Re: [RPG] Kalon Summer Event // Prompts

Postby Kim Jongdae » Sat Jul 01, 2017 7:05 pm

    Prompt 6 | Jia-Ae | Roster Post | word count: 151
    Yᴏᴜ ʀᴜɴ ᴀᴄʀᴏss sᴏᴍᴇ ʟᴏᴄᴀʟ ᴡɪʟᴅʟɪꜰᴇ! (After setting up camp for the night, you encounter some local wildlife. Are they helpful or a hindrance to your hero? Wonder how you'll deal with this one...)

    Stepping through the foliage, Jia-Ae finds himself coming across countless creatures of the forest. For the most part, they had enough sense to hide from him as he walked through, some skittering across his path to get to the other side, or hiding until he had passed them to come out of hiding. Regardless of how they hid, Jia-Ae was aware of them. Especially when one particularly bold creature stepped into his path and stopped like a deer in headlights. It stared at him and cocked its head, and Jia-Ae simply tried to shoo it away to the best of his ability. He took a step towards them and made some sort of a shooing motion with his hands and arms. Though to no avail, so Jia-Ae simply decided to walk around them from around the tree. Not a big burden, in his opinion but a slight hindrance in his path.
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Re: [RPG] Kalon Summer Event // Prompts

Postby dolly » Sat Jul 01, 2017 7:14 pm


Apollyon embraces his new friends while Rossa and Roxanne shoo them away so that they may sleep in peace.
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Re: [RPG] Kalon Summer Event // Prompts

Postby Izuku » Sat Jul 01, 2017 11:48 pm

prompt 6 - (clicky click for full res)

pros and cons of being a disney princess

- it doesn't get cold at night
- sometimes your friends are so big that the other members of your party would rather make another camp away from you
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Re: [RPG] Kalon Summer Event // Prompts

Postby apprentice_ » Sun Jul 02, 2017 12:00 am

    [ login : rainichi ] day five
        onion || lvl 3 alchemist || lawful good || 19 y/o
      a farmer who used to travel a lot ! he's pretty useless in general, but he tries really hard! when he does manage to do something right, it's a big help. he likes to talk about his chickens.

        lis || lvl 173 knight || neutral good || 23 y/o
      lis is a knight without a permanent home! she's the most useful member of the party when if comes to fighting, but she can be both airheaded and hotheaded. she just has a big head all around. she's p cute tho

        reuben || lvl 48 archer || true neutral || 21 y/o
      kind of a jerk |'D reuben is always just looking for some fun, regardless of what he has to do to get it. he's kind of shady actually.
      best not leave him alone for too long.

      for more information on these characters, you can click their names !!

      [ Current Stats (out of 150 hp, 100 energy, 100 hunger, 75 sanity) ]
      Onion 』|| 142 hp || 46 energy || 62 hunger || 70 sanity
      Lisbeth 』|| 148 hp || 67 energy || 54 hunger || 71 sanity
      Reuben 』|| 150 hp || 61 energy || 68 hunger || 74 sanity

      [ Our heroes have gotten lost deep within the forest! There’s no sign of civilization and the sun has already set. Everyone is tired and a bit discouraged. ]
        ▷ Venture forth, there’s still hope!
        It’s time to give it a rest for the night.
    [ Reuben breaks the silence. ] “We’re just wandering endlessly. We should set up camp for the night.”

    The three kalons, Reuben, Lis, and Onion, come to a stop. They survey the area; If anything, they’ve at least passed the initial eeriness of the forest. It’s still bleak, and silent save for their footsteps, but they have yet to encounter any other life- besides plant life, anyway.

    [ Lisbeth ] “I... agree. I volunteer to stay awake as guard for the first shift.” Lis turns her head away from her other two party members and whispers, “Only because I don’t trust either of you to keep us alive.”

