Viscet #2486 - PFCFS by grifforik

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Viscet #2486 - PFCFS

Postby grifforik » Mon Apr 30, 2018 7:23 am

This is a PFCFS viscet! Meaning it will end at the bottom of page 2, you CANNOT edit your form, and you may not mark. Good luck!!!

Username: xostef202
Name: Plasma
Gender: Female
Gender for breeding purposes: Female
Owned as of: 6/3/18

1. DO NOT EDIT YOUR FORM!!! There is no marking for this one.
2. Fill out the full form.
3. The story you create MUST be written by you, and should be written about this 'cet.
5. Have fun!

Code: Select all
Gender for breeding purposes:
Light Gif: (Needs to have something to do with lights)
Personality: (Small blurb on their personality, needs to be over 200, under 400 words)
Short story: (Tell me a story about this 'cet, something electric that happened to them or something bright they did (something to do with light or lightning), must be over 500 words. No limit after 500.)
Extras: (Up to 2, these will def help you out ;) )

Ear mutation - Round cat

End date:
PFCFS - Ends at the bottom of page 2.
OR 24 hours from now
Last edited by grifforik on Mon Jun 04, 2018 8:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Viscet #2486 - PFCFS

Postby Stitch~ » Mon Apr 30, 2018 4:44 pm

Username: xostef202
Name: Plasma
Gender: Female
Gender for breeding purposes: Female
Light Gif:

Personality: [Word count: 229 words]

Plasma is a spunky young viscet that tends to get into trouble a lot. Many describe her as having a electric personality that lights up the room and grabs everyone attention. She has a way of being able to get almost anyone up on their feet ready to party or to have a good time. Now not only is Plasma known for her contagious energy but also for her never ending energy that can after a time drive others nuts. Even when everyone around her has had enough and is ready to just sit and relax Plasma is still going strong. This is where she has trouble keeping friends as most can not handle her energy level and easily gets annoyed with her over a short period of time. Even though Plasma has a happy go lucky personality she struggles at times to be happy because she wants to have more friends that do not get annoyed with her and eventually stop talking to her. Since she struggles with keeping friends and can feel lonely at times, she likes to make sure she makes everyone laugh. That is why she gets into so much trouble. She is always doing stupid and crazy things to try and get people to laugh even at her own expense. She just wants to make sure that no one ever feels like she does.

Short story: [Word count: 808 words]

Plasma sat on the beach, staring out across the ocean watching the sunset over the water. She took a deep breath in smelling the ocean air and smiled as she heard foot steps walk up behind her. She turned and saw one of her few friends " Hey Nani"

Nani smiled at Plasma her body buzzing with excitement. " You ready Plasma!!" She then covered her mouth and looked around " opps did not mean for that to be so loud." She laughed. " I guess I am just so excited to show you this, I really think you are going to like this a lot. Well I hope you do at least."

Plasma laughed " Nani i think I could like anything about the ocean with your love and excitement for it. Plus I am always ready for any kind of adventure you know that!" She jumped up and shook out her fur of the sand "Ok i am ready, so where are we going and what in the world do you have to show me today in the dark of the night.

Nani gave Plasma a sly grin " Well for now we are going to sit right here and wait for the sun to go down fully and then we will be able to see the true secret beauty of the ocean."

Time passed and two hours later the sun was fully set the the secret of the ocean came out.

Nani looked at Plasma " Ok now I want you to go into the water and just swim around and you will see what I want to show you."

Plasma looked at Nani with a confused expression. "Um..... Okay Nani if you say so but I do not understand what I am going to see in the dark swimming in the water." She walked over to the water and looked at it with doubt. She lightly touched it with her tail tip. The second she did the area exploded with blue bio luminescent light. Plasma gasped and looked back at Nani, who only grinned and nodded at her. Plasma squealed and ran into the water splashing her way through causing bright flashes of blue to appear everywhere she disturbed the water. Plasma laughed, she could not believe what she was seeing. What was causing this beautiful light to appear every time she moved the water. She looked at Nani with wonder in her eyes and pure joy in her heart. "Nani What is this? How is this even possible? How do others not know about this it is amazing and may be the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my life!"

