It was suggested to me that I should make dragon lines of some kind. I have, and here they are. There are a total of 3 different horns and 1 body spike. There's a few things I need to know before I continue! If you don't mind in taking the time to fill out the form below regarding these above, please let me know.
- Code: Select all
Hai! I'd like to help!
What should Thova use these for:
If a competition to win these lines, what kind:
Anything else:
Here some options to help you out!
"What should Thova use these for?"
-Keep and make adopts off these lines! This includes adding armor, feathers, more traits, magic, etc! (Check Thova's gallery for adopt examples!)
-Make into a competition so other could win the lines for use!
-Not interested!
-Something Else
"If competition, what kind?"
-Draw Thova's characters competition!
-No competition!
-Offer to buy Lines
"Anything else?"
-Try adding....
-I'd like to see....
Thank you!!