☀ The Sanctuary ☀ teens with powers ☀ Closed!

For roleplays featuring human or human-like characters which have inhuman abilities or live in an (original) fantasy world. E.g. vampires, shape-shifters, werewolves. However this category does not include roleplays based on existing fandoms such as Twilight or Harry Potter

Once the drama cools down a bit, want a timeskip?

Yes, skip to when the FIRST army is arriving at the Sanctuary. But have the other armies arrive pretty quickly after the first.
Yes, skip to when the LAST army finally arrives at the Sanctuary.
Total votes : 10

Re: The Sanctuary (teens with powers)

Postby SunnyJustice » Mon May 01, 2017 3:58 pm

The Sanctuary

Timpani chuckled, imagining Mayne wielding a frying pan against a soldier. It would still be hot from the stove when he smashed it over the intruder's head.
She had never slept before though. She was created with super-endurance, and sleep had never been a consideration. Others seemed to need it.
"I've never slept before," She admitted. "I could try."

Gavotte nodded with a smile towards Xia. He wasn't the type who would ever disobey someone else's words, unless it was something completely amoral. Since his friends were all good people, he was perfectly glad to listen to them. "Thank you. I'll see you later, Xia," He said as he quickly left.
Jen was talking to Regina, and Gavotte didn't see a snake anywhere. He kept his senses sharp though. His powers would enable him to find any legless reptile that might be threatening his friends.
"I'm glad you're feeling more welcome," Gavotte told Regina as he sat down beside Jen. The tree was huge, and its trunk was very strong. It was a shelter that made him feel very safe. Maybe Regina wanted to sleep here too. After all, she did seem very lonely otherwise. Gavotte leaned his head against Jen's shoulder comfortably.
"Do you want to go to sleep now? It's very comfortable here."


Parliament Building

Alastair didn't even care, or bother to dodge, as the blade slashed the same arm that was already wounded. He just ignored the annoying girl altogether. Everything she did was just making him angrier, but of course he had been much angrier than this before. This was really nothing.
As soon as he killed this idiot, he would snap her stupid flimsy sword in two.
"Shut your dog mouth, girl," He snarled at her. He just attacked again and again, blindly, not even caring about his aim. He wanted to make this kid unrecognizable by the time he was finished.


Celestial Tower

Clotilda smirked as Jonah wrapped his arm around her. She felt like she would be Queen of the world, even though she forfeited that position when she got herself killed. It was her own fault really, but she didn't even care. It was totally worth it. If she had survived and her little brother died, she would never forgive herself. Besides, she was too violent to take her mother's place any day. She would probably blow everything up.
"I like Katharine. She reminds me a bit of Mom," She said. She had almost said Blair, but the savage jungle army was two-sided. Either Clove would love them, or she would get so annoyed by them that they would all start hating each other. Best to leave someone more mature to discuss with the wild woman.
"I never knew your dad came from the islands," Clove admitted. "While we wait-" She wrinkled up her nose at the thought of maybe waiting for a long time, "Can you tell me where your mom came from?"


The Mountains

Janice watched silently as Sorcha left. She shook her head with a chuckle, knowing the small girl would get her task done. Sorcha was tiny, but she was mighty. She was one of the best soldiers Janice had ever coached, especially for a teenager. There was no danger sending her out now. She would accomplish her duty and return alive. Janice wouldn't throw her soldiers into impossible danger, even if she seemed like that sort of person. She didn't want to waste their potential, and she didn't want to waste them. She cared deeply for her army even if she seemed to hate everyone.
She shimmied back through the horribly narrow tunnels. Every time she went through, it felt like the walls were closing in. Everybody else had that same experience. Janice knew overcoming fears of small, enclosed spaces would come in handy someday. If they were ever attacked here, the home field advantage would help them defeat any foes. They could shelter people in the innermost cave and defend their territory against anyone or anything.
When she returned to the cavern where soldiers were still doing push-ups, she crossed her arms. Her face twisted in a scowl of rage. She looked like she was about to kill someone, and then it turned into a smile.
"Alright team. You've done well, now you deserve a break. Get a drink, take a nap, eat something. Just don't break into the preserved food stock because we still have fresh food." Janice yawned, herself getting sleepy.
"I'll be right at my normal spot."
She left through the tunnels again, and kept going until she reached the sleeping chamber. It was one of the lowest-lying chambers in the mountain cave system. It also contained the only way in and out of the cave. The entrance came in the form of a small opening, big enough for Janice to barely squeeze through by crawling on her side. Sorcha had already left, Janice could tell by the disturbances in the snow outside.
Janice went to her spot. She sat down and leaned against the wall, making sure her broad back was covering the entire exit. No snow, no cold wind, would infiltrate her base now. If anyone else came to sleep, they would lie down in their place without fearing the cold coming inside. Janice always slept sitting up here, so nobody else would get cold.
She fell asleep comfortably. The cold wasn't a problem for the tough, rugged mountain woman. Especially since the knowledge that she was sheltering her people, made her feel warm from inside.


