Artist Search

Editable drawings for new artists to try out to join species/communities

  • Gallery display:


☾ [url]archive[/url] ☀︎ artist search☾ [url]myo's and customs[/url] ☀︎ [url]nursery[/url]☾

What are Kakusareta Dragons?
Kakusareta Dragons, they ARE interesting. Let me tell you about them. Kakusareta originating from the Japanese word for 'hidden' for their personality and their masks. And dragon? I'll leave you to that part. But, Kakusareta Dragons have 'sides' or 'teams' the two main ones are Yoru and Taiyo. Yoru, Japanese for dark, are the darker of the two teams. They consist of darker colors. Their personality is closed in and stubborn. Taiyo, Japanese for sun, are the lighter of the two. Their colors are more pastel and lighter. They are bright and bubbly in personality. The two teams usually don't interact with each other but stay within their own groups. There is another team, which is a mix of the Taiyo and Yoru dragons if interaction does occur, called the Hinode dragons. Which is Japanese for sunrise. Hinode dragons are very rare and are almost never found in the wild. Both of the teams have their own traits and share some as well.

artist search! based on this drawing by Bubble boy
by Bubble boy @ Sat May 25, 2019 12:14 pm [Reply]

you may make as many entries as you like
please make designs easy on the eyes. a million neon colors hurts
unnatural designs are fine, nothing neon thought. (a little patch of neon is ok)
nothing overly scary or demonic please
don't remove sixbanes signature
go crazy go stupid have fun

Kaxipinae - Artist Search based on this drawing by aloe.
by aloe. @ Fri May 10, 2019 7:12 pm [Reply]

Main Thread

Anyone can become an artist.
If I or another artist believe your entries are of good quality, you will be messaged and invited as a guest artist for a month. You will be required to make 2 adopts within this month. If these adopts are seen as good quality, you will be added as a Species artist.

- You may make as many entries as you wish
- These do not count as real Kaxipinae: please keep the “fake” sign on at all times
- Feel free to edit the lines in any way that is not inappropriate
- Original designs only, please. Do not color in your own sona or character patterns or colors

Please fill out the form below and post it on this thread before making any entries.

Code: Select all
[b]Link to Mark/Post on main thread:[/b]

Angel Pug @ Fri May 10, 2019 7:18 pm

Username:Angel Pug
Mark/Post on main thread: Forum/viewtopic.php?f=38&t=4085202&start=10

aloe. @ Fri May 10, 2019 7:42 pm

Angel Pug wrote:Username:Angel Pug
Mark/Post on main thread: Mark!!!

I have edited the form to say “link to” post on the main thread which I have linked above. Please mark the main thread and then edit your post above <3

I have added you to color-me-in, and have pmed a mod to move this to competitions so I don’t have to add everyone individually.

Springtalon @ Sat May 11, 2019 2:53 am

Username: Savannah-the-Caracal
Link to Mark/Post on main thread: boop

12 replies not shown, show all

Welcome to the Beetle Lynxes Artist search!
I am looking for someone with good quality art.

- Many as many entries as you wish
- Do not touch the fake sign!
- No bright colors
- Do not sell as an adoptable
- I would like natural colors.

Thank you !

Tzin Donkeys are a simple adopt with a relaxed atmosphere. Join the team! c;
The search ends 07/10/2019

* No hard feelings if you don't get selected, try next time! <3
* Donkey designs are meant to be natural - keep on the side of
donkey or equine colour. Eyes aren't limited.
* Tzin breedings are cosmetic - no genetics, but make sure the
foals look like the parents!
* You may enter as many times as you like, please refer to the
entrant types on the right for details.
* Entries may be posted separately or under a cover.
* If you want feedback, indicate so on your entry page.
* Best of luck, questions welcomed. c:
How to Enter:
On this page are two sets of parents. For each couple, make at
least one foal. Foal A belongs to parents A, and Foal B to set B.
You must make a foal A and foal B, not two of A or two of B.
Adopt Artists:
If you are already an adopt or guest artist and you want to be a
breeding artist as well, make at least one of each foal A and B.
If you are not an adopt artist and only want to be a breeding
artist, make at least one of each foal A and B.
If you are not an adopt artist and want to be both a breeding
and adopt artist, make at least one of each foal A and B as
well as also completing at least one sheet of three adults.

adheline @ Thu May 23, 2019 6:49 am

    All users selected from this search will be hired as a full time breeding artist.
    Those who are entering for the adopt artist position as well will gain those benefits, too.

