Re: Rise | #1707

Postby alyxmin » Fri May 03, 2019 1:40 pm

    Username: sass
    Cat Name: brightpaw

    Gender: male
    Rank: scout apprentice
    Age: seven moons
    Clan: emberclan

    Bucket List: (min 3, max 15)
    - catch a hawk
    he just wants to catch a hawk because it's cool.

    - become rookfang's adopted son
    he wants a father and since rookfang is basically his father, why not?

    - make rookfang proud
    he wants to make his mentor proud of him, since he knows he isn't the best apprentice out there.

    - catch a hawk
    goes head to head with above.

    - get a mate
    brightpaw yearns for love and wants somebody to settle down with and stay with for the rest of his life.

    - have kits
    brihgtpaw adores the little things and wants some for himself.

    - go to twolegplace and bring back some cream for whitefish
    whitefish has always talked about how as a kit he loved cream and how he wished he could eat it again. he said his mother used to bring him some and he and his siblings would fight over it, so brightpaw wants to help whitefish experience that again.

    - befriend beepaw
    beepaw has always been a bristly molly who has no friends, which brightpaw can't allow. what kind of cat would he be to let a cat stay alone with no one to talk to?
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Re: Rise | #1707

Postby Birchii » Sat May 04, 2019 8:14 am

    Username: Birchii
    Cat Name: Brightspark

    Gender: Molly
    Rank: Warrior
    Clan: GealachClan

    Bucket List:
    i. Collect her gifts
    Brightspark likes to collect interesting, unique and weird items. Usually, this consists of sticks, feathers or rocks that she finds pretty or have a weird shape, but there's also a big bird bone, a collar, and twoleg shiny objects in her collection, too. It initially was just a little quirk she had as a kit and young apprentice, but the idea to gift each member of her clan swiftly became the reason for the collection. She's determined to find a suitable gift for everyone, and ideally wants the gifts to be something to represent how she sees them.

    ii. Help Pinefall open up
    She knows how hard it is for her mate, Pinefall, to share what he's thinking, and so this is more of a long-term goal, rather than a task that she can simply start and finish. Brightspark tries her hardest to patiently listen to Pinefall when he's talking, and thinks carefully about questions that she asks, since the wrong one can put him off from sharing for a few days. She's also refining her ability to read his tone of voice, facial expressions and body language, so she knows when he's really uncomfortable and when he's just being moody.

    iii. Perfect her swimming skills
    Brightspark wasn't a great swimmer to start with. She struggled to keep her head above the water, and it frustrated her how her fur would drag her in the water. She barely passed her Swimming Assessment, and made a vow to keep going until she feels strong and confident enough in the water.

    iv. Earn the title 'Weaver of Tales'
    In GealachClan, there's a tradition during Green-Leaf where the clan will relax during sunset They'll gather as a circle and take turns to tell stories, whether they're real life experiences or completely fantasy. Since she's still young, she hasn't participated in many of these story-telling events and has yet to earn the honoured title of 'Weaver of Tales', a title given to the three best story-tellers of the season. She hopes to earn it someday, but knows that she has tough competition to beat for it!.

    v. Learn some dog-speak
    Brightspark thinks it would only be fair to learn some dog-speak from Làidir, given that the canine had to learn cat-speak at some point in her life. It would also prove useful for any dogs that wander across their territory, in the case when Làidir isn't around to help communicate.

    vi. Become a Council member
    Brightspark loves her parents dearly, and is proud of her father, Sablethorn, being a member of the Council. She's not sure exactly what she'd offer as a Council member, since they typically excel in some skill or ability, but it would definitely be a privilege and an honour to help her clan and continue it as a family tradition of sorts.

    vii. Start a family
    Brightspark has always wanted to have a family, and knows that Pinefall would make a wonderful father once he's ready. She's patiently waiting for Pinefall to decide to take the leap, as she knows she'll likely jump at the chance to be a mother.

    viii. Put her pawprint on the wall
    Another tradition for the warriors of Brightspark's clan is to have a pawprint on the camp walls. It signifies the transition from a warrior to a senior warrior, and though she knows it'll happen someday, she's still excited to have a piece of her permanently displayed within the camp.

