Homestuck: The new generation

For roleplays featuring human or human-like characters which are based on a book/movie/tv show/band e.g. Twilight, Harry Potter, Hunger Games, One Direction etc.
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Poll ended at Tue Jan 10, 2017 6:29 am

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Re: Homestuck: The new generation

Postby hazilnut » Sat Jan 28, 2017 5:36 pm

Natsura Thurnis|Tagging- Sylvie, Asheer, Yifita, Aegeel, Mehdli |Location- Land of Thorns and Marshmallows

Somehow you do not think that was what Aegeel meant.

hangingFlora [hF] began new memo When...all...else...fails


Speaking of the game and hosting makes you think again. You had not hosted anyone which meant you had not saved anyone which meant by extension you killed someone. But maybe if there were some trolls still alive down on Alternia you could fix that? You stare down at your husktop pensively and begin to scroll through the tags, searching for ones you do not recognize.

hangingFlora [hF] began trolling artsyAesthesia [aA]
[hF]: ...

You probably should have thought more about what you were going to say.

Piros Vinia|Tagging- Arados, Tanoshi, Cervie|Location-Land of Thyme and Mirrors

gA: I have one, ju$t don't know where they are
gA: and I can $ee you

[iN]: m. maybe go focus on not dying rather than checking on me.
[iN]: i mean if you want to die your choice. not that youl end up dead for long given the wackines of this whole thing.
[iN]: just go lok at something else.

[jI]: -I'll- -kill- -some- -highblood- -,- -just- -to- -buy- -some- -of- -your- -stupid- -letters- -.-
[iN]: gasp! blasphemy! but i have litle doubt any highblod you try and kil wil kick your as.
[iN]: q
[iN]: r
[iN]: s

[tB]: n0pe, n0 clue, i d0n't even sleep. wh0 sleeps 4nym0re? n0t me!
[tB]: th4t's the spirit! wh4t'd y0u pick up?

[iN]: sure and im a rustblod. anyways stars might be coming to get you. hes unusualy upset for some reason.
[iN]: its some bok on plants and stuf most likely pointles. theres a bunch on thyme actualy. hard to beleaf its useful for anything.
[iN]: but might as wel branch out and give it a try? not much else to do.

You don't mention the fact that it's the tiny description scrawled in the margins that makes you interested in trying this.

What is courage?
A tingle in your chest?
Navigating flight or fight
Where fight's the very best?
The years it takes to gain this
Are easily 'nough skipped
By brewing up a little
Come on just take a sip.

You pick yourself up and begin to wander in the direction that may or may not be towards your hive. You'll find your way back eventually, or maybe you won't. Whatever happens you'll be fine. You always are.

Emprin Dediso| Tagging- Pifrim | Location- her hive

[quote][aE]: a new wФФrld wФФuld definiTely be ideal. i'm preTTy sure cervie said sФФmeThing abФФuT all This, sФФ maybe yФФu're righT!
[aE]: i sure hФФpe yФФu are, anyway. yФФu seem TФФ have much mФФre ФФf an idea ФФf whaT yФФu're dФФing, anyway.
[aE]: i'm ФФn The verge ФФf smashing sФФmeThing wiTh a rФФck!

[cQ]: What ar uuu doooing over there? It's hardleee fair that uuu can seee meee and Iii can't seee uuu.
[cQ]: Iii reeeleee wan't tooo seee uuu! Maaabeee in this nuuu world then.
[cQ]: What's this Cerveee liiiik? Dooo uuu think thaaa'd talk to meee? Iii want to meeet al of your friends!

