Re: NB #187

Postby cakepopcat » Wed Aug 31, 2016 3:08 am

Gonna last second try out for this.
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Re: NB #187

Postby Kyo » Fri Sep 02, 2016 7:14 am

Username: King Kyo
Name: Eren Harvey
Age: Switches in form
Gender: Male
Sexuality: (future) Demisexual Demiromantic
Occupation: Horror video game designer (specifically monster concept designs)


P e r s o n a l i t y

Eren isn’t a complicated person, if fact he’s quite simple about most things. He handles all things on a first come first serve basis, often not planning ahead or letting himself be worried by the future. To him it’s easier to just take it one day at a time, going along with the flow and just figuring it out when it gets there.

When it comes to other people Eren is actually quite aware of what they’re feelings, though he doesn’t really understand why they feel that way or how he should go about interacting with them. When it comes to deeper emotions Eren is especially awkward, never quite knowing how to handle intense emotional experiences. In fact he’ll often steer clear of people who are to invested in their feelings, simply because Eren would really prefer not to be put in an uncomfortable situation. It’s not that he doesn’t care, it’s more the fact that he doesn’t know what to do.

Eren himself rarely gets tangled in anything deeper than surface level. He doesn’t mind talking about how he feels but he doesn’t want to take it farther than a casual conversation. It’s easier for him to just saw whatever he wants and not have to wonder about why it is he feels that way. If people try to dig to deep he’ll often change the topic to something more light heartened.

Eren by nature is a relaxed and easy going person, and he tries to keep good vibes wherever he goes. He likes to think of himself as an optimistic realist, keeping a positive note without expecting things to always turn out as planed. Friends and casual conversation both come easy to him, and though his relationships aren’t always deep he does have a few people who understand his need to escape conversations and subjects that are a bit to heavy for him.

When it comes to his work Eren is diligent and patient, always working hard to perfect his creations. In truth he’s not very good at taking criticism but he’ll try to listen anyways, struggling not to take some things personally. On days where he’s struggling to perfect something he might become easily irritated, and though he’s slow to anger he can become frightening when he does blow up.

He also seems to have a strange obsession with monsters and the idea of fear. Don’t get him wrong, he’s not some psychopath who runs around trying to murder people, but he is fascinated by what fear does to a person. When making a monster he always tries his best to use the image of his creation to invoke fear into the hearts of the viewers. Though the dark nature of his content doesn’t not at all match with his friendly and relaxed nature he loves what he does. A pet peeve of his though is that he refuses to create monsters who look to much like humans (or kalons in this case), because he believes that a person who becomes a monster is to frightening for him to try and understand.

It should also be noted that Eren has practically no fears, or rather he doesn't express his fear the way most do. In fact, Eren loves the rush of adrenaline and the feeling of danger. He's mesmerized by the feeling of being confronted by the things he is afraid of, and he'll willingly rush towards them just to heighten the experience. The only time he doesn't feel excited is when he's with someone who is genuinely terrified to the point of crying, because then all his attention goes to trying to figure out how to calm them down. Not that his simple 'it's not that scary' actually helps anyone, but at least he tries.

R e l a t i o n s h i p s

Percy is usually the first person Eren will go to when showing off a new design or idea. It seems Eren thinks that if he can impress Percy then he can impress anyone, showing just how highly he thinks of his dad. Though he doesn’t really understand why his dad enjoys attention he’s more than happy to supply it, often liking to make his father feel special. As he grows Eren will inherit Percy’s patients, a trait that well help him when it comes to the quality of his work. Even as an adult Eren will still often look to Percy for approval before he’s completely satisfied with his work.

Rueben is the one that Eren typically spends the most time with. They share a relaxed nature that makes it easy for them to simply lounge around without needing any sort of reason to draw them together. Eren likes to use Rueben as his personal ‘chair' when playing video games and favors him when it comes to snuggling companions. He’s often entertained by the magic tricks Rueben knows and has learned a few simple card tricks from his dad. As he gets older he might become less interested in magic but he’ll develop the same humble approach to his work as Rueben does.

