Just a little fun for when you have time to kill


Postby jazz. » Tue Feb 20, 2024 2:51 pm


061 | 32 ♀️ | 26 ♂️| 03 ☿ | next excavation: anytime | pebbles: 197 | mod: deimos
▌│█║▌║▌║ 𝙷𝙰𝚁𝙳 𝙼𝙾𝙳𝙴 ║▌║▌║█│▌
7 prey types, 5 patrols, 7 cats per patrol

until 76 cats:
    A dense fog surrounded Laika, even her own paws seemed distant and she felt disconnected from her body altogether. She walked forward a few steps and felt the dry clay turn wet and sticky. Lifting a paw close to her face, she reeled back as fresh blood dripped off. Laika turned in a quick circle but could not see anything other than the gray fog all around. She continued following the blood by feel as she crept onward. Eventually she could tell she was coming up onto…something; her fur stood straight up and her whiskers prickled. Something wasn’t right.
    The next step taken wasn’t the uncomfortable sticky step that Laika was now accustomed to, now she hit fur. With a shaky paw, she felt the body splayed out in front of her, still not being able to see any recognizable features. It wasn’t until her paw brushed over the heavily scarred eyes, Laika knew it was her mother. Was this all her blood, this trail? She was no medic but it was hard to believe it could be from only one cat.
    Laika backed up only to find herself tangled with yet another body on the ground, this one with a bobtail…Belka. Her entire body was shaking, rattling her teeth in her head, as she took unsteady steps away from her brother and still onto blood. There was blood everywhere. The fog wasn’t the musty gray anymore, it now had a thick red tint with the overwhelming scent of iron choking her. Coughing wasn’t helping but she couldn’t stop and it was in her eyes and in her nose and in her fur and in her body and in her head and in her…

    “Yo,” Ivan stood over her, clear as day with no fog in sight. He was one of two newest trappers of Earthfall, one moon younger than her but even bigger than Belka. The large black ticked tabby had curled ears, orange eyes, and an easy expression. He and Erwin had recently been found wandering a narrow mineshaft on the outskirts of the territory and assigned mentors. At the moment, he seemed quite concerned as Laika laid sprawled across her nest, now featuring moss pieces strewn on the ground as a result of her nightmare thrashing. “Everything alright?”
    Laika focused on deep breaths, not bothering to answer his question. It was obvious to everyone that she wasn’t alright. Pushing herself to her feet, she realized that they were the last two cats left in the trappers cavern. It wasn’t like she had overslept or anything, the sun had just cleared the horizon, but it was strange that her littermates left without waking her themselves.
    As she frowned, Ivan shifted his weight, clearly uneasy after the silence that engulfed them. “I believe everyone else is arguing over who gets to eat the giant hare Enya caught last night.”
    “Sounds about right,” Laika grumbled, still annoyed she’d been left behind but glad nothing serious had occurred, “and you’re here because…?”
    “I prefer fish,” Ivan shrugged, “and there is usually a spare one to eat.”
    Laika grunted and left to see what breakfast was available, Ivan trailing a bit unsure behind. As soon as she rounded the corner, Strelka gestured her over. Strelka and Belka were in front of a plump rabbit but Belka still seemed unimpressed. Laika naturally glanced over to the group of oldest trappers, Criollo, Forastero, Trinitario, and Nacional, looking mighty proud feasting on the aforementioned hare from Enya.
    Strelka followed her line of sight. “Two against four wasn’t really fair,” She dramatically sighed, “And Erwin just stood off to the side watching.” She narrowed her eyes at the meeker black tabby further away eating a small mouse.
    “I told you we should have woken her up,” Belka pushed Laika’s share over, “But noooo, sleeping in is a good thing.” Laika just shook her head and dug into the rabbit. She was sure it was just as tasty as the hare.
    Following breakfast, the oldest trappers ran off to get last minute training in before their upcoming assessments. Belka stole several hare bones to completely lick clean while the others waited for their mentors to finish stretching and eating. They were promised a territory tour today. The young cats vibrated in excitement yet Laika’s mind couldn’t help wander back to Kenna’s slaying a few moons before.
    “Believe it or not, we’re ready to go!” Ripley’s energetic voice knocked her out of those thoughts and stood next to her mentor. She was now eye level with her though Ripley’s aviator hat kept her just a hair taller. Along with Fleet and Crossword, Checker and Dreamwatcher also joined them as Ivan and Erwin’s mentors respectively.
    The party of ten filed out of the camp and Crossword, who led the way with Belka right behind, started naturally towards the north. As the mine entrance led directly to the plateau that gave a nice advantage point over the land surrounding them. It was the highest point of claimed Earthfall land and the flat expanse only had a few dry twiggy bushes and various superficial fractures on the surface. Continuing north was a small forest where another clan of cats resided further in named Evergreen Park. There had been little contact with them, only Marlon acknowledging their existence and only letting his cats venture into the sparse beginnings of the trees, leaving the rest to the Park. Northeast in a deeper forest was yet another group called Kyanite Keep yet Marlon had only heard about them through his brief meeting with Evergreen Park. Northwest was MoonClan who remained elusive in their stretch of the forest. Marlon insisted on leaving the shaded forest to these other groups, leaving some of his own cats looking lustfully at the cool trees during the hottest summer days.
    The tour group went as far as touching low hanging branches with their noses then turned west. Laika noticed Ivan eyeing the trees over his shoulder as they turned. “See any ghouls?” She muttered.
    “Just…stuff from the past.” Ivan’s smile was somewhat forced. Laika remembered how he didn’t press her about her nightmare this morning and gave him the same grace.
    Currently the troop followed the creek that ran upstream west. The cats dipped their toes in the cool water as they traveled, leaving them feeling refreshed as they still had a long walk ahead of them.
    “This is where we generally put border markers,” Fleet explained at the point where the terrain started to become more rocky and vertical, “We’re not mountain cats.”
    This was the first time Laika had laid her eyes on the mountain range in the distance. The huge mountains seemed ominous and Laika was glad they lived in the ravine instead. She was even glad that the ravine walls blocked the mountains out of view; she had no desire to explore further west. The cats that had joined Earthfall that had traversed some of the mountains told of a large group of cats called ChessClan that lived in the valley on the other side of the mountains that they could see.
    Since there wasn’t much to look at, they promptly went south. Each one of them was already familiar with the training clearing pretty close to camp, so they skipped that area and continued until they hit the edge of a grassy prairie. Marlon also wanted the desert cats to leave that land alone as YingClan lived throughout the long grass, and at the last gathering Marlon attended, he learned of another group, CanaryClan, that was connected through their very southern tunnels. Marlon had ordered those tunnels to be secretly explored and they did find evidence of cats on the other side of the prairie in another set of mines. He had the connecting tunnels temporarily shut.
    After a brief hide and seek game amongst the long fronds of the prairie, the tour turned eastward and found themselves on the bordering sandy desert. Belka sneered at the grains of sand between his toes. “I never thought there would come a day where I’d prefer our clay.”
    “Luckily JackalClan lives in this wretched stuff.” Checker sneered. “This is where our territory ends and their’s begin around that next sand dune.”
    “Is this about where Kenna was killed?” Ivan whispered to Laika who happened to be next to him. Ivan and Erwin had only heard of the molly that lost her life before they joined.
    “It was a bit further where there’s a riverbank closer to where the two territories meet,” Crossword intercepted the question, “The scoundrels always insist they control all the river territory there when really we share it.”
    Mood soured, the troop continued towards camp from the southern direction. The sun was pretty low in the sky at this point. Between the back entrance to the medic den and the sand desert were fresh springs. The temperature of the water fluctuated and right now it was a nice lukewarm pool. Each cat took turns washing away any sand that tried to catch a ride to the much better in every way clay desert.
    The tour had almost reached camp (they were going to all squeeze through the back of the medic den whether Aether liked it or not, they were all exhausted) but of course, having the day go well was never the plan. Who’s plan? Laika didn’t have time to ponder any existential questions as she swore she saw a flash of gray tangled in a half-yellowed yucca. An apprehensive feeling washed over her as she crept towards the yucca. Just as she feared, it was a cat.
    The silver cinnamon tabby was Earthquake; he seemed to have died with a pained expression, eyes wide open. Saliva dripped from either side of his mouth and a small trail of blood from his front paw held close to his chest dotted the ground. Even though she was sure he was dead, she touched his shoulder. It still held some warmth. Another paw touched Laika’s flank and she let out a warbled yelp.
    “Just me seeing where you went off to,” Ripley sighed as she took in the sight of Earthquake. She looked to the medic den that was within five cat-lengths. “He almost made it home,” Ripley murmured as she led Laika away who hadn’t stopped staring at the corpse. With a flick of her tail, Fleet and Dreamwatcher were sent to retrieve Earthquake, and Ripley led the rest of the cats into the medic den.
    Laika was correct by assuming Aether wasn’t a fan of a sudden smattering of cats in her space but Rooster was ecstatic at the company. “Guys! I’m a full medic now! Piedpiper had two kits and Aether let me do it all myself! I mean, Piedpiper did all the work but I was there to help, you know?”
    The kits must have been born recently as Rooster still had traces of blood on his paws, totally normal for a medic after a kitting, but Laika couldn’t take her eyes off of them. Aether silenced Rooster with a look as she noticed the returning cats’ solemn attitude. “Who is it?”
    “Earthquake,” Ripley answered as Fleet and Dreamwatcher carried him in and laid him down gently, “We found him just outside. He must have fled something and was trying to make it here.”
    Rooster’s eyes widened as Aether sniffed the body. She focused on the paw he seemed to favor. “Snake bite. Two small puncture wounds are on his paw. Must have been a nasty snake to kill him that quickly.” Rooster ducked away to the herb stash and came back carrying rosemary. Laika wrinkled her nose at the now familiar smell. “Someone will have to alert Avalanche and Bushfire. Another can tell Mudslide.”
    Laika shared a look with her littermates, “We can find Mudslide; she’s probably with our mother.”
    Checker and Crossword agreed to gather Avalanche and Bushfire since they were trappers around the same time. Dreamwatcher took Ivan and Erwin to find Earthquake’s original hunting patrol, and Ripley and Fleet split to alert Marlon and Nyx.
    Mudslide was lounging with Lacey outside the nursery. She lazily opened an eye as the kits approached, oddly somber. “What’s wrong?”
    “Earthquake was found near camp with a snake bite,” Laika bit her lip.
    Mudslide immediately tensed at the mention of her son. “Is he alright?” Belka shook his head as Lacey licked her head soothingly.
    “We’ll take you to him,” Strelka said and the cats filed one by one to the center of camp once again for a funeral. The medics had arranged Earthquake’s face into a more peaceful expression and had, of course, doused the body with rosemary. Silverback, Mudslide’s mate and father of Andean, Grizzly, and Moon, was waiting next to Avalanche and Bushfire.
    Many cats spoke at his funeral. Earthquake was well-liked and popular as part of the first litter of Earthfall kittens. Lacey spent the vigil beside Mudslide leaving Laika, Strelka, and Belka to fend for themselves, each taking turns nudging the others once they started nodding off.
    At dawn, their mentors only allowed them a couple hours of sleep before dragging them out to the creek for a fishing lesson. Since they each had longhair, the training focused on fishing this moon was not enthusiastically welcomed. Strelka half-heartedly batted at the water while Belka laid on the edge of the bank, paws dangling in the water and eyes fluttering closed. Laika followed Ripley a bit further upstream, water coming up to both of their bellies.
    “Ah, what a way to wake you up!” Ripley seemed invigorated by the cool water while oblivious to Laika suppressing shivers.
    “Not my preferred method, to be honest,” Laika muttered under her breath. She shared the same sentiments as Belka towards fishing, she didn’t even like eating the damn things, why learn how to catch them?
    SPLASH! Wincing at the sudden droplets of water on her back, she turned to see Crossword on the creekbank where Belka was originally. A soaked black head popped up above the lazy creek, sputtering and coughing. “Wake up, now you’ve scared the fish,” With Crossword’s twisted jaw from it being broken as a trapper and her indifferent personality, Belka rarely tried to cross her, and now he was sheepishly standing chest deep in the creek.
    He waded towards Ripley and Laika, “Somehow I scared the fish even though she pushed me in,” He muttered just loud enough for Laika to overhear.
    “You were asleep,” Laika rolled her eyes, “The fish aren’t going to leap in your paws themselves.”
    “I don’t see you with any fish,” Belka shot back.
    “Not yet,” Laika waggled her hindquarters and pounced towards a fast moving shadow heading between them. She felt the slimy scales slip from her outstretched claws and landed hard on the pebbles along the bottom. One of her paws slipped harder than the other and a sharp pain shot through her entire leg. With a sharp intake of air, she winced.
    “What’s wrong?” Strelka snapped her head towards them, fully awake after all the commotion they caused.
    “Nothing,” Laika lied but when she put her weight back on that paw, the sharp pain persisted. Belka said nothing but helped her out of the creek, cutting their fishing lesson short.
    Crossword escorted the trio back to the medic’s cave as the mentor couple continued to fish. Belka and Strelka left Laika in Rooster’s paws and they raced to nap before Fleet or Crossword could drag them back out again. Rooster took in their semi-wet forms and frowned. “Another fishing accident?”
    “She hurt her paw,” Crossword said bluntly.
    “Another? Was someone else hurt too?” Laika had already taken refuge in a premade moss nest.
    Rooster chuckled as he examined her entire leg. “I was talking about Crossword. She always worries me when she comes in wet. But you, on the other hand, have just a simple paw sprain, let me grab some herbs for it.”
    Crossword sighed as Laika looked at her quizzically. “I broke my jaw during a fishing lesson as a trapper.”
    Rooster returned with some marigold and daisy leaves, “It was horrible,” He shuddered dramatically, “It was my first moon of being a junior medic, and Firehouse and Dune carried her unconscious all the way to the medic cave. It took a while for her to wake and she had to take lots of time off for it to heal.”
    “And through all that, you kept getting yelled at for only finding poisons on herb patrols.” Crossword reminded him.
    Rooster laughed as he made the poultice to slather on Laika’s paw. “They’ll come in handy someday, I reckon.” He shrugged. “Just keep weight off of it for a couple days and you should be good as new. Nothing disfiguring.” He winked at Crossword.
    “Shouldn’t the medics be in charge of making accidents non-disfiguring?” Crossword was deadpan but Laika found that was just her humor. She’d have to remember to tell Belka about this unlikely friendship she’d discovered. As the two caught up on recent events, Laika fell into a slightly more comfortable sleep.


