The Agency - Open for Donations and Open for Adoptions

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Re: The Agency - Open for Donations and Adoptions

Postby booklover789 » Tue May 14, 2019 9:32 am

"I am good, but not an angel. I do sin, but I am not the devil. I am just a small girl in a big world trying to find someone to love."
~Marilyn Monroe

Pet's ID Tag:
Kennel #2: Unamed

Image of pet:
Base on DA by Renegumnums, design by Lirrie

Name You'd Choose for It:
Anjolie Tangela "Tevy" Serissa

Vizsla, Beagle, Russell Terrier, and Australian Shepherd Mix


Reason You Want It:
The moment this sweetheart was posted I knew I had to try for her. She is beautiful. Her gorgeous natural markings caught my eye, and her soulful eyes drew me in deeper. I have always had a soft spot for canines, and have enjoyed their antics for a long time. I love unique canine characters, which made me want to try out for her. Her little freckles, the spots around her body - particularly the splotches small indentation on her back of a white heart - really sold me on her beautiful design. That adorable little pink nose really sealed the deal, and her heterochromia is absolutely enchanting.
As for what I would do with her if I won her, I would give her a spot on my character website. I would color and make art of her, and then I would also possibly order art of her if I ever have enough cash/C$ to order some. Lastly, I would write stories about her and my other characters. She's awesome!

Theme Songs:
The Arena - Lindsey Stirling
Land of Festivals - The Fiechters

Birth Information:
Birthday - May 26, 1993
Zodiac/Astrological Sign - Gemini: The Twins - ♊
Chinese Zodiac - Rooster (specifically, she is a Water Rooster)
Birthplace - Unknown; she was abandoned as a pup, so no one knows where she was born.
Birth Weight - 255 grams
Birth Size - Runt; small for her breed
Immediate Family: Unknown; she was abandoned and doesn't know who her biological family is.
Distant Family: Unknown; see above for reason.
Parenting: She was raised by two adoptive parents, Khalida and Xanthus. They weren't too strict nor too lenient; they seemed to be the perfect adoptive parents. They loved her just as if she were their own pup.

Alignment Test wrote:A lawful good character acts as a good person is expected or required to act. He combines a commitment to oppose evil with the discipline to fight relentlessly. He tells the truth, keeps his word, helps those in need, and speaks out against injustice. A lawful good character hates to see the guilty go unpunished.

Lawful good is the best alignment you can be because it combines honor and compassion.
Lawful good can be a dangerous alignment when it restricts freedom and criminalizes self-interest.

Extroverted to a fairly good range, Tevy loves to engage with others and life as a whole. She loves to go out walking to see what she can find, and she also enjoys short trips around any town in the area. She doesn't like to be lonely, and doesn't do very well when she's alone for long periods of time. She is quite social and loves to talk to others. She enjoys making conversation with other individuals, even if it's just for a bit of time out of her busy day. She is outspoken and is quite a good speaker, if she ever chose to take on that particular role. She's great at talking and expressing her inner feelings, and she's pretty good at making conversation with literally anyone she meets.

Active and dynamic, Tevy sometimes can step on others' toes. She doesn't ever try to, but she realizes that she's often a little loud and some individuals just don't understand that about her. Because she wears her heart on her sleeve and says whatever's on her mind, she often doesn't realize when she's crossed a line or offended someone inadvertently... unless they speak up and say something to her, in which case she'll apologize and do her best not to talk as much around that particular individual. She's fairly adaptable by nature, and will do her best to follow anyone's wishes.

Tevy's brain always seems to be go-go-go. It rarely slows down and stops. She's great at learning quickly and picking up an odd talent with ease. She exchanges ideas fairly well, and is pretty good at understanding complex issues.

She's a go-with-the-flow type of individual, as Tevy's travel plans aren't quite what others would consider 'plans.' She has a rough sketch of wherever she wants to go, but ultimately she lets fate guide her paws to wherever she's supposed to be. She's quite curious and will often just go where her nose leads her. Not one to be a 'careful and cautious' dog, she prefers to take action first and ask questions later. She'll still scope out a situation for any possible dangers, sure - but she's not so cautious that she won't take action if needed. She's not very careful nor methodical by nature, and prefers to fly-by than to be cautious and show a lack of courage.

