✎ [Kalon Adopts] Development Event — (OVER!)

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Re: ✎ [Kalon Adopts] Development Event — (Workshop 2)

Postby Teri » Fri Apr 07, 2017 4:51 pm

Workshop Two - Day One Exercise
Kalon: Nastya
Link: here


Where do they live and what is the geography like?
So... the thing about Nastya is that she doesn't actually live in one place, most of the time - her "job" requires constant travel. She has a few places she visits often - in particular, various temples and shrines of her sun goddess - but it'd make more sense to talk about her "continent" as a whole.
I've kept it deliberately at least a bit vague so I can tie it in with other settings when I have more time to search for relationships, but it's based very faintly off northern and western Asia. The climate of the part of it she grew up in is very cold and snowy, full of mountains and forests.
What is the society like there, is there a hierarchy?
There is - roughly speaking, it goes from serfs to peasants to nobles straight up to the tzar. Nobles primarily have a military heritage, and most own land - or at least come from a family that owns land. Serfs are near as close to slaves as you can get, required to work on the land they are attached to. Peasants have a better lot in life; they range from lower to middle class, depending. Artisans and other skilled peasants are often reasonably well off.
Priests and priestesses (of several gods) are not technically involved in this hierarchy. But functionally, while they don't have the power of lords, they may have influence over them through advice and religion; they also tend to be well respected among the lower classes.
What kind of technology does the world possess: modern, medieval, fantasy, etc.?
Leaning heavily toward medieval/fantasy! Or rather, medieval technology, fantastical magic additions (spells probably don't qualify as tech).
Do many or only a few people live here?
In her region, not very many, with the exception of clusters in towns or the priesthouses at shrines. It's dangerous to live on your own.
Is the history the same as our world, or is it different? If different, how?
It's definitely different - primarily, fantasy creatures roam the land, and a lot of children's tales are true. Not to mention that while it's based on
Is your Kalon(s) considered lower, middle, or upper class?
She's technically outside of ranks! That said, if she had to be placed somewhere, she'd be in between middle and upper class? Not up to the rank of a lord, but more revered than even a skilled middle-class artisan or banker.
She personally tends to lean more toward considering people equal - the upper ranks are decently well embedded in her head, as they are everyone's, but she'd consider herself on the same footing as either lower or middle class. She definitely has more advantages than someone in the lower class, but she's not a better person for it.
What sort of language(s) is commonly spoken here?
Primarily an analogue of Russian. (Not exactly Russian, but a... Kalon version?)

Apologies for the short answers - I'm doing this in a bit of a rush during a work break to get it in in time! I definitely have more thoughts, just no time to get them down.
Last edited by Teri on Sat Apr 08, 2017 3:03 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: ✎ [Kalon Adopts] Development Event — (Workshop 2)

Postby Paints » Fri Apr 07, 2017 5:28 pm

Workshop Two - Day One Exercise
Kalon Name: Aster
Link to Kalon: boop

Where do they live and what is the geography like? Aster doesn't exactly 'live', anywhere. He's always on the move around the world.
What is the society like there, is there a hierarchy? Depends on where he goes.
What kind of technology does the world possess: modern, medieval, fantasy, etc.? Modern. There is technology, but no GPS.
Do many or only a few people live here? Depends on where Aster is at the time.
Is the history the same as our world, or is it different? If different, how? Mainly the same.
Is your Kalon(s) considered lower, middle, or upper class? middle.
What sort of language(s) is commonly spoken here? All languages depending on where Aster is at the time.
Last edited by Paints on Sat Apr 08, 2017 7:12 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Postby angelshy » Fri Apr 07, 2017 5:35 pm

workshop two - day one exercise

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Re: ✎ [Kalon Adopts] Development Event — (Workshop 2)

Postby Error » Fri Apr 07, 2017 5:40 pm

Workshop Two - Writing Prompt

Kalon Name: Russel "Rubify" Wynne
Link to Kalon: LINK
Prompt: Note: I will be refering to Rubify as Russel here, as he doesn't obtain the nickname of Rubify until he meets Evanish.

