Wonderland Wasteland - Grimm Town - OPEN & ACCEPTING

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Wonderland Wasteland | Kveykva's Characters

Postby Kveykva » Fri Sep 03, 2021 11:35 am

❆❅.︰ ᴡᴇʟᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴛᴏ ɢʀɪᴍᴍ ᴛᴏᴡɴ ︰.❅❆

      User ID: 578631
      Character Name: Spencer Guppy-Green
      Character Race: Human
      Character Age: 24 years
      Character Gender/Pronouns: Male (he/him)
      Character Looks: fc: Elliot Fletcher
      Character History:
      early days;; Born on the 24th of December in Columbus, Ohio, Spencer grew up surrounded by noise and lights. He's a curious soul at heart, but the city didn't offer what one would call a "safe place" to go exploring. Instead, his little adventures were had on visits to his grandparents, who lived in a quaint little cabin outside of Waverly, West Virginia. He'd always known the forest by their house to be off-limits after six, but the warnings were never heeded. Spencer wasn't sure what he saw out there, or if it was even anything at all, but it sparked a fascination for the mysterious in his heart.
      college life;; Spencer had little trouble choosing a major once he graduated high school, but instead of picking a "false" major like cryptozoology, he instead picked up wildlife ecology. Between his classes and projects, he made time for trips to various regions of the Northeast, and the South on occasion, to try and spot one of the famous American cryptids in its natural habitat. Ranging from skinwalkers to Bigfoot, Chupacabra to the Jersey Devil, he'd yet to find much of anything to validate his passion.
      moving to Grimm Town;; During the summer after his fourth year in college, Spencer studied abroad in Canada where he and a few other students monitored wildlife populations around the Simpson Penninsula. The experience wasn't soon forgotten, and as soon as he had the opportunity and the funds, Spencer planned a second trip up to the Arctic so he could more familiarize himself with the region, in hopes of finding a career there after he graduated. On the other side, the Arctic is chock full of legends, and he wanted to see if there were any truth to the rumors surrounding the icy wilderness. Every time he searched for something out of the storybooks it proved false; he doesn't really have any expectations that now will be any different.
      Character Personality: Contrary to popular belief, Spencer doesn't actually think cryptids exist. It's one of those things that's neat in theory, but for it to actually exist... it's too far-fetched. Still, the near-obsession with cryptids has become such a cornerstone of his life that Spencer isn't sure what kind of person he'd be without it. He's generally more introverted, but he isn't against working with others. Spencer is very enthusiastic about his interests and prone to hyperfixations, and he's used to those features turning people away from him. Besides the obvious interest in cryptids, Spencer enjoys the topic of ecosystems and how each part works together to form the whole, as well as anything to do with wildlife. he spends most of his time outside if he can help it, and travels anytime he has the opportunity. He's a restless soul that craves adventure, even if it's in his own backyard.
      Other?: He hasn't heard anything particularly special about Grimm Town (or anything living in it), it was just the one place up north where he could find a place to stay for the season. Feel free to pm me for relations!

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      User ID: 578631
      Character Name: Tavie
      Character Race: Psychopomp
      Character Age: Indeterminate
      Character Gender/Pronouns: Agender (she/they)
      Character Looks: fc: Emma Appleton
      General encounters with Tavie are often forgotten about just as quickly as they happen, like ships passing in the night. Their appearance is human in the most general sense, with more specific descriptors all but lost to memory. As she became more sociable with Grimm Town's mayor and residents, she's put more work into keeping a steady appearance, and she's most often seen as a small, fair-skinned brunette with high cheekbones and a slightly emaciated figure. Descriptions of eye color range wildly, and some visitors recall their hair as platinum blonde instead.
      Character History:
      founding of Grimm Town;; As far as anyone can tell, Tavie's been around as long as the town has, though there are a few implications that they've been there longer. None of the residents were truly aware of her presence for the longest time, but as she's made strides to be noticed and remembered, the oldest residents are sure to pick up on the fact that they have seen Tavie before. The role she actually plays is a mystery to most, but they make an effort to visit every funeral when a resident (or visitor) passes.
      fitting in;; Sometime between the town's founding and the present day, Tavie grew tired and restless with their work. With so many nigh immortal or long-lived creatures in one space, she began passing the time between soul reapings by "playing house," as she puts it. At first, her entrances were subtle, just a few notes in on a conversation as she passed by, but nothing really seemed to stick. Eventually, with more practice than they ever imagined they'd need, Tavie began gaining better control over her proximal amnesia so it wasn't a constant air of forgetfulness. She still hasn't managed to "turn it off" but she's much better at picking and choosing who forgets what and when.
      modern era;; Tavie has settled themselves into Grimm Town as a "long-time resident," but nobody really knows who she is or where she lives. There are dozens of questions surrounding her presence, but they tend to fade from memory with any level of distraction. They're a frequent visitor to the cafe and library, so when in doubt, you can usually find her there.
      Character Personality: In general, Tavie is very laidback and carefree, to the point where she can be considered insensitive. They are incapable of most deeper levels of emotion and can't empathize, so anything they say or do can come off as fake; because it is. They're casual in most interactions with others, giving the impression of being extroverted and overall friendly. She's unpredictable at heart and should she genuinely get herself into trouble, a person's most recent memories can disappear with the snap of a finger, if that. They can't take offense to what they don't remember, right?
      If they are a magical creature, how do they cloak themselves to humans?: proximal amnesia
      Other?: Tavie's biggest asset is her role as a psychopomp, which grants her access to in-depth records of a person's life up to the present. Generally, they don't do much with these, but they do enjoy pulling the card for the sake of a power play from time to time. In addition, they are capable of sensing approaching death and communing with spirits, though she cannot summon them on her own, nor can she reap them if they don't want to move on to the afterlife.
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Re: Wonderland Wasteland - Grimm Town - OPEN & ACCEPTING

