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Re: EVENT LOC Adopts

Postby Hobbit Geek » Thu Dec 03, 2015 4:28 pm

Cub Applying For: LOC #07

-Art above by Charboo


Username: Hobbit Geek
Name: Styx

- A river from the under world
Gender: Female



The feeling of flying if only for a few
moments! She loves gliding, it makes
her feel free.

She enjoys their beauty more than
anything, spending hours just gazing
at them.

In the days of war and bloodshed she
was trained for battle, she enjoys
this even if its not her fighting.
    The heat
She hates the heat, she'd do anything
to escape it. The burning heat
sensation reminds her too much of
the Lake of Eternity.

    Stubborn lions
She cannot stand stubborn lions,
they infuriate her more than

    Lake of Eternity
The lake scares her, its fiery waters
are something she never wants
to feel again.




    The day she died:
She was born in a time of war, chaos and bloodshed, but to her this was normal. However some believed in peace and having a leader, these lions were called the traditionalists. The group she was born into were a group of rogues who rampaged leaving nothing but bloodshed and death in their wake. They survived in this time of war the only way they knew how, and they loved it.

She was trained since a young age to follow this way of living, she grew dedicated to her training. Nothing would stop her from being the best fighter she could be, she made sure of that. Each day she’d train hard, excelling well over the years. When it was time for her to join the actual fights she grew nervous, only hoping she’d do well. She stood with her group, head held high and loyalty flowing through her. Nothing would stop her from fighting for her loved ones. They were fighting the traditionalists, a group which believed in order and having a leader.

The battle was long but in the end the traditionalist ran, Styx and her group chased them. Not willing to give up with any lion alive, they wanted to finish what they started. Once they reached a lake however, the lions seemed to vanish. There was no trace of them, no tracks, scents, anything. Confused they stood there in anger, mad at themselves for letting them escape. But within moments they appeared, even more lions standing with them. The group hissed with fury, realizing this was a trap.

They told the rogue group that if they jumped into the water and swam back to shore they’d let them live, the rogues scoffed at such an easy challenge. Styx watched as the first of her group leaped into the water, expecting to splash into the cool waters only to swim to shore. Except that was not their fate, instead they were burned and swallowed up by the water. The rogue group stood in shock for a few moments, disbelief and for the first time fear could be seen on Styx’s face.

They begged for mercy, pleading for their lives. Surely this group who believed in order and not in violence would show kindness, right? Wrong. They were each thrown into the fiery waters, not one was spared. Styx watched in disbelief, how could such a group who believed in peace do such a merciless thing? Anger rose inside her along with the fear as she was next. She silently swore revenge on all of them, for the wrong they did. As she was cast into the waters she, feeling the burning of the water more powerful than her own hatred that grew inside her. The she was at peace, somewhere calm and quiet away from pain and anger.




Element: Electricity + Air

-Art above by ȶigressa

She loves the uncontrollable
power, even if it frightens
her at times. This element
gives her hope of
succeeding in her quest for
revenge, it's one of the few
things she holds dear.

    Deaths strike;
The ability to cause lightning to
strike unpredictably, frying
enemies and causing death
withing moments. This
uses up quite a bit of

    Lightning rod;
The ability to send currents of
electricity through objects with
a single touch,cannot work
with certain materials such as
rubber. Can fry an enemy with
one motion.
This calmer element is helpful
however is less liked compared
to the electricity element.
She'd prefer more fighting
abilities with this element.

    Force of nature;
The ability to gather tremendous
gusts of winds, not deadly unless
one is hit with enough force.

    Forest breeze;
The ability to gather a small
amount of wind, often used to
glide when jumping longer
distances or cooling oneself down.

The ability to create or clear fog or
smoke, often used to blind attackers.



Alastor - Adoptive father
Alastor is an amazing father figure to
her, he’s understanding, sweet, loving
and just about as unfriendly as she
is. He was the first lion to see her
when she washed up on the shore,
and tells her that he felt an instant
connection with her. He reminds her
of her father from the days of war
and bloodshed, even if he is less

Amoris - Friend
Styx remembers Amoris from the old
days, they were friends. Due to this
Styx has let Amoris into her life.

Azarius - Acquaintance
Styx dislikes this male completely
she cannot stand his how stubborn
he is thus often avoids him.






    The day of their birth (from their point of view):

Today was unlike any other, well except for one; the day the first lion came out from the Lake of Eternity. The lake splashed its waters against the shore, storms rolled in with high powered wends which seemed light it’d pull any lion along with it. Waves of burning water crashed against the beach, smashing down towards anyone who dare stand too close. Panic filled all who watched, screams filled the air as many fled for their lives. The water turned mucky, dark and grey before spitting out cubs… And that’s where she came from.

She was thrown upon the shore by the waves, frail and unmoving like the other six before her. A large red male by the name of Alastor found her, picking her up he took her to the caves with the others and sat her down beside the other cubs. Each cub’s small body lay on the hard rock, each one dead. The lions sat there, staring at the eight cubs unsure of what to do. An orb of white light arose from the lake, letting out pulses in which caught the lion’s attention. They watched as it released a shock wave in which effected the cubs, each one becoming… Alive. They opened their eyes, as bright and white as the orb itself.

A loud boom was the first thing Styx heard as she gasped for breath, coughing up water as she struggled to breathe. Fear gripped her as she realized she couldn’t see, her vision blinded by a bright white light. She began to arise, not knowing the force behind it she tried to struggle, but finding her muscles weak she was left to its will. She stayed hovering in midair for a few moments, with only the sense of fear and confusion. As she began to feel the ground beneath her paws a feeling of relief flowed over her.

Her limbs couldn’t support her just yet, as she tried to stand they wobbled and she collapsed. Glancing around her she noticed the seven other cubs in similar states as herself, faint memories flashed through her mind of her old life and her training with the other cubs. She shook her head, confused as to what was going on. She glanced towards the adult lions surrounding them, watching them with a feeling of fear.

Once the cubs had time to gain strength the alpha came to ask questions, however Styx didn’t know most of the answers to what he wanted to know. That is except for two, her name and what memories she had. More memories had come back to her since she awoke, each one bringing her fury, confusion, hatred and more. She explained herself, but as she grew angrier her eyes and the darkest stripe on her pelt began to glow, tiny specks of lighting flew out of her eyes as she described what had happened to her and those she loved.

Who did this? Where are they? She wondered silently as she finished her story, closing her eyes tight as tears escaped her eyes. She knew as soon as she found them, those traditionalists, they would regret the day they messed with her and her family.




      The Bad;
Having a passionate,
quick-tempered nature.

Uncompromisingly forthright.

Showing or having
an insenseitive and cruel
disregard for others.

Ready or Likely to attack
or confront; characterized
by or resulting from

Pursuing one's aims and
interests forcefully.

Prevent someone/something
from doing something;
keep under control or
within limits.
      The Good;
Giving or showing firm and
constant support or allegiance
to a person or institution.

Devote time, effort, oneself
to a particular task or

Causing lighthearted laughter
and amusement.

Exercising a compelling charm
that inspires devotion in

Having or showing sensitive

Having or displaying a
friendly or pleasant manner.
At first glance Styx is perceived as a sweet, kind natured, harmless little girl, in truth she is in fact the complete opposite of that. Don’t be fooled by the way she is able to make others laugh almost effortlessly and her charismatic charms, she is a short-tempered girl who you would not like to anger. She’s extremely blunt, sometimes without realizing it. Saying just about everything that comes to mind without a second thought. She is callous to all but the few who she cares about, showing them mistrust and fury. It is no secret she cares very little for most everyone but a select few. Aggressiveness could be good or bad, depending on how it’s focused. She’s ready or likely to attack or confront others, showing aggression most when angered or agitated. However pursuing her interests with a forceful nature means she’s not likely to give up once she’s set her mind on something. She’s restrained herself, especially when it comes to her anger towards the pride members. Due to patience and deciding to wait until she knows for sure what she wants to do, she has restrained herself when it comes to such matters. Loyal to the bone Styx would die for those who have gained her loyalty, never once doubting them or their intentions unless given a reason to. The most dedicated cub you’ll likely meet, Styx puts all her effort into everything she does. She’s a perceptive little girl, looking at every detail in everything from emotions to the tiniest details most don’t notice. Now although she’s amiable, most of the time it’s an act. Don’t be fooled by her honeyed words and sweet smile, most of the time she’s only friendly towards her loved ones.





-Art above by whisky

Styx's allegiance is currently with no one besides those she cares about. Her main focus is revenge on those who wronged her and her family. However she has considered joining the rebellion, they would bring about a time like the one she once lived in and thus she hopes to have her old life. However for now she has decided to let the pride members believe she stands with them. She is currently seeking out members of the rebellion, as her decision to join grows more and more likely to happen.

    Art credit;
All art by me unless stated otherwise.
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Re: EVENT LOC Adopts

Postby Squirrelspirit » Thu Dec 03, 2015 4:28 pm

Cub Applying For:
Light & Darkness
When using her powers, 90% of the time she uses them together to create distractions and illusions. Her illusions are mostly vague lion-shapes that are dark purple and gold in color. This illusions are constantly shifting and sometimes appear very mutated depending on how scared Marella is. The more appendages it has the more frightened she is.

Shadows- Just like other lions who have dark powers, Marella can create multiple shadows that she uses mainly to hide. Given how inexperienced she is, that is currently her only use for them.

Dark sphere- Marella can create projectile dark spheres that she throws at an offender to temporarily obscure their vision. When used on someone that is sleeping, it can sometimes seep into their dreams and turn it into a nightmare.

- Using her antenna Marella can create a beam of light that she can also use to create small orbs of light. These orbs are tangible and weight as light as a feather. Marella can often be found playing with these orbs.

Light Shield
- When pushed to the edge Marella is able to make a shield made purely of a yellow light. It isn't the strongest shield as it takes a lot of energy to make , but it does it's job at with standing a couple of hits.

Laser- Another use of her antenna is that when creating a beam of light she can focus and concentrate the energy tight enough to allow them to burn through stuff with laser precision. This power takes the most concentration and energy, thus meaning that it rarely used. It also leaves her feeling exhausted and light-headed after using it even for a few minutes.

From looking at her appearance alone, one would be surprised to know that Marella is a lot more playful than she looks. She is outgoing, adventurous, free-spirited, generous, and honest, if not maybe too honest. She is not afraid to speak her mind and prefers not to lie if she can avoid it. Marella is also a trickster as she likes to make illusions with her powers. Marella knows that she looks pretty intimidating on the outside which makes her shy when meeting new lions. But once she warms up to them she'll want to do nothing but play and be around them all day. Of course she knows that not everyone would tolerate a hyper-active cub trailing after them. When it comes to approaching other lions, Marella is a good judge of character. She is not one to judge by appearance but by their actions. Most of the time she will roll a ball of light towards whoever has her attention, and based on their reaction she will then react accordingly.

Because of how childish she is, Marella easily becomes attached to anyone who gives her attention as she doesn't like to be left alone for too long. She doesn't know why but being left alone always makes her feel like something bad is going to happen. And leaves her feeling a weird sense of deja-vu. It may have something to do with her past life but Marella does not handle being yelled at well. As soon a she feels like she is being threaten Marella will waste no time in using her powers to disorient the offender and make a quick get away. This also means that in the face of danger, she is the first one to flee. Marella knows and has accepted the fact that she is a coward, but stubbornly doesn't make any effort to do anything about it. She lets her fear of being hurt hold her back from even showing the tiniest amount of bravery.

Kimba was the first lion Marella had befriended and sees him like an older brother. It was the welcoming aura that seemed to surrounded him that first drew her to him. She feels completely at ease around him and enjoys playing with this fluffy mane. After the initial introduction Kimba's free-spirited nature was what made her start looking up to him as an older brother.

Loke is a lion that both confuses and fascinates Marella. She can never tell if he is telling the truth or half lies. And every time she speaks to him it leaves her feeling quite mystified which in her turn makes her seek out his presence even more. Marella feels that there is more to him than he lets on and is eager to figure it out all she can about the Trickster. Of course there are days where Loke gives off a vibe that greatly intimidates her and she will avoid him for extended periods of time until she feels safe enough to approach him.

Kouhei is like a role model to Marella. His loyalty and bravery makes her wish that she could be more like him. Although she highly doubts she could ever be as brave as him, but it doesn't stop her from wistfully dreaming.

Playing hide-and-seek, star gazing, her antenna, playing tricks on others, the rain

Being yelled at, aggressive lions, being left alone, the cold, fighting

The day of their birth (from their point of view):
The last thing Marella remembered during her final moments was first being grabbed roughly and then a burning sensation that lasted longer than she could stay conscious for. After that there was nothing, no sound, no feeling, just an empty void. With no sense of time, Marella had no idea how long she had been in her unconscious state, as her last thoughts was of her accepting that she was going to die. For all she knew only mere minutes could've past or even years.

And then without warning she felt... something. It started off as a small spark that quickly grew into an electrifying feeling that coursed through her entire being. Marella felt overwhelmed with confusion and fear before she began to realize that she could hear her heartbeat pulsing in her ears. Everything happened so fast but she was able to feel the wind gently brushing her fur as she was lifted into the air by an unseen force. With a burning sensation consuming through her body, Marella felt like she was going to burst. Her eyes and chest felt like they were engulfed in flames before it all stopped, and everything was quiet. Everything seemed to settle the moment she felt her paws touch solid ground. She was still for a moment, unsure of what had happened. Had all that been some sort of weird dream? She couldn't really remember anything prior to this moment. Well, none of that really mattered anymore.

The murmurs of various voices was what prompted her to open her eyes. Everything was blurry and distorted, causing her to squint her eyes close before trying again. When everything cleared, her wide-eyed gaze quickly shifted over to the various lions who stood just ahead. Glancing to her left, Marella stared at the other cubs with just as much awe, if not even more. They all looked vastly different from the older lions who gazed upon them with mixed emotions. It made her wonder, did she too look just as strange? A quick glance at her side confirmed her suspicions. Attached to both of her sides were translucent fins that moved as she breathed. But that wasn't the most curious of her features. A small glow above her drew her gaze upwards. Then she briefly caught a glimpse of what appeared to be an antenna. All this new information made her feel uneasy. Would the other lions shy away from her because of her looks? She honestly hoped not. Despite how apprehensive she felt about the whole situation, she couldn't but feel a nagging tug of curiosity. Surely someone had to have the answers to her questions. Letting out an airy sigh, Marella braced herself as she slowly stood up on shaky legs. She had to wait a moment before she felt stable enough to take her first step forward.

Le snuggles
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Re: EVENT LOC Adopts

Postby demonthief. » Thu Dec 03, 2015 5:05 pm

    Sadly I am too busy. Good luck everyone else!!
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Re: EVENT LOC Adopts

Postby SplashofOrangeJuice » Thu Dec 03, 2015 5:38 pm

Oh gosh theses cuties...


