seven heroes of aelios || o&a

For roleplays featuring human or human-like characters which have inhuman abilities or live in an (original) fantasy world. E.g. vampires, shape-shifters, werewolves. However this category does not include roleplays based on existing fandoms such as Twilight or Harry Potter

seven heroes of aelios || o&a

Postby Ploegy » Fri Dec 24, 2021 7:38 am



legend says the centuries ago a war broke out across the land of aelios; one that put the angel
race against the demons. the cause of this war was for control over the land despite neither kingdom
being there. the war waged on for several years and drew in the other races. it wasn’t until seven
heroes stepped up that it finally came to an end. this group was said to have wielded seven legendary
weapons and with their power they were able to subdue both the demons and the angels, forcing them
to retreat to their respective kingdoms. nobody is sure exactly what these heroes did or how they
managed to do such a thing, but the story has been passed down for ages. since then, the races have
lived in peace though the angels were severely hurt in terms of numbers.

that peace lasted until ten years ago when the angel race attacked the demons as a form of revenge
for the past. upon losing their ruler in the attack, the demons declared war upon the angels. during
this time, unbeknownst to both races, the heroes were being selected once again by the legendary
weapons. seven heroes were selected and given the task to free aelios from this war. while they are
the ones that wield the legendary weapons, they are not alone. others have joined their cause as well
and have begun to stand up against the war. both sides refuse to let these heroes triumph and have
declared them traitors of aelios that should be killed on sight.

despite this, the heroes refuse to back down. their journey to save aelios has only just begun. together
they must find a way to subdue the angels and the demons before one of them is completely erased.
will you stand with them or will you be the one to fight against them?

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Postby Ploegy » Fri Dec 24, 2021 7:42 am



•have as many characters as you can handle, but only 1 hero per person
•while heroes can be of any species, try to keep them varied
•legendary weapons will be first come first serve as well
•do not leave anyone out of the rp. try to include everyone
•minimum of 6 sentences per character. try to have decent grammar as well
•try to keep magical powers in check. characters can have a max of 4 magical abilities
•keep violence and romance pg-13. minimal cussing is allowed
•do not kill other people's characters without consent
•try to be as active as you can and please tell me if you will be gone
•if you have any ideas for plot twists, please message me
•disable signatures on the roleplay thread
•post all forms in the discussion thread

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Postby Ploegy » Fri Dec 24, 2021 8:03 am



seven heroes:
cassian - 18 - male - human - excalibur - ploegy
lysandros - 220 - male - fairy - mistilteinn - molotov
aurelia - 18-20 - female - merfolk - trishula - acethekidd
valetine - 18 - male - demi-human - gungnir - queen of flames
sordi - 260 - female - elf - labrys - aniki
eloa - 500 - female - angel - laevateinn - ævi
yumiya - 26 - female - half elf - failnaught -

seven heroes army:
carla - 50 - female - elf - general - queen of flames
ophelia - 17-18 - female - merfolk - messenger - soup5
axel - 18 - male - half elf half human - scout - ploegy
name - age - gender - race - rank - played by
name - age - gender - race - rank - played by

angel army:
yadira - 831 - female - angel - assassin - ploegy
remiel - 430 - male - angel - bounty hunter - molotov
narok - 100 - male - giant - lieutenant - aniki
fukara - 799 - male - angel - spy / scientist - timoria
name - age - gender - race - rank - played by

demon army:
varroa - 31 - female - demon - witch of execution - soup5
empyrean - 400 - male / agender - demon - prince of the grand duke - queen of flames
pursan - 1246 - male - demon - spy - ploegy
kleitos - 30 - male - merfolk - soldier - aniki
name - age - gender - race - rank - played by

neutral alliance:
blaise - 29 - male - human - former retainer - ploegy
megera - 29 - male - demon - hier to the dhoort family - scorpioness
ren - 30 - male - human - traveler - acethekidd
ater rex - n/a - male - half angel half demon - dark mage - scorpioness
miu - 447 - female - fairy - n/a - timoria
maki - 2000 - male - demon - traveler - acethekidd

