W.A.S. (Armored Warrior Sabers) - A question for all owners!

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W.A.S. (Armored Warrior Sabers) - A question for all owners!

Postby KaiKenNatsuki » Fri Aug 01, 2014 11:27 am




Well, I have had a few ideas for the species lately and would like to be very direct to all the W.A.S. Family. I come here with a question for all of you. :3

Would I, by any chance, be allowed to use your W.A.S.'s in a secret plan I have for the species?

Soon you'll know what the plan is. But first, I need your permission. Being the species owner I do truly hope you will trust me with your fluffy kitties. It does involve drawing them. Look at the bright side of this: you'd be getting free art of your chars!

If you are willing to contribute to this, I would like you to fill the small form below.
As for your saber's personality, just a few adjectives to describe it will do!

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[b]W.A.S. Ref.:[/b]
[b]Special ability:[/b]

Thank you very much and have a good day! <33333
I hope you'll like the surprise. :D

Last edited by KaiKenNatsuki on Fri Aug 01, 2014 11:54 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: W.A.S. (Armored Warrior Sabers) - A question for all own

Postby KaiKenNatsuki » Fri Aug 01, 2014 11:31 am


Username: KaiKenNatsuki
W.A.S. Ref.: X
Name: Kizon
Age: 140
Gender: Male
Personality: Kind hearted, playful, caring, overprotective. Kills for obligation, not for pleasure or instinct.
Mate: None.
Element: Fire
Flamethrower - Kizon is able to breathe fire.
Overheat - His red markings overheat and he is able to burn whoever he touches.
Flame fangs - While biting, his teeth catch on fire.
Lava jaw - His saliva can turn into lava when he becomes aggressive.

Special ability: Sacred fire - He can heal his own injuries through burning them.

Username: KaiKenNatsuki
W.A.S. Ref.: X
Name: Atemis
Age: 136
Gender: Female
Personality: Stubborn, determined, cunning.
Mate: Aeros
Element: Ice
Blizzard breath - Atemis blows an icy wind on the foe, which is likely to make it flinch.
Cold slash - Her claws are frozen in ice and she's able to scratch and slash the foe with higher chances to damage it.
Ice shards - If around any frozen thing, whatever it is, she is able to break the ice and sharpen it into shards without actually needing to do a thing, and uses the shards on her favour - most likely, to damage the foe.
Snowstorm- She is able to create a snowstorm to provide her snow or ice sources.
Special ability: Immunity - She is immune to attacks of her own element. Instead, they strengthen her.


Username: KaiKenNatsuki
W.A.S. Ref.: X
Name: Analyn
Age: 120
Gender: Female
Personality: Quiet, timid, shy. Very unlikely to be seen in a group. Very unlikely to speak.
Mate: None yet.
Element: Water (salt)
Special ability: Messiah feet - She has the ability of walking on water.

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Re: W.A.S. (Armored Warrior Sabers) - A question for all own

Postby SukarettoYanagi » Fri Aug 01, 2014 12:48 pm


Username: ~Willow
W.A.S. Ref.: XxX XxX
Name: Krýo
Age: 150
Gender: Female
Krýo is set in a loner state of mind, which is suiting for a born and raised loner. She likes to spend her time alone, though she will make the occasional acceptation for the company of a male, and tends to dwell on her troubled past which causes rifts in her relations with those 'close' to her. Her fuse is short and quick to burn and when pushed to that point, she can be quite explosive. The cold nip of her fur as she rasps her sharp tongue over it gives her a calming essence and allows her to fight back the anger that threatens to overwhelm her.

Preferring to be alone doesn't come to her without great consequence though. During the night, when the sabers are most likely to get attacked, she is alone and most vulnerable. Though she knows there is strength in numbers, she also knows there is weakness and doesn't want to be considered a weak-link. Most of her pack say that she is loner because of her cold fur and the element she represents, but this is for a completely other reason, the reason stated above.

