.

    She started talking to him. Her voice was quiet, extremely quiet, something like a soft whisper on the wind. Just barely there, enough to where he could just pick up what she was saying without straining to listen. Her soft edged conversation took an extreme shift after some time; it went from her talking about her job to her talking about how she noticed everything about him. The bags under his eyes, his hygiene; she had all noticed everything. Especially the cries at night. Gwyneth felt his skin burning, a bright flush crossing over the bridge of his nose and dusting his cheeks lightly. He stared down at the cup in his hands, avoiding eye contact with his mother.

    You’re the greatest thing that ever happened to me.

    The phrase made him freeze, his shoulders tensing as if someone had just smacked him across the face. He could feel his heart picking up in pace; it wasn’t a bad race though. Quite the contrary, actually. He felt light, airy. There was some metaphorical light shining down on him, bathing him in a warm ray of comfort.

    His mother continued on, and he looked up when he noticed the slightest tweak in her voice. There were tears welling up in her eyes. She felt bad for never expressing how much she cared for him because of work. He took a deep breath and could fear the slick streak of tears racing down his cheeks. He made the largest of efforts to keep his breathing level, refusing the sob that got stuck in his throat.

    I really, truly do love you Gwyn. You’re not alone. I’m sorry I haven’t been here for you enough.

    For the first time in weeks, Gwyneth felt a tiny, genuine smile cross his face.
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Re: Anniversary Adopt — May | Emerald

Postby elf_of_the_hollow » Fri Mar 23, 2018 2:55 pm

      username: elf_of_the_hollow
      name: gemma greentree
      gender: female [she/her]
      extra: playlist
      confession response: [747/750]

        A short orc girl ambled through the dusty streets of an old, rusted mining town. She wandered these forgotten paths aimlesly, but eventually seemed to take direction when she crossed a sign claiming that "The Red-Dust Tavern" had some special offer -- whatever it was didn't matter as long as they were open. She needed somewhere to be right now. Arriving at the tavern, which took on similar characteristics to the town -- falling into disrepair and losing money -- she staggered inside to a table near a window through which you could just barely see the last of the sun's light. As she sat, she stirred up dust that danced around in those final rays before settling.

        A sigh escaped
        Gemma's lips as she slumped down in her chair, laying her head on the table which caused her hair to pool around it. Had this really happened again? It had been about a week since it happened now, but the events were still fresh in her mind.

        She had come into town to help a good friend of hers, an old adventuring companion, plan a reunion for their old party. She was excited to catch up with her friends again -- when the party split up Gemma had become a bit of a loner. She'd never been one to get close to others, and once they split she didn't really have anyone else. She was also pretty excited to work on the reunion plans -- after all, planning was kinda her thing. In fact, she'd been certain that was the reason they'd contacted her. It wouldn't have been the first time they asked her to plan something like this out for them.

        While she had been busy writing out some of her plans and calculating costs, Gemma hadn't noticed how her friend had been watching her as if they were waiting for the right moment to speak up. They opened their mouth once, prompting Gemma to look up at them before they closed it again and paced out of the room. She shrugged it off, going back to her planning for a long while until she realized that the light in the room had faded and she could hardly see what she was writing. She stepped out of the room to ask her friend, who had still not returned, for a lantern so she could keep working.

        Her friend was just down the hall, and they looked tired and troubled -- Gemma figured they'd been thinking on something and pacing in circles, which wasn't an uncommon behavior for them. She took a moment to walk a little closer to her friend before speaking up.

        "Hey, is somethin' botherin' you? I know that sometimes stuff gets to ya' but you've been gone an awful long time." She spoke softly in a heavy southern accent that almost made her hard to understand. Her friend smiled when they heard her talk but their face quickly fell.

        "Gem, listen, I've been thinking.." They trailed off a bit, as if they were struggling to finish their thought. "I know it might seem kinda sudden and all, but I think I.. I think I might be in love with you, Gem. I always kinda knew it but I think I used to just assume it was the adrenaline or something but I-"

        "No, please.. you're not." Gemma had quickly cut them off, taking a step back before rushing out of their house and back to the inn she was staying at. She locked herself up in her room for a few days, just thinking about it. This wasn't the first time someone close to her had said something like this, told her they loved her -- in fact, it happened too often. Too many times for her to count. she was so tired of people saying it now, she just had to escape.

        So after locking herself away for days, she finally shambled back out into the town, into this dusty old tavern, into the chair and into her mess of thoughts. Another sigh escaped as she thought about it again -- and she heard the music that had been softly echoing from the stage end, and the wooden floor creak as someone approached her table, and then she heard someone speak.

        "Hey uh, I noticed you come in and I just had to say, um.. you're the most beautiful person I think I've ever seen? Do you maybe wanna like.."