Birvale Beach

Ivana could not stand this woman. Her Aunt Annora had never been her favorite person, but right now she was even more annoying. Ivana always despised her because she had no fashion sense. Now Annora's fashion sense apparently included disgusting stenches.
Amber wasn't an idiot, unlike those brainless Aguado brothers. She probably had a plan. The others kept on arguing against it however, and Ivana was getting fed up.
"Amber and I are exhausted," She reminded the kids. "Remember, we just spent all our energy taking down Agatha. You can't possibly want to argue with her right now." She made eye contact with Vivien and the Birch siblings, hoping they would get the hint. This was part of some kind of plan.
I can't look into her mind. I'm sorry, Amber, but I can't get in, Luno's horribly annoying voice sounded.
Can 'Mrs. Aguado' hear that? Ivana asked him.
She can't hear me, don't worry!
Ivana was glad, but she didn't respond to him. She didn't like hearing his voice. She couldn't really stand anybody's voice right now because everyone was ticking her off by just existing.

Waverly had been relieved to see his mother again, but something was wrong. For starters, his parents were actually descended from Windwoods. Both of them knew how to keep a tidy house. It was weird to think this horrible smell came from somewhere Annora lived in, since she always smelled like cookies and so did her house.
He was too afraid to say anything though, but he hoped Amber would figure something out. There was no relying on Solara at this point. The Queen just seemed entirely confused.
"Yes, mother," Samuel said obediently.
When is my brother ever obedient? Waverly thought worriedly. Maybe he's trying to send a message... I hope Amber does something soon. I really want to get away from this situation.

Solara knew she had a disadvantage here. It was easy to bend the truth and confuse her, so she needed to rely on concrete evidence. She couldn't give this girl a guilty verdict if her words truly were honest. She also knew Amber was intelligent, and was certainly making some sort of plan. It would be counterproductive to speak without prior knowledge. Solara also couldn't back Amber up because the teenagers needed to make their own decision. She wouldn't be their Queen forever, and a new leader would need to naturally arise from their generation.
She could feel herself growing colder from the inside. The clock was ticking. Slowly but surely, her time was running out. And the next generation needed to be prepared to take her place.
Tell that to your father, Agatha cackled in her own voice this time.
... Don't.
You killed him, kiddo. I'm sure as disgrace proud of you.
Agatha's smug voice was normally clipped at the ends of her sentences, but now she let them linger. You're just like me after all.
Leave Sunny alone,
Luno told her with surprising determination.
What'cha gonna do about it? Agatha sneered. I'm slowly getting stronger inside your hothead wife's mind, kiddo. And when I control the sun, oh boy! You're all gonna have a blazin' fun day!
... I will not allow you.
Brave words, kids. But just remember,
Agatha cackled, you don't stand a chance! Your hope is just a pretty lie, but my victory is the real ugly truth.
... You are wrong.
Y'know, for the sun, you're such a dim-wit.
Agatha laughed at her own joke. Telling you just won't cut it. So I'm just gonna show you what I mean.

    The beach landscape and cabin blurred into a simple black expanse. She could see nothing but darkness. Somewhere in the distance, she heard cackling, followed by a familiar scream.
    ... Cilan?
    She went towards that direction, and slowly her eyes adjusted to the darkness. She began to see the ground beneath her feet. It was blackened with smoke rising up in wispy tendrils. The sky above was completely dark, and strangely the wind did not move. This place was dead. Even the air itself was stagnant, reeking of smoke that reached up from the ground. There was no sound, save for the constant cackling and sobbing coming from ahead.
    She reached them and realized her eyes had not adjusted. It was simply the light being given off from none other than Agatha. Now that all was dark, she was the only light. Her body emanated a sickly green glow, sometimes pulsing a dark red like blood. The light illuminated her surroundings.
    "... Where is my son?"
    Agatha cackled, and then let out a pitiful sob that sounded just like Cilan's voice. "It's so easy to trick you, dim-wit. I'd start calling you dim-wit officially now, but hothead still suits you best."
    Solara was silent, regarding her patiently. She realized her own glow had completely died from around her. All was dark except for the eerie light coming from Agatha.
    "Why? Because this is what you did." Agatha chuckled, and swept her arm in a grandiose gesture. Her light illuminated the landscape for only a second, a second too long. Solara had seen everything.
    This was Hesenia. This was the heart of the Sanctuary, and everything was gone. There was no sign that plants had ever grown in this forbidding land. Where the cabin once was, a scuffed patch of rough debris remained, scorched into ash. And worst of all was the lake, now a hollow dry pit used as a mass grave. It was filled to the brim with the unrecognizable bones of those Solara had vowed to protect.
    "... I would never do this."
    "Not by yourself, sweetie," Agatha cooed. She walked forward and tickled Solara's chin with her sharp, clawed nails. "You just needed a little help."