    > earthfall eats three hares. (9 servings)
    > marlon, sudoku, hancock,
    mirage, domino, dingo, and dune patrol.
    ↳ they keep an eye out for rogue cats.
    > nyx, andean, vanta, juniper, cerberus,
    katana, and dwindle hunt.
    > enya, cutlass, derby, riddle,
    muffin, inigo, and rhys hunt.
    > conner, grizzly, tangram, fleet,
    riddle, axis, and vulcan hunt.
    > aether and rooster search for herbs.
    ─── 𝚃𝚁𝙰𝙸𝙽𝙸𝙽𝙶
    > crossword trains belka in locating.
    > fleet trains strelka in locating.
    > ripley trains laika in locating.
    > checker trains ivan in hunting.
    > dreamwatcher trains erwin in hunting.
    > aether treats kenny, avalanche, criollo, and laika.
    > ramsey rests. (2/2 moons)
    > kenny rests. (1/1 moon)
    > avalanche rests. (1/1 moon)
    > scimitar attempts their surveyor assessment!
    > criollo attempts their sinker assessment!
    > forastero attempts their sinker assessment!
    > trinitario attempts their sinker assessment!
    > nacional attempts their sinker assessment!
    > none this moon
    >none this moon
    > sepia
    > scavenger
    > mikey
    > lykos and andromedus (found together)
    ─── 𝙾𝚃𝙷𝙴𝚁
    > surveyors deal with protection and border patrols
    > sinkers focus on hunting and exploring the mines
    > inigo, kenna, rhys, and vulcan need growths (inky.)
    > andean, grizzly, and moon need growths (inky.)
    > scimitar needs a growth (og artist ame)
    > death rolls are on hard mode
    > cats immune to death rolls with be marked by ❂
    > all cats are eligible for injury rolls
    > writing will cover what happened last moon/post :)



          ❂ Marlon | 62 | ♂️ |


          ❂ Nyx | 59 | ♀️ |


          Aether | 58 | ♀️ |

          𝙹𝚄𝙽𝙸𝙾𝚁 𝙼𝙴𝙳𝙸𝙲:

          ❂ Rooster | 17 | ♂️ |


          Vixen | 64 | ♀️ |
          ......amputated tail
          Sudoku | 63 | ♀️ |
          Hancock | 55 | ♂️ |
          Mirage | 53 | ♂️ |
          Firehouse | 47 | ♀️ |
          ❂ Ripley | 38 | ♀️ |
          Dingo | 38 | ♂️ (afab) |
          ......blind in right eye
          Dune | 38 | ♀️ |
          Domino | 35 | ♀️ |
          Dreamwatcher | 26 | ♀️ |
          Crossword | 21 | ♀️ |
          ......twisted jaw
          Checker | 21 | ♀️ (amab) |
          ❂ Scimitar | 15 | ♂️ |
          ......right shoulder prone to dislocations


