CS Writing Competition - June Contest UPCOMING

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Re: CS Writing Competition - January Contest OPEN

Postby S3r3nity » Tue Jan 24, 2023 2:35 pm

January 2023

Link to Pet: Image

Entry: Serenity opened her little eyes as the lights of her room flickered on. In the distance she could hear her older sister singing as she readied herself for the day. Rolling onto her tummy Serenity stretched out her legs and arms enjoying the comfort of the blanket that momma had placed over her last night. "Hey there sweetie, how did you sleep?" Strong hands reached down, lifting her up into the air. Serenity sighed, burbling happily as she looked up into her dada's face. Life was so perfect! She was only 4 months old, and she wanted it to stay this way forever!
Later that day, Serenity lay on her back looking up into an image that would move anytime she moved her own arms. She smiled, giggled, and laughed, playing with the image was so much fun! Suddenly a rattling sound came from somewhere to her left. Craning her neck Serenity saw her sister Nova walking by with a rattle that she shook around in the air. Huh... I want to play too! Serenity cooed, but Nova kept on walking, not quite understanding what her little sister was trying to say. Frowning, Serenity wiggled her body until she faced Nova and then screeched. Nova looked over, rattled the rattle then walked away.
That's not fair! I want that rattle! Serenity thought, wiggling her little body, but her body was too weak to follow after Nova. Quickly tiring out, Serenity lay her head down, wondering what she could do to get to the rattle. How was it that Nova was able to move so easily? Lifting her head back up Serenity observed how Nova used all four legs to move around. She rarely laid on her tummy. I'm gonna learn to move around like Nova!
Over the next couple days Serenity practiced pushing her front legs down into the ground. She slowly felt them strengthening, until one day it took a few hours before she grew tired. Then she began practicing pushing her back legs down. Bit by bit she gained strength, until one day she learned to stand on her own. Smiling she moved one leg forward like she'd seen Nova doing only to come CRASHING back down to the ground.
Hmmm... Guess I'll need to set a new resolution and learn how to actually walk! Serenity thought, before getting back to her feet.
The End (For Now)
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Re: CS Writing Competition - January Contest OPEN

Postby Strawberry Sunset » Fri Jan 27, 2023 5:29 am

January 2023 Prompt: New year, new you... right? Tell us about your pet's New Year's resolutions and their plans for achieving them, or how they spent their New Year celebrations!

Link to Pet: Image
Pet's name: Vulpes

Entry (561 Words):

Despite the knowledge of every other pet celebrating the New Years in January, for Vulpes and her persons, it was celebrated in October! Samhain (pronounced Sah-Wen), or the Pagan New Year, is traditionally celebrated October 31-November 2! For Vulpes, she was in the midst of writing down her own resolutions in the family's poppy fields, surrounded by the wisps and remnants of her personal thinking spells.

"Resolutions... I want to be kinder to myself," she mused as the writing magically appeared in her book, "I'll achieve that by sticking to strict boundaries and allowing myself to say no."

Being kind to ones self was very important! That's how someone remains healthy and keeps their social health intact. After all, everyone has multiple facets of health to keep up with.

"I also want to eat healthier. I'll have to tell Calico to switch me to a homecooked diet," she mused, "healthy eating will keep me around longer."

Healthy eating is also very important for pets and humans! Sadly, Vulpes doesn't have opposable thumbs, so she'll need some help with that. Asking for help is always okay and encouraged! Don't ever be afraid to ask for help, irregardless of the situation. Allowing herself to stand and shake the dust from her pelt, the black bengal cat resumed her loaf position, gazing to the words in her book. Would Calico like these resolutions? It felt as if they always weren't... genuine.

"Remember, Vulpes, the resolutions need to be genuine!" Calico chirped as she brushed her blonde hair from her face, "these feel like you're trying to get an assignment done. I want you to go to your favorite fields and really sit and think it all through. Wanting more pats isn't really a resolution, nor is gaining more power. Of course, power can be translated in other ways if you want to keep it, but be wary of your words. The Fates and Cernunnos may not look kindly upon them." The words of her mistress echoed through the cat's mind as she tried to think. Gaining power... Surely there was a better way to word that.

"For my last resolution... I want to gain more confidence in my Craft. While I'm fairly confident in completing the rituals of the Fox's Hollow, I need to gain confidence in rituals of my own."

Amber eyes shining, Vulpes finished off her three resolutions, dashing back home, book held firmly in her mouth. Calico had better like these! She did so well, so she thought.

"Vulpes, did you get new resolutions?" the blonde witch asked as she hung her cloak back up on its hook, "let me have a look."