      "... You must do it, my son," She pleaded as she clasped the boy's trembling hands. "You are Hesenia's only hope."
      Cilan looked up into her eyes. Solara could see his tears threatening to spill over, and she knew he was fighting hard. She waited until he was able to speak.
      He took a deep breath, and she listened intently.
      "I can't, mother," He whispered. "I'm sorry. I won't kill you. I just lost Amber, and I can't lose you too."
      The cold was becoming unbearable. Solara knew it would no longer hurt anyone to look into her eyes, not even the coldest ice elemental. She would feel cold to the touch, like a piece of spare metal left outside in the rain. Cilan's hands were far less cold, but Solara couldn't feel warmth- nothing could take away the deathly chill gripping her from inside.
      "... If you hesitate, you will lose me and all of Hesenia," Solara told him firmly. No one else was around- only bodies littering the ground. They had all died in the battle against Agatha.
      "I already have nothing." Cilan's tears began to fall as he leaned against his mother. "Agatha's still out there. I can't beat her alone. I've lost everyone and the other armies too."
      "... My son..." She held him tightly.
      He looked up into her eyes again. This time his eyes were no longer a soft brown.
      This time they were the dead green of decay.
      "I've lost, too. I can't fight anymore, mother. I'm sorry." Cilan closed his eyes. "Agatha was right. Our hope was a pretty lie, but her victory is the ugly truth."
      "... No." She gripped him by the shoulders. "You can fight, Cilan. You can bring light back t-"
      It came like a stab in her heart. The cold of Agatha's curse was all she could feel, to the exclusion of all else. This was how dreams died. This was how villains were born. The purest of intentions twisted into nothing but bitter hatred, an icy knife that would cut through any lifeline. With what was she clinging to life? Her duty to protect Hesenia.
      There was no Hesenia anymore. Every empire, every army had fallen. They were the only ones left. Solara had failed in her purpose. She had allowed Agatha to doom the very people Solara once vowed to save.
      There was nothing left but the cold.
      Cilan smiled. "What light? No one is going to see it anymore."
      Solara did not want to stand up. She did not want to take that deep breath, she did not want to raise her hands into the air. She did not want to break eye contact from her son. But she was no longer in control nor obeying her own will. She was empty of purpose, a puppet of Agatha's.
      ~~~~~"... All of this is my garden?" Young Solara asked her father, craning her head up to look at him.
      She did not want to raise her voice for the first time, a guttural shout of unbridled rage.
      ~~~~~Juniper nodded, placing a hand on her shoulder. "All of Hesenia."
      She did not want to consume her beloved garden in a blinding inferno, incinerating everything she had promised to protect.
      ~~~~~"... Then I promise to protect all of Hesenia," The young girl vowed solemnly.
      ~~~~~"This is my purpose. And as surely as the sun rises, I will always keep my promise."
      ... I am sorry, Hesenia. I am sorry I could not keep my promise.
    "Oh, don't get me wrong..." Agatha laughed. "You fought hard, little hothead. But in the end you realized the truth. Not even you can light up all the world's shadows. Not even you can stop me."
    Solara shook her head.
    "Still resisting, dim-wit?"
    "... This..." Solara imitated Agatha, bringing her arm out and gesturing at the destruction. "This is not Hesenia's future."
    Agatha just laughed. "You think? I told you, hothead. Not even you can stop me."
    "... It will not be me who stops you." Solara walked forward and looked her in the eye.
    "... All of Hesenia will stop you. All of us together."
    Agatha was silent, but the stagnant air was not anymore.
    The slightest of breezes had begun to stir.
With that, she broke out of the vision. She had shown no signs of her internal struggle, unless one had somehow looked directly into her eyes. The way to beat Agatha was to never lose hope.
Solara gently squeezed Amber's hand, silently saying she was ready to keep everyone safe. If anything happened, she would be right here. She would be right here to do her duty.
She would be right here for them, even as her time neared its close.
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Re: The Sanctuary (teens with powers)

Postby emza.the.nerd » Tue May 02, 2017 5:57 am

Celeste Rutherford~Female~17~Healing

A shiver ran down Celeste's spine the moment she stepped foot near the cabin. She knew instantly that something horrible had taken place here, but the girl couldn't quite put her finger on it. She prayed that Amber would feel the same about this place, or at least realize that no one wanted to stay here, except maybe the Aguado brothers. Although, her intuition claimed that Annora was not their mother, but doubt disagreed. Nevertheless, they were still at the dreaded cabin, so Celeste squeezed Fern's hand in hopes of gaining some courage.
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Re: The Sanctuary (teens with powers)

Postby passione » Tue May 02, 2017 7:06 pm

♘— ""

age † 17gender † femalepower † aura manipulationcrush † silas meistheme † xform † x
tagged † cilan, silas

    Xia nodded at Gavotte as a goodbye while she returned his smile, watching him walk off. She couldn't understand him sometimes, how he could easily converse with Regina without wanting to punch her in the face. Xia looked to Cilan's still sleeping form, and to Silas, switching back and forth between the two. She eventually stopped to admire Silas' features again. He was glowing. Xia hoped that she could capture this moment forever. A moment in the beauty of the night, so much death, but so much life. She was looking at her life right now. He wouldn't ever go away, would he? She'd be devastated if he did... Xia wouldn't know what to do. She wouldn't know how to live.


age † 17gender † femalepower † shadow manipulationcrush † n/atheme † xform † x
tagged † alastair

    One mistake. That was all it took for Alastair to come on top in the fight. Amelia placed her right foot forward, allowing his sword to clash with hers, but he was striking much faster now. She couldn't keep up with him, and retracted her wings, giving herself more space to move. There was no way of finding her ground again, though, and Alastair had already slashed her across the arms several times, and once over the chest. Amelia wondered if it was the end.
      "Mommy, don't push so hard," Amelia mumbles, slouching forward in her seat.
      Jophiel-Sveihylde pressed her thumbs against two spots on her daughter's shoulder blades, rubbing them in slow circles. Her hard features softened out of the love she had for Amelia, who had been an empowering young girl. Of course, she was as much of a megalomaniac as her father was, but her heart was still there.
      The wrinkles on Jophiel's face had grown more prominent over the last few years under the stress of her husband's unachievable wishes. The two of them had worked under Alastair since the very beginning, Amelia, only being around to help out in her father's small study. He pushed her, commanded her in an unfatherly tone, as if she wasn't his own child. Terrance had done the same thing to Jophiel, though on measures that were much worse.