    Adopt Artists:
    -May make and put tzin up for adoption. Please make at least five in a month if claiming artist custom.
    -May open paid or free customs.
    -May make or claim one free 'artist custom' per month, which is allowed small edits and/or items.

    Breeding Artists:
    -May open free breedings, with option for prices for add-ons.
    ---ex: 5C$ if using a willow or sweet potatoes from the bank.
    -May claim one free 'artist custom' per month, which is allowed small edits and/or items.
    -May make one of their own two breedings per month.

    -Combined benefits from each of the above. This includes two 'artist customs' per month.

    Extra Prizes:
    -All breeding artists chosen here will receive a breeding item of their choice from here.
    -All breeding artists chosen here may send me a custom order with a small item/add-on/edit.

"Little Devil, why do you cry? Is this not what you wanted? Wasn't Hell so much more appealing that Heaven? Little Devil, listen closely--You'll never truly be as you see yourself, you'll always be one step behind."

Lucyfer, "Lucy"

✦ Power ✦
Core; Silver (claims to be 'blessed' silver)
Horns; One curved, one broken
Core shape; Petrine Cross
One set unfeathered wings; bat/drake, on very upper back/lower neck

Missing limb

chanhee. @ Tue May 21, 2019 4:49 am

    oh boy this kid's really cute heck-
    i love his hair + his whole demeanor honestly,,,,
    can't wait to see more from you! <3

BornFromAshes @ Tue May 21, 2019 4:51 am


you're so sweet ;W; Thank you!!

chanhee. @ Tue May 21, 2019 4:54 am

    when i got a custom from u i was super hyped but i didn't know you could human too!! it's so blessed tbh
    (also idk if you know but you have it set to anyone can colour the image in- idk how to change that, but i'd see if i could fix that if i were you!)

3 replies not shown, show all

★ | artist search based on this drawing by Guest
by beebopbee @ Wed May 22, 2019 8:16 am [Reply]

not really any rules! stick to natural fur colors but the eyes can be any color.

aion dog artist search - open ! based on this drawing by fūi
by fūi @ Thu May 09, 2019 2:26 pm [Reply]

      opening an artist search for my new species ! before i post some adopts i want a nice team to help me ! c:

      inside you will find 2 example adopts of both common & mutant.

      you may only make at most a mutant, [b]no celestial aions.

      you must make at least 2 aions before being considered to be hired.

      do not create aions to keep as your own, you will be reported.

      no meme aions or rude entries. [/b]

      you will find a folder with the body line and head line art for editing and base colouring.
      elements must be water, fire, earth, and air. you may MIX elements to create new, logically ones.
      water + earth = mud or clay potentially
      fire + air = lightning
      fire +earth = sand
      and etc. be creative !

      there is an edit list on the main page ! c:

chris is tired @ Thu May 09, 2019 3:35 pm

is off-okekai allowed?

fūi @ Fri May 10, 2019 10:43 am

kiri. wrote:is off-okekai allowed?

      i'll have to say no off-oekaki adopts/ artist entries, sorry ! since CS doesn't want covers really, so off-oekaki is fine for myo once myo's are introduced c:

Cultro @ Fri May 10, 2019 9:45 pm

I hope It´s okay If I mark ^^

7 replies not shown, show all

Floriems Artist Search based on this drawing by jumpycatfan
by jumpycatfan @ Tue May 21, 2019 10:27 am [Reply]

welcome! please read these rules before asking to color in anything!

If you are confused on how these species works its really simple!
You pick a flower that the cat is going to grow on their tail and then draw the flower's leaves everywhere else where.
You make your own lineart for the leaves and the flowers. Don't use the flower and the leaves that I drew already unless you are making a type of marigold. Follow the rules down below for coloring in the rest of the cat :)

Artist Guidelines wrote:
1) Floriems body's may only be shades of natural colors, this means no neon. Grey's/browns tinted with a little pink/blue/green/etc. are okay but I do stress the word little!

2) Please make at least three Floriems per month. Its okay if you happen to miss a few months but do try your best! PM me if you need to go on a break for any reason!

3) You are allowed to have a MYO for every 10 adopts that you make. Enjoy this privilege but don't just pump out 10 adopts in one day to have a MYO. Take time on your adopts.

4) Please Please Please have some experience before you apply for this job! You don't have to be Leonardo Da Vinci but you do have to free draw in this artist role so its nice if you already know the ropes.