Not one to dwell on the past, Tevy prefers to live in the here-and-now. She's good about looking to the future and planning for goals and aspirations that she has. She can't wait to achieve those goals that she's set for herself, and she finds that by looking to the future, she has a more clear understanding of her present. And with someone with as good a present as hers is, why bother dwelling in past errors or mistakes? She's already fixed them and amended her life to not do them again, so she doesn't see the point in focusing on all that negativity.

Emotional, gentle, and affectionate, Tevy is great at helping others in their time of need. She can offer up solutions to problems, but most of the time she's better at being an emotional support dog for them. Even though you'd think otherwise, Tevy has extremely thick skin and not much others say can really hurt her. She's a perfect candidate for being an emotional support dog, even if that's not her main job in life. Tevy doesn't mind crying in front of others if she needs to - she'll restrict that to only close friends or those she has met before, though, as she doesn't like to cry in front of those she doesn't know well. She doesn't mind having to shed a few tears every now and then, as she knows her friends would never negatively judge her. She loves to sing, and can often be found serenading her friends with her own musical numbers she thinks up. She finds that it makes others happy, and has been told she has a lovely singing voice, so she'll probably continue to do this until the day she stops having friends in her life.

More likely to forgive than to seek revenge, Tevy is pretty good about not holding grudges and forgiving others when they most need it. She's not moody by nature, and is fairly level-headed when it comes to emotional situations. She feels very deeply, but her moods don't tend to change at the drop of a hat. There's usually something that clearly instigates her change-of-pace, and when she does fall into a funk, she doesn't stay there for very long. She's great at communicating why she's feeling what she's feeling, and this makes her both mature and empathetic to those who are akin to her emotional status. She finds it easy to help those who are grieving as she has grieved herself. She finds it easy to understand those who are happy and joyful, as she has been euphoric herself. Generally speaking, even for individuals who have gone through things she never has, Tevy still finds it simple for her to understand most of what they're feeling. She hopes to make the world a better place by showing understanding and grace to those who need it most.

Loyal to the core, if Tevy has said she'll do something you can count on her word as bond. Even if she has a change of heart partway through the process, she will always follow through on what she said she would... unless the situation is extremely dire, in which case she may pull away and make it up to the individual in some other way.

Loving to read most anything she can get her paws on, Tevy is interested not only in getting to know individuals, but also getting to know what their favorite books, magazines, and periodicals are. She's always on the hunt for something new to read, as she's a voracious learner by heart.

Rarely feeling insecure, Tevy is pretty good about keeping a good self-image. She doesn't have much to worry about physically, as she's quite healthy, and she's had DNA testing to prove that her lineage - whomever it may be - is good blood and isn't susceptible to diseases like other breeds. This helps impact her sense-of-self, and Tevy really doesn't care what others think of her. What matters to her is how she thinks about herself.

A mix between ENFJ-A and ENFP-A personality types, Tevy hates being confined, dislikes repetition, and finds routines to be boring. She can have her indecisive moments, and can feel nerves from time-to-time. She is curious, observant, energetic, and enthusiastic. She is absolutely great at focusing in on her goals and achieving them no matter what the cost. Always so full of life, she's rather tolerant of others and is excellent at communication. She's good at relaxing and knowing when and how to do so, and tends to be very popular and friendly with everyone. She is reliable as her word is as good as her deed, and is charismatic and altruistic by nature. She's quite level-headed and isn't too sensitive, and has good self-esteem. She truly doesn't get stressed easily, and has great practical skills. Tevy seems to be a natural candidate for leadership, and others naturally tend to follow her lead without being told as such. She can be overly idealistic, though, and is often too selfless for her own good. She has times where she struggles to make good decisions and weigh everything out, and even if these moments are few and far between, she still does have issues with this particular topic. She can overthink things on occasion, but more commonly is told that she is 'too emotional.' She is independent, perhaps to the extreme, in certain cases, as well. Overall, Tevy is just trying to help as many individuals as she possibly can in this world, as she feels beholden to help her fellow creature out. After all, if her parents hadn't helped her by adopting her, she would never have found her place in this world. She just wants to extend the same courtesy to everyone else she meets.