    --Applying for cub #4--

    "the sweet caress of flowers" // TahitianImage
    water + ice

      ❀ Personality:
        playful, optimistic, timid, honest, graceful, precise,
        perfectionist, rational, loyal, resilient ❀



      Tehani is a playful cub, always on the lookout for friends and ways to have fun and play games. She can't help but chatter away to new cubs she meets and get them to be her friend and play hide and seek with her, or tag, or any other games, really. She's also very interested in learning more about the pride and about the different elements lions possess, especially learning more about her own powers, but sometimes she finds it hard to focus and occasionally finds it a bit boring.

      She's a very optimistic girl as well, somehow always seeing the best in everything. Even after the cubs emerged from the lake and were being cared for, she believed deep within her that it was a positive thing, and that everything would be okay. Sometimes she will be doubtful, but she doesn't let it show, and always tries to be the face of hope. Her optimism takes precedence in the presence of other lions, but when she's alone, she may let her true feelings show if it impacted her enough.

      Timidity for Tehani is a struggle she’s dealt with since emerging from the waters, and it’s something she’ll most likely bear for the rest of her life. Tehani can’t always help it, and it seems to be heightened by the fact of her young age, but she’s easily frightened by things she can’t control, and she’s intimidated by others who are much larger than her or she’s just met. Because she lacks experience, she’s not always as confident as she could be, and this can get in the way of how she wishes to appear to others.

      Although she may lack confidence, her honesty never fails. She will always be open and forthright about a situation to those she can trust. In some circumstances this means making a sacrifice by owning up to wrong-doings, but in all of them, it means building a stronger bond in the end. Tehani wouldn’t wish to harm anyone she cares about on purpose, but sometimes honesty can result in damaged feelings. Whatever the circumstance, Tehani tries her best to make it up to that individual, and in the end, honesty was the best policy in her book.

      Tehani is grace and beauty in the body of a lion cub. She may not appear to be, but she is surprisingly very graceful despite her short stature and blockish tail. She never trips over her own two feet and is always very aware of her surroundings, paying attention to seemingly minute details. Others have described her movements as flowing extremely fluidly, almost as if she wasn’t even touching the ground. Her elegance is particularly enjoyable to observe while she is playing a game that requires quick movements.

      Precision is a key trait Tehani exhibits. Her attention to details and determination to be as accurate in her movements and decisions is a standard she values deeply within herself. She is constantly planning, with rapid thoughts, which direction of decision would provide the most beneficial outcome. Being precise then comes as second nature to her; a choice she’s taken in her actions that is now almost unnoticed and purely instinct. Playing strategy games with Tehani is probably the most interesting way to see this in action, where her abilities shine through.
      Stemming from her attention to detail, Tehani is also a perfectionist. Although this trait is good in many ways, it also tends to be a bit of a hindrance. Since she aims to be the best she can, when she falls short of perfection, she’s hard on herself and overly criticizes herself. The high standards that come with being a perfectionist make it harder for her to please herself, and sometimes this carries over to her opinions of others as well. Although viewed as mostly good, she doesn’t realize the damage it might be doing to her self-esteem.

      Tehani tends to evaluate almost everything through a rational perspective though, so her perfectionist dreams aren’t always viewed as achievable realities. She thinks very logically and with sensible judgment, taking in all sorts of possibilities and discerning which one is the best possible outcome. Some may view her as shrewd in that respect, but her rationality is a bit different than that. She’s still very optimistic and warm towards others, even when the circumstances may say otherwise.

      Tehani is also very loyal, sticking by her friendships and peers until the end. If they ever need her assistance, she’ll be there for them and always have their back. She expects the same from them towards herself, but she’s also knows that even if they wouldn’t respond in the same manner, she wouldn’t let them down. The only method of breaking this loyalty is betraying her trust; an event she hopes won’t happen.

      Last but not least, Tehani is very resilient. She’s able to go through many dire circumstances and bounce back to the cub she was before. She may not always be the exact same, but there would have to be something very bad happen to her before she breaks completely. The way she was born seems to have played a part in this trait, since that experience was extremely difficult but she seems unfazed by it now. Others still think she was most likely this way before the event of the lake too, in her other life, and the lake only heightened her ability. Whatever the case, she’s not bound to change much from traumatic experiences, and has trained her mind to shut out those difficult memories for a long time to come.

      ❀ Relationships:

        Ecko -
      indentTehani's relationship with Ecko is a strange one. Ecko was the first lion Tehani saw, and he was the first to interact with her. His kind eyes gazed gently into hers, and at first were hard to read, but she found a comfort within them like he knew things she couldn't understand, and as if he'd been where she is now. Little did she know, he had been where she stands.

      indentAs Tehani and the rest of the cubs became accustomed to life, Ecko was the lion who spent the most time with them. He consoled them with his own experience of the lake, and how his birth was just like theirs. He also felt confused, lost and misled; unsure of who to trust. He told them of the visions he saw, fragments of memories or completely fictitious he wasn't sure, but they shaped his views nonetheless. He told them one of the main differences between them and him is that he was reborn as an adult, while they will probably remain cubs all their lives. He also told them about how he's coped since that time, how he's become a warrior "tank," and how he's recently found himself a mate. He told them about the powers the lake held, and all the souls that reside within it--explaining how extraordinary the miracle of their births was.

      indentTehani personally found all of this information hard to comprehend and she felt the weight of it all weighing down on her as well. She felt like a mistake, but at the same time a miracle, and the two emotions were dividing her sense of self and self-worth. She found herself staring at the sky and the millions of stars, and sometimes into the lake watching the whirling souls, contemplating her existence, and once almost questioning if it'd be best to return to that blue water, unsure of what this all meant...

      indentNow, many years since the early days, Tehani still tries not to think about the circumstances of her being. Although it may not be the best thing to do, it's best for her right now to try and live her life as a normal lion. One day she may return her thinking and questioning to her existence and why it happened, but for now its something she'd rather forget. She still values the kindness and care she was treated with by Ecko, but the beginning seemed filled with so much grief that she'd rather not know. She will forever look up to Ecko as a mentor and father-figure in a world where she felt so alone, and for that she is forever grateful.


        Sabri -
      indentTehani’s relationship with Sabri is one of mentorship. Tehani looks up to Sabri as a powerful cub trainer who knows her way around the elements and around cubs alike. Her tough exterior was a bit off putting at first, but Tehani soon learned that the stern face of that lioness was one of love and endearment, that only wanted to bring out the best in the cubs under her care.

      indentTehani now looks to Sabri for guidance, and especially when she isn’t feeling too great because of her circumstance. Sabri is almost like a motherly figure to Tehani but their relationship is more like a cousin or friend, someone who she can confide in without worry, and who is older and wiser. Someone who has all of the answers, and even when she doesn’t, she still has support and love to offer.

        Viridine -
      indentTehani looks at Viridine as a very good friend. Viridine may be older, but really, she acts just like a large cub. She always wants to play with Tehani just as much as Tehani wants to play with Viridine, and once they get at it, there’s no stopping them. Viridine is super supportive of Tehani and her dreams, and the fact that she was born of the lake and may not age doesn’t faze her.

      indentViridine and Tehani are usually chasing each other around, but when they aren’t playing games, they’re talking like old friends. Viridine likes sharing stories of her past with Tehani, and Tehani loves listening and observing Viridine’s powers. She thinks it’s so cool that Viridine has the power to fly and to alter colors, and she likes when they experiment with Tehani’s own powers as well. They can be seen wandering the prides, looking for more lions to play with, or talking about the different types of lions they see. Lion-watching is one of their favorite activities.

        Torsten -
      indentWho is Torsten to Tehani? As is, they’re currently more like acquaintances than friends. She met him while hanging out with Viridine one day, and every time meeting since then, their friendship seems to grow. Torsten was a little stand-offish towards the cub at first, more interested in bonding with the lovely Viridine than actually hanging out with a kid. He soon realized that this cub meant an awful lot to her though, and so he figured maybe Tehani wasn’t so bad after all.

      indentTorsten shows his affection in a teasing manner, and although Tehani knows they aren’t close yet, one day she would like to be. She appreciates his subtle signs of endearment, and senses he would like to be friends in the future as well. His teasing and fur ruffling are signs that he likes her, and sometimes he will show off to her as a way of saying, “Aren’t I cool? Don’t you like me?” although he would never admit it.

      ❀ Elements:

        ➔ water

        Tehani loves the water. Maybe a bit odd for a cub whose first valid memory was a traumatic experience involving the substance, but she loves it anyway. The feeling of it surrounding her, flowing through her fur and assisting her so naturally is amazing to her, and it's something she would hate to ever give up.

        indentCrashing Waves
        Tehani is able to pull water from a source nearby and raise it high off the ground from its location only to have it crash down in front of an enemy. She is able to bring it down with a force much stronger than gravity, and the inertia from the movements allows it to take a direction after impact. It can wipe out and knock down several foes at the same time, and its size depends on the amount of water present and Tehani’s abilities/decisions. It also makes for a fun slide down the walls of caves and hills.

        Mostly used as a distraction, this power is created by pulling water from a source nearby and throwing it into the sky with a rapid force that disperses the droplets above the area. The water then falls back to the ground, sometimes softly and sometimes more intensely, depending on how much water there is, the air pressure/density/wind, the size of the droplets, and the height of the toss. It is used to dampen the whole area, and on occasion create puddles.

        With this power Tehani is able to create clones of anything, morphing the water as she chooses. It can take the shape of herself, or the shape of her enemy. The water then mimics the movements and actions of the original, and with it, “learns” or predicts other ways in which the original would move. If used effectively, this power can become a strong defense and offense alike, and can hold up as a strong distraction.

        This power is highly dangerous to an enemy, and can be lethal. Tehani hasn’t attempted this on any living animals yet, but she’s done it to plants. This power (dehydration) is used by pulling water from a living being, rather than a water source. It doesn’t provide much useable water to the user, unless the life form is quite large (and a plant.) The plant shrivels and dies, and after sometime changes color to reflect the death. If used on an animal, minimal use could cause extreme damage, side effects being nausea, headache, sickness, drowsiness, confusion, extreme thirst, sunken eyes, dry skin, constipation, low blood pressure, rapid breathing and/or heartbeat, and in extreme cases death.

        The secondary use of this power (hydration) is able to flood a system with too much fluid (needs a water source present, or very high humidity). For a plant, it will expand and the veins within it become enlarged with excess water, and for an animal, it can cause an imbalance of water and sodium in the bloodstream, making the sodium levels too low. Some side effects may include nausea, headache, vomiting, confusion, muscle weakness/cramps/spasms, seizures and unconsciousness, even death.

        Tehani can use this power by pulling water from a nearby source, and creating a ring around her an her opponent. This can prevent them from escaping, but it also prevents others from joining the fight. It works by rapidly moving the water around them in a circular or elliptic shape, usually several feet high and very fast. Touching the water would cause quite the splash, and if shoved or entering the wall deliberately, it would throw the subject around, and possibly toss them out of it entirely.

        ➔ ice

        Tehani feels at peace surrounded by the cold. For that reason it's no surprise that ice comes very naturally to her as well. The feeling of freezing water and objects fascinates her, and sparks her curiosity as to just how far she can push her powers and these elements. [Many of these powers also take advantage of her water powers as well.]

        indentBlack Ice
        To create this effect, Tehani freezes the ground below both her and the enemy, causing it to become extremely slippery and dangerous. It assists in slowing down the opposition, and in making them unsteady and likely to slip and fall. To use it, she draws some of the water from below the surface to the top and then freezes it over. It’s very difficult to see happening, and because of its discrete application and quality, it’s been named “black ice.”

        Tehani really likes using this particular power. She takes the moisture in the air and condenses it to form dense clouds, and then freezes the air around her and the subject, also causing the water within the clouds to freeze up, but in a way like snow. Then, when enough moisture and coldness takes place, snow falls from the created clouds. To make it more intense, she may draw water from a nearby source and add it to the storm.

        To achieve this power, Tehani rapidly cools the air around her and her subject. Then, focusing her energy more accurately, she starts to lower the temperature even more around the subject, sometimes choosing to build frost around the subject. The temperatures can get very low, down into the negatives, and it is very damaging to the tissues it is affecting. If not monitored carefully, the subject may go into hypothermia, and it is possible they will get frostbite. When used on plants, the power freezes the plant and encases it in frost, allowing it to be preserved in the ice, or killed by the cold temperatures.

        ➔ together; water + ice

        They say that two is better than one, and Tehani is here to prove that theory.

        Tehani creates this scene in a similar manner to blizzard + downpour. She creates dense clouds and adds in water from an external source, then cools the air temperature around. While doing this, she continually adds more downpour to the amalgam, and soon a light snow begins to fall back down, blanketing the area. It’s extremely fun to play in, and isn’t so heavy that it’s too cold for little paws to make tracks in.

        This one uses a combination of blizzard + crashing wave. Once Tehani has created a blizzard, she then brings up warmer water and mixes it in with the snow on the ground. Doing so creates a hazardous mixture of small ice crystals and liquid water, which is extremely slippery, cold, and gets caught in fur. It’s useful in slowing down the enemy, and causing great discomfort.

        indentCrystal Statues
        To create her so called “crystal statues,” Tehani uses a combination of imitation + frostbite, or her ice powers in general. First she fashions a shape, be it a figure of a lion, a plant, or herself. Then, she lowers the temperature surrounding the imitation, and begins to freeze the water in the shape of the figure. She likes to play games with them, but in battle they are also useful as decoys or barriers.

        indentGlass House
        Tehani is such a playful cub that this came quite natural to her. Using a combination of crashing waves, imitation, and frostbite, she has found a way to build structures out of water and ice. She’s created extravagant dens, and strong barriers using this technique before. It certainly makes hide and seek much more fun, and while the ice is typically see through, once covered with frost it becomes much more opaque.