In your entry post you must include;
your username;
why you'd like to become an artist;
*if you do get chosen you will go on the staff page so make a little small intro about yourself- something like this

    Hey! I'm milkshake, the Owner of Floriems! My favorite flower is a marigold and I love to chat! PM me if anything

Mage cats - Artist Comp - Open based on this drawing by Sixbane
by Sixbane @ Mon May 13, 2019 10:53 pm [Reply]

Main thread I Artist comp I Myo thread I Archive and MYO/Item bank I Chronicle(Lore comic)
Species discord I MYO/Item shop I Nursery

Open to a few artists to make some of these guys as desired! I just like sharing and its no fun if im just hogging the lines to myself

-You may do as many entries as you like!
-ill always keep an eye on this/check occasionally
-Please don't put yours under a cover,just post them directly under
-These entries are fake, but if you want to keep the design you're welcome to move it to another species/lines! Or if they work, you can keep them as a custom if you're accepted as a GA
-You may use adult or baby lines

-You'll receive GA trial first because I like letting people get a feel for them. GA's can make 3 adopts, and have 1 common myo/custom; and then be eligible for full artist; where you'll receive an uncommon custom every month you complete at least 2 adopts


Rarity is determined by the AMOUNT of edits that a cat has.

Standard = No edits
Common = 1-2 edits
Uncommon = 3-5 edits
Rare = 6-10 edits
Legendary = 11+ or restricted edits

Do NOT count as edits and don't contribute to rarity:
Weight, Disability (blindness,missing limbs, deafness), Magic use (nonvisible/not on ref), Expression, Accessories, Scars

May be used/considered an edit:

Hair on the head (Any length), Longer fur/fur style edits, Pupil edits, Tongue edits, Tail shape edits, Shorter fur, Furless, Whisker length, Whisker style, Ear edits, Horns, Halo, Glowing, Minor crystal growth, Minor plant growth, Minor feather growth, Shorter legs, Slightly longer legs, Whisker style, Minor scale growths

*Minor growths must cover less than 20% of the creature.

Legendary/restricted edits:
(Reserved for special occasions.)

wings, multiple heads, multiple tails, major plant growth, major crystal growth, major feather growth, spines on the body, quills, longer bodies; gene splicing/mixing with other creatures, major scale growth

Restricted/may not be edited/changed:
must have whiskers on the jaw, must have short)ish) legs

Angel Pug @ Mon May 13, 2019 10:56 pm

Little Mark!

Chicken~Strips @ Mon May 13, 2019 10:58 pm

Big mark

dorayaki @ Tue May 14, 2019 12:33 am


6 replies not shown, show all

welcome! please read these rules before coloring in anything!

please use the other Artist Search!

If you are confused on how these species works its really simple!
You pick a flower that the cat is going to grow on their tail and then draw the flower's leaves everywhere else where.
You make your own lineart for the leaves and the flowers. Don't use the flower and the leaves that I drew already unless you are making a type of marigold. Follow the rules down below for coloring in the rest of the cat :)

Artist Guidelines wrote:
1) Floriems body's may only be shades of natural colors, this means no neon. Grey's/browns tinted with a little pink/blue/green/etc. are okay but I do stress the word little!

2) Please make at least three Floriems per month. Its okay if you happen to miss a few months but do try your best! PM me if you need to go on a break for any reason!

3) You are allowed to have a MYO for every 10 adopts that you make. Enjoy this privilege but don't just pump out 10 adopts in one day to have a MYO. Take time on your adopts.

4) Please Please Please have some experience before you apply for this job! You don't have to be Leonardo Da Vinci but you do have to free draw in this artist role so its nice if you already know the ropes.

In your entry post you must include;
your username;
why you'd like to become an artist;
*if you do get chosen you will go on the staff page so make a little small intro about yourself- something like this

    Hey! I'm milkshake, the Owner of Floriems! My favorite flower is a marigold and I love to chat! PM me if anything

jumpycatfan @ Tue May 21, 2019 8:48 am


i'm looking for some artists to get this species running!

i will see your entries, don't be offended/bump the post if i don't respond. you ust might not be the right fit ♥
I’d like to see at least two entries from someone before accepting them!

You can also PM me examples of your artwork/designs instead of entering here.