    [ Reuben ] “Oi, what was that?”
    [ Lisbeth looks back and gives a nervous grin. ] ”Aha, what was what?”
    [ Reuben looks suspicious, but doesn’t press on. ]

    In the meantime, Onion has already sat down, stationed against a large tree. He wouldn’t normally be cautious of bugs, but he worries that maybe in this unknown land, there are also unknown creepy crawlies, larger and scarier than he’s used to. He shivers at the thought of what monstrous things there might be.
      [ Onion loses 1 sanity. New total: 69 ]
    Lis and Reuben are less worried about bugs, are more worried about legitimate monsters, or large animals. Unfortunately, there’s little they can do to make the situation better. Our heroes will just have to hope for the best.

      [ It’s time to make camp. What should be done first? ]
        ▷ Build a campfire
        Pitch a tent
    No time to waste. Lis received supplies from the last town they visited, and so this night, they have sleeping bags and a tent, unlike the last time they had to camp out. Lis drops one bag but still holds the one containing the tent, of which is supposedly very easy to set up. Trying, however, she finds it too hard to see with only the light of Reuben’s torch.

      Build a campfire before pitching the tent
    [ Lisbeth groans. ] “Reuben, build a campfire already! You’re just standing around!”
    [ Reuben ] “Fight me.” Reuben doesn't wait for a response as he puts down his backpack and calls to Onion. “Yo, don’t fall asleep against the tree over there! Come help me get a fire going.”
    [ Onion startles at having been suddenly addressed. ] “Oh, y-yeah, of course!” Onion stands and starts looking for whatever might work for a fire.

      [ Reuben and Onion go foraging ! ]
    A matter of minutes later, during which Lis only idled, Reuben comes back with a bundle of decently sized sticks. They weren’t quite the mighty logs one might want for a fire, but they would have to do. Onion returns as well, and shocks both Lis and Reuben. He holds in his arms a couple large branches. His foraging produced a much better result than Reuben’s. Lis and Reuben both wonder how Onion managed, when he wasn’t the one with a torch to at least light the way.

      [ Firewood gained ! ]
    Never mind it. Reuben builds the fire.

      Pitch the tent
    The fire burns brightly and helps Lis put together the tent successfully this time, with some help from Onion. Our heroes decide to eat a quick snack before bed. The food doesn’t cook well over the fire, making the texture weird, but it’ll do the trick.

      [ Onion gains +20 hunger! New total: 82 ]
      [ Lisbeth gains +20 hunger! New total: 74 ]
      [ Reuben gains +19 hunger! New total: 87 ]
      [ The meal did not affect anyone’s health. ]

      [ Onion burns himself on the fire! How’d he do that?! ]
      [ Onion loses 5 hp! New total: 137 ]
    Lis promptly sends Onion and Reuben to bed. They don’t complain. Onion’s more tired than he cares to admit, and after hitting the sleeping bag’s pillow, he falls unconscious in mere minutes. Reuben takes longer to fall asleep, but he gets there. Lis sits at the fire, knees to her chest. It’s scarier being the only one awake.

    Before, there were at least the sound of her teammates’ footsteps, or their breathing, or the occasional comment- something to beat the forest’s drilling silence. Now, there’s but the crackling fire, which isn’t greatly comforting to Lis. Before, having each of them awake, it felt like they were in this together, it felt like they were safer. With only Lis being awake, any attack would be much more dangerous, and everything could fall apart.
      [ Lisbeth loses 2 sanity. New total: 69 ]
    She prays that the night goes uneventfully.

      [ It feels like its been hours. Lis probably should have specified how long these shifts last. ]
      [ Lis loses 17 energy! New total: 60 ]
        ▷ Wake somebody up to take over guard duty
        Continue the shift
    Surely it hasn’t been that long. Lis chooses to keep watch a little longer.

      [ There’s a rustle in a nearby bush! ...Was there really? Maybe Lis imagined it. ]
        ▷ Go investigate
        Stay at the campfire
    It’s nothing. This forest had been dead silent since the party entered; There’s nothing in that bush. Lis hugs her knees closer to her, and watches the bush anyway, just in case.