Pete might be a bit embarrassing sometimes but Eren doesn’t seem to care. Even if he looks like a failure Eren still applauds his efforts, admiring his will to surge on even if he’s a bit clumsy. He’s the person Eren turns to when he’s upset or frustrated because he knows Pete will listen to what he has to say and give him an honest answer. Eren seems to take criticism from him better than anyone else and he’s more willing to listen to Pete’s suggestions. Sometimes Eren worries that his dad might be disappointed that he doesn’t share the same love of baseball and music but he tries to pay attention whenever Pete mentions it, understanding the excitement one feels when talking about something they love.

Samson is a bit of a mystery to Eren, seeing as they differ in how they express their emotions. Though he doesn’t understand his brother he tries his best to comfort him, though most of the time Eren is a bit awkward about it. It’s usually something simple, like dropping a blanket over Sammie and rubbing his back, but at least it shows he cares. Eren is fond of his brother’s more gentle nature and often treats him like a shy rabbit, careful not to do anything to upset him. If Eren is frustrated or angry he’ll avoid Samson so that he doesn’t take his aggression out on him, and he seems to be very mindful of his actions whenever Sammie is around.

Brianna is the one person Eren seems to conflict with in the family. It’s not that he dislikes her, in fact he’s often rather protective of his ‘baby sister’, but he finds himself unable to approve of her manipulative nature. It’s harder for him to trust her sometimes and he’s less likely to revel any secrets or talk about his troubles. Whenever she hurts someone’s feelings he often takes it upon himself to apologize on her behalf, even if she herself isn’t sorry at all. Sometimes they might fight over the way Brianna treats others and Eren absolutely refuses to let her near any of his friends. Eren does however care deeply for Brianna and often worries about why it is she acts this way. He wishes they got alone better but he doesn’t know how to communicate well with her.

T h e - B o y - W h o - L o v e d - M o n s t e r s

Mrs. Wiggins had always been one of Eren’s favorite teachers. She was a short woman with a kind heart, and she always smelled of sunshine and freshly baked bread. It was obvious she had enchanted the heart of every preschooler who attended the local Sunny Skies Daycare, and though she tried not to play favorites she was especially fond of little Eren.

Eren was the equivalent of a walking question mark, always asking and yearning to understand what was happening around him. He seemed more alert than the other children, often no entertained by the toys and trinkets the captivated other kids his age. For a four year old he was surprisingly aware of himself and other people, and Mrs.Wiggins found him to be a rather fascinating student.

When it came to reading time the children piled together to listen as Mrs.Wiggins spun tales of heroes and legends, action packed stories that left most of the class in awe. That is, with the exception of Eren. Try as she might Mrs.Wiggins never could find a story interesting enough to steal Eren’s attention for more than a heart beat, and so he often sat in the back and picked at the rug until snack time came around.

On one particular evening Mrs.Wiggins decided to stray from her usual selection of books in favor to introduce a new kind of story. Instead of an adventure the book contained the ‘frightening’ story of Mr. Boogly Woogly, a bedtime monster that would eat the feet of disobedient children if the tried to get out of bed past their curfew. It had been suggested by the parents of one of her students and she thought she’d give it a go, figuring it wouldn’t hurt to try something different.

The story did the trick and by the end of the reading it was obvious that no one would be sneaking out of bed tonight. As she looked around, Mrs. Wiggins was pleased to see the tense excitement in the class, mumbling among themselves about the terrifying Mr. Boogly Woogly. Everyone looked rightfully chilled, all except for Eren.

For one Mrs. Wiggins had noticed that Eren paid close attention. At first she thought that perhaps he was drawn in by fear of the monster, but the more she looked at him the more curious his expression become. It seemed that Eren was intrigued by the story rather than spooked by it, but Mrs. Wiggins hadn’t had much time to think about it that day.

The next day however, Eren came in with a terrible look of disappointment on his face. When she pulled him aside to ask him what was wrong, he’d answered her with a peculiar statement.

“My feet are still on!”

After he’s noticed her confusion, he went on to explain his woes. Apparent, he’s stayed up rather late last night, all so he could sneak around after his parents and siblings had gone to sleep. He said that no matter how much he ran around, Mr. Boogly Woogly would not come out from under the bed. Poor Eren had even diligently searched for him and yet the monster was nowhere to be found.

