🐻 BEARDOGS 🐢 exploration [closed]

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Re: 🐻 BEARDOGS 🐢 exploration [open]

Postby hunny.milk.tea » Wed Jul 13, 2022 12:37 pm

exploration results:

Ivypaw<3 wrote:Let's go exploring!
Username: ivypaw<3
Beardog(s) I'm sending: ImageImageImage
Amount of times this beardog has been exploring: 5
Location: the outskirts
Link to last exploration: XxXxX
Extra: The boys are happy to be amassing a collection of stuff from their journeys! They walk out the door with high confidence!

Image While exploring the Outskirts you came across a Purple Doodad #2! A collectable. One of three to be found in this zone! just peachy sees the trios confidence and cracks a smile. "ah, they're still young, they'll be toughened up soon enough" he seems to snicker to himself.
honeycreeper wrote:Let's go exploring!
Username: honeycreeper
Beardog(s) I'm sending: Signor Valentine
Amount of times this beardog has been exploring: 0
Location: the city
Link to last exploration: July 11, 2022 (with Mister R.)
Extra: Signor Valentine wants to experiment with new flavors and textures. Searching all over the city for something that smells enchanting or looks inspiring - he makes a day out of it. Perhaps he'll venture further out for some flowers next time? An aster would pair wonderfully with a violet creame cupcake![/size]

Image While exploring the bustling City you came across a Banoonoo Magnoot! A collectable. You can put it on your fridge. just peachy gives signor a weary look, and cautions that the banana he found out in the city might not be the best for flavors. he warns you not to stick it in your mouth.
shortstop wrote:Let's go exploring!
Username: shortstop
Beardog(s) I'm sending:
Amount of times this beardog has been exploring: 4
Location: The City
Link to last exploration: boop
Extra: City: 5 || Outskirts: 0 || Farmlands: 0

Image While exploring the City you did a good deed and got given 30 meat!
Yawnicon wrote:Let's go exploring!
Username: Yawnicon
Beardog(s) I'm sending: I’m sending Roygbiv!
Amount of times these beardog has been exploring: 4
Location: The Outskirts
Link to last exploration: Bee-doo
Extra: N/A

Image While exploring the Outskirts you did a good deed and got given 40 meat!
Eevee55 wrote:Let's go exploring!
Username: Eevee55
Beardog(s) I'm sending: Image Image
Amount of times this beardog has been exploring: 7, 3
Location: Farmlands
Link to last exploration: Here
Extra: The two are quite pleased with themselves for not getting lost! They seem excited to go exploring again! They're also quite happy to have some snacks in case they get hungry- or lost again...- today!
(Thank you!)

ImageWhile walking down the dusty road, a farmer pulls you aside and asks you for help. And because you're a NICE BEARDOG you help them. They reward you with some Plant Fiber! Try not to question them giving you just grass. You can craft something with this. as you stumble back from a long day out just peachy gives a snort at the field grass covered all over you "now don't tell me- you got lost in the tall grass?" just peachy said with a raised eyebrow. you give a sheepish nod and with a roll of his eyes just peachy sends you on your way with some grass to take back.
Music_Lover wrote:Let's go exploring!
Username: Music_Lover
Beardog(s) I'm sending: Sunny, Muscadine, & Bic
Amount of times this beardog has been exploring:
City: 1 | 1 | 1
Outskirts: 4 | 4 | 4
Farmlands: 3| 3 | 3
Total: 8 | 8 | 8

Location: Farmlands
Link to last exploration: Boop!
Extra:Image Image Sunny and Muscadine caught Bic talking to the Gizmos last night. He's been acting strange and they're both apprehensive about even going out with him, but they go (keeping their distance of course.)

Image While exploring the vast Farmlands you came across a gizmo #19 - Ocean Waves! A collectable. Aren't they just the cutest? (oh dear,,) just peachy's eye just about buldge out of their sockets. there was now three of these creepy critters. the pink beardog's pelt bristled and he gave the other two a warning look. "careful with that one- they say 3 is an unlucky number" how ominous!
Strawberry.Wyne wrote:Let's go exploring!
Username: Strawberry.Wyne
Beardog(s) I'm sending: Mirtilo, Yukon, and Pepto Bismol
Amount of times this beardog has been exploring:
Mirtilo’s 12th time | Yukon’s 7th time | Pepto Bismol’s 1st time
Location: Farmlands
Link to last exploration: x
Extra: The group’s new friend joins the group, replacing Matrix whose feet were really starting to get sore. Mirtilo walks with a new bounce in his step, excited for their new friend, and excited for his date. A wide smile settling on his face as he looks back at you with a small wave.

