☀ The Sanctuary ☀ teens with powers ☀ Closed!

For roleplays featuring human or human-like characters which have inhuman abilities or live in an (original) fantasy world. E.g. vampires, shape-shifters, werewolves. However this category does not include roleplays based on existing fandoms such as Twilight or Harry Potter

Once the drama cools down a bit, want a timeskip?

Yes, skip to when the FIRST army is arriving at the Sanctuary. But have the other armies arrive pretty quickly after the first.
Yes, skip to when the LAST army finally arrives at the Sanctuary.
Total votes : 10

Re: The Sanctuary (teens with powers)

Postby wolf? » Mon Mar 27, 2017 12:13 pm

Jade shook her head, "Do you trust me?" she asked cautiously as sh held her hand out to him. "As I said before, I can hide us both. All I need is for you to trust me, and take my hand." she said frantically as the fight outside went on. Jade waited impatiently for an answer as she locked eyes with Andy, she didn't know if he would trust her yet, but she hoped hat he could so that they could both get away safely.
To all of my rps; I've been having lots of depression and anxiety issues lately and will tend to disappear for a week or so, so please be patient! I did not forget about you, I just don't have the will in me to get on every day. I will try to reply once or twice a week.
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Re: The Sanctuary (teens with powers)

Postby SunnyJustice » Mon Mar 27, 2017 12:15 pm

The Sanctuary

Wham! Timpani punched the basilisk in the mouth. Unfortunately, she could not dislocate the giant snake's retractable, ridiculously flexible jaw. She did end up knocking out a fang, and it hissed at her. Now it had a lisp. It was hard to tell with the hissing, but Timpani was sure it had a speech problem.
"What's your problem?" She snarled as she picked up the giant fang, and jabbed at the snake with it. "You want this re-attached? It'll cost you an arm and a leg."
The snake hissed in rage. Timpani could swear it actually understood her taunt.
She laughed then, harsh and furious as she jabbed at the basilisk with its own severed fang. The huge thing was not agile enough to dodge all Timpani's strikes. She lodged the fang between its scales and shoved with all her might. The basilisk shrieked in agony and thrashed around, whipping Timpani with its tail. She managed to hit the ground rolling, then righted herself within a second. She stood back up to see the snake was already dead.
If its venom could kill even its bearer that quickly, what would its bite do to a person? Surely the fighters' fire alignment would buy them some time, but Timpani knew they weren't invincible.
She had already killed several basilisks in this way. Impaling them with their own fangs. It was the only way she could think of, since she had no weapon of her own. It was the most risky way too, but effective. She was clearing out two sections of basilisks at once, and the remaining snakes were becoming wary.
She ignored Cilan's battle cry for as long as she could. Judging by the ridiculous amount of light coming from his area, Rowan just kept killing him and he just kept reviving. Timpani wished she could fight that way, but there was no use moping about it. She would fight the way that she did best.
Eventually, the stupid song got stuck in her head. It was so bad it was torturous. She decided to torment the basilisks with them too, they could share her suffering.
"I don't know, but I've been told!
Your dumb tricks are getting old!
I don't know, but it's been said!
Stupid worms gonna end up dead!"
The basilisks seemed further enraged. Good. They would swing their jaws lower for her to punch them. Timpani went for the most audacious one, and waited for it to make the first move.

Luno smiled and rose to his feet. Mayne was burning the pajamas of everyone who was already established at the Sanctuary; it was just himself and Cedar's family. However, the manticores had killed Gingko and the teenagers during a brutal fight. They had defeated all the manticores but one, and Luno knew the last one was gone now.
Of course, killing the enemy wouldn't bring back anyone they lost. It was why revenge was such a dangerous thing. Nobody truly won a war. Everyone would end up losing something in the end.
Luno knew a war was coming though, and he would try to protect everyone. A war was never without losses. Luno would ensure their losses would be replaceable things; the cabin, some property, or even the meadow. Solara could restore the meadow if the soldiers torched it.
"Mayne," Luno said gently as he tapped the boy on the shoulder. "We lost four of us before you even arrived. Gingko, Maple, and Willow's clothes are the largest; Olive's are the smallest. You can burn all of their clothes. Willow hated those clothes and I am sure she will enjoy watching them be incinerated."