Postby dexmitri » Tue Sep 14, 2021 8:08 am

❆❅.︰ ᴡᴇʟᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴛᴏ ɢʀɪᴍᴍ ᴛᴏᴡɴ ︰.❅❆

      User ID: 1015871
      Character Name: Harvey Crockett
      Character Race: Werebeast
      Character Age: 27
      Character Gender/Pronouns: He/him
      Character Sexuality: Bisexual
      Character Looks: Harvey is a tall, burly man with sunkissed skin and stubble. His dark, dull hair is carelessly long, falling just below his ears, which are almost unnaturally pointed. He looks way older than he actually is, worn with scattered gray hair. His eyes are stormy, and his brow almost always furrowed. His lips are chaped. He doesn't smile often, but when he does, you can just make out that his teeth almost look a little too sharp.
      Character History: Harvey was born to a single human mother named Jean, who cared about him very much in his young life. His childhood could be described as nice, but rough around the edges, as though he was raised in a supportive household, they lacked the income required to live truly comfortably. However, his mothers demeanor towards him completely changed when his werebeast traits began to develop at age fourteen. Harvey's father was a werebeast, but his mother never found out, because he abandoned them shortly after she became pregnant. As a human who had no idea how to raise a monster child, she began to resent him for it over time. Ultimately, he was left on his own at age seventeen to fend for himself, after an explosive fight between him and his mother. Harvey had to learn how to manage the beast inside him completely alone. He was too afraid to seek out help after the internalized self hatred of his beast form ingrained in him by his mother.
      Character Personality: Harvey is quiet and short tempered. He isn't very friendly to people when they come inside his shop, getting frustrated easily if they won't listen to his advice. He seems to be extremely reluctant to let anyone get close to him. If you do manage to get past his thick emotional walls, he is very sweet and caring, albeit in his own disgruntled way. Like his appearance, he acts much older than he truly is, perhaps a consequence of his hard past.
      If they are a magical creature, how do they cloak themselves to humans?: Harvey lives his life in human form, working as a mechanic at the Auto Shop. However, he goes out to a cabin he owns in the woods whenever he feels his werebeast form emerging. While he can change form on will, without proper care in his young age, it is very difficult for him to control when the beast inside him wants to take over. He's been much more careful about catching it now, to the point where he's comfortable living in town. But the fear of slipping up constantly looms over him.
      Other?: TBA
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Re: Wonderland Wasteland - Grimm Town - OPEN & ACCEPTING

Postby GraveBlues » Sun Sep 19, 2021 3:56 pm

Kveykva wrote:
❆❅.︰ ᴡᴇʟᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴛᴏ ɢʀɪᴍᴍ ᴛᴏᴡɴ ︰.❅❆

dexmitri wrote:
❆❅.︰ ᴡᴇʟᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴛᴏ ɢʀɪᴍᴍ ᴛᴏᴡɴ ︰.❅❆

Accepted! Sorry for the late reply :>
We'll be starting up shortly!
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Re: Wonderland Wasteland - Grimm Town - OPEN & ACCEPTING

Postby GraveBlues » Thu Sep 23, 2021 2:39 pm

[Starter Premise: Made a new character, y'all can find him in with my other ones on that first page. He'll be moving to Grimm Town so that everybody has something to talk about/react to!]

