☀ The Sanctuary ☀ teens with powers ☀ Closed!

For roleplays featuring human or human-like characters which have inhuman abilities or live in an (original) fantasy world. E.g. vampires, shape-shifters, werewolves. However this category does not include roleplays based on existing fandoms such as Twilight or Harry Potter

Once the drama cools down a bit, want a timeskip?

Yes, skip to when the FIRST army is arriving at the Sanctuary. But have the other armies arrive pretty quickly after the first.
Yes, skip to when the LAST army finally arrives at the Sanctuary.
Total votes : 10

Re: The Sanctuary (teens with powers)

Postby Azaline » Wed Feb 22, 2017 11:32 am

Silas sniffed, then shook his head determinedly. How could she think anything she did was wrong? He pulled away, taking in her beautiful blue eyes.
"No, why would you say that? You were amazing, and get better than me. I couldn't do anything," he said, momentarily putting aside Solara's presence. He surprised himself by being so direct, but he had to say something.
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Re: The Sanctuary (teens with powers)

Postby passione » Wed Feb 22, 2017 11:54 am

Reidun «Xia» Olsen

◍Aɢᴇ: 17
◍Lᴏᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ: Sᴀɴᴄᴛᴜᴀʀʏ ᴘᴀᴛʜ
◍Pᴏᴡᴇʀ: Aᴜʀᴀ ᴍᴀɴɪᴘᴜʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴ
◍Mᴏᴏᴅ: Is ᴛʜɪs ʟᴏᴠᴇ?

Xia just stared at Silas in disbelief.
"I—I... You—"
Words fell aimlessly from her mouth. Not even Solara's grand aura could distract her from this one.
It didn't seem to be distracting Silas at all.
She went straight to her thoughts as they swam in her mind, pulsing heavily due to the lack of oxygen.
No, not a single structured sentence came through. She just remained, stuttering, babbling nonstop for the fact that she had no idea what she could possibly say.
Xia wanted to reassure Silas that he was useful in ways that maybe he couldn't comprehend at this moment in time.
She also wanted to pull the boy back into her arms, but that would prove her naivety.
Catching his bright green eyes with her own blues, she could only deny the fact that he had just showered her in praise... and his own self deprecation.

"Silas, I broke my nose and fell off the Manticore because I couldn't breathe.
I would have stayed by you rather than go up there just to die from another asthma attack or a snapped neck."

Xia sighed.

"It doesn't matter if you couldn't do anything, there isn't a way to control that.
You're uh... Yeah."

She trailed off, looking away and scratching the back of her neck.
That last bit would have to wait for a different time.
Last edited by passione on Wed Feb 22, 2017 1:06 pm, edited 2 times in total.


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Re: The Sanctuary (teens with powers)

Postby ~Rue~ » Wed Feb 22, 2017 12:37 pm

(the imani sibs are going to get the total wrong idea!)

I squeal as someone, I think it is a man, appears from no where and just grabs me, am I being kidnapped? The person is so hot I think they are BURNING me! It is uncomfortable and I squirm even though I think the person is trying to calm me down, but I of course never obey evil kidnappers. "Let go of me!" I say and finally when they put me down, I look at Flynn who was also grabbed, he is not even conscious. I look up at the emotionless person and then I stand up in front of Flynn, protecting him even though I am tiny, but at least I can do something. This is Solara and she must have destroyed this forest because it is burned and creepy. I back away from her and now, I am pressed against Flynn.
"Why did you do that..." I say. "Why did you come back?" If she is just going to destroy things she should not come back at all, we were fine without her.
I turn my back on the scary tall woman even though I don't trust her, I just want to let her know she is not one of us. I kneel down beside flynn and take his pulse, his heart is still beating thank Evan, Solara didn't murder him.

Now that Xia is not dying it looks like she does not want me around. Well at least she is ok. I look around to see who else is hurt. First I see Anna and Flynn on the ground and Solara is just standing there with no emotions. So the books were right. She has no emotions. She is not even doing anything to help. She is just there. If she hurt my sister I will kill her no matter how strong she is. I glare at her. "Stay away..." I mutter hoping she will get the hint.
I walk around seeing if everybody is ok, one boy (Travis) just came in and one of the girls didn't do anything at ALL in the fight, I go over to Jade. "Are you ok?" I ask her, maybe she was hurt and that was why she couldn't fight. Rowan needs to be more quick in dealing with hurt people instead of crying to his girlfriend, if he doesn't hurry I will have to tell him to man up already.