The Capital City

Cyprian hated this place. Alastair had established a new system since he came into power, and his decrees were so firm that nobody dared disobey him. Instead of the old trade system, now this place ran with something called 'money'. Differently sized pieces of metal were called 'coins', with the largest gold ones being worth most. Cyprian had only a few small, copper coins in his pocket. He had stolen them from kids at school.
Back in the old days he was good at haggling. Because he was an early grower, people were intimidated by his size and would happily offer him a lower price. Once he traded just two eggs for a pair of ballet shoes. Enraged, his father had burnt the shoes in a fire when he found them. Alastair had forced Cyprian to crawl around the house instead of walking, for an entire year. Cyprian was still bitter about it. He just wanted to dance ballet.
"I dunno. Maybe dad burned them all," Cyprian said unhappily as he stormed down the dark streets. People passing by gave him a wide berth. "We could try that pizza place that August Aguado runs. I always liked watching him spin the crust."


The Prison

Ivana chuckled and followed Amber. "As long as it helps us leave sooner. I am fed up with this horrible place. It smells revolting and I am beginning to feel claustrophobic."
Wait! You just passed the corridor, Luno's voice interrupted in her head.
Ivana sighed and took her sister's hand gently. "Amber, Luno is in my head again. Here. Follow me."
A little grumpily, she went the way Luno told her. She wasn't much fond of mental conversations with this lunatic, whose voice was an octave higher than her own mother's. Luno kept on giving her instructions and Ivana was not happy about it. She was deeply offended and she couldn't wait to get this over with.
When they reached Solara, she was just standing there. Just standing there and staring at a disgracing closed door. What the actual disgrace. Ivana was seething with so much rage that her hair began moving of its own accord, from wild sparks of electricity escaping off her head.
"Is everything alright, your majesty?" Ivana managed to say in a sweet voice. She even smiled. Right now, she really wanted to give Solara a shock and snap that brute to attention. The most intense rage was flooding her veins. She felt like her blood had been replaced with pure venom.
Do you like fireworks, sweetie? Luno asked her cheerfully, interrupting her thought.
I love watching fireworks, Ivana responded. Why?
Oh... I wasn't talking about watching them!
Luno giggled. I meant, would you want to become fireworks?
Ivana didn't know how to respond to that. Was this guy completely insane? As soon as the thought passed her mind, she realized that was a rhetorical question. If Luno was not a complete lunatic, than no one else could be considered crazy.
You don't want to become fireworks? Luno said sweetly. Then be careful around fire, dear!
Ivana's blood ran cold as she realized Luno was threatening her. She thought about how powerful the Celestial Couple really was. She ought to take them more seriously instead of judging them at every move.
Solara hadn't responded to her question though, which was very infuriating... Ivana sighed and tightened her grip on Amber's hand. She would have lost her composure if it wasn't for Amber being here.

Samuel could not believe Casedy had offered to check, yet she hadn't made a move after this entire time. He was getting seriously impatient. He was so impatient, he even grabbed the key that Kale had. "Fine. I'll check," Sammy said and left the group. He walked forward, making sure to open all the other closed cells along the way. There were still several teenagers the green-eyed boy missed. Samuel wasn't going to leave behind Fern, Oliver, or the others.
When he finally reached the door, he pushed as hard as he could. Then he realized it was a pull door, not a push door. "I meant to do that," He said with a grin.
Samuel took a step back, and pulled the door handle with all his might. It didn't budge at first, but slowly the hinges emitted a creaking sound. Then all of a sudden it flew open wide.
Sunlight flooded the room.
"What the...!" Samuel exclaimed, stumbling back as he covered his eyes.
"It's Queen Solara. It's actually her," Waverly breathed with his quiet voice full of awe. "I thought she was dead... are we dead?"
"Totally," Samuel said with a sarcastic roll of his eyes. He looked back at the others, then at the teenagers still inside their cells. "Guys. Solara's actually back. You know what that means? We can get rid of Ala-"
"Shh!" Waverly said, going even more pale than he already was. "Not so loud..."
Solara hadn't said a word. She entered the room in silence, acknowledging each prisoner with a nod before kneeling beside Kale. Samuel looked at them and snickered, since Waverly was just staring in awe. Solara took Kale into her arms like he was a child, cradling him with surprising gentleness for her size. She rose to her feet and addressed everyone in the room, still holding Kale in her arms as she spoke.
"... Come with me. The Sanctuary awaits."

