Symphony Character Adoption Agency - CD + OPEN! :)

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Re: Symphony Character Adoption Agency ♫ - v.2 - OPEN!

Postby yeena » Tue Nov 11, 2014 1:14 pm

Kennel Number: 98
Species and/or specific breed:
Likes/dislikes/art, etc. (optional):

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Re: Symphony Character Adoption Agency ♫ - v.2 - OPEN!

Postby Revalva » Tue Nov 11, 2014 3:31 pm

Kennel Number:121
Use: foreign.potato
Name: Caydance
Gender: Female
Species and/or specific breed: Desk Mink

Cheerful and ready for any adventure. With her ADHD, nothing keeps her attention long. She is constantly moving from one thing to the next, sometimes not even finishing what she started. Her favorite thing to do is ride on your shoulder, yet she cannot stay still. Her tail is ALWAYS moving and no matter what you do, you will never be able to catch it!
Caydance grew up an only child, thus no experiencing what it was like to have to share things with siblings. This makes Caydance very... eager, when new things come into place. Sometimes she even take things from your hands. Being about the size of a lemur, Her fast hands take onto anything.
Along with growing up a single sibling, she also leaned that respect is only given when received. As a child, she respected her mother and father due to the way they respected her. And to this day, anyone that shows her respect will be given the full respect the deserve back, even a perfect stranger.
Likes/dislikes/art, etc. (optional):

Cotton Candy
Pumpkin Seeds
Chunky Peanut butter

Shoulder Rides

Anything that makes her scared(Scary movies, Tricks, Pranks)
Candy corn
Green Olives

Smooth Peanut butter


Pet's name: Komake & Avian
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Re: Symphony Character Adoption Agency ♫ - v.2 - OPEN!

Postby serl » Wed Nov 12, 2014 5:42 am

Kennel Number:143
Use:He's ADORABLE!And I LOVE ferrets!I never considered a ferret char,but,ohmygosh he's adorable!I'd definately use him!
Species and/or specific breed:Ferret
Personality:Bandit is a troublemaker,not too bad,but he likes pranks.He is shy and nice too.His mood is whatever the weather is.
History/Background:As a younger ferret;Bandit did more pranks then he does today.One of his friends gave him a dangerous dare.But Bandit accepted it,as being a daredevil.The dare was;To jump off the small cliff,it's not that high,plus, we put a trampoline under it.Bandit was sorta scared,but his friends would think he's a baby.He jumped.He closed his eyes,and hit the trampoline.His leg cracked.Not in half,but his bone cracked."Owwwawww....."Bandit moaned."OH shoot!"One of his friends shouted.They called for help.It all blacked out after that.Bandit slowly opened his eyes."Huh...what happened?"He slowly said."You took a big fall,you have a bionic leg now."Replied the nurse.Bandit is used to his leg,and he crossed off those friends on his list.
Likes + Dislikes:
Likes wrote:-Robots
-Harry Potter
-Doctors + Nurses
-His bed

Dislikes wrote:-Cliffs
-His 'daring' friends
-The dark


she | paper rad#2431
hi i'm serl <3 my special interest is
cats! currently, i'm hyperfixating on the
idolm@ster, touhou, and chicken
smoothie! i'm a big rhythm game fan
and i frequent my local arcade! i also
really love music <3 my favorite
genres are happy hardcore, denpa,
classic rock, mashcore, & vocal trance!

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Re: Symphony Character Adoption Agency ♫ - v.2 - OPEN!

Postby irina » Wed Nov 12, 2014 7:59 am



Kennel Number:
Species and/or specific breed:
Likes/dislikes/art, etc. (optional):
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Re: Symphony Character Adoption Agency ♫ - v.2 - OPEN!

Postby ★ Shiiptaur ★ » Thu Nov 13, 2014 12:02 am

Canine - Doberman
Preferences and Requirements for adoption:
Today's Date:
Lineart Link, design credits, etc.:
Unsure of artist.
(pronounced Sh-EE-p-tar)
Previously ★Zaxby ★

Sorta back. I don't know lol.
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Postby ▸Atlas. » Thu Nov 13, 2014 3:40 am

Reff by foreign.potato
Bit About Me

Username ;; Hello! I'm Dovepawlover- please call me Dove. c:

Use ;; Perziken will go into my trade rules, along with Braamstruik if I win them. She will also get her own post on my character thread, where she will be featured for everyone to goggle at and be jelly that I have them. Perziken will also get a lot of art and possibly a book; but the book really depends on if I have time to write and still pack for our move. But the art and everything else is a definite.

By LeeLi

Why I Want Her ;; For who knows how long now I've scrolled down that first page, and every time I see her. Each time I'd stop and stare, then just go on thinking "she'll have a lot of forms that I won't be able to beat". But her design is amazing, and she is so adorable, I just couldn't resist. And that tail. Gosh, I love that tail. I wish all things had a tail like that. But anyway, I want her because she is unbelievably cute, fluffy, amazing, and I'm just in love with everything about her. Especially that tail.

First You Need To Know...

Kennel ;; She has been in 122 for as long as I can remember.

Name ;; Perziken meaning 'Peaches' in Dutch. I chose this name because her main fur color is a beautiful shade of peach, not to mention she somehow reminds me of my grandmother's old dog Peaches. I think it's the longer face fur... But an amazing name for an even more amazing character.

Gender ;; Female.

Age ;; Just over nine months old.

Species ;; Ajiro. An Ajiro is a species of wild cat, much like a bobcat, about two feet tall at average. They have longer face fur, very long tails, and wings. The wings aren't used for flying, but more in the lines of showing off.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Image By -ichirou
Getting Deep

Kin ;; Her 'little' brother, Braamstruik, is her only remaining family. Even though they're the same age, she has filled in on raising him since their mother died. Their father vanished before they were born.

Likes ;; Quiet moments when Braamstruik isn't being obnoxious, spring, being safe, food, company.
Dislikes ;; Being lonely, noise, winter, snow, fighting, going hungry.

Personality ;; Leading, sassy, defensive, slightly brutal, loving.
Leading // Perziken is a born leader, and will often take charge. Though while leading, she can become quite brutal.
Sassy // Perziken has the tendency to 'sass' people off if they get on her nerves. This makes most of the other Ajiros resent her a bit, as well as her brother.
Defensive // Do to her sassy nature and need to be the leader in everything, the fellow Ajiros dislike her and her brother. This causes her to be very defensive around others, and often snap at any comment.
Brutal // Perziken hates fighting and violence, but she can become brutal if something is trying to harm her brother. She feels like he must be protected due to his small size and half-blindness, even if it means brutality.
Loving // Aside from all her bad or dis-likable traits, Perziken is a loving Ajiro. She will put her brother before herself in all situations, and she will help anyone in need.

History ;; Where shall I begin?
The night was bleak and moonless, clouds covered the see-able sky and thunder rolled in the distance. Leaves blew across the ground under the tree cover, past a small den entrance. The den was under a large oak tree, and far from protected from the elements.
"Klauw, please, don't go, I need you. Our kits need you." Begged a small Ajiro with brown and tan fur. Her wings were gray with flecks of blue and white.
"I am not staying where I'm not appreciated." Hissed a large male, Klauw, with a flick of his right wing. "You will have to learn to fend for yourself and our kits."
"Please, please." The small Ajiro begged. Klauw stood motionless, and the Ajiro's head sagged. "If you must leave, take one of them when they are born. One of them deserves to have a father."
Klauw was silent, no more than a shadow by the exit. "Fine," he said at last. "I will raise one, if that is what you wish, Bes. But I cannot promise they will live. I'll have to find another mother to feed them, and I'll be travelling far."
"They have as good of a chance living with you as they do with me." Bes said sternly.
Klauw nodded and awkwardly sat by his ex-mate.

An hour later, the first kitten was born. A small female with tan-grey fur and tiny grey-white wings. "This one shall do." Klauw said, and picked up the whimpering kit. Lightning flashed behind him and it began to poor.
Weakly, Bes dragged herself over on her crippled hind legs. "Take care, little one." She whispered, and licked the kit.
Klauw paused, then touched noses with Bes. "Stay safe." He murmured, then left the den with the kit.
Within the hour, two more kittens were born. A large peach, brown, and blue-grey female, and a smaller male of duller coloring. Bes, weak from lack of food and all that had taken place, managed to drag herself to higher ground. She set her kits next to her, and watched the water poor into the den. She didn't sleep, for she sang the whole night.

"Quietly, quietly, the rain falls
On and on, in the night it drawls

"New birth and life will come in it's place
But those there must still stay safe"


Quietly, quietly... Perziken sang the words to her mother's song in her head. The song was so simple, though it meant so much, especially to her. Her first memories were of her mother singing that song to her. My mother... A fresh pang of grief overwhelmed her. Perziken glanced back at the way they had come from, at their mother's grave. She had passed away the night before from hunger, and the pain of it was still fresh. If only I could hunt better... Can't all Ajiros hunt by four months? She thought to herself, sighing.
Perziken was so lost in thought that she stumbled over her brother, Braamstruik, who had stopped in their path. "Hey!" She hissed, regaining her balance and managing to not fall over.
"Watch where you're going!" Braamstruik said back angrily.
"Why did you stop?" Perziken asked as her tail flicked back and forth in annoyance.
Braamstruik was silent a moment. "I was just having one of those moments again, no biggy..." He said at last.
Perziken sighed and touched her nose to her smaller brother's. "We can stop a moment if you'd like to rest." She said calmly. Every so often, Braamstruik's vision would go blurry in his good eye and he'd feel faint. Their mother had believed it to be caused by hunger, but they didn't know for sure.
"I can keep going. I'm not weak!" He said with his neck fur rising. The short Ajiro strutted off along the path, leaving Perziken standing there. She sighed once more then followed.
After a few minutes, they reached a curve in the small path. Braamstruik rounded it without thought, but Perziken stopped. She glanced back a final time at the way they had come, at their mother's grave. She stared for a moment, then followed her brother.