I look out the window and I do see the girls were dragged out of the Parliament and to the creepy jail, I have always hated that jail because there is no sunlight in it. How more cruel can Alastair get? "I will ACTUALLY do it." I laugh. Then I nod at Amber and smile when I hear Solara's name. I am so hungry even though I eat 5 huge meals per day, but I need sunlight so bad I could just pass out any second
"What do you think will happen?" I ask Ammber as I start to put on my coat, I never use to wear a coat before because I would wear t-shirts, to soak up more of the sunlight , but now it is cold and dark. I HATE the cold. I never used to be scared of the cold but now I am freezing!
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Re: The Sanctuary (teens with powers)

Postby Pistol Annie #1 NPC » Wed Feb 22, 2017 7:35 pm

Parliament Building

Cyprian had to twist the details until they sounded true. He definitely wasn't the most brilliant person around, so he needed some time. "Want to come with me when I report to my dad?" The Prince offered, smirking. This ought to buy him some time. Talking with Yina had prepared him to better face his father.
"Come on. I'm sure he won't mind." Casually, nonchalantly, he continued walking down the hall. What a nice mother Jaai had. A bit like a math teacher, but not as evil. Math teachers made Agatha look like a saint!

Alastair looked at Virisia with only concern in his eyes. With anyone else, he would have been disappointed. Maybe he would have punished them horribly by throwing them into a manticore pit. But he could only feel sympathy for Virisia. She didn't blame anyone else, or try to downplay her failure. She was honest.
Try as he might, Alastair couldn't hate a woman who was this honest with him.
"There will be no punishment. Stand up," Alastair growled sharply at her. "Look me in the eyes. Next time I am coming with you. They will not stand a chance."
He turned to Amelia with an even harsher scowl.
"Give your report quickly. And then I want everyone out of this room. Something is wrong."
He could sense it. The slight draft blowing through the room meant the wind had resumed. It meant life was returning to Hesenia, gradually. The curse of darkness still hung overhead, but somewhere, Alastair could sense light. Too much light to be anything but Solara herself.
But that wasn't the worst thing Alastair was worrying about right now. He had a scheduled meeting. And he had a feeling Solara would be easier to deal with than his next visitor.