History/Background Outline:
- Tevy is abandoned at an orphanage.
- She spends very little time in the orphanage and gets adopted a few weeks after being dropped off and processed with pawprints and paperwork.
- Her new parents (the only ones she'd ever come to know) were a middle-aged couple named Khalida and Xanthus.
- Khalida happens to always emit a faint glow wherever she goes. This tends to freak others out, but it was just something she was born with. She's actually several millennia old, but has never grown bigger than a puppy. She's quite small, but that hasn't ever stopped her from getting done what must get done. Khalida was also an orphan, but for different reasons than Tevy was; even so, she felt empathy for the pup and decided to adopt her so that her story would have a happier beginning than hers had had. Tevy (metaphorically) looks up to her mother, as she has always encouraged her daughter not to budge when it comes to right and wrong, and what she knows is the correct way to act. Tevy doesn't take any flak from others thanks to the diligence of her mother.
- Xanthus has heterochromia, and found companionship with Tevy over this particular trait that they both happen to share. He also has a DNA genetic abnormality where he constantly drips and oozes cheese wherever he goes, so he tends to be a social outcast. Tevy loves him very much, and tries to stick up for him if others put him down for simply existing, especially those that are more on the clean-freak status.
- Tevy grows up in their household, chatting with others and learning more about her purpose in life. She ends up figuring out that she hasn't been aging as clearly as the pups around her have been, and asks her mom for more information.
- Khalida explains about finding out about her heritage: Khalida herself is the child of a goddess and a god (which ones she was never able to really find out). She was given the glowing aspects of her fur and the shifting markings on her paws as a clear sign that she was to be gifted extraordinary powers when she came of proper age... which, for her, was several hundred years of age. She eventually came to the realization that she could travel into a spirit realm, and she often felt a pull to go there whenever a spirit would get lost between this world and the next. It was her job to show them which way to go and to calm their nerves about moving onward into the afterlife, no matter what it might bring them.
- Khalida tells Tevy to keep heart and not lose hope - what will come will come, and only with patience and time will she figure it all out.
- Tevy goes to her father to ask what her purpose in life could be, and Xanthus explains that he didn't figure out how to really be happy until he'd met Khalida. Once he'd met her, everything that had lead up to that moment suddenly all became clear. He tells the story of how Khalida asked the gods and goddesses of this realm to give him an expanded lifespan so that he could live alongside her and not age as fast as he was previously. They granted her request because she was in such good standing, and ever since that point in time, Xanthus has been happy the way he is. The gods had power to change his DNA so he would no longer drip out cheese with every step he took, but ultimately, Xanthus didn't care. All he cared about was being with Khalida forever, and working through their problems step-by-step and day-by-day. The gods and goddesses granted him this wish, and he noticeably slowed in his aging, just as his wife's body naturally has always done. He suggests to Tevy that she meet as many individuals as she can, as that way she'll find 'The One' sooner and thusly figure out what her true purpose in life is quicker.
- Tevy does as both of her parents recommend and keeps being social with others, not only in an attempt to find a mate but also in an attempt to find her true purpose in life.
- Years pass, and Tevy hits adulthood (a bit longer than the rest of her friends, for sure, but this was no surprise to her parents). She finds that she gains the most pleasure from life after being able to help others figure out solutions to their problems, and upon putting two-and-two together one day, she runs home to tell her parents the good news.
- Upon entering the household, she only finds her father home, which is weird, as he's almost always with her mother and the two are rarely seen apart. She inquires as to where her mother has vanished, and Xanthus waves a dismissive paw. "She'll be back by nightfall. She had some spirits she had to wrestle, or something." Tevy asks how to get to the spirit world. With a shake of his head, Xanthus sighs and informs her that he's never been able to access it, no matter how hard he's tried. Still, he gives her the instructions and makes her promise to be safe while in the spirit realm. She does, and performs the ritual, transporting herself to the exact spot her mother had just a few minutes prior.