"Braamstruik, I don't want to play right now. I'm busy making us a place to sleep!" Perziken said for the fifth time as she weaved twigs together for a den wall.
"But c'mon! You've been at it since we stopped an hour ago- don't you wanna play?" Braamstruik said, then pounced on her tail. "I'll be the big Ajiro and you can be the mouse!"
Getting angry, Perziken drew her tail closer to her. "We're getting to old to play that kit game, Braamstruik. We're nearly six months old, we have to learn to do stuff. So why don't you sit down and help me with this den. Or would you rather sleep outside?" She looked back at Braamstruik.
"Erm... Hey! Hear that? I just heard a mouse in the bushes! I'm going to go catch it!" The small Ajiro ran off before Perziken could answer.
Perziken shook her head at Braamstruik's childishness, but she was happy for the quiet. With clumsy paws, she tried weaved branches together for the den. Two hours passed before she was satisfied with the work, though it didn't look great. She crawled through the den entrance to see how big it was inside. Her back touched the roof while she crouched, but it'd have to do. At least Braamstruik could fit better. Where is Braamstruik anyway..? It was at that moment she realized that she hadn't seen, nor heard, her brother for two hours. She hastily backed out of the den, her fur ripping on the branches.
"Braamstruik?" She called once she was outside the den. "Braamstruik!" Perziken felt like she was going crazy. Where could he have wandered off to? He was half blind for crying out loud! She began to pace back and forth, wings flapping, trying to figure out what to do. It was at that moment that Braamstruik came out of a bush with a mouse in his jaws.
"There you are!" She said, relief washing over her. Momentarily forgetting about her brother's smallness, she tackled him. She rubbed her face up against his lovingly. A second later anger set in. "Never run off like that again! Do you know how worried I was?"
Braamstruik sat up, eyes excited and eager. "I didn't run off, though." He pushed a mouse toward her. "I caught you a mouse!"
"You caught this?" She eyed the mouse. Never in his life had Braamstruik caught prey, and the kill was perfect. It just sounded to go to be true.
"Yes- don't act so amazed! I can do stuff too!"
Perziken turned the mouse over. "It's not that I'm surprised, it's just that it's so perfectly killed, and well, face it, you've never caught anything before." She had meant for it to be a compliment, that he caught such an expertly killed mouse as his first catch, but it didn't turn out sounding like how she'd hoped.
"I'm going to bed." Braamstruik strutted into the makeshift den, leaving the mouse at her paws.
Perziken sighed as her brother left. She sniffed at the mouse then ate it, because she knew her brother was watching and would feel better to see his catch eaten. With a flick of her wings, she got up and left to hunt.

After sunset, Perziken arrived back at the den with prey for the next morning. She made sure to get a rabbit, Braamstruik's favorite. She buried the prey outside of the den in a shallow hole, then went inside. Her brother was twitching in his sleep, murmuring 'claw' over and over. She figured that he was having a nightmare, and curled up around him. She rested her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes. "Night, Braamstruik." She whispered before darkness enveloped her.


Water ran over her paws as she waded into a stream. It was cold and sent shivers all across her. Perziken glanced back at Braamstruik, who was just coming out of the bushes. "Tell me if you need some help, alright?" She called back to her brother.
"I'm fine, I'm fine." Braamstruik grumbled from behind.
Perziken shook her head slightly and continued to wade in the water. It grew deeper as she grew closer to the middle of the river, and she began to worry that Braamstruik would have to swim. The current began to tug at her fur, and the water was up to her back. "Braamstruik, it's deep. Really deep. Stay where you are, I'm coming back." She called to her brother, and began to turn around. She would rather travel downriver and find a better crossing place than risk her brother drowning.
Perziken turned fully around, but Braamstruik wasn't in sight. "Braamstruik?" She called, thinking he went ashore.
"Perziken!" The sound came from down river, and she turned quickly towards it. There, down river, stuck in the current, was Braamstruik. He kept going under, popping up even farther away. "Perziken! Help, please!"
She was stunned, unsure of what to do. She stared at her helpless brother a moment, then snapped out of it. "I'm coming! I'm coming!" She called, diving into the current and paddling towards her brother. Braamstruik was but a brown speck in the blue-green water ahead, and she knew inside that she couldn't make it. But Braamstruik was her brother, and she had to try. She saw Braamstruik flailing in the strong current, then hit something grey. A rock. Braamstruik went under. "No!" She wailed, paddling even faster. She paddled and paddled, but it seemed like she was getting farther away from where he went under, not closer.
She saw Braamstruik resurface, but he wasn't moving. "Braamstruik!" She cried desperately, trying to paddle harder. But the river was tugging her away from him somehow. She turned and realized why she was being tugged. The river forked, one way getting calm while the other became rapids. She was washed in relief when she realized Braamstruik was going down the calmer fork. Only to realize that she was going into the rapids.
As she struggled against the currents, she saw a figure dive into the river near Braamstruik. It was a huge, dark-furred Ajiro. The Ajiro grabbed her brother by the scruff and dragged him out of the river. Thank you she thought to herself just as she entered the rapids.

Perziken woke up on the shore, how much time had passed she didn't know. Nor did she know where she was. She vaguely remembered what had happened to her and her brother. WIP

;; Extra ;;

Comments ;;
Good luck to whoever else is trying out for this character! c:

Art ;;
Image By -ichirou, xxx, xxx,

Last edited by ▸Atlas. on Sat Nov 15, 2014 9:07 am, edited 18 times in total.
≼ 𝐻𝑒𝓎 𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇𝑒, 𝐼'𝓂 ▸𝒜𝓉𝓁𝒶𝓈. ≽

If you were prominent in the user-made adoptable community back in 2012-2015, you probably remember me as Dovepawlover!

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Postby ▸Atlas. » Thu Nov 13, 2014 3:44 am

Reff by foreign.potato
Bit About Me

Username ;; Hello! I'm Dovepawlover- please call me Dove. c:

Use ;; Like Perziken, Braamstruik will go into my trade rules if I win them. He will get his own post on my character thread so that people may stare at him and be jelly. Braamstruik will get more art as well, my goal is to double the amount he has before New Years. And, like Perziken, there's a chance that I may write a book about him. But once again, it all depends on how much time I have with moving.

Image By LeeLi

Why I Want Him ;; As well as seeing Perziken every time I go through the kennels, I also see Braamstruik. Though I did discover him a little later since he is in a kennel much farther down. The second I first saw Braamstruik I had to have him. Though I knew it'd be hard to get him and Perziken, I'm determined to try anyway. My favorite things about him are his simple design, his shy face, and surprise surprise, his fluffy tail. All together he is an amazing character, and I'd be lucky to call him mine.

First You Need To Know...

Kennel ;; He has been in kennel 276 for quite a while.

Name ;; Braamstruik meaning 'Bramble' in Dutch. I chose this name because of three reasons. First was that when I saw him, the name 'Bramble' was first to pop into my head. Second was that I thought it fit, and the name Braamstruik was amazing. And finally third, I didn't want to name them Magic after my grandmother's other dog.

Gender ;; Male.

Age ;; Just over nine months old.

Species ;; Ajiro. An Ajiro is a species of wild cat, much like a bobcat, about two feet tall at average. They have longer face fur, very long tails, and wings. The wings aren't used for flying, but more in the lines of showing off.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Image By -ichirou
Getting Deep

Kin ;; His 'big' sister, Perziken, is his only remaining family. She took the place of their mother when she died, and in truth, he thinks of her as his mother. His father vanished before he was born.

Likes ;; Being loud, noise, fighting, playing, being hyper.
Dislikes ;; Perziken in a bad mood, quiet, peace, subdued-ness.

Personality ;; Loud, obnoxious, shy around anyone but his sister, loyal, generous.
Loud // Around his sister, he makes a point to be very, very loud. But due to being shy, he is subdued around all other creatures.
Obnoxious // When being loud, Braamstruik tends to get a bit obnoxious. But, once again, he becomes subdued around anyone but Perziken.
Shy // A shy little winged cat is what most creatures think when they meet him. He is quiet around anyone but his sister, and doesn't join in on games with any other Ajiros due to it. Once comfortable around someone, he'll open up like he does around his sister.
Loyal // Though it doesn't seem like it, with being loud, obnoxious and even seeming to dislike his sister at times, Braamstruik is a very loyal creature. He'd never abandon his sister, even if his life depended on it.
Generous // Braamstruik was born a runt and blind in one eye, so he feels that being generous is his way to repay his sister for caring for him. He will often offer Perziken his food before he eats.