“But Eren,” Mrs. Wiggins tried to explain, humored by her students story,” Mr. Boogly Woogly is a monster. You should be happy he didn’t come, he might have gobbled up your feet!”

“But that’s the problem,” he tried to explain, looking almost desperate,” I want to meet him, he was so cool! Everyone in the class was so scared of him, it was awesome! He’s the coolest person ever, I just gotta meet him Mrs. Wiggins. I gotta!”

Mrs. Wiggins wasn't sure what to say at this point, so instead she nearly patted his head and encouraged him to try and take his mind of the issue. Directing his to the coloring station, she sat him down with a box of fresh crayons and left him to do as he pleased. When she returned she was surprised to find a plethora of monster drawing scattered around the room, and Eren laying in the center flat on his stomach while he busied himself making more.


Eren wasn’t the type to get sick often, seeming to be the spitting image of a healthy young sixth grader. When he did happen to catch a cold it was never that bad, but today it seemed his luck had worn out. He’s woken up with a dizzy feeling in his head but he’d casually ignored it, unaware of the sickness brewing inside him. His carelessness landed him in the school infirmary with a splitting headache and a burning fever.

“You should be more careful about these things,” Nurse Smith had scolded him gently, dabbing a cold cloth along his sweating forehead,” If you knew you weren’t feeling well you should have told someone. Instead you nearly pass out in the hallways! You’re lucky your friend was there to catch you, who knows what would have happened if you’d hit your head hard enough.”

Eren responded with a low, pitiful grown, the tone seemingly apologetic. If it wasn’t for his fever his cheeks would have flushed with shame, but instead they burned with illness. A whimpering noise left him when the cold cloth left his skin, only to replaced moments later with a bag of ice. It was an unpleasant feeling but Eren was to weak to fight it, instead turning his pitiful gaze to Nurse Smith.

“I’ve already called your fathers so there’s no need to worry. Since the school day is almost over it’s best you stay here until they come to collect you and your siblings. For now I think it’s best you wear this mask so that you don’t infect your siblings as well.”

Looming over him she slipped two elastic bands behind his ears, positioning the mask over the lover part of his face. Even thought she’d already treated him he was still contagious and so it was better this way.

“Try to sleep if you can, it’s better not to fight it off.”

Eren had no trouble with that, eyes already swimming with exhaustion. He found that despite his tiredness it was difficult to drift off, though eventually he felt himself slip into a black nothing.

Two hours passed by before the school bell called for the release of it’s students, and Nurse Smith was once again at Eren’s side. She examined his face, frowning when she saw the look of discomfort pinched between his brows. Carefully she shook him a little, needing him to wake up so he could get going.

“Eren” she called, pushing on his shoulders,” Eren, you need to-“

In a flash Eren was up straight, eyes wide as saucers and covered in a cold sweat. He looked terrified, shocking Nurse Smith who had jumped away in surprise. When she came back to her senses she quickly returned to tending to the boy.

“Eren? Eren what’s wrong? Does it hurt anywhere?”

“No- no I’m ok. It was just a nightmare. Just…”

There was a pause, and Eren looked panicked again for a whole other reason.

“Quick! I need a pen. A pen- and paper! Hurry! I’ve got to- I need to-“

“Shhhh,” Nurse Smith soothed him, confused by his request but moving swiftly to snatch the materials off her desk. Handing the back to Eren he quickly started scribbling something down, pen flying cross the paper with each quick stroke of the pen. In less than a minute he shoved the paper into Nurse Smith’s face, eyes beaming and a wide grin across his face.

“Look!” he cried, pushing the paper closer. She took it into her hands, obvious confusion in her eyes.

“It’s… a doodle?”

“Not just any doodle! That’s the monster I saw in my dreams. He was chasing after me, trying to eat my arms. You see, by eating arms he can observe them into his body, making them a part of himself. Makes him really fast! He's wicked awesome, I'm totally going to use him for something.”

Nurse Smith stared at Eren for a moment longer, one eyebrow raised in questioning.

“That’s… great?”

“Heck yeah it is!”