Your determination to get out of your ever-heating hive has now been doubled. You want to see other trolls! You want to talk to everybody! You certainly don't want to burn to death! So you get down to the business of searching for yet another 'key hole'. "Keee hols! Gota find some keee hols so weee don't burn!" The off-key musical narrations of your life that you are rather prone to sends not-a-ghost fleeing to the corner of the room. You begin to pout when a number of footsteps interrupt you. Oh no, not these guys again.
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Re: Homestuck: The new generation

Postby dark_lava » Sun Jan 29, 2017 4:35 am

(i'm back for now)

Yifita saw how upset Aegeel was getting so she jump be hide her and poked the back of her neck putting Aegeel to sleep. "It is not wise to upset her like that. Try to contact her morail please"
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Re: Homestuck: The new generation (open/accepting

Postby Rockercookie » Sun Jan 29, 2017 5:16 am

Avalon Cypher/Location: Land of Mirrors and Silence/Tags: Malgum Agyrum,Parxux Teifri

You take the cup and quietly think over what he said. A bard? A bard didn't sound so...harmful? But Gog,Void sounded like the definition of destruction,thinking back to Devone.
"If you're not the bard,then who are you?" you also ponder quietly on whether you should wait for him to be distracted in order to strike him down or just activate your Strife Specibus now and have it over with.
You were going to have a panic attack if there was anymore touching involved.

You sneakily look around and retrieve your husktop,scrunching your nose at the scent of boiled water. You check up on Parxux,noticing her greeting some new face. You also stare at Asheer's trollian chat for a few minutes,expecting a reply of some sort. You kind of lose hope when none comes.

volatileWave [vW] started trolling questingKatphish [qK]

[vW]: Lo~ok wh~o deci~ded t~o do some~thi~ng pro~duc~tive in~ste~ad of pa~theti~call~y mo~ping.
[vW]: Gl~ad to~ se~e yo~u're b~ack a~t ter~rify~ing~ tr~ol~ls wi~th y~our f~ac~e.
[vW]: So~meth~ing i~s wr~ong i~n th~is pi~ctu~re. Wh~y i~s the~ tro~ll no~t ru~nni~ng aw~ay ye~t? Di~d yo~u par~aly~ze h~er o~r so~met~hin~g?

Devone Narfun/Location: Land of Candles and Darkness/ Tags: Piros Vinia,Corpex Vulpea
,Sylvie Raelis,Attana Launos


[nB]: First things first,you need a host to get you in the game!!! c;
[nB]: Then they will deploy three free items,which they are pretty easy to figure out! You need to make yourself a sprite by throwing two random objects in the glowing sphere (spoiler alert: most of us threw in the corpses of their lusii)
[nB]: By then,the game should teleport you on your land,where you should focus on completing your quest and gaining grist,I think!!! c: Good luck!!!

eA: I juST haVE beEN feeliNG realLY sAD recentLY.
eA: aND nothiNG makES ME hapPY anymoRE.
eA: I feEL liKE I'M overflowiNG wiTH paIN aND regrET.
eA: wHY AM I sAD?

[nB]: I think it's because you regret what you did to Natsura back then?
[nB]: Being a heart player I think you feel everything way more intense than all of us!!!!
[nB]: So maybe...try meditating? I wouldn't know,or talk about your feelings!Venting is a great way to feel better!!!

You soon enough start missing your moirail. Time to bother the best troll in the world,then!

nebulaBook [nB] started trolling audileAntennae [aA]!

[nB]: Hi, Atta!!!!
[nB]: How are things with your matesprit,oops sorry,I mean friend going?
[nB]: I hope you're alright!!!

Although you wouldn't know,because you really avoid venting generally. You sit in the middle of the cave and contemplate. How could you free those candles? What was keeping them captive in the first place? The void was the worst prison you knew of! Also,the only one if we're at that.
You sigh and comply in the end,trying once again to manipulate the void. This task proved to be difficult when you weren't focused.It was almost as if guiding water with your bare hands,a troll just wouldn't be able to do that! And you were so full of energy,too!

nebulaBook [nB] started trolling invasiveNettle [iN]!

[nB]: Piros!!!!
[nB]: I hope you're doing some rad questing right now!!

There,much better.

Apodis Gliese/Location: Land of Tombs and Constellations/Tags: None/Open

You decide to battle some stray imps. Lashing your anger at them proved to be efficient but for some reason,you were still agitated. Hungry as well. You look around for any sort of food but anything that grows in those tunnels underground are some weird looking mushrooms. You wouldn't touch them,nope. No thank you.
You were lucky to stumble upon some sort of secret room because you just fell over a shady looking brick and the wall moved a few inches. You try to squirm inside of the block and notice....
FOOD. Nice,warm,goodlooking food just sitting there,untouched. It looked like some sort of ritual was taking place here before you entered. The food served as some sort of sacrifice,seeing as it was placed on a shrine. You shrug and start wolfing down the vegetables.