History ;; Where shall I begin?
The night was bleak and moonless, clouds covered the see-able sky and thunder rolled in the distance. Leaves blew across the ground under the tree cover, past a small den entrance. The den was under a large oak tree, and far from protected from the elements.
"Klauw, please, don't go, I need you. Our kits need you." Begged a small Ajiro with brown and tan fur. Her wings were gray with flecks of blue and white.
"I am not staying where I'm not appreciated." Hissed a large male, Klauw, with a flick of his right wing. "You will have to learn to fend for yourself and our kits."
"Please, please." The small Ajiro begged. Klauw stood motionless, and the Ajiro's head sagged. "If you must leave, take one of them when they are born. One of them deserves to have a father."
Klauw was silent, no more than a shadow by the exit. "Fine," he said at last. "I will raise one, if that is what you wish, Bes. But I cannot promise they will live. I'll have to find another mother to feed them, and I'll be travelling far."
"They have as good of a chance living with you as they do with me." Bes said sternly.
Klauw nodded and awkwardly sat by his ex-mate.

An hour later, the first kitten was born. A small female with tan-grey fur and tiny grey-white wings. "This one shall do." Klauw said, and picked up the whimpering kit. Lightning flashed behind him and it began to poor.
Weakly, Bes dragged herself over on her crippled hind legs. "Take care, little one." She whispered, and licked the kit.
Klauw paused, then touched noses with Bes. "Stay safe." He murmured, then left the den with the kit.
Within the hour, two more kittens were born. A large bright colored one and a smaller male with brown-grey, tan, and white coloring. Bes, weak from lack of food and all that had taken place, managed to drag herself to higher ground. She set her kits next to her, and watched the water poor into the den. She didn't sleep, for she sang the whole night.

"Quietly, quietly, the rain falls
On and on, in the night it drawls

"New birth and life will come in it's place
But those there must still stay safe"


The half-blind runt trotted down a path with his larger sister behind him. He was four months old but he was the size of an Ajiro at maybe two months. His ears flicked at all the sounds around him, making him slightly nervous. His mother, Bes, had died the night before. Though he always felt like she had loved Perziken more than himself, he had relied on her for protection. Now all he had left was his bossy sister. Braamstruik sighed quietly as he walked. A moment later he stopped. The world became slightly blurred in his good eye, and he began to feel dizzy. He swayed on his paws for a moment, then his sister, Perziken, tripped over him.
"Hey!" Perziken hissed at him.
"Watch where you're going!" He retorted with a hiss. The dizzy spell passed and he regained his balance.
"Why did you stop?"
Admitting that he had felt bad didn't sit well with him, so he was silent. But after a moment he spoke. "I was just having one of those moments again, no biggy..." He tried to make it sound like no big deal, but Perziken's mother-mode as he called it came out anyway.
"We can stop a moment if you'd like to rest." Perziken said after touching noses with him.
He stepped away from her, upset to be treated like a helpless kitten. "I can keep going. I'm not weak!" He hissed with his fur on end. Then he stalked back off down the trail, father than before. A turn in the path came up and he rounded it without waiting for Perziken to catch up. He'd show her that he wasn't weak. He'd walk nonstop for the rest of the day.


"Pleaseeeeeee play with me, Perziken." Braamstruik whined to his sister.
"Braamstruik, I don't want to play right now. I'm busy making us a place to sleep!" She responded once again.
"But c'mon! You've been at it since we stopped an hour ago- don't you wanna play?" Braamstruik said. He noticed her tail flicking back and forth, a sign that she was angry. So he pounced on it. "I'll be the big Ajiro and you can be the mouse!"
"We're getting to old to play that kit game, Braamstruik. We're nearly six months old, we have to learn to do stuff. So why don't you sit down and help me with this den. Or would you rather sleep outside?" Perziken said angrily as she brought her tail close to her.
Hating the idea of building a den, Braamstruik thought up an excuse. "Erm... Hey! Hear that? I just heard a mouse in the bushes! I'm going to go catch it!" He said, and quickly ran off after his fake mouse.

Braamstruik walked around for awhile before he found a real mouse. Being half blind, Perziken didn't trust him to do the hunting and made him stay at their den while she got food. I'll show her- I'll catch this mouse and it will be the best mouse she'd ever had! With that in his mind, he began to clumsily stalk it. His wings were pressed to his body stiffly, his movements stiff as well. A branch snapped under his paw and the mouse was alerted. It began to scurry off. But then, as if by magic, a large shadowy figure appeared from the bushes. It caught the mouse and killed it all within a second. Braamstruik, with his shy nature, shrank back from the figure. The figure, a huge Ajiro with grey-black fur and black wings, stepped forward. He dropped the mouse at Braamstruik's paws, then stepped back. "You'll never catch a mouse like that, kid." He said to him.
Braamstruik was silent and still as the Ajiro began to circle him. "You need to become less stiff, make your steps more graceful and quick, but less noisy." The Ajiro's face appeared in front of his. "Don't you have someone to teach you this stuff?"
Frightened, Braamstruik managed to speak. "M-my father l-left before I w-was born." He stammered to the Ajiro.
"What about a mother? You must have a mother, you don't look older than three months." A smirk appeared at the Ajiro's mouth, as if he knew Braamstruik was older than that but wanted to insult him.
"She d-died when I was f-four months o-old." His head sagged and he looked at his paws. "H-her name was B-Bes." He thought it important that the Ajiro know his mother's name. For what reason, he didn't know.
Now it was the Ajiro's time to stammer. "B-Bes? Y-you're Bes' kit..?" His eyes were wide as he looked at Braamstruik. The runt nodded his head.
The Ajiro opened his mouth to speak, but a voice echoed behind him. "Klauw! Leave the kid alone, I need some help with this prey!" Klauw looked behind him then yowled back. "Coming, Mahtava!" He glanced back down at Braamstruik. "Are you travelling with anyone?"
He nodded. "M-my sister, Perziken."
Klauw nodded. "Keep the mouse, then. And work on your stalking." And with that, he was gone.

Braamstruik came back to their makeshift den with the mouse in his jaws proudly. Perziken was in a frenzy, yelling his name and flapping her wings. "There you are!" Perziken ran forward and tackled her brother, rubbing his face against his. Then she suddenly sat up. "Never run off like that again! Do you know how worried I was?"
"I didn't run off, though." He proudly pushed the mouse toward Perziken. "I caught you a mouse!" He had decided on the way back to not mention Klauw, and just take full credit.
"You caught this?" Perziken said, surprised.
"Yes- don't act so amazed! I can do stuff too!" Now he was just angry. Why was it so hard to believe that he could hunt?
Perziken turned the mouse over. "It's not that I'm surprised, it's just that it's so perfectly killed, and well, face it, you've never caught anything before."
Now that just stung. "I'm going to bed." He growled, then walked inside of the den. He didn't even have to crouched to enter. He laid down in the bedding inside, and watched as Perziken ate the mouse. He watched as she left to go hunt, but he fell asleep before she returned.


Paws aching, Braamstruik trekked through the undergrowth in his path. His sister had set her heart on reaching the mountains within the next few days, and refused to stop to rest. But another reason his paws hurt were due to his constant training. Since his encounter with Klauw more than a month before, he had spent hours every night working on hunting and basic fighting moves. After all his work, though, he still wasn't satisfied with his stalk yet. Braamstruik came out of a bush and onto the shore, seeing his sister wading across the river.
"Tell me if you need some help, alright?" Perziken called back to him.
"I'm fine, I'm fine." He grumbled. At seven months old, she still acted like he couldn't care for himself. He waded into the water, and a moment later the water was half way up his legs. This is deep... He thought to himself. Belly. Back. Head. The water was getting deeper the farther he went in, and the current stronger. Within seconds he had to swim, for he couldn't touch the bottom anymore.
"Braamstruik, it's deep. Really deep. Stay where you are, I'm coming back." Perziken called to him from about eight feet away.
Um, ya. Already know it's deep. He thought angrily as he paddled and tried to stay above water. A slight wave hit his side, and without thought he turned towards the way it came. A moment later a small log hit him. It was all it took to send him under and into the strong current.
Water rushed into his open mouth as he screamed. He swam towards what he thought was the surface, only to hit rocks on the bottom. He turned then swam up, his head breaking the surface. Coughing, he looked around for his sister. He couldn't see her, but he called out anyway. "Perziken!" He yelled as loud as he could, water rushing into his mouth. "Perziken! Help, please!"
Braamstruik heard what he thought to be her voice, but a moment later he went under. He flailed his legs and resurfaced, only to hit a rock and become stunned. He went limp and the current overwhelmed him, sending him even faster down stream. He went under again, and something hard hit his head. Everything went dark.

Jolting awake, Braamstruik looked around. He was in a den, dry as can be. It was just a dream... Perziken and I are ok... He sighed in relief. What a nightmare. But the problem was, he didn't recognize the den. He stood up weakly to look around. There was pain in one of his legs, but nothing he couldn't handle. Braamstruik slowly made his way to the exit of the den, taking every caution as it was dark and he could barely see. He reached the exit then stopped as he heard voices.
"What are we going to do with him?" Someone whispered.
"I don't know, but we couldn't just leave him in the river to drown..." Was the reply.
So it wasn't a dream... He thought, stunned. Where was his sister? Where was he?
The people outside continued to speak. "Think we can go find that other Ajiro he was with, Klauw?"
Klauw! Klauw was there! "No, I'm sure I saw her go into the rapids. It's unlikely she lived."
Braamstruik, forgetting his shyness, stepped out of the den. "My sister is dead..?" He asked them. There were two Ajiros, Klauw and a smaller white furred female.
Klauw stood but didn't say anything. The female, though, came over to him. She pressed her face against his and murmured, "I'm sorry, but it's most likely... We're going to take care of you now. Isn't that right, Klauw?" She looked back at Klauw, as if trying to get him to agree.
Klauw sighed. "Yes, we'll take care of you." He came over and touched his nose to Braamstruik's head. "I'm sorry about your sister."
"No..." Braamstruik began to grow frantic, looking side to side. "She can't be dead. She is here, right? Just hiding? Playing a joke on me? Come on out, Perziken! C'mon! Jokes over!" There was a flicker of hope in his eyes, but it went away when he saw Klauw's face. "No..." His legs gave out and fell onto the ground. "No..."