      ❀ The day of my birth:

        pleasure to meet you - i; prequel
      indentHello. My name is Tehani, which means "the sweet caress of flowers." It's one of the few things I remember about my past. A good thing, as a name is something that defines you, gives you an identity. Without it, I'd be far more lost than I currently am. I cub without a name, without a sense of purpose, lacking any part of me--adrift in the world from an unusual resurrection.

      indentI'm also only thirty-eight years old. Fairly young, even for a cub, since we reach adulthood at the age of two-hundred. My birthday was a few months ago; as it was for the eight of us cubs who emerged from the lake. It's now been four years since that fateful day, which would have made me thirty-four upon my birth. My age is really just a guess since I don't clearly remember it, but the life elements who checked on us says that's how old I appeared. That doesn't take into account the years spent in limbo, and I don't seem to have aged a bit in the last four years as well, so their guess is as good as mine. The years go by, but it seems I haven't physically aged, and because of this, they say I'll be a cub forever. Maybe that means I can't die of natural causes as well. I guess we'll have to see if the lake takes me back when I'm a six-hundred year old cub.

      indentIt seems you already know quite a bit about me; you've been paying attention. I don't need to go into the details there then, so I won't. I'm sure you're curious to hear about my experience though. All of us cubs, despite going through the same thing, seem to remember it differently. Sure, many of the events that took place are similar, but I think many of us forgot different parts, and included others. Who's to say which one of us is really "right"? Well, here's how I recall the events of that day...

        the first moments- I
      indentTruth be told, I don't remember much about the day I was born. It is very much a blur in my mind, as is the rest of the following days, but if I focus some of the repressed memories resurface.

      indentThe first thing I remember is darkness, but that could just be the absence of a memory to fill the space. Next, I remember a great tingling sensation. It overtook my whole body, and felt as if it was flowing from my core to the ends of my paws and tail. It hurt--the pain was excruciating. Every nerve in my body was screaming, begging for release. My claws stung like they'd been poisoned, and the venom was coursing through my veins. I was unable to express this pain though, and at the time it felt completely natural, although I know now it was not.

      indentI couldn't see anything except for bright white, and the water of the lake nearby. It pulsated an array of light and colors, seemingly visible to only myself and the other cubs, beckoning for us to come back. Water dripped off my fur and ran down my face, clogging both my nose and ears, and it filled my lungs. It felt as if I was drowning, but it was internal, for externally I was surrounded by air. Rushes of wind blew through my fur, and the water within me was slowly making its way out, oozing and flowing from my throat, eyes, ears, and nose.

      indentThe ground below my limbs suddenly dropped, but I've been told it was actually myself that began to float. The tingling became much more intense, to the point where I almost felt numb. The pain felt like 10,000 suns burning me from the inside out, leaving me wishing I had been numb. The colorful lake now vanished as its waters dripped from my weak, lifeless body, and all I could see was an intense whiteness. Every color burned against my retinas, causing great discomfort and a lack of vision, but it was beyond my control.

      indentThe next thing I remember, I fell to the ground and the white vision faded away to reveal a pristine cave and clusters of lions standing around, watching, and altogether looking horrified. I glanced around me, and noticed seven other cubs from the lake before the weight of life overtook me, and my eyelids could no longer stay open. The whole experience was exhausting, and the tingling pain was still draining from my body... I heard lions roar, persuading me to open my eyes, while others whimpered, terrified in the background. I had no strength or energy left in me to follow their pleas, and I drifted into an unknown subconscious. Everything returned to darkness.


        this is solid ground- II
      indentI woke up in a different room. It was another cave, but could have been part of the same cavern, just a separate room. I think it was the same day, but it may have been a week later, I don't really remember. I was on my stomach, head between my paws, and bright green grass was beneath me. It seemed like a sort of bed, and when looking back, I think we were in the hospital. There were life and psychic element lions managing our vitals and monitoring our stability, and love element lions filling us with hope. It didn't feel too bad. I can't remember how I got there though, and there were several air element lions nearby too, probably to help us breathe after being submerged in the water. It felt like the community was coming together just for us, which was neat, but I didn't like the attention.


      indentLooking around, I saw the seven other cubs again. They looked different than "normal" lions, but so did I. I could hear one of the elders telling another lion that we certainly looked more "prehistoric," whatever that might have meant. Our features seemed based off species of sea-dwelling creatures from Earth; that was in my memory, but not too much else. I observed myself carefully. I noticed spines on my back and cheeks, and my tail was blockish and heavy. The fins and spines resembled a lionfish, while my tail was similar to a shark, probably a tiger shark. Even my coloration resembled a lionfish, which is a bit peculiar, but neat. Some of the other cubs' coats matched their sea-features as well, so it wasn't completely abnormal.

      indentIn the following moments, a young life element lioness came up to me. She was trying to evaluate my well-being, and see if I needed to stay in that cavern much longer. I didn’t particularly want to leave, because I had nowhere to go, but I followed obediently for fear of sabotaging the test and getting treatment I didn’t require. She had me speak to her, meowing and then roaring, to test me vocal chords. Then, she had me stand up, and individually raise each paw, and rotate them in different directions to assess their mobility. She had me swish my tail, which I’ll admit was a bit difficult at first, but I passed that test too. She made me walk in place, spin in a circle, follow her paw with my pupils, jump, and check my reflexes. She took her observations and said she would be right back, and then told me to lie down on the leaves again.

      indentNo sooner had she left than did she return. She told me I passed and that I was free to leave. I glanced around at the other cubs still going through their evaluations. It seemed like some of them would need to stay longer, while a couple of them had already been lead away. I didn’t know where they might have gone, but I thought it was probably somewhere bad. I was very wrong in that thinking. The lioness had me follow her to the opening of the cavern where another lion waited for me, and then she left. I never caught her name, but his name was Ecko.

        it happened to the both of us - III
      indent Ecko. His name alone sounded powerful, and his stance was bold. He was strong and intimidating, but in my gut I felt like I shouldn’t be afraid, and like I could trust him. “Hello, I’m Ecko. I was hoping to help you find your way.” That was the first thing he said to me. I didn’t realize it then, but this lion was one of the most influential lions to impact my life.

      indent The sky was a pale blue, as the sun shone on that face of the planet. It was so different to me, and yet it felt the same. The contract from being within the chambers was intense, but the orbs emanating light had an uncanny resemblance to the white of the Lake of Eternity when it called me to life. We began walking towards the plains, grass shining in the light. He spoke some more, telling me that everything would be alright. He said he knew from experience, but I didn’t quite understand what he meant. He then began telling me about the day’s earlier hours, and my birth.

      indent Many of my memories about it, despite it happening such a short time ago, were already repressed at that time and his explanations made them resurface. I stopped in my tracks and stared at him with wide eyes. “You saw it happen?” I questioned, already knowing the answer. I then proceeded to accuse him of really horrible things, things I’m not too proud of saying. The way those memories made me feel was so overwhelming…it felt like I was dying again, from the inside out. My muscles remembered and started to feel like they were burning, and it was as if my core had just been set aflame. It was heart breaking, to feel at one with myself and like I was fine, only to have that reality be ripped apart by my actual feelings. Everything was hidden within me, and I was ashamed at myself for not only hiding them from myself, but for not hiding them well.

      indentAfter he coaxed and persuaded me to calm down, I did. I no longer felt in pain, and I could feel love instead. I almost felt manipulated, like he was toying with my emotions because he was sadistic and had nothing better to do, but I soon learned that assumption was wrong. He decided for my benefit that we resume our conversation the next day, and I thought that would be best as well.

        i will take care of you - IV
      indentI followed Ecko to the dens. He took me further in the community, passing by many houses before we finally stopped. He called to the lion, someone named Sabri. Her call back sounded older and wise, but not necessarily friendly. She had a way of speaking that at first impression seemed almost arrogant, but actually went deeper than that. She came up, and in the entryway I saw a beautiful green colored lioness, perfectly healthy and fit, despite her older age. I vaguely remember Ecko speaking to her, “Sabri, this is Tehani…I need you to train and care for her…don’t worry about an adoptive family…she’s old enough…it would be unnecessary…” The fragments go on.

      indentThe conversation was very long. We went inside and rested in the great room; they talked and I eavesdropped. At one point Sabri got up to find me a toy to play with, but all she could find at the moment was a pile of sticks so I drew in the sand. She was probably thinking too much and was too preoccupied to be bothered to find something more. By the end of the meeting, it was dark outside. Ecko said his goodbyes, and told me he’d see me tomorrow. Meanwhile, Sabri set up an area I could sleep for the night, and consequentially, many nights following as well.

      indentWhen she was finished, she came back and we talked. We tried to figure out what I liked, since all of those memories were lost. It was a type of icebreaker, and it seemed to have really worked. She didn’t seem too happy to have me at first, but as the evening turned to night, she seemed to warm up to me more. I was feeling hopeful, but I’m not sure if it was authentic or not. Regardless of its truth or not, it was a good feeling.

      indentThe night came, and I became very tired. It had been a long day. Sabri lead me to my room and let me know I could call for her if I needed anything. That night it was hard to sleep without having reoccurring visions of the lake and the pain. The next day and following week arrived though, and Sabri and I were getting along well, and Ecko seemed much better upon the second impression as well. We had many long talks that first week, about himself and myself, and how our pasts are actually very similar. He explained how he could understand the lake from my paws, and how his birth was the same, just a different time and different circumstance. It helped us bond, and I feel as if I could trust him with anything now. Sabri too, was taking on a motherly role in my life, although I know it’s probably the same for many young cubs, but it was very comforting for my life and well-being.

      indentThese two lions would take care of me, as well as many more to come. I would build more relationships, and explore, and learn a lot. That’s all for the same day though, and I’m doubtful you want to hear more of the story. If you would like though, I could tell it some other time. For now, would you like to find Sabri with me and we can play chase?


      ❀ Likes:
        Water, Coldness, Games, Swimming, Friendships, Learning, Deciding, Blues + Greens, Cleanliness, Forgiveness, Having Powers, Flowers

      ❀ Dislikes:
        Filth, Hotness, Guilt, Inaccuracy, Purple, Hunting (for anything other than harmful playing), Sleeping, Frightening Others, Loudness, Aggression

      ❀ Credits:
        By SplashofOrangeJuice
        By SplashofOrangeJuice + starry-knight's Event Lore
        By Kaluga

      Thank you for taking time to look at my form, and good luck to all the other competitors!

Last edited by SplashofOrangeJuice on Tue Jan 05, 2016 9:30 pm, edited 31 times in total.

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Re: EVENT LOC Adopts

Postby NARANDA » Thu Dec 03, 2015 5:45 pm

By did not
Username: NARANDA
Applying For: #4

Name: Malaika
Origin: Arabic
Meaning: Angels

Gender: Female
Orientation: Heterosexual
Status: Single
Ishabba - Family (Mother), she is the
lioness that Malaika considers
her foster mother, and she is very
attached her and feels like she can
relate with the older lioness in the
way they were born and is glad she
is not alone in her fearful beginning,
she feels welcomed by Ishabba. She
is glad the attraction she felt for
the lioness in the beginning was a
good thing and led her to having a

NizoLuv's Eztli - Family (Father), she
sees him as a father type figure,
and she very much enjoys when they
see him. Just like with Ishabba, she
felt attracted by the strange male,
and felt like she had something in
common with him and so she grew
very attached to him like with her
foster mother. She has officially
deemed him as her foster father.
When she is older though, she does
find him a little over protective, but
she still loves him all the same and
she is a daddy's girl through and

Lirrie's Karazi - Friend/Family, she
views Karazi as an aunt, but she
does not get to see her as often as
she would like, she knows that Karazi
is Ishabba's sister, it is so obvious
but by looking at the two of them.
She is very curious as to why the
two sisters do not live together,
but she does not question her
foster mother about it, waiting
to see if Ishabba would just tell her
eventually over time. For now she
looks up to the lioness and her skills
in healing and looks up to her as a
good role model in her life. She
also enjoys watching Karazi work.

Hyperion - Neutral/Enemy, she
mistrusts him and fears him, but
she puts up with him for the sake
of Ishabba and her training. She
secretly hates him and tends to try
and avoid him whenever she can. If
her foster mother were to leave
though, she would gladly place
him as an enemy, but she considers
him a neutral party for now, just
to keep herself and her mother
safe from his rage. He has only
strengthened her suspicion of
other lions she doesn't know that
give off a bad vibe about them.

Aries - Neutral/Friend, he is
someone that Malaika respects and
will listen to when they are among
the pride. She sees him as someone
that won't hurt her (At least not
anymore) and as someone who has
gained her trust and so has also
gained her loyalty and friendship.
She is very curious abut his birth,
and the event that he came from,
an even that was long before her
own birth or the birth of her
foster parents. She finds him very
helpful whens she has questions and
it not afraid to ask him about things.
She is also more comfortable meeting
others with him around.

Tundra's Kilan - Neutral, she is
very curious about this strange
lion. She is especially curious
about his element that he seems
to use often to push away the
clingy little cub who, just like
she did with Eztli, tries to cling
to his legs. She can't figure out
how he pushes her away without
physically pushing her away with
his paws. She hopes to become
his friend someday.
Click To Read How They Met

Pengu.'s Yunus - Neutral/Friend,
She was unsure about him at first,
but he proved to be someone she
could trust, and she became
curious about him as she learned
that he was also a Blood Moon lion,
just like her foster parents. She is
very glad that he is open to being
her friend, and allowing her to
visit and chat with him.
Click To Read How They Met

Raven - Neutral, she is a strange
lioness who enjoys squishing
Malaika's cheeks, and seems very
fascinated by the cub who came
from the lake. Malaika finds her
uncomfortable to be around, but
not a danger or an enemy, just
someone who sometimes steps
over her personal boundaries
when it comes to touching and
feeling her fins. She does see the
lioness as friendly though.
Click To Read How They Met

Starry-Kight's Ecko - Neutral/Friend,
she did not notice him when she
first came out of the lake, but
she later learned that he arrived
the same way she did, from the
lake. He was also one of the first
to greet the cubs at the shore when
he saw them. He arrived as an adult
though and she came as a cub. She is
still curious about him all the same
and is glad there is someone already
integrated into the pride that had
the same birth. She is still too shy to
go up to him and to ask questions, but
feels that if she were to spend more
time with him then he could be a
potential older brother figure to her.
For now she hopes that she can bring
up the courage to ask him questions
about their birth and the lake in which
they came from.
Click To Read How They Met

Diana - Neutral, a lioness who travels
into the wilderness often and is
someone that Malaika has seen
around. She knows the strange
lioness came from a different life
on another world, was born off
planet, and treated like a god.
All these facts have made her very
curious about the lioness, but her
serious and distant attitude always
scares Malaika away, and she is
normally flying anyways, making
her hard to get close to when she
is quite a few feet up in the air
above Malaika's head. She does hope
to someday learn more about the
lioness and her twin and where they
came from.

Tundra's Valeriya - Role Model, she is
someone that Malaika looks up to.
She enjoys watching the healer at
work, glad to see how elements and
powers can be used for good. She is
curious about the lioness who came
from the same time that Aries did,
and who also carries the element of
ice like herself. She wonders if she
can learn to use her element of ice
for good deeds such as the work that
Valeriya does as a healer. She is glad
to have many opportunities to chat
with her since she works with Karazi
who Malaika and Ishabba visit more
often then others.
Gentle | Playful | Considerate | Quiet
She is very kind and sweet in nature, she cares about the living and fears others getting hurt. She dislikes and mistrusts Hyperion because he seems to not care about others, but she puts up with him as long as Ishabba wishes to stay and learn from him. She is considerate as to what Ishabba wants which is the only thing preventing her from begging her foster mother to leave. She is kind towards other lions when she gets the to see others, which is not very often, but she does not mind the time away from the pride, actually she prefers the time away from them. She is normally very gentle, hating to use claws or teeth for anything, preferring to just play and have fun with Ishabba and Eztli without the use of sharp tools. She does not show her playful side around other lions as much, not even too often around the other cubs, too shy to play much with them, especially when water gets involved. This is more when she is around her foster parents who play with her quite often to keep her entertained. She finds great joy in chasing her foster parents around, especially her father Eztli. She likes sneaking up on them, pouncing, latching onto legs, and pretending to tackle them over, finding it even more fun when they play along and fall over for her. She is quiet, and doesn't talk much, but shows how she feels more with actions then she does with words. Ishabba has learned to read her actions and facial expressions to understand Malaika more. She does sometimes talk, but normally only around those she trusts, more likely she will around Ishabba or Eztli, but even around them she can be pretty quiet. Only when she is having lots of fun and laughing a lot does she seem a little loud.