Asheer Cedmon/Location: Land of Thorns and Marshmallows /Tags: troll buddies.

You nod at Natsura,you were aware of the consequences of this game.You still did not want to play it. You flinch when Aegeel falls asleep so suddenly and contemplate even further when the troll in front of you mentions a moirail. So,did sprites meet the same requirments as a troll? Were they capable of feeling such intense emotion as moirallegiance? Because now you were slowly starting to feel jealous about your sprite self. Wouldn't he still be pale for Avalon? You shake your head and focus back on the present.

"I was unaware of this quadrant. Who might that be,if I may?"
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Re: Homestuck: The new generation

Postby hazilnut » Sun Jan 29, 2017 6:25 am

Natsura Thurnis|Tagging- Sylvie, Asheer, Yifita, Aegeel, Mehdli |Location- Land of Thorns and Marshmallows

You frown slightly, which hurts. Asheer is not listening to you, this is important! You are going to need to do more research into this and come up with a more compelling argument that he will understand and listen to. Yes, that is what you will do. Except the voices, the voices suggest more drastic measures. You know he has to play and so does he, you just to convince him of such. Your stomach hurts just thinking about that and you try to think sense to the clamor in your head.!! You argue back and forth in your head for who knows how long and you are beginning to lose. So you pull the retreat card and focus on the scene ahead of you instead. Is that...Aegeel passed out on the floor? You seem to have missed a lot by having a mental breakdown.

hangingFlora [hF] began trolling artsyAesthesia [aA]
[hF]: ...

Piros Vinia|Tagging- Arados, Tanoshi, Cervie, Devone|Location-Land of Thyme and Mirrors

gA: I have one, ju$t don't know where they are
gA: and I can $ee you

[iN]: m. maybe go focus on not dying rather than checking on me.
[iN]: i mean if you want to die your choice. not that youl end up dead for long given the wackines of this whole thing.
[iN]: just go lok at something else.

[jI]: -I'll- -kill- -some- -highblood- -,- -just- -to- -buy- -some- -of- -your- -stupid- -letters- -.-
[iN]: gasp! blasphemy! but i have litle doubt any highblod you try and kil wil kick your as.
[iN]: q
[iN]: r
[iN]: s

[tB]: n0pe, n0 clue, i d0n't even sleep. wh0 sleeps 4nym0re? n0t me!
[tB]: th4t's the spirit! wh4t'd y0u pick up?

[iN]: sure and im a rustblod. anyways stars might be coming to get you. hes unusualy upset for some reason.
[iN]: its some bok on plants and stuf most likely pointles. theres a bunch on thyme actualy. hard to beleaf its useful for anything.
[iN]: but might as wel branch out and give it a try? not much else to do.

[nB]: Piros!!!!
[nB]: I hope you're doing some rad questing right now!!

[iN]: oh most certainly. right now im on two. se im an overachiever just like the rest of you!
[iN]: first to find my hive. im caling it the epic search for home
[iN]: and then to make this weird tea thing which im caling uncertantea.
[iN]: al rights reserved piros vinia.

Well in the very least one of your epic quests is coming to a close. You can spot the oddly-clean building that thinks itself your hive reflected in the sky. Your eyes are so trained upwards that you end up smacking into the invisible building and falling on your butt. Of course. You get up, yell something at the universe, and then fumble around for the door.

Emprin Dediso| Tagging- Pifrim | Location- her hive

[aE]: a new wФФrld wФФuld definiTely be ideal. i'm preTTy sure cervie said sФФmeThing abФФuT all This, sФФ maybe yФФu're righT!
[aE]: i sure hФФpe yФФu are, anyway. yФФu seem TФФ have much mФФre ФФf an idea ФФf whaT yФФu're dФФing, anyway.
[aE]: i'm ФФn The verge ФФf smashing sФФmeThing wiTh a rФФck!