[All accepted. ^_^]
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Re: The Sanctuary (teens with powers)

Postby ~Rue~ » Mon Mar 27, 2017 12:48 pm

I nod, I don't trust people easy but Jade is different. I really feel like I can trust her. "Just be careful. One look at a basilisk's eyes and we're dead." I say. I never admit i am scared because my father would hit me for it. I AM scared though because I don't want Jade to get hurt. I just found a friend and I REFUSE to lose her.
"I trust you. Just promise me you will not get hurt." I say to her. looking her in the eyes.
I take her hand.

I just fly around and I try not to laugh. The basilisks are being squished like WORMS! I am a bird right now and you know what they say, the early bird gets the worm....
I chirp laugh and drop more sticks to the fire.

When Solara comes in the door I relax, finally. I was almost going to die. I bury my face in her shirt when she picks me up. "Thank you Solara." I say as I just soak in the light. She is so warm. I remember when my mom and dad used to hug me like this. I bite my lip. I can't cry in front of ALL these people! I decide not to take my face out of her shirt. "Ready to go when you are." I say. I knew the Sanctuary wil be beautiful.

"Thanks!" I say to the red head boy. Then I smile at Solara. The light is just what I needed! I look at the others and I hope they are ready to go soon. The girl who was in the cell with me is not doing well. I go back in to check on her. I am not leaving without her and you can try to make me.

i keep running towards the prison. I need to get to my kids before Alastair or worse Agatha does.
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Re: The Sanctuary (teens with powers)

Postby wolf? » Mon Mar 27, 2017 1:17 pm

Jade Wolff

"I promise." she said before explaining her plan, she didn't know if it was going to work, but she had to get them out of there. "Alright, so when we get outside, we need to run as fast as we can away from those Basilisks." Jade said before making them both flicker in and out of sight, "If we get separated, you won't be invisible anymore." she said, looking into his eyes as she spoke. Jade nodded before making them both completely vanish, and started to walk towards the door.
To all of my rps; I've been having lots of depression and anxiety issues lately and will tend to disappear for a week or so, so please be patient! I did not forget about you, I just don't have the will in me to get on every day. I will try to reply once or twice a week.
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Re: The Sanctuary (teens with powers)

Postby Azaline » Mon Mar 27, 2017 1:22 pm


He practically melted into her arms, enjoying the physical contact, especially Xia's.

Wait. She couldn't go out there. Not with the basilisk. She couldn't get hurt, and he knew he had to stop her.

"Xia," Silas said, gently pulling away. "It's too dangerous. You can't go, please. If you get hurt I... I don't know what I would do. And the smoke could trigger your asthma. Or you could be turned into stone! Or you could be bitten, or crushed, or accidentally burned..."


Jaai pondered this thoughtfully. She never had enough chances to explore the town, as she usually was too busy making plans to take over the world and doing homework. Her family rarely ate out because her father took care of the food. He ran a butcher shop, so they usually had pork or something with vegetables and fruits from his garden.
In that moment, she realized exactly her father's intentions with her brother's pet pig. She chucked, shaking her head. Then she looked around, returning to the task on hand.
"Isn't that just down the block?" She asked, standing on her tip toes to look over the people. Actually, there weren't many people to look over. Once she looked again, she realized there weren't many people within five feet of any direction of her and Cyprian.
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Re: The Sanctuary (teens with powers)

Postby hellb0und » Mon Mar 27, 2017 1:57 pm

ᴊ ᴇ ɴ ɴ ɪ ғ ᴇ ʀ

❝this is no place for a girl on fire.❞


Once the creatures have been taken down, her vision again began to malfunction. Looking around everything slowly grew black, pull yourself together you disgrace! Growling she made a furious attempt to again right herself and continue attacking. Although all she did was fall to the terrain in an hopeless attempt to stop it. Please.. Don't black out.. The others had still been fighting, and they were easily killing the Basilisks. Except for the fact the things simply continued to grow larger in number. Without another thought her vision had gone black, and everything she'd seen had been shrouded in darkness.

v ι v ι e n

❝difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations.❞


Staring at Solara in disbelief, Vivien abruptly stumbles back from the light. The Sanctuary? She'd known she had heard something about it before, the place hadn't been completely unfamiliar. Muttering something under her breath as the Aguado brothers acted like imbeciles. She walked forward, towards Solara. Everything about her had been.. Well, interesting. She was a legend after all, and meeting her had been deemed as impossible. At least that was the way Vivien had seen it. Maybe she could figure out who her birth parents were, after all it was Solara. She decided to wait and ask later, right now they had more important things to focus on. Plus, why should she care for them? They never cared for her. Scowling in disgust she silently continued trudging behind the male.
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Re: The Sanctuary (teens with powers)

