Re: betsy's winding corn maze! -- day 1

Postby acadicus » Mon Apr 13, 2020 3:35 pm

    username -- acadicus
    buttermilk w/ link -- Lennon & Disney
    day -- 1
    choice -- Left
    prompt (200 words min.) --

    Reaching the first fork in the road, Disney and Lennon stopped to think for a minute.
    "Disney, what are we gonna do?" Lennon asked. She had never been the best at decisions and always went with others to make sure she knew what she was doing.
    "How 'bout we go left? Seems fun to me!"
    The younger cow shuddered. Her mother definitely was a bit adventurous for her taste.
    "Oh, Lennon," Disney sighed. "Why don't we give it a go?"
    "Let's go straight. Betsy went that way and I think Betsy knows what she's doin'."
    "Hey. I'll go left and you go straight? I mean, there's nothin' to lose. We can meet up at the end. Like she said, there are multiple exits, so you shouldn't have no problem findin' your way out. How 'bout that?"
    Lennon thought for a moment, then shook her head wearily. "Alright." She turned to the other path without another word.
    Several minutes down the path, Disney picked up on the loud rustling of corn stalks behind her. She swung her head around only to see Lennon crashing toward her. "Honey, you're gonna be the end of me," Disney chuckled. Lennon just caught her breath for a moment and aligned her steps with her mother's. The two heifers just continued down the dark path quietly, side by side. (207 words)
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Re: betsy's winding corn maze! -- day 1

Postby Knickknacks » Mon Apr 13, 2020 3:51 pm

    username -- knickknacks
    buttermilk w/ link -- Quince
    day -- 1
    choice -- right
    prompt (200 words min.) --
      Quince shifted her weight from side to side, peering thoughtfully around at her options. This was her first time participating in anything like a corn maze- and, truth be told, maybe she wasn't the best cut out for this after all. Her sense of direction wasn't the best- that sort of thing was Logan's area of expertise. Quince wished her adopted sister were here- she was the bold one, after all. But Logan was, currently, otherwise engaged at the fair- something about a rogue duck...

      Quince shook herself. She was here now, and she would be fine- Betsy had seemed plenty friendly, and if worst came to worst she would surely not let anyone to wander around lost for too long. Best for Quince to just pick a direction and get going.

      Betsy herself had headed straight ahead. Quince was admittedly tempted by the idea of following her- but no, she decided. If she was doing this, she would do it her way, even if it ended in her becoming hopelessly lost. So that left the left and right paths. Quince felt a small thrill of excitement as she considered these final two options.

      The left path- with its shadowy faint trail and overhanging corn leaves- gave her a somewhat creepy feeling. She knew there was nothing to really be afraid of, logically, but nonetheless that path didn't strike her as particularly appealing. Not to mention the fact that it looked fairly overgrown. Was it a real path after all? Quince didn't want to risk it.

      And with that, her decision was made. Quince gave the right path one more cursory look- it was much nicer than the left option- before heading down in that direction, the corn stalks seeming to whisper encouragingly around her. So far, so good.

      {299 words}
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Re: betsy's winding corn maze! -- day 1

Postby Venatici » Mon Apr 13, 2020 3:52 pm

      username -- Morghettio
      buttermilk w/ link -- The Holy Trinity
      day -- 1
      choice -- It’s really dark over there...why is the corn so overgrown? Is that even a path? Only a brave buttermilk would head that way.
      prompt (200 words min.) -- Morgan was never afraid of the dark.

      He just... always was afraid of the things located in the dark. It was the deep depths of his imagination, conjuring up ghastly beasts and cryptic monsters in the dark where he could only feel and not see. That was okay, though. As Morgan stood silently, mouth dropped to the ground, the only response you could get from the young and very lanky man was just... weird gurgling? noises from spit bubbling in the back of his throat.

      Here's the thing about Morgan. No matter how daunting, or crazy, or downright impossible something was... if it was something for someone else? It would happen. Morgan would fight to the ends of the earth, ends of the universe, if it meant someone who was in need of help could find peace.

      So, while many other cows would have went "sure, whatever" about Betsy having a good time running through the maze, Morgan's first thought was how was he getting her out of there? What if she got hurt? What if Betsy got lost herself? All these thoughts ruminating around in his head, trying to figure out why Betsy just ran off like that.

      Shaking his head and tussling through his hair, Morgan tried to recollect which way she went. Even though she darted in right in front of him... it was not likely she kept going forward. If she kept going forward, that just meant a test of speed... and the test of how much pain from the whiplash of corn stalks one could withstand.

      So, Morgan ventured through the corn, taking a left: he figured if someone went right, and the path was safer, at least someone could find her without difficulty. Taking the left meant at least he could help ensure that Betsy was safe, because he doubted no one else wanted to go into the dark. Plus, Morgan had his little glowing butterfly companions to help lead the way: and, in case he himself got lost, his wind chimes that were currently tied could be unbound from each other easily, and glowed faintly anyway.