      [ Okay, the bush definitely moved! ]
        Go investigate
        ▷ Stay at the campfire
    Lis nervously takes to her feet. Reuben and Onion will probably be fine if left alone for a minute; There doesn’t seem to be any other threats around. Lis nears the bush with vigilance. The bush now seems still. Lis nearly puts her guard down. Her ears and eyes are clearly playing tricks on her. This is just some bush.

      [ The bush rustles again, and this time, Lis is [i]certain of it! Something then jumps out at her![/i] ]
        ▷ ScrEAm
        ▷ Run!
        ► Attack!
    Lis suppresses the temptation to scream and instead readies her sword!

      Hang on, it’s just a squirrel... It’s so cute!
      [ Lis gains one sanity! New total: 72 || Cute animals here to save the day ! |D ]
    Lis sheathes the sword. It was just a little animal! She sighs a breath of relief. All that anxiety was for nothing. The squirrel nibbles on a berry it holds, and Lis realizes the bush is covered in these berries! Not that the party necessarily needs more food. But what a shock! This is the first creature Lis has seen since they entered the forest. What’s it doing here?

    Lis crouches, and reaching her hand out, she chooses to pet the squirrel, if she can. She’s surprised when the creature allows it. Actually, the squirrel even jumps on her, climbing to her shoulder and taking a seat! Lis flinched, but relaxes as the squirrel seems friendly. She laughs, finding a bit of fun in this dreary place. Though, admittedly, the animal’s behavior is extremely odd, and Lis wonders if it’s possible that the state of the kingdom is somehow affecting the wildlife here.

    It’s not important right now. Time to return to her post.

      [ Before Lis stands up again, the squirrel snags the ribbon that holds Lis’ hair up and scampers off! How did it undo the bow so fast?! ] [ Inventory item:Ribbon lost ! ]
        Chase after that squirrel!
        ▷ It’s no time to leave Reuben and Onion
    That bow holds sentimental value! (And also, it’s really cute!) That squirrel can’t get away. Lis takes chase. She can barely see a thing in the darkness, so she follows the pitter patter; Now it seems almost a good thing that this forest is so quiet, even if it is creepy. The squirrel is fast, but it stays on the ground. Lis keeps up, but she’s getting tired.

      [ Lisbeth loses 15 hunger. New total: 59 ]
      [ Lisbeth loses 9 energy. New total: 51 ]
      [ Stamina leveled up! New level: 89 ]
      [ Also, Lis feels like she lost a pound ! ]
    This chase is just leading Lis down a spiraling path! It’s starting to seem hopeless, but she doesn’t give up!

      [ Wait, she thinks she saw something to her right! ]
        ▷Stop and look
        Just glance and keep going
        ▷ Don’t bother, it was nothing
    Lis keeps running, no time to stop! But she looks to the side to see if there’d been anything.
      [ Lis made a mistake! There didn’t seem to be anything there, and because she kept running, she runs into a tree! ]
      [ Lis loses 8 hp! New total: 140 ]
    She steps back and shakes her head. Phew, at least there wasn’t a monster stalking her! But where did that squirrel go...? Lis squints and glances around, but she barely make out the shape of anything. There doesn’t appear to be any squirrel-like shapes from what she can tell, and she can’t hear it running either. Lis curses. Did she lose the squirrel? She wanders forward some, stepping into a small clearing where there are no trees to block the moon.

    Ah, light! Even this little bit of moonlight is satisfying. Lis can’t wait until the sun comes back up.

    ...Huh? There’s something in the distance. Lis narrows her eyes. Is that... smoke? It’s pretty far away, but definitely there. And the horizon is almost glowing. Lis recalls that there’s some sort of lavalands around here. Well, our heroes’ work in the forest isn’t quite over, but Lis knows where to head for now, if nothing else! No more being lost, thank the heavens.