Postby SunnyJustice » Mon Mar 27, 2017 2:25 pm

The Sanctuary

Cilan was living it up. Or, more accurately, dying it up. He threw himself at the basilisks aimlessly, making them converge their attacks at him. Then once the basilisks were congregated together, he would give the signal for Rowan to fire. It was the most reckless way to fight, but 'reckless' was normal for a young phoenix.
"Come at me!" He shrieked when he revived yet again.
The light surrounding him dimmed enough to allow vision. Rowan was standing in front of him. Cilan almost forgot that Rowan could see perfectly through light or dark, now that he was physically blind and had Solara's sight.
"What is it?" Cilan asked, slightly impatiently. "Let me fight."
"The basilisks are gone from this area, and Jen is having trouble." Rowan gestured worriedly.
Cilan didn't need to be told twice. With a primal battle cry, he grabbed Rowan's hand and raced towards Jen's section. Cilan immediately threw himself at the nearest snake as Rowan knelt beside Jen, placing his hand on hers.
"Take her to the fire!" Cilan yelled at Rowan as he wrestled the snake, taking it by the tail.
Without another word, Rowan picked up the fallen fire-wielder and ran towards the meadow center. Cilan just had to hold out until he was back. Gritting his teeth, he dodged the jaws of one basilisk- and ran straight into the mouth of another. "Aw, come on!" He groaned as it sank its fangs into his torso. His entire body felt like it was on fire, which was weird, considering he was Solara's son. He shouldn't fear fire, but this was agony.
He was too surrounded by basilisks to know where Rowan was, and he couldn't move. He just lay helplessly on the ground as the snakes continued to strike relentlessly. Cilan hoped Rowan would get here quickly. This really sucked. Even with a phoenix's ridiculously high pain tolerance, this was really a pain in the neck (well, more like lots of pain in his entire body, if you wanted to get Solara-literal).
"Where the disgrace are you!" Cilan yelled at the top of his lungs. "These things are torturing me!"
One of the basilisks moved momentarily, just enough for Cilan to see. Rowan was still all the way at the Sanctuary, putting Jen down where the others were feeding the fire. He started to run back, but he was going to take forever.
"Can you hurry the disgrace up! I don't have all day, but these maggots obviously do!"


Capital City

"Yeah, I think so." Cyprian grinned. He didn't need to walk far, which was good. He hated walking down the streets, because people kept on giving him weird looks. Cyprian couldn't tell what emotions they had. He sucked at figuring this stuff out. He smiled when he saw Jaai standing on her tiptoes. She was so little. Although she had a height of 5'1", her attitude was over even Vulcana Steele's height. Her attitude was about 7'1". Cyprian loved it.
Once they did reach the store, Cyprian scowled. The dust-covered windows were broken, and he could see overturned tables inside. It was barren, save for several huge cockroaches that nibbled at some garbage strewn on the floor. What the disgrace happened to this place?
"I always went here," He muttered. "You got anywhere else?"


The Prison

Ivana stayed outside the room with Amber. She was completely prepared to electrocute any miscreants who dared intrude right now. If guards were on their way, they were in for a nasty surprise. They would not have expected the Timekeeper heiresses to be siding with the prisoners, considering Ivana's judgmental personality and obsession with cleanliness.
She looked inside. Solara was just standing there, cradling a big 6'1" guy and having no expression. She never had much of an expression. It drove Ivana mad, because Solara was about as emotional as a rock or chunk of metal.
"... Not all of you are ready. I will wait," Solara said slowly, after a long pause.
And she just stood there.
"Hurry up guys!" One of the redheaded boys yelled. "I want to see the Sanctuary."
"Quiet down, Samuel," The other redhead told him.
"Waverly, you're not my mother!" Samuel retorted as he pulled Waverly to his feet. "Oooh, I can't wait to see what the Sanctuary is like. Bet they have great pasta."
Ivana took a deep breath. She needed to control her anger and not zap these kids into roast chicken...
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Re: The Sanctuary (teens with powers)