[cQ]: What ar uuu doooing over there? It's hardleee fair that uuu can seee meee and Iii can't seee uuu.
[cQ]: Iii reeeleee wan't tooo seee uuu! Maaabeee in this nuuu world then.
[cQ]: What's this Cerveee liiiik? Dooo uuu think thaaa'd talk to meee? Iii want to meeet al of your friends!

Your determination to get out of your ever-heating hive has now been doubled. You want to see other trolls! You want to talk to everybody! You certainly don't want to burn to death! So you get down to the business of searching for yet another 'key hole'. "Keee hols! Gota find some keee hols so weee don't burn!" The off-key musical narrations of your life that you are rather prone to sends not-a-ghost fleeing to the corner of the room. You begin to pout when a number of footsteps interrupt you. Oh no, not these guys again.
Last edited by hazilnut on Sun Jan 29, 2017 7:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Homestuck: The new generation

Postby kiwipen » Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:57 am

Malgum ---
"I have absolutely no idea!" Malgum said chipperly, clasping his hands together, nearly knocking the tea out of his own hands. He appeared to have forgotten it was there. He pondered it as his friend was on his husktop, wondering just exactly what he could be in this land. Well, if the Bard was supposed to be the restorer of the Crystal Heart...then perhaps he was supposed to be something opposite a Bard? A King, perhaps? No...Kings were nasty things, alongside their Queens.

"I am whatever the opposite of a Bard is." He said decisively, setting down his cup. "Oh, are you talking to your other friends? Would they like to join us in Wonderland?"

Loomia ---

"I don't really think that's a crazy thing. There are plenty of other, crazier things out there." Loomia said reassuringly, wishing she had pockets so she could stuff her hands into them. However, all she had was the open air between her and Attana, which was starting to become more and more obvious to her the longer she walked with the other. An internal sigh passed through her mind. If only she had the confidence to make a move.

"I just...have a fearr of otherr trrolls." She remarked, laughing lightly. That wasn't the whole truth. It was the fear of what she might do to other trolls, and the fact she was often prone to random fits of violence. She relished the Imps --- she had a chance to get out her bloodlust.

Jaspur ---

"It Is A Pleasure To Meet You As Well." Jaspur shook her hand, gazing up at the fuschia blood. Perhaps not all fuschias were that bad, she decided. Just, most of them. "And While Scars Are Indeed A Cool Mark Of Your Strength, There Is A Handoff. You Get To Show Off Your Fuschiablooded Majesty Unmarred." She remarked, and then instantly felt embarrassment. This wast he troll she was suposed to get over the whole...highblood thing. Oh, well. Too late now.
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Re: Homestuck: The new generation

Postby Lunarchy » Sun Jan 29, 2017 10:22 am

Sylvie Raelis |Tagging - Devone|Location- Land of Thorns and Marshmallows

The sound of your lusus ringing jerks you out of your thoughts. You scroll through the message. Meditating does seem like a good idea. You sit crosslegged in the middle of the marshmallow path, delving in your thoughts. Maybe it still is regret from a long time ago. Your emotions have seemed to be much stronger after you god tiered.
eA: thanKS fOR tHE adviCE, meditatiNG doES heLP A bIT.
eA: I thiNK yOU mAY BE rigHT aboUT tHE regrET thiNG. I knOW natsuRA doesN'T blaME ME, bUT I stiLL feEL awfUL. wHY?

You go back to peacefully meditating, Wispy napping next to you. You breathe deeply, sighing.

Rowwen Irtavi|Tagging - Corpex, Pifrim|Location- Alternia

Two new messages. You are so popular...just kidding, you already know that it's only the yelling one and Pifrim messaging you. Getting messages still makes you feel popular anyways. You decide to respond to the yelling one first.
iF: am. i. ANNOYING. you.?
iF: oh. dear. i. neeeeeever. meant. to. annoy. you.
iF: i. get. a. lot. of. hate. so. it. doesn't. bother. me.
iF: and. i'm. also. not. shutting. up.