          Nickel | 72 | ♂️ |
          Enya | 70 | ♀️ |
          Vanta | 66 | ♂️ |
          Juniper | 64 | ♀️ |
          Kenny | 63 | ♂️ |
          ❂ Cerberus | 56 | ♂️ |
          Silverback | 54 | ♂️ |
          Mokka | 49 | ♀️ |
          Ramsey | 48 | ☿ (amab) |
          Cutlass | 47 | ♀️ (amab) |
          Katana | 46 | ♀️ |
          Derby | 45 | ☿ (afab) |
          ❂ Fleet | 38 | ♂️ |
          Muffin | 29 | ♀️ |
          Conner | 27 | ♂️ |
          Avalanche | 25 | ♂️ |
          Bushfire | 25 | ♂️ |
          Dwindle | 24 | ♀️ |
          Axis | 24 | ♂️ |
          Inigo | 21 | ♀️ |
          Rhys | 21 | ♀️ |
          Vulcan | 21 | ♂️ |
          Riddle | 21 | ♂️ |
          Tangram | 21 | ♀️ |
          Grizzly | 16 | ♂️ |
          Andean | 16 | ♂️ |
          Moon | 16 | ♀️ |
          Shamshir | 15 | ♀️ |
          Rapier | 15 | ♂️ |
          Machete | 15 | ♂️ |


          Criollo | 12 | ♀️ |
          Forastero | 12 | ♀️ | [url=link]☄[/url]
          Trinitario | 12 | ♀️ | [url=link]☄[/url]
          ❂ Nacional | 12 | ♂️ |
          ❂ Belka | 9 | ♂️ |
          ❂ Strelka | 9 | ♀️ |
          ❂ Laika | 9 | ♀️ |
          ......main character syndrome
          ❂ Ivan | 8 | ♂️ |
          Erwin | 8 | ♂️ |


          Mudslide | 55 | ♀️ |
          ......permanent queen
          Lacey | 39 | ♀️ |
          ......permanent queen
          ❂ Piedpiper | 30 | ♀️ |


          Leisler | 1 | ♀️ |
          Friesian | 1 | ♀️ (amab) |


          Everflame | 117 | ☿ (afab) |

          Name | Age | ♀️♂️☿ | [url=link]☄[/url]



    jackalclan | inky.
    misted waters | looneylani


    NORTH | mine entrance ⇾ plateau ⇾ small forest
    EAST | medic cave ⇾ fresh springs ⇾ sandy desert
    SOUTH | training clearing ⇾ grassy prairie
    WEST | upstream creek ⇾ mountain range


    NORTH | evergreen park ⇾ eagle
    NORTHEAST | kyanite keep ⇾ lyttlekytten
    EAST | jackalclan ⇾ inky.
    SOUTHEAST | misted waters ⇾ looneylani
    SOUTH | yingclan ⇾ 爆殺王
    SOUTH TUNNELS | canaryclan ⇾ v.vulpes
    SOUTHWEST| yangclan ⇾ broken*
    WEST | chessclan ⇾ chaoticcreativity
    NORTHWEST | moonclan ⇾ looneylani


    0 | alder bark | fevers
    2 | bindweed | broken bones
    1 | blackberry leaf | bee stings
    1 | blazing star | fevers, headaches
    1 | borage | milk, fevers
    1 | bright-eye | w/ lovage, coughs
    0 | burdock root | rat bites
    0 | burnet | strength
    1 | catchweed | poultice barrier
    4 | catmint | greencough
    2 | celandine | eyes
    1 | chamomile | heart
    2 | chervil | infection/kitting
    1 | chickweed | greencough
    2 | cobweb | bleeding
    1 | coltsfoot | breathing
    0 | comfrey root | wounds
    0 | daisy leaf | joints
    2 | dandelion | whitecough
    1 | dock | scratches
    1 | elder leaf | sprains
    2 | fennel | hip pain
    1 | feverfew | fevers
    1 | hawkweed | whitecough
    2 | holly berry | poison
    0 | honey | infection
    1 | horsetail | infection
    1 | ivy leaf | bind splints
    1 | juniper berry | bellyache
    1 | lamb's ear | strength
    0 | lungwort | yellowcough
    0 | mallow leaf | bellyache
    1 | marigold | infection
    1 | meadow saffron | poison
    1 | parsley | bellyache, stops milk
    1 | ragwort | joints
    4 | raspberry leaf | kitting
    0 | rosemary | burials
    3 | rush | bind bones
    2 | sheep sorrel | fevers
    1 | sorrel | appetite
    2 | stick | splint, kitting
    3 | stinging nettle | infection
    2 | sweet-sedge | infection
    1 | tansy | coughs
    0 | tormentil | extracting poison
    1 | tree sap | coughs
    1 | water hemlock | poison
    1 | watermint | bellyaches, burials
    1 | wild garlic | rat bites
    2 | willow bark | pain
    1 | willow herb | inflammation
    2 | wood sorrel | abscesses


    5 | mice | 1 serving
    8 | snake | 1 serving
    8 | rabbit | 2 servings
    10 | ermine | 2 servings
    16 | small fish | 2 servings
    0 | big fish | 3 servings
    2 | hare | 3 servings


    Hunting, Battling, Fishing, Locating, Digging, Basic Medicine


    Nickel | Criollo | 5 | H, B, F, L, D
    Vanta | Forastero | 5 | H, B, F, L, D
    Juniper | Trinitario | 5 | H, B, F, L
    Cerberus | Nacional | 5 | H, B, F, L, D
    Crossword | Belka | 3 | H, B, F
    Fleet | Strelka | 3 | H, B, F
    Ripley | Laika | 3 | H, B, F
    Checker | Ivan | 0 |
    Dreamwatcher | Erwin | 0 |


    Chess | killed by JackalClan patrol at 5 moons |
    Rachmaninoff | killed in a collapsing tunnel at 37 moons |
    Ward | accidently drowned at 19 moons |
    Kenna | killed during a JackalClan hunting spat at 18 moons |
    Earthquake | died of a snake bite at 24 moons |


    Sudoku ❤ unknown | Domino
    SudokuMetalcry of SloughClan | Riddle, Tangram, Chess, Checker, Crossword
    unknown ❤ unknown | Dune, Dingo
    Mudslide ❤ unknown | Avalanche, Bushfire, Earthquake
    MudslideSilverback | Andean, Grizzly, Moon
    FirehouseGrendel (stud) | Inigo, Kenna, Rhys, Vulcan
    NyxMarlon | no kits
    KatanaCutlass | Shamshir, Rapier, Machete, Scimitar
    MokkaIvor of Foxglove Court | Criollo, Forastero, Trinitario, Nacional
    DingoRachmaninoff | no kits
    PiedpiperMuffin | Leisler, Friesian
    LaceyCosmo | Belka, Strelka, Laika
    RipleyFleet | no kits
━━ ❝Ah,━━━━━━━━
"чσu dσn't knσw hσw hígh í cαn flч"
| shє/hєr | lσvєr σf hσrsєs |



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Re: ★ CREATE A CLAN -- V.5

Postby Swimmerpug » Sun Feb 25, 2024 8:08 am

なにも の 族

Nanimo no zoku

Deep in a Japanese forest lives a clan that worships an undiscribable eldritch being known as Nanimo. It is said that newborn kittens can perceive Nanimo. The creature protects them and eases them into being alive but leaves a few minutes later. Cats who are about to die also see it.

This is because Nanimo exists in a unique plane of existance; it's in a void where it can create anything it wants. It can see 'the outside' as if it were a window but not exist within it unless a cat is going through life's greatest transitions; being born and becoming dead. Poor Nanimo is lonely and bored a lot of the time, only being able to spend a few minutes with the ones about to be born and about to die.

This is why Nanimo 'plays' with the cats sometimes, controling the weather, changing the moon's shape as it pleases and causing freaky stuff like solar eclipses to happen.

Despite the trouble it causes, Nanimo's followers love their trickster god!

Regarding Starclan:

Nanimo's clan still believes in it, they just view Starclan as 'second in command' to Nanimo. This is also who they communicate with in terms of cat requests and things like that, as they cant contact Nanimo. They'll also pray to them that nothing bad will happen and that Starclan can somehow keep Nanimo in check.

Clan general personality and attitudes:

The average cat of Nanimo's clan is optimistic even when the circumstances are bad, because even when things are bad, at least Nanimo gets something out of it. They also like having fun, they consider play to be a very important part of being alive. They'll bat at feathers and playfight, to the point where cats from other clans might consider it strange and kit-like. They're open to new ideas and ways of doing things but will stick to what they know works best when times are tough.

A bad part of their culture is bottling up negative emotions. They believe these to be 'unhelpful to the clan'.

Common physical appearances:

There's quite a bit of variety. But most cats are short-haired with bobtails and are slightly smaller than the average cat


The cats of Nanimo's clan have to contend with earthquakes, floods and predators such as; black bears, foxes and boars. Stag deer may also be a threat to them in the september-november months, this is when they're extra aggressive due to breeding season

Prey list:

their diet consists of small rodents, fish, and various types of birds. The forest offers them many options of what to feast on


This is my third time creating a clan- [ive since deleted the other two, soooo this functions as my 'first clan']. This time id like to try something different and not take the narrative of my clan too seriously, i just wanna have fun and eventually have a pretty big clan with lots of stuff happening in it. I'd like to use line-art once my ftu period is up. Also to clarify, while my clan's official name is なにも の 族, for simplicity's sake, I'll refer to it as Nanimo's clan. Its also what the clan calls themselves 'in universe'. My mod may do this too.
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[ clan replies - 160 ] [ leaf-fall !! ]

Postby deimido » Sun Feb 25, 2024 6:37 pm


the first leaves have begun to turn colors and drop in forest territories, signalling the
beginning of leaf-fall and the coming snows for some. the chances of catching sickness
or dying during birth will rise and the number of cats and prey passing through will drop. - Simonpet

echoclan, hazeclan, seaclan, shenthais, hazelclan, chaosclan, caveclan, sun spire outlaws, highgarden

last replies linked - 1.30.23

main page - cac store
fanclub - roleplay thread


𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐎𝐒𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐍Kazin █████████████████████████

      Rainspark's patrol caught +1 trout, +1 hare, and +1 mouse.