Postby darcy_jensen » Mon Mar 27, 2017 2:33 pm

l i l y // a l l i n g t o n
power // teleportation crush // rowan tagged // xia, silas

teleporting from the centre of the forest where she collected armfuls of branches, to the Sanctuary where the fire burned bright, Lily was focused and ready. bouncing back to near where her travelings friends were battling the giant snakes, she threw the twigs into the flames, watching as the sparks reached towards the sky. she was praying that Rowan was okay, it's not like he could heal himself. teleporting inside the cabin, she smiled when she saw Xia and Silas having a moment, before remembering that the the aura reader had bad asthma, and dealing with a fire probably wasn't going to help. digging into her backpack that was always on her back, she pulled on a bandana, and bounced into the kitchen where she grabbed a cookie to eat, and ran water over the bandana, before skipping back to present the now damp cloth to Xia.
"sorry to interrupt, but if you find that smoke gets too much, you can tie this around your nose and mouth to help with your asmtha," she offered hesitantly.
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Re: The Sanctuary (teens with powers)

Postby TheFae » Mon Mar 27, 2017 2:38 pm

Location: Basilisk Hunting
Tagged: Cilan

Flynn was just running, when he glanced around. He saw Jen go down, and she stopped moving. Rowan was helping, but Cilan was getting slaughtered. Flynn abandoned his section, despite the pain in his arm. His whole body felt like it was burning, but it fueled his anger. He worked through most of the pain, shouting instead. He hacked his way towards Cilan.
"I'll do you a favor if you do me a favor!" Flynn shouted over the noise of the basilisks. He was finally by Cilan.
"I'm going to revive you, and take away the pain, but once this is all over, you better be shedding some of those sweet tears on me, brother." Flynn smiled as he held up his arm with his other hand. His right arm was completely useless. He then whirled around and killed a basilisk just as it was about to strike him. Without another thought, he turned around and slit Cilan's throat. It was the fastest and most gentlest way he could do it. He then whirled around and started running in a large circle, hacking at everything and everything. He was getting so tired, but his anger was the only thing that was keeping him going.

Location: Prison
Tagged: Everyone

Amber placed a calming arm on Ivana. She then turned to Solara.
"Excuse my brashness, Solara, but now is not the time to wait for everyone. We can explain and help anyone out if they do not wish to be in Sanctuary, but we need to leave now. I damaged the system, yes, but there are still guards and I know I am too tired to hold off anyone for much longer." Amber explained. She knew Ivana wanted to roast all of these people, including Solara, but Amber wouldn't let her. She grabbed onto her sister and squeezed her hand once, knowing Ivana would understand.

Location: Sanctuary
Tagged: King Luno

Mayne looked up at Luno, and smiled. Luno was trying to help as well, and it made Mayne's heart warm. He ran inside, and found the rooms where Olive, Willow, Gingko, and Maple used to reside. He grabbed as much cloth as possible and ran back downstairs, starting a new round of climbing the stairs and running outside. He had to keep the fire burning, or at least help. There had to be a home in which he could protect.

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and the strength of the
wolf is the pack.

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Re: The Sanctuary (teens with powers)

Postby SunnyJustice » Mon Mar 27, 2017 4:04 pm

The Sanctuary

Once he revived, Cilan breathed a sigh of relief. Good thing that was over. That was a nightmare, and thankfully Flynn had woken him up. Those basilisks had been purposely trying to torment him or something.
"Thanks, Flynn!" He shouted as he lunged back into the battle. "Now it's time t-"

He opened his eyes and rose to his feet. The phoenix boy groaned as he realized he had just run into Flynn's sword and got himself cut in half. That was not one of his most spectacular moments.
"Uhh... I'll be right beside you. In the other section." Cilan grinned and ran at another bunch of snake idiots. Rowan was almost here now, so he could resume his regularly scheduled idiocy.


The Prison

Ivana knew she had to calm down, especially considering how she couldn't predict Solara's reaction. The Queen was just standing there facing Amber, silent. Ivana didn't even know why Hesenia's old leader was making such uneducated decisions. Maybe she was getting too old for a leadership position. Ivana suppressed a smile, certain that Solara would realize she was wrong and admit it in front of everyone.
"... I am doing a head count of the living." Solara explained to Amber calmly.
How was that idiot doing a head count, her eyes weren't even open. And plus, was she even smart enough to count in her head? She seemed like the type who would count using her fingers.
Be careful, sweetie! Luno whistled. Remember who you're talking to. My sunshine isn't one of your mortal prisoners who needs to hide from Alastair's goons!
Ivana ignored him completely.
"Amber's right," Ivana said as she squeezed her sister's hand back. "We really must go. My family could be put in danger if the soldiers know I am here."
"... I can see where they are, and I will take care of it." Solara's patient tone didn't change as she set Kale down. "... Do not fear the soldiers."
Ivana smiled at her, but she really wanted to zap her to kingdom come.
"You guys are taking forever. Even if we have Solara to protect us, we should try to get a move on." Samuel said as he picked up one of the prisoners. Ivana recognized her classmate Oliver.
Following his brother's lead, Waverly picked up the other unconscious prisoner- the girl who Fern Birch wouldn't leave. Ivana knew the Birch family pretty well. They were very... outspoken.
"... That is everyone. Follow me," Solara said as she led the way out.
Stupid brute. Took you long enough.
Please trust Sunny; she does things for a purpose,
Luno told her gently. What is your purpose?
Ivana didn't respond, just followed silently and dragged Amber along. She would have to get back to him on that one...


