Adoptables 2: Closed Species/Communities

User-made adoptables that are part of a closed species or larger community

Forum rules
Reminder: Copying another person's art without permission to reproduce their work is a form of art-theft!
Click here to see the full Art Rules!
  • Gallery display:

Sorry I'm new at this..

Zevicks are dragon-like creatures with wings on their front legs. There are four types of zevicks: spiny, furry, webbed, and the very rare plain zevicks. They are roughly the size of a small cat and feed mostly on fruit with the occasional insect or fish. All zevicks have fur. Webbed have short, water-resistant fur. Furry have longer, fluffier fur. And spiny can have either.
Zevicks are social creatures with a wide variety of personalities.



    *Never remove my signature
    *No stealing/bribing/complaining
    *No spamming. Naturally.
    *At the current moment, you may only own
    TWO zevicks. This number may increase.
    *If you don't want your zevick anymore, send
    me a PM and I will put it up for adoption again.

icykeys @ Thu Jan 03, 2013 12:33 pm

Yes, I'm looking for artists. Designers, if you will.

If you think you have what it takes, PM me or post below, and I will look through your gallery. If I think you'd do okay, I will ask you to design a Zevick as a guest artist. I may eventually ask if you would like to be an official artist.


icykeys @ Thu Jan 03, 2013 12:33 pm

A little sneak peak for you.

    E t e r n i t y

○WaterDrops○ @ Thu Jan 03, 2013 1:09 pm

I would love to be an artist ^-^ Gallery below my icon ->

10 replies not shown, show all

Kiley's Kennels
by Chasing Dreams @ Sun Apr 15, 2012 10:18 am Attachment(s) [Reply]

Table of contents;

♣ Introduction/Welcome, Rules, Staff, Warnings, References
♣ Breeds available/Form to adopt
♣ Up for adoption/Contests
♣ Breeding
♣ Q/A
♣ Adopted dogs
♣ Affiliates



- I will not be selling customs; they are only for staff and myself.
- Do NOT theft designs or take someone else's dog.
- Limit is four dogs.
- Please keep active with your dog, either art, RPing, etc. I'll be setting up an official RP.
- Don't put up a fuss if you do not win, there will be other chances to adopt.
- Do not post on the dog's page unless you own it!
- Do not remove my signature from the image.
- You can only adopt a dog every other week.
- You can apply for as many dogs as you want, but you'll only win one.
- They can ONLY breed with characters made here.
- I only affiliate with certain adoptables, I'm picky. PM me about it.



- All dog designs must be approved by me, so add the "Being Vaccinated" cover on, then add my name so I can check it out.
- Each staff member is allowed 1 custom.
- Staff are to judge their own puppies, and let me know of the results so I can update the first page.
- Staff are allowed to apply for puppies, but no advantages are to be given to them.


Image ImageImageImageImage
-Kiley- ;; Sketchy ;; Ƀlitz ;; TheScamperPony ;; Silver Bullets ;; Chasing Dreams

Part-time Artists-




Warnings will be administered if a rule is broken. Depending on the rule that was broken, punishments will be more severe.

1 warning-
Just a warning
* Georgia 2010CS

2nd warning-
Get a warning and won't be able to adopt from the next batch.

3rd warning-
You will be banned from adopting and posting on the forum.



Adult collie ref
Adult husky ref
Adult German Shepherd ref
Adult lab ref
Adult poodle ref
Adult pomeranian ref
Puppy collie ref
Puppy GS ref
Puppy husky ref
Puppy lab ref
Puppy poodle ref
Pup pomeranian ref

Chasing Dreams @ Sun Apr 15, 2012 10:18 am

Breeds Available;

Adult Collie
Puppy Collie

German Shepherd-
Adult German Shepherd
Puppy German Shepherd

Adult Husky
Puppy Husky

Adult Beagle
Puppy Beagle

Labrador Retriever-
Adult Labrador Retriever
Puppy Labrador Retriever

Standard Poodle-
Adult Standard Poodle
Puppy Standard Poodle

Adult Pomeranian
Puppy Pomeranian


Form to Adopt;

Code: Select all
[b][u]Dog number;[/u][/b]
[b][u]Dog name;[/u][/b]
[b][u]If you do not want your dog anymore, will you return it here?;[/u][/b]
[b][u]Artwork/Short Story;[/u][/b]

Chasing Dreams @ Sun Apr 15, 2012 10:18 am

Up for Adoption;

Pup 1
By Silver Bullets

Pup 2
By Sketchy

Pup 3
By Chasing Dreams

Pup 4
By Sketchy

Pup 5
By -Kiley-



Contests will be posted by artists when they wish. I will put contest informations here.

Chasing Dreams @ Sun Apr 15, 2012 10:19 am


418 replies not shown, show all

Zemtri <3 * guest artists chosen! *
by Charchar2 @ Mon Dec 31, 2012 8:20 am [Reply]

Hey there, here you can adopt one of those horse-like creatures known as Zemtri ^^
But of course, I'm getting ahead of myself, aren't I? You're probably wondering what Zemtri even are ...
let's see, I think I have some old articles around here about them ...
-digs around in closet-
Aha, here we go!
Would you like to read it?

Exciting news reports have spoken of a new species, just discovered on an - also newly discovered - island in the Pacific. There are many name suggestions for these creatures, the most promising of which is "Zemtri," but no official name has been decided yet. But, of course, you're probably wondering what these creatures look like - and what all the fuss is about. After all, new species ARE discovered rather frequently nowadays.

At a glance, Zemtri appear rather similar to their distant kin, the plains zebra. But upon closer examination they are truly quite different. The first thing most notice is their horn; bright, bold, and oddly twisted, almost like a lightning bolt. Scientists are currently unsure of its use, but suspect it may be used to release electrical currents for communication. Secondly, they have a strange marking upon their hind legs; it looks almost like a power symbol, coming in a variety of colors. Once again, scientists don't know its exact use, although they have discovered that, rather interestingly, when a Zemtri is hurt, hungry, or tired, it will pulse a dull red shade regardless of its original color. Lastly, the have a sort of power cord rather than a tail! Rather bizarre, I must say! It is thought that this, when plugged into an electrical outlet, can give them an energy boost, although this theory has yet to be tested.

But, of course, you're still probably wondering why the scientists are so excited. Well, when they first came to the island and saw these creatures, one of the scientists - well meaning but not thinking - attempted to take one of the Zemtri foals they came across back to his boat. The Zemtri's mother burst out of the forest, and, seeing what was happening, became very, very angry. Sparks began dancing all over her body and she charged toward the scientist, who jumped in the boat and pushed off just in time.

When the scientists thought about this occurrence, they began to get very, very excited. The world was in a dire state, needing electricity but with no reliable renewable source. And these ... these Zemtri could produce it at will! It was a perfect! They could bring them back to America and ... voila! A renewable power source!

So, as you can see, the world is quite excited about these promising equines. Any day now the scientists should be back; and perhaps soon it'll be Zemtri electricity farms, not power plants you're seeing!

Ha! If only things had worked out so well.
That was years ago.
I remember, when they first brought them back, we were all so excited.
These beautiful electric horses seemed like the answers to all of our problems.

Suffice to say, they weren't.
Their horns did indeed let off electric currents for communication; they interfered with telephone lines and nearly all electronic devices. Even though those scientists had only brought back a handful of Zemtri, the currents were strong. And, of course, in anticipation of needing more for electricity's sake, they had bred tons of the creatures.
They were spread out all over the globe, having been sold before the scientists even returned! This effectively ruined most electronic devices. And you know how we humans are dependent on our gadgets. Eventually, though, through careful selective breeding, scientists managed to create Zemtri who wouldn't destroy any remaining devices.
But all those high hopes of using their electricity? They went out the window. First off, the Zemtri only produced it when they felt like it. Scientists tried taming and training them, but the Zemtri were stubborn and refused to listen. Secondly, when one scientist noticed that the electricity was produced when the Zemtri were angry, he suggested that they try to make the Zemtri angry so they'd produce electricity. Yeah ... that didn't work so well. He caused a stampede, which resulted in the Zemtri - significantly stronger than the scientists had estimated - breaking out of the research lab and stampeding over the countryside.
Eventually, the disappointed scientists had to admit that it just wasn't going to work. The Zemtri - even though they had bred out all technology interference - were simply to wild to use as a power-source.
I was disappointed but not terribly surprised. But, when listening to the news that evening, I learned something I found shocking and horrible - the Zemtri were going to be put down. I couldn't believe it. Listening intently, I learned that it was simply because no one wanted them now that they couldn't be used for power; so there was no one to take care of them. I was horrified. All of those proud, magnificent creatures being ... killed? It was awful. It just wasn't right. Turning my attention back to the news, I learned one more little piece that sealed the deal for me: they were being killed just one mile away from my neighborhood. In an old abandoned horse farm.
I knew what I needed to do. I drove there at once, and asked to speak to whoever was in charge of their fate. "I'll take them," I said to the man who came to speak to me. He looked confused. I tried to explain. "The Zemtri. I'll take them. I don't care if they don't make electricity! I'll fix up this old place and keep them here. I'll raise knowledge about them. I'll find them new homes," He just shook his head slowly and whistled. "If you really care that much..." I looked at him anxiously, awaiting his answer. "All yours," he said, motioning to a horse trailer that pulled up. There was lots of bumping and thumping inside. I knew I had a big job ahead of me, but I couldn't help but smile. I had always loved horses.
The doors opened and the gorgeous Zemtri spilled out. They were even prettier in real life. Chestnuts, paints, shiny black ones, all of them were beautiful and amazing. I knew I'd made the right choice.

So, what are you waiting for? Wouldn't you like to give one a loving home?
Of course, there are a few forms to fill out ... oh, and some rules! Just to keep order, you understand.

- Please do not steal this species/claim as your own ^^
- You are allowed & encouraged to use your Zemtri in your signature, art, RPs, etc <3
- If you do not want your Zemtri anymore, PM the artist who made it & it will be re-adopted.
- Please post adoption forms on Zemtri's pages, only - the main thread is for breeding, news & questions <3
- You may only have up to 5 Zemtri.
- You must give credit of the Zemtri's design to it's artist.
- Please be polite & respectful ^^

That's pretty much it though!
Now why don't you go look and see if there's the perfect Zemtri for you out in the pasture? <33

Charchar2 @ Mon Dec 31, 2012 8:20 am

Every so often, Zemtri will fall in love and have little Zemtri foals.
Zemtri are loyal mates so once couples are together, they're together for life. ^^

Zemtri breeding is free but you may only post a form when slots are open. <3
If you are breeding your Zemtri with another that doesn't belong to you, that's fine, but the other Zemtri's owner must fill out a form as well ^^

1. - closed -
2. - closed -

Code: Select all
[b]Mother link:[/b]
[b]Father link:[/b]
[b]Who will be keeping the foal?[/b]

Charchar2 @ Mon Dec 31, 2012 8:21 am

You may post now <3

48 replies not shown, show all

Welcome to KCA!