      Because, well... Morgan knew what going into the dark meant first hand.

      At least now, it was for someone else.

      [ 374 words ]




𝚃𝚑𝚊𝚝’𝚜 𝚠𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚒𝚝 𝚖𝚎𝚊𝚗𝚜 𝚝𝚘 𝚋𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚜𝚝, 𝚍𝚘𝚎𝚜𝚗’𝚝 𝚒𝚝?
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Re: betsy's winding corn maze! -- day 1

Postby Winter Shores » Mon Apr 13, 2020 4:56 pm

    username -- Winter Shores
    buttermilk w/ link -- Antheia
    day -- 1
    choice -- Left - It’s really dark over there...why is the corn so overgrown? Is that even a path? Only a brave buttermilk would head that way.
    prompt (200 words min.) -- Antheia stood there staring between the choices. Should she follow Betsy? Or maybe take the safe calmer path that other moos seemed to be taking? Or should she be daring enough to take the bath that was dark and gloomy? She stood there watching the others choose their path. She nodded her head, she could do this. She stepped onto the path, a slight chill coming over her. Had she made the right choice? She knew it wasn't too late to turn back but she was determined to follow through. She wondered further into the path, moving aside some of the overgrown corn before it hit her in the face. She took a deep breath to calm her nerves. She could do this! There wasn’t anything in the maze that could hurt her. It was safe, right? She kept her eyes in front of her not bothering to look back. This was her choice and she would fight through it. She looked up to see the clouds darkening a bit, they looked like a misty grey at the bottom. It was quite beautiful. As her eyes we kept on the clouds she tripped over a tree branch, falling face first into the slightly muddy ground. ‘Stupid me,’ she thought. Her mind always seemed to be in a different place. She looked down at her leg, a slight scrape on her, a little blood covering it. This was nothing in her opinion so she stood back up even more so determined to get to the end of this path. She pressed on getting slightly irritated as it seemed like this path kept going. Finally, in the distance it looked like she saw a wooden post with a scarecrow on the top of it. Had she finally made it to the end of the path? She had to make sure her eyes weren't playing tricks on her. She ran down the path as fast as her legs would take her until she skidded to a stop. There in front of her read a sign that said...

word count: 344
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Re: betsy's winding corn maze! -- day 1

Postby DarkestWerewolf » Mon Apr 13, 2020 6:04 pm

    username -- DarkestWerewolf
    buttermilk w/ link -- Aria
    day -- 1
    choice -- Right
    prompt (200 words min.) -- Aria pressed her ears back, Betsy had already disappeared amongst the tall maizes of corn. A part of her wanted to follow Betsy but where’s the fun in that? Sure, following Betsy would definitely be ideal. She knows the place. She’s probably done this many times. However, Aria is someone who is down for an adventure, something to feed her constant urge for something new would be ideal.

    That left the option between left and right. Aria stared at the left path, slowly plodding over and peering into the overgrown field. Silence filled the air. Questions started to fill her mind. Why was this particular part of the field left overgrown? Is there something that’s been stopping them from maintaining this part of the field?

    Aria sighed. She loves a good adventure but creepy things really turn her off. Aria would happily go on a hike, go bungee-jumping and water-ski but ask her to go into a haunted house or anywhere creepy and she’s out. She quickly turned back and headed down the right path. It was definitely a lot better. It was bright, sunny and there were birds and bugs around. It helped to put her mind at ease as she wondered through the maze of corn towards a clearing where the next intersection stood. (216 words)
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Re: betsy's winding corn maze! -- day 1

Postby bluex » Mon Apr 13, 2020 9:07 pm

    username -- bluex
    buttermilk w/ link -- Rhea
    day -- 1

    choice -- left
    prompt (200 words min.) -- The cream-striped heifer stood in front of the three paths and looked between them. She watched Betsy go down the middle path and immediately crossed that off of the options. Despite having a silent appreciation of the black and white heifer's bubbly personality, she wouldn't go anywhere with a helping hoof; she liked working alone. She glanced between the remaining two paths and her mouth curled into a sarcastic smile. She turned her tail to the right path and kicked dust back disdainfully. Rhea snorted. She was always up for a challenge, and if the darkness that concealed the winding stalks of corn was the biggest obstacle to overcome, she'd make it through this labyrinth with ease. A cold shiver of adrenaline rushed up Rhea's spine as she started walking towards the left path. Her gaze travelled across the overarching leaves and ears of corn that framed the way, and she felt her limbs go stiff. She shook her whole body, muscles quivering as the nerves flooded from her body in waves. Despite keeping her stern expression and calm disposition, Rhea's fur was standing on end from fear. Ignoring the feeling and marching forward, her pelt endured the rhythmic whiplash of the corn stalks as she plunged into the seemingly endless stretch of darkness.
    (214 words)
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Re: betsy's winding corn maze! -- day 1

Postby Northstar. » Tue Apr 14, 2020 1:39 am

    username -- Northstar.
    buttermilk w/ link -- Nalu
    day -- 1
    choice -- Left
    prompt (200 words min.) --

    As Betsy disappears into the all-encompassing corn maze, Nalu stills. Which path should she take? To follow Betsy would be the easiest, perhaps. Not much of a challenge. Now, left or right?