;; Extra ;;

Comments ;;
Good luck to whoever else is trying out for this character! c:

Art ;;
Image By Kochamkoty, Image By -ichirou, Image By -ichirou, Image By foreign.potato, Image By foreign.potato, Image By foreign.potato, Image By foreign.potato Image By nocturine

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Re: Symphony Character Adoption Agency ♫ - v.2 - OPEN!

Postby Hedgie; » Thu Nov 13, 2014 4:51 am

Username: Sainler
Kennel that you are applying for: 110
Preferred critic: anyone! C:
What do you wish to get out of this critique?: Does everything make sense? Do you understand her species without having to have played the game? What does her personality need? General impressions/comments/suggestions? :o
Link to form: viewtopic.php?f=58&t=1379673&p=79525549#p79525549


Thanks! c:

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Re: Symphony Character Adoption Agency ♫ - v.2 - OPEN!

Postby booklover789 » Thu Nov 13, 2014 6:52 am

Made by me using the Hipster Logo Generator

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen
Fullness of Grace
O Savior of Our Fallen Grace
"Memory" - Andrew Lloyd Webber - Cover by Susan Boyle
An Irish Christmas Blessing
Karakuri Pierrot - Japanese Version
Karakuri Pierrot - English Version



Kennel Number:

I will use Adelaide as a character here on CS for art and stories. I may show her off on DA, but only to get art. I will definitely put her on my Weebly character site, where she'll reside with all of my other characters. :)
I don't own any elderly ponies as of right now, and would love to own one. I really felt drawn to Adelaide when I saw her donated - with her beautiful pale coat and gorgeous long mane, she is simply a marvelous character. Her cutie mark is so original, and I love how her hat is ornate but not so huge that it wouldn't fall off of her head. Her eyes, while beautiful, seemed a bit pale to me, so that gave me inspiration to make her loose a bit of her sight at an early age and have the blindness increase as she got older. Adelaide just has this aura of gentleness and gracefulness around her, and I absolutely love looking at her. She reminds me of the 1930s - Great Depression era - and I plan on making her a pony from that time.

Tarnishing on DA
Moonshinequeen on DA
Tarnishing on DA

Adelaide Lydia Chardonnay



Species and/or specific breed:
MLP - Earth Pony

Grey-Romantic Demiromantic Heteroromantic Heterosexual
Image Image Image Image

Non-Denominational Christian

July 4, 1923

Cream Point Birman Cat named Duchess

Book - Redeeming Love
Book Author - Francine Rivers
Movie - Cats
Movie Actor - John Partridge
Movie Actress - Elaine Paige
TV Show - Who's Line is it Anyway?
TV Show Actors - Drew Carey, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles, and Jeff B. Davis
TV Show Actresses - Kathy Kinney and Kathy Greenwood

Dates, Weather, Seasons, etc.
Month - July
Season - Summer
Weather - Sunny, but not hot.
Holiday - Christmas

Food - Daisy and wheat-grass sandwich on French bread
Fruits - Citrus (lemons, limes, oranges, etc.)
Vegetable - Apples

Genres - Easy Listening and Soundtrack
Band - The Gettys
Songs - God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen, Fullness of Grace, and O Savior of Our Fallen Grace

Color - Grape Purple
Fish - Boeseman's Rainbowfish
Insects - Eastern Tiger Swallowtail, Kamehameha, Mourning Cloak, Sandia Hairstreak, and Diana Fritillary
Marine Mammal - Beluga Whale
Mammals - Flying Squirrels and Birman Cats
Birds - Dark-Backed Wood Quail, Barn Owl, African Barred Owlet, Chesnut-Backed Owlet, Ferruginous Pygmy Owl, Boreal Owl, and Eastern Screech Owl
Plants - Bellis perennis, Leucanthemum vulgare, and Glebionis coronaria

Outgoing but Refined
Once quite recluse, Adelaide has become more outgoing with age. Adelaide will talk to anyone willing to listen, but she likewise is a good listener herself. Adelaide gives off an almost refined vibe when you're with her - she walks daintily, and holds her head high, not fearing judgment from anyone. Even when she was quiet she had this mindset, and has continued to have it to this day. When she speaks she does so in a gentle manner, as while she is outgoing she is not harsh in the least. She does tend to ramble on, as most old ladies do, but when she realizes she's doing this she apologizes, as she knows that not everyone enjoys listening to her mind go down rabbit holes.

While her body has withered with age, she still has an excellent memory, and can recount things most ponies of her age wouldn't be able to remember. Adelaide has always been intelligent, but her smarts have increased with age, as she has grown more wise and understanding every year she's been alive.

Even though Adelaide has gone through so many trials and tribulations and hard times during her long life, she still manages to wake up every morning and find something to be happy about. She's gone through a bout of depression, and Adelaide knows that she never wants to go back to that horrid time. Because of this, she now tries her hardest to stay upbeat and happy, as she doesn't want to ever be as sad as she once was.

Extra Art:
Background and text by candystars. Ponies drawn by me (booklover789).


Memory wrote:Daylight
See the dew on the sunflower
And the rose that is fading
Roses wither away
Like the sunflower
I yearn to turn my face to the dawn
I am waiting for the day

Turn your face to the moonlight
Let your memory lead you
Open up enter in
If you find there
The meaning of what happiness is
Then a new life will begin

All alone in the moonlight
I can smile at the old days
I was beautiful then
I remember
The time I knew what happiness was
Let the memory live again

Burnt out ends of smoky days
The stale, cold smell of morning
The streetlamp dies
Another night is over
Another day is dawning

I must wait for the sunrise
I must think of a new life
And I mustn't give in
When the dawn comes
Tonight will be a memory too
And a new day will begin

Sunlight through the trees in summer
Endless masquerading
Like a flower as the dawn is breaking
The memory is fading

Touch me
It's so easy to leave me
All alone with the memory
Of my days in the sun
If you touch me
You'll understand what happiness is
Look, a new day has begun

How am I? Well, do you want to hear the answer you wish to hear, or would you like to hear the honest answer? You'd like the honest one? All right.
My sight is leaving me. I have gone partially deaf in both ears, though the left one is worse. My legs ache - I can no longer gallop through the meadows. Goodness, I can't even walk without sharp pains creeping up my calves. My hooves have crusted, and are no longer the soft, dainty things that they once were. My coat no longer shines with the beauty that it once did. There are patches of fur missing, and if you look closely enough you'll see that barely any of my original coat is still present - I've practically gone bald. Though I suppose you can't see much, what with these blankets I'm always wrapped up in. I can never seem to get warm these days. My cutie mark has faded, though it's still easily seen. I doubt it will ever leave me fully, as that has and always will be my talent and passion in life. My mane and tail have slowly deteriorated - little is left that isn't grey or falling out, strand by tiny strand. I shed as bad as my cat once did....Speaking of the sweetheart...well, even Duchess has left me now.
I am alone in the world.
But you're here, and I guess that counts for something, seeing as you'd want to stop by and visit an old windbag like myself. Oh, I thought that I'd age beautifully, just like my mother...but I didn't. I aged just like everybody else.
You know, it takes a special young pony to sit through the ramblings of a widowed, old hag. Would you like a cookie? Ah, yes, it's best if you grab the plate, bones aren't what they used to be...
See, my neighbor keeps giving them to me, but he forgets that I can't eat them anymore. *sigh* I don't eat much at all, these days...and when I do, it's always my favorite food: a daisy and wheat-grass sandwich on French bread. Mmm, what a delicious treat that is!
Oh, you're probably getting bored of this old lady's talking. I'm sorry - I tend to ramble...quite the opposite of my earlier years, I'll tell you that! Heehee, when I was a youngster I was quiet. I've grown more outgoing with age, unfortunately.
Now, I should get back to telling you that tale, shouldn't I, dearest? Is your parchment ready? Quill dipped with ink? Good. Now, where was I? Oh, yes. I was born in summer.

"Come on, Addie! Keep up!"
"I'm coming, I'm coming!" Adelaide sped up, racing alongside her best friend, Sammy Simpleton.
The blue stallion raced beside her, his blonde curly mane whipping about in the wind. "You'll never catch me! I'm faster than you!"
"Wanna bet?"
Suddenly, a new voice rang out over the field. "Adelaide Lydia Chardonnay, get your hindquarters back here this instant!"
"Uh-oh," Sammy said, skidding to a halt. "If your mama finds out you've been racing me again - "
"Oh, hush," she said, flicking her tail at his ears. "She won't ever find out."
"Ya promise?"
"I promise."

