Nuclear Nightfall: Wolves of the Wasteland (accepting!)

Fantasy animal roleplays featuring animals with special abilities/powers, or fantasy creatures such as dragons, unicorns, etc. However this category does not include fandom-based roleplays such as Warrior Cats or Pokemon


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Re: Nuclear Nightfall: Wolves of the Wasteland (accepting!)

Postby Furrydogs12 » Mon May 13, 2024 6:38 am

Male | Two Years, Three Months | Hunter | Location: Densite | Chameleon Fur | Tags: Amalie

Rays of the sun's soft glare shone down to the forest floor. Warmth hits darkness, the shade absorbing all the sun's rays. A gust of Autumn wind blew past, waking a shadow from his slumber. In the darkness of the den, two amber eyes open. One with the darkness, Diablo was annoyed to have been risen by the morning light. Why couldn't the sun have risen later? He needed his beauty sleep, thank you very much. He sighed, grumbling something incoherent under his breath.

Rising from the darkness, Diablo took a step out of his den, maw opening wide in a yawn. Shaking out his pelt, he stalked out, away from his den. Spotting a familiar figure of the she-wolf Amalie, he made his way over. "Morning" he greeted her, his voice husky and deeper due to just having woken a few moments before. The subject of his games, Amalie knew nothing of his vendetta. A large grin appeared on his face as he circled her, like the predator he was, as if Amalie was his prey. His eyes shone with happiness, though behind them were a darker glimmer. "You eaten yet? If you haven't perhaps, would you like to go on a hunting trip with me?" he asked, giving his best puppy dog eyes to the female. "It'd just be us two" he adds, hoping that would motivate her to join him. An expression of hope filled his eyes, though it was not what he truly felt in his heart. His heart was a void, no emotion there to be found.

His stomach growled, but despite his impatient appetite, he waited for her answer, wanting to keep up the friendly facade he put up. He had to be patient, otherwise he'd ruin the plan he so meticulously planned and started. He couldn't mess it up now, when he was just gaining her trust. Sure the process was slow, but it would be worth it... when he will be able to take the throne he so desperately wants.

Female | Five Years | Pupsitter | Location: Densite | Empathy | Tags: open

Squeals and yelps sounded from the nursery, full of pups both awake and asleep. A group of pups ran around the den, chasing one another. One of the pups, the one in front, tripped over a tail, tumbling down and taking the rest of them down with him. The movement woke their caretaker, Juliette, who looked back at where the bunch were laying in a heap near her tail. "My, my! You're all up early" she chuckled as she watched the pups scramble back on their paws. "What game are you guys playing?" she asks. "Tag!" One pup replies. "But now we are unsure who's it as we all kinda...crashed" another replied sheepishly.

"Oh? Well if you guys would like, I could be the tagger if you'd like to start a new round?" the female offers. The pups cheered, jumping from paw to paw in excitement. "I will give you guys a thirty second head start" she announced, giving them time to run. "one..." she began. That got the pups dispersing, running as fast as their little paws could take them.

After the thirty seconds were over, Juliette looked around, spotting all the pups still running. She jogged slowly over to one of the pups. "I'm gonna get you!" she said, chasing the little pup. She let him get away though, knowing how pups weren't the quickest and wanted to be fair to them. She then turned to another, "Boo!" she called out, causing the pup to yelp and scramble to go faster. She chuckled, continuing to chase the pups around.

Female | Four Years, Three Months | Loner | Location: Forest | Regenerative Healing | Tags: open

A soft breeze blew through the forest, causing the multicolored leaves of yellow, brown, red, and orange shades to flutter into the air before twirling back down to rest on the forest floor. Soft scattering could be heard in the leaf covered foliage. A paw lifted before being placed a few inches ahead of its original position. Another paw followed suit, then another. Up, forward, down, repeat. A rhythm of steps, calculated and expertly executed, all belonged to a certain fae. Ashes of fur made up a tail, low and tucked carefully close to her body. Round olive spheres locked onto their target, ears pinned back in concentration. A blackberry sat upon her face, moving as she concentrated on the scent of her prey.

A few meters in front of the female stood a hare, rotund and pudgy, full of fat. The Leporidae member had its head down, nose moving, as it stuffed its face with strands of grass. This specific animal looked normal, till Seraphina got a closer look. Where one tail should be, there were two. Strange, perhaps she was imagining something. Rabbits don't normally have an extra tail, perhaps it's a deformity? Roaring, her stomach complained about her pondering. She didn't have time to think about it, prey was prey.

Taking a few more calculated steps, Seraphina closed in on the unsuspecting victim. The rabbit was alerted of her pretense by the last footstep, but it was too late. Launching off lean, muscular hind legs, the she-wolf shot herself forward. Her jaw opened to reveal a set of sharp, bone white canines. Landing, her paws gripped the ground, her neck shooting out and jaw closing with a sharp crack. The hare lay limp in her jaws, spine broken into two by her powerful jaws. Triumphant, the female had just caught her first meal of the day, and a plump and juicy one at that.

Too focused on her hunt, she didn't realize she may be in danger. Sniffing the air, Seraphina caught a whiff of other wolves, her previous pack to be exact. Their border markings were close. Cursing internally, Seraphina hoped that none were close, otherwise it would be found out that she was, in fact, still alive and thriving.

After she left the pack, nearly a year ago now, Seraphina rarely saw others, preferring solitude rather than anything to do with them. She used to enjoy the company of her ex packmates, but after a betrayal hit her hard in the face, she did not know who she could trust, thus deeming every one of them untrustworthy, as she was afraid of anymore of them using her like her ex did.

Female | Six Years | Alpha | Bioluminescence | Location: Densite | Tags: open

A cool autumn breeze blew through the forest, causing trees to rustle. A movement in the den stirred the sleeping Elizabeth slightly, though she did not wake up from her slumber. A shift in weight and a few footsteps rustled the female a bit more, slowly waking her from her sleep.

By the time she was completely awake, she felt a cold chill in the air and the warm body she slept with was no longer there. She shivered, slightly, her body cold from the lack of the living heater that was her mate. She raised her head, looking over next to her. She did not see her mate, where he'd normally be sleeping, so she assumed he had woken early to go complete a task or assign a task. Yawning, the female rolled onto her paws, arching her back into a big stretch.

Entering into the sunlight, Elizabeth stopped shivering, her pure pelt absorbing the sunshine. Her pelt glowed in the light, literally. Light was shining on her pelt while at the same time, light was being emitted from her own pelt. Elizabeth did not notice that though, as she did not feel any different. She stood there for a few seconds, basking in the warmth before walking further out to seek her packmembers, who she wanted to greet in the morning.
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⊱ nuclear nightfall - 001

Postby solyn » Thu May 16, 2024 6:09 pm

        ────── ⊱ 𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐑𝐍𝐀𝐍.
        [ rank ; alpha ] [ pronouns ; he/him ] [ mutation ; regenerative healing ] [ located ; healer's den ] [ tags ; agathi ]

      xxxxThe first few minutes of the dawn were usually a comfort to Tiernan. He'd always been an early riser. His brother had teased him and said it was because he was determined to race himself into an early grave, and yet as the oldest of his siblings, he was also the last one standing, the others lost to seasons of change. Those few minutes before the pack stirred had always been a time of contemplation for him, a chance to stop and taste the air and reflect, but lately, reflection had turned into a gnawing anxiety and a prickle in his spine that told him something was off, and he was yet to truly understand what that was.

      xxxxIf he was honest─ which he rarely tried to be, honesty was a tool as much as knowledge and teeth─ things had been off for a long while, ever since Agathi had discovered... The Problem. Tiernan wasn't quite ready to call it what is was, not yet. In a way, acknowledging it felt like sealing his fate. Agathi had warned him that his path was set already, and he knew somewhere deep down that she wouldn't say that without reason, but with his mate sleeping peacefully beside him, it wasn't something he was at all ready to accept. Sighing, he pressed his nose into the scruff of Eliza's neck, inhaling her sweet scent while she didn't have a chance to grumble at him for being clingy, before he shoved himself to his feet and stretched out, feeling joints in his back click and relax under the pressure.

      xxxxHe should see Agathi about The Problem. Sitting around and stewing over it wasn't helping him, and if he put off seeing her for too long, she was liable to start haunting the edges of his vision like some benevolent yet haranguing spectre. While he was grateful for her help in private, the healer openly fussing over an alpha was going to start causing whispers, which was the last thing the pack needed right now. His stomach seized. At first, he thought it was a sharp pang of anxiousness, but it continued to twist and grumble with a vengeance, so violent the sensation that when he realized it was hunger, it stunned him completely.

      xxxx"What in the world...?" He mumbled to himself, before casting a glance back over his shoulder at Eliza's sleeping form. She didn't seem to be awakened by his fumbling around, so he relaxed his shoulders and exhaled softly. That didn't make any sense at all. He'd eaten as much as any regular pack member, and just the night prior too. There was no reason for him to feel on the brink of starvation, and so exhausted. He'd slept well, even rising early as he did, and his body felt... well, it didn't feel like a starving body. It felt good. Better than it should have, by any account.

      xxxxAutumn mornings often came with a chill that heralded the encroaching winter, and Tiernan's left front leg had always ached something fierce in the cold, ever since he'd gone down hard skidding after a deer during the spring after Rainier's birth. It had been weeks before he could put any weight at all on it, and even all these years later it was never quite right, always painful in cold air. Only, for the last few mornings... it hadn't been. Tiernan couldn't explain it, especially since the starvation seemed more in line with what Agathi warned him would happen, but it was like his body was... young again. All the aches and pains he'd gained over his years seemed to be evaporating away one by one.

      xxxxShaking his head, he pushed forward out of his den and into the weak sunlight of the morning, shaking out his fur to try and rid himself of any debris before making his journey across the camp. He drew himself up tall, striding with a purpose toward Agathi's den. If he walked like he meant business, then no one would suspect that the business he had was his own health. He gave himself a quick once over again before he ducked his head low, sniffing for any sign of the healer within the den as he called out to her;

      xxxx"Good morning, Agathi, are you in?" It was as good a warning as any he could give her, hoping upon all hopes that he wasn't dragging her from well-earned sleep. He ducked into the den, not wanting to hover for too long, waiting for his eyes to adjust as he swung his head from side to side, trying to spot the she-wolf in the dim light. "I apologize for intruding this early in the morning but I thought that we might... well. That you might like to have a look at the problem again. It might be getting worse, I woke up this morning feeling terribly near starved, of all things. I just─ I think I need to know if you think that it has... progressed." The last word he could barely grit out, reluctant to even put such a thought into the world. That was the last thing the pack needed. If it had gotten worse, if Agathi told him there was even less time than they initially thought... well. That was going to be a problem.