Krýo is proud of the element she represents. The cold that nips at her nose and paw-tips. The frosty breeze that chills her fur. It's all so perfect to her. She enjoys walking around during the harsh months of winter, her paws making frozen patches of earth as she steps. She also likes making snowdrifts scattered about the land, which fall from her shaking mane. During blizzards is when she hunts and fights the best, and some blizzards are even her own creations, though she is often easily drained during and after this, leaving her weak for days on end.

Coming from a strong heritage has taken a toll on how she feels about herself. Her parents were strong warriors and natural leaders, but she wasn't as strong as the rest of her siblings, nor as the past generations of her blood line. She was shunned for this, one reasons she is who she is now. She has worked hard to prove herself as strong as the rest of her bloodline, but she still lacks, and is still shunned by her family for that. She grows close to no one for the reason of fear, the fear of being shunned and hurt again.
Mate: N/A
Element: Ice
This is a close-range and frontal attack. When Krýo uses this attack, she bites down on her opponents extremities(legs, tail, ear, ect.) where the wound and area instantly freeze. This causes more damage than first realized, to both her and the opposing threat. The damage to her is by her oppnent, while the damage caused to who she's against is by the freezing of the wound and blood. This move is ultimately fatal of she hits a major blood vessel due to the freezing traveling through the blood stream and to the heart.
Snow Drift
This attack comes from her ability to make snowdrifts with a shake of her mane. If she is being pursed, she will create snowdrifts along the way to slow down those trying to get her. This attack only works in cold weather, when it is less likely to stand out, meaning it will only work in the winter moons. Krýo will be bounding through the snow and shake her dark mane, leaving behind a deep snowdrift, up to the knee of a saber.
Complete Silence
This ability, though it takes little of her energy, requires much concentration, though that will come with mastery of this ability. She can, using the power of her mind, create walls of snow and ice around a certain area, blocking out any other source of sound and/or means of help. She cannot use her special ability voluntarily, it only happens during the peak of her rage. This occurrence is rare, due to her being able to suppress her anger using the cold of her fur and icy touch of frozen earth that is always beneath her paws.
This attack comes from everywhere at once in the form of a blizzard. In this blizzard, created by Krýo, she can seemingly vanish only to reappear when it's too late. The blowing winds of the 'blizzard' are filled with shards of ice and the danger of being attacked by the wile ice saber. This is when she's at her most dangerous and likely to kill.
Special ability:
She can encase herself in ice to protect herself. This is a self-preservation ability, though is saps all her energy, sending her into a temporary hibernation. Krýo will find a safe, well-hidden place and herself into it, unable to move till she is healed or the danger has passed. It takes her 24-hours to fully regain lost energy and strength. It is easy to tell when this ability is soon to be in use because her eyes will "glow" slightly and she will become desperate to flee. This ability is rarely used even though it is an involuntary action.

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Re: W.A.S. (Armored Warrior Sabers) - A question for all own

Postby Blizzard- » Fri Aug 01, 2014 12:54 pm

W.A.S. Ref.:

Note;; His light markings can glow, more info here.

Username: Blizzard-
Name: Fury
Age: 142
Gender: Male
Personality: Intelligent, Wise, Strong, Creative, not terribly Social, Blunt, Socially Awkward
Mate: None
Element: Water
Whirling Whirlpool
Fury can control Water, morphing and bending it into anything he needs it to be. In this attack, he will take water and spin it into a tornado like form. It will overcome his enemies, most of the time causing them to choke on the water or cause them to become dizzy and delusional. This attack is limited be the water available.

Freezing Rain;
During times of moisture in the air, Fury can change its state and use it to his advantage. Most of the time there is not enough water in the air to create any effective liquid attack, so he'll freeze it. Then he'll send vast amounts of ice shards at his opponents. These shards cut deep into the skin and tissues of enemies.

Just Disappear;
Fury can create an air bubble around him while he is underwater, letting him stay under for long periods of time. This helps him when ever he must escape, his enemies unable to breath and thus reach him in the water depths. Most of the time he'll just use this outside of battle, but it is a very nifty tool for it.

Breath of Life;
He can draw water out of the throats of others, saving their lives in drowning situations. He can also do this with other liquids, such as blood or poison, but it can not have reached the blood stream for him to control it in this case. He can also do the reverse and send water into your throat, but that's a very painful way to go.