    [ Lisbeth turns her gaze to the grass. She spots something. ] “Oh, my ribbon!” She steps toward the object and picks it up. “That’s weird, I thought the squirrel ran off with you...?” Lis celebrates, glad to have her ribbon back! Maybe the squirrel meant for Lis to see the smoke? She’ll probably never know for sure.

      [ Ribbon obtained! Put it on? ]
        ▷ Absolutely!
        It’s a little dirty...
    She might have her ribbon back, but tying her hair up with it now just seems... unclean. Oh well, at least she has it! She pockets the ribbon and heads for camp. ...Where was camp again...?

        ● ● ●
    Lis awakes to yelling! Hold up, where is she?!
    Looking around, it appears she fell asleep against some tree. Aw man, camp was so close too! She can even hear Reuben and Onion yelling just a step away!
      [ Lisbeth gains 33 energy! New total: 84 ]
      [ Lisbeth loses 8 hunger! New total: 51 ]
    ...What are they yelling about? Waking up some more, Lis registers the shouting. They’re calling her name, of course! She did sort of go missing. Lis stands and calls back. The party meets in the middle, and leads Lis back to camp.

    Lis explains what happens, and receives confused looks from both Reuben and Onion. They don’t question the story, nor do they question Lisbeth’s [lack of] sense of direction. She couldn’t even find her way back to camp, so will she really lead them the right way to the lavalands? She’s pretty adamant west is the way to go. They’ll just have to trust her, since they can’t see any smoke through the leaves above... and she’s already forgotten where the clearing is, so looks like she won’t be showing them.

    Reuben asks if Onion, as the guide, can provide any backup behind Lisbeth’s words, but Onion only shrugs! Looks like even in his adventuring days, he never went this far out.

    On the flipside, Reuben and Onion slept well! Reuben is a bit angry that Lis left them unguarded, but nothing bothered them anyway.
      [ Onion gained 51 energy! New total: 97 || Wow, he slept like a rock! ]
      [ Onion lost 10 hunger. New total: 72 ]
      [ Reuben gained 38 energy! New total: 99 ]
      [ Reuben lost 10 hunger. New total: 77 ]
    The three of them have a short meal before heading off- or rather, they have a snack. After their food didn’t cook so well the last night, they think it best to stick to something that doesn’t need to be cooked. Lis also popped one of the berries from the bush into her mouth, just out of curiosity. It tasted sort of funny.
      [ Onion gains 5 hunger! New total: 77 ]
      [ Lisbeth gains 21 hunger! New total: 72 || She ate all the snacks... and she's still not satisfied! ]
      [ Reuben gains 5 hunger! New total: 82 ]
      [ Lisbeth loses 1 hp! New total: 139 || What was that berry?! No poison effect gained, though! ]
      [ The meal did not affect Onion or Reuben’s health. ]

      [ Lis is pretty sure she gained that pound back... ]
    Our heroes pack up camp. They set forth, ready for the new day. Their excitement is replenished, and they all feel a little more comfortable in the forest after having successful lived throughout the night without so much as getting attacked.
      [ Onion gained 3 sanity! New total: 72 ]
    Lis begins to lead the party with a vague sense of where they’re going. The group makes small talk, mostly revolving around Onion’s chickens at his farm, or the adventures that Lis has gone on (really, she’s just bragging about all the monsters she’s slain and people she’s saved!). Reuben walks behind them. He stares ahead at Lis, and tilts his head to the side.

      [ For the first time since he’s known her, Reuben thinks Lis looks sort of... cute?! Maybe he likes her hair down? She hasn’t pulled it into a ponytail yet, due to the dirty ribbon! ]
      ▷ Comment on her hair, it’s cute!
      ▷ Comment on her hair, lie! He likes it better up
      Don’t say anything
    Reuben snorts. Like hell is he complimenting her! Lis and Onion stop talking to look at Reuben, wondering why he’d made that noise.