      Ravenmask's patrol caught +1 minnow, +1 stoat, and +1 jay.
      xxAshthorn was scarred on the back during his hunting endeavors.

      Eveningmist's patrol caught +1 frog, +1 mouse, and +1 minnow.

      Waspstrike's patrol caught +1 rat, +1 minnow, and +1 snake.
      xxAirglide and Thundercloud were scarred during their hunting endeavors! One on the right shoulder, and one on the left hind leg.

      Silverstar's patrol marched towards the pup's last known location, pelts bristling in barely-concealed rage as vengeance for their recent fallen served as motivation to drive it away using teeth and claws. Finally finding it, and discovering its old enough to defend itself, the ChaosClan patrol charged toward the target with a resounding battle cry and engaged it in battle. Ultimately the patrol won, but not without injury.
      xxSilverstar and Minnowshadow ended up chipping a tooth, but luckily required no extreme treatment for it. | Both require one moon of rest.
      xxAlpineheart was bitten on the shoulder, the resulting wound bled out slowly until he was taken back to camp where the healers swiftly helped clean and stem the bleeding. | Requires one moon of rest.

      Lichendust's patrol turned back early after a tragedy prevented them from going any further.
      xxPsocidscratch was tempted into an old twoleg structure out of his own curiosity, believing that maybe the queens and kits could be safe sheltering inside during the ongoing threat. The small tom crept inside, investigating further, but froze as the den became to groan and creak and was unable to escape as it fell on top of him...

      Sweetchirp and Shrikemist's patrols were uneventful.

      Bananadance gathered +1 daisy leaves, +1 goldenrod, and +1 honey.
      xxWinterglow added +1 ragweed.
      xxPinebreeze added +1 marigold.

      Azaleasong delivered a litter of four after consuming queen's pepper! The litter came out completely healthy, the father was a chocolate shorthair.
      xx↳ [ first, second, third, fourth ]
      xxk1: chocolate point shorthair with low white and pale blue eyes. | LL, Xo-, bb, DD, aa, McMc, cscs, Wsw
      xxk2: flame mackerel point amab mediumhair with low white and blue eyes. | [ growth ] | Ll, XOY, bb, DD, aa, McMc, cscs, Wsw
      xxk3: chocolate tortoiseshell-and-white afab mediumhair with scrub-green eyes. | Ll, XOXo, bb, DD, aa, McMc, Ccs, Wsw
      xxk4: chocolate mediumhair with low white and kit-blue (copper) eyes. | Ll, Xo-, bb, Dd, aa, McMc, Ccs, Wsw
      xxcolors: @deimos (k1 & k3), @H155 (k2), @Smallfox (k4) | lines: @Chamrosh (k1), @Grey_Hoodie (k2, k4)

      Two apprentices passed their final assessment this moon! ChaosClan welcomes them as Swiftrain and Karakaleaf.
      xx↳ [ colors: @deimos | lines: @inky. ]

      Applepaw, Galaxypaw, Timberpaw, Petalpaw, and Moonpaw learned hunting!

      Saffronpaw, Barleypaw, and Basilpaw learned tracking!
      xxBasilpaw developed a minor cough and was sent off to the healer's den for treatment. | Requires x1 catmint.

      Mousepaw learned fighting!
      xxMousepaw had a rough fall, developing a slight concussion. Sunsetpond had a slight panic as the older tom quickly helped his apprentice home. | Requires x1 dandelion.

      Charcoalpaw learned stealth!

      Wrenpaw, Partridgepaw, Redpaw, Icepaw, Rosepaw, and Chestnutpaw learned climbing!
      xxIcepaw and Rosepaw couldn't stop bickering as their pelts itched with rampant fleas darting across their skin, blaming the other for getting them infested with the bothersome bugs. Bananadance sighed, waiting until they tired themselves out before telling them what they needed to do for treatment. | Both cats require x1 mouse bile each.

    ─── ⊰ MOD NOTES
𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐇𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋jazz. █████████████████████████

      Marlon's patrol was quiet as they patrolled their surroundings, focused on keeping an eye out for any evidence of rogues. Marlon, however, kept thinking of the young brown cat he saw just a moon earlier - she seemed just as young as Cutlass and Katana's litter - certainly young enough to not deserve traveling with unscrupulous individuals.

      "Marlon?" Dingo mewed, nudging the mottled tabby tom with his shoulder to grab his attention. The agent 'mrrp'd?' in response, staring up at the surveyor who in turn nodded his head in the direction of a makeshift shelter out of boulders, where a familiar face nearly blended into the warm brown rocks.

      Whiskers twitching, Marlon's eyes widened in recognition as the same young cat left her den, expression guarded as she took in the sizable Earthfall patrol. He noticed she seemed to relax when she realized that she recognized them, too, if only by appearances alone. "...Hi." She mewed, albeit awkwardly. "My name is Sepia, and I um - I left those rogues behind. They won't be back."

      Marlon nodded, content that Earthfall would have a peaceful moon and knew his sentiment was shared as the other surveyors murdered their own satisfaction amongst themselves. "And what about you?" He asked Sepia, who's ears drooped ever-so-slightly as she shook her head, looking to the floor.

      "I dunno, I'll make it, somehow." Sepia admitted, sounding lost.

      "What if you didn't have to go it alone?" Marlon replied, making the molly look up in confusion. "Earthfall's borders are open, you could join us, but the decision is up to you."

      The surveyors, Marlon, and Sepia were quiet as they awaited her answer, but the agent had a feeling what it could be as he noticed her whiskers quivering in terribly-concealed excitement. "Okay," she finally replied, a small smile playing on her muzzle. "I'd like to, if I really can."

      Marlon jerked his head in the direction of the other surveyors to Sepia and stepped aside as the bob tail joined her new Clanmates. "Welcome to Earthfall, Sepia." | Earthfall recruited a new cat!

      Nyx's patrol caught +1 hare, +1 ermine, +1 big fish, and +1 snake.
      xxVanta and Andean were scarred during their hunting endeavors! One on the left hind leg, the other on the hip (Andean).

      Enya's patrol caught +1 big fish, +1 small fish, and +1 mouse.
      xxDerby panicked as they fell into the river and were quickly swept away, unable to call out to their Clanmates for help before their lungs filled up with water. They thrashed about, trying to get to the surface, but their tail got caught between two stones and they drowned... so much for peace .....

      Conner's patrol caught +1 ermine, +1 mouse, and +1 small fish.
      xxGrizzly and Axis were so hungry and the dead rabbit they found seemed fresh enough that they thought it was okay to eat, but ended up paying the price for eating dubious prey dearly. Conner found them hunched over, groaning in obvious discomfort, and rolled his eyes as he then saw the rabbits of foul-smelling rabbit. He was sympathetic to their plight though, stomach illness could be nasty, and he ordered the two to stay put (as if they were capable of doing anything else) before fetching the medics. Aether and Rooster showed up not too long after, holding some herbs to help. | Both cats require x1 stinging nettle each, and one moon of rest.

      Aether gathered +1 water hemlock, +1 elder leaves, and +1 moss..
      xxRooster added +1 goatweed.

      Belka, Strelka, and Laika learned locating!

      Ivan learned hunting!
      xxErwin failed to learn anything this session, but can try again next moon.

      Earthfall welcomes fully-trained Clanmates this moon: Scimitar, Criollo, Forastero, Trinitario, and Nacional!
      xxCriollo cursed loudly as she felt her curled ear snag on a thorny bush, feeling the plant dig into her sensitive skin as she instinctively flinched back. She'd be lying if she said the wound didn't sting, but she decided to grin and bear it by giving it a quick clean and continuing her assessment. Criollo passed with flying colors, but her sinker ceremony wasn't as grand as she hoped, her wounded ear was held flat against her head throughout the entirety of it. | Requires x1 willow herb and x1 stinging nettle.
      xxcolors: @deimos (scimitar, nacional), @Simonpet (criollo) | lines: @Grey_Hoodie (scimitar, nacional)

𝐍𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐦𝐨'𝐬 𝐂𝐥𝐚𝐧Swimmerpug ███████████████████

    ─── ⊰ FOUNDING
      Nanimo's Clan has been founded! Your mod will be Katrione
      xxpheno: black mackerel bicolor shorthair with a bob tail. | geno: LL, Xo-, BB, Dd, AA, Mcmc, Ccb, Wsw, jbjb

      You have three posts/moons to begin stockpiling prey.
      You can add 20 pebbles in your first post, and then add +5 per post afterward.
      For your first five posts, you will be given free-to-use images as your clan's faceclaims rather than lineart. Once those five are over, then you may ask to have your clan transferred if you wish. To be eligible for lineart, you must agree to CAC's terms of service as can be found on the front page.
      You can ask for an invite to our discord server! Feel free to DM me, or any of CAC's mods for an invite.