The Underworld

He awoke with a groan. That had been a really nice sleep, but idiots were interrupting his wonderful nap. Agonized screaming and moaning was coming from all directions, and the air conditioning was definitely broken. It was so hot in here that even Cilan could actually feel it.
The manticore beside him seemed to really mind the thermostat malfunction. It was whining and hiding its face in its paws. Shed fur surrounded it. The poor thing had shed its entire mane in the heat, and now it looked half its original size. It was still glowing slightly from being blasted by Rowan, even though it was already dead, and so was Cilan. The phoenix was glowing too, but that was normal. He was a human flashlight.
"You okay man?" Cilan asked it. "That was a pretty intense fight."
It whimpered.
"There there." Cilan patted the creature on its head.
"GET BACK TO WORK!" Roared a voice, and then Cilan heard dishes clattering and men sobbing. Terrified, the manticore fled from the voice.
Cilan arose to his feet, pretty ticked off that people were being so loud. He was in some kind of cave, lit by flaming torches... as he walked down a tunnel, he saw there were many other caves. A group of men were washing dishes in one of them. Whenever they finished washing one dish, another dirty dish would appear on their pile. The label beside the chamber read "SEXIST PIGS' KITCHEN: WOMEN KEEP OUT!"
He kept walking until he saw another room with an open door. "QUEEN BEES' GYM", read the label. "FOR DAMSELS WHO ALWAYS PUT OTHERS IN DISTRESS." Cilan took a peek inside. Women in baggy t-shirts and mismatched gym shorts were running laps around a room, doing the Beep Test (which Cilan called the Beeping Test since he hated the disgracing thing so much) or being forced to bench-press weights that only Solara could lift. Their clothes were all the worst colors. Puke green, neon pink, earwax yellow, toilet water brown... and wet dogs were running around the area, shaking out their filthy fur on the girls.
"HELLO, CILANTRO." A deep booming voice made him jump. He turned around to see someone who was almost seven feet tall, looming over him. She had dark skin and looked strong enough to arm wrestle his mother.
"Vulcana?" Cilan said with a nervous grin. "Why am I here?"
"Basically, the Brown family." Cilan scoffed as he turned his back on the room. "Or Agatha."
Alright, she really didn't sound like her mother. Solara's voice was authoritative and strong, but also gentle. Cilan had never actually spoken to Vulcana. The history textbooks described her voice pretty accurately. It did make your chest vibrate listening to it. Cilan wasn't shaking because he was afraid, he was shaking because her voice was just so ridiculous.
"So you run this place now?" Cilan said, leaning against a wall. This was cool. He was talking to someone who was older than his own mother.
"NO. A COMMON ASSUMPTION." Vulcana looked into the room impatiently. Cilan took a glance back, and saw one of the women was lying on the ground panting. She looked a lot like Alastair... she looked like she could be Alastair's mother. In fact, that was probably Alastair's mother.
"ON YOUR FEET!" Vulcana roared.
Cilan almost fell over since the entire place was shaking. He righted himself and laughed. "Is it true you're Cadence and Timpani's mother? I can see where Cadence gets it from."
Vulcana gave him a look that made every inch of his body burn. She looked like she was about to incinerate him again. Cilan didn't think she would be as nice as Rowan was.
To his surprise, she actually laughed. The rumbling made him fall on his butt. He laughed too, relieved that he wasn't about to become a human torch again.
"HOW ARE MY DAUGHTERS DOING?" She asked, smiling now. Her voice was still the loudest he had ever heard.
"They are both dictators," Cilan told her. "When a manticore attacked, Cadence raged because it wasn't obeying her. Timpani just punched it in the face."
"How am I supposed to get back?"
Vulcana picked him up by the throat with one hand, and stomped on the ground. A fissure opened up and Cilan could see lava bubbling at the bottom.
"Aw, man-"


Sanctuary Path

Timpani was keeping a tight rein on her anger. She couldn't lose her temper around her sister-in-law. It was crazy, the age difference between herself and Solara, but Timpani was Luno's sister. She was the only one to carry down her family line.
"He must have incinerated the manticore," She commented.
"I'll incinerate you," Cadence threatened in her horrible raspy voice. "Ugh... help me up."
Timpani picked up the mayor bridal style. It was easy, even though Cadence was still holding Gwen. "Cilan should be back soon. I have some choice words for him."
"Time to discipline the rugrat," Agreed Cadence with a scowl.

"That is her," Gavotte confirmed when Jennifer questioned about Solara. That was definitely her. Gavotte hadn't been disoriented by fighting or anything, since he had stayed back here. And his senses were as sharp as ever. They wouldn't fool him even when people tried to play illusions in his head.
He stayed calm when Anna and Andy started saying things, but he was worried. It was never a good idea to ask someone why they were alive, as Anna had just basically done. And it was nonsensical to tell a loyal ally to stay away, like Andy had just attempted to do. Gavotte wouldn't say anything just yet. He himself was a little afraid that Solara was right there, especially since he knew just how powerful the Queen was. But he wasn't going to start being blatantly disrespectful... why would he do that now? He wouldn't do that to anybody.

Rowan closed his eyes when Lily's hand touched his shoulder. He placed a trembling hand on top of hers, squeezing her fingers weakly. Lily was his rock. She kept him grounded, and she strengthened him when he was weak. He knelt there for a long moment, taking deep breaths to calm down.
"Thank you," He told Lily softly, and then he rose to his feet. "I promise I won't put anyone in danger again. I never thought I had the power to do that. Who needs healing?"
Cilan had reappeared behind a destroyed tree, and he jumped out. Rowan didn't even flinch as his cousin pounced on him. Cilan laughed and messed up his hair, then climbed down.
"Ready to go?" The phoenix asked, walking around the group. And then he saw that his mother was here. What the disgrace?