✦ Anyone may mark
✦ Poof Poofs do not have an edit list, nor do their edits have rarities. This means you may go wild concerning edits (a small list will be compiled below of things that MUST remain on the Poof Poof, however)! However, if you make a lot of entries with edits, make sure to make some unedited ones as well. We aren't looking as much for your ability to make pretty edits as we are how unique your designs are.
✦ No matter what kinds of edits a Poof Poof has, keep in mind that the "whiskers" and its rubbery stomach must not be removed altogether. You may change the shape and/or size of either, but they cannot be deleted.
✦ You may make as many entries as you would like!
✦ By participating in this search, you have read and agreed to the rules on the main page.
✦ Make sure to include a list of edits in the description of your entry, if it has any.
✦ No covers. All entries must be off of this page.
✦ Do NOT remove the fake sign. it may be moved if it is in the way
✦ this artist search has no planned end date ♥

GODEATER @ Wed May 01, 2019 2:05 pm


GhostttlyDragons @ Thu May 02, 2019 6:26 am


Citrus Den @ Thu May 02, 2019 8:05 am


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Artist Search

• No covers
• Do NOT remove the "Fake"
• Multiple entries are allowed
• You will be pm'd if you have been chosen as an artist
• Edits are welcomed and expected for at least one entry. Please include a list of what traits and accessories you use in your posts.
• You will be pm'd a list of rules as an artist
• Will receive a Teacat with any 2 rare edits that they want
• Will be allowed to make 3 customs a month



Artist Entry Form

How often are you online:
What artist position would you like, if you are chosen as a permanent staff member: (nursery, adopts, customs, all)
Do you have past experience with adoptables? Please link if you do:


Dinolil1 @ Mon Jan 15, 2018 9:43 am

How often are you online: I'm online everyday! But I'm only on the laptop in the evenings and currently I'm busy w/ exams so currently, I'm not so busy.
What artist position would you like, if you are chosen as a permanent staff member: Customs!
Do you have past experience with adoptables? Please link if you do: Sorry, no experience.

Simonpet @ Mon Jan 15, 2018 9:48 am

Username: Simonpet
How often are you online: I'm online most days and would give notice if I have to leave for any period of time. However, these next few weeks are exam weeks so I will be on less often.
What artist position would you like, if you are chosen as a permanent staff member: I'd like to be a nursery artist.
Do you have past experience with adoptables? Please link if you do: I'm an artist for Tignix (inactive species).

scarecrowz @ Mon Jan 15, 2018 11:04 am

Username: galaxies,
How often are you online: pretty much everyday (wont be online that much during holidays)
What artist position would you like, if you are chosen as a permanent staff member: adopts
Do you have past experience with adoptables? Please link if you do: nope, hopefully if I can join this it'll be an experience

26 replies not shown, show all

Eevee Pound Artist Search based on this drawing by astraf
by astraf @ Mon May 20, 2019 1:30 am [Reply]

After at least 2 entries, I will judge your entries and decide if you will become an artist or guest artist.

Artists get to..:
Make new adopts.

Guest Artists get to..:
Make new adopts for 1-4 months (depends).

D r e a m C a t c h e r s
Main Page ☾[nursery]☾[fanclub] ☾[archive] ☾[myo] ☾[events] ☾[discord]

☾Special thanks to Savannah-the-Caracal for the beautiful lines!

Artist Search is currently Open!


☾All Rules on main page still apply
☾Do not use just to color in
☾Do not make line edits
☾You can make up to 5 entries, but 2 is the minimum to actually become an artist, unless I LOVE your design


mukuroikusabas @ Sun May 19, 2019 8:36 am

mark! i'll likely enter

Artist Search
Offical ArchiveOfficial Discord—[url=x]x[/url]—[url=x]x[/url]

This it the artist search. If you follow the rules, you might be an artist soon!
Once you become an artist, you can make one custom for yourself.

- You’re welcome to make as many entries as you can. Make at least 2 entries before going to the artist rank to see if you're fit.
- Do not remove the fake sign
- Please don't make AWFs here if you are not entering.
- You may use this but it is not an offical AWF.
- Do not sell for C$/pets
- Don’t use these lines for adoptables

KogasBabyGirl @ Mon May 06, 2019 5:45 am


Silveryn @ Fri May 17, 2019 9:47 am


Silveryn @ Sat May 18, 2019 4:31 pm



💫 Be polite
💫 Quality over Quantity
💫 make as many entries as you'd like
💫 Remeber to add the form below one of your entries
💫 Try to make a range of designs
💫 Dont remove the fake sign
⭐ Good luck!

Form wrote:
Code: Select all
Tell me about you;
Why do you want this position?;
Anything else you want me to know?;

Albino_ @ Mon Feb 25, 2019 11:49 am

may i be added?