There was a rumor in Eren’s high school that a creature with large black eyes and pointy teeth lurked within the downstairs storage room. Word started spreading when a kid named Frank Jones first descended downstairs to the storage to collect some props for the drama teacher Mr. Ral. While he was snooping around he spotted the beast prowling in the dark, a sight that was so terrifying he wet his pants (not that he’s admit that to anyone).

Since the discovery of the ‘monster’, many kids had started dares centering around the old storage room. Most of them wanted to see how many steps a person could take down the stairs without chickening out, an so far Drake from class C held the highest record of a whole twenty steps before he was scared off by a sudden noise at the bottom. Needless to say everyone was rather spooked by the rumors, and few dared to even walk past the hall leading to the old room.

Since Eren wasn’t one for gossip the news of the beast arrived late to him. It had first been brought to his attention by an upper classman who stopped him in the hall on his way to lunch with his friend Leon.

“Hey you” the guy called to Eren, leaning back against the wall as he tried a little to hard to look ‘cool’. Eren hadn’t even noticed him at first, just kept walking, but then a hand caught the back of his shirt and pulled him back.

“I said hey!” the guy huffed, clearly displeased with Eren ignoring him.

“Uh, hi?” Eren asked, giving a confused smile while he tried to figure out why he’d been stopped,” Do I know you?”

“No, but that’s not the point” the guy rushed out, eyeing Eren up and down. With his hands shoved into his pockets he kicked off the wall, looming over Eren as if to seclude him from the other students.

“I heard that there was a guy who wasn’t afraid of nothin’ in class E. You fit the bill physically, but can you keep up that title or yours on a bet with a dare?”

“…Hu?” Eren asked, brows furrowing in confusion. Fearless? Bet? Dare?

“You know what I mean, don’t play dumb!”

“It’s not really a play…” Eren said almost sheepishly, eyes darting back and forth.

“Anyways, listen up. There’s a big meeting with the toughest kids in school. We’re all going to go down to the storage room. One of our guys chickened out, and we wanted to know if you were in to test your title.”

“Listen, I don’t know what you’re talking about with this while title thing, but I really don’t have time to be fooling around in a storage room-“

“It’s not just ANY storage room. It’s THE storage room” he hissed out in a low voice, as if he didn’t want anyone to hear them.

“…OK? I still don’t want to go to a storage room bro. I’ve got things to do.”

“Heh, you’re really that afraid of the creature?”

Erin’s eyes instantly sparkled, suddenly interested in what the guy was saying (even if he had no idea what was going on).

“Creature you say?”

Needless to say Eren was hooked after learning about rumors, and he happily agreed to accompany the group of boys as they ventured downstairs to the storage room. In the end everyone but Eren ran screaming at the sight of a black figure looming in the corner of the room, and in the end Eren was painfully disappointed to learn it was just a fat rat that had caused such a stir.

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Re: NB #187

Postby Downn » Mon Sep 19, 2016 10:03 am

      aaa, I never did wish gl on this. Good luck everyone !! <3 //late
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Re: NB #187

Postby MotherMother » Sun Oct 16, 2016 2:54 pm

Friendly little bump c:




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Re: NB #187

Postby Trphlthdl » Sun Oct 30, 2016 11:17 pm

MotherMother wrote:Friendly little bump c:
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Re: NB #187

Postby casiopea » Mon Nov 07, 2016 2:37 pm

      ahh i'm so so so sorry for taking so long to judge!! i've been really busy lately but i finally got to judging this comp!

      there were some really good forms in here to it was a tough decision to pick the winner.

      congratulations to trixyr!
      I loved the character and relationships you had written out in your form, and I thought your form was neat overall!

      your forms were all amazing and had some really unique ideas, and the relationships were really nice to read and go through, I wish you all good luck in future comps!

      ahh this was really difficult to judge, you all did such a good job on your forms ;^;
      thank you so much for trying out and congrats to everyone!
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Re: NB #187

Postby MotherMother » Mon Nov 07, 2016 3:57 pm

Please don't use my art or comic, I'd rather colour it in




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Re: NB #187

Postby Trphlthdl » Tue Nov 08, 2016 3:20 am

Ahhh, thank you! This really helps, and sorry you've been so busy.
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