      Jewell cleared his throat a little; he'd invited everyone to the Town Hall for a little announcement; their town was small, so every time they got a new citizen it was a pretty big deal, but especially whenever a new creature came to town... The humans of course thought it was just any other person coming to town, but for the magical creatures it was always exciting to get a new member of their kind; the new guy could bring more recent news, news of any others like them and what the world was coming to. The hope was always that one day all of their races could live in harmony, like they had in ancient times. Ancient Greece, Egypt, and many others... Back when humans had known magical creatures, and even worshipped many of them as deities. Jewell sighed; it would be nice if that was how things were still. But, no sense in dwelling in the past!
      "Morning all," he addressed the miniature crowd with a smile, once everyone (or everyone he figured would show up) had swung by. "Just wanted to let everybody know that we're going to be having a new resident. His name is Connor and he should be arriving later today- he's been looking for a place like this for some time now, so I'd like everyone to make him feel welcome," he announced with a small smile, his voice gentle and soothing. That was his code phrase- "They've been looking for a place like this" was for magical creatures, and "They've never been to a place like this before" was to signal a human arrival. Everyone could talk to him privately later to see what kind of creature would be coming here- it was always nice to know what sorts of magic would be next brought to their quiet little town. Not all magical creatures could be kind or easy to get along with, and certain kinds disliked other kinds after all. "He'll be moving into the apartments, so all of you that live there will be getting a new neighbor. I don't know too much about him, but I'll be happy to answer any questions I can," he mentioned with a nod. "Enjoy the rest of your day," he called, as a way to let them know that was it, no other important announcements to be made for now.


      Sky had joined in the Town Hall curiously when she had heard there was a new announcement- those didn't come around too frequently, so she wondered what it could be... Was there an event going on or something? She made sure to get there early, happily bringing Basil, her lead dog with her. He was a very good dog and the one she took most places, he was calm and unlikely to cause trouble. Plus, nobody ever minded her bringing him anywhere in town, unlike a lot of towns and cities further South which only allowed dogs if they were service dogs. She understood why, of course, but it still sucked not being able to take her best friend with her! She sat on the edge of the rows of seats, so Basil had plenty of room to sit or lay down without feeling crowded by the chairs, stroking him between the ears contentedly as she waited for it to start. Once she heard there would be someone new coming to town, she was delighted and excited, giving a little woo-hoo quietly, hoping to elicit some laughs and smiles. This town gave her so much joy, getting to live out here and live her dream... She'd wanted a place just like this ever since she was little, and seeing it grow and expand brought her so much happiness. She couldn't think of any questions she had about the new guy- she figured she'd just ask him herself when he arrived! She waved to Mayor Jewell to say bye, and started to head out, thinking maybe she would go by the cafe and get herself something. Maybe pick up something for the new guy too? She could drop some donuts off for him or something.


      Howdy had seriously debated going to the meeting- he really didn't like going around so many others, but... He wanted to know what was going on, if anything important had happened... He finally psyched himself up enough to go, pulling on his favorite jacket and pulling the collar up, both to block the wind from blowing on his neck and to hide his face as much as possible. He wished he had invisibility powers, that would make life a hell of a lot easier on him... Sigh. He tried to reassure himself that it was fine, he had to come into town anyways to deliver the daily goods, it would be fine to just stop by for a little while. He slipped in just as it was starting and stayed at the back of the room, eyes down and quiet; leaving his delivery outside. Nobody would mess with it, and it was well below freezing outside so it wasn't like anything would spoil. He perked up a little nervously when he heard there was a newcomer- who..? Oh. He relaxed slightly once he heard it was another magical creature and not a human at least... He wanted to know what kind it would be though, and so he hung back, quiet and awaiting his turn to speak to Jewell privately. Jewell was one of the few people here he was fully comfortable with; the unicorn just.. had a way about him. He was a great leader and he just made everybody feel welcome and safe around him.