The truth is that the "I hate you" stuff does get to you, you just make sure not to show it. You don't want them to be satisfied by your hurt feelings. You decide to stop thinking about the yelling one, and you read your next message from Pifrim. She's always so nice, unlike the other troll you know.
iF: i. know. somebody. else. but. they. really. really. hate. me.
iF: if. i. can't. convince. them. to. be. my. host. then. i. will. ask. that. other. one. you. said. you. knew.

Hmmm. You hope that the other troll that Pifrim knows isn't super annoying like the yelling one. Hopefully not. Nobody can be as annoying as the yelling one. You stroke your crowbar lovingly, and push back the hood of your cloak. You comb through your hair with your fingers. You like looking neat. Besides, looking good comes before trying to stay alive on your priority list. If you died, you want to die looking beautiful. If you were smashed by a meteor, you want to be smashed prettily. You think self-absorbed thoughts and flop onto the ground face-first, hoping to nap a bit without dying.

𝑡𝘩𝑖𝑛𝑘 𝑜𝑓
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Re: Homestuck: The new generation

Postby dark_lava » Sun Jan 29, 2017 12:58 pm

"I thought you knew" the Seer said a bit worried
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Re: Homestuck: The new generation

Postby meteion » Tue Jan 31, 2017 1:01 pm

Attana Launos, at Prospit. Tags - Loomia, Devone

You think about what Loomia said for a moment.
"That'zz alright, I think. Trollzz are all pretty freaky. You know I ended up locking myzzelf up in my hive for who knowzz how long cauzze of that."
You laugh as well, trying to keep a lighter tone. Your mind keeps drifting to how you would stay up day and night, scribbling and making music, hoping for it to be over.
"Ha ha, we're zzuch wreckzz."
You should have done something. You should have been more open, more accepting of the fact that your exmoiaril was just trying to protect you. She wasn't out to control you, what were you thinking? Before long, you realize you're face is scrunched up and your husktop is ringing. You apologize quietly and pull it out, balancing it on an arm and somehow typing.

[nB]: Hi, Atta!!!!
[nB]: How are things with your matesprit,oops sorry,I mean friend going?
[nB]: I hope you're alright!!!

[aA]: Hello Dev!
[aA]: Matezzprit, I wouldn't! I have no idea what you're talking about! We are zzimply having a very heart to heart chat about being total weeniezz! But I am definitely alright. =v=
[aA]: How about you? Did you eat anything? Get any rezzt? Cauzze I'll fly over there if I have to!

Parxux Teifri, at Prospit. Tags - Jaspur, Avalon

You pull back your hand and laugh again, sticking your tongue out.
"(why on alternia would anyone want to see my whole face? that's what this stuff's for)"
You ruffle your own hair, rather proud that you trimmed it yourself. Thinking back on just how much you used to pamper your hair makes you want to gag. The though is interrupted by your headphones dinging, which gives you quite a fright.
"(hold on, looks like a certain seadweller wants to bother me again)"

[vW]: Lo~ok wh~o deci~ded t~o do some~thi~ng pro~duc~tive in~ste~ad of pa~theti~call~y mo~ping.
[vW]: Gl~ad to~ se~e yo~u're b~ack a~t ter~rify~ing~ tr~ol~ls wi~th y~our f~ac~e.
[vW]: So~meth~ing i~s wr~ong i~n th~is pi~ctu~re. Wh~y i~s the~ tro~ll no~t ru~nni~ng aw~ay ye~t? Di~d yo~u par~aly~ze h~er o~r so~met~hin~g?

[qK]: (aw come on, moping is fun, no wonder all of you losers do it so much)
[qK]: (and i did not sabotage this troll in any way, thank you very much, we planned this meeting in fact)
[qK]: (her name is jaspur and she is much cooler than you)

Cervie Narxic, at Land of Bubbles and Tears. Tags - Piros

[iN]: sure and im a rustblod. anyways stars might be coming to get you. hes unusualy upset for some reason.
[iN]: its some bok on plants and stuf most likely pointles. theres a bunch on thyme actualy. hard to beleaf its useful for anything.
[iN]: but might as wel branch out and give it a try? not much else to do.