No spam, please.
Please only bump the thread when it needs it. A lot of bumps is really spammy.
Please, don't claim you drew these.
Be respectful to other users!
Fill out the form to order.
Do not use a cat if you do not own it.
Remember, artists! You can make yourselves a custom Kat at any time



Code: Select all
Name of Cat:
Artist: (optional)
Ref: (Optional)


The pound is a place for cats that are already made, but don't have a home!
Fill out this form:
Code: Select all
Kennel #:
Cat's Name:
Cat's Gender:


Code: Select all
Cat's Name:
Other Username(If breeding with another person):

Once a month, each artist can make a set of 4 Kats, based of a theme. They will auction off these Kats. It will be very cheap.

Check these out!

Bump us up!
Want to bump up the thread? Copy and paste this into your post:
Code: Select all

Please look for the last bump on the thread. Do NOT bump the thread if it has already been bumped in the past 4 hours. It just gets a bit spammy.

kirill @ Sun Apr 29, 2012 6:54 am

Bump! c:
Who wants to be the first to order? c:

rampagingpickles @ Sun Apr 29, 2012 6:59 am

Username: belletaz
Why do you want to be an artist? I enjoy art and this seems like a perfect opportunity
Have you done this before? Sort of, I have done it in real life.
Examples of art: viewtopic.php?t=1132592 colours in aren't by me viewtopic.php?t=1154925
Other: Ermmm, I would be really happy if you said yes.
Will you be active? Yes, I am on at least 7 hours a day.

kirill @ Sun Apr 29, 2012 7:47 am

belletaz wrote:Username: belletaz
Why do you want to be an artist? I enjoy art and this seems like a perfect opportunity
Have you done this before? Sort of, I have done it in real life.
Examples of art: viewtopic.php?t=1132592 colours in aren't by me viewtopic.php?t=1154925
Other: Ermmm, I would be really happy if you said yes.
Will you be active? Yes, I am on at least 7 hours a day.

Accepted! Why don't you start by making a pound? c:

1034 replies not shown, show all

Deline Adopts
by Crum @ Wed Jan 30, 2013 2:13 pm [Reply]

Free Deline Adopts

A deline is a cross between a Deer and a Feline (mainly lion)
Females do not have a mane or antlers
Males Usually have a mane and always have antlers (the mane & antlers are slightly transparent above, but they arent really like that)

If you want to adopt your own Deline, just click the one you want. There are rules for how to adopt each one on its page ;)

5 Delines per person
You can only get 1 a week
Dont steal


Currently Up for Adoption:
Coming soon

Hunting/Fighting *of some sort*
Coming soon

acinonyx ♥ @ Wed Jan 30, 2013 2:19 pm

Is this open for posting? If not, I can delete the comment.

Crum @ Wed Jan 30, 2013 2:24 pm

Yes, it is ;) I just have to make a few adoptables to get it started first

Crum @ Fri Feb 01, 2013 4:15 pm

Theres a new Deline Up for adoption :)

Species WIP.
by azemyc @ Thu Jan 31, 2013 3:39 pm [Reply]

This is a species I'm working on.
The species' name is the 'Manticore Dragon', named after their namesake, the mythical manticore.

They're around the size of a Great Dane, and rarely can reach the size of an elephant under the right conditions.
The body of this species of dragon is protected by large, poison tipped horns, or spikes.

And that's pretty much all I have of now. I'll be looking for two active, neat, and knowledgeable artists for when I'm done the lines and such. Post here, or PM me with a form you've created yourself to apply. Make sure it includes all the basics please~

azemyc @ Fri Feb 01, 2013 2:56 pm

Finished~ I'll be doing a few more touch-ups before I post them to adoptable Oekaki, sometime around tomorrow.

ωєℓcσмє τσ "ωσℓƒ iท мy ρσcкєτ" α∂σρτs

Welcome! Here we have a very small breed of wolf. Discovered a while ago, these wolves love human companionship. They slip into pockets easily, and we started an adoption agency for them. They come in all different forms, with wings, jewels, plushie-style, ect. The designs are endless! Our mascot, Aúo, is the first one created. He will help you find the perfect companion for you.

Aúo: Hi, i'm Aúo (A-oo-o) and i will be your guide. My clan has lived for many generations undiscovered. But yet, we were found. Like wolves, we are, but more small. We love humans. I don't have a human, but i will help every member of my clan find their human.

gєทєrαℓ iทƒσ σท τнє sρєciєs

These wolves are very small, about the size of a baby red panda. They eat insects, and love the taste of honey. They have a small ruff starting in between the ears, and sliding down to the start of the neck. They are outgoing and silly, but love the comfort of a warm pocket. Their fur is soft and silky, like touching a wolf's fur. The mating season is autumn, and after mating, deep in the winter, they give birth to 3 pups. The babies are only the size of a big beetle. They feed on the mothers milk until 2 months old, then they eat the usual food.

Advertisments for us;

Code: Select all

Thank you tigerpelt22 for this dazzling banner!

forecast @ Sat Nov 17, 2012 10:45 pm


1. No spamming please!
2. No whining if you don't get the wolf you bidded/tried for.
3. Only 3 customs per adopter.
4. Don't cuss, be mean, harass, ect. other adopters.
5. The "In my pocket" is copyright to the original creators, but the "Wolf in my pocket" is copyright to me ⓒ
6. Do not apply for a artist place if it ain't open.
7. Don't roleplay here! Save it for the roleplay.
8. If you request a custom, with no artist selected, you can't get your custom. I hate saying it.

cυsτσм ƒσrм

Code: Select all
Name of Wolf:
Eye colour:

No payment required for the customs.

iƒ yσυ ωαทτ τσ вє αท αrτisτ, єcτ, ρℓєαsє ρм ~нiкαri~




forecast @ Sat Nov 17, 2012 10:46 pm

σρєท ƒσr αℓℓ! cυsτσмs αrє σρєท.

forecast @ Sun Nov 18, 2012 12:38 am

Bump. Premades are being finished off.

68 replies not shown, show all

This is currently ´CLOSED
30th November 2012


Pup 1 + 2

Twins Results

Cider Chi. & mango sherbet 98 %

○~Discover~○ and Rainbow Outcast 95 %

-Yellow- and Paint 90%

.тнe ѕcrιpт. and The Best Of Friends 83 %

Pup 3

Art: 80
Story: 75
T: 77,5%

Art: 65
Story: 75
T: 70%

Art: 50
Story: 80
T: 65%

Pup 4

Art: 70
Story: 75
T: 72,5%

Art: 70
Story: 70
T: 70%

She Wolf Alpha
Art: 65
Story: 55
T: 60%


Father: Jex, owned byLilian Nightshade. (Son of Arkhantos and Kiamé)
Mother: Mizuki, owned by TheWolsgirl90. (Daughter of Rayo and Soraya)

Pup Designs

pup 1- female; X by me
pup 2 - male; X By me
pup 3 - Female; X By Lilian Nightshade
Pup 4 - male; X By Lilian Nightshade

You may ask any question you can think at and its not clear stated here. I may make a FAQ section special for you.
You may NOT apply if you already own another Warrior of Isket.
You may add anything to the form if you cosider it may help you win.
You may NOT copy anything at all from someone else's form.
You may order art from someone else.
You may NOT start posting forms until this is open.
You may re-use things from your older forms, if you applied for a WoI before, but didnt win.

Extra Informations.
The judges are Me and Lilian Nightshade
We will not give extensions at this point.

How to apply.
As soon as the litter is ready and open, you may copy the form listed below and post it. Its an easy form, but if you are unsecure about anything at all, ask here or pm me. Ill be sure to answer you in a way or another.
Art can be done by you, traditionally or digitally. It can be ordered from another artist. But, please, no color ins of this WoI.
In the section named ''Armour Design'' you must post a rough sketch or a complete drawing of the WoI's future armour.Don´t copy other woi armor please use your own ideas!


The armors have to be egypt themed!


Special form for pup 1 and 2

They could only be adopted with an partner!Means if you want to adopt one of them you need to find a friend because these pups are twins!And always together.So you was only allowed to adopt if a friend of you (who want one too!) and you make a partner form!And these pups will be judged really hard!


Code: Select all
 [b]Usernames(You and partner):[/b]
[b]Twin puppies:[/b]
[b]Puppies names:[/b]
[b]Armour Design(only egypt themed):[/b]
[b]three facts about WoI:
Why you choosed your partner?[/b]

How you should post the above Form?

- both forms on one post ( one of your team post it and edit it for changes!)


- Each one will do an post and link them !

Form for pup 3 + pup 4

Code: Select all
[b]Pup number:[/b]
[b]Pup's name:[/b]
[b]Armour Design:[/b]

Twin pups:


~Nonexistant @ Mon Oct 15, 2012 1:15 am

Woot! Luxyrus is gonna have cousins! Yay!! ^^ I cant wait to see the little dickens.♥
Good luck everyone! Whoever wins, your pup will be related to my Luxy, so feel free to use her in the stories and art.

Also... *Pokes Signature* Will help anyone who needs it.

jern. @ Mon Oct 15, 2012 1:49 am

Ohh~ Exciting!

parlaymars @ Mon Oct 15, 2012 2:27 am

Can't wait ^^ The pups are going to be adorable <3

234 replies not shown, show all

Snuffle Lionz Adopts >HIRING<
by yoyo8888 @ Thu Nov 15, 2012 11:03 am [Reply]

About Snuffle Lionz
Snuffle Lionz are cuddly, small dog sized creatures who are lovable and loyal. Both males and females have manes.

All CS rules apply
Be respectful
Artists, please Pm when someone adopts one of your Snuffle Lionz with their username and a link to the Snuffle Lion in question.

Artist Rules
You may make one Snuffle Lion with wings (If you have made a SL for you self, this rule does not apply to that SL.)
Guest Artists
You may not make a SL with wings (unless it is your own SL that you made)
You may make one SL for yourself- It can have any line edits/add-ons you want as long as the integrity of the lineart is still there.

To Adopt

Simply fill out the form on each Snuffle Lion's page.

Guest Artist
Miromi~ retired
J e n n y

Code: Select all
Why do you want to be a Snuffle Lionz Adopts artist?
Do you have an prior adoptable experience?
Examples of Art:
Should have enough for now.

none needed at the moment
If interested please pm me with a plan of action.

Code: Select all
Requested artist:
Ref.or theme:
Short description (of personality, optional):

yoyo8888 @ Thu Nov 15, 2012 2:45 pm

yoyo8888 @ Fri Nov 16, 2012 7:37 am

Currently looking for Artists, and advertising staff.

109 replies not shown, show all

Growing Dragon Adopts(Closed)
by -Silverfire62- @ Wed Aug 15, 2012 4:23 am [Reply]


Because of problems with Java I'm going to have to close this down. I don't know if I'll be able to open it again. If anyone still wants any dragons still in the pound then send me a trade. One uncommon for each. (2-3 commons, 4-5 very commons, or 6-7 omg so commons)


1.Be respectful
2.Be Patient
3.Only adult dragons can breed
4.You must have coins to get a dragon. You can get coins by trading in pets
5.You cannot breed dragons that are related
6.The owners of dragons that are breed get first choice if they want the eggs or not. After one day they are open to everyone else.