      Harken crouched in the rafters of the attic of the old Town Hall, peering through holes and cracks in the wooden floorboards of the attic, surrounded by dust and cobwebs, piles of old furniture and various bits and bobs that had been shoved up here in storage and forgotten about. He'd heard through the grapevine that Jewell had called some sort of meeting, some announcement or other to be made, and he was nosy and wanted to know what it was. He wasn't a part of this stupid town, technically, but he was on their land and under their protection, so he wanted to know what was up with it. Maybe somebody had died or something, he wondered idly. He'd crawled in here hours ago, and he was bored out of his mind and wishing they old horse would hurry it up already... His ears pricked somewhat when he heard it was a newcomer, and then he scoffed slightly. Was that all?? Jeez. He rolled his eyes in annoyance, all this for that? Ugh... On one hand he was glad it was nothing important, but on the other hand he was annoyed that he'd snuck in here for something so stupid... He figured while he was here he may as well wait to hear what kind of creature would be coming though... Once he heard it would be a faun he dragged his hands down his face. GREAT... A constant partier, what a nuisance... Disgusted, Harken crawled back over to the tiny, round slatted ventilation window he had used to get in here and shoved it open and crawled out onto the roof. It was midwinter, so he wasn't concerned about being seen- it was dark almost constantly this time of year, it was more about making sure he wasn't going to drop off the roof and directly in front of someone, crouching at the edge for a few moments and listening, waiting. When the coast was clear, he dropped off the roof and into the snow and began heading away, directly for the safety of the forest, using his tail to swish away his footprints, hoping nobody had spotted him. The geezer would skin him if he broke his precious town rules...

[Connor will show up shortly, once a little time has passed, probably afternoon/evening time. Also, sorry about the delays! I feel like we have enough people to make a good start, but more are welcome to join anytime :>]
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Re: Wonderland Wasteland - Grimm Town - OPEN & ACCEPTING

Postby InfectedHau » Thu Sep 23, 2021 3:59 pm

Anya||Golem||17||Town Hall||Tagged: Open

    Resident Name:
    Resident Race:
    Resident Age:

    Anya looked up from her phone, now that the meeting was drawing to a close. New arrivals always excited her, it meant there was a new notebook for her to start filling out. She briefly contemplated asking Jewell what kind of person it was, but she figured it would be better to find out when they arrived. They were staying in town, so that meant they had to have some way of appearing human. It also meant she probably wouldn't interact with them all too much, she generally spent most of her time in the woods, with the people who couldn't blend in as much. She still went into town occasionally, just so people could see her and so that the humans could be assured that she most definitely did purchase and consume food (she mostly just gave it to the people in the woods, she found she liked cooking even if she couldn't actually eat). Turning to leave, the golem stepped out into the brisk morning air, keeping a weather eye on Sky's dog as she did so. Dogs were a risky prospect for her, even without the risk of them realizing she didn't smell human they tended to get jumpy, and the last thing she needed was getting her scarf pulled down. She'd rushed her paint job on the way out the door, so there was currently a ragged line at her neck where her pale flesh tones gave way to smooth porcelain.

    Speaking of food, was today a food day? She tended to forget, it wasn't necessarily something that was really important to her. She only ever did it because one time one of the humans had stopped by with a basket of baked goods. She was a sweet lady, one of those types that had been a hippie in the 70s and never really stopped being one, but it was a bit awkward having to hide the cans of flesh-colored paint. She hadn't realized people paid enough attention to her to notice that she never seemed to buy any food, but it was a valuable learning experience. She figured it couldn't hurt, she could at least grab something from the café.
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Re: Wonderland Wasteland - Grimm Town - OPEN & ACCEPTING

Postby Remini » Fri Sep 24, 2021 1:40 pm

Ayah :

A newcomer is always a good reason to get the majority of the small town out of their cozy homes and into the world. It was a fairly rare occurrence, with how many people wanted to live in the middle of nowhere after all. She could hear the excitement and feel it in the air, wishing she could see the happy and joyful faces around her. The town was pretty closely knit, but of course not everyone would be happy. Some of the residents seemed disgruntled, but they were few and far between. As she listened intently to the meeting, she caught a whiff of many different scent trails all mingled together. The smell of a well taken care of dog, which must have been Sky, or maybe even Howdy... he always had a dog smell about him for some reason, but she never heard one with him. She also caught a faint whisper of a more dark and heavy scent, with a woody after taste. Definitely Harken, the social recluse of the bunch as she had been told. She would very rarely catch his scent, mostly if she was out walking around later at night in the forested areas. Once Jewell had finished his speech, everyone began to disperse through the area, to continue about their day. Ayah had no plans, she never really did. She was scared to do something that would reveal herself as anything other than human.. not that she could see what human even looked like anyway. She walked out with the crowd, trying not to bump into anyone awkwardly. She heard the snow crunch under her shoes, and she felt the cold air numb her face. She paced around outside, kicking the snow around and shuffling her feet, bored. Maybe she would run into the new guy or someone else out here.