Nani simply calmly smiled at Plasma. "Well in the ocean their are creatures that exsist that have the ability to produce their own light and use it for themselves, These creatures are just a few that can do this. So every time the water gets disturbed or a wave goes through the creatures bio luminescence will light up a bright blue. There is still a lot of questions as to why they do this but either way it is beautiful. Now as to why no one knows about this is because many only see the beauty of the ocean while the sun is out. Many think that once the light of the sun is gone so is the beauty of the ocean, However this is not true as you have now seen,"

Plasma just looked around her in awe and joy but then a realization hit her. " wait you said that their is more than one creature in the water that can light up like this?!"

Nani nodded "Just take a look under the waters surface. You will find that their are many creatures that have the ability to become light when the sun goes down while others are always creating their own light beneath the surface of the water where the sun never shines and the water is always cold. They find a way to bring the light to them,"

Plasma could not believe what she had found with the help of her friend " Thank you Nani for showing this to me and purchase maybe soon you can show me these other creatures below the surface that are able to create their own light."

Nani laughed "Of course Plasma I would love to show you, any time I can get another to love the ocean a little bit more and for them to learn a bit more always makes me happy,"

With that Plasma laughed and splashed Nani " Come on and swim with me this is great" So the two friends enjoyed the night in the beautiful waters of the ocean surrounded by the beautiful blue light coming from the waters around them as they swam together.

Written Extra:

Few Weeks later....

As promised a few weeks later Nani took Plasma out onto her boat to go explore the ocean at night to experience the ocean lighting up.Plasma could not believe what Nani showed her in just that one night. She never knew that so many creatures had the ability to create their own light and that it would be so beautiful. She felt a bit jealous of these creatures and their ability to create their own light. She wished that she could be able to do that at night just like they could. Nani helped Plasma discover many different creatures that she either had not know existed or had not known that they could create their own light. Nani showed her creatures like plants, algae and fungus that had the ability to glow a range of blues and greens lighting up underwater. But she also showed plasma animals like sea horses, octopus and jelly fish. As they dove deeper into the water to where the sun never shines Nani showed Plasma some terrifying and beautiful creatures that adapted to the darkness. They watched creatures like the angler fish, the comb jelly and Squid. Once back to the surface safely onto Nanis boat for once Plasma was speechless and still. she had no words or actions for what she saw and had now found a new love and passion that she could not wait to explore more.

Nani Is my viscet- Original page here - Info on Nani found here
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Re: Viscet #2486 - PFCFS

Postby mellow yellow. » Tue May 01, 2018 6:34 am


Sweet and Salty

Raijuu Raiu


Gender for breeding purposes:

Personality: (240 words)
When Raijuu says something, good or bad, he means it. He’s always been honest, overwhelmingly so, and it has gotten him in trouble. Not that he cares. He always shrugged off that kind of thing. When he’s not being honest, though, he’s being overly blunt and quite harsh. He’ll speak his mind whether other people may be hurt or offended by it or not.

When you ask about him, others will say he’s rude, offensive, maybe even annoying, but it’s not his fault he grew up to feel this way. When he was a kid, he was forced to feel certain ways about many things by his parents, and was punished if he ever said anything about feeling another way. And as such, he’s been molded to be a pretty close copy of his parents.

He hates pretty much all of viscetkind. He avoids everyone he can like they’re the plague. When he does have to interact with them, he responds in one-word sentences, sometimes two or three, and leaves as soon as they are done. He tries to avoid crowded places so that he had a 90% chance of not interacting with anyone.

The only thing he’s ever loved and been able to get away with having an opinion on his music. He loves electronica, dubstep, trap, and certain alternative bands. When he listens to music, he’s overtaken with a sense of calmness that he doesn’t get anywhere else.