- In the spirit realm, time works differently. Things are slower in the spirit realm than outside of it, so what is ten minutes in our time could be a year in the spirit realm. This is both good and bad, depending upon how long you stay in this type of enigma world.
- Tevy looks for her mom but can't seem to find her. Eventually she stumbles upon a good and young spirit who needs help figuring out where to go. Tevy talks to the spirit and calms his fears, eventually leading him onward into the light. She smiles and feels a sense of fullness envelop her as she watches him float up the glowing staircase that leads him to the best afterlife there is in this realm.
- Khalida finds Tevy a few moments later and reprimands her for making such a dangerous jump into an unknown situation without weighing the consequences of such an action, but quickly holds back her criticism when she finds that Tevy successfully helped a spirit pass through to the other side.
- Tevy and Khalida both transport back to Xanthus's house, and Xanthus yelps in surprise as he falls off of the kitchen chair, a bowl full of cereal and milk clattering to the floor and sloshing everywhere. He sits up, milk dripping from his nose, and he huffs out a sigh. "I will never get used to that," he mutters as he cleans up the mess.
- Tevy and Khalida help him clean up. Tevy looks at her mom and asks, "Do you think I've finally found my true calling in life?"
- Khalida looks at Tevy and smiles. "Yes. I think you're an absolute angel, and a perfect candidate for my helper-in-training."
- Tevy and Khalida work on honing in their skills in the spirit realm, and Tevy is a quick learn and soon gets up to the level of her mother's practices. They split the work down the middle, and end up not having to work as long hours after being able to divvy up the workload appropriately.
- Tevy spends as much time with her father as she can, as she knows that Xanthus must feel left out, not being able to ever traverse where both she and her mother can go freely.
- Through all of her connections, Tevy's 111th birthday party is a smashing hit. All of her friends come, and those that couldn't make it Tevy remembers with fondness, as both she and her mother had helped them find their rightful place in the afterlife. Tevy is filled with a bittersweet feeling: happy that she has lived so long and made so many great friends over the years, but sad to have lost so many to old age and sickness.
- Tevy vows to make it her life's mission to not only help as many individuals as she can, but also to help lessen the affects of old age and sickness upon the general population. She takes up a volunteer position at a local hospital, learning all she can about diseases and how to best cure them. Because she lives longer than most individuals, she is able to see the progress of medicine through the years and is better able to come to medical conclusions than some of the physicians she is studying under. She soon is able to get into a college program that is paid for by generous donors from the hospital staff that have seen her dedication with volunteering. Tevy graduates with the highest marks in her class, and becomes a certified physician. She works as a doctor and heals the sick and injured. She always makes time in her busy schedule to help her mother out and spend time with her father, even if the hours are severely cut from what they used to be due to her demanding job.
- Tevy eventually takes a professional hiatus to get some time alone to herself, and while on this hiatus she tries the dating scene. She doesn't have much luck, and soon gives up ever trying to find someone. She delves back into her work - both at the hospitals in the area and with her mother, helping spirits cross over to the other side - and prefers to make conversation with her coworkers than chat up some random stranger who just wants to go on more dates with her. She finds the dating scene to be shallow and not worth her time, so she soon pushes those memories to the back of her mind. She hopes one day to find a mate, but if she is unable to do so, then she understands she has a supportive group of friends and colleagues at the hospitals in the area, as well as loving parents who will always be by her side no matter what comes.