Table of Contents

Post 1: Rules, Banner, and Affliates
Post 2: Currency, Bank, and Customs
Post 3: Pound
Post 4: Breeding and Adopting
Post 5: Archive and store


Code: Select all




-Silverfire62- @ Wed Aug 15, 2012 4:39 am


Commons or less 2011 and down(including 2012 and 2013 etc):50 coins
Uncommons 2011 and down(including 2012 and 2013 etc):100 coins
2010s:150 coins
2009s:250 coins
2008s:300 coins
Rares:400 coins plus coins for the date(EX: 2010 rare = 550 coins)
VR:600 coins plus coins for the date(EX: 2010 VR = 750 coins)
OMG so rares:Unlimited
Wishlist pets:Add 100 extra coins(EX: 2010 WL = 250 coins)


Tulip - Unlimited
.:Wolfstar:. - 100 coins
snooterpants - 250 coins

Customs are currently not available because I can't use Oekaki for awhile.
Customs cost 200 coins
Code: Select all
Primary color:
Wing color:
Tail and leg fur color:
Eye color:

-Silverfire62- @ Wed Aug 15, 2012 4:39 am


Adopting from pound cost 150 coins

Code: Select all
Dragon #:




For Christmas
Costs:250 coins



-Silverfire62- @ Wed Aug 15, 2012 4:39 am


Breeding costs 150 coins

Code: Select all
Want to breed with:
Amount of eggs:

Available to breed
Amount of eggs:Any amount
Want to breed with:Open

Amount of eggs:2-3
Want to breed with:Open


Eggs are 100 each

Code: Select all
Egg #:

131 replies not shown, show all

Adopt a Growable Vaerro
by rickith @ Mon Jun 27, 2011 11:15 am Attachment(s) [Reply]

About Vaerros
A Vaerro is a rare wolf-like creature that is found in only very remote mountain areas. Vaerros often travel alone or in small groups. They are very agile and swift, which helps them travel on steep mountain trails. Every Vaerro has four ears and four small spikes on their forelimbs. Their long tails help them to keep their balance. Most Vaerros have small horns above their eyes, however, occasionally their horns grow much larger and curve back behind their ears. It is very rare, but some do not have any horns at all. It has even been rumored that it is possible for Vaerros to have wings, but no one knows if this is true or just a myth. When Vaerros are born, they are born inside a tiny jelly-like egg, which helps the pups adjust to the thin air of the high elevations where they live. These eggs disappear shortly after birth.

Fan Club
Click the link above to go to the Official Vaerro Fanclub, founded by Glomp.

How to Adopt
There are several ways you may adopt your own Vaerro.

Vaerros labelled "Free"
These pups are free for anyone to adopt. To adopt one, simply fill out the following form and post it under the Vaerro you would like to adopt.
Code: Select all
Vaerro's name:
Vaerro's gender:
Vaerro's story (must be at least one paragraph):
Artwork of your Vaerro (optional, but may increase your chances of being chosen):

Vaerros labelled "Payment Required"
Anyone may adopt these pups, however, it will cost 2 Uncommons OR 4 Commons to adopt. You must also fill out the form above.

Vaerros labelled "Impounded"
These are adult Vaerros that have been placed in the pound. These may be Vaerros that others have given back to me, or they may be pets I have come up with myself. Some may already have names, stories, genders, or any combination of these. An impounded Vaerro will cost 3 Uncommons OR 6 Commons to adopt. You must also fill out the following form.
Code: Select all
Vaerro's name:
Vaerro's gender:
Vaerro's story (if not already decided):
Artwork (optional):
Why you want this Vaerro:

Custom Vaerros
These Vaerros were made especially for a user. Only the user who ordered the custom may adopt. To order a custom, it costs 4 Uncommons OR 1 Rare. You must send me a trade showing me the pet(s) you are willing to pay before I will start to draw for you. Once you have done so, I will begin work on your custom. Once it is finished, I will accept and you may have the Vaerro immediately. I will never accept a trade before I have finished your order. You must fill out this form before sending me a trade for a custom. Cairo is now doing all the customs so please send him the trades.
Code: Select all
Pup, Child, or Adult (customs can not grow):
Reference picture OR detailed description:
Payment will be:

Customs are currently OPEN.
Custom list:

1. xXCookieMonsterXx (Custom)
2. xXCookieMonsterXx (Custom)
3. ~MoonDancer~ (Custom)
4. Lyncher (Jumping growth)
10. OPEN

How Vaerros Grow
Vaerros begin life in their small jelly-like eggs. To hatch your pup from its egg, your pup must get 2 votes (meaning 2 people must like the drawing). Your pup will then hatch from its egg.
To get your pup to the child stage, you must get 5 votes.
Finally, for your Vaerro to reach adult stage, it must receive 10 votes.
Once your Vaerro is fully grown, it will stay that way. If you would like your Vaerro to go back to a different stage, it will cost 1 Common for me to change it. You may change it as many times as you would like.

Jumping Growth
This was suggested by a Vaerro owner, and I think it's a pretty good idea.
If you're having trouble getting enough likes, or if you just don't want to wait, you can now "jump" your Vaerro's growth.
Jumping will get the Vaerro right to its next stage. If it's a pup, it will change to a child. If it's a child, it will change to an adult. However, the skips will cost different amounts.
Pup to Child will cost 1 Uncommon OR 2 Commons.
Child to Adult
will cost 2 Uncommons Or 4 Commons.

To breed two of your own Vaerros, simply post on one of their threads that you would like to breed them. If you own more than two, please tell me which two.
To breed your Vaerro with someone else's, both players must post on one of the parents' threads that they agree to the breeding.
Breeding costs 5 Uncommons OR 10 Commons OR 1 Rare per pup. You may have up to three pups. These pups will be growable.

Breeding is currently OPEN.

-Tess's rules all apply.
-You may NOT use Vaerros outside of CS.
-You may NOT claim my artwork or Vaerros as your own.
-You may NOT sell your Vaerros to other users. If you don't want them, please return them to me. I will give you 1 Uncommon for each Vaerro you return.
-You may use Vaerros for roleplaying.
-You may draw your own Vaerros in the Oekaki, as long as you credit the species to me. You may NOT, however, draw Vaerros for anyone else.
***EDIT*** Just to clarify with the last rule, I don't mean that you cannot draw other peoples' Vaerros, as long as they originally got them from me and they have permission from the Vaerro's owner, it's fine. I just mean I don't want people stealing Vaerro designs that don't belong to them or making their own Vaerros for adoption somewhere else. I apologize for the confusion.

rickith (me)

Please contact me if you have any questions! Thanks! ^^
I will be creating some Vaerros for public adoption within the next few days.

Prince of Awesome @ Mon Jun 27, 2011 11:21 am


Miss Captain Sexy @ Mon Jun 27, 2011 11:23 am

Username: Fantastic Ninja
Pup, Child, or Adult (customs can not grow): Adult
Reference picture OR detailed description: Image
Payment will be: 4 uncommons. I'll send a trade!

rickith @ Mon Jun 27, 2011 11:26 am

Fantastic Ninja wrote:Username: Fantastic Ninja
Pup, Child, or Adult (customs can not grow): Adult
Reference picture OR detailed description: Image
Payment will be: 4 uncommons. I'll send a trade!

Awesome, I'll get started right away. ^^ Thank you!

342 replies not shown, show all

The Pound is CLOSED!

Sorry, come back later D:

Finally *0*

>:3 YUS, now W.A.S. has its own pound! Soon W.A.G. will have it too ^^

Anyway, timer is about 30 minutes or more off. I just left this and went to have a walk with my dog.
This is going to me my new shading style :3 it's simple, easy, and looks cool.

We will be releasing 3 sabers per month.
And i'm sorry to inform, but only some members will be able to create sabers for the pound ): I am sorry.

BUUUT don't worry my dear staff! When the saber family comes up, you'll be able to design your puppies using this reference, so all you need to do is wait a bit more (:

Rules (important!):

-If you adopt a saber, do not just forget it. They've suffered a lot until they get here, and all they need is love and care. (YUS D:<)
-Not fursonas, but characters. They can be one of your most loved character and stuff, but not a fursona.
-Please, do not ask me to make a saber custom for you, or even color in these lines.
-Feel free to make any line edits
-Take good care of my babies :3
-You're only allowed to own 2 W.A.S., which means, if you're interested in all the sabers up for adoption, choose carefully. Look into its eyes, like if it was a cute pup, and try to realize which of them fit you more.
-*new!* No colored in as your art to win the saber. I want you to draw it, or at least order art, please. Thanks (:

Just a few, as you could see ^^

There's going to be a "competition", if that's the right word. The allowed part of the staff is going to create a saber and an element for it (also they are going to chose the gender), and if you want to win it you must fill this form:

Code: Select all
[b]Age (at most 400):[/b]
[b]Special Ability:[/b]
[b]Armor Type (gold, silver or bronze):[/b]
[b]Art of it:[/b]

I'd prefer greek names for them, please :3

Now, PLEASE: Do not post the form here. Wait until an allowed staff member create a saber in this pound, and THEN post the form THERE.

Thank you ^^

Good luck, you all!

Warrior Armored Saber (W.A.S.) and Warrior Armored Gryphons (W.A.G.) belong to me. Do not steal of copy anything.

Lions @ Sun Aug 14, 2011 9:14 am

Posting to save.
Good luck Nattie!
(I love how you draw, your amazing!)

princess pudding @ Sun Aug 14, 2011 9:17 am

Awww, he's so sweet Nattie. ;3

Chasing Dreams @ Sun Aug 14, 2011 9:23 am

Amazing job Kai!
I will make one soon for people to try an adopt <3

64 replies not shown, show all

FFA adopts based on this drawing by Artwork-Is-Key
by dragongoddest @ Sat Aug 25, 2012 2:47 pm Attachment(s) [Reply]

Welcome to the new flaming fox adopts
Keyoto has given me permision to take of the FFA since she dosn't have time for them and dosn't want to see them die.

This is my Flaming Fox Adopts! These lines do NOT belong to me, they belong to pachoofoosh, however the species does. Please read through the whole post!If you have any questions about this please PM me. If you can't PM then just post here. If there seems to be too many problems I will close this forever and only use this lineart for myself and possibly friends only. Sorry the post is so long.....and it may just get longer. xD

About the species:
These foxes live in the mountains and forests. When they are in a very good/bad mood they flame up. These foxes are small, but strong. Strong enough to fight a bull. The fire that burns on their back, tails, and feet do not harm anything around it unless it want it to. These foxes have two tails. They also have long skinny legs. These creatures can run fast, over 20 MPH. They are 3 feet high at the shoulder and 5-6 feet long from the nose to the tip of the tails. The tails can reach up to 1 foot long. Their tails are thik with fur however the fur on the rest of their bodies are short. Their fur is silky soft and always will be because they clean themselves at least 2 times a day. Their eyes always mach the color of the flames or the other way around. Their eyes and flames are never a different color from each other. If they have one eye one color and the other eye a different than the 2 colors melt into each other in the flames. When a Flaming fox goes blind it's flames turn white. These foxes never have any mutations like hair, ect. These foxes almost always have realistic colors and patterns, but they can always have a bit of abnormal colors and patters mixed in. They sometimes have only abnormal colors and patterns, too!Their eyes can be any color in the world. They like to wear items a lot but are very careful not to wear anything that may cover their flames because if their flames are covered it herts the fox.

