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Re: ↓To Hell and Back Again↑ (Supernatural RP) (Accepting!)

Postby AcetheKidd » Sat Oct 07, 2017 10:03 am

Julian||18||Male||demigod ||Crush:-||Location: Cafe||Tags;-

Finally, another day of school was over with. Julian had did a lot work today, mainly just dealing with collage work. Mid terms where a few months away, so he had to deal with that to. He decided to head over to his favourite cafe to grab something to eat. A sandwich and some sweet tea would do. Julian placed his stuff in the back of car before driving over towards the cafe. Once he was there, he ordered his usual stuff and took a seat once everything was ready. Just as he started to take a bite, Jillian thought he he could hear faint whispers
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Re: ↓To Hell and Back Again↑ (Supernatural RP) (Accepting!)

Postby KittenHunter » Sat Oct 07, 2017 10:05 am

QuenTessa- Human- Monster Friend/ Female/ Location- Restaurant/ Tags: Lessiana
Upon feeling the sudden flash of liquid all over her, the human bolted up and squealed, shaking her hands and instantly turning to the waitress and growling angrily, raising her fist as if to hit her but stops at the look Hunter had on his face and lowering it to look where he was. Spotting the female looking towards them, anger flared in her, she had no idea why Hunter was spooked by her but she instantly grabbed Hunter's hand as if to leave,"Come on. Lets go to the motel to get fresh clothes."

Hunter- Familiar/ Male/ Location- Restaurant/ Tags: Lessiana
Hunter had flown out of his seat when the water made contact with him, having never liked it and he let out a hiss. After a split second his eyes spotted a shift in atmosphere and his eyes followed to it a woman sitting alone. Staring at her with wide eyes, Hunter almost didn't even realize his sister was tugging on his hand until he almost fell over and had to catch himself on a table,"H-Hold on! I-I... fine... W-Whatever you say..."

Calypso- Demon/ Female/ Location- walking the streets/ Tags: Open
Walking was become a very tedious thing and Calypso started to despise it a few decades ago, It still wasn't better. Just this morning she got a fresh Meat suit, one she had been stalking for quite some time. Slipping out of an alley, the demon made her way down the street, slipping on sunglasses and shaking her arms, bracelets jingling and black t-shirt smoothing out. Oh yes... Now she realized why she is hating walking even more. This meat suit decided the best thing to wear was heeled boots. At least they made her taller.

Bone- Skinwalker/ Male/ Location- Dog park/ Tags: Open
Playing with other dogs had always been his favorite thing to do, going to the dog park was an easy way to find an owner and play with others. So here Bone was, large massive black frame huffing and panting under a tree for shade as he looked around. He silently wished that dogs had sweat glands since he was so hot but he had to admit that he loved being what he was. He liked humans, liked being there pet, which would sound weird for any other monster but he was a Skinwalker, he could be any animal and he chose a Pitbull, not the most friendly dog but he liked the feel of it.

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Re: ↓To Hell and Back Again↑ (Supernatural RP) (Accepting!)

Postby rookfern » Sat Oct 07, 2017 10:22 am

29 | hunter
location: motel
tags: --
    Sparrow lopped off the head of the last vamp and dropped his tired arm to his side. He scrubbed at the blood spattered across his face with his sleeve, kicking the rolling head over to the others. Finally, the case was closed. After a week of researching, investigating, interrogating, and killing, he was ready to drop into a bed and be blissfully unconscious for a good twenty-four hours. He gripped his machete tighter and strode out of the vampires' house. His truck was parked innocently on the street curb, waiting for him. After piling his gear into the box in the back and wiping away the blood as best he could, he climbed into the driver's seat with a groan. His arms were sore. His legs were sore. Everything was sore. The engine purred softly as he turned the key in the ignition, and he peeled away from the curb back towards his crappy motel. Upon reaching his current "home", he grabbed a few things from the glove compartment and slowly made his way to his room.

35 | hunter
location: cafe
tags: --
    Morgan closed his laptop with a snap and sipped at his tea. He could just chug the cup, but he risked burning his mouth till he couldn't taste for days and it would be a complete waste of good tea. His eyes wandered the cafe as he drank the drink in silence. A few patrons were wandering in, but none of them seemed to be particularly interesting. For a scene for people watching, this cafe was a special kind of dull. Eventually, the cup was drained to the bottom, and only a few loose leaves that had escaped the teabag remained. He was beginning to leave when a man by the counter caught his eye. He was acting all kinds of suspicious, glancing about like he was searching for something. Morgan narrowed his eyes, and he deigned to remain in his seat for a little longer. Maybe it would pan out to be something interesting.
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Re: ↓To Hell and Back Again↑ (Supernatural RP) (Accepting!)