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Re: ★ CREATE A CLAN -- V.5

Postby Swimmerpug » Mon Feb 26, 2024 7:31 am

なにも の 族
Number of Cats: 1 | Next Starclan Visit: Now | Pebbles: 20 | Mod: Katrione


[Blossomstar receives an extra life]*

*[the Starclan council only has one member in it right now, therefore she can only receive one extra life. Future leaders may receive more than one life and it'll cap out at nine lives]

[Blossomstar goes hunting]

[Blossomstar goes on a patrol]

[Blossomstar requests a fully grown cat from Starclan]

Suddenly, Blossom's ears pricked up, they picked up what sounded like a cat...a yowling one. Was it in danger?!

She ran to the source of the sound, wanting to help whoever it was. Locked onto her mission, she frequently tripped over tree roots and plants on her way, but she didn't let that stop her. Eventually, she found a black tabby tom, a very elderly one. His eyes wide, shaking in fear, he looked utterly terrified. He was staring in a specific direction at seemingly nothing.

"What seems to be the problem? Is..there something out there?" she asked him

She readied her claws, though she couldn't pick up any fox or bear scents.

"It..don't you see it too?!" the old tom said, pointing in the direction he was staring at

Blossom got closer, yet couldn't see anything...What was going on?

"It's- It's..I cant describe it. It just looks so-w- wrong. It tells me I'm going to leave quite soon"

Her expression shifted. Now she understood. Weird hallucinations was a thing that was meant to happen before you passed, right?

"Would you like me to stay with you?" she asked

Maybe she could make his final moments peaceful and happy. No cat deserved to pass alone.

There was a long pause. He'd stopped yowling. But he was still breathing, still awake.

"It just told me I'd be OK, isn't that wonderful?! Nanimo will watch over me and make sure I reach Starclan safely" the old tom said, his eyes sparkling

"Wait..Nanimo? Starclan?"

"Nanimo's taking..me to..Starclan...so..beautiful..." he said, the sparkle in his eyes leaving him, his eyelids shutting...Forever

Blossom pondered what to do; she couldn't just leave him out here. Disrespect aside, it would also be impractical, he would eventually lure in a whole swath of flies and other disgusting beasts if he wasn't buried. But...what if he had kin? What if his kin wanted to be the ones to bury him? It would also be disrespectful to steal that chance from them.

She settled on putting a scent marker near the old tom, to not lose where he was and setting out to scent out other cats who may know him. Blossom spent goodness knows how long around all the borders of the clearing the elder was in but she picked up nothing. She even resorted to calling out into the trees, seeing if anyone would respond. It was a risk, for a predator could pick up on the sound, but she was desperate at this point, her legs aching from walking so long.

Blossom sighed and went back to the old tom.

Fine, if no one else will, I'll do it. I'll bury you somewhere really nice

The she-cat found a mossy place, speckled with flowers. She dragged the old tom there with great difficulty and began digging. Once placed in the hole she dug she thought of what to say:

"I'm sure you were a nice cat and I hope you're happy in.." What did he call that place again?

"..and I hope you're happy in Starclan" she finally finished, now burying him

Blossom was exhausted after that strange detour.

Too exhausted to go all the way back... she thought

As the sun was also beginning to set, she found some moss and crept under a tree with it, in that same clearing that the old tom died.

She'd hoped he wouldn't mind her staying in his territory for just one night...

Blossom opened here eyes again; a void...why? Then a black tabby appeared before her. She arched her back.

"I'm sorry, I'll stop being in your territory by sunup, I promise!" she gabbled

She'd never fought a cat-spirit before and she wasn't about to find out what it was like.

"No, It's alright, really. That isn't why I came to you" he said padding over to her, his ears perked up and his tail upright

His voice had changed completely, it sounded young and full of life.

"Nanimo fixed me riiight up! I can do all kinds of things now~" said the tom, hopping all over the place, doing mid-air somersaults

Blossom watched in awe, he was almost like a kit again

He stopped.

"How rude of me! I almost forgot to introduce myself. My name is Fuji"

"Blossom" she said simply

It just hit her how weird of a situation she was in; talking to a cat she'd buried just moments ago...

Fuji paused and focused intently on the 'ground' of the void, and then moss and feathers appeared below both their feet.

"Please sit now, there's something we need to discuss" Fuji said nonchalantly

She did so, her mind buzzing, ready to ask him all about this 'Nanimo' and 'Starclan' buisness. She didn't need to, however.

"So, you know that scary figure I was whining about before? That was Nanimo. It told me a lot of things in those few minutes we were together. It told me to tell you"

Her ears perked up.

"That guy I met lives all alone most of the time, it's lonely. It lives someplace all on it's own. It can only see us through a window of sorts. Do you know what a window is?"

She shook her head

"It's a barrier that shows you 'the outside' but doesn't let you go into it, no matter how much you pound on it or claw at it...that's what it's like for Nanimo..." he said sighing and hanging his head

"Wait so then, how did it talk to you? How did you see it?" Blossom asked

"Well, Nanimo can only can only come to 'the outside' when cats are going through "life's greatest transitions". That's what it told me"

"Oh yeah, going from being alive to being dead must be a huge transition"

"You tell me..I went from being an old croaky toad to a total she-cats killer!" he said, with an excited spin

She mimed fainting from his utter beauty in a playful manner

He gently poked her with his tail.

"You know..There's something we can do to show gratitude for what it has done for me..and what it can do for you'' said Fuji

"What can Nanimo do for me?" Blossom asked

"Well, would you like to be safe when you die?" Fuji questioned


She'd never thought about that stuff, she wasn't that type of cat.

"Repay the kindness Nanimo has done to me and when you leave, you can come to Starclan!"

Visions of cloudy environments flashed through the void.

"Wouldn't it be neat to have cool powers like me as well? To do as you please?" he demonstrated, summoning a huge feast of fresh kill

"Umm..." she was utterly dumbfounded from all the new information

"Ok, ok. I understand it's a lot process in one night. Please come to my grave at sunhigh tommorow? I'll tell you the rest then" he finally said before the void faded to black

[Ill write the rest later, my hand is tired ~w~]

          Blossomstar | 23 moons | she-cat | X
          Lives: ★★

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Medicine Cat:
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Herb | Usage
    Herb | Usage

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Moles | x0 | 1 serving
    Mice | x0 | 1 servings
    Rabbits | x0 | 2 servings
    Squirrels | x0 | 2 servings
    Crucian carps | x0 | 2 servings
    Wakasagi | x0 | 3 servings

    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Kits
    Name and Name | Kits
Last edited by Swimmerpug on Wed Feb 28, 2024 5:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Sanctum of the Tar-Eaters - 06

Postby Corinnander » Mon Feb 26, 2024 1:01 pm


Action Queue
Hunting: White Pine decides to try his paw at large prey on his own. While he's not typically courageous, a dream encouraged him to step out of his comfort zone.
Bordering: Soot Eater carries x1 serving of prey with him as he crosses the lake and stares out across the flat, unending horizon.
Guarding: Rusty Face sniffs around in Snow Fever's collection on his off-time, much to her sour mood. She scares him off with her gravelly snarl.
Foraging: Snow Fever stays close to home and peruses the old graveyard in the back for possible herbs, wonderin gif the bodies beneath provided the nutrients her plants need.
Training: White Pine trains in Town Hunting. Snow Fever is training in Application. Rusty face is training in Hymns. Mountain Fog is training in History.
Communing: Soot Eater catches onto and leans into Mountain Fog's game, with the two of them making snide flirts and charming gestures back and forth.
Soot Eater is romantically pursuing Mountain Fog. --- Soot Eater and Mountain Fog are not trying for kits, but rolls should be made.
Gathering: Mountain Fog studies the burial rites of humans and, after asking THE MIRE for permission, scratches out The Sanctum's own.

THE MIRE says... "Take up the names of your ancestors."




Devouring Mouth: Soot Eater ☉ m ☉ 106 moons
careful - pensive - faithful

Temper: Snow Fever ☉ f ☉ 118 moons
Lichens - Roots - Skepticism - Application
sour - sharp tongue - loyal

Draught: White Pine ☉ ftm ☉ 52 moons
Snow Hunting - Town Hunting - Lake Hunting - Predator Hunting
realistic - organized - begrudging

Deacon: Rusty Face ☉ m ☉ 23 moons
Divination - Combat - Hymns - Lucid Dreaming
cheerful - strong memory - fluid

Dignitary: Mountain Fog ☉ f ☉ 90 moons
Charisma - Foreign Language - Bartering - History
graceful - hardened - observant


Shrike : x1 serving [1]
White Fox : x1 serving [1]
Small Stray Dog : x2 serving [2]
Black Eagle : x2 serving [1]
Young Wolf : x3 serving [1]
Young Badger : x3 serving [1]
Total Divine Food : 11 servings

Medicine Collection : Marked Here

This clan is on HARD MODE and MEDICINE MODE! As an aside this clan does not do requests!