How to adopt:
All you do is look for a Flaming Fox with the words "Adopt Me" on the page and fill out the form on it's page. If you would like to adopt a custom just fill out the form below. Please follow all rules before adopting.

These are cheep so don't worry, if you still can't pay for one either PM me or the artist who is/have done the Flaming Fox. The artist doing the fox can pick from any of these, but can not make up their own payment unless they ask me first. The payment is only for customs, artist will have to ask me before asking for payment for a normal adoptable.

Choice 1: 1 Uncommon WL Pets
Choice 2: 2 Uncommon Wl Pets
Choice 3: 3 Uncommon WL Pets
Choice 4: 4 Uncommon WL Pets
Choice 5: 1 Rare Pet (Can be WL if preferred by artist)(To artists: Please do not choose this if the coloration and patter was not difficult for you to do.)
Choice 6: 2 Rare Pets (Can be WL if preferred by artist) (To artists: Please do not choose this if the coloration and patter was not difficult for you to do.)

Small Items:
Yes, I have decided that these foxes can have small items. I will let ONLY small ITEM on these, not hair or anything that might cover the flames. Small items include a list below, if the item you want is not there either PM me about whether or not I will allow it or don't ask for it.
1. Scarfs
2. Necklaces
3. Bracelets
4. Earrings
5. Feathers
6. Watches
7. Flowers(on head)
8. Head items(Flowers, nothing that covers the flames, PM me if unsure)

Items/line edits I will not allow:
1. Wings
2. Wigs/Hair
3. Metal body parts
4. Clothing (Unless it is on top list)

1. ~Keyoto~ (rarly)
2. dragongoddest
3 horselover0726
4 BlueAura~
5 Captain Sötét Vanity
7 Whatever...

next week will determin how many artist i still need

please do not mod if you are not a mod

Guest Artists:
open closed

I will have 2 guest artists a week. They each get to make pre-mades(No customs) for one whole week.Once their week is over I will either remove them completely from the list and can not be a guest again for another 2 weeks, or I will keep them and let them be a guest artist two weeks each month. Fill out the form below. From Monday to Sunday the artists can make FFAs, each Friday I will let people fill out forms and I will choose again.

Code: Select all
How much are you on each day:
Why do you want to be a guest artist?


Stamps are free for anyone to use in their siggys to advertise my Flaming Foxes. If you would like to make me a stamp for my FFs please PM me! Thank you!

Image The character in this stamp belongs to me, he is my fursona. This was made by Swiftalu, thank you very much!
Code: Select all

Image This FFA Stamp was made by VineStar12. The Flaming Fox belongs to them. Thank you!
Code: Select all

Image This FFA Stamp was also made by VineStar12. The Flaming Fox belongs to me. Thank you!!
Code: Select all

It has a direct link to the home page of FFA.
Code: Select all

[[credit for the template goes to zilla774]]
Code: Select all

Form to adopt a custom:
Code: Select all
[b]I want to adopt a custom![/b]
[b]Color(s) of Ear Jewelery:[/b]
[b]Small Accessories(Everything about it up top!):[/b]
[b]Eye color:[/b]
[b]Hex codes(If you have them):[/b]

Please do NOT modify the form, which means don't center it, don't make it colorful, don't make the text smaller, and do NOT remove or add to it! Thank you.

Main form for adopting:

Code: Select all
[b]I want to adopt this Flaming Fox![/b]
[b]Name of Fox:[/b]
[b]Color(s) Of the necklace:[/b]
[b]Why do you want to adopt this Flaming Fox?:[/b]
[b]Art/History (You do not have to do this, but it will boost your chances of getting this fox):[/b]

Do NOT post. This is for my artists only so that they know most of what to post to the front post of any adoptable they post. To the artists: You may modify this to add to it or remove certain things. Please don't remove the "Colors of necklace" and other important bits. Payment is ONLY for customs, you will have to ask me before asking for payment for a normal adoptable.

Breeding is currently not allowed. Sorry, but I want to know how this will go for the first month or two before I start breeding any foxes.

Do not claim species as your own.
Do not remove my/pachoofoosh's signature from image.
Only one per person per day.(One custom or one adopted)
You can apply for more then one in a day but you will only get one.
You can own a maximum of 5. (for now)(Customs are unlimited)
If you do not own it you cannot use the image in any way shape or form without the owners consent.
Do not say you have drawn these designs. (Lines and all)
If you have ANY questions please PM me, I will post the answer and question to the front post when I have answered if it is a question worth posting, if it is not it will stay privet. (I may.....I forget to post them here sometimes)
Please do not post a form when every artist's slots are closed. (Which might never happen :lol: )
Never sell your adopted Flaming Fox, if you don't want it anymore PM me or the artist that designed it so we can put it back up for adoption.
Please do not quote your form unless it has been over a week without a response, if my artist responded please be patient.

Rules for artists:
Please do not make a background for these. They are transparent. You may make a BG for when you are adopting one out but please remove that layer when it is adopted. Thank you.
If you make a design that you LOVE you may keep it. But don't do this very often.
Artists get 1 free custom every month that they can make themselves or ask another artist to do via PM.
I do not mind if you don't use the full form for pre-mades. But keep the "Color(s) of necklace" on there. TY.
You may keep a FFA if you fall in love with it.
Artists may have as many FFAs as they want but make sure to still adopt some out! :)
-NEW-Please do not take another artist's order! The only exception is if the artist says it is OK with them.
new Do not edit any part of flames or body unless it is listed ok or I approve it.
New To all artist If you make 3 foxes that do not fallow the traits of FFA you will be kicked from being an artist

None, lets keep it that way.

None, lets keep it that way

also check out
Image Image
The Guardians

lunar-lynx @ Sat Aug 25, 2012 2:56 pm

Transfering my form from old thread(:

ƜσℓʌɛƨǤσЯαωя wrote:I want to adopt a custom!
Main Ref - Missing Feather
Second Ref - With Feather
Color(s) of Ear Jewelery:
The same blue as her eyes
Small Accessories(Everything about it up top!):
She has a scarf bandana. It looks like this one but without the ropes. Can that be included? If so and the artist can't do plaid, a plain white or light gray is fine. I don't think her headphones are allowed. Also, she's supposed to have a blue jay feather in her tail.
Eye color:
It's a bright tealish blue
It's in the refs(:
Hex codes(If you have them):
I'm sorry, I don't have them.
Whoever has the time(:

dragongoddest @ Sat Aug 25, 2012 2:58 pm

i may have to close customs for awhile unless i can do it tonight
since i cant use the okike on this computer *yet*
but i'll see what i can do

Destrie @ Sat Aug 25, 2012 3:00 pm

Nice to see the new thread up : )
I'll still be an artist, if that's okay with you

255 replies not shown, show all

Niveus Equine CLOSED based on this drawing by x-Birch-x
by Aravel @ Wed Aug 22, 2012 2:14 pm [Reply]

••••• Niveus Equine are a new species of horses or equine just recently found. Niveus is the Latin word for snow. Niveus Equine really just means 'Snow Horse' because of where this species live. They are located almost anywhere on an icy tundra or even high up in the mountains. As long as it it cool enough for them to be comfortable, they will live there.


    • Niveus Equine are not to be remade. I own this species.
    • You are not allowed to steal the designs of a Niveus Equid or put any design of theirs on another species.
    • You may only adopt a Niveus Equid if it has 'Adopt Me' on it.
    • All Niveus Equine are 100% free.
    • Please respect the species and any artists.
    • Do not whine or cry.
    • You can have up to 8 NEs
    • I don't take bribes.
    • Do not ask to be an artist.
    • Do not use these in an unofficial roleplay.
    • Do not add coding or remove coding from your form. (Look at the 'How to Adopt' section

    • Maggiebeazt
    • Flowerdust
    • .:BlessTheFall:.
    • Soph6297
    • Astraya
    Temporary Artists:
    • TheMoonFeather
    • Kaminari

How to 'adopt' a Niveus Equine

••••• Though you couldn't technically train a NE, you could still 'adopt' one. It's easy to adopt. Just follow the form on the NE's page and post it there. Do not change any coding on the form, take away anything, or add anything but your answers. It makes it fair.

PLEASE FILL OUT THE ENTIRE FORM. Even if the name is 'WIP'! Please!
Height should be in feet. 6-7 feet unless it's a young and growing NE!

Species (c) to Me
Lines (c) to Birchwood Hollow

Aravel @ Wed Aug 22, 2012 11:31 pm

All about Niveus Equine

••••• This is a very special species of horse, as they are actually very hard and rare to find. They also have many behavior differences from a horse. That includes:

    • Niveus Equine are known for their very aggressive behavior. Even raised from birth, these horses are very mean and cannot be trained. They are far too dangerous for a human to come close by.
    • Though aggressive to humans, they are actually very friendly and social towards each other.
    • Niveus Equine have different love lives than horses. Males do not have herds. Instead, they'll find a female and mate with her. He'll stick around for a while then leave before finding another mare.
    • Females find the fluffiest male the most attractive. That's because it's important to have a lot of fur for those freezing winter nights.
    • Males often fight for females using their two horns on the top of their heads.
    • NEs also have a longer life span. It can range anywhere from 23-27 years.

••••• Niveus Equine also have a unique physical appearance, as you may have all ready noticed.

    • Niveus Equine have long horns that are slightly rounded. These are used for defense between other NEs as well as scaring off predators.
    • NEs have long manes that cover the back of their legs, their belly, chest, back, as well as around their heads.
    • NEs have a weird shaping to their ears. They are curly ears or rounded ears. These are also slightly longer than a normal horse's ears.
    • NEs have cloven or split hooves.
    • NEs have a tail much like a deer's.
    • NEs are very bulky.
    • They average around 6-7 feet in height.
    • Male NEs have a 'unicorn beard' or tuft of hair from their chin.
    • Male NEs have longer manes and tails than females.

••••• Niveus Equine have very long hairs on their coat. They are very thick, as well as hollow to keep themselves warm. You could consider it very 'bristly'.

••••• The coat colors are very much alike to a normal horses. They can have every kind of marking a normal horse has, but rare NEs may also have stripes or swirls of an exotic color. And always, always, always, a NE has at least a pinch of white on their coat.

Breeding and the early life of a Niveus Equine

••••• As mentioned before, NEs have a different love life than that of a normal horse's. They do not have herds. Males will usually find a female, mate with her, then stays with her until the foal is weaned. Then he heads off. While with the mare, he will protect her and the foal because it is very prideful for a male's foal to be brought into this world.

••••• Males or stallions, can cover up to four mares, while a mare can only produce at most three offspring. Twins have never been found either.

••••• From birth, foals normally have a very thin coat, which is why it is extremely important a mare goes down the mountain or down south where the foal can live comfortably. After about three weeks, the foal is weaned and the father leaves. At two months, the foal has a full coat of thick fur and is able to go and experience the cold. At about five months, males start to grow very small horns. At six months, females start to grow their horns. At about two years, the foal will leave it's mother, though still very young.

Aravel @ Thu Aug 23, 2012 9:29 am

Stamp Contest!