      It was two years after the Sunset Rebellion. Amelia didn't quite know what was going on these past years as she had been kept in by Terrance to train extensively. Amelia's powers hadn't fully developed until a year ago, but that didn't stop her from mastering Shadow Manipulation rather quickly. Perhaps it was her willpower that pushed her to become a great fighter. There were obviously going to be downsides, though, and Amelia became as cynical as her father. A cold hearted, soulless rascal.

      "Honey, your wings are growing in. You're fifteen now, it's normal for your back to be a little sensitive, now sit up straight. The axillars may cause spinal deformities if you don't keep a good posture."
      Jophiel's tone was strict, but it was full of warmth that Amelia felt safe in. She loved her mother dearly, regardless of her spastic temper tantrums. The smooth motion against Amelia's back continued, urging two black stubs to protrude from the surface of her skin.
      Her leather tunic was perfectly fitted so her wings could grow through. It didn't leave too much of her back bare, only provided two diamond shaped holes where the shoulder blades situated.

      Sitting up straight, her wings slowly begin to unfurl, feathers like black wisps of a new born's hair, but dense enough to mimic that of a black swan. Jophiel marvelled at her child, removing her hands from Amelia's back.
      "Hylda! Come here!" Terrance yelled from his study. The Dark Valkyrie emitted a sigh.
      Hylda had been her nickname for a very long time, as Jophiel-Sveihylde was such a mouthful. She stroked Amelia's hair, whispering words of reassurance that everything would be fine, and that her daughter was doing a great job.
      "Now, try retracting them and unfurling them again. I will be in the study with your father."

      Jophiel walked away, turning her head to face her struggling child once more before knocking on the door and pushing it open. She almost let out a chuckle as she saw Amelia perched on the corner chair like a gargoyle, trying to unfurl her wings again.

      Strolling through the door like a breeze, Jophiel turned to face her husband whose complexion was red with rage and contorted with lines of disgust. “Yes, dear?” She simply inquired, keeping her hands folded in front of her. She expected nothing less when Terrance clutched the front of her tunic, lifting her and shoving her against the bookshelves lined along the wall. Several mantelpieces trembled on contact, as if they had been afraid of Terrance’s ghastly presence.

      Jophiel did not care— She hardly seemed fazed by his actions. Terrance had barely lifted her off the tip of her toes, and his scowl almost made her want to laugh. Out of pity, though, she cowered in fear.

      “Were you rummaging through my study again?!” He bellowed, tightening his grip on her top. Jophiel didn’t bat an eye as she shook her head, denying the accusation. She hadn’t gone through her husband’s study, ever. In fact, she was completely sure of who the culprit was. It was none other than her troublesome daughter who had nothing better to do but plan to kill others she had no power over. The Elwyns had been working under Alastair Brown for quite some time now, and it had been two years since he had risen to power as king of Hesenia.

      “No? Well alright, then.” Terrance’s tone seemed calm as he released his grip on Jophiel and spun around, hands behind his back. He wasn’t finished with her, though. In fact, he was very far from. “Then be a better mother to the brat you gave birth to! I’d rather you whip her into submission than have her go through my stuff again!” He whipped around and threw a punch at Jophiel. She clearly hadn’t seen it coming, and her head was thrown back from the blow, knocking back against a sharp edge of the bookshelf.

      “I would rather you take my life than force me to hurt my own daughter! She’s yours too. You are the one who wanted her, you should be living a life of regret for demanding such a thing, Odrezad!” Jophiel screeched. The adrenaline was coursing through her veins, causing the pain of her injury to become numbed. Terrance clenched his fists again in anger, but there was no other physical response.

      “I said I wanted a son, but is that what you have given me?! It is not!”

      Jophiel was certain at that point that all of Alastair’s followers were sexist. And although the Elwyns had worked under that man for years, none of them could doubt that they didn’t want him dead. Jophiel was at least more loyal than her husband, who had been plotting to assassinate the king for ages, though never gotten around to executing his plans.

      The redheaded Valkyrie swivelled on her feet, turning away from Terrance who had walked to the other end of the room. The door was ajar, as if it was waiting for someone to intrude on the conversation. That didn’t happen, though Amelia was standing quietly in the doorway. Neither of her parents paid any attention to her, as they had been absorbed in their own sides of the heated argument. “You wouldn’t be needing a son if you were more of a man,” Jophiel stated simply, Terrance’s actions from behind her going unnoticed.