        ────── ⊱ 𝐀𝐌𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐄.
        [ rank ; hunter ] [ pronouns ; she/her ] [ mutation ; chameleon fur ] [ located ; densite ] [ tags ; diablo ]

      xxxxAmalie pushed her way into the morning, biting back the second yawn that threatened to overtake her as she shook out her fur and turned her face up toward the sunlight. She'd been awake for hours now; someone had kicked her in the early morning, and it was still too dark for her to get up. If any other wolf had last watch except for her brother, she'd have risked it, but since it was Rainier she was dead certain that he'd tattle to their mother the second he got the chance, and then she'd have another lecture about getting suitable amounts of sleep on her paws.

      xxxxIt wasn't as if she was actively trying not to sleep, it was just that there was a lot to think about. Even now, as she glanced around the densite and noted that the pack was still in the slow process of waking, the lack of activity made something seedy like bad prey settle in the bottom of her stomach. There was an itch under her fur. She wanted something to do, some purpose to work toward, but the rest of the hunters weren't awake just yet and waking them up before they were ready wouldn't win her any friends. She fought back against the impulse to huff in annoyance, lest any poor unsuspecting soul think her irritation was geared toward them. Instead, she ducked her head, trying to work out some of the jumpy energy by stretching, positioning herself strategically close to her parents' den in case her father might emerge and give her something to do.

        ────── ⊱ 𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐈𝐄𝐑.
        [ rank ; guardian ] [ pronouns ; he/him ] [ mutation ; venomous fangs ] [ located ; densite ] [ tags ; open ]

      xxxxThe one good thing about the last watch of the den-site was the sunrise. Sitting up in the middle of the cold night while he'd rather be snuggled down with the rest of the pack, leeching heat from the other guardians, or Amalie, or Persephone or Oliver, or just literally anywhere else except shivering in the middle of the denning grounds, having to consciously keep his ears open to any suspicious sounds, was not exactly Rainier's idea of fun. He wasn't sure when his terrible luck had managed to net him last watch, since he wasn't even the baby of the guardians anymore, but all complaining about it had done was given him a shockingly effective and stern side-eye from Abraxas, so Rainier had shut up about it.

      xxxxNow, as light filtered in through the trees, and Rainier watched his packmates come and go while the rest of the pack slowly dragged themselves into wakefulness, he was bored again. Wolf-watching was decidedly not his hobby, not even watching Arlowe wake up early for some reason far beyond Rainier. He'd rather be out exploring the ruins of the human settlement to the south, or making Agathi tell him the name of different herbs again, or even making another attempt at dragging stories out of Judiah about where exactly he'd come from. It was just his luck that all the recent initiates to the pack had been particularly close-jawed about their lives before getting here. He just wanted to know what things they'd seen, things like the ocean, or tall mountains, or forests with trees that stayed green all year round, even in the harshest winters.

      xxxxRainier let out a soft sigh, glancing up at the swirling leaves as they fell down around him, jerking back as a damp leaf landed square in the middle of his forehead. He shook his fur out roughly, glaring at the offending leaf, before he closed his eyes and let out another noise of annoyance. If anyone had seen that, he'd never hear the end of it for having a personal grievance against a leaf of all things. Maybe that was another good thing about last watch, too; the rest of his team would be sleeping in for too long to witness his more embarrassing moments.

        ────── ⊱ 𝐒𝐋𝐎𝐀𝐍𝐄.
        [ rank ; scout ] [ pronouns ; she/her ] [ mutation ; psychic empathy ] [ located ; the watch tower ] [ tags ; open ]

      xxxxEven if part of her knew she shouldn't, Sloane liked to leave camp early and bask in the peace of the territory with no other wolves around. The pack she'd stumbled upon was nice for the most part, and after a full season-cycle as part of their numbers, most wolves had gotten the message that she preferred to be alone. Still, nothing beat being able to roam freely and exist without the burdens of others, even if the territory was torn by the disaster that made everything here so peculiar. Sloane didn't like to go to the site of the incident, nor did she like the eerie human encampment in the south, or the waters in the territory that didn't look quite right. No, her favourite place was the human pillar.

      xxxxHere, everything was almost silent. It was a real marvel, that humans had built such a tall and unnatural looking thing surrounded by the wilderness, but Sloane liked it. Although the humans had made it hard to get inside, she often imagined what it would be like to go all the way to the top of it, where she could see that there was some kind of open platform near the top. You could probably see the whole territory from up there, maybe even out to lakes and rivers beyond the bounds of the border. She knew what came to the east of the pillar, where she'd stumbled in from herself, but not what lay to the west.

      xxxxShe blinked, forcing away the thoughts of what lay above the tree tops, and forced herself to do some actual work. The thing about packs was that there were hierarchies and structures. Having already been established as an outsider, she knew it simply wouldn't do to spend all morning aimlessly wandering the territory, only to return with nothing to show for herself. It wasn't her job to hunt, but it was her job to monitor what was happening out here. She should, at the very least, be checking for threats or even tracks of prey animals that might be passing through. The latter might even be enough to get some of the hunters off her back. She knew everyone was antsy about the food supply. She got the impression the pack was used to more stability, but the incident was bringing more change than the others were comfortable with.

      xxxxWith that in mind, she set about sniffing around the tower. Although it didn't seem like many things passed this way─ maybe more wary than she regarding the unnatural, jutting construction in the middle of the forest─ perhaps she would get lucky, or perhaps she'd go back with little to report. It made no difference to her either way, so long as she could safely say that she'd scouted some part of the territory, and wasn't just standing around with her head in the clouds.
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Re: Nuclear Nightfall: Wolves of the Wasteland (accepting!)

Postby Cammeraugepony » Sat May 18, 2024 4:36 pm

. 𝔸𝕣𝕝𝕠𝕨𝕖 .
Gender: Male Rank: Guardian Age: 3.7yr Mutation: Chitinous Armour.
Scent: Cypress & Wild Bergamont Sexuality: Demisexual Panromantic.
Crush: X Mate: X Pups: X

| Bio | Location: Densite | Tags: Rainier |
    Arlowe meanders slowly along, enjoying the crunching feel of leaves beneath his paws as his working ear rapidly swivels to catch the sounds of the waking forest. As he banks a turn between the trees, his eyes catch on the light-gray form of Rainier. Oh right, his watch should be done now! Arlowe perks up—a barely noticeable uptick in posture and speed—and curves his route in the hunter’s direction. It's not a detour if it's still part of the densite.

    Arlowe opens his mouth, ready to call out to Rainier, when a damp leaf smacks the other wolf directly on the face. Arlowe pauses in shock, then trembles as he hides his face. Don’t laugh, don’t laugh, don’t laugh— It takes him a moment to force down a deep breath before he determines it safe to plow on towards Rainier. Though, his tail has now noticeably picked up in speed.

    “Good morning, Rainier!” Arlowe cheerfully calls out. As he comes up to Rainier he gently—gently, always oh-so gently with this hardened shell—bumps shoulders with his fellow guardian. Then promptly takes a seat.

    “Sorry I didn’t join you earlier; decided it’d be best not to distract you." As he speaks, Arlowe quickly looks over Rainier, gauging how bad the exhaustion is. His jaw clenches remembering yesterday's order; night watches get rougher as the weather gets colder. He continues wryly, "Wouldn’t want to get you in trouble for chatting on duty and waking the others.”

    Then Arlowe looks down at The Leaf.

    He can’t help himself.

    “I can see it was the right choice; already a great enemy vanquished before any harm can be brought to the pack,” he muses with grave seriousness, betrayed by his still-wagging tail gently thumping against the ground. Then, head tilted, he asks, “How’re you holdin’ up?”
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Postby Sonder, » Sun May 19, 2024 4:39 am

›⊱ˊ ─ 𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐔𝐒 ⋅.━xxzxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
zxxxxxxxxxxxxzxxx ( rank: beta) . ( bio ) . ( location: outside the healers den ) . ( tags: open ! ) . ( mutation: echolocation )
    Beyond the healer’s den, ensconced within a labyrinth of gnarled, ancient bushes, lay the Beta, Arcturus. His emaciated frame was ensnared by a web of twisted twigs, their sinewy forms a grotesque parody of his own. He drank in every syllable that spilled from Tirenen's lips, his ears twitching at the promise of secrets. Arc’s tail, slender and adorned with bedraggled feathers, possessed a morbid elegance, much like a fallen angel who had embraced the abyss. It undulated behind him, a serpent of anticipation, as he clung to the edges of Tirenen's words.

    The word 'problem' echoed around from Tirenen, a tantalising morsel. What could it mean? How could Tirenen possess a problem and withhold it from him? Normally, the old wolf shared his burdens, or the Beta extracted them with a voice as smooth as silk and as insidious as poison. This gift for gentle persuasion granted him an advantage over Tirenen’s offspring, though Arcturus remained blissfully oblivious to the havoc his actions wreaked on others, his ego swollen and unrepentant.