Short story: (1007 Words)

“Do I have to?...Fine. Only once though.” The purple viscet cleared his throat and turned to the camera filming him for a film contest. “It started when I left my parents’ home...”

The sky was gray with clouds that had begun to move in during the dawn. He was hoping his move-out day would be sunny, but Raijuu had been mistaken. He threw everything important in the bag he wore on his bag; his laptop, iPod, a set of earbuds, a set of headphones, and a couple books on computer maintenance and building. He left the front door, not even bothering to say goodbye to his parents; they wouldn’t have cared anyway. He grabbed one of the umbrellas that rested in a small bin outside the door and popped it open, holding it over his head as he walked away from the brick walls that enclosed what he had been living in for eighteen years. He wouldn’t dare call it home. It was too painful to call it such a thing.

As he walked through the streets, the rain picked up in intensity. It only took five minutes for the rain to turn into a full-blown thunderstorm. Despite this, he walked calmly into town. A few months before he left, he had found a job at a computer maintenance and repair shop. He had wanted to do that kind of thing for many years, but his mother and father never let him do anything he had ever wanted. Now that he was away, though, he could do whatever he wanted. Whenever he wanted. However he wanted.

As he entered the small shop, he closed the umbrella and set it in a bin that sat just inside the door. He asked for the viscet at the front desk for a manager before taking a look around the shop. The main color was black, with purple lights and, every once in a while, a white light would be shining under a laptop or phone to bring it more attention. The store took on an L shape and in the center was a large phone shaped display. The floor of the shop was linoleum and looked like a keyboard. Soon, the manager stepped out and walked over to the viscet.

“Hello,” He started, “you needed to see me?” Raijuu nodded and turned to him fully.

“Yes. I came for the job opening. I put in a resume a few months ago and got accepted last week.” It took a lot of effort for him to respond with such a long sentence, but it seemed to make the manager slightly happy, as the manager smiled and lead him to the backroom.

“I saw you wanted the open maintenance slot. We don’t have very many people there, so we needed your right away. Let’s get you started.”

The manager opened the door behind the counter and led him into a relatively large room filled with desks and computer parts. All of them were labeled and put in specific boxes and bins so that everyone knew where they were. It made him a little bit more happy about getting the job, though he didn’t let it show.

“I hope it’s okay that we have you start today. We have a good few computers that need fixing and we only have two other people that work in this department.”
Raijuu only nodded and moved towards one of them, picking up the report attached to it and got to work.

He didn’t notice how much time went by while he worked. When he did something like this, it often brought him into “the zone.” You know the kind. The one where you can’t take your attention off of it no matter what you do until it’s done. He had managed to get multiple hours of overtime thanks to his work, and managed to have stayed awake until after dawn the next day. When he was done, he set the computer in a cubby on the “COMPLETE” side of the room and walked out. The thunderstorm was still raging outside, be he left despite the possible danger. He was so tired that he didn’t even remember his umbrella.

As he walked through the streets, he began to grow more tired, the hours of work and sleep deprivation suddenly flowing over him. Before he could do anything about it, though, a deafening rumbling sound blasted into his ears as lightning hit his body and filled him with seemingly never-ending pain. By the time it was over, he was on the ground, spasming and crying beneath his breath.

He woke up in the hospital. Someone had seen him get struck and called the police, who rushed him to the hospital. The doctors said that he shouldn’t have survived that amount of electricity and superheated plasma hitting him all at once. They even claimed that he had been dead for ten whole minutes before he had gotten there. Something was off about him, though. He could feel it.
It took him a week to be discharged from the hospital, and he instantly felt something odd rush through him. He couldn’t pin what it was, but he knew something was different about him now. Nevertheless, he plugged his headphones into his ears and turned on his music.

And that’s when he saw it.