[tB]: c0ming t0 get me? we just t4lked 4 little while 4g0. er, i think it w4s 4 little while 4g0. h0w l0ng h4ve i been running 4r0und 4g4in? wh0 c4res 4nym0re.
[tB]: 00h, remember th4t if y0u d0 m4ke th4t te4 t0 w4it 4 little bef0re drinking it! i never remember 4nd i 4lw4ys burn my t0ngue! :'>

You slowly lift yourself back to your feet, closing your book to your chest and tucking your husktop along with it. It's about time you continue on wandering with your new knowledge!

Pifrim Xaneez, at her hive. Tags - Emprin, Rowwen

[cQ]: What ar uuu doooing over there? It's hardleee fair that uuu can seee meee and Iii can't seee uuu.
[cQ]: Iii reeeleee wan't tooo seee uuu! Maaabeee in this nuuu world then.
[cQ]: What's this Cerveee liiiik? Dooo uuu think thaaa'd talk to meee? Iii want to meeet al of your friends!

[aE]: well i'd lФФve TФФ see yФФu TФФ! in facT, anФФTher friend and i are planning a cФФl parTy ФФr sФФmeThing, and we're gФФnna meeT and chaT! iT'll be fun, i Think.
[aE]: cervie is preTTy... inTeresTing cФФmpared TФФ ФФTher TrФФlls. They're alФФT mФФre um, energeTic Than i am. i Think yФФu'd bФФTh geT alФФng well, as lФФng as yФФu agree TФФ drink sФФme ФФf Their Tea ФФr cФФffee.

iF: i. know. somebody. else. but. they. really. really. hate. me.
iF: if. i. can't. convince. them. to. be. my. host. then. i. will. ask. that. other. one. you. said. you. knew.

[aE]: well i wish yФФu The besT ФФf luck!
[aE]: nФФw uh please puT sФФmeThing dФФwn because i Think ThaT's The ФФnly escape rФФuTe and iT's geTTing really hФФT!

You fan yourself, still refusing to take off your fake paws and tail because you can't even remember when you didn't wear them. At this point, you don't have to worry about thawing your food because it is definitely perfectly heated.



✧ ʜᴇʟᴘ ᴄᴏᴍᴘʟᴇᴛᴇ ᴍʏ sᴛᴀғғ ᴘᴇᴛ ᴄᴏʟʟᴇᴄᴛɪᴏɴ! ✧
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Re: Homestuck: The new generation

Postby hazilnut » Wed Feb 01, 2017 5:06 pm

Natsura Thurnis|Tagging- Sylvie, Asheer, Yifita, Aegeel, Mehdli |Location- Land of Thorns and Marshmallows

Knew? Knew what? What exactly had Asheer and Yifita been up to without you? You blink rather stupidly and motion with your hands for the Seer to keep going. Maybe this would explain what on Alternia Aegeel was sprawled all over the ground for.

hangingFlora [hF] began trolling artsyAesthesia [aA]
[hF]: ...

Piros Vinia|Tagging- Arados, Tanoshi, Cervie, Devone|Location-Land of Thyme and Mirrors

gA: I have one, ju$t don't know where they are
gA: and I can $ee you

[iN]: m. maybe go focus on not dying rather than checking on me.
[iN]: i mean if you want to die your choice. not that youl end up dead for long given the wackines of this whole thing.
[iN]: just go lok at something else.

[jI]: -I'll- -kill- -some- -highblood- -,- -just- -to- -buy- -some- -of- -your- -stupid- -letters- -.-
[iN]: gasp! blasphemy! but i have litle doubt any highblod you try and kil wil kick your as.
[iN]: q
[iN]: r
[iN]: s

[nB]: Piros!!!!
[nB]: I hope you're doing some rad questing right now!!

[iN]: oh most certainly. right now im on two. se im an overachiever just like the rest of you!
[iN]: first to find my hive. im caling it the epic search for home
[iN]: and then to make this weird tea thing which im caling uncertantea.
[iN]: al rights reserved piros vinia.