      Panic! Comment on her hair, insult it!
    [ Reuben turns red! ] “I was just thinking that your hair looks s-stupid, Lis...!” What’s this?! Reuben is flustered!

    Lis frowns, and tells Reuben that his hair is pretty stupid too! Reuben is too embarrassed to think of a comeback! Onion is confused, and after a moment of awkward silence, he begins rambling on about his farm again. This is going to be a long day, if this is all Onion has to talk about!

      Scene: End
      [ Final Stats ]
      Onion 』|| 137 hp || 97 energy || 77 hunger || 72 sanity
      Lisbeth 』|| 139 hp || 84 energy || 72 hunger || 72 sanity
      Reuben 』|| 150 hp || 99 energy || 82 hunger || 74 sanity

      [ And Lis leveled up! Stamina lvl 88 >> 89 ! ]

        in the end, that squirrel lead lis on a rlly tiring chase ! and it dirtied her bow... but it can be washed !!
        the smoke lis spotted helps them continue their adventure! did the squirrel seriously help ??

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Re: [RPG] Kalon Summer Event // Prompts

Postby redhorizon » Sun Jul 02, 2017 12:40 am

Prompt 6

Musica is fast asleep, Monica dozing on and off. Hunter is wide awake with a flashlight and a book. A soft rustle in the bushes gets Hunter's attention and she looks up. She sets the book down and looks toward the bushes. Another rustle. Monica sits up, rubbing her eyes. "What is it, Hunter?" She mumbles. Hunter puts a finger to her lips. "Shhhhh..." she creeps toward the bush, pulling the leaves aside. A small dog-like creature lies in the dirt under the bush. She gives a soft squeal, unable to conceal her adoration for dogs. She scoops up the creature in her arms and carries it back to camp, proudly presenting it to Monica and the now awake Musica. "I'm going to name her Rose!" She proclaims, a huge grin on her face. Musica sighs, "Hunter, that's a coyote. A young one at that. There's no way we can take care of it as well as ourselves." Hunter's eyes grow wide. "Rose is not an it and I'm sure she won't be a problem! She can come along in my backpack and I'll feed her some of my food. It'll be fine, you'll see!" She says, plopping down on her sleeping bag beside the fire. "Now Rose and I are tired so let's get some sleep." She lies down, Rose tight in her arms, and falls fast asleep.

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Re: [RPG] Kalon Summer Event // Prompts

Postby lysander » Sun Jul 02, 2017 12:45 am

      —  s i x : i n t e r m i s s i o n  —

      aka lys takes a break from writing bc his wrists hurt
      the trio encounters some friendly wildlife! maybe... too friendly?


      i dont know how to feel about this turn of events

      cant you predict this stuff tho

      yeah but really fate?? cmon

      i think i found the mom

      i friggin hate the woods



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Re: [RPG] Kalon Summer Event // Prompts

Postby InterfectorFactory » Sun Jul 02, 2017 12:53 am

Promt: Six
Poor Lydia was disturbed by a wild boar.
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Re: [RPG] Kalon Summer Event // Prompts

Postby shishou » Sun Jul 02, 2017 1:49 am

Prompt six 331/150
Kalons using; elne
waking up, elne found himself face to face with a massive bear. well, not exactly face to face as the creature was approximately eight feet across him. it was just minding its own business, sniffing through brushes for berries perhaps, but nevertheless who wouldnt be terrified when encountering a bear. elne doesnt know much about the animal but hey if its friendly then thats all that matters. he didnt know whether to get up or just lay down though, but seeing as said bear looked like it didnt plan on being aggresive he guessed that it was alright to move.

as the prince was beginning to get his bag - which were unfortunately squished when he slept on it - elne felt a small nudge on his left leg. a bear cub seem to have chosen him as its next playmate. elne didnt know whether to be scared for life or 'aww-ing at the cute thing. what he did know was that no way in hell was he picking it up. he went down to pet it but the cub shyed away, instead grabbing his bag and running off with it. if only the cub was strong enough to actually carry it then elne wouldnt be chuckling. "cute." was the only thing he's said during the whole journey. sad. said the evil voice in his head.