Until I remake my signature, consider giving my dragons some love. :]

☵ ☵ ☵ ☵ ☵ ☵ ☵ ☵ ☵ ☵ ☵ ☵ None?? Wow. ☵ ☵ ☵ ☵ ☵ ☵ ☵ ☵ ☵ ☵ ☵ ☵

Looking for a Blue Rose Dog for 750 C$!
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chaotic creativity's replies | 063 | february 25, 2024

Postby chaotic creativity » Mon Feb 26, 2024 2:47 pm


    WEATHER !!

      LEAF-FALL || The temperature has begun to drop, and the days grow shorter and shorter. With the disappearance of the unbearable heat, predators are more commonly slinking along the outskirts of the territory. Alongside the growing dangers that come with the cold weather, kittings are beginning to get harder. Clans should stock up on prey and herbs for the coming dangerous moons, as this will be their last chance until after the next season has passed.


      Hello! I am chaotic creativity, but many of you know me as sharpie. i am very excited to be your mod, so don't be afraid to message me with any questions or concerns. feel free to pm me on here, or you can reach out to me on discord at chaoticallycreative.

    CLANS !!



    Hunting Patrol:
      • White Pine returns with 1 young badger and 1 black eagle.

    Border Patrol:
      • Soot Eater finds two adult cats on the border. After a short exchange, they consume the 1 serving of prey and agree to join Sanctum of the Tar-Eaters.
        Cat One Phenotype: Longhaired blue point with white paws and light navy blue eyes
        Cat One Genotype: ll / BB / Xo- / dd / aa / mcmc / cscs / Wsw
        • Cat One Artists: Jazz (Color) & Grey_Hoodie (Base)

        Cat Two Phenotype: Shorthaired black mackerel tabby with green eyes
        Cat Two Genotype: LL / Bb / Xo- / DD / Aa / McMc / CC / ww
        Cat Two Artists: Selkirks (Color) & H155 (Base)

      • Rusty Face is proud to announce that nothing attacks the camp this moon.

      • Snow Fever returns with 1 burnet, 1 dock, and 1 willow leaves.

      • White Pine fails to learn a new skill this moon.
      • Snow Fever succeeds in learning a new skill this moon.
      • Rusty Face fails to learn a new skill this moon.
      • Mountain Fog succeeds in learning a new skill this moon.

      • Mountain Fog and Soot Eater continue their flirtatious actions, happy for the harmless fun.

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broken sub replies

Postby selkirks » Wed Feb 28, 2024 12:47 pm

last replies linked
✶ arroyoclan ✶ logclan ✶
✶ nosferatu ✶ gladeclan ✶
✶ rouge rogues ✶ firclan ✶
✶ cloverclan ✶ beamclan ✶
✶ whisperclan ✶ kingdom of felines ✶
✶ canaryclan ✶
if i have messed anything up, please
send me a DM (on here or discord).
also, all images are ftu from various
websites (unsplash, pixabay, etc).
leaf-bare; chances of illness/injury increase.
cats are less likely to catch prey.
cats are likely to find fewer cats.


V.Vulpes. wrote:
Two new cats join the clan!
XX⤷Arlene [Warrior]
XX⤷Dawnkit [Kit]

Orestar and Lanternglow patrol
-Featherfrost and Arlene hunt
in the mines.
⤷-Talonfall, Steelfang, and Grasshopper
hunt on the prairie
Breezestorm gathers herbs.
Coalpaw has succeeded in 4 basic and 1 advanced training
and is now taking his assessment! If he passes, his name
will be Coaldust.

Heatherheart is due! Breezestorm helps with any
herbs if needed.

patrolling results
↪orestar's patrol find 7 pebbles!

hunting results
↪featherfrost's patrol catches nothing...
↪talonfall's patrol catches x1 mouse

herb gathering results
↪breezestorm returns having gathered x1 lovage and x1 honey

training results
↪coalpaw passes his assessment and is now named coaldust!

mating ❘ n/a

kitting ❘ heatherheart gave birth to a litter of two! no herbs had to be used. the kits are wips and will be sent to you when done. the sire was randomly generated to be a longhaired blue smoke tom
kit 1: mediumhair red silver marbled tabby tom (Ll / XOY / Bb / Dd / Aa / mcmc / Spsp / Bmbm / Ii / CC / ww)
kit 2: mediumhair black classic torbie molly (Ll / XOXo / Bb / Dd / Aa / mcmc / Spsp / bmbm / ii / CC / ww)

death ❘ n/a
mod notes ❘ jsyk, arlene's image link links to lanternglows![/list][/size]

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Kat's Replies • II.XXVIII.MMXXIV | 02.28.2024

Postby Katrione » Thu Feb 29, 2024 1:26 am



    leaf-fall -- the temperature has begun to drop, and the days grow shorter and shorter. with the disappearance of the unbearable heat, predators are more commonly slinking along the outskirts of the territory. alongside the growing dangers that come with the cold weather, kittings are beginning to get harder. clans should stock up on prey and herbs for the coming dangerous moons, as this will be their last chance until after the next season has passed.
    [ weather descriptor - chaotic ]


    • if you would like to join our discord, please pm katrione or one of the mods for an invite link.

    • a member suggested to use this thread for more herb options. if a herb you don't recognize from the official herb list is given to you, please go here or message me for help!

    • all real images linked are from unsplash, pixabay, and many other f2u image sites.if you have a image font for your clan name, please link the specific font used to credit the site. all lineart belongs to cac.

────────── ( 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐬 ) ──────────
pineclan -- lr: 07-16-2022
swiftclan -- lr: 03-05-2023
forestclan -- lr: 10-11-2022
gustclan -- lr: 12-29-2020
spruceclan -- lr: 01-29-2023
Nanimo's Clan-- lr: today
    ───────── ( 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐬 ) ─────────
    wheatclan -- lr: 07-06-2023
    outback runners -- lr: 11-02-2023
    twilightclan -- lr: 09-15-2023
───────── ( 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐬 ) ─────────
pyrithian-- lr: 01-26-2024
weyrcats -- lr: 01-04-2024

Swimmerpug wrote:
なにも の 族


[Blossomstar receives an extra life]*

*[the Starclan council only has one member in it right now, therefore she can only receive one extra life. Future leaders may receive more than one life and it'll cap out at nine lives]

[Blossomstar goes hunting]

[Blossomstar goes on a patrol]

[Blossomstar requests a fully grown cat from Starclan]

      ↳↳↳ Starclan accepts Blossomstar's request and leads an adult to Nanimo's Clan's borders!

      ↳↳↳ n/a

      ↳↳↳ n/a

      ↳↳↳ Blossomstar spends most of her hunting patrol getting to know the best spots in her new territory. After an eventful couple of hours, the tabby-and-white she-cat heads home with x2 mice and x1 squirrel
      ↳↳↳ Growing restless, Blossomstar ventures back out into her territory to re-explore the borders she had set previously. Nearing the end of her patrol, the young leader comes across a suspicious-eyed kittypet. After some convincing, the kittypet decides to join as Nanimo's Clan's official member.

      ↳↳↳ n/a

      ↳↳↳ n/a

      ↳↳↳ n/a

      ↳↳↳ n/a

      ↳↳↳ The written description for the request adult is: a shorthaired seal sepia colorpoint with yellow eyes [ Geno: LL / Xo- / B- / D- / aa / cbcb / ww ]
      ↳↳↳ The written description for the kittypet is: a shorthaired black mackerel torbie with pale green eyes [ Geno: LL / BB / XOXo / D- / Aa / Mcmc / ww ]
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ChaosClan 139

Postby Kazin » Mon Mar 04, 2024 5:39 am

Font credit
Number of cats: 158 | 71 ♂, 70 ♀, 17 other
Servings Needed: 24, next at 164 | Next Request: anytime | Mod: deimos
Can have: 9 patrols, 11 cats per patrol, 11 prey types next at 176
Writing Archive | Herb/Pebble Storage | Mates/Families | Deceased Cats


      [url=x]Link to Chapter[/url]
      --catching up soon...


        New Members... Deaths;;
        ➸ Azaleasong's kits are named Wisteriakit, Flamekit, Cinderkit, and Phloxkit.
        ➸ Psocidscratch is mourned...

        ➸ Rainspark, Fudgetuft, Dandelionpath, Nymphburn, Walnutshell, Okapiglow, Marshecho, Chickadeechirp, Airglide, Lemurstripe, and Parsnipstomp hunt.
        ➸ Stormbranch, Meadowsong, Salmonbubble, Vireoflight, Ginsengfoot, Waspstrike, Eveningmist, Chickenscratch, Bitternclaw, Ashthorn, and Willowpounce hunt.
        ➸ Songbirdecho, Laurelbreeze, Midgestorm, Perchstone, Sarsaparillamask, Elmbranch, Twilightflower, Reedtooth, Sumacpelt, Carrotdash, and Malkohablaze hunt.
        ➸ Fireflicker, Limetail, Sunsetpond, Typhoonsting, Lightningscratch, Swiftrain, Ravenmask, Karakaleaf, Lavatuft, Whirlwindhowl, and Batcatcher hunt.