By Pengu.

Skittish | Timid | Alien | Slightly Demophobic | Reserved
She can be very skittish around new lions at first, or lions she just does not know well. As much as she enjoys visiting the few lions in the pride she knows, she hates when others look at her suspiciously, making her very skittish and she gets easily scared when in the pride lands, running to hide among Ishabba's paws for safety and watch as they pass others. Others tend to startle her quite easily by sneaking up on her, poking her, or even making nasty jokes about her birth and she get's very stressed when going sometimes, but she enjoys seeing the lions that she knows and trusts. She prefers to spend her time with older lions, feeling most out of place with other cubs, even though among adults she still feels as though she doesn't belong, she feels like an alien. She does though feel a sense of belonging amongst other lions born of the blood moon, or cubs born the same way as she. She also has a slight fear of crowds, and becomes very quiet when surrounded by a large group, normally hiding among Ishabba's legs.. She can not stay among a crowd for too long before having a small breakdown with some tears, though she finds that Ishabba takes her away before then like she knows when Malaika needs to get away. She does not have much courage right now at her young age, afraid of water, crowds, darkness, being left alone, and the list probably goes on. Going along with being skittish, she is easily scared and others tend to use this to bug her or pick on her. Her fear of crowds and of others mostly came from the crowd surrounding her when she first woke up on the beach. She tends to keep her opinions and feelings to herself about their treatment of her sometimes, about her birth, and about other lions and is reserved about other important decisions as well.

Loyal | Trustworthy | Loving
She is loyal, very loyal, especially towards Ishabba and fears losing Ishabba to the harsh training put on her by Hyperion, or to the deadly powers that Ishabba so fears and hates. She would do anything to keep her foster mother happy. Her loyalty also extends to other lions who she has created a bond of friendship with. In time where her friends may come into conflict with each other she has great difficulty choosing between them, though if Ishabba ever has conflicts with anyone Malaika will always stand by her. She is also very trustworthy and would never tell another lions secret unless it put the pride or Ishabba in danger. She is very loving towards those she gets attached to, and also sometimes clingy. She is especially this way around Ishabba, but she knows that her foster mother does not mind it. She is very open about showing her feelings for Ishabba and the others she loves. She loving and loyal because she truly feels that Ishabba took her in, and she feels a loyalty and love towards her family like any cub would. As for being trustworthy, it is because she wants her family, and others to trust her and not see her as a threat or evil creature from the lake, and trust is one step closer in that direction.

Aquaphobic | Slightly Secretive
She looks as if she belongs in the water, and one of her two elements is water, but she has a great fear of water. She is sure it is because of the story of her birth, as well as the fear of the great lake she came out of, even though she only faintly remembers what it was like in the water. She knows the power of the lake, and has a slight feeling that it was the reason she was dead to begin with, and so fears death by water again. She is strangely okay with ice though, even though it is just a frozen form of water, but the solid substance has always seemed safer to her then the unstable liquid that can take any shape or form. She is very secretive about this fear, even around those she trusts and loves, so no one knows she has the element of water, only the element of ice. She tries to avoid lions who can control the element of water when they are using their abilities, in fear that her actions may give away her secret. She keeps it a secret because she is afraid others may use it against her, or may force her to try and get over her fear before she is ready. She is also quiet about her feelings towards Hyperion and the fact that she lives with him when they are around the pride. She doesn't want to upset her foster mother or anger Hyperion with her feelings, and does not want Ishabba to get in trouble with the pride for staying with Hyperion since something just didn't seem right between him and the pride.

Clingy | Determined | Slightly Possessive
She can become very clingy to those closest to her, or to those she really feels she belongs with. Being clingy is mostly because she does not like being left alone, especially in the dark, the dark and being alone reminds her too much of the time before her birth, the dark thickness of the Lake of Eternity that only faintly lays in her memory, but still there enough to create this feeling. She is not just clingy emotionally, but also physically, clinging to legs, faces, tails, anything she can get her little legs around. It's also her way of creating friends, cling to legs and tails until they give in and become her friend. She is also very determined, when she wants to achieve something she won't give up until she she completes her task, or until the other lion gives in to her wishes or mission. She is especially determined to make friends and to create a loving family around her, a family that will love her and take care of her. She is possessive of her foster parents, and gets uncomfortable when other cubs come up to try and play with them. She does not mind older lions lions being around her parents though, unless they are trying to flirt, then she would get upset and try to get her parents away from the flirts. She is scared of her family being broken apart by other lions getting in the way, her family being her safe place that she is afraid to lose or get separated from.

Curious | Suspicious | Pacifist
By captaincaprag.hircus
She tends to be curious about the lives of others, especially those who had some sort of strange birth or strange life. It interests her to hear the different stories, though she tends to listen from afar for quite some time before she will ever go up and ask questions right to their face. It makes her feel less like a monster to hear about the others who appeared in strange manners and may have been treated differently because of it. Along with being curious, she can be quite suspicious of those who give off a bad vibe or if their eyes hold death, anger, fear, or other negative emotions along those lines. She steers clear of these kind of lions, afraid of what they might be hiding or afraid that they mean her and her new family harm. She tends to mistrust these lions and does not believe anything they say, and she wishes she knew if they were putting on an act or not. This partially to do with her experience when she first woke up with the glaring eyes watching her, and partially because of her experience when meeting Hyperion and the fact that he nearly attacked her in an attempt to kill her. She is afraid of fighting, seeing it, and being in it. She hates to hurt others and dislikes seeing others get hurt. She is afraid of losing her family to a fight or seeing others lose their families to a fight. Fighting or threatening actions have never felt right with her, but seeing Hyperion train Ishabba reinforces her dislike for fighting and is afraid that Hyperion might kill Ishabba with his training.

Shy | Friendly | Good Listener | Personal Space
She can be pretty shy around others at first, some think it's because of how fearful she is, some think it's because of her demophobia, some think it could even be Ishabba rubbing off on her, but it really is a mix of all three. Her mistrust for others makes her a little nervous of approaching strangers, especially when by herself, she is very unlikely to walk up to someone new without anyone she trusts with her, but she is a little more calm when a friend or family member is with her. Once you get past her more shy side though, she can be pretty friendly and warm to be around. She is still quiet even beyond friendship, but she no longer runs away or tries to hide from them. She instead enjoys sitting and listening to them as they talk. She can be a good listener around those she knows and is comfortable with, and even more so when someone is telling about an interesting life or birth such as the blood moon lions or the comet of Helios. Her interest in these stories is a reason she has learned to really listen. She has a strong sense of personal space and even with acquaintances or friends she has trouble letting them touch her in any way, the only exceptions are Ishabba and Eztli who loves to cuddle with and loves it when Ishabba grooms her and allows Malaika to lean on her. Around anyone else she can get nervous and fidgety while they are touching her.

Elegant | Simple
Even before she grew up she was graceful, though it was not natural to her. Her grace came from practice, wanting to be less clumsy and a bother to Ishabba she worked to become better on her feet and learned to stop tripping her own paws and even her tail. When she first came out of the lake she had a habit of tripping over her own paws and tail, and she felt like a hindrance to her foster parents. She became more elegant growing up after Ishabba gathered enough sand, holding her head high a little more often and walking with a little more confidence, though still quite shy and skittish around many strangers, but even they could see the elegance she has learned and grown in to. She is simple in her looks though, she does not like the idea of jewelry or accessories very much, preferring to just be herself and to hopefully have less attention on her with less jewels to catch the eyes of any passerby. Her fins and strange resemblance to a lionfish are enough to catch anyone eyes, so anything else added that is flashy would probably just bring too much attention from strangers for her to handle without starting to freak out or eventually causing a breakdown..

By Charboo

Background Summary Of Main Characters:
Ishabba, a lioness born of the Blood Moon, is living away from the pride with a lion she met in the wilderness named Hyperion. She is training with him to get a better hold of her element of blood and avoids the pride most of the time in order to protect them from herself, but she will visit every once and a while to see her twin sister, Karazi, born at the exact same time and way that Ishabba was, but Karazi stayed in the pride as a healer. Karazi's abilities could be used for healing, while Ishabba's could be used for killing, making the two go in different directions.

Hyperion, an evil lion who lives in the wilderness and is wanted by the pride for threatening and attempting to kill the alpha, Aeon, when he was still alive. He somehow escaped the prison and now lives in the wilderness, in hiding from the pride. he took Ishabba in to train her to use her powers in hopes to bring her to his side against the pride and use her to take over. He still plans his revenge against the pride, and Ishabba seems blind to how evil he truly it.

Eztli is a blood moon lion, he is Ishabba's closest friend and the two tend to meet each other in the wilderness to visit and to get away from the stress of the pride and of training. Ishabba is his best friend as well, and their relationship is unwavering, and Malaika only makes their relationship even stronger as they become her parents.

As for Malaika's story, continue to read and you'll find out...
Just Because She Does Not Remember...
Does Not Mean She Has No Story...
Before Her Death, Before Her Birth...
Forgotten, But Still True...

The female cub was born to parents of the rebellion, parents who's fate was also her fate. She stayed back in the den, alone, as her parents went out and fought. She was too small and weak to fight in the battle with her parents, and she did not wish to tell them that she was also afraid to fight, afraid to die or to lose her parents, but just that happened. Her mother never returned, lost to the claws of the traditionalists and her body left where it fell, her mate forced to retreat. Her fear of fighting grew worse, her father tried to train her, tried to get her to use her elements, but she refused, she did not want to kill and take away the loved one of someone else. She had her heart broken, and the feeling was like claws in her heart, she could not put that pain on someone else. Her father distanced himself from her, not seeing any reason to care for the cub as she was useless to the rebellion if she did not fight. She cried in the small den she called a home, alone in the dark space that was once the home of a loving family, with parents that loved their cub, but she was now abandoned.

The sound of pounding paws on the ground outside made her lift her head, looking towards the entrance to the den. Yowls of anger and yowls of pain rose up outside, and she knew the traditionalists and the rebels were clashing, fighting. It had been days since she saw her father, and she knew she had no one to protect her, she was alone with no where to go and no where to hide. She smelt the blood as the light breeze blew the sent into the den, and she close her eyes, squeezing them shut, covering her ears with her paws to try and shut out the sounds of battle and death, but it still made it through, and the sounds engraved themselves in her head. It was the silence afterwards that had her most afraid. She eyed the entrance, seeing the shadows of full grown lions standing there, looking into the den. Her heart started to race, and she felt warm tears running down her cheeks. "I think there is a rebel in here." one called out to others waiting outside, and soon the cub was creeping backwards, afraid of the strangers coming towards her. He growled at her, threatening her, but as he got closer his face softened as he realized it was just a frightened cub, and not even one that knew how to fight.

She was carried from the den, and at first she thought she would be relieved to be out of the lonely place, but the sight laying outside of the den made her only more scared. Bodies of the rebels covered the ground of the wilderness, cold, unmoving, and lifeless. The glazed over eyes of the others stared back at her, into her, and she felt fear at the destruction of the war, and the many lives it had taken. She felt more tears stream down her cheeks, tears she could not control. "Don't worry little one, we shall take you away from all this death, you will be well love by the pride." the words had warmth in them, and she wondered if she would really be loved, really be taken care of, and she relaxed, sniffling a little as they finished their long trek. Upon reaching the pride lands, she heard the rebels before she saw them, encircled by the traditionalist warriors. She watched as she swung from the jaws of a warrior, and then she was placed down before the leader who was looking at her with curious and confused eyes. "She is an innocent cub, she doesn't even know how to fight it seems. She could be raised by one of the females for the pride." the warrior spoke up, and the leader nodded with a cautious glance in the direction of the Alpha. She looked around, realizing he was not the highest ranked lion, he must have been one of the secondary leaders as another lion seemed higher up then he, but he still allowed the cub to live, even if it would be a secret until they managed to convince the Alpha.

She sat there, the rebels surrounded, and the Alpha offered a deal to them. She thought he was generous, thought of how forgiving he was to allow such an easy way out, but the first lion to run in showed that this was not to be. He yowled in pain and fear, almost screaming as he thrashes in the water. The cub's eyes went wide in horror as she backed up against the paws of the one who was allowing her to live. The others tried to escape, tried to run, and that is when she saw her father. He nearly broke free, charging right for her, but the warriors were upon him before he could get far, pushing him back towards the water. He was not going down without taking a life with him. "If I am going down, then she is coming with me." the cub tried to dodge his swinging paw, but his claws hooked her tangled fur and sent her flying onto the sand of the shore. She squeaked in pain as she hit the ground, and the warrior who brought her here came running towards her to try and rescue her from the cruel male, but her father was persistent. His claws sank into her skin, making her wail in pain and tears stream down her cheek as he dragged her into the water with him. His claws were in deep, preventing her from escaping the water. The warrior reached out for her, but it was too late, her father and herself were dragged further away from shore as the rebels clambered over each other, trying to stay above the surface, trying to find a way out, but it was hopeless.

The cub was too far from the paws that tried to provide her rescue, and the warrior was soon pulled away from the water by the slightly angered Alpha who was stunned that his own warrior had tried to save a rebel cub. She was dragged beneath the waves by the one who abandoned her, one who would not allow his blood to enter the traditionalist ways, he would rather murder his own daughter then to allow her to join the pride. Her lungs filled with water as she thrashed about, trying to get free, and the burning made her writhe in pain. Her energy did not last though as she went limp and gave in to the crushing embrace of the lake. The light from the surface was gone, leaving only blackness, a cold, thick blackness that held nothing but death. She could barely make out the other limp bodies floating around her, sinking further to the bottom with each passing moment, and with a final thought she slipped into death.

"Why Daddy?..."
I Was Born From Death...

or so I have been told. I do not remember much from before waking on the shore. All I can recall is darkness, and floating, but not like floating on air, not a pleasant, peaceful floating. It was if I was floating in a thick substance, as if it was trying to crush me, suffocate me as if it did not realize I did not have a breathe of life in me. The water of the lake explained this feeling, it's depths were my prison, and its life stealing force was the great pressure trying to crush me. I remember being pulled one way, then another, but nothing but blackness laid before me. I felt nothing as the great vast space tossed me around like a rag-doll. I did not feel fear though, actually, I felt nothing as I moved with the waves. I faintly remember the feeling of the sand beneath me, and the heavy wait lifted off my body only to crash down on it again, but it did not hurt, I am not sure the feeling. My body was soon carried from the shore and brought to safety in the jaws of the brave souls rushing out to nab all of us cubs. We were dead, I was dead, or so it felt like death...