        And she sighed again. This was not her week.
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Re: Anniversary Adopt — May | Emerald

Postby alyxmin » Fri Mar 23, 2018 10:23 pm


    username: pebs
    name: emerald (emmie)
    gender: she/they
    confession response:
    '' I love you. ''

    emmie stood in shock. her best friend for life, lena, had confessed... to her.

    her brain panicked, and emmie deeply regretted the words that came out.
    '' you don't. you're lying to me, aren't you? trying to make me even more pathetic. you're betting on someone that you can get me to break. that you can hurt me. '' emmie spat out the words like thorns, her eyes cold and threatening.

    honestly, she couldn't understand. how someone so nice, beautiful, could find love in a useless, pathetic being like her. the short girl looked at lena deep in the eye, gaze looking to find something, something to prove her wrong.

    but all she saw was guilt.

    '' I can't beliveve it. YOU DO. '' she growled out, her claws unsheathing themselves, raking in the ground. oh how she wished they were clawing through skin, bleeding out onto the ground. '' n-no... it's not what it seems, emmie. I promise you. I do care. I do love you. I promise you, please emmie- ''

    there it went. the blood poured out of the gash in her face, and the taller kalon looked at the ground in shock. for a second, emmie felt guilt for what she had done. she didn't mean it, lena would never lie-

    but would she?

    the words raced coldly through her skull, and she immediately started panicking when other kalons started walking up to lena, looking at her with frightful eyes. but in a flash, their expression changed. they knew she was small, that they could crush her ribcage just by stepping on top of her.

    so she ran. she ran from everyone, everything. always on the run. regretting the choices she made, thinking that they could have had a future together. wondering what they could have been. she thought of her life choices, how instead of being a criminal on the run, she could have raised a small family with lena, opening a cafe shop. she herself could have sung and learned to bake, while lena would tease her and teach her how to make cookies. her two children, poppy and zelia, would have been the best little chidlren. poppy would be shy and have the sweetest voice, while zelia would be daring and adventurous, traveling on adventures all around the world. she would send postcards to her and lena, sending loads of them each month.

    then when she and lena got older, they would sit down and cuddle on the couch. her small body curling with the soft, fluffy body of lena's. she would sing a lullaby to lena, giving her a light lick on her cheek before going to sleep each night.

    but of course she rejected her. she broke lena. she hurt her beloved. she let her bleed onto the ground, her eyes in shock thinking that someone she cared for hated her. she overreacted, of course lena wouldn't betray her. lena never let her down. she loved lena, yet she still did the things she had done.

    she looked sadly at lena through the window of her apartment, seeing her husband come home for work. she could hear their muffled voices through the window saying 'love you.' she saw poppy and zelia run out to lena, hugging her. zelia smiled softly at her sister as zelia talked to her father about everything she did today.

    she could have been the one who went through that door each night, cuddling with lena till she fell asleep. she could have been the one zelia so dearly talked to, smiling as she told emmie about everything that happened that day. she could have been the one to comfort poppy whenever she was sad, telling her to not listen to anyone else.

    she broke out of her thoughts as police sirens blazed throughout the city, and she frantically jumped house to house, running away from the dangers of the police. she looked at lena's house one last time, whispering out her words as tears streamed down her face.

    '' i'm so sorry, my love. ''

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Re: Anniversary Adopt — May | Emerald

Postby dolly » Sat Mar 24, 2018 1:10 am

username: dolly
name: llorona
gender: female
confession response: the river seemed to freeze around her paws, trapping her in the icey blades of the river. thoughts raced across her mind faster than light. her tear covered face grew cold as the only friend she knew had broke their sacred oath.
“we are bound to friendship alone. we’ll walk this path alone if one says to walk it together.”, they’d vowed the cold night they met. she knew the oath but yet she brakes it? how was she supposed to trust her if disobeying their sacred pact was done with ease?
they stood there, eye to eye. the woman without moral on the bank, and llorona standing where she always stood. looking in her eyes could make you rethink almost anything. she didn’t know the matters she was dealing with, but llorona was almost ready to join her outside the oath. she knew she couldn’t though, bound to the river is no life for one in love.
she couldn’t help herself though, her legs seemed to move on their own. she slowly crawled to the land, tears streaming down her face by her own accord. the bank laid only inches in front of her, she stood at the edge unable to move. they stood there silent for what felt like a millennia.
“you know I can’t leave the river.”, she softly spoke backing away from the bank. her friend nodded in response, she’d heard this too many times before.
“we made that oath for a reason. it wouldn’t be moral of me to keep you stuck to the river too-.“, she continued, her voice trailing off.
“it’s my choice to stay with you.”, she softly replied, entering the cursed river, smiling at the weeping woman. llorona turned, her tears happy for once. both of their eyes swelled in tears. the river may have caused uncontrollable crying, and you may be bound to stay, but with someone you love there with you, it’s the only place you’d want to be.
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Postby Peppermint mist » Sun Mar 25, 2018 8:18 am

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Re: Anniversary Adopt — May | Emerald

Postby Cyrano » Mon Mar 26, 2018 8:33 am

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Re: Anniversary Adopt — May | Emerald

Postby Soll » Wed Mar 28, 2018 11:29 am

username: Soll
name: Thana
gender: Female
confession response: wip
extra: art wip
⊱ ─────── {.⋅ Image ⋅.} ────── ⊰
Hi I'm Soll! I'm an lgbt artist, figure
skater and dancer! [adult]
Bff ♥ | Ringi ♥ | | | |
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