The cat held her breath as her owner looked through the book, grey-blue eyes focusing intensely. Luckily, Calico's face broke into a smile once she finished.

"Excellent work, Vulpes. You may finish the Samhain ritual with these. I'll burn your Bay Leaves since you don't have thumbs."

The cat and owner both sat by the open window, finishing off the ritual with nothing but joy and love in their hearts. As the ashes of the bay leaves flew with the wind, Vulpes had even more hope for the coming year.

"Now, Vulpes, if we need to switch your diet, we need to see a vet. I'm not going to mess up on this."

... not the vet...
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Re: CS Writing Competition - January Contest OPEN

Postby Ziggy Zag » Sat Jan 28, 2023 2:10 pm

Pet's name: Honeycomb
(Warning, not sure if this is allowed but this story contains a snake getting stepped on, just in case that may be a triggering topic I’m telling you here but if that’s triggering to you please don’t read! It’s not graphic or anything)

Entry: A Goal To Be Loved (477 words)
Honeycomb, exhausted, slithered slowly across the frigid concrete. Her head was full of woe, lowered as she sulked. Yesterday night had been New Years, the beginning of 2023. During this night, she’d see all the humans come out and gather to watch the sky. They hollered in joy when the moon was at it’s fullest, the youngest covering their ears.
Oh yes, because of the explosions.
Humans had odd tendencies, Honeycomb had discovered. Instead of feasting or dancing, they lit explosions in the sky. Big, beautiful blasts of color that filled your ears with their booms and left you staring, mouth gaping in awe like you were about to sink your teeth into the juiciest fuzzy mouse you’d ever caught and swallow it whole. In fact, they were so beautiful that Honeycomb had forgotten her place among the humans and ventured out of her lonesome, wet cardboard box to watch. As soon as she’d slithered inches out of the alley, the human’s screams of joy had turned to terror. They turned their head from the sky explosions and stomped, kicking and wailing. Honeycomb had no idea why they hated her so much. She’d lunged out of the way of their feet, her eyes dialated in horror. Pain shot up her spine and she hissed, clenching her jaw. She’d hobbled back best she could to the alley and cowered in her box, crying.
Now, the next morning, she was pacing the alley, too frightened to go out. A small twinge of hope lit inside her for food, but it was quickly extinguished by the strong smell of smoke that filled her nostrils. She flopped to the ground, wincing from the pain in her back. The growls of her belly were silenced by the ache. She curled her head in. Why did humans have to hate her? She just wanted to survive, to be accepted. To be loved.
Wait…that was it. A brilliant idea unfolded like a rose bud in mid April. The humans probably hated her…because she was scary! Humans screamed I’m terror when they saw her! She just had to be cute, and they’d love her! Honeycomb perked up. But wait…how was she supposed to do that? She was a snake, and snakes were scary.
But other animals aren’t. Honeycomb realized.
That was it! She could dress up like another animal! It was genius! Honeycomb slithered away, looking for some old mouse remains. Spotting some rotting mouse ears, she tied them together with an old rubber band and slid them over her head. An unusually large rat tail lay down at the end of the alley, near the dumpster. She tried her best to hollow out the inside, and slid it over her own tail. It barely fit, but it would do.
New year, new me! Honeycomb smiled. This year, I’m a mouse!
Nothing could go wrong…right?
⭑ Ziggy Zag ⭑ She/her/they/them ⭑


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Re: CS Writing Competition - January Contest OPEN

Postby CrystalAuthor » Mon Jan 30, 2023 11:50 am

Link; Image

Note for if this is read significantly further down the line: at the time of writing, this pet is a grub

For her new years resolution, Artica would like to stop being a grub.
It isn't very easy being a baby. Especially the smallest of the litter.
To see siblings already well on their way to being strong majestic creatures while you are, a grub.
Not to say there is anything wrong with being a grub, others tell you. (They of course do not know themselves what it is like being a grub.) But there is, Artica thinks, there are many things wrong with being what she is, and she could only just barely count the ways on her many little legs. Which she has many of. Probably the first bad thing about being a grub.
She is small, often almost stepped on by others.
Weak, barely being able to climb a single stem before exhausting herself.
She cannot run like the other butterfly wolves. Or fly like them.
Her coat is not smooth and silky, and her eyes not deep and mysterious.
Artica often sits, counting the many reasons she does not want to be a grub. By the end of the year she will be the biggest, most gorgeous of wolves.
Her scales will glitter like diamonds, she thinks.
Her tail will be so soft it will make silk itself jealous.
But as Artica thinks about all the reasons she wants to be a wolf, she sits down for dinner. She sees that unlike her siblings, her plate is filled so high it's taller than her. As she eats to her heart's content she thinks that maybe being a grub as bad as she thought.
But still. She will be a wolf. Someday.
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Re: CS Writing Competition - January Contest OPEN