ImageWhile walking down the dusty road, a farmer pulls you aside and asks you for help. And because you're a NICE BEARDOG you help them. They reward you with a Fruit Basket! Mmm Tasty. You can craft something with this. with the fruit basket, you pluck some grapes, walking over and trying to see if you could catch a sight of melon. thankfully it seemed just peachy wasn't there either, and yet... where was melon? you feel a tap on your shoulder and whip around, finding melon dressed in a bright blue bow, holding out a bouquet of wild tulips! seems you two are going on a date!
Melsride wrote:Let's go exploring!
Username: Melsride
Beardog(s) I'm sending:ImageImageImage
Amount of times this beardog has been exploring: Stan - 5, Jen - 5, Ally - 5
Location: the outskirts
Link to last exploration: here
Extra: Still looking for a friend for Stan!

Image While exploring the Outskirts you came across a Purple Doodad #2! A collectable. One of three to be found in this zone! just peachy hopes that while stan waits for a beardog friend, he can play with this sick car!
LittleMaple wrote:Let's go exploring!
Username: LittleMaple
Beardog(s) I'm sending: ImageImage
Amount of times this beardog has been exploring: 6(this is 7th) for Cal and 2(this is 3nd) for Xandra!
Location: the farmlands!
Link to last exploration: beep
Extra: Callie and Xandra both got a shiver up their spines after what JP did upon them telling him about the sign. Callie is determined to find out what the heck the sign was all about, and this time Xandra willingly goes with them. Her plan is to follow it, even if it's dangerous, and find where it leads. Of course, Xandra isn't told about the danger part.

You're about to head home for the evening when a very lost beardog wanders over. Perhaps it'd like if you took it home?Image as you return with the lost friend you had gotten turned around in the farmlands. it seems wherever that sign had been yesterday had been gone, and no matter how many times you thought you took the right path you always ended in a circle. as you return you look to see if just peachy is there so you may ask questions. but instead of just peachy there is a fluffy black and purple beardog. they give you a small smile, though something told you not to trust it. you decide to quickly hurry home with your new friend.
Adam Stanheight wrote:Let's go exploring!
Username: Adam Stanheight
Beardog(s) I'm sending: ImageImage
Amount of times this beardog has been exploring: 3 & 7
Location: The Outskirts
Link to last exploration: looks under a rock
Extra: That was scary dude staying close now

Image While exploring the Outskirts you came across a gizmo #18 - Ladybug! A collectable. Aren't they just the cutest? just peachy gives you a snort as you come by, seems he assumes you both are spooked because of the ladybug gizmo. he wouldn't blame you, the things gave him the creeps.
Mossclaw3706 wrote:Let's go exploring!
Username: Mossclaw3706
Beardog(s) I'm sending:
Amount of times these beardogs have been exploring: 9, 6, 1
City: 2, 1, 1
Outskirts: 7, 5, 0
Location: Farmlands
Link to last exploration: last adventure
"Hmm...looks like it's about time for our walk," started Mel. "Where to today?"
"The Outskirts!!! Oh it will be so fun, we can show Pidge where we found those gizmos--"
"..." Pidge looked pained in the face of the other beardog's excitement. "....Um...maybe we could try out of the city today?"
Mel considered that, studying their new companion. "Okay. If the Outskirts are too much for today, we can maybe try just outside the city. Whaddya say, Sax?"
"Oh...outside?? Um..." the smaller beardog looked a little nervous. "Well, if you guys are with me, I'm sure it'll be just fine!"

ImageWhile walking down the dusty road, a farmer pulls you aside and asks you for help. And because you're a NICE BEARDOG you help them. They reward you with a Bag of Seeds! Wonder what they'll grow? You can craft something with this. as your newly formed trio returns just peachy gives the new comer a snicker. "oh so you survived your first day? beginners luck, here, take this, you'll need it out there" just peachy picks up one of the many bepis cans scattered by his feet. you guess just peachy has a strange sense of humor.
Exitium wrote:
Let's go exploring!
Username: Exitium
Beardog(s) I'm sending:
Blacklight Ardebear + Browning Guacamole
Amount of times this beardog has been exploring: 4 times {B.A.) | 3 times [B.G.]
Location: The Outskirts
Link to last exploration: duck. no, not the action. just a duck.
Extra: glowsticks left behind this time (as Blacklight Ardebear received the message loud and clear), just peachy will not discover anything out of the ordinary today. nope.