    Overgrown corn didn't particularly scare her - cows must not go that way often if it grew like that. And to the right? Who knows?

    "Decisions, decisions." The heifer covers her eyes and spins... And spins... And spins until she's dizzy. Nalu stumbles a few steps and open her eyes. The overgrown left path looms before her! She takes off at a brisk trot and nearly tumbles into the thick of the corn maze. Best to slow down until she catches her balance again!

    Fallen corn stalks overlap the path. A spiderweb looms overhead.

    "You stay in your lane, I'll stay in mine," Nalu bargains with the spider seriously, and crawls under. A silk cobweb catches on her horn but the whole of the web remains. Nalu imagines the spider sitting there is relieved. Web weaving must be tough work.

    Something skitters in the corn and Nalu freezes. Her ears flick, focused on the sound, and when it happens again she creeps closer. Between the thick stalks a pair of field mice munch happily on fallen pieces. Nalu grins and continues on... Until she comes to the next junction.

    220 words
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Re: betsy's winding corn maze! -- day 1

Postby sprig » Tue Apr 14, 2020 1:43 am

    username -- sprig
    buttermilk w/ link -- Harper
    day -- 1
    choice -- Right
    prompt (200 words min.) --
    Harper took a deep breath as she stepped towards the opening of the corn maze. Three paths presented themselves right in the beginning. "Uh..." She whispered, taking a quick look to the right and the left, and then straight ahead. She took a quick look behind her, hoping maybe Betsy had reappeared so that she wouldn't have to go in. But alas, there was no sign of the black and white heifer, so Harper began to weigh her options. "Well... Straight ahead looks safe, you can never go wrong with going straight." Harper took a couple steps forward, then looked to her right and left again. "Left looks awfully overgrown and scary but... Are those some broken stalks I see through there...?" She began to try to make her way to the left. Suddenly from somewhere in front of her, a loud rustling and the sound of stalks being crushed sent her bowling the opposite direction. She ran so hard for a moment she didn't even know where she was going. Coming to a rapid halt, Harper looked around her at the stalks looming far above her head, shading the sunlight from coming all the way through. "I... can do this. I can do this. I'll just keep going this way, it's not... no harm can come of me in a corn maze, right? Right." Taking one wobbly step forward and then another, and another, until she was trotting on her way down the path, keeping a steady eye ahead looking for a glimpse of that black and white tail.

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Re: betsy's winding corn maze! -- day 1

Postby certified » Tue Apr 14, 2020 3:41 am

    username -- certified
    buttermilk w/ link -- Guinevere
    day -- 1
    choice -- right
    prompt (200 words min.) -- Guinevere hesitated, anxiety rising up making her breathe just a little harder than usual. She despised being a follower, but making her own way gave her more anxiety.
    She shifted her weight from her right side to her left, tears slowly starting to form in her eyes as she thought to herself "Where am I going to go?" she looked to the left, the path looked dark, but she could see all the cow tails swaying slightly as they disappeared beyond the well of darkness. She decided that that was not going to be her choice. Everyone seemed to be heading that direction and a few had gone straight, following Betsy, a sweet and kind black and white heifer who had done her best to explain the point of this crazy game of find the exit.

    Guinevere shifted her weight again, standing in the middle of the start of the maze, questioning whether to turn back or continue trekking forward.

    Maybe this could be fun? she thought to herself.

    She sighed and decided to take the least traveled and head to the right where sunshine still lit some of the corn stalks up, making them look like little halos in the sun. She pause a second before officially turning right, questioning if that was really the path she wanted to take.

    Now's not the time to be indecisive, you big baby. Just go. Pushing herself onwards, she stuck with her choice and took a right, crossing her hooves, hoping something wouldn't come jump out at her.

    256/200 WC
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Re: betsy's winding corn maze! -- day 1

Postby Andromeda » Tue Apr 14, 2020 5:27 am

    username -- Bluebird-
    buttermilk w/ link -- Belladonna
    day -- 1
    choice -- Left
    prompt (200 words min.) -- Art Here!

    Belladonna loves the dark and mysterious ;3
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