To Insert an accented letter:
1) Ensure that "Num Lock" is switched on on the Numerical Keypad on the right hand side of the keyboard.
2) Hold down the ALT key (to the left of the space bar) and type the codes below, on the Numerical Keypad. (NOT the numbers at the top of the keyboard)
3) Release the ALT key.
à: 0224
ñ: 0241
á: 0225
é: 0233
í: 0237
ó: 0243
ú: 0250
Ñ: 0209
¡: 0161
¿: 0191
â: 0226
é: 0233
è: 0232
ê: 0234
ë: 0235
ç: 0231
î: 0238
ï: 0239
ô: 0244
ù: 0249
û: 0251
Ç: 0199
oe: 0156
ä: 0228
ö: 0246
ü: 0252
ß: 0223
Ä: 0196
Ö: 0214
Ü: 0220
à: 0224
è: 0232
ì: 0236
ù: 0249
È: 0200
Happy accenting!!!