I will be holding a contest! It's a stamp contest because we need advertising! :D

What should be on the stamp follows:

Not just a plain picture. I'd like it to be a GIF picture preferably with different Niveus Equines. Just don't make it to bright or too flashy!

It can be just a picture, but make some sort of movement to catch people's eyes. Such as text that moves.

Use any NE as long as the owner says you can use it. (You can use mine. c:)

A custom NE for everyone who wins! You can tell me what gender, what coloration, eye colors, hoof color, horn colors, etc! It must be realistic! These prizes will not count as your total amount of NEs!

PLUS!!!: Everyone will get two pets from this group:

They will NOT change, so you know exactly what you're going for! There will be a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. 1st will pick first, 2nd second, 3rd third. And then any runner-ups that I do like will also get to pick last.

Only three stamps will win. (Unless we like more. ^^)

When you create it, send it to me by PM along with information of your custom in case you do win. Flowerdust and I will judge them.

End Date: Whenever we get enough. c:

Aravel @ Thu Aug 23, 2012 10:44 am

You get two warnings. One more and you are banned.

BiscuitBone - X

Can we please not get any?

None! Keep it that way!

274 replies not shown, show all

Hello! and welcome to my Zeeble adopts. Zeebles are 100% free! Cool huh?

Customs are OPEN!

A Zeeble is a small creature that has hors and the side of it's head and alien-like antenna in the top of it's head. They are friendly creatures, but if you try to take their food away, they can get pretty mad. :lol: They live in caves, forests and some even like in streams and lakes! They have huge wings sprouting from their back witch is very helpful for getting around.

*~Psycho Monkey~*


Code: Select all
Wing position 1/2/3:
Main Colour:
Wing Colour:
Eye Colour:
Zeeble's name:

There are three wing positions:

Position 1: Top pic ^^
Position 2:Image
Position 3:Image
No wings:Image


Code: Select all
Name of Zeeble:

Post this on Pre-made Zeebles to get them. FIRST COME FIRST SERVE!

I need some more artists!

Code: Select all
Why do you want to be an artist:
Sample of art or colour in:

Orders done:

Blu-Meerkat love <3

Please Adopt!

supersuki31 @ Thu Feb 02, 2012 7:40 pm


.holly999. @ Thu Feb 02, 2012 7:42 pm

Gender: girl
Wing position 1/2/3:1
Main Colour:red
Wing Colour:blue
Eye Colour:green
Other:red and black spots
Zeeble's name:spoty

Shnitzel_ @ Thu Feb 02, 2012 7:42 pm

Username: flyfan3695
Gender: female
Wing position 1/2/3: 1
Main Colour: blue
Wing Colour: breen
Eye Colour: purple
Design: none
Zeeble's name: Or

116 replies not shown, show all

.:*Oxirie adoptables*:.
by Nira Katsumi @ Thu May 31, 2012 4:45 am [Reply]

Welcome to Oxirie Adoptables!
Adopting is Open || Breedings is currently Available || Public customs are Closed

- How to Adopt an Oxirie -
- - - - -
If you would like to adopt an Oxirie then look for pets that still have "adopt me" signs,
(please realize sometimes artist can't get around to changing the sign after the pet is adopted)
make sure pets haven't actually been adopted before posting your form. Depending on the
artist and the Oxiries some may require you to write a personality, story, history, write a poem
answer a question, show a picture create a picture or so forth, please follow the process of adopting
the individual Oxirie. After you adopted you Oxirie, you can ask me to change background colour (i will do 1/2 colours. No asking for flowers etc. in background.) ^^ Be unique show how much you want the Oxirie.
remember be nice, don't complain or pull a poor me if you don't get the Oxirie.

Also artists and people offering the Oxiries like to see you try your hardest, so do so
because not only will you make them happy but your chances of getting the Oxirie will increase.

- Number of Oxiries per person -
- - - - -
There is no limit, but please dont adopt every single one ^^ Thanks!
Note: Oxiries from breeding dont take the limit. So only adopted Oxiries are counted to limit ^^

- The Rules -
- - - - -
1). Follow overall CS main rules
2). No whining/complaining if you don't get the Oxirie you want.
3). Don't ask for customs unless GoldMare offers you one or an artist offers you
one with the permission of GoldMare.
4). No spamming (including double posting or posts 3 or less words long)
5). No bragging, we know your happy to get your Oxirie but it can be put-downs
to other members and make them feel like they and they're Oxiries are less
important then you. (how would you like it if someone did that to you?)
6). No bugging staff about wanting an Oxirie or there not being Oxiries available
right now. Staff have lives outside of CS to, they're trying their best to make all
of you happy so please take courtesy in them offering free stuff to you.
7). Changed your username? PM me your old and your new username + your Oxiries so i can change owner name
8). If you dont want oxirie anymore then please PM me. I will readopt this Oxirie
~ please realize more rules will be surely be added.

- The Staff of Oxirie Adoptables -
(the lovely staff team)
- - - - -

Guest artist:

To be guest artist, you have to PM me about that :) There will be one artist per week.
(please do not ask to be a staff unless GoldMare offers a
position to you or staff forms are currently available.)

- Links -
- - - - -
The Fanclub
Oxirie role play :)

- Specials -
- - - - -
Code: Select all

Code: Select all

Code: Select all

(front page re-designed by Sanity.)

Nira Katsumi @ Thu May 31, 2012 7:12 am

- About Oxiries -
- - - - -
O v e r a l l:
Height: 15hh to 18hh (may be smaller)
Weight: 200 to 270 kilograms
Life Span: 18-20 years. (may live shorter lives)
Diet: Herbivore
Family: Bovidae

Oxiries are related to Antelopes. Oxiries can be encountered/found in Deserts and Savannas. They are most
commonly found in Australia. Oxiries live in herds usually of about 20 or so individuals including young offspring.
there are usually about 4 males who take care of the females. There is one Dominate Bull per herd.
Male Young are shooed away by the dominate male(s). The young males form bachelor herds and travel together
again there is one dominate male within the all male herd. They stay together until slowly the males claim
roaming herds of female and young of they're own. If a herd becomes to big they split off separate ways.

Female young are generally ready to breed in their second year while males generally do not start breeding
until they're third year or even later if they cannot find a herd to claim of their own.
Diets consist mostly of leaves, grass, bark and whatnot.

- Breeding -
- - - - -
Breeding is currently open and free to the public. Females can breed once a week while males can breed
four or more times a week. Some artists may not be able to breed your Oxiries for they may be busy
so please take that into consideration. Also do not inbreed Oxiries together if you have a second gen.
Oxirie do not breed it with it's mother, father or any siblings it might have.
If you want to breed your Oxirie with someone else's Oxirie please link to both of the pets and quote
permission from the other player that it is okay to breed with theirs. Want to breed Oxirie you have from breeding?
You can do it after 2 weeks of Oxirie born. I will change its years old to 3, and then oxirie will be able to breed.
Yes, it can cause that baby oxirie is as old as its mother... But remember - it would be hard for me to keep this right...
After i age baby oxirie to 3 years, then i wont age it anymore.
A female Oxirie is considered a doe a male Oxirie is a buck.

Mitta @ Thu May 31, 2012 7:14 am


☆ ★TARDIS @ Thu May 31, 2012 7:16 am

These. Are. Awesome.
And could I be an artist?

239 replies not shown, show all

welcome to my fuzzle store

~pleas do not what so ever make more than oreder post here if you whant to chat or hang out do it in the sky garden club

Pet's name: little vampy
Adopt virtual pets at Chicken Smoothie!

meet little vampy shes here to watch the store today ^_^

ok this is my new fuzzle shop i have had (164 ) post and (alot) pets adpoted and (100 + ) orders

fuzzles are loveing hedgehog type of breed with a feather antenna tail and ears
there fluffy and kind some are rare and some are one of a kind if your lucky
you will find a royal birth stone fuzzle some times comes with butterfly wings
( ultra rare )or chibi angel wings


post 1 welcoming post
post 2 rules ( must read )
post 3 forms and payment plan
post 4 store mods and members
post 5 items
post 6 event pets ( contest and biding)

people on monthly payments

what is monthly pay ment:

monthly pay ment is when you give me one of my very rare or rare wish list pets and you get sirtem amont of months of free pets my most whanted pets get you 3 months free pets others get you 2 months and rares very rares not on my wish list get you 20very rare and 10 for rare

CaveDiamondz ends january/15/11

~Butterfly Bones~ @ Wed Oct 13, 2010 8:46 am


!!!Must read be for you order!!!

1. You may not post on any other site with out permission

2. You can not edit in any way or create an editible version on chibi paint its against both mine and cs rules

3. you may not under any circumstance remove my signature at all

4.Do not clam you made it ( this is my original art not yours )

5.You can not use in contest with out my permission

6. Follow all other rules on cs and mine.( viewtopic.php?f=10&t=30437 ) Must Read!

7.If you dont see one you want please check back later

8.You can not take a pet or items and give a pet for an offer you must give pet (this has happened 2 times!)

10. pleas if you have a problem or you would like to tell us what you think pleas send me a pm

11. no more than 3 orders in one day i do not want to be up all night finishing things and worying about being on time with orders so pleas limite your self

~Butterfly Bones~ @ Wed Oct 13, 2010 8:46 am


[center]pleas pleas pleas do not post the same order more than one time it makes me think that you have more than one sepret order and dont worry i dont forget

1 uncommon for a customized pet
1 uncommon per litter pet
2 uncommon to breed (1 more for each fuzzlet you want)
its free for a adoption pre made by me
(that doesn't include ones others have orders) fuzzlets count as an order
no none grown pets no drawings
i will take items 1 item per order must be wish list item


What design:
Ref (if getting fursona fuzzle):
pet name:

breeding form

about breeding: now some people thik that it cost 3 cs adoptables to breed for 1 babie well it doesnt it only cost 2 it cost 2 for one baby it only cust 2 to breed onces and for each baby you want you add 1 more bet ^_^ and thats how breading works

how many babbies :

to adopt the free pets

ueser name:

pets name:

pets gender:[/center]

~Butterfly Bones~ @ Wed Oct 13, 2010 8:47 am

store mods

star ( Image ) means mod

mods as pay ment will get free pets from all my stores that means free breeding free pets and custom pets
but just because you see this does not mean you will get the job for free pets i need hard working people to
help me run my store im only one person i cant do it all on my own i need some one to help me keep trak of
pets and orders and even make sure others fill out the forms properly. so think befor you ask me to let you
be a mod the mods do not have to worck all day all night but only when the are on cs

bigeyes98 Image

Rain of Terror Image

HardrockerChic Image

member list

~edit~ the meber list is thoes who 5 or more pets or have gifted me wl petsnames in yellow are golden members
members will reseve a badge soon made by me and it will have there fave pets located on it alond with the uesers name and cheat code ~cheat code in progres~ but the cheat code will alow the ueser to get a limited edition pet the codes will be writen down on my computer so that no one can fake an id ore code each one will be different and alow uesers to enter in contest ^_^

bigeyes98 Image

Rain of Terror Image

HardrockerChic Image




267 replies not shown, show all

This species is closed forever and will not open again! If you would like to return your FrillFire for pets in exchange please contact me! I want this species to die out and do not want to see them around anymore. Thanks for all the support you guys have given me in the past, I had fun with these! <3

<FrillFire Adopts>

Thank you so much for the users who featured, liked, and commented on this drawing! C: Without your kindness I would've never taken the time to make this <3

Code: Select all

by ♪ Sparrow ♪

Kittens! 8D

What are FrillFires? wrote:FrillFires are the second original species I made, (Spire Cats being the first). They are catlike creatures with two wing-like frills along their back, and flames. Hence the name, "FrillFire". (I'm so darn original when it comes to species names xD) FrillFires are generally docile creatures, though they also have a mysterious streak in their personalities. They have flame-resistant fur, and they can glide [not fly] with their frills. They usually have dark colored fur with bright, pastel colored flames. A light colored FF with dark flames is called an "Inverse FrillFire" and is very rare. FrillFires are generally solitary creatures, only coming together during the mating season {Spring}. A female and male FF give birth to about three kits. These kits stay with their mother until winter, when they leave their offspring to fend for themselves.