"Her angel's face, As the great eye of heaven shined bright, And made a sunshine in the shady place."
~Edmund Spenser

I understand that by adopting this creature I take full responsibility for her.
Last edited by booklover789 on Mon May 27, 2019 9:04 pm, edited 11 times in total.
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Re: The Agency - Open for Donations and Adoptions

Postby Lirrie » Wed May 15, 2019 2:21 am

Creature's Name: Unamed




Code: Select all

Do: Love them <3

Don't: Delete or sell them if no longer wanted please return to the agency.

Link Art Link: -Deleted- liines where by

Did you originally adopt this design here, and if yes what was it's name? No

Do you currently have any other characters up for adoption already? If so how many? Yes, 3

what do you want to happen to the character after 6 months with no one adopting it?: Returned to me
ImageMy Da /Crystalines Sangie's SantuaryImage

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Re: The Agency - Open for Donations and Adoptions

Postby Possessed » Tue May 21, 2019 10:16 am

Pet's ID Tag: 7

Image of pet Image

Name You'd Choose for It: Mello, nickname; Splash

Species/Breed: dog/canine

Gender: female

Reason You Want It: I am so in love with her as she is covered in paint, as I am on the artistic side. I plan on having her my main sona. I will be doing art for her as well as commission users to draw her <3 she's absolutely stunning and gosh darn cute!!!!!

History/Background/Other: Splash was born in the early summer, when the weather was getting warmer and more wildlife appeared, she lived in the countryside with her mother, father and of course, her siblings. They lived on a ranch with cows, pigs, horses, sheeps, goats, donkeys, ducks and a few other different species. Their owners were so kind and full of love, as Splash and her siblings ran around and was looking at their fellow animal friends, however, Splashed would lay where their human girl, Rosie, would paint, Splash would end up getting paint on herself and this is how she got her name, Splash. Splash rested under Rosie's chair while she painted, a few years later a tragedy happened and their humans lost their home...
Splash watched from underneath the porch in horror as strangers rounded up all the animals, Splash saw her parents and siblings get cornered and trapped, as her mom and dad snarled and snapped at the humans. With no luck, her family was hauled off, she saw Rosie, the kindest human she knew, was crying, as her humans went into their big black truck and took off. Splash whimpered and ran after the truck, she began to get tired and slowed down, she started to cry as everyone she knew was gone.
Three years after the humans took the Ranch, Splash was four years old now as she stayed at the ranch hoping her family would return.

Art:(not needed but extra credit)

I understand that by adopting this creature I take full responsibility for it.
Last edited by Possessed on Tue May 21, 2019 4:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Agency - Open for Donations and Adoptions

Postby Lirrie » Tue May 21, 2019 10:28 am

Code: Select all

×The Collector× just copy and paste this into the form under the image part :3
ImageMy Da /Crystalines Sangie's SantuaryImage

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Re: The Agency - Open for Donations and Adoptions

Postby Eleya » Thu May 23, 2019 2:01 am

Pet's ID Tag:
Kennel #8

Image of pet
Design by Lirrie, Lines by Renegumnums on DA

Name You'd Choose for It:

American Staffordshire Terrier


Reason You Want It:
First, I love the colour. It gives me such a nice warm feeling. Somehow, he reminds me a little of a warm autumn day, when the leaves are changing colour already, but the sun is still shining. Then I’m in need of a guard dog for my Phoenix Ranch. It is a place, where people get a second chance in life. A place where they have to care for animals and help on the ranch to learn what’s important in life. It mostly takes teenagers, but maybe I’ll also open it for adults.
What gets me to the third point. These breeds of dogs are deeply misunderstood… Well, they can be dangerous, but mostly because the wrong people take them. I need to say, I have a Sheltie myself. Just because I personally prefer herding dogs. And I am obsessed with Collies and Shelties… But still I love Staffs a lot. They can be such sweet and lovely companions. As I don’t have any Staff characters until now, I thought I’d try out for this one. To also show my support.

As Aidan McFlynt entered the Agency, he saw a woman smiling at him. He walked towards her and smiled back. She said,
"Welcome to the Agency, a shelter for finding abandoned pets a new home. What can I do for you Sir?"
"Hallo, uhm I am searching for a dog to guard my ranch. I thought about a German Shepherd maybe? They should also be quite relaxed with horses, cattle and humans. Ah and of course with the Dachshund Perry, who is currently the only dog on the ranch… well, he isn’t a good guard actually, that’s why I’m searching for another dog…"
He turned slightly red. Not a very serious appearance, he thought, but he was really nervous. He was searching for the perfect dog for quite some time now, and he really needed one. There had been a few issues the last months. Some that wouldn’t happen if there was a dog larger than Perry.
The woman still smiled, but she had a rather excusing look on her face.
"Im sorry Sir, we currently don’t have any Shepherds searching for new homes. But I can show you two American Staffordshire Terrier if you want. Or do you have any issues with this breed?"
"Not at all. As… as long as they are okay with the circumstances I mentioned before."
"Nothing to worry about. One is still quite young, and the other one is a really relaxed boy."

