Bushems | Aussie Pixel Adopts question pg9

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Bushems | Aussie Pixel Adopts question pg9

Postby liiontai » Sun Feb 06, 2022 4:43 am

Image Bushems Image

litter archive / bank | trades | user archive



welcome to bushems!

    so what exactly is a bushem? bushems are my little pixel project designed to bring awareness to my favourite aussie critters! a lot of people are unaware of some of our more obscure (or even iconic) native species, so i want to create some funky pixels to share the love with the rest of cs. the creatures featured here are all either endangered or vulnerable, consider donating to their organisations to assist in their conservation ♥ new species will be added periodically.

    please read our rules before adopting. i recommend reading through all of the info available in each post at least once. litters will either be fcfs, simple comps, or purchased with either our species currency/C$.
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Rules / Staff

Postby liiontai » Sun Feb 06, 2022 4:44 am

Image Rules Image

these are not optional! you must read through everything

    i. be respectful of everyone else in the community. please avoid drama.
    ii. please do not beg or guilt trip if someone else gets a bushem you wanted.
    iii. you may take these offsite, however you must link back to this thread.
    iv. you may upload to storage sites (eg toyhou.se) however you must credit the designer and myself (th@liiontai) for the lineart.
    v. bushems may only be traded for other bushems, species currency/items or the equivalent C$ they were purchased for.
    vi. do not complain if you didn't get the species you wanted. its part of the fun!
    vii. you may only claim one bushem per litter. in a competition you may enter for multiple but will only win one.
    viii. you can only explore five times a day. allow a few days for explorations to process as i am busy.
    ix. you may politely answer someone's question or remind them of a rule if the information is posted somewhere on our threads. please do not attempt to mini-mod or be harsh though.

    these rules are subject to change/update at any time.

Image StaffImage

liiontai wrote:
'message me about
anything! happy to help'
nio wrote:
'hi im sun i'm
just some dude'
WillowArmadillo wrote:
'here to help make
some tiny friends!'

    artist applications are OPEN through my pms! please provide me some examples of your work (for artists) and previous experience (if applicable). artists would be required to create a litter at least once every 2-3 months. they would receive a set amount of gum nuts per bushem produced (25 as discussed with staff, open to altering!), the ability to produce custom bushems for themselves whenever, and the ability to charge C$/gn for their litters/breeding and customs slots. it is preferred you have a discord.
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Species Info

Postby liiontai » Sun Feb 06, 2022 4:44 am

Image Species Info Image

bushems are made up of multiple different species native to australia. new ones may be added over time or through the rare chance one is discovered through exploration. suggestions for new species are welcome, granted they are aussie! the sprites below are free to display for everyone provided they are linked to this thread.

the species currently available are listed below.

    Numbat. Myrmecobius fasciatus.
    Also known as the banded anteater.

    Code: Select all

    Wombat. Vombatidae.
    They poop cubes. There are 3 species of wombat.

    Code: Select all

Image Discovered Mutations Image

nothing yet.
Last edited by liiontai on Sun Feb 06, 2022 7:05 pm, edited 8 times in total.
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Postby liiontai » Sun Feb 06, 2022 4:45 am

Image Adoptions Image

this is where you can adopt a bushem, either through a new litter or the pound.
bushems not adopted in a litter/bushems returned for readoption will be put in the pound.

Image Litters Image

all bushems are born through eggs (even if their real life equivalent isn't!). these eggs will somewhat resemble their grown counterpart. some litters will have multiple species present, others may consist of only one species.
its a surprise what species you end up with!

some litters will be free, either fcfs or simple prompt competitions. other may charge gum nuts Image or C$.
artists charging gn for their adopts will be transferred the gn to their account.
if an artist is charging C$ you should send the C$ to their account, not me.

you may only claim one bushem per litter. in a competition you may enter for multiple but will only win one. do not edit your forms, if you get sniped/make a mistake post another. you must have a post on the user archive thread to claim a bushem.
if you don't have a user archive post you may make one immediately after claiming.

you may claim a bushem for gum nuts if you don't currently have any in your bank, however you must submit your form and send the trade for the gum nuts either in the post before or with your adoption form.

scaley babies. free fcfs.
artist: WillowArmadillo

optional bonus: if you can guess the type of snake your egg is based on, you receive 20 gn.

1. Image
owned by: nio

2. Image
owned by: Otea

3. Image
owned by: autumnowl

4. Image
owned by: -icarus-

5. Image
owned by: littleminicooper

Code: Select all
[i]i want to adopt![/i]
[b]litter name:[/b]
[b]egg number:[/b]

Image Pound Image

these bushems have already been grown and as such aren't eggs! some may be free or have a small adoption fee.

all adopted! check back another time

Code: Select all
[i]i want to adopt from the pound![/i]
[b]pound number:[/b]

Last edited by liiontai on Thu Apr 07, 2022 4:44 pm, edited 22 times in total.
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Postby liiontai » Sun Feb 06, 2022 4:45 am

Image Exploration Image
new areas may be added over time.

send your bushems exploring! they might bring back something interesting..
you can only explore up to five times per day, in the same or different areas.
submit different forms for different areas.

bushems found while exploring have a slim chance of a mutation

The Bush
Price: 20 Image

gum nuts (1-100) : 40%
random item : 31%
nothing : 20%
bushem : 8%
new species : 1%

