Adoptable Turtles! (they grow) |Closed for now| NEW SPECIES!

Come adopt or share user-created adoptable species here.
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Adoptable Turtles! (they grow) |Closed for now| NEW SPECIES!

Postby roxy265 » Tue Oct 27, 2015 2:21 am



Traveling along a sandy beach, you see something in the distance. The waves break over the small sphere-like object. As you draw nearer the wind picks up and the object starts to roll out to sea. You dash towards it and scoop it up. You look down at it wondering what it is.
You take it home, and a couple of days later the object starts to wiggle and shake. Cracks start to scar its surface. It is an egg! A little head pokes out of the egg. Within days the egg is in pieces and you find yourself looking at a sea turtle! The turtle is yours now. What will you do with it?

Turtle Adopts has been around since November 6, 2012
I have made 74 custom turtles!

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Postby roxy265 » Tue Oct 27, 2015 2:22 am


So you want to adopt a turtle? No problem. I just have a few small rules.

    ~ Do not claim the artwork or lines as your own
    I have worked very hard to create each individual turtle. They are my artwork. You may use the turtle as a character, redraw it, etc, but credit for the design is appreciated. I would love to see artwork of the turtles however!
    ~ Do not alter the turtle in any way
    As, I stated above, the turtles and their lines are my artwork. If you alter the turtle (this means the code, lines, or removing my signature), you are stealing.
    ~ Do not alter the code in anyway
    This means do not remove the URL linking your turtle back to the adoption page.
    ~ Do not resell your turtles or trade them on CS or on other sites
    Each turtle is made uniquely for the person that orders it and they are archived accordingly. It would be incredibly difficult to keep track of a trading system for the turtles as they are all unique. You can, however, buy a turtle for someone else and give it to them. (For instance, if you want to get a turtle for your younger sibling or a friend) Just make sure that in the order form to put their username instead of yours (it's also helpful to let me know it's a gift).
    ~ Please don't change the form
    When filling out your form, please try not to edit the basic format. I have it set up so that I can easily read your requests and put them together to try and get exactly what you want. (Changing the color of text to show exactly what colors you want and adding references is encouraged though! It's makes it much easier to get exactly what your looking for if I have the colors and patterns to look at.) ^^
    ~ Take as many freebies as you like
    The above rules apply to freebies as well though. Want a different freebie than the ones available, suggest a new one!
Last edited by roxy265 on Sat Nov 07, 2015 12:02 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Species Info

Postby roxy265 » Tue Oct 27, 2015 2:22 am


Sea Turtles

The sea turtle is the first species available for
adoption here.

Our mascot sea turtle is a very generic green turtle.
However, if you look at the customs in the archive,
a few are modeled after real turtles.
But don't let the markings and colors of
real turtles limit you, you'll see that the
customs come in all different colors,
and some even have wings!

There are seven species of sea turtles including the
leatherback sea turtle, green sea turtle,
loggerhead sea turtle, Kemp's ridley sea turtle,
hawksbill sea turtle, flatback sea turtle
and olive ridley sea turtle.
Four of those species have been
identified as "endangered" or "critically endangered"
with another two being classed
as "vulnerable".

African Sideneck Turtles
African Sideneck turtles are also
available for adoption as customs.
They are very cute turtle with long
necks and stout faces. How will
you design yours?

African Sideneck turtles are actually
a family of freshwater turtle species
found in Africa that cannot completely
pull their heads into their shells.
Instead, they fold their necks
to the side to hide hence their name.

Alligator Snapping Turtle


An alligator snapping turtle would
make a ferocious addition to any signature.
One of the heaviest freshwater turtles out there,
these turtles have powerful jaws that can
easily crush and injure anyone unlucky
enough to make them mad.

It is quite possible for these turtles to live
for hundreds of years. One of these turtles,
Bone-Crusher, lives at the Greensboro Science
Center. He is 96 years old and weighs 96 pounds!


Red-eared Slider Turtles
Red-eared sliders are one of three types
of pond slider native to North America.
The most recognizable both in the wild
and in the pet trade, the red-eared
slider has a definitive red marking on either
side of its head behind the eyes.
However, the turtles do not have ears!

The other two types of slider turtles
are the yellow-bellied and cumberland
slider turtles, and despite popular misconceptions
in the pet trade, these turtles grow quite large
(female red-ears get to be around a foot in length!)
and require large enclosures.

More Species Coming Soon!
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Postby roxy265 » Tue Oct 27, 2015 2:22 am


I will make a custom turtle for you!
If you order a custom turtle, you get to pick the color/design of the full grown turtle, the egg, and the sand from when the turtle is a newborn.