They arrived at a kennel where a beautiful Staff sat. His ears were cropped, what gave him a little dangerous look. Still Aidan was stunned.
"Now that’s one pretty boy. And he isn’t barking at us. Can you tell me a little bit about him? Like where he came from."
"Of course. We took him from a guy who had five Staffs and two Bull Terrier. They were not kept entirely bad, but some of them had bad wounds, that weren’t treated. He was really thin and had some smaller wounds as well. We asked the man why he would keep that many dogs, when he obviously wasn’t able to care for all of them. He said he’d feel safer with them around. Only problem was, they didn’t like each other that much. They fought each other quite often. And he had no money take them to a vet. Well, we let him keep the two Bullys and one of the Staffs. After taking care of their wounds of course. He wasn’t that sad about giving away this one though. Said he had never seen a dog like this. Never fighting with the others, never barking at strangers. Said he never felt safe with this boy around. What gets me to the point. I’m not entirely sure, this is the right dog for you. Don’t you want to see the second one as well?"
"Well yes, sure. But Id still like to know more about this one please. How did he behave here in the shelter? Did you ever have any problems with him?"
"No, not at all. The animal keepers are really happy with him. Never heard complains about him being aggressive. All they say is, they have a feeling he is quite sad here. He’d need someone to love him and care for him properly. You know, we can’t give every dog in this shelter all the attention they’d need. He’d really deserve to go to a loving home soon.
Still, I think you would probably do better with the second one."

"How old is he?"
"About five years old. We didn’t contact the breeder though and we had to trust the words of this guy we took him from. The second one is a little younger. She is two and a half years old. A really…"
"What’s his name?"
"… active… Why do you want to know that much about a dog, that might not even fit as a guard?"

Aidan sighed. Yes, why did he care so much about this boy? He needed a guard and not a coward. Neither a lamb. What if he made a wrong decision with him? But those eyes longed for a new home. Someone that cared. He might…
No, Aidan thought. He had done that once. Perry was no guard at all. He needed to make the right decision for his ranch and for the teenagers living there. No excuses.
"Well, show me the second one then…"
The woman led him to a close kennel. A beautiful young girl jumped right at the bars. She was fascinating with her differently coloured eyes. Still she didn’t touch him as much as the boy had. Aidan hardly listened to her story. He looked at the dog absent minded. How long had the boy been sitting in here? This girl would find a home rather quickly. But he…?

"Do you even listen to me?"
"I said, that her former owner was..."
"Ah sorry, I can't.... I mean... Can we just go back to... You were about to tell me his name."
"Well, sure... He was called Herkules, but we always called him Hazel."
"Do you know, why he got his ears cropped?"
"His former owner said, he got him with these already. Must have been the breeder who cropped them. Probably to make the pups look more dangerous."
"And how long is he waiting for a new life?"
"About three years now. We had several people interested in him, but they were all after a status symbol, and we don’t give out pets to those kinds of people. Now, that’s basically all I can tell you about him. Do you want to go in there?"
Aidan nodded. As he entered the kennel, Hazel moved towards him slowly. The dog took some careful sniffs before he would get any closer. Aidan saw that he would need to gain his trust first. Still the ranch owner was able to stroke the dogs back, feeling every vertebra. Aidan knew, he would by no chance be able to ever get Hazel off his mind again. No matter if he would be a good guard dog.

"I would really want to adopt this one, if possible."
"Okay, let me offer something. You take Hazel with you and see if he is the right dog for you. After a month, you either return him back here, or keep him. What do you say?"
"I don’t think I’ll ever be able to bring him back, but sure. I agree."
The short haired woman sighed and started to get the paperwork done. After a short while Aidan left the shelter with his new dog on his side. All happy and a little afraid what the rest of the ranch’s residents would say.

When he arrived at the ranch, Perry ran towards them. He seemed to be happy about the new dog on the ranch. Hazel seemed a little overwhelmed by the hyperactive little Dachshund, but he showed no signs of aggression. Aidan brought both of them right into the house. He showed Hazel his new home. The dog bed was a little large, as Aidan had bought a German Shepherd sized one, but Hazel didn’t seem to care. It took him some time though to realise it was his.