Image While exploring the Outskirts you came across a gizmo #13 - Malibu! A collectable. Aren't they just the cutest? just peachy narrows his eyes at you upon your return. it seems he is trying to figure out if you are hiding glowsticks in your mouth.
yutashu wrote:Let's go exploring!
Username: yutashu
Beardog(s) I'm sending: goog
Amount of times this beardog has been exploring: 6
Location: the outskirts
Link to last exploration: boop

Image While exploring the Outskirts you came across a Grey Doodad #1! A collectable. One of three to be found in this zone!
trancegeminii wrote:Let's go exploring!
Username: trancegeminii
Beardog(s) I'm sending:
β €β €β €β €walmart
Amount of times this beardog has been exploring: 9
Location: farmlands
Link to last exploration: bonk
Extra: walmart hopes he can find a tasty snack today

ImageWhile walking down the dusty road, a farmer pulls you aside and asks you for help. And because you're a NICE BEARDOG you help them. They reward you with a Fruit Basket! Mmm Tasty. You can craft something with this. just peachy tries to warn you that many shops take payment in fruit in the city for items. but halfway through he seems to lose his train of thought as his cheeks seem to grow even pinker. he stammers before excusing himself. what was that about?
Julie_PiscesGirl wrote:Let's go exploring!
Username: Julie_PiscesGirl
Beardog(s) I'm sending: Image
Amount of times this beardog has been exploring: 8
Location: Farmlands
Link to last exploration: Here
Extra: Thank you!

ImageWhile walking down the dusty road, a farmer pulls you aside and asks you for help. And because you're a NICE BEARDOG you help them. They reward you with a Vegetable Basket! Healthy! You can craft something with this. (3
owl, wrote:Let's go exploring!
Username: owl,
Beardog(s) I'm sending: Heinz & ???ImageImageImage
Amount of times this beardog has been exploring: 10 | 4 | 3
Location: the farmland
Link to last exploration: here
Extra: thank you so much <3

ImageWhile walking down the dusty road, a farmer pulls you aside and asks you for help. And because you're a NICE BEARDOG you help them. They reward you with a Vegetable Basket! Healthy! You can craft something with this. (3
hunny.milk.tea wrote:
let's go exploring!
username: hunny.milk.tea
beardog(s) I'm sending: Image. Image
gumball / just "jp" peachy
amount of times this beardog has been exploring: 12 | 12
location: the outskirts
link to last exploration: here !
extra: (3

Image While exploring the Outskirts you did a good deed and got given 40 meat! just peachy stares back at himself. what was this, the matrix? perhaps the purpose of life. just peachy gives a blink before moving on.
EeeeeeejDoge wrote:
Let's go exploring!
Username: EeeeeeejDoge
Beardog(s) I'm sending:
Amount of times this beardog has been exploring: 4 | 4 | 3
Location: The Outskirts
Link to last exploration: here
Extra: went to hang around to explor some outskirts since meeting some new places n maybe bears would be pretty amazin

Image While exploring the Outskirts you came across a gizmo #12 - Dally! A collectable. Aren't they just the cutest? just peachy doesn't know if you would count a gizmo as a new friend, he surely wouldn't. but to each there own.
werepickle wrote:Let's go exploring!
Username: werepickle
Beardog(s) I'm sending: Pine
Amount of times this beardog has been exploring: 3
Location: the outskirts
Link to last exploration: n/a
Extra: Eager for todays adventure Pine excitedly raced out expecting a warm summer day. Instead he was met with summer showers but that didn’t damper his mood. He trudged through the warm rain hoping the rain will dislodged treasures for him

Image After a tiring day of wandering the Outskirts, you've returned with an earring! That's cool of you! as you return, water logged and all, you hold your prize with excitement. just peachy gives you a small grin, seems he admires your enjoyment towards life's small things. he gives a nod and tosses you a bepis can, seems he likes you.
chaotic creativity wrote:
    Let's go exploring!
    Username: chaotic creativity
    Beardog(s) I'm sending: scribbles & stitches
    Image Image
    Amount of times this beardog has been exploring: 0 | 1
    Location: the outskirts
    Link to last exploration: here
    Extra: stitches bids farewell to doodle and says hello to her new companion, scribbles! the two bond instantly and decide to take a walk