Postby Lights.Out » Mon Feb 06, 2023 7:52 am

January 2023

Link to pet: Image
Pet's name: Bernie
Word count: 399

Entry: A cold breeze ruffled Bernie’s fur. He could barely feel it, as he was oh so fluffy, and definitely used to it. He sat there, staring up at the sky. “It looks like it might snow…” he thought to himself. He had been thinking of new years for a while now, and he still couldn’t come up with a resolution. He let out a barely audible sigh and decided to give up. He could never come up with anything no matter how hard he tried. “That’s okay,” he thought, “who needs a resolution when you have friends and work to keep you busy.” That’s when he remembered. The party! How could he forget? He broke into a run, worried he would be late. He was NEVER late.
As he neared his destination he slowly came to a stop. Just on time. That was a close one. He could hear voices through the trees and slowly weaved his way to the other side. There he saw all his friends, conversing, eating, and having a good time. He greeted them all as he made his way around. He swiftly made his way over to the food, he hadn’t eaten in a while. A dog his size had a BIG appetite, so no one was surprised when he scarfed down half of it.
As the night went on they played games and talked about the previous year. The sun was completely set by now, and it had begun snowing. Just a little, but it was still so pretty.
“Bernie! You’re the only one who hasn’t told us your New Year’s resolution!” Someone said.
“Oh… well… I don’t really have one… I couldn’t decide,” he muttered, slightly embarrassed. “I guess… maybe… oh I really don’t know…” he shifted his paws awkwardly.
“Hey that’s okay! You don’t need one! Half of us probably won’t follow through with ours anyways!” Someone laughed. He chuckled slightly.
Another St. Bernard chimed in, it was the one Bernie had trained just last year, “you already do so much for others! You don’t have to push yourself! No one is sure how you balance everything… it’s so hard!” Bernie smiled appreciatively.
“Yeah! You’re definitely the best search and rescue dog in the area!” Another voice said.
“Thank you guys… thats very nice of you…” he grinned.
No matter what anyone said, he knew he had the best friends ever.
✧˖°.⁺‧˚ ♡ ˚‧⁺ ✧˖°.
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⭒ ISTJ ⭒
⭒ aries ⭒
⭒ lioden; Broccoli Purée #414274 ⭒
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Re: CS Writing Competition - January Contest OPEN

Postby Toydog21 » Thu Feb 09, 2023 4:26 am

Pet's name: Archimedes

Archimedes was an asian style dragon, with a light blueish colour and long body.
He was looking forward to this years chinese new year celebrations, which were going to be enormous. A group of the dragons were participating in the annual dance to scare away evil spirits. Others were travelling around helping people plan for the new year with their wisdom.

His new year resolution was to try something new so this year, he fancied doing something different as he had done these things before. He wanted to help out more with the big feast. This year the special guests were going to be the rabbits from the moon. They were travelling down for the event as it was the year of the rabbit. There was to be a huge feast, with music and stories.

He decided to ask the party planners if they needed help. He went to the halls to see. There were all sorts including deers, birds, even mice there. Some were carrying decorations into the big hall. Others were neatly arranging things. The birds were carrying red banners and hanging them up.
Archimedes went over to a hamster sitting on a chair, who looked to be in charge and asked if he could help.
"You can help light the candles over there" the hamster said. Archimedes went over and puffed a small fire onto the candles. He went around to each table and lit up each candle with a puff of flames.
"Excellent work!"
"Why don't you go help out with the cooking" the hamster suggested. "I think you would be a lot of help".
Agreeing to that he walked over to the kitchen. The chef was a liondog, with a tall white hat on.
He looked at Archimedes and narrowed his eyes. "A dragon? You are here to help?"
Archimedes nodded his head.

The lion dog got him to cook the dumplings and the vegetables. He lit up the fires with his fiery breath to cook the dumplings. They looked like they were cooking well. He then used his claws to chop the vegetables which he put in to a pot and lit up fire underneath to cook them.

"Looks good" he commented lightly wagging his tail while maintaing a slightly serious look. The food was then plated up and seasoned. The feast was ready.

Animals brought gifts to the center of the table to be shared. Then the rabbits sat down on the grand guest table for the meal and the other animals sat down at tables too excited to the celebrate the new year.