    Creeping closer, Arcturus melded with the shadows, his mutated ears pressed against the den's rugged wall. Every fibre of his being strained to capture any hint of the enigma that plagued Tirenen. This affliction had its claws deep in the old Alpha, spreading with a ferocity that was almost palpable. Hearing this, an odd expression twisted Arc’s features, transforming them into a nightmarish blend of beauty and decay. His face, pallid and almost waxen, bore an unsettling charm, marred by the relentless advance of rot that clung to him like a funeral shroud. Neglect and spite had etched cruel lines into his flesh, a testament to his malevolent past.

    How had he been so blind? Tirenen, the venerable leader, was sick. The realisation sent adrenaline through his veins. This could be the moment he had been waiting for, the opportunity he had long coveted, finally within his grasp


›⊱ˊ ─ 𝐒𝐘𝐁𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐄 ⋅.━xxzxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
zxxxxxxxxxxxxzxxx ( rank: scout) . ( bio ) . ( location: Densite ) . ( tags: judiah, & whoever's involved! ) . ( mutation: bio-luminescent )
    As midday seeped into the horizon, casting an elegiac light over the nuclear forest, the Scout threaded her way through the twisted, irradiated trees. These woods were a phantasmagoric nightmare brought to life, where every plant seemed to writhe with malevolent vitality, grotesque blossoms emitting a noxious luminescence. Surrounding her, mist hung heavy with the scent of decay, intertwined with an insidious undercurrent of dread—a sombre reminder of the forest's cataclysmic history.
    Sybilline’s breath came in sharp, measured bursts as she navigated the meandering path back to camp. The jagged shard of crystal she had pilfered from the grove bit into her tender mouth, a frigid reminder of her theft. She had secreted it deep within her toothy prison, the shard now a companion, its fractured light offering an incongruous solace against the encroaching gloom.

    As she rounded a particularly gnarled tree, with bark that fissured like the desiccated surface of weathered skin, the she-wolf halted abruptly. There, amidst the mutated flora, stood a deer. Unlike the grotesque aberrations she had come to anticipate—twisted monstrosities with multiple heads or skeletal forms—this creature was disarmingly ordinary. Adorned with a coat that gleamed with a rich, tawny luster, and its eyes, clear and innocent, were a poignant anachronism in this post-apocalyptic part of the forest.

    For an endless moment, Sybilline could only gaze, her mind grappling with the paradox laid bare before her. This deer, so heartbreakingly normal, stood as a living relic of a world long since dissolved into the mists of memory. She took a tentative step forward, her heart a frenetic drumbeat of trepidation and awe. Whilst the deer simply looked up, ears flicking, but it did not flee.
    Sybilline marvelled at its tranquil gaze, so starkly divergent from the wild, desperate eyes of the mutated creatures that haunted these forsaken woods. It was as if this deer had emerged from a dream, a whisper from a bygone era, untouched by the corrosive fingers of the present. The air between them seemed to shimmer with unspoken understanding, a fragile bridge spanning the abyss between what was and what could never be again.

    As this epiphany bloomed within her, another thought began to gnaw at the fringes of Sybilline’s mind like a ravenous spectre. Here, before her, was a bounty of life, untainted and pristine—a diamond amidst the detritus of this poisoned world. The deer could sustain her for days, perhaps weeks. The insidious idea flickered like a will-o'-the-wisp: what if she hunted it for herself, ensconced this miracle within the shadows of secrecy? No one need ever know. She could quell her hunger and revel in the solitary triumph of survival, far from the probing eyes and relentless demands of others.

    Sybilline’s jaws clenched around the crystal shard, her eyes narrowing to slits of determination. Her untamed independence and mercurial spirit surged within her, a defiant blaze against the communal interdependence that stifled her essence. She envisioned the act with vivid clarity: bringing down the deer, its lifeblood spilling onto the desolate ground, skinning it with precise, ruthless efficiency, and savouring the tender flesh alone in the haunting quiet of the forest. The reverie was an intoxicating elixir, heady and perilously seductive.

    Yet as she scrutinized the deer's form, the sobering weight of practicality settled upon her with an icy grip. The creature was formidable, far too large for her solitary endeavour. The task would demand time and strength she could scarcely muster to butcher and transport the carcass unaided. The vision of dragging the lifeless body through the treacherous forest, vulnerable to lurking predators and the myriad perils of the irradiated wilds, chilled her resolve.

    Within her, a tempest raged, a maelstrom of avarice battling against the stark necessity of seeking assistance. The group required this providence as much as she did. If she attempted to hoard it for herself and failed, the repercussions would be dire—not merely for her but for all who depended on her.

    Her soul teetered on the knife's edge of decision, each side a reflection of her fractured reality. She stood, a solitary figure amidst the ruins of a bygone world, contemplating the fragile line between selfish desire and collective survival. The deer, an unknowing herald of both salvation and temptation, watched her with its tranquil gaze, a silent testament to the choices that define humanity’s struggle against relentless decay.

    The treasonous thought lingered, a shadow in the recesses of her mind, but Sybilline quelled it. With a final glance at the deer, she turned and sprinted through the forest, her feet scarcely touching the ground. The jagged crystal shard pressed painfully against her side, a shard of icy reality in the midst of her fevered haste. The forest blurred around her, a dark, throbbing mass of twisted branches and toxic blooms, but Sybilline paid it no mind. She was driven by a singular purpose, her mind alight with hope.
    Bursting into the camp, Sybilline was greeted by a chorus of, suspicious eyes. The group huddled around, glanced up as she approached, her breathless urgency slicing through the comparatively subdued atmosphere.

    "A deer," she gasped, her eyes alight with exhilaration. "A normal deer, just beyond the grove. It's... it's safe to eat."
    A ripple of disbelief and cautious hope spread through the crowd, an electric current in the stagnant air. Sybilline clutched the jagged shard of crystal tighter, its coldness grounding her amid the surge of emotions. Here was a relic of the old world, a sliver of normalcy in their fractured world. In that moment, she was a harbinger of change, the bearer of an impossible promise.
    However somewhere, deep within her heart, she acknowledged the precariousness of her choice to share. The spectre of selfishness had not vanished; it had merely retreated, biding its time for another moment of weakness.

    As she scanned the assembly for volunteers, her gaze fixed on Judiah—a small, reddish creature who had insinuated himself into their lives with little to no explanation. His secrecy only amplified her eccentricity, and Sybilline, ever the inquisitive soul, could not abide the uncertainty of his intentions. She resolved to probe his mysteries head-on.

    "Hey, Judiah. Yes, you," she called out, her rugged, windswept locks swirling as she approached him. "If you bury yourself any deeper into that den, you’ll be mistaken for a rodent." Her recent discovery only heightened her fervour. "Come and help us hunt this deer. It’s high time you integrated into the pack. Sulk any longer and people will think you’ve got something to hide."
    Sybilline's words often landed with unpredictable impact. She was a mysterious creature with an open smile and a closed soul. Her deep-set, velvety eyes scoured far and wide, seeking more members of the group to join the effort.


›⊱ˊ ─ 𝐉𝐔𝐃𝐈𝐀𝐇 ⋅.━xxzxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
zxxxxxxxxxxxxzxxx ( rank: initiate) . ( bio ) . ( location: den in densite) . ( tags: saskia, sybilline ) . ( mutation:starting to evolve )
    Shadows had insidiously woven themselves into the Judiah’s existence. Once, he had envisioned himself as an incandescent blaze—fiery and vibrant. Yet, as he rifled through the events that had inexorably drawn him to this Pack, to this very Den, it became starkly apparent that he had been perpetually relegated to the Shadows. Shadows cast by others, shadows of his own fabrication, and now, an even more ominous shadow crept over him.

    With eyes that gleamed a jaundiced yellow, Judiah discerned the source of this encroaching shadow. Her feminine silhouette provided a clue as to who could be lurking so near. The Guardian. Saskia. Without hesitation, his claws scraped against the crumbling earth as he locked eyes with her, his fiery red curls cascading in disarray around his face.

    Instinctively, he met her probing inquiries with a defensive stance, seeking to shield his dignity—or perhaps, to shield her from him. From the monstrous specter of his past, that singular moment of molten fury which had branded him indelibly. When he reflected upon his transgression, he neither sobbed nor wailed. His grief was insidiously discreet, as persistent and silent as blood seeping from an unstitched wound. But one resolve was unwavering—he would not allow his new beginnings to be tarnished by her attempts to unearth his secrets. No, she would need to pry much deeper than that.

    “Okay?” he retorted, an eyebrow arching with feigned nonchalance. “Why wouldn’t I be? Do I appear ‘not okay’ to you?” His words flowed softly, yet were laced with a defiant undercurrent. Though, truth be told, her concern was justified. His mind was a veritable shipwreck, desperately in need of a lifeboat, captained by an obstinate fool who refused to acknowledge the peril.

    Briefly appraising her appearance, with debris tangled in her soft, reddish-brown locks, her features bore a resemblance to his own. “I don’t know what you think you see, but not every Initiate in this pack requires a 'saviour',” he replied, his tone tinged with bitterness. --- The word ‘savior’ was jarring, invoking a painful echo of his past, the other guy, his lover. No, he must not succumb to that illusion again, to think of him.

    As his curt response hung in the air, a pang of guilt pricked him for his harshness. She had unknowingly grazed the tender spot of his vulnerability. His secret.

    Before he could muster an awkward apology, the shrill screech of his least favourite packmate pierced the air, his ears flattening in a futile attempt to muffle the grating sound. SybIlline. Her erratic demeanour and noir, rugged femme fatale aesthetic unsettled him deeply. Though he often teetered on the brink of emotion, she was an unpredictable tempest, often in dire need of correction—or so he believed.