        ➸ Quartzstar, Peanutdash, Fleabite, Frogpond, Sugarsnap, Zephyrbranch, Tanglepath, Hemlockflame, Leafglow, Heatherdust, and Serpentsneak patrol the borders.
        ➸ Squirrelheart, Shrikemist, Bramblingcall, Kestrelsong, Pelicanfeather, Walruspath, Lakefeather, Wind-dash, Newtgaze, Lilymist, and Ferretspike patrol the borders.
        ➸ Dragonbreath, Skyfrost, Blizzardbird, Cirruspatch, Sweetchirp, Ratwhisper, Wolfhowl, Finchflame, Knawelcharm, Algaestrike, and Sagespike patrol the borders.
        ➸ Bamboolight, Pearlwhisper, Raccoonpelt, Asterskip, Lunawish, Ploverwing, Elkbreeze, Frostpuddle, Troutheart, Saltshimmer, and Marbleskip patrol the borders.

        ➸ Winterglow, Pinebreeze, and Foxglovesnap gather herbs.
        ➸ Bananadance administers herbs.
        ➸ The following are resting for one moon: Silverstar, Minnowshadow, Alpineheart
        ➸ The following are resting for two moons: Rabbitfoot, Twigfrost, Skipperpelt [2/2]
        ➸ The following are resting for three moons:


        Genetics: cat: x

        Rank Changes;;
        ➸ Juniperkit, Mistykit, Nimbuskit, and Pebblekit become apprentices.
        Mentor(s): Sarsaparillamask, Squirrelheart, Walnutshell, Laurelbreeze
        ➸ Assessments: Wrenpaw, Partridgepaw, Redpaw, Icepaw, Rosepaw, Chestnutpaw -- [Wrenwhistle, Partridgeheart, Redfox, Icespeckle, Rosefoot, Chestnutclaw]

        ➸ Hunting training: Juniperpaw, Mistypaw, Nimbuspaw, Pebblepaw
        ➸ Tracking training: Applepaw, Galaxypaw, Timberpaw, Petalpaw, Moonpaw
        ➸ Fighting training: Saffronpaw, Barleypaw, Basilpaw
        ➸ Stealth training: Mousepaw
        ➸ Climbing training: Charcoalpaw
        ➸ Medical training:

        ➸ n/a

        ➸ ChaosClan consumes 12 rats [24/24]
        ➸ No new cats on patrol for now please!


        Notes: Please spare those marked ✧ from death rolls; those marked ✦ can be rolled for death. Any injuries for any cat is fine!
        ➸ Lineart or descriptions for my clan please ^_^ Would like genotypes as well.

        Cats to be grown/transferred [please take as much time as you need!! this is really for my own tracking]:
        Needs lineart:
        Needs growth: contacted artist: Lavatuft, Malkohablaze, Edelweissbloom, (eagle,) -- Mapleflower, Reedtooth (Chamrosh) -- Algaestrike, Avocadostream, Taroclaw, Marblegrin (deimos) -- Willowpounce (bugbelly) -- Snakefrost, Typhoonsting, Okapiglow (selkirks) -- Kestrelsong, Chickadeechirp, Bramblingcall (Kazin/me)
        artist not contacted:

High Ranks

    Silverstar | ♂ | 69 moons | ★★
    Quartzstar | ♂ | 70 moons | ★★★★
    ✧ Name | ♀/♂ | moons
    Hunting Captain
    Rainspark | ♀ | 34 moons


    Cyclonespark | ♀ | 99 moons
    Thundercloud | ♂ | 95 moons
    Fudgetuft | ♂ | 81 moons
    Dandelionpath | ♂ | 81 moons
    Rabbitfoot | ♂ [afab] | 71 moons
    Stormbranch | ♂ | 60 moons
    Meadowsong | nb [afab] | 58 moons
    Carrotdash | ♀ | 57 moons
    Batcatcher | ♀ | 57 moons
    Salmonbubble | ♀ | 55 moons
    Whirlwindhowl | ♀ | 47 moons
    Twigfrost | nb [amab] | 44 moons
    Lavatuft | ♀ | 43 moons
    Songbirdecho | ♀ | 43 moons
    Laurelbreeze | nb [amab] | 42 moons
    Midgestorm | ♀ | 41 moons
    Fireflicker | nb [afab] | 40 moons
    Malkohablaze | ♂ | 38 moons
    Limetail | ♀ | 35 moons
    Cocoaheart | ♀ | 34 moons
    Sumacpelt | ♀ | 34 moons
    Reedtooth | ♂ | 34 moons
    Willowpounce | ♂ | 34 moons
    Sunsetpond | ♂ | 33 moons
    Ashthorn | ♂ | 31 moons
    Bitternclaw | nb [afab] | 30 moons
    Chickenscratch | ♂ | 29 moons
    Nymphburn | ♀ | 29 moons
    Walnutshell | ♂ | 29 moons
    Vireoflight | ♂ | 27 moons
    Ginsengfoot | ♀ | 27 moons
    Perchstone | ♀ | 27 moons
    Sarsaparillamask | ♀ | 27 moons
    Typhoonsting | ♀ | 26 moons
    Lightningscratch | ♂ [afab] | 26 moons
    Parsnipstomp | ♂ | 23 moons
    Okapiglow | ♀ | 22 moons
    Lemurstripe | ♀ | 22 moons
    Airglide | nb [amab] | 22 moons
    Marshecho | ♂ | 21 moons
    Waspstrike | ♀ | 21 moons
    Eveningmist | ♂ | 17 moons
    Elmbranch | ♀ | 17 moons
    Twilightflower | ♀ | 17 moons
    Chickadeechirp | ♀ | 17 moons
    Swiftrain | nb [amab] | 15 moons
    Ravenmask | ♀ | 14 moons
    Karakaleaf | ♂ | 12 moons
    ✧ Name | ♀/♂ | moons
    ✧ Name | ♀/♂ | moons
    ✧ Name | ♀/♂ | moons
    ✧ Name | ♀/♂ | moons
    ✧ Name | ♀/♂ | moons
    ✧ Name | ♀/♂ | moons
Bananadance | ♂ | 50 moons
Winterglow | ♀ | 47 moons
Pinebreeze | ♂ | 33 moons
Foxglovesnap | ♀ | 21 moons


Chestnutpaw | nb [amab] | 13 moons
Wrenpaw | ♀ | 12 moons
Partridgepaw | ♀ | 12 moons
Redpaw | ♂ | 11 moons
Icepaw | ♀ | 11 moons
Mousepaw | ♂ | 11 moons
Charcoalpaw | ♂ | 11 moons
Rosepaw | ♀ | 11 moons
Applepaw | ♀ | 8 moons
Saffronpaw | ♂ | 8 moons
Barleypaw | ♂ | 8 moons
Basilpaw | ♂ | 8 moons
Galaxypaw | ♀ | 7 moons
Timberpaw | ♂ | 7 moons
Petalpaw | ♀ | 7 moons
Moonpaw | ♂ | 7 moons
Juniperpaw | ♀ | 6 moons
Mistypaw | ♀ | 6 moons
Nimbuspaw | ♂ | 6 moons
Pebblepaw | ♀ | 6 moons

-- Stratusbird | ♀ | 47 moons
Kits: Ripplekit | ♂ | 5 moons
-- Orbweaver | nb [afab] | 34 moons
Kits: Crabkit | ♂ | 4 moons
Tarantulakit | ♂ | 4 moons
Lynxkit | ♀ | 4 moons
Cobwebkit | ♂ | 4 moons
Zebrakit | ♂ | 4 moons
Harvestkit | ♂ | 4 moons
-- Acaciashine | ♀ | 51 moons
Kits: Raspberrykit | ♀ | 3 moons
Kangarookit | ♂ | 3 moons
Eucalyptuskit | ♂ | 3 moons
Jacarandakit | ♂ | 3 moons
Koakit | ♂ | 3 moons
-- Gilavenom | nb [afab] | 28 moons
Kits: Loriskit | ♀ | 3 moons
Centipedekit | ♂ | 3 moons
-- Azaleasong | ♀ | 25 moons
Kits: Wisteriakit | ♀ | 0 moons
Flamekit | ♂ | 0 moons
Cinderkit | ♀ | 0 moons
Phloxkit | ♀ | 0 moons