Until The Light Woke Me Up...

By fūi
I felt myself lifted from the harsh stone and into the air, my vision filled with light, a bright white light that also seemed to surround me. Fear, shock, and many other unknown emotions crashed into me as my cold corpse was filled with life, with warmth. I felt the shock, like little bolts of electricity, flowing across my body, and my chest pounded as my heart beat with great speed, making the blood pump through my veins. I felt myself take a deep breathe, my first, gasping for the sweet air that brought my body to life, my chest rising and falling at a rapid rate. Water spewed from my mouth as the liquid filling my lungs left to make room for the oxygen taking it's place. The light seemed to welcome me as it raised me up, gave me life, then dropped me back to the earth as it disappeared, my breathing slowed and my heart rate dropped to normal, leaving the other cubs and I in the paws of the pride that now surrounded us. My fur was still wet, soaked through to the bone, giving me a chill and the air hit my skin, starting to rouse me. I awoke in the shadow of the curious pride member, but it was not the eyes of the worried lions or the lions that saved them that I saw, I saw the eyes of the suspicious, the fearful, their eyes watching me as if I was going to rise up and kill them all. Their fear filled me, creating a fear of my own, and without even thinking I was up and running, running for the hills.

Greeted By Strangers, Running To Another...

My little paws pounded on the ground, carrying me further from the lake as I looked back, hoping I was not being followed, but the sight of the large male quickly catching up created a panic, and I soon changed course. My wet fur slowed me down, weighing me down and setting me off balance as I ran. I kept looking back, kept watching to see how close the larger lion was, not noticing the lioness before me, the strange red and white female seeming to appear out of no where. I returned my head to look before me, spotting the large paws and coming to a sliding stop right before them, looking up at the large lioness who seemed confused and nervous, but something about her made me feel safe, made me feel like I would be welcome with her and felt a pull towards her. She lowered herself to the height of myself, making me feel even more safe with the lioness. "Now, why are you running?" she seemed nervous, but that did not bother me for some strange reason, but something else did, bringing tears to my eyes, and soon I broke out in a frenzy of tears. "There is no need to be afraid, I won't hurt you. See, look, we are the same." I sniffled as she spoke, seeing the end of her tails and the spikes, making me look at my own tail and the spikes that sat on the end, but the shape of my tail was different, it had a large flab, a fin, at the end of it. "Well, mostly the same." her smile made me relax, drawing another sniffle.

She Became My Protection...

By Kenai
The male took a few steps closer, making me look at him then bolt for the safety of the lioness' paws hiding behind her larger legs that hid me from the large male who's mane was a flowing galaxy and his fur held constellations. "Now, now little one, I won't harm you." his voice drew out the original fear I felt, making me hiss in defense, but the sound felt wrong, felt like it was meant to create fear or hurt. I hated the sound, but it was drawn out by instinct, and instinct I could not stop. I listened as the two exchanged words, the words fuzzy to me as I hid among the paws of the lioness, but when she looked down at me with a smile, it made me perk my ears to listen. "Looks like we were born in a similar manner, in explosions and light." her chuckle left a feeling of warmth in my chest and soon I wrapped my front paws around her leg, clinging on, wanting to stay with her. They exchanged a few more words, and then she looked into my eyes, and seemed to be full of warmth. Soon I was lifted from the ground and taken with her, away from the scary pride and the crowd of lions that crowded me, away with the lioness...

She Became My Mother.
Click To Read Ishabba's POV

By Honeycomb101
I Was Taken From The Crowd To A Quieter Place...

out in the wilderness surrounding the pride lands, it seemed like stones and rocks for miles, but it was nice, quiet, and I was with the lioness that seemed so much like me. I felt calm as she took me with her, heading for a place unknown, but I felt safe. The land around went by in a blur as we continued along through the strange lands, then I felt the ground beneath me as the lioness placed me on the ground before her. I looked up at her, then saw she was looking ahead to something in front of us. I turned my head to see a large black lion with golden marks faintly covering his body. He had large wings spread out behind him and his golden eyes held an anger and hatred I had never seen before. The look in his eyes was even more terrifying then that of the pride...

And I Felt A Dark Aurora Around The New Lion...

He held nothing but darkness and death in his paws, and the fear I had felt upon waking returned with an even greater force. I hid behind the lioness, watching the male with fear and caution as he glared at the small cub. "What is this? Why have yo brought a cub? This is no place for cubs!" he roared at the lioness, anger evident in his voice. She did not flinch though, he stared the male in the eye, defiant and hiding her fear. He took a step forward, claws out and ready to strike, he ignored the lioness and went straight for me, his intent clear, but a growl from the female stopped him in his tracks and he flinched in pain, taking a few steps back and closing his eyes, gritting his teeth as he waited for the pain to cease. Once it stopped he looked at the lioness with a glare. "I will keep her out of your way, she is my responsibility and you shall not touch her Hyperion!" her voice rose into a roar, anger clear in her eyes as the male had threatened me. He gave a small growl in return, gave me a last glare and turned to walk away, clearly angered by the turn of events. I looked up at the lioness who relaxed and looked down at me with a worried glance. It was clear she thought I would be scared of her, but instead it made me respect her and trust her all the more. I rubbed my head against her leg and looked up at her.

She Protected Me From Him...

She took me to her den, and allowed me to rest in a soft nest, I can not remember the materials of the soft bedding, but it was warm and cozy. "What is your name." she asked me, making me look up sleepily. "I do not have one, or one that I remember." I squeaked nervously as I spoke. My statement made her think, and I watched her tilt her head, looking up to the ceiling of the den as she thought. "How about the name Malaika?" I tilted my head hearing the name, "Malaika..." I let it slide off my tongue. I was curious why she chose the name, tilting my head and looking at her curiously. "It's means Angels, because you remind me of a little angel, sweet and innocent..." she seemed to trail off, thinking about something, almost a sad distant look on her face, but I did not interrupt her, I allowed her to think as I fell asleep in the nest, her nest. I wondered about her and the male though, how did she end up with someone so cruel, my thoughts continued into sleep as I drifted into a dreamless night.

She Gave Me A Name...

I knew then that I did not like the male, even if I was a little angel to Ishanna, but he was clearly a part of her life, and that meant I would have to put up with him, but that did not mean I had to like him, no, instead I hated him, and I hid my feelings from him and stuck close to Ishabba at all times or I would stay in the den that I shared with the lioness. At first it was awkward as she did not know how to react around me, how to raise me, but as each day passed, I heard her laugh, I saw her smile more, and she grew attached to me. She became like a mother as she cleaned me and held me to her when I was scared, she started to help me with my powers and soon I learning about the powers of ice, but I could bring myself to tell her I held the powers of water as well, the fear of water too great for me to handle, just the thought of the liquid made me afraid, but she was always there to comfort me without pestering me to know about my fear.

And Even Though I Would Always Be Afraid, I Had A Mother Who Cared.
I Did Not Know Him...

And I was unsure if I wanted to. Ishabba picked me up, telling me that we were going to meet a friend of hers. First time I met one of her 'friends' I was greeted by growling and threats. Now I hate him, Hyperion, but I must put up with him, and now I am being taken to meet another stranger. I do wonder about my foster mother's taste in friends, but who she associates with is her decision and I must live with it. Ishabba carried me across the wilderness, heading in the direction of the pride, and then turning off course and stopping at a large rocky outcrop. I felt the stone under my paws as she placed me down, and she scanned the area around us, looking for something, or someone in this case. "He is not here yet, so we are going to have to wait." she looked around every once and a while, and when I got bored, I started to stalk. I eyed the wait paws, padding along the rocky landscape in front of my as Ishabba paced back and forth. With a little wag of my back end I leaped forward, but it was not Ishabba's paws I landed on. Another set of paws magically appeared before me, much darker in color, and I was clearly not the only one startled. The newcomer jumped in surprise and hissed, but it was not very threatening to me. I looked up to the face of the newcomer, finding a dark red male lion, two horns sitting on top of his head, curved backwards and surrounded by strings of energy. His eyes seemed to glow as he looked down at me with surprise. He was large and seemed intimidating

But I Felt An Attraction To Him...

By Pyro&pup (pup)
Just like I did with Ishabba, something about him seemed familiar, but I could not quite place it. "Eztli, this here is Malaika. She is one of the cubs from the Lake of Eternity." His eyes went wide as he looked at me, and I shuffled over to stand next to Ishabba, my fur brushing against her leg. I looked up at her, finding that she was looking down at me. "Malaika, this here is my friend, Eztli." I tilted my head as I looked at the larger male, still wondering what he had to do with Ishabba that attracted me to him. "He was born from the blood moon, like myself." It made sense then. He had the same birth as my foster mother, a birth similar to mine, from death and by strange light. I felt my fear slip away as Eztli looked down at me, still unsure what to think about me. With a little hesitation I walked up to him, looking up with now curious eyes. I stood before him, his paws right in front of my, close enough that when I reached out, I wrapped my two short front legs around the larger leg of the male lion. He seemed to have a shocked and horrified look on his face, looking from me to my foster mother, then back to me. He lifted his leg, trying to break free of my hold without hurting me, but I clung, being picked up by his strength. Like a leech I held on and he couldn't shake me.

And Soon He Became Like A Father...

He kept trying to push me away every time we met. I would sneak towards him, only to find a large paw pushing me across the rock to the other side, but that did not stop me. I would instead cling to the paw in my face, holding on as he tried to shake me off, but it did not work. He slowly gave up, and eventually he just allowed me to cuddle and cling, realizing I was not giving up. Ishabba just chuckled as she watched him try to push me away again and again, knowing by experience that I was not giving up easily. I pounced on paws, tried to pounce on his tail, I nipped at ears when his head was low enough, and tried to jump on his nose when he laid down. He would bat me across the ear playfully, the closest he came to playing back at first, then he would start sneaking up on me and starting hiding among the rocks before we got there. It became a game, a very fun game that I enjoyed. The more he played back, the more I wanted to play with him. It was that one visit though that I made my feelings known. "Come play with me daddy!" I called, leaping onto a large boulder, looking towards the male lion who was clearly shocked by his nickname. "Did she just call me daddy?" He looked to Ishabba who also looked a little shocked, then blushed. I could not figure out why she was blushing, but it was clear that I stunned both of them. "Daddy! Come play!" He shook his head, and smiled, leaping after me in quick bounds as we ran around rocks and through crevices

And He Accepted His Role...

I fell asleep that night, thinking of how my family was now complete. Ishabba, my precious mother who took me in and protected me, despite the fact that she was introverted and didn't know how to be a mother. Eztli, my new father, unsure about being my father and pushing me away at first, but now he had accepted his role in my life and could not help but see me as his daughter. My family was complete, it felt complete, and I was happy thinking about my new family as I slept, leaning my back against my mother who was curled around me next to a large boulder, and on top of the boulder, laying on the platform above was my father, looking down with a smile at me, watching as I slept, happy and safe among those who welcomed me,

I Became His Child.

From NizoLuv, By Croozie
I Was Able To Grow Up With The Help Of The Sand...
The Sand I Didn't Know Existed, Let Alone That I Could Get...
It Changed Me From The Cub That I Was...
To The Adult I Have Become...
Giving Me The Chance At A New Life.

I thought I would never grow up, but with the help of some magical sand that Ishabba helped me to get, I could grow into a lioness, though I don't think my father really agreed with me growing up. I was his little girl, the one he played with, protected, and raised, but now I was grown. Becoming an adult was something I wished for, something I dreamed of, but due to my birth, another anomaly that came with it was the fact that we could not grow up. I was devastated by this fact, but I chose to live with it, glad that even if I could not grow up I had a family to love me forever. That day made me so happy, my mother came home and she brought with her, the one thing that could make me an adult. I was confused at first, how could sand help with anything, what was the point of having sand when it covered the whole planet, but once she told me it's purpose I became excited, I felt hope that maybe I would not be stuck as a cub forever.The sand caused my legs to grow, and my body to change, I became taller and thinner compared to the chubby little cub that I was. I felt greater strength then I had before and moving around became smoother and filled with grace. It felt good, the strength and size that came with being an adult. I was no longer a little cub with stubby legs, or lack of strength, I was an adult with strength and was capable of creating my own family now. I was hoping to one day have cubs of my own, to make my parents proud with a lovely family, a dream I had given up on once I found out about the fact for all the lake cubs, though I think my father had other thoughts.

The few males who had interest in me at first, seemed to run away quite quickly whenever we visited the pride, and I became sad, wondering if they still held fear towards me, I thought they were running away from me because I was different, but that was not the case. Eztli, my father, wanted to protect me and I did not mind his protection, but he was providing too much protection. It was not me they were afraid of, it was my father. He became protective of me as I grew up, not willing to let his little girl go, especially to just any young male, no, he was going to be picky with who became my mate, finding the perfect male who loved me despite my fears and awkwardness around others, someone who loved me for me. He would sneak up behind me as I was talking with the males who came to flirt with me, and he would glare at them with his glowing red eyes in a threatening manner, warning them to get away from me, away from his daughter, and it worked. Others saw him as intimidating, I saw him as slightly annoying, but I loved him all the same. I knew I could not get him to stop chasing away the males, and knew I needed to find a way around it, but my mother did not seem to help, just watching and chuckling to herself as she watched the males run away in fear and horror. So I just shook it off and kept trying, hoping to find a male that could put up with the scary father figure that followed me around like a shadow when males were around.

Ecko Flirting Story (Second Story In Sta.sh)

I had become a little more confident, more so around those I knew, though still not much of an improvement around those I didn't, even though they told me they saw a difference. Nothing, not even growing up though, could break my fear of the water. I am still afraid of the water and the lake, avoiding it at all costs, but it has become harder to avoid, much more challenging then I thought it would be. I have met more water elementals, some using their abilities to try and impress me, but all they did was scare me away. When among the pride it's now harder to avoid large crowds, making me uncomfortable. I have started to spend more time away from the pride then I usually do, I would sometimes stay in the wilderness as my mother went into the pride lands, but she never stayed long when I was not with her. As well as not growing out of my fears, I also never grew out of my playful attitude around my parents. I still enjoy sneaking up on them, pouncing on them, and even clinging to my father, though he can't pick me up with just one leg anymore. Things have indeed changed, I see things in a different light now that I am grown, but so much has still stayed the same, and there will be so much that I will never grow out of.
◘ Ishabba, playing and cuddling with her. Makes her feel safe from her past and from her fears. Also give her a sense of being loved by someone.
◘ Eztli, pouncing on his paws and sneaking up on him, enjoys the feeling of having a father who actually loves her and is willing to play with her. Makes her feel safe as well knowing that he is always willing to protect her and love her.
◘ Quiet, living in the wilderness without the loud, scary crowd, or the Lake of Eternity, away from the places that cause many of her fears.
◘ Light, warmth, things that brought her to life and out of the darkness, things that help reassure her that she is still alive.
◘ Ice, learning about one of her elements with Ishabba, playing in the snow and on the ice with family or friends, and the cool temperature of the substance.