After four weeks Aidan couldn’t imagine life without his new dog. Hazel was relaxed with the horses, played with Perry, and guarded the stables when he was asked to. In those few weeks nothing irregular had happened on the Ranch. The only thing Aidan was worried about, was Eric, one of the teenagers. The boy wouldn’t leave his room without his snake Rajah. Perry didn’t mind the snake, but Hazel kept his distance.

Hazel is a really sweet and relaxed boy. Well, once you gained his trust. He is kind of wary towards strangers, but as he realises you don’t want to do him any harm, he warms up. Hazel enjoys long walks and loves to be outside at sunny days. He doesn’t like rain that much and tends to try and keep walks short then. Water isn’t entirely bad though. On really hot days, Hazel enjoys walking into lakes or rivers, but only until his belly touches the water.
Once Hazel trusts you, he will follow you everywhere. He is loyal until the very end. If you don’t break his trust though. He gives a second chance, but it takes ages to have him fully forgive you.

Eric and Rajah:
(art by Tendo64)
Hazel isn’t really happy about the snake being around. He knows Eric has another one, and therefore never enters his room. Rajah though is always with Eric. That’s why Hazel keeps his distance. Eric isn’t that sad about it though. He is a little afraid of dogs.
Aidan McFlynt:
(I have no link for him sorry…)
Aidan has a weak spot for those he feels need more love. That was the reason for him to pick up Hazel in first place. As they worked together on the ranch, they grew together quickly. Hazel would do everything for his new owner and Aidan would do everything for his new dog. They are a dream team.
Perry the Dachshund:
Perry loves having company. He always wants to play with Hazel. The larger dog is a little overwhelmed though. He tries to escape the small one often. Hiding in the horse stables or trying look really busy. Its not that Hazel doesn’t like the Dachshund. He loves to have another dog around, but sometimes he feels Perry is a little too annoying.
The Horses:
Hazel feels the need to protect the horses. He loves to be around them. Run besides them when Aidan is training or taking long rides. Nearly all of them accepted the dog right away. They feel safe when he is around.

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Re: The Agency - Open for Donations and Adoptions

Postby Lirrie » Sun May 26, 2019 5:35 pm

This will be just this afternoon my time please finish up guys.
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Re: The Agency - Open for Donations and Adoptions

Postby Lirrie » Mon May 27, 2019 4:17 pm

I'm late so y'all have one more day
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Re: The Agency - Open for Donations and Adoptions

Postby Lirrie » Wed May 29, 2019 2:31 am

Code Drop

booklover789 wrote:
Pet's ID Tag:
Kennel #2: Unamed

Image of pet:
Base on DA by Renegumnums, design by Lirrie

Name You'd Choose for It:
Anjolie Tangela "Tevy" Serissa

Vizsla, Beagle, Russell Terrier, and Australian Shepherd Mix


Reason You Want It:
The moment this sweetheart was posted I knew I had to try for her. She is beautiful. Her gorgeous natural markings caught my eye, and her soulful eyes drew me in deeper. I have always had a soft spot for canines, and have enjoyed their antics for a long time. I love unique canine characters, which made me want to try out for her. Her little freckles, the spots around her body - particularly the splotches small indentation on her back of a white heart - really sold me on her beautiful design. That adorable little pink nose really sealed the deal, and her heterochromia is absolutely enchanting.
As for what I would do with her if I won her, I would give her a spot on my character website. I would color and make art of her, and then I would also possibly order art of her if I ever have enough cash/C$ to order some. Lastly, I would write stories about her and my other characters. She's awesome!

Code: Select all

Possessed wrote:Pet's ID Tag: 7

Image of pet Image

Name You'd Choose for It: Mello, nickname; Splash

Species/Breed: dog/canine

Gender: female

Reason You Want It: I am so in love with her as she is covered in paint, as I am on the artistic side. I plan on having her my main sona. I will be doing art for her as well as commission users to draw her <3 she's absolutely stunning and gosh darn cute!!!!!