Rules wrote:<1> Follow all CS rules and guidelines.
<2> Do not use a FrillFire that is not your own, claim ownership of the species/designs, or create a FrillFire without permission.
<3> Please use proper grammar at all time on the thread (If English is not your native language, this rule doesn't apply to you. ;3 Just no chatspeak please.)
<4> Please be polite and do not spam the thread.
<5> Do not design your own FrillFire.
<6> These rules can and will be changed at any time if needed.

Available FrillFires wrote:ImageImageImageImageImageImageImage

FAQ wrote:<Oh my goodness, I love your art! Can you please draw me a rainbow wolf dancing on the moon?
<Sorry, but this isn't the place to ask for art requests or commissions. :3 I may open an art shop this summer though, and I would then be happy to draw your dancing wolf.>

<Can I be an artist/mod?>
<Sorry, but I am not in need of any other staff at the moment. ^_^ >

<Will there be a roleplay soon?>
<Yes, but I can't say when.>

<What about guest artists slots?>
<Keep scrolling down; there's a whole guest artist information section below you.>

<I love FrillFires! Can I make fanart? >
<Yes! Fanart is very much appreciated! C: However, please only make art of existing FrillFires and don't create your own designs. You can also make colorless lines for FrillFire members to color in.>

<Will there be customs later on?>
<No, each FrillFire will be unique. However, in the future I may allow users to choose what colors or markings they'd like to see on their FrillFire.>

<The first FrillFire is named Q... does mine have to have a one-letter name as well?>
<Oh, please no! xD Q's name is unique to me, and I would appreciate you not using my one symbol name idea. c: Also, I'd rather not have FrillFires turning into alphabet cats. XD Feel free to think of your own names, I can't wait to see what you come up with!>

<Can you make me a free one? It's Christmas/my birthday/wedding anniversary/World Taco Day/etc>
<Sorry, I won't be giving out freebies. However, if you're a close friend of mine I may offer to make you a free one. (However, don't go pretending to be my friend to get free stuff xD)>

<How many FrillFires can I have?>
<At the time, you can have as many FrillFires as you like! :3 This may change in the future, however.>

<I am a ninja.>
<I'm sure you are. 83 >

Solarizing @ Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:08 am

Guest Artist Slots! =D

Rules and Regulations wrote:1. Do not make more then two FrillFires.
2. You may make yourself ONE custom. Only one custom. This custom cannot be based off of a character you already have, someone else's design, or a copyrighted character.
3. Do not sell FrillFires. This goes for both real and virtual currency.
4. You cannot give out freebies to friends.
5. You are allowed to hold the following contests;

a. A raffle, in which entrants choose a number. Entrants' numbers will be chosen at random using
b. An art contest, in which entrants will draw original art of the FrillFire and/or FrillFire lines. The winner is chosen based on skill or creativity.
c. A character contest, in which entrants create a story, personality, and/or art for the FrillFire.

6. I have the right to decline a user from becoming a guest artist.
7. You must have at least created one Chicken Smoothie Oekaki beforehand.
8. First come, first served.
9. All FrillFires must have

a. A name
b. A gender
c. A number

10. You have one week to create your FrillFires.
11. The end date for the FrillFire adoption should be somewhere between 1-3 weeks.

Guest Artist Slots wrote:1. OPEN

Form wrote:
Code: Select all
[b]I want to be a guest artist![/b]

Solarizing @ Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:38 am

A big thanks goes to everyone who made one of these <3

<Stamps, Banners, & Advertisements> wrote:Free for all to use on CS. Please do not remove the link-back.

Code: Select all

by commie

Code: Select all

by ~RainbowTrout~

Code: Select all

by Larkspur

Code: Select all

by UnluckyRaven13

<Linearts> wrote:Free for all FrillFire owners (not applicants) to use!

by Pure Dragon

rem sleep @ Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:41 am

Marked! :D
Nice adopts by the way! ;)

214 replies not shown, show all

Feerlings (CLOSED)
by LunarFox @ Mon Feb 20, 2012 5:52 am [Reply]


Feerlings are permanently closed. They can be adopted off of my adoptables account on DA.

What are Feerlings?

Feerlings are small, ferret sized creatures with long fluffy tails and feathery antena's. They are very lovable as pets and can be rather dangerous as wild animals due to the toxin in their tail and shoulder spine. They have a wide variety of markings, ranging from simple (as shown above) to very elaborate and their nose,eyes and spine tips will always be the same colour, with the rare exception.
Baby Feerlings are called 'kits' and are born to be about the size of a baby mouse. They are born with very small shoulder and tail spikes that have no toxin in them and their feathery antenna's usually look far to big for their bodies. They grow very quickly to their full size and it only takes about two months.

Feerlings in the wild live in small family groups, similar to wolf packs. The eldest feerling of that family line leads the pack. Rank in these packs is determined by age. The youngest normally help around the burrow while middle aged feerlings are in charge of collecting food for the entire family which can sometimes includes as many as 15 feerlings at one time.
Feerlings live on one of the many islands in the floating mountain feilds in an unnammed world. They are isolated to this island but it is not a problem because all their needs are meet there. They feed mainly on bugs, fruits and small fish and can live in neerly any place that provides shelter for them. From caves to treetops, anywhere can be home.

Feerlings are very friendly and social creature towards one another and can be deadly to other species of animals, including humans though these are non existant where they live. They were originally found by a human male on a planet called Iglacei who claimed to have been given a male and female by a strange girl who then disapeared through some sort of portal. Of cource everyone thought him to be crazy bug feerlings quickly became a beloved pet and his 'insanity' was disreguarded. Since then feerlings have appeared on over 12 worlds, each will tellings of a strange girl that disapeared shortly after. Only recently have feerlings found their way to earth for people to adopt and call their own.

~Rules & Info~

1. Please dont take my, or any of the other artist's, work without permission.
2. Don't steal other peoples Feerlings.
3. You are only aloud to have four.
4. If you get tired of your Feerling please give it back so i can give it to someone else who will love it.
5. Don't complain if you cant get one.

~Customs are allowed. Please pm me (LunarFox) if you are interested in one. If you want one of the other official artists to make you a custom please pm them about it instead.

~In order to adopt a Feerling click on the one you would like and follow the instructions on the post.


I'm thinking of starting a contest to find some more artists / guest artists. It makes more sense to me then just picking random people. What do you guys think?


~Available Feerlings~

1.Feerling #78
2.Feerling #86
3.Feerling #87

Owner's List can be found here: ~



Thank you moonlight_girl for the beautiful stamp~

Code: Select all

~Guest Artist~
The Guest designer spot will open up every week on tuesday.
In order to become a guest artist, post the form below and i will choose one or two guest artists.
Only post the form when it says that the spot is open. If it's sent any other time i will ignore you.
The guest spots are: closed

Why you want this:
Art sample ( Contest entries, personal artwork, work for other adopts, etc.):


~Official Artists~

LunarFox (me)



Roleplay by ○~Discover~○

One baby = one uncommon
Two babies = One rare or two uncommons
Three babies = One store pet or two rares or four uncommons

If you already have your max four feerlings, any extra babies will be adopted out.
You can check for your feerling's little bundles of joy here: ~Babies~


Also make sure to check out:

They have feerling lines~

Wisdom Seekers

*If you would like to be an affiliate then please message me.

Gift lines:

Gift lines A by ○~Discover~○
Gift lines B by ○~Discover~○

Fox! @ Mon Feb 20, 2012 7:17 am

So cute i wish you would do custom that would be great! for now i will try to get the one you made!

skit-o @ Mon Feb 20, 2012 8:31 am

Hey! I tried out for a Feerinling o3o is there by any chance you will be accepting designers and artists? If so please contact me. I absolutely love designing characters, ecspecially unique and fantasized ones like these.

LunarFox @ Mon Feb 20, 2012 8:37 am

im not sure yet. I was thinking about it but i thought id wait until Feerinlings get more popular before i seriously considered getting artists and minimods, ect. But if you have a design you'd like to request i could do it. Theres no garentee you'd get your own design though ^-^'' I kinda want everyone to have a fair shot.

337 replies not shown, show all

23rd Lab Adopts
by Syla Delaney @ Wed Jul 11, 2012 1:13 pm [Reply]

::What is the 23rd Lab?::

The 23rd lab is a secret experimental facility. One completely clandestine in purpose and housing many secrets... Ƀlitz and I happened upon it by accident and have since made it our purpose to help release many of the creatures and creations found within and help them to find a new home, and a new life.

What kinds of Creatures and Creations?

We found many things inside, cyborgs, mutants, creatures that were mixes of many different species... Some of them possessed amazing abilities, some half human, and some even more intelligent than we are. But many dangerous...
It is our hope that in trusting you all with these miraculous creatures, that they will find a new life, and leave the past behind.

Meaning that the pose, the type, the colors, the creature itself, will be completely unique to every other. No two pets given out will be the same.

This Week's Pet[s]

None for now. Life's been busy. Check back soon!

Coming Soon!

None for now...


1. These pets do not leave Chicken Smoothie.
2. Spamming is greatly frowned upon in this forum, though bumping and discussing is welcome with open arms, so long as it is polite and curteous.
3. Theives will be heavily punished.
4. Follow ALL guidelines found in the how to adopt section.
5. No more than 3 wins for any user. We WILL keep track.
6. Currently not doing any customs.*
7. Any outside work featuring any 23rd lab pet must give credit to us.
8. We are allowed to add more rules to this, as well as deny you a pet.
9. Offering CS$ or pets will not gain you anything, and will also count as a broken rule.
10. Once added to the blacklist, you will not be allowed to adopt, and will have to PM discuss with me or Ƀlitz about being removed.
11. We are currently not asking for any new artists or Mods. So please do not ask unless we do.


-Currently Empty-


Syla Delaney

How to Adopt

To adopt the weekly pet, you must show how much you want the pet. Not by giving us your rare and hard-earned CS pets or CS$, but by doing artwork and poems, and stories about the pet you want to adopt.
You can do poem about it, write a story about an adventure together, or how you met, write a letter to it, telling it how you hope you'll be together, maybe a story about its life in the 23rd lab, anything you can come up with!
You must also choose a NAME for the pet, and fill out a quick form at the BARE MINIMUM. Artwork done to win the weekly pet must have a link back to this front page, and credit must go to me and Ƀlitz. Post the link to the artwork on the same post as your form. Poems and stories must be PMed to me and/or Ƀlitz under the subject '23rd Labratory adopts'
posted directly onto the form
Posted onto a different forum and have a link provided in your post.
If you are PMing a poem/story/etc. to me or Blitz, include the fact that you are doing so in the same post as your form.
Each required form will be included on the weekly pet.