◘ Hyperion, and the darkness and death that surrounds him. She hates him and all evil lions that are like him.
◘ Crowds, loud spaces that remind her too much of the day of her birth and the crowd that surrounded her when she woke up, as well as the eyes watching her and the different things she saw in other lions.
◘ Water, the element that she has a phobia of and came out of when she was born.
◘ Danger, hurting others and seeing others in pain because of her.
◘ The thought of losing her new family and being left alone again, whether she loses them to death, imprisoned, taken away, it does not matter, losing them at all would devastate her.
◘ Being in dark places alone, reminds her too much of being in the lake, even though that memory is faint.
◘ Having friends or family turn on her or abandon her, she is unsure why she is afraid of this, not being able to remember her past life.
Elements: Water + Ice
She does not know much about her element of water, too afraid to use the element, so her abilities involving water are unknown even to herself, let alone anyone else because she does not tell anyone about her element of water. She does not like using her abilities to hurt others, but she quite enjoys using her abilities to allow others to have fun and to enjoy the beauty of ice.
By Gwanu

Ground Freeze - She likes freezing ground, firstly to create a more solid surface to walk on when needed, though she does not need to do this often on the stony planet, and secondly to create platforms of ice for herself and others to slide on for fun, getting a running start and sliding across the ice. She could use this to set an enemy off balance as well by creating ice underneath them, her first line of defense as she would use it to slow an enemy down enough for her to get away.

Snow Fall - She can create snow, but she does not like making deep amounts of snow, and can't make too much at one time or it would leave her too weak. She enjoys creating light amounts of snow to cool down in and to catch the snowflakes on her tongue as they fall. If she became stronger she could use it to create a snow storm, slowing down enemies, causing them to get lost, blinding them with a flurry of the white substance or in the worst case, killing them from the cold as they wandered aimlessly in the blizzard she created

Icicles - She can create little icicle like darts, sending them flying through the air towards vital parts, and sensitive parts such as the eyes and nose. She does not like using them for this purpose, and this is a last resort, even after allowing her foster parents to protect her. She does enjoy licking or munching on the pieces of ice when she is bored though, enjoying the cool feeling on her tongue that seems to relax her and take her mind away from other things. The stronger she gets, the greater they become.

Sculpting - she can create shapes with the ice or snow, like magnificent sculptures or just silly snowmen. She enjoys making snowmen, or pretty sculptures shaped after those she loves and cares about, it's one way she gifts back to those who look after her and love her.
Splash - The only ability involving water that she knows about, being able to make it move and splash up out of pools and bodies of water. She is not sure how to control it well, and so it normally happens as random and normally gets others wet and leaves her shaking. If she learned to control it she could send great waves of water flying towards an enemy or direct where the water was going.

Rainstorm - One of the abilities she does not know she has, she can cause it to rain at varying speeds, though it all depends on her strength. The stronger she is the harder the rain can fall. If she were to learn about it and how to control it, she could make it sprinkle or downpour, she could make it rain in just a specific area, or make it stop raining just where she is standing. This is caused by drawing water from the rain clouds, so weather is also a factor in the strength of the falling rain.

Water Draw - She does not know this ability either. She can draw water from the ground, or anything that has enough water in it to draw from. Drawing water from under the soil is the easiest, while bringing it up from under rocks or from other living things is much harder. Without training she can not use it, so she is unaware of this ability due to her fear. She could create geysers from the ground or use it to create different shapes or to fling at someone.
Hail/Sleet - She could create hail and freezing rain if she learned to use the element of water, though hail is very tough for her to form and takes the most energy to create the deep cold low enough to freeze rain. Sleet is much easier for her to form as it is softer and takes up less energy then hail does, and does not need as low of a temperature to form. With even more control she could redirect the hail or sleet at a specific target. She does not know how to do either though and the thought of sleet scares her since it's not quite ice.

Slush - Mixing water and ice on the ground is much easier then in the air. It take less energy to for her to form slush, though slush scares her as it is still too close to water for her liking. It can be used when being pursued by enemies, much the same way as ground freeze, by making a slippery surface behind her. She only knows how to use ground freeze for this purpose though. Can also be used to melt ice more quickly when needed.

By nowi

How She Feels About...
The Pride:
I do not mind the pride, there are many that seem nice, but I have a strange feeling about them, something that seems to push me away. I do not hate them, maybe I slightly fear them for reasons such as my demophobia, but not because I see them at evil. The pride is there for if I get over my fear of the crowds and strangers, but for now I prefer to live with Ishabba, slightly away from the bustle of the pride lands.

The Rebellion: I am not for the rebellion, nor am I against it. It all depends on the lions reasons for fighting. There are some rebels who take part for evil purposes, and some for reasons not so bad, but if I had to choose, I would choose the pride over the rebellion. I tend to avoid rebels, having the luck of running into more evil ones then non when I do come across them in the wilderness. Hyperion included, though he is not truly part of the rebellion, he has still rebelled in his on way.

The Lake Of Eternity: I fear it, just like I fear all water, and just like everyone else who knows the powers of the lake. I am sure it was the cause of my death, and so I fear death of water again, death by THOSE waters. The darkness and deadly powers of the lake has caused me so much fear, fear that followed me from the lake and stays with me to this very day. It shaped me into a scaredy cat, something I sometimes wish I was not.

The Lake Cubs: I do not mind them, actually I feel like I belong among them much of the time, enough that I am not scared of them, but not enough to keep me in the pride with them. I see them as friends, not quite close enough to be family yet, but maybe someday, if I spend more time with them, they can become a part of the family that has built around, that has built for me.
Desired Rank: Nomad or Healer
I for now am a Nomad, like my foster mother and live a little ways from the main camp, and we come and go as we please, which is a good thing since I can not handle being around the crowds all the time without being able to get away. I enjoy being a Nomad, but I do wish I could help more. I do dream of being a healer like Karazi or Valeriya, but I do know that many need the gift of life to be a healer, an element I do not have. Being able to save lives instead of taking lives would be amazing, but with the chances of me being a healer ranging from low to impossible, I would rather stay a Nomad.
◘ Likes chewing on ice when bored.
◘ Clings to those she has a connection to,
◘ Daydreams about growing up.
◘ Hides behind Ishabba when she is afraid, even
as an adult, she doesn't grow out of it.
◘ Nods a lot when talking to lions with the
element of water.
◘ Lightly bites her tongue when afraid.
◘ Tends to look behind her all the time
when she is being flirted with.
◘ Freezes when she sees water, and
lets out little squeaky sounds when
she tries to speak in this state.
Affiliation: None, but if she had to choose, The Pride

First Choice, None - She is against killing and death, she hates the idea of fighting and wishes there was a way to sort things peacefully, but she knows that it was not going to happen anytime soon, the war was too far along. She does not wish to take a side, she would rather stay in hiding with her foster mother, but she suspected that Hyperion was against the pride and would love to get away from him.

Second Choice, The Pride - If she had to choose though, she would take sides with the pride, the home of her foster father, she would always take sides with her foster family over anyone and everyone else. She feels it is only right to take the side of family over strangers and would feel very guilty if she chose any other side besides her family's.
Design (c) Kaluga, Species (c) Starry-Knight
Coding & Writing (c) Me (NARANDA)
Art (c) Their Respectful Artists (All Credited Under Each Piece)

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Re: EVENT LOC Adopts

Postby Red weasel » Thu Dec 03, 2015 5:49 pm



Red weasel

Cub Applying For



"My name is Ohrid"

Named after Ohrid Lake


" I am a male"


Water - When near a source of water, Ohrid can manipulate it. He can move water in the size of great waves with ease, but struggle to pull water from the ground. He can also change the shape of the water he moves, but if scared or other wise messed with, he has a tendency to lose control of the water.

Galactic Plasma- Force fields are his signature move, as he isn't much of a fighter, and is instead, extremely defensive. He tends to play with the stars when he bored, making pictures and such, though he gets nervous about doing this around other lions. He has never tried to travel through a black hole, as he is to scared to try.



Ohrid is completely timid, being easily scared of others very easily. Oohed has a hard time taking comfort in others, or getting close to others. It takes a lot of effort to get close to him, and this even extends to those born at the same time as him, even tough they are who he feels closest to. Ohrid can usually found following the other cubs around, as they are the only ones he truly feel like he fits in with in, are are the only ones he feels accept him. Well in large groups, he will be found in the back, hiding, especially when any adult lion is around. He is more uncomfortable around adult lions than he is around cubs, he will say that they are just intimidating, but to some, it is clear there is an underlying fear.

Despite this timid this, he still has the hunger to learn. Ohird is quiet intelligent, but very few know of this due to his constant silence. Many teachers have picked up on this though, and will often call on him to speak, or answer questions, something along those lines. This will often times cause him to be nervous, though every now and then, he can overcome the obstacle, and beat out his nerves to answer the question or talk. He is great at find others strong points, and he knows a good bit about different powers, and could, if he would speak up, do well at advising other cubs on what they're skill are.

Ohrid hates being away from water, and is often found at the place of his birth, when he can get there. He feels uncomfortable not being able to use both his powers, as he always feels the need to be defensive. He has a timidness when it comes to his powers, which is why he had trouble pulling water from the ground, and he is afraid to try more difficult skills. He could take some coaching, and has, but has yet come the bravery to attempt it, at least in front of others. He loves his powers more for the art of it, making shapes with water, making and removing starts to makes constellations.

Ohrid hears screams of pain from somewhere, but does know there roots, in fact, he doesn't know his own roots. He wonders if the others know, bur he has never actually asked. Ohrid is aware that he was brought, well, back he assumes, to life for a reason, and he is aware that he mental development seems to be more in line with adults, and he is aware he can't age. He is okay with not aging, he would have only been afraid to be adult anyways. Ohrid has never told a soul about the voices he hear, and wonders if they came from his past. Some days he wishes he knew more about it, some days he's glad to not know. Still the voices screams hunt him in a way he knows will come to him one day.

Ohrid wishes he could have experienced having a mother, ands feels as if there is a whole in him where a mother should have been, and the same for a father. He wonder who the where, if they loved him, if he had siblings. He looks at the other cubs, and sometimes wishes he could be normal like them, with families like them, and an appearance like them. He doesn't feel special, he feels cursed, and often wishes he had never been reborn. Life is difficult to him, but he tries his best to enjoy it if he can, wondering if he even is supposed to enjoy his life.


The pride - Ohrid doesn't feel quiet at home in the pride. He wants to fit in, but is to afraid to approach others, or try to make friends. He doesn't quiet feel at home, for some reason he can't explain, but he's still happy to be where he is, and to be safe, even if it's in a place were he wants to be invisible.

Cubs - Ohrid is scared of other cubs, more than any adult lion around. Something about them being his peers makes him even more nervous than he should be. He doesn't have many friends his age, unless they extend out to him.

Nyx - As she has a mother nature, she automatically took to all the cubs, wanting to keep them protected from anyone who wanted to discriminate against them. She took quickly to Ohrid as she could feel his timid nature, wanting to make sure that he felt self. In return he took to her slowly, as she was gentle and kind, and made him feel he could open up. She is who he goes to to talk to, though he still feels the lack of a mother.

Ekko Being the first adult lion he saw, you would think he wouldn't be afraid of him, but this just isn't so. He is no less afraid of him than other adult lions.

Etheral Ohrid is absolutely afraid of the pride alpha.To him, he is someone who commands much respect, and Ohrid is afraid that he will do something wrong or make a fool of himself in fornt of the Alpha.



being alone
sitting by the river
The sound of running water,
day dreaming
being near water
the sound of others singing.


Larger crowds
Being made fun of
loud noises people asking him to change the stars
being called out
having to much attention

The day of their birth

There was light. I saw a light blue light, then it shifted to silver, then to white, and back to blue in a repeating cycle. That was all. It was so beautiful, so inviting. The first feeling I ever felt was hope. It was strong, unbreakable almost, at least, I wished it was. Then suddenly the colors changed, harsh red, striking yellow, and an overwhelming black. A harsh screeching whine filled my ears, an almost screaming found that filled me with fear. My head began to ache as sweet sound came, fighting the noise, and the light colors came to fight again. This was a fight I would soon know in its way, something on the inside.

But then everything went dark.

The a scenery began fussy, I was lying on the ground. I couldn't move. I think my body lifting in the air, but this is still particularly fuzzy for me. I had no clue where I was, or what was around me. When I came to, so to speak, I was lying on the ground. I stood up, seeing a crowd of lions, and felt fear that paralleled to that I had only just felt. One of the lions stepped forward, and before I knew what I was doing, stepped back, away from the approaching lion, behind the other cubs around me. I cowered, ducking to the the ground, as a slightly clear blueish purple barrier circled around me. The Lion who stepped format had a white pelt, I think, I was to fearful to know. Suddenly, I felt like all eyes were on mean, on us. The varied reactions of the crowd rand in my head, some whispered, some laughed, so hushed other, the tones all mixed; kind, harsh, sweet, hesitant, sympathetic. No felt comfortable for me.

I hunkered down to the the ground, all to aware of the sounds around me, the looks, and what I at least thought they were thinking. The other cubs though seemed to be far more comfortable with the approaching lion. I knew that I'd have to try and calm down, and try and blend in, if I even possibly could, but as I went to lower the field around me, I heard screams, not a scary as the last time, but this time a bit more familiar. I looked, and no one else seemed to hear it. It only lasted for a few seconds, but it was enough to startle me. Something told me, that I was hearing was something I had heard before. Slowly though, I lowered the force field, and went with the others, soon to join what would be my home."


Life in the Pride

"I sat in the back, watching the other cubs particle using their powers, almost playing with each other. I sat, hoping no one would notice me sitting there, and ask why I wouldn't move. I watched the others, envious a but, but annoyed by the loudness as worked. Even the other cubs had started to meld in with the other, or a least it looked like it, yet still I hid. I did't know what to, when I didn't want to do what they were doing. I though I was well hidden, till two cubs padded over to me.

"What, you think your so special that you don't have to participate?"

"Cause you came from the river."

"Yeah right your a waste."

"I'll show you what power is."

There words came fast in a storm of hate that I couldn't quiet grasped before they acted on their words. I stepped back, but all the sudden, a ball of fire came hurling toward me. I duck, raising a force field around me. I heard one of them call me a coward, but my eyes were closed out of fear. Things went quiet, and then I heard a voice.

"Now, now, for two who dream of being a warrior, your behavior is astonishing."

In front of me stood, Nyx, the lion who had made it her goal to protect me, to protect us. She went into speech about the greats, and as I opened my eyes, I saw them, eating her every word. I was grateful for her actions,but knew she'd want to talk to me next. I quickly dropped the force felid, and ran off while no of them were watching. I ran to the lake, to clear my thoughts. I never sat to close to the lake, for fear of falling in. A stat an thought over life, over those. Where they taught their hate, waist just them, I must have sat there for hours when Nyx walked up next to me and sat.