[tB]: c0ming t0 get me? we just t4lked 4 little while 4g0. er, i think it w4s 4 little while 4g0. h0w l0ng h4ve i been running 4r0und 4g4in? wh0 c4res 4nym0re.
[tB]: 00h, remember th4t if y0u d0 m4ke th4t te4 t0 w4it 4 little bef0re drinking it! i never remember 4nd i 4lw4ys burn my t0ngue! :'>

[iN]: thyme is relative. relatively stupid.
[iN]: he didnt tackle you or anything? weird. he semed like he was on the warpath to me. but hel get over whatever it is son enough.
[iN]: il kep that in mind. ive had enough burns recently to las a lifetime whatever thats worth anymore.

Ah, home sweet home. If this really is home; it's still too clean for you to be sure. So you set about remedying that, heading first to the kitchen where an explosion of orange greets you. It seems like Purrg figured out the secret to opening the locked Pumpkin Closet, by kicking in the door. You step over the mess and flip on the stove to start the water boiling before scanning over the recipe again. It's remarkably simple; just water, thyme, and solar powder whatever that was. You're sure sugar will be a fine substitute.

Emprin Dediso| Tagging- Pifrim | Location- her hive

Two black figures step out of the shadows, lurching menacingly. Maybe they're friendly? You do your best to greet them friendly-like, perhaps they just want to chat and you'll all have a heart-to-heart over their poofed friend. "Hiii! Iii'm Emprin. Iii'm reeeleee soreee about-" Or maybe they'll just get annoyed by your voice and slash at you. You leap backwards with an "Eeep!" and kick out wildly. Your strikes connect, leaving you with two piles of grist and little remorse.

[aE]: well i'd lФФve TФФ see yФФu TФФ! in facT, anФФTher friend and i are planning a cФФl parTy ФФr sФФmeThing, and we're gФФnna meeT and chaT! iT'll be fun, i Think.
[aE]: cervie is preTTy... inTeresTing cФФmpared TФФ ФФTher TrФФlls. They're alФФT mФФre um, energeTic Than i am. i Think yФФu'd bФФTh geT alФФng well, as lФФng as yФФu agree TФФ drink sФФme ФФf Their Tea ФФr cФФffee.

[cQ]: O! Aaa parteee? Count meee in! Iii want some more peeepol tooo talk tooo!
[cQ]: Cerveee sounds reeeleee coool! What's their trol tag?
[cQ]: Luuuseee never let meee hav cofeee, said it was tooo much for someone as litle as meee.

You follow not-a-ghost over to what they call an al-i-ma-er and attempt yet another failed conversation with them as you jam your o-em in the slot they indicate. Alternia are you going to be glad for company that actually wants to talk to you instead of sitting in stony-silence or trying to kill you.
~link~ Coded by angel ~Link~

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Re: Homestuck: The new generation

Postby meteion » Thu Feb 02, 2017 7:46 am

Attana Launos, at Prospit. Tags - Loomia, Devone

You think about what Loomia said for a moment.
"That'zz alright, I think. Trollzz are all pretty freaky. You know I ended up locking myzzelf up in my hive for who knowzz how long cauzze of that."
You laugh as well, trying to keep a lighter tone. Your mind keeps drifting to how you would stay up day and night, scribbling and making music, hoping for it to be over.
"Ha ha, we're zzuch wreckzz."
You should have done something. You should have been more open, more accepting of the fact that your exmoiaril was just trying to protect you. She wasn't out to control you, what were you thinking? Before long, you realize you're face is scrunched up and your husktop is ringing. You apologize quietly and pull it out, balancing it on an arm and somehow typing.

[nB]: Hi, Atta!!!!
[nB]: How are things with your matesprit,oops sorry,I mean friend going?
[nB]: I hope you're alright!!!

[aA]: Hello Dev!
[aA]: Matezzprit, I wouldn't! I have no idea what you're talking about! We are zzimply having a very heart to heart chat about being total weeniezz! But I am definitely alright. =v=
[aA]: How about you? Did you eat anything? Get any rezzt? Cauzze I'll fly over there if I have to!