Image While exploring the Outskirts you came across a Mangoo Magnoot! A collectable. I wonder why it's called that... Well. You can put it on your fridge. just peachy looks at the new comer with squinted eyes, was he seizing you up? but after a few brief seconds, he gives a snicker and winks, seems he approves of your status of a beginning adventurer.
Calibri wrote:Let's go exploring!
Username: Calibri
Beardog(s) I'm sending: Bondi & Cushion
Amount of times this beardog has been exploring: Bondi: 2, Cushion: 0
Location: The Outskirts
Link to last exploration: xx
Extra: Cushion is forcing Bondi to do all the searching by threatening him w/ their needle. Fear them

Image While exploring the Outskirts you came across a Teal Slonky! A collectable. Sproing. just peachy gives you a grin and scoffs at the newcomer. however he gives you both a nod as you pass.
AstroBxbe wrote:Let's go exploring!
Username: Astrobxbe
Beardog(s) I'm sending:
ImageOtto < 3
Amount of times this beardog has been exploring: 4
Location: the city
Link to last exploration: OOHHH BABY A QUADROPLE!
Extra: Today, Otto feels like shopping.

Image While exploring the bustling City you came across a Ohrange Magnoot! A collectable. You can put it on your fridge. just peachy hopes you are happy with your purchase.
Nova-Moshi wrote:Let's go exploring!
Username: Nova-Moshi
Beardog(s) I'm sending: Image
Amount of times this beardog has been exploring: 3
Location: The City
Link to last exploration: X
Extra: Today Indie stuck to the city, finding the air a little more humid than normal. Headphones on, and songs shuffling to more upbeat tunes, she swung her head gently as she walked. Hopefully, she could find more good music today.

Image While exploring the City you did a good deed and got given 30 meat! as you come back through just peachy is waiting. he waltzes up to you and presents the name of a song, plugging it into your device. he is unsure if it is your style, but he was currently rocking out and wanted to share.
_mirage_ wrote:Let's go exploring!
Username: _mirage_
Beardog(s) I'm sending:
Twizzler 0.0
Amount of times this beardog has been exploring: 10x!
Location: the outskirts
Link to last exploration: here!
Extra: β€œWhat's the difference between a hippo and a zippo? One's pretty heavy and the other is a little lighter!”

ImageWhile exploring the Outskirts you came across a Green Doodad #1! A collectable. One of three to be found in this zone! just peachy kneels over in a fit of laughter, pounding the ground with his fist. you try to tell another one but it seems just peachy just can't get over the first one. a good dad joke indeed.
p e p wrote:
p e p wrote:
pep esplor brrrrr
Location: Farmlands
Link to last exploration: ?? ?? ????
Beardog(s) I'm sending: vex & miami
Amount of times this beardog has been exploring: x11????
With age comes experience and these two best friends are
confident in each other to venture out into the countryside!
∘ Vex ∘
Litter: Demon Tails

∘ Miami ∘
Litter: Sssharpies

Image While exploring the vast Farmlands you came across a Blue Doodad #3! A collectable. One of three to be found in this zone! just peachy admires their friendship and tosses the two some extra bepis cans.
Melsride wrote:Let's go exploring!
Username: Melsride
Beardog(s) I'm sending:ImageImageImage
Amount of times this beardog has been exploring: Stan -6, Jen -6, Ally -6
Location: the outskirts
Link to last exploration: here
Extra: Still looking for a friend for Stan!

you have already posted for yesterdays rollover! so no roll for this, however now that this is past rollover feel free to just repost this one (3

end of exploration results! feel free to past after this post !
Last edited by hunny.milk.tea on Thu Jul 14, 2022 1:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 🐻 BEARDOGS 🐢 exploration [open]

Postby Adam Stanheight » Wed Jul 13, 2022 12:58 pm

I'm here to donate a collectible!
Username: Adam Stanheight
Item You're Donating: Image
Proof: doot
Total amount of collectibles you've donated:1
π™Όπš’ πšŒπšŠπš–πšŽπš›πšŠ πšπš˜πšŽπšœπš—'𝚝 πš•πš’πšŽ!
π™Έπš πšπš˜πšŽπšœπš—'𝚝 πš”πš—πš˜πš  πš‘πš˜πš  𝚝𝚘.