Lights began dancing before his eyes, matching the beat of his songs. Beautiful creations he’d never seen before. Each light was a different color, and seemed to match itself to a pitch, moving across his sight as it changed. He didn’t know what was happening, but, in all honesty, he wasn’t complaining. He had always seen the world in grays, not just because that’s how his old house looked, but because his personality refused to let him be colorful. Now, though, he began to see the bright, beautiful colors everyone around him saw. Of course, it wouldn’t change much about him immediately, but he did have something beautiful to look forward to every day from now on.

Howdy! I'm mellow yellow., but yall can call me mellow if ya want. I'm finally returning to chicken smoothie and I couldn't be better!


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Re: Viscet #2486 - PFCFS

Postby Macyduke » Tue May 01, 2018 7:24 am

Username: Macyduke
Name: Kennady
Gender: Female
Gender for breeding purposes: Female
Light Gif: Image
Personality: (Small blurb on their personality, needs to be over 200, under 400 words) Kennady is at her core, a golden girl who wants nothing more than to make lasting friendships and deep connections-despite the fact that she surrounds herself with shallow relationships that will only last a year or two. Although this saddens her, she sees their relationship as more of an experience than one with any kind of deeper meaning, and has made her peace with the fact that they won't be in her life forever. It's because of this that she doesn't see a problem with being selfish at times or the majority of the time- as being a giver is tiring and only makes her feel worse when the time comes. Much to her dismay, she ends up putting more into any relationship, even the short lived ones, then others would see as healthy, as she can get deeply depressed when the friendship ends. This however does not stop her from trying again, it may not be for a while, but Kennady would rather have her heart broken again and again then cut herself off and seek unhappiness like her brother. She longs for both a suburban life with a mate and kids as well as an adventurous one filled with travel and a life that is at times on the road-but in seeking either knows that she has to leave the comfort and possessive clutches of her family. She's well aware of the heart break that is to fallow by leaving home and plans on making her move soon, as staying any longer will only make it harder to pull the trigger, as dragging out her stay will only cause the loss her parents feel to lengthen as they are continuously, and rather pathetically trying to get her to stay.
Short story: (Tell me a story about this 'cet, something electric that happened to them or something bright they did (something to do with light or lightning), must be over 500 words. No limit after 500.)
Kennady is around seven in this story:
Kennady flicked lights on and off again one by one as she walked through the house, stopping once she came to her brother's room. She hesitated for a moment, she'd been calling for him all throughout the house to no avail and wondered if he was really in there ignoring her. She could see why he wouldn't answer her, him being as mad as he was about having to babysit while their parents worked overtime this weekend, but he wouldn't just leave her-well he would but he didn't have anywhere to go. Cautiously bringing her paw up to the door nob, she opened it only to find the room vacant. She frowned, unimpressed with the state he left his things in, thrown around and abandoned. "Floyd?" She asked the room. Closing the door again, she walked slowly back down the hall, pondering just where he could be. He didn't have any friends-well not that she knew of. Maybe he was down by the lake? She wasn't sure what he'd be doing there though. Then again it was as good of a guess as any was.
"Floyd?" She called down the hall. It was a shame really, being that she wasn't allowed to use the stove without some kind of supervision and needed him to be there to make sure she didn't burn the house down while making brownies or something-but she was going to do it anyways. He'd get in more trouble for abandoning her than she would for using the stove in any sense so she didn't see the harm in it. Then again, he and their parents had been fighting a lot recently, and as nice as it was to be the golden child when they fought, maybe they needed a break. Yes, a break. She decided. She wouldn't rat out Floyd for not watching her-but brownies were also a good break so she'd make them and tell them Floyd did all the oven stuff so that they wouldn't get mad at him. They'd be mad that he left once the brownies were done but they didn't have to know he wasn't there the whole time. Smiling to herself, she trotted down the stairs and into the kitchen where she'd already mixed the batter. It was a little chunky and not at all like her dad mixed it but maybe the oven smoothed some of those lumps out. Dumping the lumpy batter into a large fry pan, Kennady carefully pushed the overfilled square into the oven and started it. Assuming it would be done in twenty to thirty minuets, she made a mental note to check on it after one of the few shows they got on their tv finished. Before she could plop herself down on the couch the familiar dark pink coat of her older brother outside the window caught her eye. She tilted her head curiously before wandering up to the window to get a better look at him. To her surprise he was just standing there, on the other side of their fence, leaning against it, and looking up. She wondered what he could be staring at. In the distance the clouds seemed dark and scary, but maybe there was a plane or something she couldn't see due to the porch roof blocking her view.