Parxux Teifri, at Prospit. Tags - Jaspur, Avalon

You pull back your hand and laugh again, sticking your tongue out.
"(why on alternia would anyone want to see my whole face? that's what this stuff's for)"
You ruffle your own hair, rather proud that you trimmed it yourself. Thinking back on just how much you used to pamper your hair makes you want to gag. The though is interrupted by your headphones dinging, which gives you quite a fright.
"(hold on, looks like a certain seadweller wants to bother me again)"

[vW]: Lo~ok wh~o deci~ded t~o do some~thi~ng pro~duc~tive in~ste~ad of pa~theti~call~y mo~ping.
[vW]: Gl~ad to~ se~e yo~u're b~ack a~t ter~rify~ing~ tr~ol~ls wi~th y~our f~ac~e.
[vW]: So~meth~ing i~s wr~ong i~n th~is pi~ctu~re. Wh~y i~s the~ tro~ll no~t ru~nni~ng aw~ay ye~t? Di~d yo~u par~aly~ze h~er o~r so~met~hin~g?

[qK]: (aw come on, moping is fun, no wonder all of you losers do it so much)
[qK]: (and i did not sabotage this troll in any way, thank you very much, we planned this meeting in fact)
[qK]: (her name is jaspur and she is much cooler than you)

Cervie Narxic, at Land of Bubbles and Tears. Tags - Piros

[iN]: thyme is relative. relatively stupid.
[iN]: he didnt tackle you or anything? weird. he semed like he was on the warpath to me. but hel get over whatever it is son enough.
[iN]: il kep that in mind. ive had enough burns recently to las a lifetime whatever thats worth anymore.

[tB]: uh n0pe, n0 hellbent murder0us schemes th4t i kn0w 0f. i h0pe?
[tB]: tell me wh4t y0u m4n4ge t0 c0me up with! i fin4lly h4ve s0me0ne t0 dump s0me kn0wledge 0n!

You come back to the statues once again, feeling like you've never been here before. It's all so weird. You run your hands along some of the statues, patting them reassuringly. Something about them is oddly familiar, you can't quite put your finger on it. You set down your things and fly up, perching on one of their horns. It's a zigzag shape, almost like Parxux's, but you know she would never let herself look like this statue. She cares too much about her appearance to ever even think about wearing whatever this is and doing whatever happened to her hair. You jump down onto her head, staring at the lillies somehow surviving this, growing through cracks.They're pretty, you think.
You pat her head, and the water stops rushing from her eyes and through the hands covering her face. Hmm.

Pifrim Xaneez, at her hive. Tags - Emprin, Rowwen

[cQ]: O! Aaa parteee? Count meee in! Iii want some more peeepol tooo talk tooo!
[cQ]: Cerveee sounds reeeleee coool! What's their trol tag?
[cQ]: Luuuseee never let meee hav cofeee, said it was tooo much for someone as litle as meee.

[aE]: yФФu're nФФT missing much, cФФffee's kinda biTTer. Tea is ФФk ThФФugh, especially ThaT green kind.
[aE]: Their Tag is "typhloticBarista," cФФpied and pasTed cause i'm lazy TФФ Try and spell ThaT.

iF: i. know. somebody. else. but. they. really. really. hate. me.
iF: if. i. can't. convince. them. to. be. my. host. then. i. will. ask. that. other. one. you. said. you. knew.

[aE]: well i wish yФФu The besT ФФf luck!
[aE]: nФФw uh please puT sФФmeThing dФФwn because i Think ThaT's The ФФnly escape rФФuTe and iT's geTTing really hФФT!

You fan yourself, still refusing to take off your fake paws and tail because you can't even remember when you didn't wear them. At this point, you don't have to worry about thawing your food because it is definitely perfectly heated.



✧ ʜᴇʟᴘ ᴄᴏᴍᴘʟᴇᴛᴇ ᴍʏ sᴛᴀғғ ᴘᴇᴛ ᴄᴏʟʟᴇᴄᴛɪᴏɴ! ✧
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