If you want a custom turtle, the payment is as follows:
    1 OMG so rare - Free turtles FOREVER! XD
    1 very rare - 4 turtles
    1 rare - 2 turtles
    1 uncommon - 1 turtle
    2 commons - 1 turtle
    4 very commons - 1 turtle
    5 OMG so commons - 1 turtle
(I will not accept the trade until your turtle is finished, but I will not begin an order until I have a payment trade.)


Code: Select all
[b]Custom Order Form (Growing):[/b]
[b]Egg color:[/b]
[b]Sand Color:[/b]
[b]Turtle pattern/color:[/b]
[b]Eye color:[/b]
[b]Any Extra parts? (wings, horns, etc.):[/b]
[b]References (optional):[/b]
[b]Have you sent your payment trade?: Yes/no[/b]

Code: Select all
[b]Custom Order Form (Auto Adult):[/b]
[b]Turtle pattern/color:[/b]
[b]Eye color:[/b]
[b]Any Extra parts? (wings, horns, etc.):[/b]
[b]References (optional):[/b]
[b]Have you sent your payment trade?: Yes/no[/b]


You can also order custom signature boxes featuring your turtles
If you order a signature box, you will still design a custom turtle, but you will also pick the links for the box as well as the icon to go behind each of your links.

If you want a custom turtle signature box, the payment is as follows:
    1 OMG so rare - Free turtles FOREVER! XD
    1 very rare - 2 turtles
    1 rare - 1 turtles w/ sig box
    2 uncommons - 1 turtle w/ sig box
    4 commons - 1 turtle w/sig box
    8 very commons - 1 turtle w/ sig box
    16 OMG so commons - 1 turtle w/ sig box

If you already have a custom turtle and would like a signature box with THAT turtle, you will only have to pay half of the above price since I do not have to design a new turtle.

(I will not accept the trade until your turtle is finished, but I will not begin an order until I have a payment trade.)


(The custom turtles for signature boxes CANNOT GROW. They have to be auto adults.)
Code: Select all
[b]Custom Order Form (Signature Box w/ new turtle):[/b]
[b]Turtle pattern/color:[/b]
[b]Eye color:[/b]
[b]Any Extra parts? (wings, horns, etc.):[/b]
[b]References (optional):[/b]
[b]Names you want for the four links? (trades, art, my pets, etc.):[/b]
[b]Icon you want for the links? (leaves, splatters, etc.):[/b]
[b]Have you sent your payment trade?: Yes/no[/b]

Code: Select all
[b]Custom Order Form (Signature Box w/ pre-existing turtle):[/b]
[b]References (optional):[/b]
[b]Names you want for the four links? (trades, art, my pets, etc.):[/b]
[b]Icon you want for the links? (leaves, splatters, etc.):[/b]
[b]Have you sent your payment trade?: Yes/no[/b]
Last edited by roxy265 on Sun Nov 15, 2015 2:00 pm, edited 13 times in total.
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Orders I Currently Have

Postby roxy265 » Tue Oct 27, 2015 2:23 am


The orders in red are ones that I have not received payment for. I will be doing orders in this order (the order I received them in).
I will not do the orders in red until I receive payment trades.

Whisper Shadow
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Completed Customs

Postby roxy265 » Tue Oct 27, 2015 2:23 am

~If you ordered a custom come here to get it!~
DO NOT TAKE OTHER PEOPLE'S CUSTOMS! They pay for them, and it is not fair for you to steal them.
The pets are labeled with the owner's name anyway, so stealing them is pointless. Turtles will only be posted here for a week or so before they are moved to the archive.



Code: Select all



Code: Select all



Code: Select all


Code: Select all
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Postby roxy265 » Tue Oct 27, 2015 2:29 am


There most likely won't be many freebies as I usually won't have time to make them.


Code: Select all


Code: Select all


Code: Select all


Code: Select all
Last edited by roxy265 on Tue Nov 17, 2015 4:35 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Postby roxy265 » Tue Oct 27, 2015 2:29 am


Click the "Archive" above to go to the archive if you want to see previously made customs or if you need to retrieve your turtle's code.
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Support and Affiliates

Postby roxy265 » Tue Oct 27, 2015 3:09 am


Do you like Turtle Adopts? Put a banner or stamp in your signature box! Thank you!


Code: Select all

Code: Select all


Code: Select all


Image Image Image Image

Go check out these other awesome adoptable pages!
Feel free to message me about becoming an affiliate ^^
Last edited by roxy265 on Thu Feb 18, 2016 10:29 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Adoptable Turtles! (they grow) (New thread WIP)

Postby roxy265 » Tue Oct 27, 2015 3:10 am

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