Postby Lucifer's Vessel » Sat Oct 07, 2017 10:22 am

Lessiana - Archangel/Demon Hybrid - Female - Location: Restaurant - Tags: Hunter and QuenTessa.

Lessiana bursts into a fit of giggles at the stunned look on the Familiar's face, it is even better than the reactions from the others. She openly grins at the two and waves at them with two fingers as her gaze wanders to the poor waitress she chose as a victim of her torment. She's far from done with the two but first... She snaps her fingers under the table, making a hundred dollar bill appear in the waitress's pocket, after all, she wasn't the intended target, then she returns to her cake, waiting for the two to leave before she confronts them. She is still really curious about the familiar traveling with a human.
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Re: ↓To Hell and Back Again↑ (Supernatural RP) (Accepting!)

Postby Consulting_Angel » Sat Oct 07, 2017 10:41 am

Tabbris Caelum
Tagged: Morgan.
After a few minutes, his drink was ready, and Tabbris paid, then moved away from the counter to decide what he should do next. Maybe he could sit down, and do some 'people-watching'. That was something he'd picked up on, and was actually rather interesting. He could see why humans did it. So, he walked to an empty table, and sat down, glancing up to see a man that seemed to be watching him. Tabbris raised an eyebrow, then he smiled, "Take a photo, it'll last longer," he said, deciding to have a bit of fun. Flirting was another thing he could see why humans do it. Especially so, he thought, when they seemed to be watching him as though he was suspicious.
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Re: ↓To Hell and Back Again↑ (Supernatural RP) (Accepting!)

Postby rookfern » Sat Oct 07, 2017 10:46 am

35 | hunter
location: cafe
tags: Tabbris
    Morgan watched as the man sat down at a table not far from him. He couldn't stop a grin from splitting across his face as the man gave him a cheeky quip. "Oh, believe me, I may." Morgan stood and collected his things; he strode over to the man's table and sat down across from him. "Though, I might just settle for the real thing. Photos don't do much justice, do they?" He relaxed in his new seat, studying his companion.
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Re: ↓To Hell and Back Again↑ (Supernatural RP) (Accepting!)

Postby Consulting_Angel » Sat Oct 07, 2017 11:10 am

Tabbris Caelum
Tagged: Morgan.
Although he hadn't been expecting that kind of response, Tabbris took it into stride and went along with it. "I believe it." Then, he laughed slightly, watching as the man walked over to his table and sat across from him. He watched him carefully as he took a sip of his latte, now getting a better view. It only really struck him at that moment that he was in the presence of a hunter. Tabbris didn't give away anything on his expression, though, and he nodded slightly, in agreement. "No, they don't. Which is a real shame... for me, anyway," he smiled brightly, then took another sip of his latte.
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Re: ↓To Hell and Back Again↑ (Supernatural RP) (Accepting!)

Postby rookfern » Sat Oct 07, 2017 11:20 am

35 | hunter
location: cafe
tags: Tabbris
    "Mmm... of course it is." Morgan chuckled softly, tilting his head. He extended a hand with a small flourish that was reminiscent of a bow. " 'Name's Morgan. And you are?" He gave a winning grin, awaiting the man's response. The ghost case could wait for now; his new friend was much more interesting.
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Re: ↓To Hell and Back Again↑ (Supernatural RP) (Accepting!)

Postby Consulting_Angel » Sat Oct 07, 2017 11:38 am

Tabbris Caelum
Tagged: Morgan.
He preened, tilting his head back slightly. He couldn't help but think that it would have probably looked better if he had physically manifesting wings. Oh well. Tabbris paused for a moment then, when the other man, Morgan, as he now knew him as, introduced himself. He certainly couldn't use his real name, of course, but he couldn't think of a name that would look as though it would suit him. Not that it should matter, because he wasn't going to be sticking around or too long, nor would he meet Morgan again in the future... right? He decided to say the first name that came to his mind. "Thomas. Or Tom. Either's fine with me," he replied, then added, "It's good to meet you, Morgan... I think," Tabbris smiled brightly again.
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Re: ↓To Hell and Back Again↑ (Supernatural RP) (Accepting!)

Postby rookfern » Sat Oct 07, 2017 12:35 pm

35 | hunter
location: cafe
tags: Tabbris
    Morgan hummed and leaned back into his seat. "You think, indeed." He scoffed mockingly. "Most people would think it an honor to meet me." He ended the tirade with a grin, tapping his fingers against the tabletop. "So, Tom," He said the name with emphasis, rolling it around his tongue; the man didn't seem like a Tom. It didn't fit him. He'd have to give the man a better nickname later, presuming there was a later. "What're you doing around here, if you don't mind me asking? Can't be for the scenery; the view around here is wretched." He gestured vaguely at the window, where beyond sprawled more faceless and bland buildings.
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