"Hey Floyd!" She called out the door. When he didn't respond she headed out to him, her eyes scanning the sky for the plane he was looking for. "What'cha doing?" She asked. He flinched slightly, obviously irritated with her.
"Nothing." He said rather coldly. She see how angry he was by the way he looked over his shoulder at her, but for as much anger as was harbored there, he seemed defeated.
"Is something wrong?" She asked, a slight breeze tugging at her mane. She took a step back, her eyes on his rising fur. He dug his claws into the rotting wood of their white picket fence for a moment, softened his grip, and flattened out his fur.
"Did you want something?" He said after a moment of silence. Kennady tilted her head at his answer, unsure of whether to push him. She wasn't afraid to push him, but not without her parents within close proximity.
"Then go back inside." He said turning his attention back to the sky. Like a good sister, Kennady did as he asked her to but stopped in the door way, remembering something.
"The Marry Show is on. Do you want to watch it with me?" she asked, holding on to the door handle. He shrugged his shoulders in response.
"The storm is about to start so maybe later."
Kennady glanced up at the sky. It looked like there was going to be one but wasn't sure it would start pouring anytime soon. Maybe half an hour or so? Twenty minuets? She could be wrong but- wait she had brownies. "Ok but when you do, there are brownies in the oven!" She called before closing the door. Plopping down on the couch, Kennady hit the power button on the tv and started flipping though channels in search for 'Are you the father drama'. Before she could find it however, the front door opened, snapping her attention back to it. In flew Floyd, his demeanor a lot like it was outside but with a touch more panic in it. Within seconds of opening the door, he disappeared into the kitchen. Kennady's tiny ears perked as she listened to the sound of the oven opening and what sounded like could be curses under someone's breath.
"Why the hell are you using a frying pan?" He yelled.
"I couldn't reach pans."
"Of coarse you couldn't." He cursed. "Well if I dump it dad's going to be mad." He groaned, cursing a few more times for good measure. "Alright well, you better get in here and help me so that you know how to do this right next time."
"I don't want to." She answered.
"Dang it Ken, get in here." His tone switched from frustrated to enraged in an instant, and to keep from making things worse Kennady ran in to help. Upon entering she found the oven off, a large splatter of batter on the floor, and Floyd scrapping the batter out of the frying pan and back into the mixing bowl. "First thing's first. You grab a stool and get the medium sized flat pan out of the top cupboard. Get all the indigence, and mix them together in a mixing bowl like the instructions say to-err in order."
"I can't reach the top cupboard on the stool."
"The get a chair- and clean up that spill while I'm explaining this." His face twisted into a focus face as he mixed the lumps out of the batter. "Then you mix all the lumps out till it's smooth, spray the pan with butter spray or some nonstick or something and get an adult-heck even the neighbor to turn on the oven and keep an eye on it with you." Kennady grabbed a rag and wiped up the split batter in the oven and on the floor the best she could as he talked. "See how are the lumps are gone?" He asked showing her the pan. When she nodded he continued, to wrapped up in his lecture to notice the heavy rain which began to fall against. "After which you dump it into the pan, scrape out the bowl, and get the neighbor." He said pushing a few buttons on the oven, only after which did he notice what was happening outside. "And.." He trailed off.. "We should probably do this later." He said absentmindedly as he shut off the oven.
"What why?" Kennady asked, fallowing his gaze to the window. "No don't be weird with the weather now. We've got brownies to make!"
"It's not good to be around electrical items in a storm cause they could explode and the shrapnel would kill you." Floyd explained, putting the batter in the fridge.
"Nu aw!" She wined, almost positive he was making it up.
"If you don't believe me ask dad when he gets home." Floyd said heading back to the door. "In the mean time why don't you just sit down and watch some tv."
"You're lying! Cause if the oven would explode then so would the Tv!" Kennady exclaimed.
"Why do you think I told you to watch it?" Floyd countered, well aware he'd been caught in a lie.
"Cause you don't-Hey that's mean!" Her surprised barks drowned out by Floyd's chuckle.
"Grab a blanket and come watch the lightning with me ya big dumb dumb."
"You're the dummy!" Kennady snapped. "Cause I'm not the one going out there to get electrocuted."
"Don't worry I'll protect you from the big bad lightning." Floyd teased. Although upset with him for calling her dumb, she didn't necessarily want to pass up a chance to do something with him, especially since he was in a good mood for once.
"Alright but I'm not dumb!" She griped, stamping her feet with annoyance slightly as she grabbed a blanket and headed off to join him.
It wasn't long before the lightning started and the two huddled up together under the blanket to shield themselves from the wind which started to pick up speed thanks to the storm. They didn't talk much during that time, but is still
"There are two stars in the sky, and they're both planes."