      He had retrieved his three-ball flail from his hook on the wall, and flung it as hard as he could at his wife. It struck her in the head, and Jophiel was on the floor before she could even process what had happened. The attack had dented her skull, and the flail seemed to be quite stuck in there. Jophiel splayed out like a starfish on her stomach, motionless on the marble floor. Amelia’s breath hitched as she watched her mother’s life flood out of her in the form of a thick crimson carpet.

      There were no tears.

      Amelia reached for the sword attached to her belt and unsheathed it, tapping the blade against the floor to grab her father’s attention. “Odrezad, what have you done?” She asked quietly, tilting her head and narrowing her eyes. “I have done you a favour and ridded you of the venom that would do you no good if you are to become a warrior, Skadis,” Terrance retorted, sneering.

      “Incorrect. You have done wrong.” Amelia quickly drew her blade, charging forth towards her father. She staggered mid-step, before she made an attempt to bring the blade upwards to meet his throat. Terrance was not as slow as Jophiel when it came to reaction time, though, and stepped to the side, completely avoiding her attack and wrenching the sword out of her hand with one swift motion.

      “Hesitation costs you your life, you little brat,” he spat at his daughter, tossing her sword to the side. Amelia stood silently as she listened to his advice. They were good words, despite this man having such ill intentions. A quick hand caught her at the throat, and Amelia was swept aside to the wall. Her father quickly approached, throwing a couple of punches at her face, not even showing the slightest bit of mercy. Amelia shook her head frantically in attempt to make him miss, but she did not even prevail in doing that. His fist caught her in the eye, and a part of the world went white for a second.

      That second lasted for an eternity… Time does not seem to pass when you are in pain. By the tenth punch to the jaw, Amelia had enough. She was shaking with anger, sucking in shallow breaths. Her mind and soul begged to wrench free of Terrance’s grip and finish him off, and her body obliged. With a booted foot against the wall, she forced herself to push against her father’s hand against her throat. His fingers slipped and she was free. Her bright green eyes illuminated with raging fury and her wings spread in a horrendous flurry of ebony feathers.

      A smaller set of black swan wings grew out from her temples. Amelia hadn’t previously known those existed, and the immense pain of the darn things protruding out from the sides of her head all of a sudden caused the Dark Valkyrie to wince. Flapping her wings a couple of times, Amelia brought herself into the air. The study was rather large, and Amelia thanked the lords for that. Terrance didn’t have much time to glance up and wonder what in the Underworld was happening before Amelia landed a drop kick on him.

      Caught off guard, he stumbled and fell to the floor. Amelia took this time to reach for her sword which had landed just a foot away from him, and fly upwards again to cut the wires that held the chandelier to the ceiling. This stupid source of light would cost a fortune to replace, and if Terrance wasn’t dead, Amelia would be soon enough. Not only by injuring him this badly, would he punish her… He’d whip her for making him pay so much to get the room fixed up.

      The intricate tangle of metal rods and light bulbs came swinging down at Terrance’s head as Amelia grasped it firmly, smashing it against him a couple of times. In what seemed like a couple of minutes after, he was much to fatigued and injured to move at all. Hardly alive and barely breathing, Terrance still had enough malice in him to narrow his eyes at his daughter and sit up, spitting at her feet.

      Amelia was glad that she was calm now. She could kill her father without feeling any rage or sadness. Expressionless, she took a handful of Terrance’s hair, yanking it until he let out a scream. She pressed the blade of the sword against his throat, glaring directly into his eyes. “You are weak, father. If you refuse to believe that, I will force you to believe. I will make you believe. I will show you, and prove to you that you are weak even as you dwell in the Underworld. As Death takes you away, you will watch me accomplish what you had hoped to do in your wasted life.” Amelia sneered before taking a deep breath. “I love my liege and I praise him, but I do not respect you, nor can I tolerate you, therefore, your goal is now mine, and so is his life.”

      Amelia didn’t even let him respond, drawing the blade across his neck, the action staining the floor even further. She released her grip on his head, dropping her sword which clattered to the ground amidst the mess. Amelia approached her mother’s lifeless body on the floor, and removed the flail from her broken skull. She lifted her hand to Jophiel’s face, brushing her hair out of the way before drawing her eyelids shut. Holding her mother's hand, Amelia smiles.

      “I did it for you, mommy. I love you.”

    Amelia knew she was finished. There was no way she could keep going, but one thing still confused her as she bled out. Why did her mind go to her dying mother? Why, in her last moments of life, did she think about murdering her father? Telling Jophiel that she loved her. Amelia's first kill— how gruesome the scene was. Blood didn't scare her, it didn't when she first saw it, but why was she trembling as Alastair's sword clattered to the ground and she looked at her own hands?
    They had been touching her own wounds. Alastair was going to live, and she was not. The throne didn't belong to her, it rightfully belonged to someone else, and though that someone else wasn't Alastair, Amelia had to admit that he was one of the only people who could keep the wrong being from taking it. She was in the wrong this time. She shouldn't have tried to steal, but there was no turning back now.