Special ability:
Broken Blood;
Our bodies are more than 75% water, don't think for one second Fury doesn't understand that. In very dire situations, Fury can control that water in our bodies. Depending on the opponent's strength, he can slowly move you to a more desirable position. This is a very limited ability, he can't hold his opponent for long. He'll use this just long enough to re-position himself or escape.

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Re: W.A.S. (Armored Warrior Sabers) - A question for all own

Postby Aravel » Fri Aug 01, 2014 1:44 pm


      Username: Shattered Beazt
      W.A.S. Ref.: xXx
      Name: Tebris
      Age: 80
      Gender: Male
      Personality: mute, mysterious, loyal, wanderer, outcast, adaptable, adventurous, compassionate, daring, reliable, closed-off, complex, skeptical, apathetic, blunt, short-tempered
      Mate: N/A
      Element: Electricity

        When Tebris uses this, his fur sticks up, making him look incredibly scary. The static surrounding him creates blue and yellow charges around him. When touched, this energy goes into the attacker and gives him a nasty blast. Tebris can also use this to increase his power for whatever he does next.


        Both an attack, and an ability, Tebris can create little electric balls of either blue or yellow to help create light around him if cannot see. He can control these to go where he pleases, and a touch to one can be deadly.

        Electric Flight-

        Tebris can manipulate electricity to use electricity as a sort of jet to propel him off of the ground and gravitate. This allows him to move at an incredible speed whether it be towards a target or just anywhere.

        Lightning Summoning-

        Only useful in a storm. Tebris can manipulate where a bolt of lightning will strike in a thunderstorm. This, depending on the bolt, could be fatal, or cause paralysis.


        Tebris can pull or drain someone or something of electricity and use it for himself. This can cause the target to lose energy and quickly wear out or fall into sleep. This does, however, take time to do.

      Special ability:

        Electrical Telepathy- Tebris, though mute, may use electromagnetic waves to send and receive thoughts from other sabers. He may also use this to put confusing thoughts that seem like the saber's own thoughts. This can be very useful when he can't communicate with his voice.
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Re: W.A.S. (Armored Warrior Sabers) - A question for all own

Postby Mortikat » Fri Aug 01, 2014 2:39 pm

W.A.S. Ref.:
Wakiza Hania
56 Years
Independent, Stand-Alone, Quiet, Respectful, Desperate
Mind Flash

This allows Waki to send a small blast to his opponents mind; It is designed to deliver a strong headache, though it can sometimes backfire and hit Waki instead.

This allows him to disorient his opponent by bending the view they see in their minds; It is designed as a distraction tactic for Waki to get close and strike with his claws.

This allows Waki to fill his opponent's minds with faint whispers; It is designed as a fear tactic to throw his opponent off.
Special ability:

This is an ability that comes and goes as it pleases; He cannot control it. It allows him to see some of the worst possible scenarios in full detail that will happen because of a choice or string of choices. When this happens, he goes still and his fur bristles, and he looks frightened and pained.
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Re: W.A.S. (Armored Warrior Sabers) - A question for all own

Postby TheWolfsgirl90 » Sat Aug 02, 2014 6:27 am

W.A.S. Ref.:
Haymon ( Haimon also)
4 Years
devious, a bit evil,be easily irritated and like to fight
Dark Sphere:A ball of pure darkness and black aura that paralyzes the enemy for an indefinite period and disabled him.

Hot Blood Claw strike (HBC-Strike): His claws turn red and emit an unimaginable heat. This heat makes his claws glow red as the color of fresh blood. On contact with skin or soft body's own tissues, can cause severe burns. He will not be damaged.

Call of the darkness: The call of darkness can conjure up a dark fog that takes the opponents of the clear view and allows Haemon to attack from the uncertain.

Soul connection with deaths: This attack gives him the power to connect with the deceased to take to strengthen his own power to double. This attack takes a lot of energy and is used only as a last resort.