"Hello, Mother," Adelaide said, trotting daintily through the open door to her large house after pulling the leaves out of her mane, re-braiding it, and putting her hat on. "What is it you'd like me to help you with?"
Her mother turned, a stern look on her polished face. "Sit," she commanded.
Adelaide frowned as she sat down at the lace-covered table. "What ever is the matter, Mother?"
The other pony sat across from her daughter. "You've been in the fields again."
"Do you blame me, Mother?" Adelaide smiled. "I love the grapes. They have such a fresh scent to them."
"That may be so, but you get so filthy when you're out there. It's quite disgusting to see you in such a mess."
Adelaide frowned. "Mess, Mother? Why, I made sure to quickly re-braid my hair and get the leaves out of it before I even trotted through the door. And my coat looks just as nice as if I'd just washed it, does it not? I also wiped my hooves off, so as not to track in dirt or mud."
"Your eyes look clouded from the dust, dear. We don't want that to happen on a regular basis, do we? Why, cloudy eyes turn down potential suitors, do they not?"
"Mother, I respectfully have told you my position on marriage."
"Remind me again, darling. What do you dislike about the notion?"
"I don't wish to be betrothed, much less to a stallion I don't even know."
Her mother sighed, and had to refrain herself from rubbing her temples. "Dearest, I'll be frank. We need the money to keep this farm going, and I don't see any other way of doing that other than your father suddenly inheriting a large sum or you marrying a rich, strapping stallion."
"And father doesn't have any known relatives, so the notion of him attaining money isn't a logical one. I understand your approach, Mother, but don't we make enough money on the plantation now? We even have enough to pay the stallions and mares that work our fields now. We promised them in the beginning we would once we earned up enough ourselves, and now we can actually pay them. We even have money left over every month to buy food and clothing for ourselves."
"It's not enough, darling. Prices increase with every month. Soon we won't be able to afford the food and clothing that we do."
"Mother, I'll be blunt with you. We are not poor. We live a lavish life. Perhaps it would benefit us to cut back a little."
Her mother stood, a shocked expression on her face. "How DARE you?! After all your father and I have sacrificed for you, that you would go and be UNGRATEFUL?!"
"Mother, we both know I didn't mean it like that. I simply meant that perhaps we should cut back a little. It is not good for one to have too much. Isn't that what you've always taught me? Items are counted as worthless compared to the love of a friend."
"How DARE YOU twist my words against me!"
Adelaide sighed. "If you'll excuse me, Mother, I have homework that needs to be completed, and I left it in the shed. I will return upon completing it." Adelaide ignored her mother's screaming tantrum as she trotted out to the shed, grabbed the papers and a quill pen, and turned, galloping towards the fields once again.

Adelaide met with Sammy four times in the next week. "I just don't get it," she said, sighing as she undid the braid her mother required her to wear at all times. "My mother is so strict, but it's not even for my benefit - she's just stupid that way. She doesn't understand that what I want may actually help the family. She's just too bullheaded for her own good."
"Thought you were supposed ta be tha quiet one," Sammy said, his southern drawl thick.
"I am required to be more silent around her than any other pony on the planet. Oh, I have to give off the perfect little view of ladylike refinery. Ugh. I'm so tired of it all!"
"Well what?" she snapped, angry at her mother.
"Well...why don't ya just run away, then?"
Adelaide blinked, her anger suddenly gone. "And why would I do a thing like that? She'd just chase after me."
"Not if she didn't know where you were goin'."
Adelaide looked over at Sammy, his innocent face shining with glee. "Sam...why do I have the impression that you've been planning something?"
"Because ye're right. I HAVE been plannin' somethin' for an awful long time."
"And what's that?"
Sammy looked down bashfully. "I...I can't quite tell ya. Not yet, anyways. Maybe later, okay?"
Adelaide frowned, standing up as she looked down at her friend. "Tell me now, would you?"
"Nope. Sorry, Addie."
Adelaide rolled her eyes, turning as she braided her hair once again. "I've been gone for long enough. My mother will be looking for me soon. I best be getting back." When she'd finished, she picked up her homework, which had been finished the night before. She stuck the quill pen behind her ear, balancing it between her hair and the hat she always wore to keep the sun out of her face.
"Wait a minute," Sammy said, standing beside Adelaide. He wasn't a tall horse, and was a tad bit shorter than she. "I...I just wanna say thanks."
"For what?"
"Fer bein' mah friend! Nobody likes us southerners. means a lot to me that ye're okay with it."
Adelaide smiled. "My pleasure. Now, I really must be going." She turned, and started to trot off, but stopped when Sammy called out once again before trotting up.
"One more thing, Addie!" He stood on his tiptoes and kissed her cheek. "Thanks." With a bashful nod and smile, he turned and trotted off, his legs looking like jello as he wobbled down the path.
Adelaide chuckled. "Goodbye, Sammy."

"Our family owns this winery and grape orchard that we use to sell grapes and make wine. Why can I not simply learn my father's trade?"
"Because I said so!"
Adelaide's face turned red in anger. "That's not a reason! That's an excuse!"
"Watch your tongue, young lady."
"No, I shan't! I've been trying so many things to get my cutie mark, and I haven't gotten it yet! What if grape-squeezing is my talent? Or perhaps pruning grape vines? Or pulling weeds?"
"Don't you DARE even joke about that sort of thing!"
"But what if it IS, Mother? I don't care WHAT my talent is, so long as I've got one."
"It won't be. You won't live that sort of life - not with all I've done for you."
"Mother, I just want my cutie mark. I'm almost an adult, and I still don't have one. Mother, why do you think I love dresses?"
Her mother was silent, observing her child's reaction.
"You can't see a cutie mark when you're wearing a dress, mother. Or, in my case, a lack thereof."
"Stop it. Stop right this instant, young lady. You will NOT speak to me in that tone of voice!"
"I just want my cutie mark, Mother! Why can't I just TRY grape-squeezing, or something?"
"Because I forbid it!"
She groaned in frustration. "I've been putting up with your ridiculous rules for far too long, Mother. And I won't put up with them any longer." Adelaide turned and raced up the stairs to her room, pulling out the briefcase that was always packed with her most treasured items. She threw a couple more dresses into the luggage and tossed on a second hat, tying it tightly over her other one already on her head. She stuffed a few hair-ties into the outer pocket and then zipped the entire thing shut, racing down the stairs with it clunking after her. She sighed as she set it down next to her. "I'm leaving, Mother."
"Fine. Go."
Adelaide's bottled-up fury rolled within her, escaping in a scream. "You don't even care that I'm leaving?!"
Her mother turned on her, snorting in anger. "If your talent really IS grape-squeezing or something so horridly awful, then I don't even want to call you my daughter! If you're so certain that that's your talent, then I'd be glad to be rid of you!"
Adelaide's face crumpled. "What?" she managed to squeak out, horrified by her mother's outburst.
"We've been a high-society family ever since your father earned up enough money to get this beautiful house, and I WILL NOT be poor ever again. And if my child so wishes to be poor and do a poor pony's work, then so be it."
"But, Mother...I can't control what my talent is. Destiny decides, not me. If I could choose my talent, why, I'd have chosen it all ready."
"Get out of my house."
"GET OUT!" she shrieked, leaping forward and nipping at her daughter's heels.
Adelaide leaped out of the way, grabbed her suitcase with her teeth, and raced down the stairs and through the fields. She reached the place where Sammy and she had always met and dropped the suitcase, emotions overwhelming her senses to where she couldn't take another step. She broke down crying, her sobs carrying on the wind. She curled into a ball, her small frame wracking as she sobbed.
Suddenly, she felt a tap at her shoulder.
She looked up, tears still streaming down her face.
Sammy looked concerned. "You okay, Addie?"
"Sammy!" she said, a smile lighting on her face as she threw her hooves around his neck. "My mother kicked me out," she said between sobs and gulps of air.
Sammy frowned in the direction of her house. "Don't ya worry now, Addie. I'll take good care of ya, I promise."

Oh, dearest, I see you've found my ring. My engagement ring was also my wedding ring - you're holding it now. Yes, I only received one ring, not two, as ponies generally did back in that day and age. Isn't it beautiful, with all the swirls of pale purple and blue? Simply divine. I have no idea how my husband afforded it, but he miraculously did.

Sammy broke the good and bad news to Adelaide years later. As he sat beside her, a picnic before them on the grassy hill outside his small cottage where he resided with his parents, he put a hoof on top of hers. "Addie? I have some bad news."
"What's wrong, Sammy?" Adelaide said, looking over at her companion with a concerned look in her eyes.
"My name's ain't Sammy Simpleton. I've been lyin' to ya this entire time, under instruction from my father."
Adelaide's eyes narrowed. "And what ELSE have you been lying to me about?"
"Nothin', I swear! Just my name's all."
Her eyes still narrowed in suspicion, she nodded. "Go on."
"Sammy has always been my nickname. Dunno why - my father and mother liked it, I suppose. Anywho, my real name is Tumbleweed Sky. I hope ya don't mind me lyin' to father and mother are real strict 'bout who we make ourselves known to, ya see."
"Why's that?"
"Well, we ain't the richest ponies 'round, but we ain't as poor as we let on."
Adelaide looked over, a shocked expression on her face. "You lie to keep your family safe from those that would wish to harm you for your money."
"Yup. That's about right."
"That's so sweet of you!" She smiled, rubbing her head against his. "Hey, do you mind if I keep calling you Sammy? I've always called you that, and it seems a little weird to call you anything else."
"Sure thing. I have the good news still ta tell ya, ya know."
"What's that?"
He lifted his back hoof off the ground and scooped over a dusty velvet box. He opened it with his hooves clumsily, almost dropping the dainty ring inside. "Adelaide? Will ya do me the honor of marryin' me?"
"You don't even have to ask me." Adelaide said, smiling as she hugged him.