    ix. Catch a pheasant
    Those tricky birds are so flighty! Brightspark sticks out across the Heather Heaths during Leaf-Fall, and is irritated at herself for not yet catching one of the visiting birds. She tells herself it'll happen next Leaf-Fall, and practices her stealth up on the open fields in preparation.

    x. Train three apprentices
    Brightspark has a lot of energy and moons to give to her clan, and truly hopes to become a mentor soon, and frequently thereafter. If she had her way, she'd leave one mentorship after seeing one apprentice all the way through their training, and fall straight into training the next one, but there are only so many kits and plenty of suitable mentors, so Brightspark hopes to have at least three apprentices over her warriorhood, sharing her knowledge and passing it along to future generations.

    xi. Be the fun elder
    Elders can be such grumpy, grouchy, or sleepy felines, and while Brightspark acknowledges and appreciates all that her elders have done to help the clan. However, she knows that when she finally retires, she'll be cracking jokes, laughing and smiling, and giving kits little ideas to encourage their creativity, all while amusing her fellow elders!

    xii. Become a Gealach-Dìonadair
    GealachClan believes they become Ancestors, spirits who dance amongst the stars and keep the moon company, when they die. For those few, true heroes and legends who live amongst GealachClan, there is no greater honour than becoming a Gealach-Dìonadair, or Defender of the Moon. Honestly, this is just a kithood hope that she knows is extremely unlikely to occur, especially since the clan's lives have been peaceful and uneventful for several moons now. She's content to simply reside peacefully along the Ancestors, but silently still wishes for it to come true. After all, one can dream!

current collection goals; owls - guineas

beep boop


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Re: Rise | #1707

Postby I Like Bees » Sun May 05, 2019 10:41 am

Username: I Like Bees
Cat Name: Sandfeather

Gender: Male
Rank: Warrior
Age: 22 Moons
Clan: PetalClan

Bucket List:

  • Item on list.
    • Sandfeather's notes to himself.
      • My notes / explanation.

  • Make non-awkward eye contact with someone.
    • You need to get over your fear of eye contact, Sandfeather. Every cat else is perfectly comfortable looking other cats in the eyes; you need to be able to do that too. Seriously. It shouldn't be that hard.
      • Ever since he was a kitten, Sandfeather has had trouble looking cats in the eyes. When he does manage to do so, it feels extremely awkward, and he can't hold it for longer than about three seconds. It's bothered him that he's physically unable to do something other cats seem perfectly comfortable with, and he desperately wants to change that.
  • Catch a fish larger than a minnow.
    • Find a cat who seems to know a lot about swimming, and ask them to teach you a few fishing tips. Have them supervise, too, just in case.
      • Sandfeather originally lived in BloomClan, which was, similar to PetalClan, a meadow-dwelling Clan. There was a small creek that the cats used for water, but the only fish he ever saw there were minnows. He enjoyed watching the shiny little fish zipping through the water, and dreamed of the day he'd be able to catch a fish, specifically one that posed more of a challenge than a minnow. There's just two small problems: he has no experience swimming, and he's never even managed to catch a minnow. He's also scared of water.
  • Learn how to climb a tree.
    • You're not a kit anymore, Sandfeather. You can climb a tree perfectly fine, you won't fall, and you need to get over this silly old fear... Just in case, though, bring one of the previously-forest-dwelling cats to supervise.
      • Since Sandfeather grew up in a meadow, he's never had the opportunity to climb a tree. During his journey from BloomClan to PetalClan, he tried, but unfortunately failed after getting about a tail length off the ground. Since then, he's been determined to learn what he considered a necessary skill for a cat to have: tree-climbing. He'll need to conquer his fear of heights to check this off his list.
  • Visit that cave in the eastern canyon.
    • Frostwish says that the spiders there aren't poisonous... Just in case, though, it might be a good idea to bring him along. Keep an eye out for the cool, shiny stones that Doveflame claims are in there.
      • There's a strange cave in the eastern canyon at the center of PetalClan's territory, and all of PetalClan's cat find it extremely intriguing. Sandfeather, however, is scared of the dark, tight spaces, and bugs. He's going to have a very hard time building up the courage to check this off his list.
  • Learn basic healing and herbal knowledge.
    • I should probably do this sooner rather than later; you never know when you might need basic medical knowledge. Frostwish and Sorrelstar both seem to know a little bit, so I should either ask them or wait for the mysterious "medicine cat" Sorrelstar keeps predicting will show up soon.
      • He might have trouble actually applying this knowledge, since he faints if he even thinks he sees a drop of blood. He once mistook a red petal for blood, and fainted upon seeing it.
  • Agree to take one of Doveflame's "dancing" lessons.
    • Doveflame looks kind of ridiculous while doing it, but it would be a good way to get out of my comfort zone. I also feel kinda bad avoiding all of her offers thus far. Note to self: make sure you don't agree to a lesson in the middle of camp; you don't want everyone watching you humiliate yourself.
      • Sandfeather has trouble
  • Do something that truly benefits the Clan.
    • I've left the point left intentionally vague. I just want to do something that leaves a lasting positive impact on PetalClan. Anything counts, as long as it truly does help my Clan. Saving a kitten, bringing fresh-kill back during a particularly harsh winter, finding a desperately-needed herb, really anything that helps PetalClan.
      • Not much to say here. He'll probably do something really amazing to help his Clan, then view it as "not that big of a deal," and not check it off his list.
  • Complete your bucket list.
    • Pretty self-explanatory.
      • I guess he really wanted to emphasize that he wants to complete his bucket list? I'm not really sure; this seems a bit redundant. He's got a long way to go and a lot of fears to conquer... But I suppose it is possible that he'll check this off someday.
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Re: Rise | #1707