Solara's entry had been met with mostly disappointment, apathy, and fear. Anna had screamed to be let go, even when Solara was shielding her from Rowan's attack. She had been mistaken to assume they would appreciate her light in a world shrouded by darkness. It did not matter. She did not demand appreciation. Her purpose was to protect them, no matter what. Although she had not heard the words 'thank you' in a very long time. And she truly missed hearing those words. They reminded her she had not outlived her usefulness.
"Dad?" Flynn managed, before sinking into unconsciousness. Just like Rowan, Solara could see his emotions- a tide of grief and disappointment. It was not Ben Soare who had returned from the dead. It was just Solara. She had hurt the boy emotionally simply by her presence, which gave him false hope of seeing his father again.
I'm so sorry, my sunbeam, Luno's voice sounded in her head.
"Why did you do that...?" Anna demanded accusingly.
She is talking about the forest, Luno told her. She thinks you destroyed it.
Solara was about to respond, but Anna only continued. Now she seemed to be questioning about the purpose of Solara's very life. "Why did you come back?"
Oh heavens, Luno gasped. He didn't say anything more about Anna's thoughts.
The small girl then turned her back. Solara could see the mistrust and fear radiating from her. Somewhere along the way, she had lost her trust in Hesenia's faithful guardian.
"... To serve my purpose," She told Anna. "To protect you."
She saw Andy's glare, which shone brightly in her vision, glowing with bitter anger. His hateful mutter was one that also showed distrust. "Stay away..."
She had been wrong. They had not lost their trust in her.
It was impossible to lose something that never existed in the first place.
I am so, so sorry about all of this. Luno's voice sounded absolutely horrified. I love you. I'm sorry. Please don't take any of this to heart.
She wished she did have a heart.
Luno was frantic now. But you do! I can hear it beating from here. It beats for them. You do everything to protect them. They just don't understand yet. I will speak to them.
Cilan had revived and was staring at her blankly, with his mouth gaping open. Everyone was in pairs and not mingling much. Nobody had approached her or spoken to her yet, although a few were speaking about her. She remembered a time when she would walk through a town, and people would just run up to her and hug her in greeting. She would remember every single person by name. Every inhabitant of her great garden, Hesenia, was hers to protect. She remembered they would not flinch away when she hugged them back.
Those days were gone.
But her purpose remained the same. She had to protect them. That would never change. It was why she was created, why she existed, and why she had returned. She would die countless times to defend Hesenia, as she had done in the past. These were her people, even if they considered her an outsider.
"... Come with me," Solara told them calmly. "... I will take you to the Sanctuary."
She started walking without another word.
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Re: The Sanctuary (teens with powers)

Postby darcy_jensen » Wed Feb 22, 2017 9:57 pm

name: lily power: teleportation crush: definitely rowan tags: travel squad, dead trees and queen of light herself

lily smiled softly in response to rowan's thanks, but her mind was elsewhere. Solara had been the one to cast the protection spell-like-thing over the village of wind woods, due to lily's own actions. she just wondered if solara knew it was her who'd committed the crime, and if she'd mind that her nephew was in love with a psychopath.

hearing the queen's words, she broke away from her thoughts and looked around to see the travelling pack's reactions. solara was going to take them to the place they'd all been searching for. lily frowned as she noticed andy was glaring at rowan, and she raised an eyebrow. "You alright there?" she asked andy.
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Re: The Sanctuary (teens with powers)

Postby hellb0und » Thu Feb 23, 2017 2:46 am

» [➳] jennifer dire/[ tag(s) ] regina/[ crush ] gavotte/[ power ] accuracy and fire manipulation/[ location ] sanctuary path

Jennifer turns towards Andy and Anna, staring at them in disbelief. She decided to keep quiet, unless the situation escalated. Why had they disliked Solara? It made her angry but she figured it was best to not start anything. Grunting at her wounded leg she quietly scanned the area to see if there was anything she'd be capable of working with. Although most of the forest had been destroyed, it struck her they were on there way to The Sanctuary where there was supposedly plenty of plant life. Jennifer wasn't much of a healer, but her mother was so she had learned a few things from her. The blood seemingly had begun to slow which meant she should be fine until they arrived. Without another word she began following Solara, staggering behind her.
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Re: The Sanctuary (teens with powers)

Postby Arya22 » Thu Feb 23, 2017 8:51 am

(I'm so sorry about not posting lots, I was on the plane for two days then completely jetlagged! I will try and post more often now.)
As she was pushed inside the dungeon, Eleanor stumbled and fell, catching herself on her hands and knees. She turned around and watched the guards, then sighed and put her arms around her. She was still a bit dizzy from the guards blow, and her head hurt. She glanced at Casedy out of the corner of her eye and could see she was alright.
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Re: The Sanctuary (teens with powers)