"Do you ever wonder who in there for you? I'm sure there some," She said calmly and quietly, her eyes fixes on me. I knew of the situation with her sister, I figured she didn't feel comfort in this lake, but yet she sat there with a smile, fixed on my life problems. She cooed words of comfort to me, don't mind them, you shouldn't be afraid to to show your powers, the pride cares about you. She caried some sort of sad optimisms, and she gave a lot of it to me. Suddenly, her tone shift from sad and sweet, to stern and diplomatic.

"We have to go back now."

I didn't want to , but I wouldn't argue with her either, so I followed as she rose, trailing carefully behind her. No lion watched as they walked, though I wonder if they really didn't care, or if Nyx had told them not to. She had a way about getting what shed wanted, and as we walked up to the cubs. I sat down, and immediately she started in with a lesson, keeping me from sitting in the back as I would, and with that, the lesson began.

Theme song

Helena - My Chemical Romance
The Killing Type - Amanda Palmer and The Grand Theft Orchestra

Note to winner: I ordered a piece of art, winner gets it.
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Re: EVENT LOC Adopts

Postby apricotflyer » Thu Dec 03, 2015 7:19 pm


applying for cub;
# 1
meaning courageous

the pride
the pride
having friends

getting told off
being confused

There was nobody around. I was alone, completely isolated in nowhere in particular. Beneath my paws was sand, it was soft and felt nice between my toes. But it was gray, this whole world was gray and lifeless, the sky and the water surrounding me. I felt gray and lifeless too, even though I could clearly see the bright orange of my fur reflected back at me. This reflection looked dead though, a mirror that couldn't stare back at me since its eyes were shut tight.

That left me shuddering, it was strange to look at and made me wonder. Why was I alone in this world? Was it because I truly was... dead? I wasn't even sure, reality and dreams both seemed real to me and right now the smooth sand beneath me was so real. The light breeze disturbing me, the smell of fresh flowers on the wind, all my senses were picking it up. It felt like home I guess, it was why I didn't want to leave. Surrounding me was nothing but water and that was a welcoming sight.

I'm not sure how I ended up here but that didn't matter, not really. I was here and I was happy enough with my location that I didn't put many thought into it. It was just as it was. Me and this world, and my reflection. I stared back down at it, I looked so pained in the picture floating across the waters surface. But my current form was smiling, we both looked very different and yet again more questions formed.

This place wasn't made for asking questions though, it was here to answer them. It called to me, and I obeyed, reaching out my left paw to touch the surface. A ripple was all that responded to my encounter with the lake, or maybe it was a sea, and I was disappointed. I had felt some sort of build up and was about to turn away to the rest of my island of solitude when the water changed. No longer was it just gray.

The image, the reflection of myself, it was no longer clear as a purple colour began seeping into the water. It bubbled and hissed and seemed to make the whole world stutter and hiss. It was acidic and nasty and this new purple colour had a mind of it's own. My perfect sea was tainted now, and it just kept spreading.

I looked down to my paws and saw purple there too, and I realised that this was me. I was like this, a monster of purple. Gray and purple. Gray and purple. The colours I remembered truly, the only ones that remained in this vision other than myself. The world was shaking again and so I backed up. I wasn't sure what to do. I didn't want to leave this dumb little fantasy. At least I had finally decided that this was not reality, no matter how perfect it felt. There was no one here, there should be more than just me.

The water wasn't waiting for me to obey it anymore now, it surged forward. It surrounded me and swirled around, and each time the liquid brushed past I screeched. It was burning, searing pain that made my body convulse. The water was attacking me, the only friend in this empty dream, and it had turned against me. And it wasn't long before it clung to me and consumed me, and then I had no more sense of myself. Or anything for that matter.
I was being pulled back to my senses, I was being dragged awake. My mind was groggy and slow as I tried to rise up, but I wasn't moving. And I couldn't see. I panicked for a moment, before noticing that my eyes were shut and I couldn't open them. They were shut like that reflection, but maybe that had been me. Real me, though it was terrifying to think about.

Pulsing, glowing. I couldn't see it but I could feel the energy, and soon I was moving. I wasn't sure where, was I up or down? I had lost knowledge of the directions. My eyes burst open and were showered in light, bright and dangerous. But not so dangerous it seemed as I was soon back on the ground, though I couldn't be sure if my feet had even left it.

Before me many lions were gazing, not just in my direction but also in the direction of others. My eyes followed their's and I was greeted by cubs, cubs like me. They also all seemed to just be blinking awake, and I wasn't sure what had happened. But I wasn't alone now, this was life. This was reality, it wasn't meant to be spent alone.

I was about to ask someone about what was going on when a cry rung out, it came from a cub close by. I didn't know who she was, but I raced toward her instantly. I wanted to help, even if I also felt shaken. I wanted to be there for other lions, especially if it meant that lonely gray island would be gone forever.

poison + water

Eyal enjoys his connection to the water, especially as it is what he awoke from. He knows and has learned how to harness some of it's destructive capabilities, with help from various lions.
    tidal wave;;
    - this is when eyal uses water to create a wave (size depends on the amount of water he currently has control over) that can be used to smash against objects with great force.
    picking up the trash;;
    - this ability is one he designed on his own, with his control of the water it can manifest some sort of solid shape that can pick up enemies, or objects. then this shape can either be used to smash the enemies against the ground, throw them, or drown them. this abilities however can be very draining, even using small amounts of water, since turning water into such a solid formation requires lots of concentration.
    water army;;
    - the act of bringing water up from the ground, usually bursting up like geysers, and then can be used instantly for any ability
Eyal uses his poison however in the least harmful way that he can. He could never forgive himself for accidentally harming someone he cares for. For battle he much prefers the control he has over water. Poison is unpredictable, treacherous, and dangerous.
    health cloud;;
    - this simply means that eyal uses his powers to remove any sickness that he wants, and this is used often.
poison water
However, he does realise that he can use both elements at the same time. He does struggle, as utilizing two elements is not easy, and he currently only has two abilities combining the two.
    drowning life;;
    - this simply adds poison to the water, but if not taken care of quickly could kill anything that drinks or splashes in the water that has been infected. this can happen without eyal realising as his control over poison is not yet very good. but thankfully he can remove it as soon as he realises.
And one of his favourite, combining abilities. Though not in a magical bonding kind of way, more like working as a team with another lion to strengthen your powers together. This can only be used with the other lion.
    blowing bubbles;;
    - since he works so well with elysia, one of the cubs like him, they learned to work their powers of water and air together. He creates light hollow sphere shapes out of water, and she lifts them up with the currents of the air. although not a battle technique, it is lots of fun.
    poisoning the light;;
    - this is exactly as it sounds. sacrifice, with his energy ball of light teamed up with eyal (against his will) and can now send out balls of energy that simply blind or distract enemies, but it carries a poisonous disease along with it, so the opponent will also end up being infected. this ability is only to be used in dire situations though, since eyal doesn't want to mess around with his poison powers.
Eyal has always liked a little more freedom. And although he is not rebellious at all - he loves the pride - he has no desire for a parental figure in his life. He's not completely sure, but parents aren't something he wants. From the day he was born, as he remembers it, he's sure that he has no recolleticion of parents. And why should he have them? The pride is close enough to him to look after him and he is happy learning through what his friends teach him.

Eyal is quite social and enjoys talking to as many lions as he can, although this doesn't mean he is excitable. He just is very outgoing and likes the company of others, he tried being alone once and it never worked out for him. It was only ok until he realised what he was missing out on, feeling like someone else accepts you is the greatest feeling in the world and he wants to feel that everyday.

Eyal is calmly observant, though it can be a little unnerving seeing a young cub like him seem so mature. He likes to keep and eye out on his surroundings and has a strange way of looking at the world, as if the voice inside his head is constantly soft and quiet.

He is brave enough, but only sometimes when he can urge up the courage to be. Mostly he is a little bit of a coward and gets scared about taking any sort of risk, even a good risk that could save his teammates one day. Due to not liking to stand up so much, and being afraid of upsetting others, he can be a bit of a pushover. In some relationships he can be more dominant, in others it is equal, but for some he buckles under the pressure of their presence. He can't always find it within him self to stand his ground and just goes with things, no matter what he himself thinks about the situation.

Eyal enjoys being in the pride. It is a tight close-knit community and he feels so included by many of the lions. But also he loves the idea of authority, since he can't always do such things himself and he isn't bossy, he finds lions in a high position to be highly interesting. He respects them greatly, though does not always follow through with what is suggested due to a certain bad influence he hangs out with. However he tries to be as submissive to them as he can and will always apologise profusely for anything he does wrong.

Eyal is a bit awkward, and can easily be left without words when someone responds with something surpising to him, or threatening. He tries his best to be good and responsible but he often forgets that he is just a cub, and so things are lost on him quite often. More often than he would like. He wants to be able to give good advice and help his friends as much as he can one day, but is very unhappy with himself in his current state.

He is confused by his powers/elements, he does of course adore using them (well, not all the time) and is trying his best. But he just feels so confused and unsure at times, he only uses them when asked or told and not usually by himself because he doesn't trust himself enough to work them well enough without someone else there, watching.

One more thing about young Eyal is that he loves colours, bright or dull, as long as they are colours. The only colour he doesn't like is gray as it reminds him of being alone.


Sacrifice- Sacrifice is one of Eyal's good friends, however the older lion is also one of the worst friends Eyal could have. Sacrifice loves trouble, and he tends to end up dragging Eyal along with him into the trail of bad decisions. Eyal likes his friend, but not his actions though he doesn't speak up against the older lion since he's a bit aggressive if Eyal tries to say what they are doing is wrong. Eyal sticks to his morals as closely as he can though, so the friendship between the two can often be strained.

Kilan- Eyal has gotten in trouble with Kilan many times before, but little does Eyal know that Kilan is aware that Sacrifice is also behind this. Kilan doesn't like seeing Eyal being so troublesome though and is often the one to drill in more moral lessons into the young cubs head. Eyal hates doing anything bad to the massive lion and is always very apologetic. Thanks to Kilan he has started standing up to Sacrifice more.

Varinius- Eyal doesn't like to admit it but Varinius scares him just a little bit. They may share a few similarities but that fact especially makes Varinius pull away even if Eyal tries to get closer to the lion. And so Eyal has given up on any hope of friendship, there are plenty of other lions willing to be friends.

Krishna- Eyal likes the company of any lion with dual elements like himself, he feels at ease knowing that he is not alone in his struggle to handle two. And although he is not close friends with Krishna, Eyal holds a huge amount of respect for the second in command and tries to not get on his nerves.

Valeriya- Eyal loves Val, as a friend though. She may baby him from time to time, but Eyal absolutely will refuse to consider her as a motherly figure. She is simply there for him when he needs someone to talk to, or to ask for advice. He doesn't see her all the time, but he knows he can count on the kind lioness to help him whenever he may need it.

Elysia [cub #7]- Eyal really likes Elysia. He met the cub on the day of their birth and helped calm her down since she seemed to be freaking out the most. He tries to be as gentle as he can, and bit by bit he is trying to help her not be so terrified by the water. He knows he can't completely cure her fear though. He enjoys her presence and feels a lot more care free around her than with anyone else.

Xochipilli- Eyal likes Xochi though his loud confidence can be a little imtimidating at times. Eyal himself isn't a slacker and does try to motivate Xochi to do things that require more responsiblitly, despite them being cubs, but this can annoy Xochi a bit. Eyal labels him as a good friend.



poison bottle icons; mini-umbrella
grey divider bar; neripixu
headshot; by me
eyal; by Hawky
Eyal and Elysia; by The Bootless Box
Eyal full body; by insperationalwinds/whisky
traditional headshot; by Citrustwinkie
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Re: EVENT LOC Adopts

Postby olivionary » Thu Dec 03, 2015 7:21 pm

    Username: Olivionary
    Cub Applying For: #02
    Name: Sicily
    Gender: Male
    Element: Water & Galactic Plasma
    Relationships: Once Sicily had been 'born', he scampered off into the trees fearful of the large Lions around himself. He ran until he came across two Lions, whom he would come to cherish and long to protect.

    Mama was the first Lioness he came across, blind and vulnerable, Cecilia could never have been a threat to the small cub. She is a kind lady with a big heart, but a short temper and stubborn opinion on everything. That's why Sicily loves her so much, his Mama is a big part of who he is. She raised him from the moment he came across her to now, but he knows that one day it'll be his turn to protect her no matter how strong she pretends to be.

    Romy was the only one around to protect Mama when Sicily first met them. They seems close and affectionate towards each other. Romy was more relaxed than Mama, likely because he could see that Sicily was only a young cub with no evil intentions - yet.

    The day of their birth (from their point of view):
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Re: EVENT LOC Adopts

Postby Queen Vivane » Thu Dec 03, 2015 8:30 pm



Username: Queen Chrysalis

Cub Applying For: 3

Name: Uspar

Gender: Female

Age: 54 (Still yet a child)


Element: Light + Darkness. Two conflicting Elements. Dark as the ocean trenches and light as the rays of the sun. Just how do they combine in peace for a single LOC? An eternal twilight exists within Uspar, a time where light and dark blend together in harmony.

Elemental Abilities: Both elements allow Uspar to create illusions. She is not sure if they can combine to make an illusion, further study is needed on that front.

They allow her to blind her foes. Leave them stumbling in the dark or fleeing from the light.

Light and dark can be used as distractions. A little flicker here or there can provide an excellent distraction. Both elements may be used for distraction purposes.

The light can of course illuminate places of darkness. Giving vision in a place that was previously not available due to the depths of the shadows.

Darkness can of course cover the area. Provide a hiding place for if Uspar wishes it or cover her escape from combat should the need arise.

Light will form balls of energy when directed to by Uspar. They can be used for illumination purposes or can be used for offensive purposes. Which way they are used all depends on what Uspar needs.

Uspar can use the darkness to manipulate shadows. You thought those were reinforcements? Nope that's just the Anglerlion making use of what's she got.

The last power of darkness is the ability to cloud minds. Uspar can make others hear voices and sounds in their minds. Tempt them into doing something unwise. Or even having them square off against their allies.


Personality: Uspar was never the most boisterous of cub's before her "rebirth." Nowadays she's quiet, pensive even. Uspar spends a lot of her time thinking and not enough time in trying to make friends. She's not shy, quite the opposite but not many see past her quietness, so they really never get to actually know her. Uspar does not get attached to others very easily, it's never been a trait of hers, even before her death and rebirth. It takes time for her to form proper bonds. She likes to be sarcastic and it's hard to tell when she is being serious as she's sarcastic far too often. Uspar stays well away from those who are constantly happy believing that they are either hiding something or really creepy, sticking with those who display more emotions than happiness gives her restless heart peace.