There were Spring rolls, croquettes, jelly, rice cakes, tofu, rice, curry and all sorts of snacks including moon mochi the rabbits brought. As well the dumplings and vegetables that Archimedes helped prepare. Then they played music and shared tales. The rabbits were very impressed at the event. They clapped and cheered. And they found the food delicious, especially the vegetables which Archimedes was proud to have helped with.

At the end of the day they all relaxed and watched a group of dragons dance in the sky and on the streets. He enjoyed being involved with the preparations this year. He was glad to be a part of making this big event special.

94% of people think that wolves are vicious, evil animals. Copy and paste this into your signature if you're one of the 6% who love wolves and think they are amazing creatures.

90% of people think dragons are creepy as heck. But 7% of people say dragons would destroy everything if they were real. 2% set off to find some dragons, but fail. Put this on your siggy if you are in the 1% of people who would be by a dragon's side forever.
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Re: CS Writing Competition - January Contest OPEN

Postby BlueEyedKite » Wed Feb 15, 2023 7:26 am

January 2023

Link to Pet: Image
Pet's name: Avatar

Entry (721 words):

The eve of a new year fell upon the big city of Chickensmoothieville cold and clear-skied. A dog the color of navy and baby blue padded the sidewalk of Nick Block, headed towards Tess Avenue. He was a Clear Eyed Galaxy dog and this year would make his fifteenth New Years celebration. Up ahead his light-eyed gaze locked onto a Black-spotted Dalmation dog. The dog gave off an imposing aura with dark shades obscuring the eyes and leather jacket embellished with sinister looking spikes. No pet would blame our galaxy dog if he were to cross the street.

"Why you waiting in the cold? Dallas would have buzzed you up!" The CEG called out, releasing a cloud of frosty breath with each word.

The dalmation dog's face softened to a warm smile as the other approached and leaned forward to bump noses with him." I had to see why you were late to your own party, again! Is this a New Year's tradition, Avatar?"

The galaxy dog, named Avatar, gave a toot of the noise maker hung round his neck." Ah Cooper you know I had to stop by the trade market for some last minute New Years gear. Paid five chicken bucks a piece for all this!"

"Highway robbery!" The dalmation, Cooper, remarked.

Both dogs laughed as they headed into the apartment building adjacent to the corner. They road the elevator to the top floor, for of course a Very Rare dog would live in the penthouse. Music blasted them in the face as Avatar led the way into his apartment.

"Here he is!" A dapperly dressed 2015 Easter Bunny cheered as Avatar padded into the center of the friendly crowd with Cooper just behind.

"Dallas are you providing stimulating conversation for my guests? I did leave you in charge of atmosphere while I was out," Avatar addressed the bun.

Dallas, a chocolate and white bunny wearing a stylish waistcoat and necktie, balanced on his hind legs to meet Avatar at eye level." We were just discussing the history of December 18th and the modification to the boxes that are setting a precedence for--"

"Yes! yes! My clever friend, I'm sure you researched the topic thoroughly, but maybe we can keep from rarity talk for one evening?" Avatar cut in. He then pressed his nose to the bun's cheek in an affectionate gesture before turning his attention to the rest of his guests.

Avatar's can-comfortably-fit-a-malk-dragon sized apartment was clamoring with pets from all species and rarities. Next to the sparkling juice table he saw Gudrun the Mulberry Grey Fynbos pony. She was dressed for the special occasion in top hat and monocle. Of course Gudrun brought Snow, her black cat store item. The kitty was currently trapezing his fireplace mantle. He'd have to remember to cat proof that area later.

Near his Christmas tree, which he neglected to take down, Pumpkin the Halloween Pumpkin bwolf was fluttering up among the hanging streamers. Cooper was laughing uproariously and wagging a spotted tail as he watched the little orange bwolf weave in and out of the party decorations.

"You're a marvelous flyer, Pumpkin! A wonder!" Cooper cheered.

By the fireplace, Murphy, the Black Marble snake was coiled up and conversing with Pei-pei, the Lunar New Year Water bunny. The two were trading stories on their experiences as new pets on the block.

Realizing all guests were accounted for, Avatar leapt ontop an armchair and cleared his throat. A hush fell on the crowd.

"Thank you all for coming tonight! Dallas helped with the set up, so give him a paw or hoof for working his fluffy tail off." Avatar took a moment to lead an applause for the bun." As is tradition I'd like to give a toast." Another pause as Pumpkin the bwolf used his magic to set sparkling juice cups in front of each pet." Another year behind us, but the best is before us!"

"Here here!" "Hurrah!" His friends cheered as each drank their juice.