    Looking Alastair in the eyes, Amelia bent over weakly, picking up the fallen sword.


yo. i'm xia. gone from cs but never
forgotten. find me on fr!

i like jjba, lunch club and bts.
suffering from jschlatt brainrot.

they/them pronouns please

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Re: The Sanctuary (teens with powers)

Postby hellb0und » Wed May 03, 2017 6:46 am

        ( JENNIFER )
        xxxxxxxx age: sixteen. || location: the sanctuary. || tags: gavotte. || crush: gavotte. ||

    Jennifer didn't mind at all when Gavotte comfortably rested his head on her shoulder. She gladly accepted his affectionate gesture. "Yea, lets get some rest." Jen decided once he was asleep she would keep watch for a bit, it gave her a way to avoid the horror which came with her dreams. Grabbing her bow she tightened her grip and allowed a few arrows to rest next to her. This way, had there been anything coming, she'd be prepared. "Goodnight, songbird." She quietly whispered, before her gaze continued to examine her surroundings.

        ( VIVIEN )
        xxxxxxxx age: seventeen. || location: birvale beach//thana's cabin. || tags: the group. || crush: none. ||

    Vivien didn't catch Ivana's gaze, although knew the two were tired. "Do you guys think you could go a bit further?" While she felt bad, she knew there was no way that she would stay here. The aroma was horrific and the cabin appeared aged, she was surprised the roof hadn't fallen on the house yet. In fact, it appeared to be collapsing. "Guys, the roof is collapsing.. I don't think we should stay here." She muttered to the group, and it had been quiet enough that the female wouldn't be able to hear. If they continued moving they could find a proper place to take shelter. They still needed to make it to The Sanctuary. "I understand that you guys are tired, but if I don't get water soon there's a likelihood I'm going to grow dehydrated." Vivien didn't want to give off a bad impression, but she realized she was quickly growing ill. And the cabin definitely didn't have any water source.

        ( THANA )
        xxxxxxxx age: seventeen. || location: birvale beach//cabin. || tags: samuel and the group. || crush: unlikely. ||

    "Thank you Samuel, I'll make cookies for everyone once we arrive!" By arrive she was speaking of The Sanctuary, how she knew about it? She got plenty of information from those she disposed of, "Ivana, how are you?" Ivana had always been a brat from what she knew, although Annora continued to make an attempt to be friendly. "I'm sorry about the cabin, it's makeshift and I've been living here for awhile. I've been really focused on the war." She knew the real Mrs. Aguado would always keep everything neat, something she'd clearly failed to do. At the same time she didn't exactly expect her two kids to show up at her door. Thana may have been struggling right now, but she was intelligent when it came to murder. She had always made sure her victims gave her plenty of information had things such as this occurred. If they refused Thana would simply increase the pain, that included both mental and physical.
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— ❝ cause good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught

Postby artemis, » Wed May 03, 2017 9:16 am

    ( ➹ ) - - M A L L O R Y !
    - female )) - sixteen )) - werewolf/animal telepathy )) - wolf adrenaline )) - tagging flynn ))

      Mallory didn't even give him a heads up. Adrenaline was coursing through her veins now, and her eyes slowly flashed yellow as her wolf form took over. Out of instinct, she growled as her eyes went to her paws, her hackles rising. Taking a breath, she sheathed her claws to avoid giving Flynn a gash. She rose and nearly pounced on the boy, sinking her sharp fangs into the flesh of his neck. She sank them further for good measure, tasting the familiar coppery blood as she did so. Releasing his neck from the grip of her large paws, she lowered herself, although she hadn't shifted back into a human yet.
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Re: The Sanctuary (teens with powers)

Postby wolf? » Wed May 03, 2017 10:03 am

Jade shrugged, "Not really, I've always been quite a loner. I was rarely in town, for the most part I was drawing as far away from anyone else as possible." she said in a hushed tone now, a little embarrassed about her shy nature. "What about you? Did you have any close friends, or family even?"
To all of my rps; I've been having lots of depression and anxiety issues lately and will tend to disappear for a week or so, so please be patient! I did not forget about you, I just don't have the will in me to get on every day. I will try to reply once or twice a week.
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Re: The Sanctuary (teens with powers)

Postby TheFae » Wed May 03, 2017 2:46 pm

Location: Annora's Cabin
Tagged: Everyone

Amber's head ticked to the side ever so slightly when not one, not two, but three people questioned her judgment. There was a reason why she was asking to stay. She was trying to expose this girl for the fraud she was.
"They all recognize I'm a Soare, but then they question everything I do." She growled in her head, trying to take calming breaths and not give herself away. Ivana then spoke up, and Amber relaxed a little. Ivana always trusted Amber.
"It's okay, Luno. It just gives me another idea." Amber smiled, knowing she was about to trap this Annora.
"I guess we can move then, since Mrs. Aguado is so adamant. What if instead, you could show us your amazing swimming skills? We could all sleep on the beach under the stars. Since we are a rather large group now, I doubt anyone will try and come after us." Amber sweetly stated. If someone spoke against her this time, she would personally show them just how 'sweet' she could be. She then felt Solara squeeze her hand, and Amber relaxed a little more. She noticed how off the Aguado brothers were acting, and Amber thought they knew. She glanced out of the corner of her eye, and her suspicions were confirmed. Her heart stopped for a second, realizing just how powerful this girl's power was. She could manipulate her image to appear as anyone.
"Or, we could just go to the Sanctuary. I'm sure we could get there soon if we keep pushing, right Solara?" Amber amended, turning towards the Queen.
"What do you think, Solara?" Amber asked, needing Solara to agree. Amber couldn't protect everyone here, and Solara couldn't kill without justified reason. The only way she could help everyone get out alive and unscathed was to take them all to the Sanctuary, where numbers would help them defeat this girl. Amber knew she had to protect her own, even if it meant relenting sometimes. An Alpha knew when to choose her battles. Amber was confident she could win this one.
As long as this girl didn't kill them all first.