Uspar is terribly intolerant of anything she doesn't like or has little to no interest in. She isn't one to anger quickly and keeps an easy leash on her temper, barely ever loosing it even when dealing with annoying idiots. Uspar while terribly intolerant is actually quite fair, she knows others like things she doesn't and sometimes she will hold her tongue on the subject. It all depends on what sort of mood Uspar's in when someone starts blathering about something she doesn't give a single flying floral arrangement. Uspar doesn't lose her temper very often so it's understandable that there are idiots who just want to make the weird angler fish cub snap. Big mistake on their part, when she loses her temper, Uspar spares nobody from her scathing words.

Uspar has never really been one to pay too much attention to her looks. Her reborn appearance was a shock. To go from average to looking rather like an Angler fish was rather jarring. It's a wonder she's not traumatized by the whole dying and coming back series of events. She's rather prideful and quite arrogant.


By the light and the shadow I bind you. Your mind is my own to use as I see fit!

[Nyx] Nyx is a little like a mentor/big sister to Uspar. Always trying to teach the younger female something new about the world.

[Kilan] Kilan is Uspars favorite lion to argue with. She tends to pinch items from him to see if he'll notice. Despite her cheekiness, Kilan is quite fatherly towards her. Encouraging the younger LOC to try and make friends as well as doing something other than getting into trouble or thinking.

Likes: Light, darkness, the feel of a gentle breeze upon her face, rain, being alone, those like herself, noise, flowers, grass, being sarcastic,

Dislikes: Water, hyperactive lions, fighting, stargazing, having opinions forced down her throat, rules, being told she should make more friends, having her lure batted at like some sort of toy, silence,


I am dark and I am terrible. I will be your end

The day of their birth (from their point of view):
The day I was born, was both sunny and warm. A typical summers day, no? Of course nobody in attendance knew what was to come. Even if we had? There would have been no stopping what happened.

I sat on the rock staring down into the water, thinking carefully. To fall into the water was certain death, I knew that of course. Every cub did, we were all taught that at a relatively young age. It was interesting though, to watch the waters swirl and ripple. Shaking my head I turned and stood up, I don't remember quite what happened after that. One moment I was on dry land, the next water was closing over my head and everything went dark. I think there may have been screams of horror, I'm not sure, it's all muddled in my head. Did I scream? Was there pain? There was just nothing but unanswered questions and stone cold silence for what seemed like an entire age.

Suddenly light flooded the world, bright and warm at first then growing until it felt like an inferno had grabbed me and was burning my body from the inside out. The pain lasted for what felt like an eternity before it faded and I was left with nothing but myself, I was faintly aware of a feeling that something had changed but I could not quite figure out what that was.

I came around quite suddenly, sputtering violently my chest heaving as I coughed up mouthful after mouthful of lake water. My eyes shot open and the light of the sun blinded me but I couldn't shut them, not again. It took me some time to rid myself of all that pesky water and even longer for me to actually move from my place upon the floor of the cave.

My legs shook as I forced them to hold my weight, my head was so heavy and I was so tired; yet my legs held out and I was able to move, if slowly at first.

"Kilan" I croaked at the large blue lion as I reached his side. Apparently the large male was not the only one who heard my voice as more of the gathered lions turned toward me and stared. "What? Why are you all staring at me?" My question was rasped and yet it still seemed to echo throughout the cave.

They did not answer which only served to aggravate me. Only when the anger began to swirl behind my eyes did I see the odd light upon the cave wall, my anger faded when I noticed that light moved when I did. Horror gathered all around me and I fled the cave in search of something safe that would show my reflection.

When I finally found a small source of water. Just for the longest time, I could not bring myself to look down into the puddle. I was too afraid of what I might see. After some amount of time, I steeled myself and looked down into the water. A light attached to some fleshy appendage protruded from the center of my head, while small fins fluttered nervously against my sides, a glow accompanied my now luminous yellow eyes and finally a set of wicked looking fangs jutted out from my lower jaw and rested comfortably on either side of my nose.

I sat down and for the first time in years, I cried. Never had I been vain but this was just too much for me.

How long I sat there being a precocious little brat I do not know. My mind tries to make up memories in replacement of the blur but I ignore them. The blur is real, more vivid than the fodder my mind throws at me. I have no use for fodder. I moved from my seating place and simply wandered for a time.



Fears: Drowning. After dying that way, Uspar has no intention of submerging herself in water ever again

Birthstone/Birthday: October 30th


Precious Stone: Opal

Food: If she could eat surely it would be Rabbit or something like that

Tree: Silver Birch

Weather: Thunderstorms

Time of day: Twilight

Drink: Lemonade

Flower: Daisy

Animal: Rabbit

Book: Fantasy Adventure

Place: Under a tree

Insect: Butterfly

Bird: Canadian Goose

Musical Instrument: Harp

Season: Summer

Style of Music: Dance

Day of the week: Saturday

Fabric: Silk

Song: She hasn't heard much in the way of actual music. So can't really give the title of favorite of to a song.

Gemstone: Ruby
Last edited by Queen Vivane on Tue Jan 05, 2016 11:51 am, edited 20 times in total.
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Re: EVENT LOC Adopts

Postby Kitsune. » Fri Dec 04, 2015 12:59 am

ART wrote:
By Hawky<3;;

By Bluefirewings;;

Also by Bluefirewings;;

By Krini;;

⋆Username;; FandomKitsune
⋆Cub Applying For;; #006
⋆Name;; Ailé
⋆Name Meaning;; "Winged" in French
⋆Nickname;; A {pronounced "Ae"}
⋆Gender;; Female
⋆Element;; Flight+Sonic Waves
⋆What Rank she aspires to have;; Head Scout


Ailé is a very energetic lion, as most cubs her age are. She is constantly moving and can barely stand still for longer than a minute. She [as well as the adults] attempts to keep her busy, as she will become annoying when left without an activity. She puts her energy to training to what she wants to be: a scout, specifically the head scout. She greatly enjoys flying and scouting as well as scanning the environment. Her ambition to become head scout is limitless, as she simply convinced herself it is doable.
xxxxxxtake charge/leader attitude
Along with her bursting energy and unrestrained ambition, Ailé quickly will take charge in any social situation. She enjoys leading and taking control, even if she may come off as a bit brash.
When Ailé makes friends, they usually stay friends for a long time. A is very loyal and trust-worthy. She would do anything for her friends and family, and usually has friends for life.
Ailé tends to be a bit of a show off sometimes, always testing limits and breaking rules when she thinks they hold her back. Her confidence can sometimes scare other lions away, but she does not mean to come off as such.
Getting into trouble seems to be Ailé's strong suit, as she is constantly doing it. So, Ailé has learned to be able to get herself out of situations, using nearly any means possible. This has led to her being able to solve complicated puzzles, either in battle,or having to talk her way out of 'accidentally' destroying a flower bed.
Behind Ailé's brash and loud exterior, she is truly insecure in her character and power. She likes to hide behind her mouth sometimes. She would never show this side of herself, though, not even to her closest friends and family.
Ailé first met Viridine when she had only just emerged from the lake; Viridine was the first lion she saw outside. Viridine, confused as to how Ailé had gotten there and who she was, had flown down to investigate. The two had gotten along instantly, with their mischievous attitudes.
After Ailé emerged from the lake, Vashti began to pick up on her confusion, and went to investigate. It was only after a day or so that they formally met. Vashti read her mind and immediately came upon her frightful past, which Vashti wanted to talk about. Ailé, of course, refused at first, but, after spending more time with Vashti, trusted her enough to tell her. Vashti's therapist-like instincts kicked in, and she began to almost help Ailé through this. Ailé feels Vashti as almost a motherly figure, since she never had one.
✓Flying long distances
✓Watching and observing the
things around her, wether it be
on the ground or in the air
✓At night, when the sky is clear
and she can see the stars
✓Warm summer days
✓Being in the company of close friends and family
✓Climbing trees, rocks, hills, other lions, etc.
✓Watching all types of flying creatures, especially birds
☓Being inside cramped places/in
places where she can't see the sky
☓Swimming/being submerged in water
☓Being in large crowds of people she doesn't know
☓The cold/snow
Biggest Fear;;
xxxxx➵After drowning in the Lake, Ailé fears being in water. She can handle small puddles or streams or ponds, but not large bodies of water. She hasn't entered a lake or similar large body of water since the incident.
The Day of their Birth (from their point of view);;
Ailé wrote:I'm one-hundred and one. So I was born not to long ago. I actually just had a birthday, just a few.... actually, I can't remember very.. well.... Anyway, I'm one-hundred and one. Definitely.... I could tell you the story of my birth if you like!


Ailé wrote:xxxxxI don't remember that day very well, but Daddy did, and he told me about it. He says it was sunny and warm, in the middle of summer. Mom had not expected to have me this early, so it was a surprise to everyone. He says Mom labored for hours in our den, surrounded by lions trying to help, but they didn't help much. Daddy says after Mom had me, she died.... He says everything after that seemed to die a little as well; the sun stopped shining, the wind stopped blowing, like everything was mourning her.... He says she died for me to live, that she used up all of herself to give me life. I never met her; never knew her. But Daddy always tells me about Mom. She didn't have wings like me and Daddy, but he says her heart soared miles everyday. Sometimes he'll say she gave me her wings.

Story Behind the Feather;;
xxxxx★The feather was originally left behind by her father, a warrior in the rogue group that was forced into the lake. When they were forced into the lake, Ailé became so afraid that she clung to her father, who's name is not known to this day. Ailé left the lake holding the feather in her jaws.

xxxxx➵ Ailé stiffened, watching with fear as she was forced forward by the enormous lions. As one of them glanced her way, she opened her wings slightly, puffing up her feathers, and glared back defiantly, a silent challenge. The lion let out a small huff of laughter, then trotted forward to whisper to another lion.
Ailé watched as the lion walked, his muscled form lumbering alongside another of his kind. She jumped when something touched her back, letting out a yelp and whipping around to face her attacker. Familiar, kind eyes met hers, a deep hazel pool that calmed Ailé with only a single look.
"Don't scare me like that." She growled, voice quiet. Her father, large by lion standards, smiled at her. Ailé felt her fear lessen, like she was just walking with him, alone. Like they did. They would walk in their spare time; around the camp, around the woods, around their territory. And they would talk. Never about the fighting, though, or stealing or torture they both knew was going on. They'd talk about weather and pride members and all the things they had.
Ailé snapped back into reality, where both prides walked in uneasy silence.

xxxxx➵ A chamber stood before them, and it seemed they were going to be lead into it. It had been only a few minutes, but to Ailé, it seemed to have been hours, just walking, right next to her father. As they filed into it, Ailé gasped, as it was a beautiful chamber. They were quickly led to a lake. All of the strange lions went behind them, trapping them between them and the lake. Ailé hadn't realized she'd been shaking with fear, or that she had tucked herself next to her father. She felt his enormous wing wrap around her side, pulling her closer to him.
"Do not be afraid, Ailé. It will be alright. They wouldn't dare hurt you." He whispered, his breath warm on her ear. She stopped shaking, but stayed at his side as they approached the bank of the lake.
"Listen! All of you, listen to me!" A great voice boomed. It came from a muscled lion, who seemed to be the leader of the lions around them. Ailé's pride gathered around him, some fearful, some returning the warrior's gaze without hesitation.
Next, the lion spoke about the 'horrible acts' that their pride had committed. He said they had to be punished for all that they had done.
"We know you have done attrotious things. However....," the lion stopped, staring at them,"You may go free if you can do this one simple task: If you swim across the lake and back." He said, waving his paw in the direction of the shimmering surface of the water. The pride was silent for a moment. Then, all at once, they began to whisper to each other, excited whispers, whispers of hope.
Ailé turned to her father and asked, "How will I make it across? I can't swim very well."
"Do not worry. If I have to, I will cary you on my back." His voice was even and calm. It always was.
That's when the first lion stepped forward; he had just reached adulthood, already with scars across his flank and muzzle. He approached the lake, standing on the bank of it before leaping in. His roars of agony filled Ailé's ears, making her jump backwards with shock. He struggled for a second, eyes wild and filled with fear, paws flailing, always roaring. Then, he sunk below the surface. The water stilled and silence fell.
The pride broke into a frenzy, turning to the strangers and begging for their lives. The warriors did not respond, except to keep them from escaping.
"You will not leave! You will enter the lake!" The leader snarled, his tail lashing.
The strange lions moved forward, forcing them into the lake. Screams and roars erupted from the lions being forced into the water.
Ailé clung to her father, only managing to let out a fearful yelp. It seemed only seconds before the warriors were shoving her and her father into the water.
Her father stopped on the banks, crouching slightly.
"Do not touch her." He snarled, wing completely enveloping her. Ailé tried to shout, to stop them, but she was frozen with fear, disbelief. The opposing lions, with great trouble, forced him forward with sheer numbers, causing him and Ailé to stumble into the lake. Pain exploded along Ailé's paws, causing her to let out a roar. She felt his paws pull her into into his chest, wings wrapping around her like a shield. Soon they fell into the depths, and Ailé snapped her jaws down on his wing, unable to bare the pain any longer.
The last thing she felt was her fathers paws, warm against her fur.

xxxxx★Ailé washed upon the shore in the present with the feather gripped in her jaws. She has not let it go since.
LOC info wrote:A lion with the gift of flight can:
Use their wings to fly across vast distances,
use wings to knock opponents off balance.
Make little noise making them stealthy.

Ailé uses her gift of flight to cross vast distances quickly, exploring and practicing scouting all the way. She uses her wings skillfully in (practice) battle by using them to attack her opponents and as/to create distractions, like kicking up dust to blind them or flaring them open suddenly to shock an enemy.
Specific Flight attacks include:
★Wing Force
xxxxxAilé uses her wings to physically attack her opponent.
★Wind's Breath
xxxxxAilé uses her wings to kick up dust/sand/etc. to blind her opponent.
★Sky Comet
xxxxxAilé drops from a great hight very quickly, landing on an opponent.

xxxxxSonic Waves
Ailé uses this special element to create large walls of sound to attack and to stun her enemies. She uses this element by roaring, and, when she wants to, by creating a force of sound that can injure/knock over her opponents, and, when used quickly and with a close range shot at the head of an attacker, to stun them momentarily. However powerful and serious this element is, Ailé still uses it occasionally to knock over things and sometimes other lions to annoy them or to surprise them.
Specific Sonic Waves attacks include:
★Loud Mouth
xxxxxAilé roars out a large booming sound, which can, at close range cause hearing loss.
★Sonic Stun
xxxxxAilé lets loose a smaller roar close to an opponents head, stunning them and also preventing them from hearing for a short period.
★Air Mover
xxxxxAilé roars, creating an enormous sound wave; this is the most powerful attack Ailé knows, but she has never used it, as it could kill lions or other animal near her, topple building and trees, and cause hearing loss.
Last edited by Kitsune. on Mon Jan 04, 2016 8:21 am, edited 35 times in total.

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