    When he was a child, he would climb the rubble without a second thought, the small nooks in the collapsed buildings were no trouble to him. He was not afraid of the broken glass or the spiders that wandered about, the large rats that grew fatter each day and stared at him with beady eyes, the smell of who knows what as it rotted in the earth around him. He knew these things since the moment he was born and he was well aware that he hadn't been born only yesterday.
    "I wasn't born yesterday." Russel grumbled to his older brother, a snubbed nosed fella who always wore goggles over his eyes and a mask over his mouth, no differently than the ones Rubify was wearing right now.
    "You were born, what? Eight years ago? That's close enough to yesterday." His brother said with a smirk certainly under his white mask. Russel frowned behind his mask and crossed his arms over his chest. He wanted to explore today, not remain near the camp.
    "I want to explore again." Russel said as he looked at the world around him, it was dark, it was always dark. The buildings stood around him like columns holding up the world above. They stood like ghosts in the dim light, perhaps there were ghosts here and the idea worried Russel only slightly. He wasn't afraid of ghosts. Yet he could swear he heard the music of another world drifting through the cracks, his brother always said it was just the wind.
    "You cannot go searching on your own. Not safe." His brother said this as he looked down at his own leg, he had landed on it wrong just yesterday, it was only sprained, not broken. Russel didn't understand what the big deal was.
    "I'm safer than you." Russel huffed.
    "I will be safe, you just watch me!"
    "You're never safe and the moment you believe that this place is in any way safe then you will land on your feet wrong and get yourself hurt!" His brother snapped, but Russel knew his anger wasn't at him, it was at himself. Russel sniffed, his brother was only a few years older than him and even at that age and even with the life he led, he knew his brother was under quite the bit of stress. Russel sighed, he stood up off the ground and began to pace, looking at the shadows that crept just outside of their campsight, the firepit was warm and it burned in a cave formed of cracked bricks and what appeared to be tiles that were once painted with brilliant colors. This world was so curious, the things within it were outstanding and different, nothing like what they had on the surface and Russel knew the surface well enough to know that he didn't like it. He turned back to his brother as he appeared to be drifting off in his own thoughts. This conversation hadn't been the first time Russel had asked to wander off on his own and it was almost as if his brother expected him to leave one of these days. Russel would huff to himself and complain about the foolishness of it all.
    "Do you think you would be alright, out there?" His brother said in almost a hushed tone, as if he didn't dare to say the worlds out loud.
    "Of course!" Russel declared with such a sureness in his voice that his brother looked up at him sadly, he was sure it was sorrow, for the way his brother tilted his head always indicated that he was sad.
    "One of these days, you will be on your own." His brother said, it was almost as if he wasn't looking at Russel himself, but through him. Russel thought it was a strange way to look at someone and he frowned. What odd words those were, of course his brother would aways be with him, he just wanted to explore a little bit in the areas where his brother couldn't reach... Like those high nooks and cranies where only a small child could slip through. He was so interested in seeing what was up there.
    "Don't be silly, I'll always have you!" Russel declared with a similiar sureness as before, but he knew something inside of him faltered when his brother gave that laugh. That specific laugh that he gave when Russel asked when their parents would come back. It was a laugh that made Russel freeze and fall quiet each time. He sat back on the ground near the fire, besides his brother, and did not speak. His brother ran a hand through Russel's hair for only a brief moment, he didn't say anything else to him. Maybe, one day, Russel would ask if he could wander off on his own again, maybe when his brother was not hurt he would be allowed to explore. But, not today, today they would rest by the fire and Russel would listen to the world around him as the music of a past world hummed between the cracks of forgotten homes.

Workshop Two - Art Prompt

Kalon Name: Rubify
Link to Kalon: LINK
Drawing: LINK - Rubify exploring when he was younger and still with his brother.

Workshop Two - Day One Exercise

    Since most of my Kalons are in the same universe I will link each of them here.

Kalon Name: Evanish | Seaway | Rubify | Paragon | Pith
Link to Kalon: Evanish | Seaway | Rubify | Paragon and Pith

Where do they live and what is the geography like?
    Evanish, Seaway, Paragon, and Pith all lived in large cities. Evanish and Seaway both lived in a town near the sea. This was considered a capital city and a place of high standings. The town is considered to have steep hills and strange homes stacked upon each other, most of the buildings are apartements and further from the sea, towards the heart of the town, there's a plentiful of skyscrapers.
    Paragon and Pith grew up further in land, within their own cities respectively. Pith lived in a smaller town, where everyone knew each other and it sat on the outskirts of a forest. The town itself was almost part of the forest, each home had a least three trees within its yard. Whereas Paragon grew up a city similiar to Evanish and Seaway, where it consisted mostly of large buildings and vast homes.
    Originally, Evanish lived with his parents in a town similiar to the one Pith grew up in, but, Evanish was raised by his grandmother more than his parents so he now lives in her old apartment.
    Rubify lives in a place that is amazing. The world itself has a secret hidden within it, under the ground, there lies another world long lost and forgotten, a world of technology long forgotten. A society erased and lost to time, it holds a mystery of why it disappeared, but Rubify only cares about exploring what is there and not finding out the reason why this part of the world is now gone. This other world is large and nearly ever section of the new world has a connection to the old, through caverns and tunnels and caves, the sewers are commonly a great place to find openings into the old world.