Sammy and Adelaide got married in August. Only Adelaide's father showed up - her mother refused to come. Both of Sammy's parents showed up, and they were just as happy as Adelaide's father was. A few close friends also attended, as well. Other than the pastor, a few witnesses showed up at the last minute, too. It was a very small wedding, but that was exactly what Adelaide had wanted. Her wedding dress was beautiful, even though it was a rental. She returned it right after the wedding, grateful for the discount that the store owner had given her. Sammy's tux was also a rental, and he returned it after the wedding as well.
That night was the best night Adelaide ever had. Just sitting outside of their new home - Sammy had made the arrangements before the wedding - watching the stars and listening to the crickets chirp. She was completely stress-free, and happier than she ever had been before. They fell asleep next to each other, waking only when the sun rose the next morning.

My fashion sense? You actually like it? Well, that's quite a shock, dearest. My era wasn't exactly what you'd call "hip," nowadays. Do you see my wardrobe? Open it, and you'll see all of the beautiful dresses I managed to keep from my era. They're in excellent condition, wouldn't you say, dear? Oh, my favorite two are in the very back - they're pale cream with a darker swirl design. Aren't they beautiful? Heehee, look at you. You've found my hats, I see. Ah, that was my second favorite one. My favorite one is in my room, hanging from the post at the base of my bed. It's pale burgundy with grapes and a few white flowers on it as decorative pieces. It's such a gorgeous hat, and I love it to this day. It's one of the few family heirlooms I was able to keep. Could you fetch it for me, dear? Please, put it atop my head - I'm growing colder by the minute. That hat was always able to keep me warm, even in the coldest of nights. Ah, thank you, dear - that's much better.


Memory - Cover by Susan Boyle wrote:Midnight
Not a sound from the pavement
Has the moon lost her memory?
She is smiling alone
In the lamplight
The withered leaves collect at my feet
And the wind begins to moan

All alone in the moonlight
I can smile at the old days
I was beautiful then
I remember the time I knew what happiness was
Let the memory live again

Every streetlamp
Seems to beat a fatalistic warning
Someone mutters
And the streetlamp gutters
And soon it will be morning

I must wait for the sunrise
I must think of a new life
And I mustn't give in
When the dawn comes
Tonight will be a memory too
And a new day will begin

Burnt out ends of smoky days
The stale cold smell of morning
The streetlamp dies, another night is over
Another day is dawning

Touch me
It's so easy to leave me
All alone with the memory
Of my days in the sun
If you touch me
You'll understand what happiness is

A new day has begun
Last edited by booklover789 on Sat Jan 17, 2015 4:33 pm, edited 37 times in total.
I’m dealing with extensive medical issues and some medical testing to try to figure out said issues. If I am scarce on here, that's why.

♪♫ Try to lock me in this cage. I won't just lay me down and die. I will take these broken wings, and watch me burn across the sky! ♫♪

Please send me a PM if you add me in PokemonGo!

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Requisexual Greysexual Demi-Androsexual Acespike Aceflux
Non-binary Agenderflux Fluidflux Versandrogyne

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Re: Symphony Character Adoption Agency ♫ - v.2 - OPEN!

Postby latin » Thu Nov 13, 2014 2:09 pm

Jan 12, 2015


xxxxxxxx╔═xxxUsername: chandelier
xxxxxx╔═xxxxxKennel: 17
xxxxxx╔═xxxxxWeight: Unidentified
xxxxxx╔═xxxxxHeight: 90 cm
xxxxName: Freya
xxxxGender: Female
xxxxAge: 2 years of age
xxxxSpecies: Starry Canine

xxxxKin: Brother married to Parima x
xxxxLikes: Stars, Mysteries, & Water
xxxxDislikes: Megacities & Sewage Systems
xxxxCrush: ---



I say this a lot but this time it's actually going to be true: I'll actually use up a lot of my C$ and pets on art, even though I am the type of person who is extremely attached to my pets. The reason for this is probably because if I win her, then she'd be one of my prized fursonas. She'd be someone who I'd never let go, possibly leading into a huge obsession over her. I'm no artist, but if I ever become a Picasso, then she'd be the first one I'd draw. She would be used in (of course) art, maybe roleplays if I find a nice one for her to join, my character site (immediately), and a nice home that's most likely already nestled and warm for her. c:

Why I want Her:
Wow, this is such a beauty! The reason why I would like her to be of a companion of mine, is because of her complex, yet simple designs that add up all together into a ball of perfection. Her designs and color suit me to a total 100%, and I'll have to admit, she's a pretty girl, so she may be hard to win. But, I'll try my hardest c;

Although she has a bucket-load of art, that's actually not why I want her. Art is a bit of a plus, but that certainly wouldn't be why I would like this cutie. Once I laid eyes on her, I thought it was just meant to be, since I love astronomy <3 :)
Energetic, cheerful, bouncy
dakara Hi Hi Hi! Freya's first impression is a wolf who has a lot of energy and static flowing around her. She rarely gets sleep, which is a concern for most, but she claims that it's really nothing and she's fine with staying up late to do anything.

Curious George
When you're curious, like Curious George As you can probably tell from this characteristic, Freya is a pain in the bum if someone's acting strange. She'd be a Nancy Drew and find all the clues to connect her to the answer to the mystery, which means that she's kind of an invader of privacy. Most of the time, though, the victims are okay with her knowing.

As an addition to being curious, she also loves to adventure. She finds her way into the nearby forests, which is quite an advantage for her. As she has told this story many times before, once there was a tragic fire in a home in the town. She fled her way into the forest, then easily found her way out, only to find that the 'fire' was an illumination from the magician who came to the town for his seasonal show. She loves to scout and explore ahead, and she doesn't at all mind if there are any woodland creatures, since she's probably encountered them before. Don't worry, she knows how to deal with them! :)

Innocent, shy - when she is caught c;
Not everyone is as easygoing as most eh? There'd always be that cranky old wolf who'd tell everyone off if she didn't get her way. If Freya were to get caught, she'd just act innocent with her ears together and her face turning really red. She'd act sweet and a little shy, as if she wasn't the one who made that wolf the victim.

Intelligent and quick
When it comes to solving puzzles, she's the best. Her smart and flexible mind can solve even the hardest puzzles in a very short period of time. Lock-picking isn't one of her specialties though, which is surprising to many of the inhabitants of her small town.

Impatient Impala
Listen to this while reading this trait :) "MY GOSH HURRY UP!" Freya hates to wait on you. She's usually early to things like parties or meetings, so she has to wait, and she's usually annoying while this happens. You don't want to keep Freya waiting! :3

Loud and obnoxious - one of the worst mixes
"BRIGHTER THAN A SHOOTING STAR, SO SHINE NO MATTER WHERE YOU AREEEEE!" Freya is no stealthy ninja. Being the opposite, she loves to be loud like singing really loudly in a chorus or in the shower. Either way though, she has a huge passion for music. The only time she's not normal is when she's watching the night sky and the constellations.

Caring, kind, etc. - any type of 'Mr. Nice Guy' traits you can think of
Although Freya's first impression is being energetic, another trait that you may spot at once would be like she isn't a wolf that would care so much if someone got injured. That's actually not true. When she gets used to you, she'll care almost too much about anything. When you're down under the rainy, dark clouds, she'll be there to stay by your side and cheer you up. She'll open the doors for you and tell you that it's okay if calamity comes around the corner, and she wouldn't hurt even an ant if possible.

Sensitive Button, but a Tough Cookie
"Oh dear, she's a sensitive one." Freya may seem like a Tough Cookie on the outside, but her feelings are the priority. When it comes to the people that trust her the most, she's expecting them to tell her everything, so when that particular wolf, denies to tell her their 'Top Secret Information', she breaks out. Other than that though, she has a hard shell that surrounds her. "We're smiling, but we're close to tears, even after all these years..."

If you tell her a secret, it is definite that it will never come out of her mouth, which is quite a stress reliever. She knows that it would be like invading your privacy if she spoke of what you told her.

Away from the city lights
This really isn't apart of her personality, but when she's away from the hustle and bustle of the city in the night, she'd be silent and relaxed in a field of fireflies and flowers with grass all over the clearing. She'd be the opposite of what she really is. When it's in the daytime though, she'll be adventuring through the forests because of her love of nature.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxTiny Freya chibi above by me ^^
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(1st one is supposed to be transparent, but it's really blurry.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxSecond one is not transparent, but is in good shape c:)

About Vesta
Vesta is the official 9th planet 'the Solar System'. It used to hold the title of 'Vesta, the Hidden 10th Planet', before Pluto's name was taken off the charts. No one knows about this planet except for the leader of the wolf packs on Earth. Currently being the smallest planet, it hides behind Pluto and Ceres, yet it holds all of the characteristics that is needed to be apart of the planet family. Other than Earth, Vesta is the only planet with traces and signs of life. Since it is so far away from the Sun, it is only expected that it's freezing cold, but that is incorrect. It is said to be tropical in the summers and cold in the winters, just like Earth. No one knows why, but many believe that it is either the magical wolves that roam the surface, or it is another star that is relatively close enough to shine on Vesta but not Ceres, Pluto, and Neptune that makes Vesta full of life.

It was a pitch-black night on the planet of Vesta in our solar system. On this very night, there was a huge amount of hustle and bustle in one of the biggest cities since the Queen was going to have a pup. In the castle, many of the servants and workers were running frantically around to aid their Queen. "Vera, don't worry, I'm sure our pup is going to okay. You'll be fine!" the King had mumbled to his distressed wife.