Really though, just *Incoherent screaming*
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Re: Viscet #2486 - PFCFS

Postby padaleckii » Tue May 01, 2018 8:14 am

    Username;; ~Prophecy~
    (trying out for The-Azure-Turtle who doesn't have CS)
    Name;; Lightning
    Gender;; Male
    Gender for breeding purposes;; Male
    Light Gif;;

    Lightning is exactly as if his name suggests: very quick and fast on his feet. He is like that because, well, he has to be. He is a busy viscet, always coming and going unexpectedly because of his tight schedule. He is rarely in the same place for long, as he is constantly rushing around and going places. Lightning is loud and always make himself shown with a grand arrival, but somehow always leaves swiftly and silently, for you wouldn't know he is leaving until he has already left. Lightning is rude in the fact that he doesn’t let others speak; he always butts in and cuts them off or tells them he isn’t interesting in the topic they are speaking of while they are in the middle of a sentence. He is a graphic designer for companies and mainly designs logos and designs for advertisements and promotions, such a billboards and magazines. He runs around meeting to meeting and always over does himself. He is very popular and makes some of the best designs in his job, but those designs come only after long sleepless nights and hard, busy days of sifting through pages on information and going multiple places in one day for inspiration on clever and interesting, eye catching designs. Nevertheless, he perseveres through his job, because in the end he is happy and overall satisfied with what he does; he wouldn’t change a thing! He would rather have a schedule that is filled with things to do and places to go to than to have nothing to do. And besides, he kinda likes the popularity he has among businesses.