You are allowed to edit your form, stories, art throughout the week. But anything not done by the deadline will not be counted.

Those who win weekly pets will have their pet, stories, and form added to a WIP archive of sorts. Owners will be allowed to submit new stories and artwork to this archive as they please. They will also be admitted to a WIP RP for 23rd lab owners only.
(You don't have to join it. But you'll be invited to.)
[[Another 23rd Lab Role Play will be opened for ANYONE who wishes to Join.]]

PM Me if interested. There is no formal method as of yet, but if popular enough, I will have one set in place.
Customs are currently closed until later notice

If you no longer want your 23rd Lab pet, PM me and I will put it back up for adoption.

Syla Delaney @ Wed Jul 11, 2012 1:58 pm

Pets and Owners::

Knife's Edge owned by: Syla Delaney

ALINA owned by: PieFairie-X

Raesen owned by: KlsKlsKlsKls

Echo owned by: Syla Delaney

Leveron owned by: Neforium

Damon owned by: Maestro Bleu

Malo owned by: ♦ HuskieWolf ♦

Ike Shadix owned by: Nikki6Ashba

Mynediad owned by: HandofSorrow31

Rin owned by Amxen no.XV

Luke owned by: AuraLucario

Tesseract owned by: Mistah J

Nero owned by: Padfootlover

Ashtastien owned by: Cairo

Cybil owned by Cacophony

Rykonn owned by: xoKyrana

Beaudouin owned by: BlueNightEagle

Ventus owned by: Blitz

Prometheus owned by: ~ Nix |Ink Weaver ~

Syla Delaney @ Wed Jul 11, 2012 2:00 pm



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Code: Select all

Above two made oh so generously by Nikki6Ashba! THANKYOU!THANKYOU!THANKYOU!


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Code: Select all


Code: Select all

Syla Delaney @ Wed Jul 11, 2012 2:05 pm

Future home of Role Play Links and Pet Archive

The Safe House:: INVITE ONLY
^This one is for owners only. Another Non-Invite will be coming soon.

123 replies not shown, show all

Lux Phoenix Adoptions - Open based on this drawing by Mihochi
by Neforium @ Sun Nov 25, 2012 11:03 am [Reply]

Under new management by Totheark aka Neforium
Orignal Species Belongs to Mihochi

What Exactly is a Lux Phoenix?
Lux Phoenix's are docile creatures that normally nest in the cores of stars. They prefer to live in bright, warm places but if they find good company, they can live almost anywhere. They are unable to withstand extreme chill or darkness so its best to keep a light on for them at night.
These phoenixes are about the size of humans. Their wingspan is twice the size of their body, allowing them to soar to their nests in the heavens with ease. Their is a crook between their shoulders where a human is able to rest comfortably without discomfort to the bird.

These bird are thought to only to relate to fire but this is in fact incorrect. The gods created them to light their way.
They have lived for centuries nad just recently have they exposed themselves to bond with humans. Like mentioned before, they nest in stars and a streak of light across the night sky just might be one of these beautiful creatures.
If a human is luck enough, he or she will find a fallen star.
A fallen star that resembles an egg with a gem in the center

How do i Adopt?
To adopt, simply click on the image of an egg that has the "ADOPT ME" on it.
There you can fill out a form and try to adopt that egg. or you can request a custom!
(details Below)

Neforium @ Sun Nov 25, 2012 11:20 am

Rules for Adopting
-Tess's Rules Apply. if you havent read them, please go do that before trying out for a Phoenix
-Do not Bribe the Artists
-Respect ALL Staff
-If you would not like your Phoenix anymore, please PM the artist so it can go back up for adoption.
-Do not steal the species. They are originally Mihochi's idea
-Do not create non-existant Phoenix's.
- Do not use a Lux Phoenix that belongs to someone else in any way
- Please do not complain, no one likes a complainer, if you have anything to complain about please message me and I will do my best to resolve your query
-Bumps are not necessary but kind words are appreciated. Please don't spam, if you forget to say something edit your post don't post another straight after.
-Take the time to read everything on this post before you ask a question, of course if it's not answered here then please do ask
-Art of your own Lux Phoenix is allowed but please give credit.
-You may take off-site as long as it is directly linked back here

Rules for Artists
-Do not use eye blinding colors too often. some people do not like them.
-When making a new Phoenix, put the egg out for adoption first. Once someone adopts the egg then it must go through the baby stage before finally reaching the adult stage within 5 days. please manage your adopts.
-only make 2 Adopts per day. we dont want to run out of ideas.
-Please only have 4 eggs out for adoption at a time.
-Please be active. if you need to take an absence or need to drop out, please PM me.

Mihochi (original Owner)
Totheark/Neforium (Current Owner)




Neforium @ Sun Nov 25, 2012 11:22 am

Eggs For adoption




Neforium @ Sun Nov 25, 2012 11:25 am

Archive of owned Phoenixes
From the previous Thread:
Dak-Ho - adopted by Nikki6Ashba
Gold, Arima - adopted by StarrySkyCat
Emerald - adopted by Black_Wishes
Shadowfall - adopted by WolfOfNight
Aralia - adopted by Insanity's End
Tesserae - adopted by teddiursa
Sugar, Lelani, Blossom - adopted by me
Zorro, Sinx, Firea, Sierra - adopted by livykitty
Valerian - adopted by Mistah J
Polymia - adopted by Forgotten souls
Silence, Estrella - adopted by Tⓧtheark
Skylar - adopted by kitty00829
Kiba - adopted by ILUVCREATUS
Ariel - adopted by heyyou999
Takoda, Toxic - adopted by ~•MidnightDreamer•~
Amazing Dreams - adopted by awesomehorselover
Cinder - adopted by SunStormGirl
Jewel - adopted by Zone_perfect
Blaze - adopted by Mysty Fox
Asiyah - adopted by *Icetea*
Abraham, Lala, Violet - adopted by f.a.i.t.h.
L.L - adopted by clareiscool28
Shye, Fae - adopted by littlytiny
Starlight - adopted by SakuraStar
Linaly - adopted by RĄVEN
Blitz - adopted by Rani4268

From the Current Thread:

Midnight Ash Owned By ItsAScrubsThang
Tsume owned by DawnSun2
Tatyana owned by Minuette
τέχνη owned by livykitty
Sunset, Sunrise owned By mkairalla1
~~~ owned by ~~~
~~~ Owned By ~~~

30 replies not shown, show all

Little Contest!:

Draw an pup design for an woi and win this woi you designed.

After I choosed an winner, then I will color in these lines with the winner pup!


-WoI rules!
-CS rules!
- free lines allowed, traditional allowed
- Discriptions not allowed!
-copy in any way NOT allowed!
- harassment not allowed clear it on P.m.!
- only people without an Woi could enter
- max. 2 entries
- No Manes!Rayos bloodline was the only ones with manes!I see manes as Markings...


Code: Select all
WoI name:
Design of pup(picture):
3 facts about WoI:


~Willow:Avira (ahv-ra)








leopardstorm:Dubu Kovu


Questions + Answers:

End 1st January

I will draw an mother to the design an this will be adopted out in special way..!

~Nonexistant @ Sat Dec 22, 2012 6:04 am

What is the meaning of this?!
*Strokes WoI pup* Yesss, I do beleive I like the looks of this♥♥

leirah. @ Sat Dec 22, 2012 7:03 am

Aww thats sooo cute I wish i had a woi because now i want to color it x3 i hope i get my own woi soon :3

chargay @ Sat Dec 22, 2012 7:05 am

more woi woi's ;3; the world cant get any better

109 replies not shown, show all

Teirue Adoptables! based on this drawing by Syra
by Syra @ Wed Aug 22, 2012 3:56 pm [Reply]

Welcome to Teirue Adoptables!
Teirue, pronounced [che-ROO], are mystical fox like creatures that can be found mostly
in Northern Scotland, and less commonly through out the rest of the United Kingdoms. Their
ancestors were spirits of the earth that associated with Wiccans, Gypsies, & Celtics. Through
generations they have grown mortal and now live lives as any other mortal creature would though
they are still magic-touched. Their tails sport an orb that contains their spirit and is their last link
to the spirit world. They are born with it at the same size that it will always be. Their orb glows to
provide light, allows them to become insubstantial in emergencies, gifts them with some anti-gravity,
and is thought to also connect them to their spirit fire that they start breathing as children since their
flames always match the color of their orbs. The name of their kind was given to them by some of the
Celtics that they served in olden days originating from one of the words for fire, "Teine" ["Chen-nuh"],
and one of the words for fox, Madra Rue.

Do not claim the species as your own.
You may only have up to three Teirue.
No begging, whining, or ranting, please.
Do not ask for customs. They will only be offered through very special events!
Be sure to read all the rules and requirements for each individual Teirue's adoption as
the contests to get them will differ from Artist to Artist and Teirue to Teirue.
You may only adopt one each week.
If you want to be an artist, PM me some examples of your work, DO NOT post here. Ditto with mods minus the examples.
We are not currently seeking any artists or mods, thank you. ^^

Artists & Mods
Jayflight ~



The Life Cycle of a Teirue
Mouse-Squirrel Sized
Teirue are born of their mothers, usually in litters of 2 or 3, though often enough as single
kits as well. They are born with their eyes closed to the world and with an instinct to clutch to their
own or their mother or father's spirit orb. This allows them to be taken with their parents on "flights"
or for them to hold onto their own to float above any possible predators. When they are this young their
orb will only lift them when they are completely curled around it and will by default take them to a height
of 20 feet, no higher and no lower. The parents can easily jump this height to retrieve their young when
they return from any necessary trips. While babies can not breathe their fire, it can still light withing their
spirit orbs and if their orb senses danger, it will flash to scare the danger away or alert their parents as
a baby Teirue is mute until a few weeks of age.

Squirrel-Cat Sized
Once they reach childhood, Teirue gain much more control over their own powers. It is usually
only during this stage of their life that Teirue can truly fly. At this stage they also learn to start breathing
their fire, though they will never blow more than cool embers for light. Their main defense at this age is
their ability to fly and their new found ability to become intangible for short bursts of time when they feel
threatened. They will still use flashes of their orbs to scare of smaller threats and alert others to danger.
During this age they begin training with their elders in the ways of truly connecting to their spirit orbs.
They also begin to practice more substantial skills such as hunting, gathering, fighting, and healing, though
at this age they only start learning of the healing traits of certain herbs rather than those of their own skill.