Later that night, the royal child, Freya, was being adored by many. "Our chain of royalty has continued," Queen Vera whispered. "She's so beautiful..." Just as she had said those words, an aura of glittery fairies danced above Freya's head. Out of the dancers came a fairy who was differently clothed from the rest. "Listen well, mother of Princess Freya. Your newborn puppy is a special one. She is destined for magical powers, powers that can both benefit, and hurt the people around her. You must be careful and you should not inform her about her powers. Here, take this necklace. It will help." Everyone, including the monarchs, in the room gasped at her sudden appearance. Just as she finished her long speech, the fairy placed a very beautiful necklace on Freya. It was a very strange material that seemed to have the characteristics of florescence that was shaped into a beautiful star. The fairies disappeared, leaving everyone in awe.

The Parting, 1
Later that night, an earthquake that was never-before-seen hit the castle that sheltered the royal family with the magnitude of 7.2. As a result, Freya was taken to a safer place by one of the queen's closest friends, while she stayed to keep the castle in order. Freya has not seen her parents since, and knows nothing of her royalty and her magical abilities.

Aaris, 2
Aaris was the queen's friend, the one who took Freya to safety, the one who started Freya's new life, and the very one who took care of her for these 14 wolven years. She was the one who taught Freya all the signs of danger and how to take care of herself. She was even there to back her up if anything was to come to a terrible ending, meaning fights or bullies. She acted as the mother Freya never really met.

She needs to know, 3
"Freya!" Aaris smiled as her goddaughter awoke from her slumber, expertly flipping flapjacks for her hungry friend. "Aaris, I've been pondering on this question for years. I mean... I... uh..." Freya stuttered, a little embarrassed at her horrendous wording. "Honey, if you need anything, I'm here. Just ask me anything! I'm sure it isn't anything big?" She smiled encouragingly towards Freya. "Okay... hmm... Remember when you told me that story? About... I wanted to ask who my real parents were." Aaris' smile gradually turned to one of the best disappointed looks anyone had ever seen. "I - I can't tell you. Your mother and I made a promise for these past 2 human years and I cannot break it -" She was soon interrupted by Freya, "I just want a simple answer! Look, you said you were a single female wolf who has never had pups. Does that mean I'm adopted? Did you take me from my real parents? Did you know them? I just need to know!" She bounced up and down as if on a rubber ball, wanting the answer she really hoped for. After a moment of silence with none of them speaking, Freya let out a sigh. "...I heard there's some storytelling event at the local library about this kingdom that was long lost. If you won't tell me then I could find out myself..." She said, trying to hold back tears. Running out the door, Aaris tried to yell out to her, but all Freya could really do was ignore the worried voice.

Come Around Close, 4
"Puppies, come close to the fire for today is a cold day, the perfect time to tell a story, for this is a mysterrrious one..." The old woman whispered while doing hand motions that represented the wind. "Today's story is going to be about a lost kingdom, lost to a deadly earthquake that no one ever dares to recall. Barely anyone surviveddd..." She smiled grimly, but soon wiped it off her face because she saw all the frightened looks on the pup's faces. "But, I must say, the baby princess of that kingdom survived. But her location is unknown. The last appearance of her was her birth. She was taken to safety from that deadly natural disaster, as ordered by her-" She was soon cut off by a sudden swing of a door, then it slamming on the wall. "Oh my" She gasped. "This storytelling session is only for pups that are between the ages of newborn to 15 years. You don't look that young," She frowned at the new wolf that interrupted her story session. "Freya, I'm sorry. You needed to know, but I refused. Afterall, we agreed to tell each other of out troubles right?" The voice was coming from Aaris who was stressfully smiling towards Freya who tried her best to ignore her godmother. "Come, I will need to tell you something. It's very secretive, so I don't want anyone... Especially that woman over there to know," Aaris pointed accusingly at the woman who blushed, completely changing her skin tone. "Then you better leave with her, 'Ignorant Aaris of the Acres of Woods Forest'. I have a story to continue for the pups that actually want to hear."

The Truth, 5
Leading Freya back to the cottage in the Acres of Woods Forest, Aaris nervously planned out her speech. By the time they reached the door, she finally got what she wanted to say down pat. She turned around a took a deep breath. "Freya, it's about time I told you about your past." "Aaris?" Freya inched forward a bit, looking a little scared. "What is it?" "You are the missing princess, the heir to the throne of Constella, the city in ruins at the opposite end of the border. I was your mother's best and most trustworthy friend, and I was the one who was to be responsible for you, due to the massive earthquake that hit that night." "W-what about my parents?" Frowned Freya. "Did they make it?" Aaris sighed, shrugging her shoulders. "It is quite unknown, for they refused to leave. After all, the duty of monarch is to comfort the people in times of danger. Your parents were amazingly nice people. I'll give you that much," Aaris mumbled to Freya, hoping that no one was listening. After a long pause, the princess finally spoke. "Let's go." "What? Where?" "Let's go visit the site of the castle in ruins. You know where it is right?" Aaris nodded in shock, hoping that her goddaughter wasn't meaning what she really was.

At Sunrise, 6
Just before the sun rose to the sky, Aaris and Freya reluctantly left to start their journey towards the apparent ruins of the castle. "Freya, I need you to remember that this castle is in ruins and has the potential of being extremely dangerous. Be careful," Aaris shook her head as she looked out the window with a worried gaze. "Oh c'mon, how bad could it be? You know my love for adventuring. I've probably seen worse." Aaris gave a weak smile, glanced at her royal friend's daughter, then smiled, gazing back at the scenery outside the window. "You know..." She sighed. "Your mother would be so proud of you right now..." "Don't mention it. You're proud of me too right?" Freya smiled at her motherly figure that she'd known for years on end. "Ah, come on. Let's get out and start our hike. It's quite a walk." Aaris said, quickly changing the topic.

The Site, 7
It was nearing sunset when they reached the ruins. The 'ruins' anyway. Even Aaris gasped at how revived the castle was. "I-I come here every year... And this looks better than it was before... Has someone been restoring..." She paused at the sight of Freya's glowing necklace. Freya met Aaris' gaze and looked at the star, then nearly screamed. Her face was quite pale as if Snow White's, her lip trembling. "What's going on?!" She shrieked, wanting to throw the necklace off her. "Freya, I promise, everything's okay. Stay still." The young princess frowned at her. To Freya, this was something extremely new, while for Aaris, she'd been present the day the fairies came. "Freya! It's you... You're causing this..." She murmured, quickly gasping and covering her mouth. She was present with the fairies, but she wasn't exactly paying attention. "Hehe, just take a look around. It's close to night, and we shall rest when that time comes."

Whispers, 8
That night, Freya didn't dare to sleep. Afterall, this is where she lost her parents, and that freaked her out quite a bit. On the other hand, Aaris dozed away without a worry in the world. "It's herrrrr!" Freya suddenly heard. "It's the princessssss!" She stood up alarmingly, wondering if she was still sane. "Hush we're scaring herrrr..." "Shouldn't we just show ourselvessss? She knows we're already... herreeee..." "Alrightttt... Princess Freya, Daughter of Queen Vera, heir to the throne of Constella... I am Berenice, a mere ghosttt... Don't be scareddd, but we were alarmed at your sudden arivallll..." Berenice soothingly whispered. "My companion here is Dexter, and we used to be servants to the queennnn... I think you would like to know thisss... But anyway your mother, Queen Vera, is stillll... Aliveee...?"

Mom?, 9
"Wh-what do you mean? Freya frowned at her new ghosty acquaintance. "My mother... I thought she was lost in the earthquake?" "Nooo... Freya... You must come nowwww..." Berenice said, rushing her. "You need to see your mother..." "What about Aaris? How about we go in the morning?" "NO!" She screamed, slowly realizing what she did, then apologized. "Princess... Sorry. I cannot guide you in broad daylight. It's just something that I cannot dooo..."

In the morning, Freya told Aaris of the late night encounters, leading to Aaris thinking that her necklace was causing these side affects... Unless Freya was just naturally woozy in the head. "Sure, how about we get some more sleep and maybe in the middle of the day, we could explore this place more thoroughly. Then we'll set off on a night trip," Aaris concluded, going along with Freya. "Great! See you in the afternoon!" Freya cheered, reluctantly closing her eyes. She wasn't ready to sleep. She was too excited or maybe afraid to keep both her eyes closed at once.

It was as if the Sun was reluctant to fall, but it seemed that it wasn't going to be nightfall anytime soon. Freya, really jumpy about meeting her 'mother', couldn't wait. "Freya, calm down," Aaris chuckled just a couple minutes ago. "It's already bad that we're out here in the wild. I don't need a bouncy ball to garb all the attention in the world." Freya replied with a quiet grunt. "OH SUN! WHY WON'T YOU HURRY UP!" She groaned.

Nightfall, 10
As the Sun was sinking, going to take a nap while the Moon took it's night shift, Berenice and Dexter appeared to guide Aaris and Freya to where the queen was staying. Who knew if the queen was actually THE queen and was actually still alive? Although they were unsure, they took their chances. This may be a discovery unlike any other Freya had ever seen in her whole wolven life. "Are you ready?" Berenice smiled humbly, leading the way with Dexter following behind. Freya and Aaris soon followed them, only to leave the site of the castle. Aaris suspiciously glanced around only to spot a little hut in a clearing. The outside was neat with a flowerbed and many colorful flowers inside the bed that added lots of character to the hut. Freya was confused as to what the hut was actually made of, but asked no questions. She needed to know the inhabitants before she could ask the owner questions. Berenice drew back the hidden flap to reveal a doorway, and stood aside, gesturing for us to go in. "She wants to see you... Obviously," Dexter chuckled, leading them two in.