    Yet, something about him inexplicably drew her in. He was compelled to maintain his composure around her. As she insinuated that he harboured a hidden truth, his blood began to boil, a crimson fervour rising within him. She danced dangerously close to his concealed truths, leaving him exposed. Before he realized his actions, he was storming toward Syb, his passion blinding, the dark entity within him rattling its cage.

    He felt a familiar spark ignite, his heart racing, convinced he saw sparks flaring from his fur. But colliding with poor Saskia anchored him back to reality. And it was fortunate, for he was woefully under-ranked to exhibit such audacity. “Syb, I… You know what, sure, I’ll come,” he muttered through gritted fangs, clenched so tightly that even an iron vice would struggle to pry them apart. Realizing he had not only insulted his Guardian but nearly bowled her over, he offered a tentative olive branch in his tone, “You’re always welcome to… uh, join?” His eyes darted uncertainly from hers, bracing for the fallout of his reckless outburst.

Last edited by Sonder, on Sat May 25, 2024 8:17 am, edited 3 times in total.
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post I

Postby lykos brethren » Sun May 19, 2024 7:09 pm

      GENDER. male ` AGE. 5 and half years` RANK. guardian ` MUTATION. hydraulic-like limbs ` SCENT. smoke and cedarwood `
      TAG(S). rainier & arlowe
        xxxxxxxxDO NOT FEAR THE STORM ....
        xxxxxxxxFOR I AM THE STORM
          xxxxxxxxErupting from a wall of tangled undergrowth, the wolf ignored the searing scrape of branches clawing at his dense fur. Twigs snapped like kindling under his powerful paws, leaves rustling in a frenzy as he barreled through the moonlit forest. The only light came from the pale orb above, casting fleeting shadows from the towering pines ahead. Each agonizing rip of a branch was a fleeting annoyance, swallowed by the primal urge driving him forward. all he knew was to keep moving.
          xxxxxxxxEvery fiber in his body throbbed, a searing inferno threatening to consume him. But the need to keep moving was a relentless fire in his gut, stronger than the flames licking at his muscles. The clang of his paws against twisted steel echoed in the hollow emptiness as he ascended the skeletal remains of a human structure. It climbed, a monstrous spiderweb of rust, until it fractured mid-air, leaving a gaping maw between the two halves.
          xxxxxxxxHe didn't dare slow, not even for a breath. The chasm yawned before him, a mocking testament to humanity's folly. A desperate plea flickered in the back of his mind, urging him to turn back. There was no time for hesitation. He dug his claws deeper, propelling himself forward with a surge of desperate energy. His muscles protested in a chorus of burning pain, a cacophony that threatened to drown out the primal voice screaming at him to stop. Yet, he pushed on, defying every instinct screaming that the chasm was an impossible leap.
          xxxxxxxxWith a final, bone-jarring push, he launched himself into the abyss. The wind clawed at his fur, a desperate attempt to drag him back. He was a furry missile hurtling through the air, a fleeting silhouette against the desolate landscape.
          xxxxxxxxA tremor shook his body as his claws scraped against the opposite edge, digging a desperate furrow in the metal. He skidded to a halt, panting, the metallic tang of blood filling his nostrils. A triumphant snarl escaped his throat as he surveyed the impossible distance he'd conquered. No other wolf could have made that leap. No other wolf, well, not one burdened – or perhaps blessed – by his mutation.
          xxxxxxxxThe metallic tang of blood yanked Abraxas back to his throbbing body. It was a brief reprieve from the storm raging within. Memories slammed into him – Zonata, bathed in the golden light of dawn, her belly swollen with the promise of pups. He could almost feel the warmth of her fur against his flank, the rumble of contentment as he nuzzled her.
          xxxxxxxxThe vision fractured, replaced by a horrifying tableau – gnashing fangs, a chorus of snarls and growls, and the crimson stain blooming across Zonata's golden fur, stark against the promise of new life. Her whimper, a fading echo, was a sound he couldn't allow to fully resurface. He slammed the memory shut, shoving it back into the locked vault of his mind. The action almost sent him tumbling from the precarious ledge.
          xxxxxxxxHe needed down. Now.
          xxxxxxxxTaking a cautious step forward, a jolt of pain shot through his claws, the very tools that had granted him his impossible leap. Reaching solid ground, he collapsed onto his stomach, exhaustion a tidal wave washing over him. Sleep wouldn't bring solace, but it offered a fragile truce for his ravaged body. He drifted off quickly, only to be roused by the hesitant fingers of dawn painting the sky.
          xxxxxxxxUncharacteristically, nightmares were absent. Yet, his body felt like a furnace, each breath a desperate gasp for cool air. He rose, stiff and sore, and turned away from the ruins of the human settlement, setting his sights on the densite.
          xxxxxxxxThe cool rush of the stream was a siren song. He plunged in, letting the water steal the heat threatening to overwhelm him. Relief washed over him as his ragged breaths subsided. A brief respite, then he was on his way once more.
          xxxxxxxxBreaking through the brush, the familiar scent of the densite greeted him. His golden eyes lingered on the guardian den, a flicker of longing crossing his features. It would have offered a sliver of peace, a reassurance that the pack was safe. Finally, his gaze settled on Rainier and Arlowe, some of the pack's guardians.
          xxxxxxxxWith a controlled limp – a valiant attempt to mask his pain – he approached them. He stopped a respectful distance away, dipping his head in deference.
          xxxxxxxx"Morning," he rumbled, his voice thick with sleep. his eyes locking for a moment with rainier, "Good work on watch. Get some rest, I will take over." A hint of a smile played on his lips, a silent acknowledgment of their duty. Leaving them to their rest, Abraxas shouldered the weight of his responsibility and moved forward.

      GENDER. female ` AGE. 3 years ` RANK. loner ` MUTATION. unknown` SCENT. petrichor & metallic copper`
      TAG(S). n/a [open]
        xxxxxxxxI AM A NIGHTMARE, DRESSED AS A 𝓓𝓪𝔂𝓭𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶
          xxxxxxxxThe first tendrils of dawn, warm and hesitant, wormed through the broken teeth of the ruined building Astrid called home, for now. The impermanence of it all echoed in the gnawing emptiness of her stomach. This wouldn't do. One place for too long attracted unwanted attention – and there was plenty of that these days. Rogue wolves, larger, rabid, and unpredictable, haunted the fringes of the territory. They had a knack for sniffing out her scent, forcing her to become a master of evasion.
          xxxxxxxxAstrid cracked open an emerald eye, a low growl rumbling from her belly even before she was fully awake. Sleep had been a fragile thing, riddled with the pangs of hunger. With a yawn that stretched the limits of her wolfy maw, she surveyed her temporary den. Dirt streaked her typically ashen fur, a testament to the desperate scrabbling for survival. Her once-proud coat barely concealed the gauntness beneath. This month, the hunt had yielded almost nothing. Scraps, that's all she'd managed. And yet, the hunger couldn't extinguish the spark in her emerald eyes. This was her life, a constant dance with starvation, a war against ever-mounting dangers. But Astrid wasn't one to surrender. There were challenges aplenty, yes, but giving up wasn't an option.
          xxxxxxxxSqueezing through the narrow opening that served as her door, Astrid stepped out into the crisp morning air. The day's work had begun. Survival wouldn't come easy, but she wasn't going to make it any harder by staying put. It was time to move, to hunt, to fight another day in this unforgiving wilderness.
          xxxxxxxxThe crisp morning air nipped at Astrid's nose, carrying with it a symphony of scents. She sniffed deeply, filtering out the background noise of chirping insects and rustling leaves. Her nose, honed by years of solo hunting, latched onto something faint – rabbit. It wasn't much, but it was a flicker of hope in the vast emptiness of her stomach.
          xxxxxxxxCautiously, Astrid slunk out of the ruins, her movements as silent as a falling shadow. Her small size, often a disadvantage, became an asset now. She could slip through tight spaces and navigate dense undergrowth unseen. Every rustle of leaves, every snap of a twig, sent a jolt of awareness through her. With the rogues prowling the area, caution was paramount.
          xxxxxxxxThe rabbit scent grew stronger, leading Astrid deeper into a thicket of tangled branches and prickly bushes. Her emerald eyes scanned the undergrowth, searching for a flicker of brown fur. Patience was her weapon. She wouldn't let desperation lead her into a reckless lunge, a mistake that could cost her dearly.
          xxxxxxxxSuddenly, a flash of movement caught her eye. There, nestled beneath a fallen log, a plump rabbit nibbled on tender shoots, oblivious to the danger lurking nearby. A surge of adrenaline coursed through Astrid's veins. This was her chance.
          xxxxxxxxWith a silent crouch, she lowered her body, muscles coiled and ready to spring. Each step was deliberate, the symphony of the forest momentarily muted as she became one with the hunt. The closer she got, the sweeter the scent of success filled her senses.
          xxxxxxxxBut just as she prepared her final pounce, the earth trembled behind her. A guttural growl ripped through the air, a sound so deep and primal it sent shivers down her spine. It was the rogues. They were close, closer than she ever anticipated.
          xxxxxxxxAstrid's heart hammered against her ribs. The rabbit, startled by the growl, bolted out of sight. Panic threatened to consume her, but years of honed survival instincts kicked in. This wasn't about the hunt anymore; this was about survival. With a burst of speed born of desperation, Astrid weaved through the undergrowth, the sound of pounding paws growing closer behind her.
          xxxxxxxxThorns tore at Astrid's fur as she weaved through the dense thicket, her breath burning in her lungs. The guttural growls of the rogues seemed to pulse in her ears, a relentless drumbeat urging her onward. The memory of their rabid eyes, glimpsed through the undergrowth a moment ago, fueled her terror.
          xxxxxxxxThey were faster, that much was clear. The rogues, twisted by their affliction, possessed a strength and ferocity that dwarfed her own. But Astrid had something they didn't - cunning and a desperation that bordered on madness.
          xxxxxxxxShe remembered a narrow crevice, a hidden passage by the old oak tree, a place she'd discovered while scavenging for scraps weeks ago. It was a desperate gamble, a last-ditch effort born of the knowledge that outrunning them was not an option.
          xxxxxxxxWith a final burst of energy, she burst out of the thicket and into a clearing dominated by the gnarled form of the ancient oak. Memories of happier times, of hunts with her former pack, flickered briefly, a cruel reminder of what she'd thrown away. But there was no time for nostalgia.
          xxxxxxxxSpotting the crevice, a dark gash in the base of the oak's trunk, Astrid squeezed through the narrow opening. It was a tight fit, scraping fur and straining muscles. The growls were right behind her now, hot and fetid, a horrifying symphony of madness.
          xxxxxxxxShe scrambled through the darkness, pushing with all her remaining strength. The passage twisted and turned, a claustrophobic tunnel that felt like it would swallow her whole. But then, blessed relief. Light filtered in from the other end.
          xxxxxxxxAstrid emerged on the other side, collapsing onto the soft forest floor. Panting, she turned back towards the crevice, expecting the rogues to follow. But there was nothing. Silence. Had they lost her?
          xxxxxxxxCautiously, she peeked back through the opening. The rogues were nowhere to be seen. Maybe, just maybe, the narrow passage had deterred them. Relief washed over her in waves, so intense it almost made her dizzy.
          xxxxxxxxBut Astrid knew better than to celebrate too soon. The rogues were still out there, a threat that wouldn't disappear with a close call. She was battered, bruised, and utterly famished. Yet, a flicker of defiance sparked in her emerald eyes. She had survived, again. And tomorrow, she would hunt again, a testament to the tenacity that kept a lone wolf like Astrid alive in a world gone mad.
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nuclear nightfall ━━ ⊰ 1 ⊱