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Postby Ploegy » Fri Dec 24, 2021 8:32 am


-humans: the most common race across the land. humans inhabit a majority of lands in aelios
and are considered the least powerful of the races. they have the lowest magical power, but
excel in numbers which makes them a powerful ally to have in times of war. humans have a
wide range of weapon capabilities and it is dependent from human to human. in the war they
have sided with the angels as they have felt oppressed by the demon race in the past. they
have no ill-will towards the other races aligned with the demons, but they will fight them if
they get in their way. while the humans are allied with the angel race, there are still humans
who resist that and fight alongside the demons instead for the demons offer them greater power.
they are known to have the shortest life span of all the races. their lifespan is usually 50-60 years.

-angels: a powerful race that is quite limited in numbers. while they are small in terms of numbers,
they make up for in terms of magical power, especially healing magic. their kingdom is hidden in
the sky above aelios making it a difficult target to attack and capture. angels have a strong grudge
against the demon race and seek to annihilate them for what they have done to their kind in the
past. while most would think angels would have good intentions, they have little care for the other
races and only seek to save themselves as they rid the world of the demon race. they were the
cause of the war at hand though they try to blame the demons for it. all angels have a pair of
feathery wings, sometimes more than two. angels approximately have a lifespan of 1400-1500 years.

-demons: another powerful race, but one that isn’t as limited in numbers like the angels are. the
demons have a hierarchy which is determined by strength. the stronger a demon, the higher rank
they are in the demon army. a majority of the race is relatively equal in power to those of the other
races. demons come in many forms and have the more diverse appearances of all the races. one thing
is common among all demons though. they all bear the brand of the demon race though its location
varies from demon to demon. unlike angels, demons are more on the barbaric side and excel in melee
combat, though it is not uncommon for them to have high mastery over fire and dark based magics.
while they are one of the causes for the war, they do not seek to kill the angel race, but will do so if
the angels refuse to stop. their kingdom was originally locked away from the world many centuries ago,
but has since then been unlocked allowing them to escape into aelios. like angels, demons usually have
a lifespan of 1400-1500 years.

-merfolk: as masters of the sea, the merfolk are a sea residing race who often keeps to themselves. they
can have tails of varying species of marine life, but each of them does have a tail though they are able
to cast magic that allows them to travel on land. all merfolk are capable of such magic, but the length
of said magic depends on the individual casting it. while they are a relatively neutral species, they have
been harmed on many occasions by the human race which has landed them on the side of the demons.
they originally stayed out of war for many years, but after the battles took to the sea and many of their
homes were destroyed, they decided to take arms in the fight. like one would expect, their kingdom
resides in the ocean. it is difficult for most races to get there without using some kind of magic to allow
them to breathe underwater. their lifespan is around 100 years.

-fairies: the most peaceful of the races in aelios. sealed away in eislia forest, the fairy kingdom remains
neutral in the war though fairies have joined the fight. fairies are known to be smaller than the other races
though they vary in size with the largest being no larger than the average human height. their defining
feature is the wings they have. the wings they have are much unlike those of the angel race and resemble
creatures like butterflies and the like. however, there are fairies who do not sprout their wings till later
in life thus they can go many years without them. fairies often have young appearances as well. in terms
of power, fairies are well versed in magic like the angel race is, however, they are not as powerful as the
angels, but they have greater numbers. they are the third largest race in aelios, but their state of
neutrality has caused the war to be at a stalemate for many years. their lifespan is usually between
1500-2000 depending on how quickly they aged.

-giants: a fierce race that is known for fighting. they are physically strong, but lack much magical sense.
they also are one of the smaller races in aelios. giants have appearances much like that of the human
race with the exception that they are extremely tall and tower over all other races. they are masters of
the earth and use that as a way of defending themselves. since it is difficult for the giants to live around
other races, they live remotely in mountainous areas of the continent. they were unaffected by war for a
long time much like the merfolk, but eventually they were approached by the angels and asked to join
their cause. being true warriors, they refused to back down from the fight and thus joined. while they
hold no grudges towards any of the other races, they will fight for the angels with their lives. giants'
lifespan is around 300-400 years.