elne shook his head noticing that the bear had gotten pretty far, not far enough however, with his bag. he ran to catch up with it and played a quick tug of war, which he obviously won, with the cub. exhaling, the knight did not expect its mother to turn around with another cub sitting on her face as she noticed that the other one, still grabbing onto his bag, was squealing. elne prayed that the mother wasnt angry, even worse that the cub wasnt crying, but soon calmed as he realised the mother meant no harm seeing her cub try to sit on the prince's shoulder.
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Re: [RPG] Kalon Summer Event // Prompts

Postby chamomile. » Sun Jul 02, 2017 2:55 am

Username;; Chamomile.
Polaris "Star-Catcher" Kaiser || lv 1 ranger || neutral good
items: large backpack, jewelry bow and arrows
Rueben Sparrow || lv 3 rogue || chaotic neutral
items: knives x2, bag, flint and steel
Yᴏᴜ ʀᴜɴ ᴀᴄʀᴏss sᴏᴍᴇ ʟᴏᴄᴀʟ ᴡɪʟᴅʟɪꜰᴇ!
After setting up camp for the night, you encounter some local wildlife. Are they helpful or a hindrance to your hero?
Wonder how you'll deal with this one...

[462 words]
Rueben yawned as he shook Polaris into consciousness. The sun had barely lifted from above the horizon, but it was too dangerous to push traveling time back into the night. The two kals could hold their own, but were no fighters by any means. Polaris pulled himself up, and started rolling up his bed roll. Rueben was hunting through his much smaller bag, a disappointed look on his face.
"We're out of our regular rations, Kais," Rueben mumbled sleepily. "We only have the emergency supply left."
"Hunting then?" Polaris asked, settling his bow onto his back.
"Fishing would probably work better, there is a river nearby. C'mon." Rueben said, slipping his backpack on and heading out of the clearing. Polaris followed closely behind, still packing his bag as they walked.
"It's like there's no fish in this entire river!" Rueben growled, flopping back onto the grass. Rueben had been sitting for hours by the river, stabbing at shadows, with only soaked clothing to show for it. Polaris had been exploring the forest, looking for something they could eat, though had been turning up empty as well.
The sound of footfalls snapped Rueben's eyes open, and he quickly sat up. Not too far away, a bear was walking up to the riverbed, only a couple hundred feet away. The bear stood and watched the still water for a few moments, than leaped forward, crashing into the water. When the bear resurfaced, it held multiple fish in it's mouth.
"Oh come on!" Rueben growled, and the bear turned to face the blue kalon. The bear began lumbering towards Rueben, who in turn shakily held his knives and took a step back. The bear stopped less than a foot from Rue, sniffing the terrified kalon with interest. Please don't eat me, Rueben internally pleaded. After a few moments, Rueben noticed that the bear had a net caught over one of it's front legs, preventing it from moving faster than a hobble. Slowly Rueben raised his knife towards the net, being sure that all of his movements were fluid and gentle. I must be the biggest idiot in the world, Rue thought, slowly cutting through the ropes. He chopped the three ropes that were the tightest, and the net fell to the ground. The bear gingerly tested his paw on the ground, shifting part of his weight onto it.
The bear happily bumped it's head into Rueben, like some Disney movie. Rueben gently pet the bear's head, which was softer than expected. The bear dropped the fish onto the ground, sitting back on it's haunches. Polaris slowly stepped out of the forest, to find his usually grumpy companion petting a bear surrounded by fresh fish.
"Polaris I made a friend!" Ruben yelled excitedly.

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Re: [RPG] Kalon Summer Event // Prompts

Postby aioi » Sun Jul 02, 2017 2:58 am

⇢ ⇢ ⇢ ⇢ ⇢ that these
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she/her + infp + adult
i dont know what im doing!!
relatively inactive!
━━━━━━━━━ ━━━━

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