What is the society like there, is there a hierarchy?
    For the most part, the society is similiar to our own. It follows the concepts of mayors, presidents, dicators, kings and queens, according to what location of the world one is in. The only place the rules change is underground, in the Old World. Where most people are looking out for themselves and when they do find a leader it is similar to a gang or a mob.

What kind of technology does the world possess: modern, medieval, fantasy, etc.?
    The technology is slightly more advance than modern. There is hints in the Old World that their technology could have been vastly different, sometimes things from the Old World are brought up to the surface to study and to learn from, this allows for a futher understanding of things and allows for a faster advancement in technology. However, despite this, the main form of entertaiment comes from the theater and it is held up higher than most other forms of entertaiment. For example, movie stars are not as famous as theater actors.

Do many or only a few people live here?
    It is safe to see this world as similar to our own, having a vast number of people within it that is constantly growing and changing. According to the cities one lives in the population will change.

Is the history the same as our world, or is it different? If different, how?
    Since the world itself is disconnected from our own, it has an entirely different history. For the most part, the world began as any normal world does, only at one point in time someone wandered underground and noticed that there was a society long lost and forgotten. This world was possibly lost to an apocalypse of a sort, but no one really knows for sure what happened or why it was lost. But, it is because of what was in the Old World that this New one was able to advance so quickly and become more "civil." Nowadays, no one really cares about the Old World and sees it as something that is just... There. Only certain societies and organizations are dedicated to exploring the vast ruins.

Is your Kalon(s) considered lower, middle, or upper class?
    Evanish and Seaway are considered upper class, however they're both actually living middle class lives with an upper class job status. Being actors in a famed theater has marked them as being "rich" when neither of them really are due to not getting many main parts in the plays.

    Pith and Paragon at the moment are in the "we ran away from home" class.

    Rubify is in a class of his own, the "explorer" class. These people are seen as lesser than lower, but sometimes as high as upper. Depending on what they can bring to the surface (ahah, a pun). Because Rubify disconnected himself from the organizations who explore the Old World, he is seen as lesser to even them.

What sort of language(s) is commonly spoken here?
    Within the world there is many different langauges, ones that do not exist in our world. Each character speaks mostly the same language, as they were all born in roughly the same country. Rubify, however, knows probably over 5 languages due to his traveling.
Last edited by Error on Sat Apr 08, 2017 1:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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✎ [Kalon Adopts] Development Event — (Workshop 2)

Postby Gladis » Fri Apr 07, 2017 5:45 pm

    Workshop Two - Day One Exercise

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Re: ✎ [Kalon Adopts] Development Event — (Workshop 2)

Postby hazilnut » Fri Apr 07, 2017 5:54 pm

Workshop Two - Writing Prompt

Kalon Name: Perseus Reed
Link to Kalon: Boop
Prompt: Perseus had a normal childhood as far as all things go. There's no traumatic backstory to explain his near shut-in tendencies, no sob story for why he escapes into history books and fantasies. His parents were, if anything, a bit too lax with him. They let him do whatever he wanted so long as his school work was completed and he used that time just to read and daydream. His family wasn't badly off, they just weren't particularly rich, and growing up in a time when computers were uncommon meant he didn't get one. So he would often blow his extra time just reading in the safety of the library his parents owned as company and activity did not appeal to him. Eventually his Mum got sick and his Mother had to take care of her. He didn't spend a lot of time with his parents, which he feels pretty guilty about after they passed away- his Mum from the sickness and his Mother from a heart attack that was likely brought on by stress. He distanced himself from the town after that, having been away from it and his parents for a few years at college anyways. He packed up and moved to Maine where he lives now as a part-time librarian and an aspiring author.

Workshop Two - Art Prompt

Kalon Name: Dustin Train
Link to Kalon: Boop
Drawing: Dust-baths seemed like such a good idea

Workshop Two - Day One Exercise
Kalon Name: Jade Xiu
Link to Kalon: Boop

Where do they live and what is the geography like? They live in ancient China and the geography is very much like that of the real place. She travels along the Yellow River which is often known as the "cradle of Chinese civilization" and the climate and landscaping is fairly mild and easy to travel- thankfully.
What is the society like there, is there a hierarchy? During the time period when she lives (around the time of the Song Dynasty or so) Ancient China is still under the dynasty rule with an emperor and nobility. She's not particularly knowledgeable on the subject other than that there's an emperor guy out there somewhere, but Jade steers away from larger cities and is rarely affected by the politics.
What kind of technology does the world possess: modern, medieval, fantasy, etc.? Medieval? Ancient Chinese? I'm not entirely sure what you'd call it! They have paper and compasses and even gunpowder- not that Jade would ever use that. There is little in the way of advanced medicine or power sources but Jade just needs her lantern and shadow puppets.
Do many or only a few people live here? There's quite a few people living in Ancient China, yes! Jade does tend to stay away from particularly crowded cities though because crowds often overwhelm her. The country with it's few villages are more her style.
Is the history the same as our world, or is it different? If different, how? Exactly the same, except half of it hasn't happened yet! It's Ancient China pure and simple, just kalonified.
Is your Kalon(s) considered lower, middle, or upper class? Given that she's a wandering woman she'd probably have no class! Jade doesn't usually tell others her name or gender though so she's fairly safe in that department. She doesn't work the fields or hold a stable job though; she's just and entertainer and not a famous one either.
What sort of language(s) is commonly spoken here? Chinese of course! Mainly the Mandarin dialect given she travels north of the yellow river but occasionally you'll find a Cantonese speaker- or someone who speaks a different language all together!
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Re: ✎ [Kalon Adopts] Development Event — (Workshop 2)