Location: Celestial Tower
Tagged: Clove

Jonah smiled down at Clove. He was so in love with her, and all of her mannerisms. Especially since they felt the same loyalty to their family. Jonah would have never forgiven himself if he survived and Amber or Flynn were here.
"Yeah, my dad came from the islands. Ondine and him were neighbors. I'm pretty sure my Aunt Alena, my father's sister, was best friends with Ondine." Jonah stated, shrugging slightly. "My mom, on the other hand, came from a tiny town near one of the deserts, ironically. It was called Concordia. It was burned to the ground when she was younger. Camilla took in her family, since her mother used to be a warrior with Camilla."
"I, more importantly, grew up next door to the girl I love." Jonah smiled, kissing Clove's forehead. "Would you ever think about joining one the armies?"

Location: Sanctuary
Tagged: Xia

Regina knew she wasn't wanted, but now was not the time to start a fight.
"I get it Jen. You don't like me." Regina murmured, holding up her hands as if surrendering. Regina stood up and brushed herself off. "Have a nice sleep, Jen, Gavotte." She then walked away towards another person who didn't like her. Regina just really wanted to stir the pot tonight. She was feeling mischievous.
"Hello, Xia. Fancy some company?" Regina smiled as she sat down by the other girl. Regina noticed the tender way she was looking at Silas, and Regina had half a mind of killing him right then. She didn't, of course. She wanted people to like her and trust her.
"I noticed some of you are not a big fan of me. I was hoping to amend that. I promise to answer any question you have honestly." Regina vowed. "Please, I just really would like some friends." Regina looked down and pretended to get a little choked up. She hoped Xia believed her this time.

Location: Sanctuary
Tagged: Mal

Flynn didn't even flinch when Mal shifted.
"So I guess now." He sheepishly smiled, but then she was flying straight towards him. Before Flynn could even react, he felt a sharp pain in his neck and then it increased for a moment. Mal then released him, and his hand came up to his neck to stop the blood flow.
"If that's all of the pain I'm going-" He started to say, laughing for a moment, but it died. He then felt something warm in his veins. It wasn't too bad at first, but it quickly grew to uncomfortable.
"So that's what you mean by pain." He stated, straining to smile. He felt his knees start to shake as the heat grew, and he slowly lowered himself to the ground. He was so close to Mal, that he couldn't help himself. He reached forward and gently trailed his fingers across her cheekbone. Her fur felt soft and silky under his touch, and it was a quick reprieve from the pain he was feeling. He was sure he was sweating profusely. He then blushed and retracted his hand, realizing how degrading that must be.
"I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me." He mumbled, but then he winced. He slowly lowered himself until he was completely on the ground.
"How long does this last for? Not that I'm complaining. I could take this all day, but hypothetically speaking?" He panted, trying to play off of the pain. "Does every wolf go through this? Or just the ones that need or want to be turned?" His whole body felt as if he was on fire. With each beat of his heart, the temperature increased. He didn't know how long he could last, but he was certain he would make it. There was no other choice.
"Will my fur look like my hair color, or will it be random? Will it be as soft and silky as yours?" He asked between pants. It was so hard to breathe, but he wouldn't quit. Nor would he cry, scream, or whimper. It wasn't pride however that made him want to keep his cool. He was nervous that if he lost his cool, Mal would regret her decision.
"You know, your eyes are really pretty as a wolf. I mean they are still gorgeous when you're human, but as a wolf, they sorta glow." He blurted, spewing anything that he was thinking. Anything could help distract himself from the pain.
"I think after all of this, I deserve a kiss." He nearly groaned. He laughed instead, but it was a laugh filled with pain.

Location: Sanctuary
Tagged: Timpani

"There is no time like the present, then." Mayne smiled as he crawled out from her embrace. He grabbed her hand and pulled her outside, where everyone else was.
"We can find a comfy spot out here." He smiled at her. He then held up his frying pan. "I even brought protection." He then pulled her to a tree and he sat down. "Go ahead and get comfy. Use me as a pillow if you would like, I don't mind."
In fact, he really wished she would.

she/her pronounsengineerwriter

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Re: The Sanctuary (teens with powers)

Postby passione » Wed May 03, 2017 8:41 pm

♘— ""

age † 17gender † femalepower † aura manipulationcrush † silas meistheme † xform † x
tagged † regina

    Xia hadn't even bothered to look at Regina as she approached. She could feel that aura like no one else's, and it brought up a feeling that she despised with all her heart. There was no change in Xia's facial expression, though. Not even a half hearted smile to soften the blow of her words.
    "Fancy? No. But what choice do I have?" she sighed with that rhetorical inquiry, resting her cheek in her palm. Xia truly considered pushing Regina away again, and she would've if Cilan wasn't sleeping peacefully next to her. She also would've if it didn't trigger another asthma attack. There was a high chance it wouldn't, but better safe than sorry. Xia didn't turn around to look at the other girl once, even upon hearing her voice break into what seemed like tears.