Postby rogan » Mon May 20, 2024 10:29 am

━━━━━━ 𝐀𝐆𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐈 . ━━━
xxxxxxxxxx01. healer xx 02. in her den xx 03. tags: tiernan xx 04. other: ' :woman_standing: '
xxShe rose with the sun that morning. The rays of early morning sunshine from the east-rising sun rolled in through the mouth of her den, pelting her coat in a blanket of golden light. Agathi hadn't exited her den to observe who had stirred awake already, instead craning her head just barely enough to catch snippets of passing whispers with her good ear from those awake enough to engage in conversation, no conversation which she felt the incessant need to become a part of━ let alone so early.

xxAgathi dropped a small amount of what remained of her ginger root near the maw of the den, setting up a pile fit for discarding once she would safely be able to. Soon enough, this pile of soon-to-be discarded herbs and roots had began to topple over and spill past the shadow of the den's lip, but not enough to prevent her from adding any other rotting plants to the pile; emptying out just what needed to be gone. Discarding the few things that had obviously been touched by the water of the river and lake; no longer usable because of the obvious contamination, one which she didn't wish to become a source of.

xxAfter a while, she had returned to the far shadows, guarding herself from the still rising sun for a moment longer as she began to shove the unorganized piles back towards the wall, keeping them as far from the entering light as she could to keep the fresher of them all from spoiling so soon.

xxHer ears twitched against a sound, but she was unable to process just what it was. A voice of some kind, she assumed; although it was presumed distant enough to not be of much concern.

xxA moment later, only a few beats of a heart, Agathi finally turned around; flinching back once her eyes landed on Tiernan standing in the entrance of her den. She cleared her throat after another beat of silence, before lowering her head. "Tiernan, good morning," she took a few steps closer to him, turning her head slightly to the right to keep her left ear tilted in the alpha's general direction while he spoke.

xxThen, Agathi tilted her head and pointed her nose slowly in the direction of a particularly lit spot further inside of her den, covered enough to provide Tiernan with enough sanctuary for his privacy. "I'll take a look at it for you, then," she responded softly, quietly, and tilted her muzzle up slightly, but quickly lowered it again. "I'm sure the hunger might be more age related because the body is changing, but if you think the problem━" she paused, taking a moment to mull over just what this lump he had could even be, as she had done so many times before; and then she continued, "━has gotten worse, I don't want to accidentally mislead you in the instance it is." She turned her head again, keeping her left side as directional as she could.

xxAgathi drew in a deep breath, turning herself entirely so that she was able to face Tiernan. Her eyes glanced over him, his frame thin and coat dull was clear evidence of his age. If she didn't know him any better, didn't know his situation any better, she certainly would have passed his hunger off with that very concern- old age.

xx"You haven't altered your eating habits, have you?" She queried, finally coming nearer to Tiernan once he had moved from his spot. Another few steps closer, and Agathi leaned herself in a little closer to Tiernan's front leg, close to where his shoulder and chest connected. She sniffed, but it hardly smelt any different from the last time she had investigated it. With a sharp exhale, she leaned back. "You're still eating the same, haven't started to eat less, haven't been running around more than usual?"

xxWhile awaiting a response, she pressed lightly against the lump with her nose, evaluating the size of it with his leg sat in its natural position. Then, she withdrew her nose and leaned back. She glanced towards Tiernan's face, and then back down towards the top of his arm. Agathi then motioned towards his foot with her nose. "Push your leg out as straight as you can," she requested, slowly sitting herself down while she waited for Tiernan to react. "I'm not sure if I can feel it accurately enough with your body not extended. I think it's obscuring it a little bit too much. I can't get a good feel on the size of it right now to see if it's... grown any."

━━━━━━ 𝐎𝐋𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐑 . ━━━
xxxxxxxxxx01. scout xx 02. den ➜ human settlement ruins ➜ en route back to densite xx 03. tags: open xx 04. other: ' no thoughts '
xxThe camp's clearing was empty of other bodies that morning after he rose from his slumber. The sun was just barely peering over the horizon, casting beams of golden light along the ground and through the trees along the camps perimeters. He stood in silence, watching those who were awake stir through their own sleepiness. The more of his packmates that awoke, and rose to their feet to pursue their daily tasks, the further Oliver creeped himself away from the center of the densite, avoiding contact and conversation almost entirely.

xxSilently, Oliver dismissed himself from the camp entirely, backing into the tree line and turning around to stalk off, falling into his own silence the further he paced away from the camp.

xxAfter trekking through the trees, and cautiously jumping across the creek with the help of some rocks that weren't entirely submerged by the trickling water, Oliver progressed his way towards the long since abandoned structures from the humans that had lived their before. His intrigue about the area propelled him forward, although he remained cautious in his surroundings; ears twitching back and forth to make sure no thing in particular was following him around; to keep himself as far out of risks way as he could.

xxOnce Oliver made it to the wall of a since-fallen building, collapsed by a fallen tree, he raised his nose to the air. The dirt was damp, and the breeze wafted the scent into his nose; alongside a heap of flora and fauna. The smell of the plant life was oddly comforting; bringing him back to his younger puphood running amuck with his siblings, diving into bushes of berries and ivy, tagging one another and bolting off in another direction to avoid getting re-tagged.

xxOliver let out a slightly bitter sigh, momentarily dropping his head as he stood still. Then he moved forward again, stepping over the vines of creeping thyme and other ivies, careful not to catch his foot on any of them and trip. He maneuvered around the ruins like this, stepping cautiously over the different plants, all while looking at the different structures; wondering just how easily they had become abandoned. He peered in through open squares in the walls, windows, and then pulled himself away in case anything chose to swing up and take a swift bite at his jaw.

xxHe traversed the ruins for a little while longer while he waited for the sun to creep higher, occasionally glancing upwards to look at the sky. The higher the sun crept, the closer to the entrance to the ruins he got; but still, he walked at a slower pace, taking the emptiness and quiet in as much as he could.

xxVenturing towards the same alley he had entered through, Oliver raised his nose to the sky one last time; drawing in another breath to see just what may have been upwind from him. He turned and glanced from one side, to another, and then turned his head over his shoulder to bid a very silent farewell to the ruins that had slowly started to become a place of comfort and respite.

xxWith another exhale, Oliver turned his head forward and began to walk towards the creek again, his head hanging low as he still carefully stepped over and around each of the small bushels of plants and vines.

━━━━━━ 𝐒𝐀𝐒𝐊𝐈𝐀 . ━━━
xxxxxxxxxx01. guardian xx 02. densite xx 03. tags: judiah xx 04. other: ' you good homie ?? '
xxSaskia yawned as she rolled herself over onto her back, her side now pressed flush against the cooled wall of the den. Her bones felt chilled for only a moment, but warmed quickly against the shadows. Slowly, her head slipped off of the small pile of what had previously been her nest, dropping against the dirt covered floor with a gentle thunk.

xxWith a violent jerk, Saskia threw herself up into attention, her ears pointed forward dramatically and her eyes, once heavy with tiredness, now wide open in shock and confusion. Her body relaxed after a few breaths, her shoulders and head dropping as her ears flicked back to their neutral position. A slow breath fell through her nose, and she stood up slowly while stretching her body out, first lowering her chest to the ground and then shifting to push her chest up towards the sky.

xxQuietly, she stepped around and over any obstacles in the den, guiding herself out into the bright morning sun. Saskia scrunched up her face against the light, but quickly relaxed once she adjusted. Her vision remained fuzzy for a moment or two longer before finally clearing up, at which point Saskia had already ran her eyes over the larger part of the den site, eventually concluding that everything was going along as it normally, usually did. The packs' silent chatter entered in one ear, and immediately exited out the other; not stopping once to register inside of her mind.

xxHer observation halted once her eyes landed on a familiar body, appearing unmoving, still tucked in the safety of his den. She cocked her head to the side, confusion washing over her expression before she finally pushed forward towards him with a brisk walk.

xxComing up closer to Judiah, Saskia slowed her pace, eventually braking to a halt close to him. "Ju... Judiah?" she spoke softly, her head dropping to the side again as she took a few paces to stand in front of him, inches away as not to impede too far into his personal bubble, but still deep enough into his den to cover half of her body with the cast shadow. She cleared her throat, now daring to step further into his den to come closer to the pack's initiate. "Judiah━" Saskia paused, but then stepped forward another step to press her nose lightly into Judiah's shoulder, retracting herself quickly to avoid any physical consequences. "━are you okay?"

xxSaskia's ears twitched, and she stepped forward again. "You seem a little... not okay," however obvious it may have been, she still offered her words; leaning her head down just a little bit so that she was looking up towards the other rather than gazing down, "do you need anything? Anyone? I can get Agathi if you think you need it━ she might be able to help the most," she offered, words faster than they were processing in her brain. "Only if you want her to help, of course! I don't know what you need, or who you need. Sorry," Saskia quieted down quickly after that, offering Judiah an awkward twitch of her lip.

xxShe stepped back a little bit, to give him more space if he needed it, but kept her eyes and focus on him.