The Prison Corridors

Zelkova hadn't quite appeared to the dying soldiers yet, but she knew the poor souls could sense her presence. They were incredibly on edge. She wished they were more comfortable around her, since all she wanted was a hug. She certainly hoped people didn't compare Zelkova to her sister, Agatha.
Nobody would do such a thing! Livius exclaimed with a laugh. What's your problem? You've been unhappy ever since we confronted Agatha in the Underworld!
I haven't seen my sister for a long time,
Zelkova told him. But the show must go on. My job today is to collect my patients, and run my show to keep everyone in Celestial Tower sane.
Alright. You better be feeling better after this! Three... two... one... action!
Welcome back. Today's lesson is on The Hesenian Zodiac. Brought to you by your guide, Zelkova.

She stepped into the corridor. Some of the soldiers hadn't completely died. Instead, they had lain there paralyzed for this entire time. Zelkova had promised to come back for them, and now she was here.
They seemed a lot more relaxed now that they saw her.
"I am back, as I said." Zelkova smiled sweetly at them. "Before we go, I have one question for you. How do you feel about your zodiac sign? Starting with January."
"Conlan? He never blessed me with good fighting skills." One of the soldiers laughed. "I died by one teenage girl. Not too badass if you asked me."
"How about Februar-"
One of the soldiers interrupted immediately. "If I really was as agile as Luno, I'd have dodged that bolt!"
"And I definitely didn't charm the Timekeeper into sparing us..." Another said sheepishly. It had been the one leading the chase. He had a rather uncharismatic face, but it was charming in its own... unique way.
"March, anyone?"
"Terentia's endurance? That didn't come in handy." One soldier crossed his arms as he stood up. "I didn't have enough time to even see if I had it."
"April's next," Another guard said before Zelkova even spoke. "And I feel like Livius forgot to give me that 'longer life' my horoscope said I'd get."
"May," A second guard blurted. "Do I look as strong as Vulcana to you?" He flexed an arm, which was extremely skinny. Everyone laughed except for a guard standing right beside him.
"I was born in June," The grumpy guard said, "And I don't think Ivana was scared of my 'hidden potential'."
Everyone laughed harder.
"Alright, how about July?" Zelkova brought them back on topic.
"'Run like the wind!'" A guard mocked Aeliana's high-pitched voice. "Bah humbug! I'd have left the rest of you in the dust. I don't know about you idiots, but I didn't ask to be fighting a Timekeeper!"
"August is not my month!" Yelled another. "My birthday was tomorrow but now I'll never reach it. If I really had Solara's perseverance, I'd have lain here dying for another thirteen hours!"
"September is even worse." The shortest of the guards turned up his nose. "Adam was my sign, and his daughter fried me. And just after I failed an entry exam for my favorite university too. I thought my birthday made me smart?"
"I was born in October and I don't see me escaping death," Another soldier said as he stifled a laugh.
"Although she is very hot," Said his neighbor. "I was born in November, but I wasn't flexible enough to avoid that lightning thing. But being dead makes my schedule flexible at least. I can thank Mariana now, I suppose. Hey Zelkova, are you free Friday night?"
She laughed, but another soldier spoke up before she could respond.
"On the first day of Holidays, this lady gave to me..." He sang dramatically. "A ticket to meet my granny!"
The July guy slapped him on the back. "Your granny's dead, Seth!"
"Exactly!'' Seth laughed. "So I was saying... December is Albina, right? Well she's supposed to be all pure and clean, and always smelling like fresh snow. But..."
"Ugh!" The May guy exclaimed. "Don't talk about how you didn't shower in a month!!"
Zelkova laughed nervously... this episode had not gone as planned.
... And that brings us to our program's conclusion... Join me next time for 'Hugs and Your Health'. Now if you will excuse me, my job today is not finished.
Stay tuned for more to come.
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