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Re: Wonderland Wasteland - Grimm Town - OPEN & ACCEPTING

Postby GraveBlues » Tue Sep 28, 2021 5:28 pm

As Skylah was leaving, she saw someone heading her same way, towards the cafe, and she happily bounced up a couple paces, catching up with her. “Hi! We haven’t had a lot of chance to talk before. You’re... Anya, right?” Sky said with a friendly smile. “I’m Skylah but everybody calls me Sky, and this is Basil,” she said, patting the head of her dog, who gazed at the golem silently, watchful yellow eyes fearless and intelligent. He was the least likely dog to bark or otherwise cause a ruckus, which is why he went everywhere and a lot of the others didn’t. “If you’re heading to the cafe, why don’t we walk together? I’m headed over there too, I thought it might be nice to grab some donuts or something to give to the new guy,” she burbled- she was happy and bubbly and she was excited for the newcomer. She was still pretty new here herself, she hadn’t been here a full year even yet, and she was still learning a lot of people’s names and getting introduced to a lot of people too. If Anya seemed visibly nervous around her dog, she reassured her that Basil was very friendly, wouldn’t hurt a fly! “You can pet him if you want,” she told Anya too, striking the dog’s head and around his ears to show that he was fine, he didn’t get all excited and jumpy like a lot of dogs.

Once Howdy had received the news that it was a Faun that would be coming here he left quietly, just giving the mayor a respectful little nod and leaving thoughtfully. He didn’t have any experience with fauns but he knew what they were. He wondered if the goat man might be helpful on the ranch, maybe he had some sort of.. goat powers that would make him get along with the farm animals better. Part of him also wondered if he’d be any good in a race with those legs. Having hooves must be so weird. He stepped outside and turned towards his delivery bundle sitting in the snow, spotting the town crazy right next to it, kicking her feet in the snow. She wasn’t really the town crazy, she just made Howdy extremely nervous. She’d told him once that he smelled like a dog and he’d been edgy around her ever since, and usually avoided her. Oh boy... He padded towards her, and then frowned. A little arctic fox was creeping up to the delivery, hoping to steal some food, “Hey, get away from that,” he barked a little to the fox, hoping Ayah didn’t think he was talking to her though. He came closer and waved his arms a bit in a shooing motion towards the little critter, which quickly skedaddled off nervously, disappearing into the snow with that white coat of his. He finished his approach much slower once it had run off, “Howdy,” he said quietly to Ayah as a greeting. That was always how he greeted everybody, it was kind of cute. “Sorry. Fox trying to steal food,” he explained to her. He knew she was blind, which in some ways was a huge blessing and relief. It was much easier to hide around her than most other folks...
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Re: Wonderland Wasteland - Grimm Town - OPEN & ACCEPTING

Postby InfectedHau » Wed Sep 29, 2021 12:19 pm

Anya||Golem||17||Outside||Tagged: Skylah
    Anya froze up for a moment, though it didn't really show. She was always relatively motionless, and her peerpetually-neutral eyes didn't really give any shock away. Slowly, she bent down to scratch Skylah's dog behind the ears, hoping it didn't mind cold fingers. She couldn't really feel, per se, but there was a vague sensation of something at the ends of her fingers, like a normal person might feel through thick gloves. [Sure], she said, holding out her phone so that Skylah could read it, [I was just gna grab somethin quick, but thats a good idea. :)] She didn't really interact with humans much, but it would probably be good for her to do so every so often. She didn't want to get a reputation as that weird lady that was always walking around in the woods. Not that she minded, she kinda was that, but it might get people out into the woods, which wouldn't be great for the others that lived out there.
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Re: Wonderland Wasteland - Grimm Town - OPEN & ACCEPTING

Postby GraveBlues » Thu Oct 07, 2021 4:07 am

Sky smiled in a friendly fashion as the other girl reached down to pet her dog, Basil watching Anya with his yellow eyes quietly. He didn't seem to mind her cold fingers- perhaps he was just used to that because of the cold temperatures up here, and he thumped his tail once or twice as his way of saying thank you for the scratches. He was a strange dog, he seemed so intelligent, he was always watching and sticking by Sky's side faithfully. Surely all of her dogs could sense something was awry with the town's inhabitants, and several of them never really got to go out in public like Basil did because they would bark or otherwise cause a ruckus around some of the magical creatures. All of the animal-like creatures seemed to get a lot of attention from the dogs- the Mayor, Howdy, Harvey, and even the shapeshifter Nathaniel would all elicit a lot of growls, barks, or at least a lot of sniffing. Having a faun coming would be fun...
Sky didn't know too much about Anya, and she'd almost forgotten that the girl was mute, peering at the phone that was held out to her and reading it, and then nodding brightly, "Sounds great. I never get to spend much time with anybody here, so it's nice to hang out. What do you usually get from the cafe?" She asked as she started to walk with her in the direction of the cozy little store. It was one of her favorite places in town; it was always warm and welcoming, and it smelled sooo good. The food and drink was always great there, too.
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