━━━━━━ 𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐔𝐒 . ━━━
xxxxxxxxxx01. hunter xx 02. densite xx 03. tags: open xx 04. other: ' user rogan doesn't know what to write for him '
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⊱ nuclear nightfall - 002

Postby solyn » Fri May 24, 2024 10:14 pm

        ────── ⊱ 𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐑𝐍𝐀𝐍.
        [ rank ; alpha ] [ pronouns ; he/him ] [ mutation ; regenerative healing ] [ located ; healer's den ] [ tags ; agathi ]

      xxxxFor a moment, Tiernan stood and watched Agathi while it was clear she hadn't noticed him. Sometimes, being alpha of the pack all felt a bit rushed, but he liked the small lulls where he could observe his pack members. It was nice to see the signs of life in all of them, even in such tumultuous times. By the time Agathi swung around and called his name, he was so lost in his own thoughts that it made him jump. He shook his head, clearing the feeling quickly as a fond expression crossed his maw. He dipped his head to her in appreciation as he followed her directions to settle down, closing his eyes against the lingering warmth of the sun.

      xxxx"Much obliged, Agathi," he said, before he cracked one eye open and gave her a bemused look, "although I think you could have done without calling me old. It seems like you're all taking any opportunity you can get to remind me of it. You, Eliza, Abraxas... all just as terrible as each other. Well, perhaps not. Eliza is particularly fond of reminding me of my age." He huffed out a breath, but it was good-natured. For a moment, his jaw opened as if he was going to speak again, before a pensive look swept over his expression, and he closed his jaw again, tilting his head as if contemplating something. When she spoke again, he shook the thoughts away, but the troubled look remained.

      xxxx"Ah, no, I've been eating the same as usual. At least... I don't think my appetite has been lessening, it feels like I eat the same quantity as I always have. I haven't been exhausting myself either. You said I need to take it easy, so I have been... at least, as much as I can without raising any suspicion." He flicked his tongue over his teeth, ear twitching in something close to irritation. Having known Agathi since she was just a pup, Tiernan was sure she could tell that he was agitated over the lack of control afforded to him in such a situation. For a wolf who liked certainty, the strangeness of it all gnawed terribly at his consciousness. "I've been trying to find reasons to stick around camp so that I can be off my feet for at least a few hours each day like you suggested, but delegating tasks is... difficult. I know you wanted me to take a much bigger step back, but it's just not feasible." He blew out a sigh, shaking his head.

      xxxx"If I stepped back, someone would need to replace me. Arcturus is our only beta right now, and as a team with Eliza? It's a dynamic that's untested at best. I have thought about promoting Abraxas to beta as a precursor to taking my place since I know he and Eliza work well together, but I don't particularly like the idea of taking the choice in a working partner from Arcturus. That, and it'd leave a serious lack of leadership in the guardians at the very least. Maverick has the makings of a potential replacement, but not enough confidence to wrangle some of the more... headstrong members. I could push Amalie over, but that could cause resentment and it'd be perfect grounds for Rainier to act out, and the other hunters are all so close in age and temperament I'm not sure a leader would emerge so clearly, and it would be a terrible time for them to be unbalanced. Then the scouts without─" He cut himself off, suddenly, clearing his throat. "My apologies, Agathi, the concerns of an old wolf must bore you some. All that to say... I'm resting as much as I can."

      xxxxHe watched as Agathi inspected his leg, a cold chill running down his spine as she drew back. Something was wrong. It was obvious to him, immediately. Agathi was efficient, and the lapse between action and words made Tiernan's fur prickle in discomfort. Still, he obeyed her command. He'd known her for long enough to know that no matter how much he pressed, she wouldn't give him an answer until she had enough information to make a sound judgement. Still, as he extended his leg just like she'd asked, he couldn't help but pose the question;

      xxxx"Is something the matter? Is it worse?" The tone of his voice was soothing and patient, something he'd become quite proficient at over his years as leader, but the twitch of his ears belied the nerves simmering under his skin. It didn't really matter, just the two of them here, whether or not Tiernan was calm and unflappable in front of her, but he couldn't stop himself from trying to look as much. If anything, it was the only thing about this situation that he had any control over, and it was a comfort as he awaited Agathi's verdict.

        ────── ⊱ 𝐀𝐌𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐄.
        [ rank ; hunter ] [ pronouns ; she/her ] [ mutation ; chameleon fur ] [ located ; densite ] [ tags ; diablo ]

      xxxxAs Amalie fidgeted, she watched the pack come to life. Arlowe moved toward her brother, and her ears pricked forward, trying to surreptitiously catch snippets of their conversation. She was so engrossed in her task that she almost missed Diablo sidling up beside her. Her attention snapped to him quickly, and she couldn't help her tail as it began to wag. She graced Diablo with a bemused look, idly tracking him as he circled around her, clearly boundless with energy even this early in the morning. It was good. She appreciated the tenacity.

      xxxx"Good morning," she replied, ducking her head as a greeting, before her ears perked forward at the mention of a hunt. That certainly would give her something to do─ and it was an important task that needed to be done. She could vaguely see Icarus hanging around the edges of the densite, and Persephone shouldn't be too hard to wake either, and if Elysian or Lunara were around somewhere then─

      xxxx"Oh," she said, feeling her pelt heat at the implication. It was somewhat new and novel to Amalie, this whole... thing with Diablo. He was quite a bit younger than her, closer to Rainier's age really, but unlike the other members of the pack, he didn't seem to put her on such a pedestal. He treated her... comfortably. Like a friend. Like a real wolf, and not just the alpha's daughter, or the most senior hunter, or someone who could get him in trouble if he made a mistake. She liked that about him, even though romance had never been at the forefront of her mind.

      xxxxJust... the two of them. Well, the pack had done well with small hunting parties before. And really, it would be fine if the younger hunters to organize their own hunt. Certainly her presence stifled potential future leaders, after all. She blinked rapidly to clear the thoughts, nodding at Diablo. "Sorry, my mind was elsewhere for a moment. I'd like that. We could head down to the human settlement, I think a lot of smaller prey creatures have taken shelter there. If we're lucky we might run into something bigger." She paused, considering, before she turned her face away to glance back at her parents' den. Her father was always espousing the merits of collective decision making, and maybe Diablo would feel like she was bossing him around too much. She cleared her throat, meeting his gaze again and tilting her head, although her voice came out awkward and unsure. "Unless... you had a different idea?"

        ────── ⊱ 𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐈𝐄𝐑.
        [ rank ; guardian ] [ pronouns ; he/him ] [ mutation ; venomous fangs ] [ located ; densite ] [ tags ; arlowe & abraxas ]

      xxxxRainier fought back a yawn, tilting his head a little to catch the sun on his neck without letting it filter into his eyes. He didn't want to close them for longer than a blink, lest somebody get on his case about slacking off. He couldn't decide what would be worse, his father or that menace Diablo, who seemed too delighted about annoying him on the best of days. Then, a worse possibility presented itself, and Rainier froze at the sound of Arlowe's voice. Did he see that? No, there's no way he saw that. He was definitely looking elsewhere─

      xxxx"Good morning," Rainier said back, although it came out more like a shout than an actual greeting, too quick and blurted on the heels of panic. He winced a little at the sound of his own voice, but his shoulders relaxed as Arlowe began to speak again, his tail wagging slightly through leaf debris as his friend spoke. Arlowe was good like that, attentive to others in a way Rainier wasn't sure he knew how to be. It was impressive how he always seemed to know what others needed, and could intuit how to act upon those needs. If it had been anyone else, it probably would have been fine to chat, but Rainier knew that his actions were held to a higher and harsher standard. He almost opened his mouth to thank him, when Arlowe spoke again.

      xxxx"I wasn't fighting it!" He protested, instinctively springing to his feet as if standing would help his defense in any way. "It just landed on me, okay?! Haven't you ever been surprised before? It was just surprising, that's all and I─" he cut himself off, huffing out an exasperated breath as he sat back down, trying his hardest not to sulk. He got the impression he was not very successful, and that this would be the next target of Arlowe's good-natured teasing. Still, his friend was asking after him, so he swallowed down his embarrassment even as he glowered at the ground.

      xxxx"I was better before I realized you saw the leaf thing..." he muttered. "Other than that, I'm fine. It's cold when I first get up, but at least it keeps you awake. Better than summer watch when the heat makes you drowsy all the time. Plus, there's the sunrise." He shrugged, glancing up at the sky again, watching the clouds shift across the wide expanse. "What about you? How come you're awake so early? I would've thought that you'd like sleeping in."

      xxxxNot a moment later, Abraxas' voice came from just outside of Rainier's periphery, and he shot to his feet like he'd been electrocuted. "Good morning Abraxas!" He said, at a volume that even too his own ears was completely unnecessary, but there was no time to flinch away from it this time. "I promise Arlowe and I were watching I was just─ oh." He ducked his head at Abraxas' compliment, tail wagging with obvious pleasure at the praise. Still, the dismissal startled him, and his ears perked forward as he glanced at the older guardian, surveying him.

      xxxx"Are you sure? My watch isn't really supposed to be up for another turn or two of the sun, and Arlowe can keep me company if you're worried about me drifting off... and you look tired too. Maybe you should go and see Agathi? I think she has something that helps with sleep. She told me about it once but I forgot what it was called..." He frowned to himself, and made a mental note to ask Agathi about it the next time he saw her. He'd remember this time, and then he could recommend it to Abraxas properly. "Arlowe and I are young and full of energy, so you don't have to worry about us. Right Arlowe?"