Cat-Arctic Fox Sized
Adolescence in Teirue is marked by a ceremony that they attend with their elders, usually just their
parents for this first one, where they consult with the spirits of their ancestors and earn their front bracelets.
These bracelets that have bells attached to them are used for many things; focusing their spirit orb abilities,
manifesting their healing powers, mark them as a threat to rival Teirue, & to start finding a mate. It is at this
time in their life that they grow most, suddenly sprouting long limbs, their tail lengthening and curling, their
earns growing thinner, longer, and less fluffy. They looks quite awkward, but also elegant in some ways. They
continue training with their elders, but also may start to find their life-mate, what we might call a soul mate,
for among the Teirue, mates are predestined from birth. This does not mean that an eager Teirue may not
mistake infatuation for a life-bond. That is often the case among young Teirue, this why they are not allowed
to affirm the bond until they reach adulthood and know for sure. A Teirue may wait years for their life-mate to
come of an age for them to recognize each other, for only as teens will they be able to sense to bond if their
life-mate is already older than them. Their love is bound by their soul, not by their bodies, so while it is not
common, it is not exactly rare for a pair of life-mates to be of the same gender and age rarely matters much
as it is the soul that is important and once they reach adulthood, a Teirue will be fertile for the rest of their
mortal life.

Arctic Fox-Red Fox Sized
Once a Teirue reaches adulthood they again hold ceremony with their ancestor's spirits to earn their
back set of bracelets. Adulthood comes with the last final touches over the control of their powers and marks
their readiness to affirm their love of their life-mate if their life-mate is already an adult. Otherwise, they will
wait patiently for their life-mate to grow old enough for them to affirm their bond and be recognized as whole
together before their whole community. Once life-mates have affirmed their bond, they are free to begin a
family of their own. Due to deaths and such of Teirue, sometimes an Adult will no longer have a life-mate, some
may never have had one, or, even crueler yet, sometimes a Teirue's life-mate will pass on before them. In these
cases it is often seen that Teirue who have no life-mate may find solace in each other's company and become
lost-mates. These couples sometimes almost seem to have fiercer, more loving relations than those who have
life-mates because of their kinship in their hardships. While they develop deep love for one another, they do not
often choose to have a family as any of their offspring will not be spiritually whole. The children of such a coupling
will never have powers as strong as their fellows, often do not have life-mates of their own, and will never be
able to earn their second set of bracelets, if they even get the first, keeping them from adulthood and any chance
of reproduction themselves.

The Physical Traits of Teirue

» Teirue most commonly only have 2-3 fur colors, though they can have up to 4 colors in their fur.
» Teirue fur ranges among all colors, but it is rare to see a Teirue with any pure white fur.
This is because white Teirue fur was treasured by European Hunters and it became dangerous to have it.
There will often enough be off white creams of course, those were not what hunters looked for.
» On an uncommon occasion, a Teirue's tail will never develope it's curl and they will be known as a Straight Tail.
» On very rare occasions, a Teirue may be born with a stubbed tail. These Teirue's spirit orbs seem to almost be
nestled in a bowl of fluff.
» A Teirue's flames will always be the same color as their spirit orbs.
» A Teirue's bracelets are all the same color and while the bell colors don't seem to have any one determining
factor, the circlets themselves most commonly are the same color as the Teirue's eyes.
» When a Teirue is younger, their ears are shorter and fluffier. On rare occasions their ears will not elongate
during adolescence and instead will remain shorter and fluffier for their whole lives.
» Teirue are very, very rarely blind, but when they are, they have no pupils at all.
» On the most rare of occasions, a Teirue will develop a mutation such as horns, spikes, extra long fur, manes,
or such things. A mutation is almost always symbolic of their spirit not being fully Teirue in origin and they will usually
have no life-mate.

Important Links
-Fanclub link will go here
Teirue Nursery
Links to any roleplays will be put here
Gift Lines
By XxBTR WolfxX
By Appletear
By Rakkun
By Rakkun

Lastly if anyone wants to make headers/dividers/whatever to help me pretty up this page, feel free to PM me about it.

kirill @ Thu Aug 23, 2012 2:17 am

Here are the Teirue Archives, where you can see every Teirue ever made.

~Ranita owned by Syra
~Scarf owned by Rakkun
~Unnamed owned by Jayflight ~
~Unnamed owned by TigressJaguar
~Blackberry owned by *Blackberry*
~Starlight Owned by Appletear
~Dingo owned by Lost Memories
~Midus owned by Hypono&Kattna
~Snow owned by Tiger111
~Faolan owned by Mozzie
~Clover owned by Hurricane Fluttershy
Unnamed owned by [url=C A R A M E L[/url]


Syra @ Thu Aug 23, 2012 8:27 am

kat754 wrote:Stalking! <3

EDIT: First post!

I'd love to be an artist. Are you accepting?

Lawl, please read the rules ;)

-wild- @ Thu Aug 23, 2012 10:59 am

Wow! I will be stalking these Syra!

They are beautiful <3

150 replies not shown, show all

Vindex Adopts based on this drawing by King of Crows
by falling city @ Tue Oct 16, 2012 10:48 am [Reply]

Welcome to the Vindex Adoption Page! Here you will find your Vindex match with the help of Diribaş and I and our devoted staff. Below you'll find more information about the wonderful breed and just some basic rules to keep everyone on track.

Let's start off with general rules, and you should read these before adopting or posting.
General Rules wrote:○ Do not post work in progresses. Please just save the draft then post it later when you have it finished to not clog up the page.
○ Respect all staff and do not argue with them over a subject. If have a question, just send me a message and I promise not to bite.
○ You are only able to adopt one Vindex, but you can have an unlimited amount of customs. However, only one of your customs can breed when I decide to start breeding the Vindex.
○ You can only try out for two Vindex at a time. If I find you going out for more you will have to drop out of the last few you had just entered.
○ Do not make deals with the artist for a cheap custom or for a certain Vindex that's up for adoption. You will get a warning or possibly banned while the artist will go onto "probation".
○ Do not steal anyone's Vindex or the design of the Vindex.
○ Do not beg users to sell over their Vindex. If this happens, please message me and we can work something out between the owner and yourself.
○ Do not ask if customs are open. You can check in the "Store" post for an answer.
○ Do not steal anything from the Vindex Adopts, including concept and the design of the Vindex.
○ Please do not complain when you didn't win a certain Vindex or weren't accepted as either an artist, guest artist, or moderator. It gets annoying and acts just like spamming the page.

Now, what exactly is a Vindex? Here you will find a short and sweet explanation to that question.
What is a Vindex? wrote:A Vindex is a canine-like creature with a slender body and long legs. They are well muscled and have a thick coat of fur that can either be wiry or soft, but that mainly depends on the breed of the Vindex. Their long tail holds a small orb in place that they never let go off since that is their connection to their human counterparts. The glow the is released from their left eye allows them to visit their human and see what the human sees to get a better idea of our views. The small antenna-like orbs that are found behind their shoulders and at the base of their tail are used during mating season. Whatever male has the most amount of glow will generally have more females then the male with the duller glow.

What is a Vindex's general behavior? Are the social or solitary?
What is a Vindex's behavior? wrote:A Vindex is very curious and cunning, making them a wrath to be dealt with if you brought one home. You have to be sure to keep and eye on them at all times while the played, which normally means they just want your attention. Out in the wild, they are still very cunning, but their curiosity is low due to they have think they have seen it all. And in nature, a Vindex is a solitary animal that will only come together with other Vindex during breeding season, which happens every 6 months and lasts for around 1 month. After 4-5 months with their mother, Vindex pups will actually leave on their own and more then likely never see each other again. Of course, in captivity it wouldn't be that bad to have two Vindex, if say your relative, friend, and so on owned another that could allow interaction between your's and their's.

There are also different breeds within the species. Each subspecies has its own attributes and affects the rarity of the Vindex. The classifications are listed below.

○ Arctic Vindex - Rare
These are normally found with white or soft colored coats and have a strong glow factor to their orbs to be found if harsh snowfall occurs.

○ Amazon Vindex - Uncommon
These are normally found boasting off bright colors yet have a small glow. Their fur is thin and wiry.

○ African Vindex - Rare
These are normally found with vibrant tribal markings and rich colors. Their fur is generally found to be soft and almost curly at times.

○ Rainforest Vindex - Very Rare
These are normally found with bright coat markings with vibrant coats. Their coats are short and thin yet still have a soft touch.

○ Domestic Vindex - Common
These can be found anywhere in the world and can have a variety of coat coloration and feel.

There are more being found everyday and I will list them after they have been put up for adoption.

Current Staff wrote:So, now to meet our staff that will help you along the road to finding your Vindex. ^^

Numb {Owner}

BlueAura~ {Artist}

Pineanana {Artist}

Treakle {Moderator}

~Freedom~ {Moderator}

Wolvesftw190 {Artist}

We are currently not accepting anymore staff members at the moment.

Banned? Warnings?

None so far, good job guys!

Wanna spread the love? Just post wonderful sticker {created by ~Freedom~} to your signature. c:

Code: Select all

While I look for some more Vindex, why not visit these other amazing adoption centers?:


falling city @ Tue Oct 16, 2012 10:49 am


Vindex who have found match...

Bressi, who is owned by Melek My Angel.
Vlander, who is owned by Wolf_Bringer_1999
Calx, who is owned by Runs With Scissors
Kingston, who is owned by karkat.the.owl
Aphrodite, who is owned by stella wuz here.
Zane, who is owned by Lyncher
Alue, who is owned by DarkShadowTale
Halloween, who is owned by Lyncher
Sirius, who is owned by ~Freedom~
Bluefire, who is owned by Wolvesftw190
Unnamed, who is owned by lovenature100
Anariay, who is owned by Wolf_Bringer_1999

falling city @ Tue Oct 16, 2012 10:51 am

Journey Shop

Welcome to our humble abode! Here is where you can find anything to fix up your Vindex as well as have your Vindex breed with another. So, are you willing to take the chance?

The potion of Krijim

This potion always you to create your own Vindex with the help from our wonderful artists. But you have to have some patience, it takes some time and careful crafting. The form is below, so get to it since the slots are limited! The prices are determined by what each individual artist wants, but for now it is two 2008-2010 rares or four 2008-2010 uncommons.

Code: Select all
Reference Image(s):
Orb Color(s):
Color of Glow:
Hex Codes:
Puppy or Adult Lines:
Anything else your artist should know...?:
Artist you Prefer:

Numb's Slots
1.) | s h a t t e r |
2.) Lyncher

BlueAura~'s Slots

Pineanana's Slots


Don't worry, I'll be finding more sooner or later. Just check back soon!



falling city @ Tue Oct 16, 2012 11:34 am

Now open.

137 replies not shown, show all

by lumpinbanana @ Thu May 10, 2012 6:11 am Attachment(s) [Reply]


ILiveInMyOwnWorld @ Thu May 10, 2012 6:16 am

yeah finaly somehtign where you can adopt a dragon((what i chould find))

Markings:White paws and white around the mouth white star on her forehead
Items:A necklas with a purple crystal and blue crystal
Wings:Blue like the body
Dragon's name:Mononoke

lumpinbanana @ Thu May 10, 2012 8:19 am


. : Milotic : . @ Thu May 10, 2012 8:22 am

Username: froggyluv28
Why should you become a artist: >
• Dragons rule!
• I can do line art edits
• I'm pretty much available all the time to do art
• My designing skills = awesome =3 :lol:
• And I can code & format to help with the organization of things :mrgreen:

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