    "Correction. Most of us aren't a big fan of you. I'd hate to be blunt but Gavotte dragged my disgracing arse over here simply because your arrival was not friendly to me. Nor was it to Jennifer. The first thing you did was touch the Songbird. You can't just—" Xia cut herself off, tapping a finger against her temple. She realized that she didn't exactly have a reason to hate Regina other than the fact her backstory seemed a little suspicious... and Silas had looked at her in that manner.

    "Alright. Look, I don't trust you, nor do I want to. But I expect you to tell me where in Hesenia you came from. I didn't believe that manticore story for a minute. I don't give a disgrace if you sugar coat it or make it a sob story like you intend to make everything, but I want a variation of the disgracing truth." Xia normally wasn't so forthright, nor was she so vicious or aggressive. But it was something about Regina that just ticked her off, and for some reason, she felt like it no longer had anything to do with her aura.


yo. i'm xia. gone from cs but never
forgotten. find me on fr!

i like jjba, lunch club and bts.
suffering from jschlatt brainrot.

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Re: The Sanctuary (teens with powers)

Postby artemis, » Thu May 04, 2017 11:14 am

    ( ➹ ) - - M A L L O R Y !
    - female )) - sixteen )) - werewolf/animal telepathy )) - is this love? )) - tagging flynn ))

      Mallory cringed inwardly as she watched the boy lower himself. She exhaled, and soon she was swamped in Flynn's questions. As much as she wanted to answer, her breath hitched when he ran his hand across her jaw. She felt the blood rush up her neck, however a blush was not visible, hidden beneath layers of thick black fur. "It— It'll be.. the color of your hair," she said. Opening her maw once more to speak, she looked up. "This will last as long as you resist the pain. I don't know how, but you have to try and shift now," she said. Usually focusing on your inner wolf worked in most cases. The warmth continued to rise when he commented on her eyes. "Th—thanks..." she said, and laughed dryly at his last comment.
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Re: The Sanctuary (teens with powers)

Postby TheFae » Thu May 04, 2017 11:45 am

Location: Forest
Tagged: Mal

Flynn nodded, and huffed.
"I have to shift? Alright." Flynn panted, rolling over onto his stomach. He laid his head in the dirt and closed his eyes. He simply imagined his hair color. He then imagined his wolf form, trying to look for the inner beast.
"I can't find him." He groaned. His veins were on fire, and he wanted it to end. He wanted it to end so badly, that he bellowed a snarl. A second later, he felt him. His inner wolf. Flynn grabbed onto him, and suddenly he felt super weird. He felt his hair grow all over his body, and he felt his anatomy move but it wasn't painful. Or if it was, Flynn didn't feel it because of the fire in his veins. He was suddenly smaller, but more powerful. Every emotion was passing through his mind, but excitement was the main one. Flynn then realized he no longer was in pain.
"Please tell me I look like the big bad wolf." He whined, feeling a weird sensation when he talked. His senses were then overloaded. He could see a bit more clearly. When he looked at Mal, he saw every hair particle from her fur. His hearing was so sharp, he heard Regina talk to Xia back at camp. He then took a sniff, and he sneezed.
"Wow, assault on my senses." He laughed, but he was hiding something. Mal smelled good. He could practically smell the fire of her anger, but at the same time, the hope of rain. It was practically intoxicating to him. Flynn then felt his butt move, and he turned around. His tail was wagging. Flynn barked a laugh and started chasing his tail, trying to catch it. He caught it, and looked at Mal with pride.
"Alright. I'm ready to begin Alpha training." Flynn smiled as he dropped his tail. He sat down and looked at her, but he was suddenly so overwhelmed with a feeling he couldn't place. It felt warm and gooey, but at the same time, it terrified him. It was a good terrify though, and it severely confused him. He then stood up and padded up to Mal.
"Thank you, Mal. This really means a lot." He murmured as he stared into her eyes. They really were gorgeous. He then bopped noses with her. He then playfully growled and pounced on her, trying to push her down.

Location: Sanctuary
Tagged: Xia

Regina listened and nodded, trying to be sincere.
"I'm sorry for upsetting you and Jennifer." Regina murmured, looking down. She then took a deep breath as if she was going to tell a very deep truth. "I came from the Capital. The Parliament building to be exact. I was not happy there, and I ran when Alastair asked me to do the unthinkable. I wasn't ready, nor did I even want to do it. So instead of saying no, I ran that night. When I finally found you guys, it was a dream come true, and that's why I was crying. I was so happy to be rid of his evil, but I knew as soon as I said that I used to work for Alastair, you all would have pushed me to the curb."
"Believe it or not, but that is the truth. Or a less vulgar version of it." Regina smiled sadly, half-shrugging. Regina was happy she was here, sure, but she was still working for Alastair. She was working for Agatha too.
Most of all, Regina was working for herself.
Who thought being evil would be easy?

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