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Re: 🐻 BEARDOGS 🐢 exploration [open]

Postby Adam Stanheight » Wed Jul 13, 2022 1:00 pm

Let's go exploring!
Username: Adam Stanheight
Beardog(s) I'm sending: ImageImage
Amount of times this beardog has been exploring: 4 & 8
Location: The Outskirts
Link to last exploration: looks under a rock
Extra: Leslie is manifesting friends in a notebook, I dont know where it learned how to write
π™Όπš’ πšŒπšŠπš–πšŽπš›πšŠ πšπš˜πšŽπšœπš—'𝚝 πš•πš’πšŽ!
π™Έπš πšπš˜πšŽπšœπš—'𝚝 πš”πš—πš˜πš  πš‘πš˜πš  𝚝𝚘.

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Re: 🐻 BEARDOGS 🐢 exploration

Postby Yawnicon » Wed Jul 13, 2022 1:01 pm

Yawnicon wrote:Let's go exploring!
Username: Yawnicon
Beardog(s) I'm sending: I’m sending Chint, Goya & Prismae!
Amount of times these beardog has been exploring: 5 | 5 | 5
Location: The Farmland
Link to last exploration: Be-donk!
Extra: N/A
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Re: 🐻 BEARDOGS 🐢 exploration [open]

Postby onion » Wed Jul 13, 2022 1:03 pm

I'm here to donate a collectible!
Username: onion
Item You're Donating: gizmo #16 lil blue Image
Proof: Forum/viewtopic.php?f=87&t=4754569&start=260#p138903830
Total amount of collectibles you've donated: this js number 2!
    λͺ¨λ“  dataλ₯Ό λͺ¨μ•„ mix it around Image
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Re: 🐻 BEARDOGS 🐢 exploration [open]

Postby yutashu » Wed Jul 13, 2022 1:06 pm

Let's go exploring!
Username: yutashu
Beardog(s) I'm sending: goog
Amount of times this beardog has been exploring: 7
Location: the outskirts
Link to last exploration: boop
hello! hope your having a good day :)!!

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Re: 🐻 BEARDOGS 🐢 exploration [open]

Postby LittleMaple » Wed Jul 13, 2022 1:06 pm

Let's go exploring!
Username: LittleMaple
Beardog(s) I'm sending: ImageImageImage
Amount of times this beardog has been exploring: 7(this is 8th) for Cal, 3(this is 4nd) for Xandra, and 0(this is 1st) for Blueberry!!
Location: the farmlands!
Link to last exploration: beep
Extra: Callie was very distrusting of the new beardog, and shoved Xandra and Blueberry away. Now she's back again and heading to the farmlands once more, but with much more caution. She asks Blue where he came from and he starts leading her to a part of the farmlands she's never seen before. Callie and Xandra follow cautiously behind as Blue leads the way.
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Re: 🐻 BEARDOGS 🐢 exploration [open]

Postby onion » Wed Jul 13, 2022 1:07 pm

Let's go exploring!
Username: onion
Beardog(s) I'm sending: Image
Amount of times this beardog has been exploring: 5 (this is 6)
Location: the outskirts
Link to last exploration: Forum/viewtopic.php?f=87&t=4754569&start=240#p138897374
Extra: spicybo eyes the pink beardog curiously as he brings back his gizmo, and drops it at his feet. "here, i found this. also..." he pauses and looks just peachy up and down. "who ARE you?!!!"
    λͺ¨λ“  dataλ₯Ό λͺ¨μ•„ mix it around Image
    >my sunshine / free palestine
    >blake/onion, it/its, adult!
    >rwby, kpop ggs, 2hu, splatoon!
    th / pound / carrd / en / fr / α“šα˜α—’
    like du du du du du! 🍊

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Re: 🐻 BEARDOGS 🐢 exploration [open]

Postby Mossclaw3706 » Wed Jul 13, 2022 1:11 pm

Let's go exploring!
Username: Mossclaw3706
Beardog(s) I'm sending:
Amount of times these beardogs have been exploring: 10, 7, 2
City: 2, 1, 1
Outskirts: 7, 5, 0
Farmlands: 1, 1, 1
Location: Farmlands
Link to last exploration: last adventure
Saxophone cradled the crumbled can tossed to them by JP. "I don't think this is a doodad or a gizmo...maybe we should bring it by the museum instead?"
Pidge wrinkled their nose a bit. "Hmm... maybe they have a recycling bin there."
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Re: 🐻 BEARDOGS 🐢 exploration [open]

Postby shortstop » Wed Jul 13, 2022 1:13 pm

Let's go exploring!
Username: shortstop
Beardog(s) I'm sending:
Amount of times this beardog has been exploring: 5
Location: The City
Link to last exploration: boop
Extra: City: 6 || Outskirts: 0 || Farmlands: 0
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