Dark liberation: He loses his sanity and his spells glow blood red on the shoulder side. In this state, it attacks everyone and everything without any inhibitions. His own pain is turned off.
Special ability:
Mind/Brain Control
Mini Transformers not free use!

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Re: W.A.S. (Armored Warrior Sabers) - A question for all own

Postby Koiley » Sat Aug 02, 2014 7:14 am


Name: Zafeíri
Age (from 400): 270
Gender: Female
Personality:: Calm and patient but has a quick temper and low tolerance for ridiculousness
Element: Psychic
Blink - The foe suddenly loses their own vision and it is replaced with a mirage of Zafeíri's own creation and the foe is left in a state of confusion
Meditation Blast - Zafeíri opens a small window of vulnerability while she gathers psychic power in order to summon a sphere of energy that launches at the foe
Flash - Zafeíri is able to emit a bright white light from her mind which temporarily blinds the foe
Cloud - Zafeíri can breathe a neurotoxin which interferes with the foe's thought/brain. The strength of this attack is determined by the severity of the fight and up to her discretion.
Armor Type (gold, silver or bronze): Silver
Rank (leader, beta, looner, etc): I'm not sure :x
Special Ability (invent, dude!): Cloak - She is able to render herself invisible for short periods of time when necessary

Name: Aeros
Age (from 400): 190
Gender: Male
Personality:: Aeros tends to be quiet and attentive but able to speak and be persuasive when necessary.
Element: Air
Gust - An attack that enables Aeros to float temporarily, usually an evasive move.
Icy air - Aeros is able to emit a large, freezing blast of air which pushes the foe back so he is able to attack again.
Current toss - Aeros pulls the foe into the air and throws the them back down to the ground at a high speed with the aid of wind currents.
Lacking Wind - Aeros is able to pull the oxygen temporarily from the area surrounding the foe, causing them to faint.
Theme Song:
Armor Type (gold, silver or bronze): Bronze
Rank (leader, beta, looner, etc): I'm not sure :x
Special Ability (invent, dude!): Gust steps - He is able to leap/jump higher than the average saber as he generates small gusts of air beneath his feet with every step

Name: Terro
Age (from 400): 170
Gender: Male
Personality:: Terro prefers to be alone but values those he loves and is severely protective of them.
Element: Earth
Rock Claw - Terro generates a layer of rocks/stone over his paws/claws and is able to bash his opponent with stronger force.
Vine Knots - Terro is able to draw vines/roots from the ground to wrap around, slow, and potentially trip the opponent.
Summoning - Terro can summon a type of plant that emits a noxious fume that knocks out the opponent temporarily.
Cracked Earth - Terro forces a chasm to appear below the opponent, trapping them and causing damage from sharp rocks/falling.
Armor Type (gold, silver or bronze): Gold
Rank (leader, beta, looner, etc): I'm not sure :x
Special Ability (invent, dude!): Bright Eyes - Terro is able to see underground as if it were daylight.
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Re: W.A.S. (Armored Warrior Sabers) - A question for all own

Postby IzzyBee » Sun Aug 03, 2014 2:51 am

Username: IzzyBee
W.A.S. Ref.:
Name: Syndra
Age: 132
Gender: Female
Personality: Zealous, witty, cold, ruthless, decisive, and organized
Mate: None
Element: Psychic
Syndra's opponent becomes entranced by the gem on her forehead and is unable to move for a short period of time, making the opponent vulnerable to attack by Syndra or others around. More of a defensive move than offensive move

Shatter Shock:
Syndra sometimes may ram into an opponent, using her crystals on her legs and shoulders to shatter any kind of defensive field or defensive attack if she is able to move.

Dark Mist:
The black mist on her shoulder is released through her paws, knocking her foe dumbfounded or makes them stumble, breaking focus and making them more angered.
Special ability:
Shade Strike:
Her mist is often used to blind her oppontent for a short period of time, so once her foe is rendered sightless for the time being she can strike at them with forceful blows. The attack can also distort their vision, making them hallucinate sometimes, rendering them paranoid at times. When the vision is distorted it makes it harder to detect Syn and allows her to sneak attack.
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