History/Background/Other: Splash was born in the early summer, when the weather was getting warmer and more wildlife appeared, she lived in the countryside with her mother, father and of course, her siblings. They lived on a ranch with cows, pigs, horses, sheeps, goats, donkeys, ducks and a few other different species. Their owners were so kind and full of love, as Splash and her siblings ran around and was looking at their fellow animal friends, however, Splashed would lay where their human girl, Rosie, would paint, Splash would end up getting paint on herself and this is how she got her name, Splash. Splash rested under Rosie's chair while she painted, a few years later a tragedy happened and their humans lost their home...
Splash watched from underneath the porch in horror as strangers rounded up all the animals, Splash saw her parents and siblings get cornered and trapped, as her mom and dad snarled and snapped at the humans. With no luck, her family was hauled off, she saw Rosie, the kindest human she knew, was crying, as her humans went into their big black truck and took off. Splash whimpered and ran after the truck, she began to get tired and slowed down, she started to cry as everyone she knew was gone.
Three years after the humans took the Ranch, Splash was four years old now as she stayed at the ranch hoping her family would return.

Art:(not needed but extra credit)

I understand that by adopting this creature I take full responsibility for it.

Code: Select all

Eleya wrote:
Pet's ID Tag:
Kennel #8

Image of pet
Design by Lirrie, Lines by Renegumnums on DA

Name You'd Choose for It:

American Staffordshire Terrier


Reason You Want It:
First, I love the colour. It gives me such a nice warm feeling. Somehow, he reminds me a little of a warm autumn day, when the leaves are changing colour already, but the sun is still shining. Then I’m in need of a guard dog for my Phoenix Ranch. It is a place, where people get a second chance in life. A place where they have to care for animals and help on the ranch to learn what’s important in life. It mostly takes teenagers, but maybe I’ll also open it for adults.
What gets me to the third point. These breeds of dogs are deeply misunderstood… Well, they can be dangerous, but mostly because the wrong people take them. I need to say, I have a Sheltie myself. Just because I personally prefer herding dogs. And I am obsessed with Collies and Shelties… But still I love Staffs a lot. They can be such sweet and lovely companions. As I don’t have any Staff characters until now, I thought I’d try out for this one. To also show my support.

I understand that by adopting this creature I take full responsibility for it.


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Re: The Agency - Open for Donations and Adoptions

Postby Lady Mascaraed » Wed May 29, 2019 6:06 am

Pet's ID Tag: 10
Image of pet
Name You'd Choose for It: Severos
Species/Breed: wolf
Gender: male
Reason You Want It: I absolutely fell in love with him and he is gonna he my main sona for a role play group that will be made sometime soon
Severos was born in northern Canada where the winter is harsh, cold and outright terrifying. Severos was born without a pack as his mother was a lone wolf, she never saw herself in the pack life. His mother met a male wolf and they had Severos, however, Severos never met his father, he knew he would meet him some day. Unfortunately, the sickness got to his mother as she went insane when he just turned into his early teen years, he had to kill her for if she bit him, he too would suffer the same fate. The wolves call this sickness, deathly game, for only the weak would get infected. As Severos mourned over his mother’s death, he headed south where rumors say the sickness wasn’t there. As he continued his journey to the south, he had encountered several animals with the sickness and not with the sickness, fighting each opponent as he journeyed through the Canadian forest, he now has several scars, though most are not visible due to his thick fur, the most visible one is the scar across his face from a grizzly bear, he accidentally stumbled upon a mother bear and her cubs.
(more will be added as I continue roleplaying with him)

Severos’s personality is very different than most wolves, though he still holds some of the personalities as the wolf; loyal, compassionate, caring, and understanding. He has a much darker side. Severos is quite cruel, cunning, deceitful, cold hearted, mean, disrespectful, arrogant, stubborn and outright evil. Some say is a psychopath, others say the world made him this way.
Art:(not needed but extra credit)
I understand that by adopting this creature I take full responsibility for it.


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Re: The Agency - Open for Donations and Adoptions

Postby booklover789 » Wed May 29, 2019 7:54 am

Thanks so much for Tevy, and congrats to the other winners! :D
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