        ────── ⊱ 𝐒𝐋𝐎𝐀𝐍𝐄.
        [ rank ; scout ] [ pronouns ; she/her ] [ mutation ; psychic empathy ] [ located ; the watch tower ] [ tags ; open ]

      xxxxlast post here
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Re: Nuclear Nightfall: Wolves of the Wasteland (accepting!)

Postby Spiritstar3 » Sat May 25, 2024 1:11 pm

Ire- m- 4 y- guardian- Accelerated healing- homosexual; Maverick, Rainier- mate open- would like to adopt- adoptive family- Tags: Arlowe, Rainier, Abraxas?

The soft and sweet but stubborn and strong willed one yawned a bit. He sighed and looked around the den he was in...then shook his head. He thought of the wolves that had taken him in, Nana and her mate. Nana had found him, but her mate had accepted him into their family.

His adoptive siblings had been great too, and he'd always loved to be around them. He missed them now...but pushed thoughts away. He needed to get up for the day, see if there was any scouting or anything to do. The polydactycl white wolf sat up, then stood up.

He stretched then straightened, shaking out his coat then stepping from the den. Blue eyes almost immediately fell on Arlowe and Rainier. He felt a streak of something go through him...and scolded himself. He didn't see Maverick around, so he focused on Arlowe and Rainier. Abraxas was around as well, he heard the other. He looked around for Abraxas, then shook his head a couple times.

The slender male walked closer to the others, saying "Good morning." He just as quickly fell silent though... as maybe they didn't want him there. He didn't want to intrude on anything between them. He scolded himself, he needed to stop thinking like that...Rainier was a guardian and so was he, so they needed to watch. He was allowed to be there too, to help with watching around the camp.

Soleil- m- 3 y- pup sitter- psychic empathy- homosexual; Icarus- mate open- would like to adopt- family: Lunara- Tags: Juliette, Icarus

The soft and sweet but shy and sometimes too quiet male yawned a bit. The semi fluffy creamy colored one sat up and sighed. He realized he'd slept in a bit, so the smaller and slender on scrambled to his paws. He stretched and yawned again, then shook his head. He shook out his minimally white marked coat. He quickly hurried out of the den, to see Juliette and a pup playing together.

He smiled a canine smile a moment as he watched them, then looked around. Brown eyes landed on the form of Icarus, and he felt his heartbeat start to speed up...He made a small sound, and stared down at his paws. He then took a breath, and raised his gaze back up. He called "Icarus, over here!" then whined quietly ad he got nervous again...He scolded himself, then waited to see if the other would actually come over.

(here, maybe this'll help for Icarus)

Lunara- f- 3 y- hunter- Bio-luminescent markings- pan; Saskia- mate open- pups- family: Soleil- Tags: Saskia, Judiah a bit, Syblline

The silly and sensible but stubborn and strong willed one yawned a bit. She shook her head, looking around the den then sighing. She and her twin had been brought to this pack by their family. They'd been happy with their parents...but they'd been sent here, for safety.

She was thankful for it now, of course, but back then she'd been upset.. She hadn't wanted to leave her father, Soleil hadn't wanted to leave their mother. However, they'd soon learned to like and accept the pack. They'd been trained in their ranks, and were now full time in those ranks.

The white toed black phase she wolf twitched her ears, flicking her tail. Her nose moved a bit as she left the den, catching scents as she moved. Deep brown eyes landed on Sybiline, as the other barked at Judiah. They could call it yelling, but...they weren't humans, they were wolves.

Her eyes were drawn thus to the den the male had, and she stepped closer to it. She saw Saskia there, and heard Judiah say he didn't need a savior...The slender, semi fluffy one rolled her eyes. "Hey Saskia, good morning; I believe Sybiline is calling for Judiah right now."

Nighthawk- f- 4 y- scout- extra tail- bi; Arlowe- mate open- wants pups some day- no family at all (not in RP or anything else)- Tags

The fierce (when needed) but not at all frightening female yawned a bit. She sighed and twitched her ears, flicking her tail back and forth. She then realized she may get in trouble for still being in the den. She quickly got up, stretched, straightened and shook out her black coat. She headed out, seeing Sybilline but the other seemed focused on Judiah. The white toed one almost wanted to make a sound of relief at that fact.

She didn't want to be chewed out by any of the wolves here... It was worse if it was another scout like herself, so she was glad no wolf seemed to have noticed her yet. She looked over as she saw a movement of white. Ire had approached Arlowe and Rainier, and she almost wanted to do the same. Instead, she shook her head and walked along. The golden eyed she wolf should probably go scouting, thought it seemed Sybilline already had.
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Re: Nuclear Nightfall: Wolves of the Wasteland (accepting!)

Postby Cammeraugepony » Sat May 25, 2024 6:13 pm

Gender: Male Rank: Guardian Age: 3.7yr Mutation: Chitinous Armour.
Scent: Cypress & Wild Bergamont Sexuality: Demisexual Panromantic.
Crush: X Mate: X Pups: X

. 𝔸𝕣𝕝𝕠𝕨𝕖 .
| Bio | Location: Densite | Tags: Rainier, Abraxas, Ire |
    Rainier’s defensiveness is as familiar as the sight of Rainier himself, acting as a near-constant companion of the wolf. Having known each other for so long, the outburst isn't shocking to Arlowe; his fellow guardian is often under pressure and Arlowe’s pretty certain the lack of sleep isn’t helping. “You’re good.” The soft statement is punctuated with a gentle headbutt.

    Arlowe takes a guess at what's actually bothering Rainier about The Leaf: that it was him of all wolves in an embarrassing situation. “I'm pretty sure no one else saw and I promise, it would’ve been funny regardless of who it happened to,” he calmly assures. He hopes he's right with his guess and that the words find their mark; Rainier more than deserves some slack. Arlowe listens to his friend continue, still worried despite Rainier’s assurance that he’s fine.

    At the question, Arlowe has to force his ear to not pin back—he hopes the movement comes off as just an idle flick. The question wasn't accustational— well, its tone sort of was but that's just Ranier and—

    “Habit instilled by mom,” he breezily explains with a small shrug. “It kicks in every now and then. Normally, I just spend those mornings still laying in the dens. It’s nice.” He enjoys the feeling of being surrounded by everyone, quiet and warm and safe.

    Thank goodness Arlowe has been sitting, easier to have body language be controlled when it's expected to be still.

    He pushes down the churning in his stomach.

    He’s not lying, he shouldn't feel so guilty.

    That’s the issue, Arlowe thinks, I’m not lying this time. It's easier to occassionaly brush off the concern of those he's less close to, like Agathi, but skirting the truth to a friend has a bite that, even after all this time, still catches him off guard.

    Some mornings he simply wakes up early… and some mornings he’s jerked out of sleep by the feeling of being crushed. Coming into consciousness while struggling to inhale, with his heart pounding like a stampeding herd and his body feeling like it’s been under that same stampede is, thankfully, uncommon. Still, it’s happened enough these past two years for it to become familiar. He now spends those mornings much the same as any other early morning—focusing on the warm bodies around him, trying to match their breaths—just with the additional chore of chasing off less-than-pleasant thoughts. Nothing he can’t handle. And, again, that didn’t happen this time, so calm down already. Focus on Rainier. Talk about something trivial, get your— his mind off things.

    “But,” he continues smoothly (or so he hopes), “like you said, there’s the sunrise. Aren’t they the be—"

    Before he can continue, another voice cuts in, startling him into a small jump. As soon as Arlowe realizes it’s Abraxas, he eases and pre-emptively tilts his head away from Rainier’s enthusiastic greeting. “Good morning, Abraxas,” he just as cheerfully echoes his friend, albeit with less volume. Arlowe doesn’t pay particular attention to the compliment, instead thankfull for the interruption. Ever faithful Abraxas to the rescue once again, albeit unknowingly this time. Upon noticing Rainier's happiness over it though, his own tail picks up in speed—only to again still as Abraxas continues. Arlowe raises to stand with a small huff of effort to follow them as the dark wolf moves forward.

    Abraxas is always moving forward, always heading to the next problem. Arlowe admires that drive, that foreign momentum. At least, when it’s not pointed at him. Or expected of him. No thanks, he’d much rather be the steady, unmoving platform from which the others can confidently move forward. Especially since that unyielding momentum often recoils on its wielder. Speaking of: Abraxas wasn’t in the densite when Arlowe had gotten up; he’d been out since at least before dawn, then. Isn't there something familiar about how the larger wolf is holding himself...?

    Upon Rainier’s prompting, Arlowe nods. “Not that you aren’t young yourself, of course, but Rainier is right.” He looks imploringly at the older guardian. “We’d rest easier knowing you’re also well rested.”