The Shrubland
Price: 50 Image

gum nuts (1-100) : 40%
random item : 39%
nothing : 15%
bushem : 5%
new species : 1%

The Outback
Price: 90 Image

gum nuts (1-200) : 20%
random item : 40%
nothing : 25%
bushem : 14%
new species : 1%

The Rainforest
Price: 140 Image

gum nuts (1-200) : 20%
random item : 40%
nothing : 18%
bushem : 20%
new species : 2%

Code: Select all
[i]i want to explore![/i]
[b]how many times are you exploring?:[/b] (1-5)
[b]gn total:[/b]

Last edited by liiontai on Wed Mar 02, 2022 1:34 pm, edited 10 times in total.
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Shop / Currency

Postby liiontai » Sun Feb 06, 2022 4:45 am

Image Shop Image

this is where you can buy items / accessories for use within bushems.
if buying an accessory you must also list which bushem you would like to apply it to.

Breeding Banksia
Required to breed your Bushems.
One needed per breeding.

Price: 150 Image
Stock: 0

Cooldown Correa
Removes the breeding cooldown of one Bushem.
Price: 80 Image
Stock: 0

Mutating Marianthus
Allows one mutation to pass onto at least one offspring.
Price: 100 Image
Stock: 0

Code: Select all
[i]i want to buy something![/i]
[b]price total:[/b]

these are accessories that can be added to your bushem.
keep in mind that some items may conflict placement wise, so i may turn some forms down. this also goes for mutations that conflict.
you may remove an item from your bushem in order to replace it, however this item will not be re-added to your inventory.

you can leave the 'bushem' part of the form blank if you wish to keep them in your inventory.

Bowler Hat
Image Image Image
Price: 50 Image
Stock: 5
Note: ribbon colour changeable

Bow Tie
Image Image
Price: 30 Image
Stock: 5
Note: colour changeable

Code: Select all
[i]i want to buy an accessory![/i]
[b]price total:[/b]
[b]customise:[/b] (if applicable)
[b]bushem:[/b] (if equipping immediately)

Image Currency Image

the currency of bushems is gum nuts! Image you may see it simplified as gn or just Image
anyone wishing to acquire gn Image should send trades to myself, i will update the bank/process trades as often as possible

C$ for gn Image

C$1 : 2 Image
C$10 : 20 Image
C$50 : 100 Image
C$100 : 200 Image
and so on.

pets for gn Image

wishlist highly preffered.

omgsc : 1 Image
vc: 2 Image
c : 6 Image
uc : 10 Image
r : 50 Image
vr : 200 Image
omgsr : 3000 Image

store pet : + 50%

Code: Select all
[i]i want to exchange for currency![/i]
[b]amount of gn:[/b]
Last edited by liiontai on Fri Mar 04, 2022 1:29 pm, edited 10 times in total.
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Customs / Breedings

Postby liiontai » Sun Feb 06, 2022 4:46 am

Image Customs Image

currently: CLOSED

here is where you can order a custom bushem. custom bushems do not have egg stages.
to order a custom you need a ticket. artists can charge whatever they want for their slots.
opening announcements will be made on this thread.

liiontai's slots
price per slot: ???
1. closed 2. closed 3. closed

Code: Select all
[i]i want a custom slot![/i]
[b]ticket:[/b] link to purchase

Image Breedings Image

currently: CLOSED

here is where you can breed your own bushems, or breed with someone else.
tickets/items for breeding can be found in the shop.
artists can charge whatever they want for their slots. opening announcements will be made on this thread.

bushem breedings have a chance to result in 2-3 offspring.
2 offspring : 80% | 3 offspring : 20%

    notes/rules wrote:i. bushems of any gender can breed together, as long they are not related. litters, though called 'litters', are not considered related/siblings.
    ii. to breed at least one user must have a breeding banksia. it will be deducted from whoever posts the form.
    iii. there isn't an egg stage for breedings.
    iv. users must decide between themselves who gets who. if two users cannot decide who gets the third offspring they may offer it to staff to be adopted out.
    v. bushems have a cooldown of 30 days. the cooldown correa can be used to overturn this.

liiontai's slots:
price per slot: ???
1. closed 2. closed 3. closed

Code: Select all
[i]i want a breeding slot![/i]
[b]bushem one:[/b] link to user archive
[b]item being used?:[/b]

[b]partner's username:[/b]
[b]bushem two:[/b] link to user archive
[b]item being used?:[/b]

Last edited by liiontai on Sat Feb 12, 2022 6:13 pm, edited 9 times in total.
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Re: Bushems | Aussie Pixel Adopts DO NOT POST

Postby liiontai » Sun Feb 06, 2022 4:46 am

emily • she/her • lesbian
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hi! :3c call me liion/emily
pm me if you need help !!
used to be liontamer321

i'm really into vtubers and
vocaloid at the moment!
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Re: Bushems | Aussie Pixel Adopts DO NOT POST

Postby liiontai » Sun Feb 06, 2022 4:47 am

ok now this is open for marking :"D
emily • she/her • lesbian
CS HelpArt Shop
My THThistlehooves
commissions: OPEN
art trades: closed

hi! :3c call me liion/emily
pm me if you need help !!
used to be liontamer321

i'm really into vtubers and
vocaloid at the moment!
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