The party would continue on with all manner of merry activities until the time came for the TV to be turned on. 10 numbers down and then the pets were trading kisses on the cheek. Noisemakers sounded and a confetti cannon or two popped off. Avatar had another New Year's celebration for the books.
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Re: CS Writing Competition - January Contest OPEN

Postby Chelydra » Thu Feb 16, 2023 9:53 am

January 2023
Link to Pet:
Pet's name: Sofia

“And, Sofia, what are your New Year's resolutions?” ask Sofia's friends and family.

Make regular visits to the local library. I used to go all the time as a caterpillar – to read my way through the fantasy aisle! - but after my pupation, I don't know, I just stopped. I showed up once in a blue moon, often enough to keep them from deleting my card at least. But this year's gonna be different! This year I will go regularly – at least to return the books on time!”

Her friends nod their approval. Her parents reminisce about her childhood with wistful sighs. The conversation wanders from one topic to the next, but then someone realizes: “Hey, Sofia! You never told us about your other resolutions!”

“There aren't any.”

“You've only got one? What about the usual ones: do more sports and the like? Not even gonna try this year?”

“Well, you see,” Sofia gets ready for her Big Speech.
On the surface, I may have merely one meager resolution for 2023. But! Putting make regular visits to the library into action is going to fulfill quite a few other resolutions as well:

  1. most obviously: Read more books
    Borrowing them from a library also helps with:
  2. Don't buy so much new stuff, that you only use for a short time, before it sits on the shelf, taking up space and collecting dust
    And books aren't all you can get at a library. Which brings us to:
  3. Play more board games with friends and family
    Libraries are perfect for trying out new games! It's cheaper than buying them, you don't feel like you wasted money when you don't like it, you can borrow them specifically when a game night is planned and they don't clutter the shelves in the meantime.
    Speaking of games: video games. 60 C$ for one recent game? Both my gamer heart and my wallet cry. But 1 C$ for one week? That's:
  4. Try not to spend all your money on video games
    Sure, the library might not have a super big selection. But I've seen a handful of games I'd like to play! And so long as save files are stored on the console, it doesn't matter if the disk/cartridge gets swapped around.
    Next up: Movies, 1 C$ per week. Because the availability on streaming services is confusing, and recent movies are sometimes behind a paywall, making use of the library's supply is the better option. And that also ticks off:
  5. Support local businesses instead of buying online
    as well as:
  6. For climate reasons, avoid streaming when possible
    And after all that talk of gaming and movies, on to my parents' favourite:
  7. Spend less time in front of a screen
    which will be accomplished by 1. and 3. Nothing pulls me away from my screen time as effectively as a good book with a compelling story, or having fun with my friends! Next up:
  8. Spend more time outside
    The walk to the library and back. And I can read outside, in our garden. (But not at this time of year, let's wait until spring)
  9. Do more sport
    While not sport in the traditional sense, a visit to the library can most definitely count as physical activity! If I take the longer way through the park, I'll have a nice jogging route, in the library itself I'll walk the stairs instead of flying, and lugging around a bag full of heavy books? Certainly counts as weightlifting!
    And lastly, the Achilles' heel:
  10. Keep up the New Year's resolutions for the whole year
    All I really have to do to ensure that my library visits remain regular is to take something new every time I go to return the last book. The due date and looming fine will make sure that I come back in time.
And I'm already off to a good start: Those board games I borrowed for the holidays are due when the library re-opens next week.

Silence. Is Sofia done, or is she merely taking a breather?
No, seems her speech is finished.

“I see you've really thought this through.”

Next Wednesday sees Sofia coming home huffing and puffing, struggling to heave her bags full of books onto the dinner table.
The voracious bookworm hidden in this butterfly wolf is hungrier than she thought.
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Re: CS Writing Competition - January Contest OPEN

Postby reynard » Thu Jun 01, 2023 2:02 pm

Hello everyone. We want to apologize for the wait and the lapse in the competition. Some real life obligations made it hard for us to continue this. The good news is, it will be restarting.

The Writing Competition will be reopening on June 15, 2023.
So get your writing fingers ready.

In the meantime, we are happy to announce our January 2023 winner: SuperMega

And our December 2022 winner: Chillykitty

Both of you will have your prizes sent to you shortly. :)

The prizes for that and the previous month will be sent shortly. We will post further about the June 2023 prompt and prizes on the 15th.
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Re: CS Writing Competition - June Contest UPCOMING

Postby arcadia. » Fri Oct 20, 2023 11:29 am

    mark <3 hopefully this will re-open soon
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