    Suddenly, another figure approaches the trio. “Ah, good morning, Ire!” Arlowe calls with a wagging tail to the white wolf. “We were just discussing who should have the next watch." The rephrasing of the conversation won't be subtle to those who were present for it—not his best work, he's aware—but he also knows nearly anything the good-hearted wolf says will likely be of help anyways.
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post II

Postby lykos brethren » Mon May 27, 2024 2:18 am

      GENDER. male ` AGE. 5 and half years` RANK. guardian ` MUTATION. hydraulic-like limbs ` SCENT. smoke and cedarwood `
      TAG(S). saskia, sybilline, tiernan, agathi, rainier & arlowe
        xxxxxxxxDO NOT FEAR THE STORM ....
        xxxxxxxxFOR I AM THE STORM
          xxxxxxxxA flicker of amusement danced in Abraxas' wise eyes as he spotted Rainier perk up at his booming greeting. The young wolf's alertness during this pre-dawn watch impressed him. Not many held such sharp vigilance at this sluggish hour. Abraxas chuckled silently, the sound a low rumble in his chest. He saw the prideful puff of Rainier's chest at the praise, a yearning for approval glinting in the younger wolf's gaze.
          xxxxxxxxBefore Abraxas could pad further, objections rose from the patrol. He swiveled his head, listening intently to their concerns. They weren't unfounded. The pack had pushed themselves hard the previous day, and rest was vital. A soft huff escaped his nostrils as Arlowe joined the reasoning, his voice laced with quiet persuasion. Admiration flickered in Abraxas' gaze. He respected his clear thinking.
          xxxxxxxx"Very well," he rumbled, a hint of concession in his tone. "I'll check on Agathi first. Rainier, your duty ends upon my return. You need your rest as much as any of us. Arlowe, keep an eye on him." With a decisive turn, he loped towards Agathi's den, the path etched in his memory. A daily ritual, a comforting routine. He might as well get her to look at his paws while he was there. Admitting weakness wasn't his forte. Only Agathi knew the toll his leadership often took on his aging body. She'd ferret him out sometimes, a gentle but firm nudge for him to finally submit to her ministrations. He couldn't imagine what he'd do without her.
          xxxxxxxxJust as he neared the den entrance, a flurry of movement caught his eye. Sybilline burst into the clearing, her panting breaths punctuated by excited words about a deer. A frown creased Abraxas' brow. A healthy deer? It seemed too good to be true. Doubt gnawed at him, but the prospect of such a windfall was undeniable. He scanned the clearing, searching for the ever-present beta who would organize the hunt. No sign. A low growl rumbled in his throat.
          xxxxxxxx"Sybilline," he boomed, his voice carrying authority. "If there's a deer, gather as many wolves as possible. We don't want to miss this chance." His gaze flicked to Saskia, a young guardian with a keen mind. "Saskia, you're with them. Ensure their safety and report back if anything arises." Calmness laced his voice despite the thrill of a potential hunt coursing through the pack. He trusted Saskia's judgment. "Feel free to bring another guardian if you need them. But I trust your capabilities." With a curt nod, he dipped his head and continued towards Agathi's den.
          xxxxxxxxHis paws sank into the soft earth as he descended the familiar tunnel, his joints protesting with a series of soft clicks. The scent of Agathi, a calming balm to his ever-present tension, filled his senses. Relief washed over him as he rounded a corner, only to freeze. There, nestled beside Agathi, sat the Alpha. Surprise contorted his features.
          xxxxxxxx"Apologies, Alpha," he blurted, dipping his head low. "I hope I'm not interrupting." He quickly explained his morning routine, the visit to Agathi. "Speaking of which, Sybilline apparently found a deer… unmutated. They're forming a hunting party. I sent a couple of guardians along for safety." His attention darted back to the Alpha, his muscles tensing, soldierly instinct kicking in. He yearned to check in with Agathi, but the unexpected presence of the Alpha snagged his curiosity. Why was he here? Surely nothing was wrong? Agathi hadn't mentioned anything… wouldn't she have?

lykos brethren wrote:
      GENDER. female ` AGE. 3 years ` RANK. loner ` MUTATION. unknown` SCENT. petrichor & metallic copper`
      TAG(S). n/a [open]
        xxxxxxxxI AM A NIGHTMARE, DRESSED AS A 𝓓𝓪𝔂𝓭𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶
          xxxxxxxxThe first tendrils of dawn, warm and hesitant, wormed through the broken teeth of the ruined building Astrid called home, for now. The impermanence of it all echoed in the gnawing emptiness of her stomach. This wouldn't do. One place for too long attracted unwanted attention – and there was plenty of that these days. Rogue wolves, larger, rabid, and unpredictable, haunted the fringes of the territory. They had a knack for sniffing out her scent, forcing her to become a master of evasion.
          xxxxxxxxAstrid cracked open an emerald eye, a low growl rumbling from her belly even before she was fully awake. Sleep had been a fragile thing, riddled with the pangs of hunger. With a yawn that stretched the limits of her wolfy maw, she surveyed her temporary den. Dirt streaked her typically ashen fur, a testament to the desperate scrabbling for survival. Her once-proud coat barely concealed the gauntness beneath. This month, the hunt had yielded almost nothing. Scraps, that's all she'd managed. And yet, the hunger couldn't extinguish the spark in her emerald eyes. This was her life, a constant dance with starvation, a war against ever-mounting dangers. But Astrid wasn't one to surrender. There were challenges aplenty, yes, but giving up wasn't an option.
          xxxxxxxxSqueezing through the narrow opening that served as her door, Astrid stepped out into the crisp morning air. The day's work had begun. Survival wouldn't come easy, but she wasn't going to make it any harder by staying put. It was time to move, to hunt, to fight another day in this unforgiving wilderness.
          xxxxxxxxThe crisp morning air nipped at Astrid's nose, carrying with it a symphony of scents. She sniffed deeply, filtering out the background noise of chirping insects and rustling leaves. Her nose, honed by years of solo hunting, latched onto something faint – rabbit. It wasn't much, but it was a flicker of hope in the vast emptiness of her stomach.
          xxxxxxxxCautiously, Astrid slunk out of the ruins, her movements as silent as a falling shadow. Her small size, often a disadvantage, became an asset now. She could slip through tight spaces and navigate dense undergrowth unseen. Every rustle of leaves, every snap of a twig, sent a jolt of awareness through her. With the rogues prowling the area, caution was paramount.
          xxxxxxxxThe rabbit scent grew stronger, leading Astrid deeper into a thicket of tangled branches and prickly bushes. Her emerald eyes scanned the undergrowth, searching for a flicker of brown fur. Patience was her weapon. She wouldn't let desperation lead her into a reckless lunge, a mistake that could cost her dearly.
          xxxxxxxxSuddenly, a flash of movement caught her eye. There, nestled beneath a fallen log, a plump rabbit nibbled on tender shoots, oblivious to the danger lurking nearby. A surge of adrenaline coursed through Astrid's veins. This was her chance.
          xxxxxxxxWith a silent crouch, she lowered her body, muscles coiled and ready to spring. Each step was deliberate, the symphony of the forest momentarily muted as she became one with the hunt. The closer she got, the sweeter the scent of success filled her senses.
          xxxxxxxxBut just as she prepared her final pounce, the earth trembled behind her. A guttural growl ripped through the air, a sound so deep and primal it sent shivers down her spine. It was the rogues. They were close, closer than she ever anticipated.
          xxxxxxxxAstrid's heart hammered against her ribs. The rabbit, startled by the growl, bolted out of sight. Panic threatened to consume her, but years of honed survival instincts kicked in. This wasn't about the hunt anymore; this was about survival. With a burst of speed born of desperation, Astrid weaved through the undergrowth, the sound of pounding paws growing closer behind her.
          xxxxxxxxThorns tore at Astrid's fur as she weaved through the dense thicket, her breath burning in her lungs. The guttural growls of the rogues seemed to pulse in her ears, a relentless drumbeat urging her onward. The memory of their rabid eyes, glimpsed through the undergrowth a moment ago, fueled her terror.
          xxxxxxxxThey were faster, that much was clear. The rogues, twisted by their affliction, possessed a strength and ferocity that dwarfed her own. But Astrid had something they didn't - cunning and a desperation that bordered on madness.
          xxxxxxxxShe remembered a narrow crevice, a hidden passage by the old oak tree, a place she'd discovered while scavenging for scraps weeks ago. It was a desperate gamble, a last-ditch effort born of the knowledge that outrunning them was not an option.
          xxxxxxxxWith a final burst of energy, she burst out of the thicket and into a clearing dominated by the gnarled form of the ancient oak. Memories of happier times, of hunts with her former pack, flickered briefly, a cruel reminder of what she'd thrown away. But there was no time for nostalgia.
          xxxxxxxxSpotting the crevice, a dark gash in the base of the oak's trunk, Astrid squeezed through the narrow opening. It was a tight fit, scraping fur and straining muscles. The growls were right behind her now, hot and fetid, a horrifying symphony of madness.
          xxxxxxxxShe scrambled through the darkness, pushing with all her remaining strength. The passage twisted and turned, a claustrophobic tunnel that felt like it would swallow her whole. But then, blessed relief. Light filtered in from the other end.
          xxxxxxxxAstrid emerged on the other side, collapsing onto the soft forest floor. Panting, she turned back towards the crevice, expecting the rogues to follow. But there was nothing. Silence. Had they lost her?
          xxxxxxxxCautiously, she peeked back through the opening. The rogues were nowhere to be seen. Maybe, just maybe, the narrow passage had deterred them. Relief washed over her in waves, so intense it almost made her dizzy.
          xxxxxxxxBut Astrid knew better than to celebrate too soon. The rogues were still out there, a threat that wouldn't disappear with a close call. She was battered, bruised, and utterly famished. Yet, a flicker of defiance sparked in her emerald eyes. She had survived, again. And tomorrow, she would hunt again, a testament to the tenacity that kept a lone wolf like Astrid alive in a world gone mad.
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