Site update news

5th April 15

Happy Easter!

We hope you've enjoyed our Easter Event so far! It's now Easter (5th April) on the CS time zone, but the event is not over yet. There are still going to be at least 2 more days of hunting and prizes after this, so you can hunt for eggs on the 6th and 7th too!

On the 8th our hunt will end just in time for Chicken Smoothie's birthday celebrations, as the site is turning 7 years old! After the hunt ends, you will still have a few more days to trade in your tokens, but we recommend doing that as early as possible so you don't make a mistake about our timezone and miss trading things in.

2nd April 15

We hope you enjoyed our April Fool's prank yesterday!
And if you didn't enjoy it, don't worry, it's now the 2nd of April on the CS timezone so we're gonna stop messing with ya ;)

Well, except I don't know if all the pets got the memo, some are still looking a little... off.

Today we've added the new store pets! Chia has made a series of incredible Earth/environment themed deer to celebrate the upcoming Earth Day and remind us all of the importance of looking after our planet. Check them out in the store!

Don't forget to check the Easter page every day for new gifts and prizes!