Postby Hawky<3 » Wed May 22, 2019 12:48 pm

Kazin wrote:
    Username: Kazin
    Cat Name: Wrenwhisper

    Gender: She-cat
    Rank: Warrior
    Age: 37 moons
    Clan: Zephyrclan

    Bucket List:
    🌊 To see the ocean. Wrenwhisper has always lived in forested area and been mesmerized by stories of open water, and one day wants to see the beauty that cats describe.

    🦆 Taste duck. She has heard that this is a must-have for warriors to eat, and even though she isn't sure she'll like it, it is an experience she doesn't want to miss.

    Hear Twoleg music. One of her friends has tried to describe the strange sounds that Twolegs produce from weird looking materials, and the awe in their eyes makes Wrenwhisper want to experience this for herself.

    🤫 Sneak up on Blazestar. A feat no cat in the clan has yet to accomplish, Wrenwhisper wants to be the first to be able to sneak up on the observant leader, either by scaring him or pranking him.

    🐦 Find a peacock feather. Another beauty of the world she has been told about, but never has been able to see herself. She wants to see if it is as big as cats say, or if they are exaggerating.

    See a shooting star. Wishes come true with shooting stars, everyone knows that - though Wrenwhisper wants to see if they are as fast as the others say they are; if they are truly gone in only the blink of an eye.

congrats!! these were very charming. giving an HM to elliad. as well!

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Re: Rise | #1707

Postby Elliad. » Wed May 22, 2019 1:44 pm

Congrats Kazin!

Thanks for the hm. :)
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Re: Rise | #1707

Postby Kazin » Wed May 22, 2019 2:58 pm

eee thank you!! And congrats to Elliad. on the HM <3
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Re: Rise | #1707

Postby Kazin » Thu Aug 15, 2019 7:09 am

this cat has been traded to Thundercry04 c:
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Re: Rise | #1707

Postby thatlilhusky » Thu Aug 15, 2019 7:12 am

    Confirming! Here's her new information.

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Re: Rise | #1707

Postby thatlilhusky » Tue Oct 15, 2019 8:18 am

Traded to SurgeFire!
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Re: Rise | #1707

Postby SurgeFire » Tue Oct 15, 2019 8:19 am

Confirming <3
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