Different, 11
As they walked in, Freya took in her surroundings. It was a little cramped, but it was cozy as well. There weren't many decorations, but if she had one lying around, it would be intricate enough to make up for the fact that there was nothing in there. On the floor there was a bowl and a mat. Off to the side, you could see it was extended. There, there was three seats and a bench with a table in the center, revealing a fancy sitting area. At the very back was a fire that was crackling a timid flame. Freya and Aaris sat at two of the seats, turning their attention to the last armchair, only to find a wolf who was peculiar from any other wolf she'd ever seen. She sat there with pride, examining her two new guests, only to gasp when she laid eyes on Freya. "Could it be?" She had a mild voice, which was not too deep, not to high... But it was more to the deep side. She stood from her sitting position, then slowly walked over. "May I?" She asked her daughter, gesturing to the necklace. All Freya could really do was nod. Her mother felt the star charm on the end of her necklace, then gasped. "It really is you! Freya, it's me, your mother." She turned to Aaris, then gasped some more, her face full of excitement. "Aaris? Could it be you?" Aaris blushed a little, nodding her head that she was who her long lost friend thought she was. "And where is father?" Freya blurted. She needed to know. "He's in town, getting some supplies," Her mother answered in a cheery voice. "Oh how happy he'd be if he saw that you came back!"

Catching Up, 12
There's no doubt her father was as excited as her mother. Believe it or not, he was a really confident guy, but he was also shy. As they rushed Freya off to eat something and talk with the ghosts, while her parents sat together, talking with Aaris. "Aaris, we really owe the world to you. After all these years... I thought our baby girl was gone. You really made our lives feel better with less guilt," the Queen explained. "And the people?" Aaris looked around as if to see someone from the castle come in. The King sighed, rubbing his paws together in nervousness. "Th-they left." He finally spluttered out. "After the earthquake we were all in shock. Most people decided to help rebuild, but Calysto, the traitor among us..." He stopped mid sentence, putting his face in his hands. "He lead the ones who were afraid away. Many of those were family members of those who wanted to rebuild, so they left with them. We were down to a group of 10 people who just recently, over the years, they decided that they couldn't stay with us forever, and ran off to find a new life in local towns." "Do you perhaps know an old lady named Jesmin? I think she tells stories about us here," The Queen sighed, soon alarmed at her husband crying. "We were on our own then. It was extremely hard for us and..." He stopped. It was too hard to bare. He quickly blinked away the tears and ran outside to get some fresh air.

A Talk, 13
The King only went out to find Freya. Afterall, he needed to catch up with her after so many years. She was having fun talking with Berenice and Dexter about many ancient places that she wanted to visit. "Maybe we could find a day to go together! I'm sure you would like to see some of these places. They're really cool! Here, lemme go inside to grab the book," She smiled, standing up to face her father. "Dad!" She hugged him and ran inside to get the book, only to hear Aaris and her mother talking in a low whisper. "We can't stay here. I'm telling you! Let's move back to your cottage and start a life together as a joined family. --The vicious wolves are out there. News from the ghosts that they've already gotten some of the former kings and queens in their hands," Her mother frowned and put her head in her paws. Freya stealthily walked to get her pack when her mother spotted her. "Freya!" She said in shock. She looked up from her task and drew the book close to her chest then glanced at her mother. "Mom! Yes?" "Never mind," She shook her head and hurried Freya out.

What Beauty, 14
As Freya walked out, she looked up to find her favorite thing - stars. She found her seat next to Dexter, then set down her book next to her. Laying back, she looked up to the sky to reveal such a wonderful sight. She gasped and looked over to Berenice who looked up as well. "You like stars, I see," Berenice nodded her head in approval and looked up with Freya. "So many stars... The sky's littered with flour!" She chuckled and continued enjoying the scene until Aaris called her in.

Leaving, 15
Freya was surely reluctant to leave, but she knew that Aaris had things to do in town, so she rolled along with it. "We'll visit in two weeks," Aaris told Freya after she begged to stay. Freya understood her decision, as she was barely familiar with the woods around. "I don't want you running off, only to find you're lost," She chuckled when she had packed away some items. She stood up to scan the hut, nodding in approval after she knew that everything was packed. It was early morning, and Freya waved goodbye to Berenice, Dexter, and her parents. As they set out, Aaris asked a question she never really dared to ask, but decided to take her chances. "So what do you think of your parents?" "They're okay. Hopefully next time they won't tell stories and ask us to tell some too. Y'know, maybe they're care a little about how I've been getting along with you," She said, halting to take a turn. Aaris followed behind and grunted. "I agree, but I thought you like stories about adventure and the past," Aaris furrowed her brow and caught her breath, while she caught up with Freya. "I do, but it's a bit much. Maybe if they told me one every time I saw them, that'd work out fine, but now that you mention it, I guess their stories are a bit fascinating..." Freya stopped talking to dodge some tree branches as she entered the town from the woods. "We're home!" She chuckled, looking back at Aaris, who was dripping in sweat. "Hikes are not my thing," She nodded and continued to walk towards her home.

Someone There, 16
The next few days were pleasant for the two residents at the Acres of Wood cottage, until a knock approached the door. It was very quick and loud, as if they were going to start banging on the door in a couple seconds. Aaris hurriedly set down her cake mix and ran over to get the door. As she opened it, a strange wolf who looked pretty similar to Freya came in, panting and looking around. "You!" He pointed to Aaris, as she stepped back a bit. "You must be Aaris. Where is Freya?" "What do you need her for?" She looked around, nervous of the intruder. "I'm her brother, and her parents are needing her. Something horrific happened. We must go!" Instantly, Freya stepped into the house and looked at the new wolf in shock. "Who're you?" She cocked her head from side to side and stood behind her godmother. "I'm Nebulae, your 'long lost brother', now let's go!" He dragged Freya and ran into the forest.

Similar, 17
It took quite some time, but with Freya running off with a stranger and all, she asked many questions. "Why did I see you the last time I went? Are you older? Younger? Hey that star on your ankle is like identical to mine!" He stopped and looked down to his ankle, then to his sister's neck and nodded. "Course," he mumbled, pulling her along again until the reached the castle site, walking straight past it, towards the trees. He commanded Freya to stop as he scouted ahead, which Freya to find a bit jealous. Scouting ahead was always her job, but she agreed with his choice. He knew the woods around the castle better than she did. He came back and told her to follow him, coming towards the hut. "Frey, I need you to go in. I'll be right behind you." "Does that mean I can call you Nebs?" She squealed excitedly, which gave her a shush from her brother, but he never said no, so she assumed that she could go ahead and call him the nickname she made.

As she saw her parents, she saw quite a strange sight, but knew exactly what they were doing.

A/N - The story's getting really long xD
So, if I win her, I'll definitely complete it with many, many more paragraphs to come! c:


Ask Freya:
What is your favorite color?
Freya wrote:It's a close tie, but I think I'd like white over yellow. White is the color of the stars from far below, and it's also the color of light. I love how the stars up there are different from what they are here. I think it's really cool.

What is your best school subject, if you have any?
Freya wrote:If anything, I enjoy art more than anything else. It isn't an academic or anything but I currently attend an art school that's prime for any arts like music and painting. Painting is one of my main hobbies, actually. Drawing the night sky is my 'thang' that I role with.

Most favorite food?
Freya wrote:Red velvet cake? Yes please! It's the most delicious cake out there! It's like a normal cake, but it's red and has more of a soothing flavor. Mmm!

Least favorite food?
Freya wrote:Brussels Sprouts? Spinach? Mushrooms? Yuck! I once threw up when I tried to eat something like that!

Most adventurous journey?
Freya wrote:Oh, most definitely the one where Aaris brought me to the ruins of her former home, the kingdom of Constella. My my, I met my mother AND found quite a surprise there!

Most favorite game?
Freya wrote:My my, what a question! I'm not into anything fancy like video games, but I like card games. I like really strategical games, such as 'Solitaire', but I also like games including luck like 'Poker'. I also like classics, though, such as hopscotch :)

Favorite place in Aaris' cottage?
Freya wrote:I loved her sitting area! On cold and misty days where we weren't advised to go out, Aaris would always light a fire at the hearth and I would sit on my favorite seat and read some of her books. I have to admit, I am no reader whatsoever, but when it comes to books about famous wolves exploring these ancient sites, I'm all for it!

What occupation would you like to take when you grow up?
Freya wrote:Oh come on! You don't have to ask me that! I'd probably be a detective or an adventurer, but probably not a detective because crime scenes and all creep me out.

What was your first reaction of having sort of a 'second family' outside of Aaris?
Freya wrote:Oh man, I'd definitely have to say that I was quite shocked. I mean, for 14 years of my life, I didn't have a wolf that I could call 'Mom' because I just called Aaris by her name. I still have to get used to calling 'Mom' and 'Dad', 'Mom' and 'Dad'! But I am really excited because the stories of Aaris' past were true!

How would you explain your popularity in the town?
Freya wrote:What a great, yet peculiar question! I wouldn't want to brag, but I'm quite well known in town! I wouldn't say that half the people who know me are because of good reasons, but probably because of my snooping around. Luckily, that's only a small portion of people, so I don't have that bad of a reputation!

By Starrynight | By Starrynight | Untransparent chibi by me | Transparent, yet blurry chibi by me | Tag for Freya by me

wip <3

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Last edited by latin on Mon May 16, 2016 6:05 am, edited 37 times in total.
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