    Short story;;
    A single light flickered in the room where Lightning lay, it light up in the corner of the room, but also in his weak eyes.
    On, off, on, off.
    Where... where am I? Lightning thought as he opened his eyes further, making his pupils readjust to the new intake of light, or lack of considering the room was completely dark except for a single light which illuminated the room with its dying yellow glow.
    On, off, on, off.
    Wh-what happened? He couldn’t move- strapped to a bed, in clothes that weren’t his own, in a place he wasn’t familiar with. He picked his head a few inches of a crunchy, cheap white pillow and tried to look around.
    A... a hospital? Why am I in a hospital? Lightning was unsure of his whereabouts.
    On, off, on, off.
    The light was beginning to annoy him.
    Just die already... or something... Lightning harshly stared at the light as if it would do something. He didn’t break stare until it finally stopped glowing- a three minute silence in his mind filled with nothing at all, barely any new thoughts other than “stop glowing, stop glowing.” He laid his head back on the pillow with satisfaction, now that there was peace he wanted answers.
    On, off, on, off.
    The light started back up again. Ugh. He closed his eyes in defeat. Why am I in a hospital? What happened to me? Lightning tapped his paw on the bedsheets. Why am I being contained like this? Am I dangerous. He wasn’t. Well, kind of. He was hit by a bus that had just started to move. He had not looked both ways when crossing a street. He was on his way to a meet a potential client who was in need of a design for their new company redesign. He was their first choice and didn’t want to let them down, but was already running late and therefore became less careful and more in a rush. He was slightly conscious after being hit and violently fought back when people rushed to help- he just wanted to get to the meeting. After passing out he was taken to the hospital and restrained- they weren’t sure how violent he would be when he woke up. That was around three o’clock, its night now. Everything is dark. He was checked while unconscious and will be greeted by nurses when he wakes up. No one will come to visit him.
    On, off, on, off.
    Lightning growled at the light in a threatening way. Fed up with the annoying light and also realizing he missed the meeting, he pounded his paws on the bed in frustration. His paw hit something hard and he began to be pushed upwards as the bed began to sit up. He sat, unamused at the action, but figured it would be at least somewhat helpful to have a remote for the bed. He looked at the buttons, it was hard to read though. It was so dark in the room, but the blinking light wouldn’t let his eyes fully adjust to anything, so he couldn’t see well in this dark.
    On, off, on, off.
    He had an idea. The clock read 12:37, so the light would be on either until it died or until someone came. No one would come until morning. He found the emergency button on the remote, and with a pleased smirk on his face, he pushed it, then sat still on his bed with a slight grin, just looking at the door.
    On, off, on, off.
    It wasn’t a very long wait. Nurses and a doctor from the 24/7 care part of the hospital rushed to his room to help. Lightning could hear their footsteps as a few viscets ran down the hallway, a squeaky cart wheel could be heard as a cart was pushed with them. A nurse pushed open the door to his solitary room. It was unusual they gave a patient like this such a nice room, but they really didn’t have anywhere to put him. The light was dark in that sudden moment, and as it flickered on again the yellow light shined on half his face revealing him staring back at them with a smile and crossed paws. The nurses stood stunned in confusion for a couple seconds, but before they could advance he spoke.
    “No treatment is necessary as of right now... I think... but please fix that awful light!” He demanded with a finger pointed at the flickering light.
    “Oh. He’s awake now I guess.” One of the nurses whispered with annoyance; the others just sighed and shook their heads as the few went back to their other patients. The one nurse went ahead into the room to turn off the single light.
    On, off, on, off, on, off.

    Extra One;;
    Extra Two;;

      a hound chased a rabbit, but gave up after a long run.
      a shepherd who watched came up to the hound and said,
      "the rabbit is the better runner." the hound replied,
      "i only ran for dinner.
      he ran for his life."

      my: viscet storage » orb cat storage » deviantart »

      also formerly known as ~prophecy~ & elysiium but i've
      been here nine years so don't blame me for changing it.

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Re: Viscet #2486 - PFCFS

Postby grifforik » Tue May 01, 2018 11:27 am

Closed to judge.
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Re: Viscet #2486 - PFCFS

Postby Gadgetrocks » Tue May 01, 2018 5:25 pm

Awww, missed it! Love the design, those little ears :)

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Re: Viscet #2486 - PFCFS

Postby ~Teya~ » Fri May 04, 2018 6:16 pm

Aww, such a pretty bab :)
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Re: Viscet #2486 - PFCFS

Postby grifforik » Mon Jun 04, 2018 8:28 am

Alrighty guys, sorry for the wait! Lots going on and I'm trying to help clear out the nursery as fast as possible so we're not so overwhelmed now that I have more time :)

Anywho, I'd like to give HMs to Sweet and Salty and Macyduke! Your forms were awesome :)

And the winner is xostef202! I really loved your form and the story and the gif was mesmerizing too XD

Super congrats to the winners!
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Re: Viscet #2486 - PFCFS

Postby Stitch~ » Mon Jun 04, 2018 8:55 am

Thanks so much Grifforik!! And good job everyone else I wasn't sure who was going to win this comp.
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