Postby passione » Thu Feb 23, 2017 9:06 am

Reidun «Xia» Olsen

◍Aɢᴇ: 17
◍Lᴏᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ: Sᴀɴᴄᴛᴜᴀʀʏ ᴘᴀᴛʜ
◍Pᴏᴡᴇʀ: Aᴜʀᴀ ᴍᴀɴɪᴘᴜʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴ
◍Mᴏᴏᴅ: Is ᴛʜɪs ʟᴏᴠᴇ?

Xia just stared at Silas in disbelief.
"I—I... You—"
Words fell aimlessly from her mouth. Not even Solara's grand aura could distract her from this one.
It didn't seem to be distracting Silas at all.
She went straight to her thoughts as they swam in her mind, pulsing heavily due to the lack of oxygen.
No, not a single structured sentence came through. She just remained, stuttering, babbling nonstop for the fact that she had no idea what she could possibly say.
Xia wanted to reassure Silas that he was useful in ways that maybe he couldn't comprehend at this moment in time.
She also wanted to pull the boy back into her arms, but that would prove her naivety.
Catching his bright green eyes with her own blues, she could only deny the fact that he had just showered her in praise... and his own self deprecation.

"Silas, I broke my nose and fell off the Manticore because I couldn't breathe.
I would have stayed by you rather than go up there just to die from another asthma attack or a snapped neck."

Xia sighed.

"It doesn't matter if you couldn't do anything, there isn't a way to control that.
You're uh... Yeah."

She trailed off, looking away and scratching the back of her neck.
That last bit would have to wait for a different time.

Amelia Skadis Elwyn

◍Aɢᴇ: 17
◍Lᴏᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ: Pᴀʀʟɪᴀᴍᴇɴᴛ Bᴜɪʟᴅɪɴɢ
◍Pᴏᴡᴇʀ: Sʜᴀᴅᴏᴡ ᴍᴀɴɪᴘᴜʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴ
◍Mᴏᴏᴅ: Uɴᴋɴᴏᴡɴ

"Oh, I don't have much to provide when it comes to information, my liege."
Amelia tilts her head and smiles, eyes half lidded but full of sinister energy.
"But I would like you to know that the little disgraces have been scurrying about, though, and they are well on their way to a little haven. Nothing else.
I shall be taking my leave, at your command, then."

She swivels, turning to leave. The more Amelia thought about this situation, the more she saw a throne, free for the taking.
Her infatuation with power never came as a surprise to anyone, Amelia would seize any moment that would benefit her in terms of ranking. A good warrior, a bad person.
She supposed that this would be a good time to plot for Alastair's downfall.
No evil force would prevail from a monarch like that— I can do better.
I will do better.

Amelia sashays out of the room, pushing open the twin doors and allowing them to slam shut behind her.


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Re: The Sanctuary (teens with powers)

Postby artemis, » Thu Feb 23, 2017 9:28 am

➻ mallory everton ➻ mood; scared/confused ➻ crush; totally cilan ➻ werewolf/animal telepathy ➻ tags; cilan

Mallory was staring blankly at Solara, utter disbelief painted on her face. She had the urge to question her with every thought that crossed her mind. What is going on? How did you come back? Many questions floated around her mind at that second. Mal snapped out of her little trance to realize they were leaving. Blinking and looking around, she was so confused. That blow to her head really got her messed up. Regaining her senses, she flinched at her shoulder. Looking around once more, she saw Cilan blankly staring like she had been. Deciding to get him to snap out of it, she walked over. Apprehensively, she put a hand on his shoulder. "Come on, we have to go."
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Re: The Sanctuary (teens with powers)

Postby wolf? » Thu Feb 23, 2017 9:38 am

Invisibility|Female|16|Crush;Impress her

Jade looked up at him, "Me? Y-Yea, I'm fine." she answered with a slight stutter. "I'm just not ready for all the stress and such." Jade looked back down at her hands.

(Sorry, major writer's block!)
Last edited by wolf? on Thu Feb 23, 2017 9:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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