Bunny!! @ Mon Feb 25, 2019 11:50 am

Albino_ wrote:may i be added?

Your added!

boots @ Mon Feb 25, 2019 1:18 pm

may i be added? x

25 replies not shown, show all

Duo-Pets Artist Search based on this drawing by Pastel_
by Pastel_ @ Thu Apr 25, 2019 2:44 am [Reply]

Welcome to Duo-Pets! This is a species where we take two animals and mix them together. You can then adopt them!

This is the artist search! Just erase my example and create your own!

as an artist, you are required to make at least 3 adopts a month, but you can also make however many customs a month as you'd like!

albino polar bear @ Thu Apr 25, 2019 3:00 am


ChristianCrafter @ Thu Apr 25, 2019 5:24 am

oooh i wanna join!

Kazunan @ Thu Apr 25, 2019 5:25 am

Mark ^^

12 replies not shown, show all

Vesper Artist Search based on this drawing by Guest
by Rosemoon @ Wed May 08, 2019 3:39 am [Reply]

  • You make may as many entries as you want
  • Do not remove the "FAKE" sign if it happens as an accident, that's completely okay! You will not be disqualified, you'll just get a polite reminder^^ it's no biggie at all!
  • Do not color this in as your character, fursona, or anything, this is for applying as an artist ONLY
  • These entries can be turned into MYO Customs if you have the appropriate ticket
  • If chosen as a Guest Artist you have a whole month to make adopts before it's decided if you make permanent staff stay
  • All designs must be made on oekaki, the only off-oekaki designs can be milestones but do not have to be off-oekaki (i.e. 1, 100, 200, etc)
  • You may not use the base to sell designs for the species, but you may put your designs up for claims if the user has the appropriate ticket and they may only be approved by a staff member
  • Please make a list of edits included in your entry, it just makes it easier to see what edits you've done! If you forget that's okay, no harm done!

    Any other questions feel free to ask.
    Lines by Sixbane!
    Main Page

Rosemoon @ Sun May 12, 2019 2:00 am


Myst_c @ Wed May 15, 2019 9:00 am


Meece Artist Search based on this drawing by Pastel_
by Pastel_ @ Tue May 07, 2019 5:13 pm [Reply]

To learn about Meece, visit here!

As an artist, you will be required to make at least 3 adopts every month, however, you can make up to 3 customs a month, as well.

In order for a Meece to be adopted, the person must already have their first Meece.

Meece can be any color or pattern, and only 1 in every 9 are male.

Line edits are allowed, as well as adding accessories. The only rule is don't remove the "Fake" on the page!

Pastel_ @ Wed May 08, 2019 2:14 am


Pastel_ @ Wed May 08, 2019 6:32 am


Pastel_ @ Wed May 08, 2019 1:30 pm


9 replies not shown, show all

??? adopts - artist search based on this drawing by .lucifer
by .lucifer @ Fri Jan 25, 2019 8:35 am [Reply]

[main thread]

welcome to our artist search!
here, we will be looking for artists to help design characters for our adoptable center. we're looking for users who can understand the genetic aspect of the adopts, as well as a good use of colors and markings. think you have what it takes? lets see your stuff!

do not use these lines for anything but works concerning my adoptable center. no, this isnt a closed species, but you may not use them to make random characters.
no stealing designs or colorpicking existing designs.
i will generally wait until a user has made 2-3 designs before deciding on hiring them or not, so i can better see their skills.
follow the genetics guide, please. you may use the random generator if you need help picking which traits to use.
their colors can be anything youd like! they don't have to be natural, just be sure not to use too many clashing/eye-hurting bright colors.

Ringo. @ Fri Jan 25, 2019 8:37 am


Cherryfreeze @ Fri Jan 25, 2019 8:54 am

possible mark

magnapinna @ Fri Jan 25, 2019 8:55 am

oooh,, heck,, small mark

8 replies not shown, show all

˗`ˏ homeartist search • [url]nursery[/url] ˎˊ˗

      ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ What is a Ramu?
      A Ramu is essentially just a human with horns. Their hair
      is almost like their wool, being extremely soft. Most Ramu's
      are pretty tall, around 5''10+ feet, but there are the
      occasional shorties. Their ears are pointed and shaped
      much like elf ears. Ramu are also very fashionable. Lots of
      Ramu's will be based off of a certain breed of sheep, which
      can affect their hair color and personality.

      ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Rules
      • must make a minimum of 2 entries before you are hired! i'll
      pm you when you get hired.
      • No covers! Off-Oekaki entries are allowed one cover per entry,
      but it must have at least a small doodle on it.
      • Ramu's should not be based heavily off of any pre-existing
      character from any sort of media. (books, shows, movies, etc.)
      • all Ramu adopts are custom lined! don't get angry if you
      can't find lines!

      ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Rarity Chart
      Common Hair Length, Horn Length/Shape, Pointed

      Uncommon Sheep Ears, Sheep Tails, Sclera Color,
      Heterochromia, Tattoos, Missing Horns

      Rare Custom Ears, Custom Pupils, Missing/Extra
      Limbs, Glowing Patterns/Tattoos

      Extra-Rare Colorful Blood, Extra/Missing Eyes (six
      max), Halos, Wings, No Horns, Gem Growth

      ask if you have a question about something that isn't listed

chris is tired @ Sat May 11, 2019 5:57 am

Posting is Allowed!

chris is tired @ Tue May 14, 2019 7:19 am

bump !

Celestrial Artist Search based on this drawing by jupiter,
by jupiter, @ Wed Feb 14, 2018 12:19 am [Reply]

Home Customs Nursery Artist Search
Nursery Artist Search Valentines Event Growths
+More To Come!


What Are Celestrials? wrote:Celestrials Are Large, Heavy Creatures That Are So Powerful, They Have Been Know
To Crush Cars. Behind Their Feral Side, These Creatures Are Giant Balls Of Fluff And Are Loyal To Their Owners.


1. Make As Many Entries As You Want
2. When Make, Please State A Nickname You Would Love To Be Called If You Got In
3. Marking Is Allowed.
4. Don't Remove The Fake Sign
5. Have Fun!! ~~

Nero The Corgi King @ Wed Feb 14, 2018 6:27 am

May I be added so I can enter?

jupiter, @ Wed Feb 14, 2018 7:09 am

Nero The Corgi King wrote:May I be added so I can enter?


heroloid @ Wed Feb 14, 2018 7:12 am

Can I Be Added?

5 replies not shown, show all

Vimeria Artist Search ♥ based on this drawing by Horror
by Horror @ Sun Oct 28, 2018 2:11 pm [Reply]

Bank - Nursery - Customs - Growths + Transfers - Archives - Nursery Archives
Artist Search - [url=e]Nursery Artist Search[/url] - CS Shop - DA Shop - Gacha - Suggestion Box


Vimerias are seeking aspiring artists! We are looking for artists of all sorts of art styles who can work well in a team and provide the community with fresh adopts.

    Anyone may enter this competition, and it is always open unless stated otherwise! You may make as many entries as you want; and making more than one is even encouraged!

    Only color this in as an original, new entry; do not color the lines in as a character or use, copy or take "inspiration" from a pre-existing design. You must include a list of edits on all entries, and entries can be custom-lined, though it's recommended at least one entry is on the official lines.
    The 'FAKE' sign and signature must remain visible. They can be moved if they're in the way, but they must be able to be seen at all times.

    Entry designs here can be 'claimed' and turned into official Vimeria using a MYO slot of the correct rarity, if the artist allows so. They will follow the same process as any custom and must be covered and approved before the Vimeria is official. The 'FAKE' sign may then be removed after approval.

    If accepted in as a Trial Artist, you will be able to create 3 official Main Adopts and 2 official Gachas and have the potential to be hired onto the staff team as an official artist. After your Trial, you will receive [credit equivalent of an uncommon MYO slot], regardless if you are hired or not. Please read the "For Staff" section of the Rules post on the Main Page for more information on being an Artist.

    If accepted in as a Guest Artist, you will be able to create 3 official Main Adopts and/or Gachas. Guest Artists cannot be hired onto the staff team unless you choose to go through an official trial.

rivethead @ Mon May 13, 2019 12:12 am


Put 'fake' somewhere on your entry!
Make at least 1 natural donkey&llama coat color and 1 unnatural coat color! (at least 4 total entries)
Post under every entry: your other entries & what position your applying for!

Artists will get 1 custom animal for every 10 adopts they put out!

How many entries can i make?-As many as you want to!
Are covers okay?-Yup! But you dont have to make one! @ Fri Mar 30, 2018 9:03 am

Hello there again!
Can I enter the lpp artist search although it is March XD @ Fri Apr 13, 2018 7:36 am

I have finished my llama for the artist search after 3 failed attempts at making one that looked good. :D

KathrynKat @ Fri May 10, 2019 8:52 am

6 Entries Complete! :)


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