Postby Rabbit » Fri Apr 07, 2017 7:16 pm

Workshop Two - Day One Exercise
Kalon Name: Bose
Link to Kalon: click

Where do they live and what is the geography like? Bose lives in Canada! There it's fairly cool and cold most of the year, but sometimes it gets a little warm. Where he lives, there's a few smaller mountainous areas nearby, and so he always has a nice view.
What is the society like there, is there a hierarchy? Nope, just a government!
What kind of technology does the world possess: modern, medieval, fantasy, etc.? Bose lives in current time, with modern technology!
Do many or only a few people live here? He lives in a small town with a decent sized population! It's not crowded, but not barren either! Bose knows a majority of his neighbours, and they know him too!
Is the history the same as our world, or is it different? If different, how? The history is the same as our world!
Is your Kalon(s) considered lower, middle, or upper class? Bose's family is considered middle class-- not too rich and not too poor! He doesn't really think much of it though, as he's only a child.
What sort of language(s) is commonly spoken here? The most common language is English, with a bit of French-Canadian mixed in!
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Re: ✎ [Kalon Adopts] Development Event — (Workshop 2)

Postby Raptocidic » Fri Apr 07, 2017 8:01 pm

Workshop Two - Day One Exercise
Kalon Name: Cave
Link to Kalon: x

Where do they live and what is the geography like?
Cave lives high in a snowy mountain range, overlooking a small village far below. The area is very cold and oxygen levels lower than normal.

What is the society like there, is there a hierarchy?
Apart from the small village, the next place with civilization is miles accross a snowy tundra, or over the mountains and through a large forest. The villagers get along well, everyone knows each other, as there's only a few living there, no real system has ever had to be put in place.

What kind of technology does the world possess: modern, medieval, fantasy, etc.?
There is some access modern technology, but very little. There's no wifi, due to the rural area. A few years ago the village got access to electricity, but most things there are simpily traditional old-style. The most modern thing you can find there is a mobile phone, but to get any signal you have to go elsewhere.

Do many or only a few people live here?
Very few live in the area, since its so remote.

Is the history the same as our world, or is it different? If different, how?
The history is differdnt, since its a completely different setting. This is mostly because there was never one dominant species. A lot of the history is actually similar to our own, but everything seems to have a twist somehow.

Is your Kalon(s) considered lower, middle, or upper class?
There is no real class system where Cave lives, but he's considered higher up, due to his research on avalanches.

What sort of language(s) is commonly spoken here?
A modification of English is spoken. A lot of english words are used, but there are some words that have been developed, changed snd added over time due to the isolation the villagers live in.
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Re: ✎ [Kalon Adopts] Development Event — (Workshop 2)

Postby Elfie » Fri Apr 07, 2017 9:36 pm

Workshop Two - Day One Exercise

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Re: ✎ [Kalon Adopts] Development Event — (Workshop 2)

Postby rnirai » Fri Apr 07, 2017 9:39 pm

    Workshop Two - Writing Prompt

    Kalon Name: shiro
    Link to Kalon: http://toyhou.se/873072.shiro


    shiro started doing ballet at a very young age. he was quite a talent, he was very graceful and flexible, his teachers loved him and predicted he'd make a successful career. at the age of fourteen, when puberty him he stopped practicing ballet because he was convinced ballet is for girls only. he did regret this decision later. when he turned nineteen he decided to pick ballet up again, but it was too late and he couldn't possibly do ballet for a living. so he just kept practicing to keep in shape, he still goes to a studio at least three times a week. he is pretty well known in the city he lives and has been asked by parents to teach their kids ballet but he wouldn't accept money for teaching them. he works in a small convenience store near his flat, makes very little money but it doesn't stop him form enjoying life to it's fullest.

    Workshop Two - Art Prompt

    Kalon Name: shiro
    Link to Kalon: http://toyhou.se/873072.shiro


    shiro in his dark past had a make up youtube channel
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