Blizzardfoot | ♂ | 139 moons
Poppystem | nb [afab] | 135 moons
Quicksilver | agender [amab] | 133 moons
Lionrumble | ♂ | 129 moons
Kiwituft | ♂ | 127 moons
Wildflower | ♀ | 119 moons
Sandglow | ♂ | 117 moons
Blackbirdshriek | ♂ | 103 moons
✧ Name | ♀/♂ | moons
✧ Name | ♀/♂ | moons
✧ Name | ♀/♂ | moons
✧ Name | ♀/♂ | moons
✧ Name | ♀/♂ | moons
✧ Name | ♀/♂ | moons
✧ Name | ♀/♂ | moons
✧ Name | ♀/♂ | moons
✧ Name | ♀/♂ | moons
✧ Name | ♀/♂ | moons
✧ Name | ♀/♂ | moons
✧ Name | ♀/♂ | moons
✧ Name | ♀/♂ | moons
Lichendust | agender [amab] | 63 moons
✧ Name | ♀/♂ | moons

Scouting Captain
Squirrelheart | ♂ | 23 moons


Blizzardbird | ♂ | 99 moons
Cirruspatch | ♂ [afab] | 98 moons
Hemlockflame | ♀ | 92 moons
Skipperpelt | ♀ | 78 moons
Leafglow | ♀ | 69 moons
Alpineheart | ♂ | 67 moons
Heatherdust | ♀ | 62 moons
Serpentsneak | ♀ | 60 moons
Skyfrost | ♀ | 60 moons
Dragonbreath | ♂ | 60 moons
Newtgaze | ♂ | 56 moons
Lilymist | ♀ | 54 moons
Ferretspike | ♀ | 51 moons
Knawelcharm | nb [afab] | 49 moons
Frostpuddle | nb [amab] | 47 moons
Sweetchirp | ♀ | 47 moons
Pelicanfeather | ♂ [afab] | 46 moons
Walruspath | ♂ | 45 moons
Bamboolight | ♂ | 45 moons
Fleabite | ♂ | 39 moons
Peanutdash | ♂ | 38 moons
Algaestrike | ♂ | 38 moons
Edelweissbloom | ♀ | 38 moons
Sagespike | ♂ | 36 moons
Taroclaw | ♂ | 34 moons
Asterskip | ♀ | 34 moons
Zephyrbranch | ♀ | 34 moons
Tanglepath | ♂ | 34 moons
Lunawish | ♀ | 33 moons
Viperdrift | ♂ | 29 moons
Goldfishglow | nb [afab] | 28 moons
Troutheart | ♂ | 27 moons
Lakefeather | ♂ | 27 moons
Wind-dash | ♀ | 26 moons
Tempestsplash | ♀ | 26 moons
Elkbreeze | agender [amab] | 25 moons
Pearlwhisper | ♀ | 24 moons
Raccoonpelt | ♂ | 22 moons
Frogpond | ♂ | 22 moons
Sugarsnap | ♀ | 22 moons
Saltshimmer | ♀ [amab] | 22 moons
Ploverwing | ♀ | 21 moons
Ratwhisper | ♂ | 21 moons
Wolfhowl | ♀ | 21 moons
Minnowshadow | ♂ [afab] | 21 moons
Finchflame | nb [amab] | 18 moons
Hedgehogspark | ♂ | 17 moons
Marbleskip | ♀ | 17 moons
Kestrelsong | ♀ | 17 moons
Bramblingcall | ♀ | 17 moons
Shrikemist | ♀ | 15 moons


    Ally/Enemy Clans
    Name | Username | relationship
    Name | Username | relationship

    Border Clans
    North | Clan | User
    East | Twistedclan | jazz.
    South | Name | Username
    West | Name | Username
    Southwest | Scarabclan | broken*

    Cat Notes
    Perchstone's hind legs are paralyzed.

    Prey Pile
    prey | servings | amount
    Mouse | 1 serving | x21
    Squirrel | 2 servings | x10
    Hare | 3 servings | x10
    Shrew | 1 servings | x16
    Rat | 2 servings | x18 [-12]
    Pigeon | 3 servings | x9
    Stoat | 2 servings | x16
    Minnow | 1 servings | x22
    Trout | 3 servings | x6
    Frog | 1 servings | x14
    Snake | 2 servings | x11
    Jay | 3 servings | x6
    Apprentice | Mentor | Hunt, Track, Fight, Stealth, Climb
    Wrenpaw | Bamboolight | Hunt, Track, Fight, Stealth, Climb
    Partridgepaw | Limetail | Hunt, Track, Fight, Stealth, Climb
    Redpaw | Guavagrin | Hunt, Track, Fight, Stealth, Climb
    Icepaw | Astralfur | Hunt, Track, Fight, Stealth, Climb
    Mousepaw | Sunsetpond | Hunt, Track, Fight, Stealth, Climb
    Charcoalpaw | Rabbitfoot | Hunt, Track, Fight, Stealth, Climb
    Rosepaw | Alpineheart | Hunt, Track, Fight, Stealth, Climb
    Chestnutpaw | Nettlestone | Hunt, Track, Fight, Stealth, Climb
    Applepaw | Peanutdash | Hunt, Track, Fight, Stealth, Climb
    Saffronpaw | Zephyrbranch | Hunt, Track, Fight, Stealth, Climb
    Barleypaw | Parsnipstomp | Hunt, Track, Fight, Stealth, Climb
    Basilpaw | Songbirdecho | Hunt, Track, Fight, Stealth, Climb
    Galaxypaw | Cocoaheart | Hunt, Track, Fight, Stealth, Climb
    Timberpaw | Frostpuddle | Hunt, Track, Fight, Stealth, Climb
    Petalpaw | Malkohablaze | Hunt, Track, Fight, Stealth, Climb
    Moonpaw | Taroclaw | Hunt, Track, Fight, Stealth, Climb
    Juniperpaw | Sarsaparillamask | Hunt, Track, Fight, Stealth, Climb
    Mistypaw | Squirrelheart | Hunt, Track, Fight, Stealth, Climb
    Nimbuspaw | Walnutshell | Hunt, Track, Fight, Stealth, Climb
    Pebblepaw | Laurelbreeze | Hunt, Track, Fight, Stealth, Climb
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Sanctum of the Tar-Eaters - 07

Postby Corinnander » Mon Mar 04, 2024 11:07 am


Action Queue
Hunting: White Pine and Star Fall go to where they found her, hoping her old scent might attract some prey.
Bordering: Soot Eater takes the X1 Willow Leaves in case he hurts himself or meets an injured cat as the snow is icy and sharp.
Guarding: Rusty Face is very happy to have a companion and tries to urge Oak Spine to chat incessantly as he shows the new tom the Sanctum.
Foraging: Snow Fever rummages for herbs in the catacombs after being told about their existence, against THE MIRE'S permission.
Training: White Pine trains in Town Hunting again. Rusty Face is training in Hymns again. Mountain Fog is training in Charisma.
Communing: Soot Eater and Mountain Fog play with each other like kits when no one-- not even THE MIRE-- is looking, taking a much needed moment of brevity.
Soot Eater confesses to Mountain Fog and the two are in a romantic relationship. --- Soot Eater and Mountain Fog are not trying for kits, but rolls should be made.
Star Fall brushes by Oak Spine seemingly every time the two run into each other, making the tom blush at her for making fun of him.
Star Fall and Oak Spine are in a romantic relationship. --- Star Fall and Oak Spine are trying for kits.
Gathering: Mountain Fog rummages around in the catacombs and notices writings on the wall hidden behind burial urns. She doesn't touch or go near them for now.

THE MIRE says... "Do not whisper of the dead, write for the living."




Devouring Mouth: Soot Eater ☉ m ☉ 107 moons
careful - pensive - faithful

Temper: Snow Fever ☉ f ☉ 119 moons
Lichens - Roots - Skepticism - Application
sour - sharp tongue - loyal...

Draught: White Pine ☉ ftm ☉ 53 moons
Snow Hunting - Town Hunting - Lake Hunting - Predator Hunting
realistic - organized - begrudging
Council Draught: Star Fall ☉ f ☉ 30 moons
Snow Hunting - Town Hunting - Lake Hunting - Predator Hunting
clever - loving - sure-of-herself

Deacon: Rusty Face ☉ m ☉ 24 moons
Divination - Combat - Hymns - Lucid Dreaming
cheerful - strong memory - fluid
Deacon: Oak Spine ☉ m ☉ 32 moons
Divination - Combat - Hymns - Lucid Dreaming
insecure - quick-to-bite - loyal

Dignitary: Mountain Fog ☉ f ☉ 91 moons
Charisma - Foreign Language - Bartering - History
graceful - hardened - observant


Shrike : x1 serving [1]
White Fox : x1 serving [1]
Small Stray Dog : x2 serving [2]
Black Eagle : x2 serving [2]
Young Wolf : x3 serving [1]
Young Badger : x3 serving [1]
Total Divine Food : 13 servings

Medicine Collection : Marked Here

This clan is on HARD MODE and MEDICINE MODE! As an aside this clan does not do requests!


Until I remake my signature, consider giving my dragons some love. :]

☵ ☵ ☵ ☵ ☵ ☵ ☵ ☵ ☵ ☵ ☵ ☵ None?? Wow. ☵ ☵ ☵ ☵ ☵ ☵ ☵ ☵ ☵ ☵ ☵ ☵

Looking for a Blue Rose Dog for 750 C$!
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