-elves: natural born hunters who are viewed as the counterpart to the human race given that they are
the second largest race in aelios. much like the humans, they can live across most of the land and don’t
have a specific kingdom though their kind has sided with the demons, making areas where both humans
and elves live places of chaos. unlike humans, elves have pointed ears and are more capable with magic.
they sided with the demons because they believe the angels have tricked the humans into fighting for
them and feel as though they need to free them. they also are not too keen on the giant race, but the
reasons behind such distaste is unknown. lifespan wise elves usually live up to 750 years.

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key locations

Postby Ploegy » Fri Dec 24, 2021 8:47 am


key locations:
-bormasse: this city is where the largest human civilization resides and where the ruler of the
human race lives. while the largest number of humans live here, there are many other places
they reside, but all humans within this city are bound to fight for the angel race under order of
their ruler. surrounding towns and villages are the same. located in the eastern part of the

-sartou kingdom: the domain in the sky which is ruled by the angel race. it’s capital is chalet which
is its only notable city. a majority of the angels live here and there are only a few small villages
outside it. there are many altars across aelios that can open gateways to this kingdom, but most are
in hidden places, but there is one alter in the region of each of the other races except the demon
kingdom. angels can easily leave the kingdom as they please. the only other race that could possibly
enter with relative ease are the fairies.

-puris kingdom: the domain underground which is ruled by the demon race. the capital is known as
soigny and is the only safe place for non-demons to be in this kingdom. the kingdom is a dark and
mysterious place, but only demons can traverse it with ease. it is unbearably hot and most demons
don’t take lightly to outsiders being in their domain without permission, even those that are on their
side. the entrance of this kingdom can be found in the center of the continent.

-poiciennes: the capital of the merfolk kingdom and the only city that has been discovered by the other
races. this city houses many of the merfolk, but more specifically the royal family. if this city were to
go down the merfolk would be in complete chaos. while there are other smaller locations where merfolk
live, there is no other major city and without there would be no central area for them to gather. it is
located off the shore from bormasse.

-eislia forest: this forest houses the fairy kingdom and is sealed away from the other races. fairies can go
and come as they please, but it is much harder for others to enter. there are two ways for one to enter
the forest; one is if they are accompanied by a fairy and second is if they are able to break the illusion
that acts as a seal. the seal that guards them is created by magic taken from the sable pool. the only one
that is able to draw magic from this pool is the leader of the fairy race. located on the western part of
the continent.

-tanesse mountain range: within these mountains is the capital of the giant race, levateaux. secluded from
the lands of the other races, the giant's home is relatively untouched. anyone is able to enter their land,
but it is dangerous to do so. the mountains are prone to landslides and because of the war are plagued
with monsters of all sorts. these are no threats to the giants themselves, but other races aren’t as lucky to
have the same strength as them. is located between eislia forest and the entrance to puris kingdom.

-linnois: the city which houses the largest population of elves and the home to the elfen ruler. much like
bormasse, all the elves within this city are bound to fight for the demon race due to their ruler’s alliance
with them. this includes all surrounding areas as well. found in the northern

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legendary weapons

Postby Ploegy » Fri Dec 24, 2021 10:55 am


legendary weapons:

-excalibur (sword): the legendary sword said to once have been wielded by famous human king, arthur.
while this sword is usually bestowed upon a human, it is capable of lending its strength to other races
as well, but once it's dedicated hero is chosen, it can only be wielded by them and them alone as well
as being able to change its size. the sword is considered to be a beckon of hope for the human race. in
order to use its magical abilities, it draws its power from its own and transfers it into magic. while it's
magical capabilities are endless, the sword does tire its wielder over time. its wielder is granted expert
swordsmanship as well.

-mistilteinn (tome): the legendary tome that grants immense magical capabilities to its wielder. once a
sacred treasure of the fairies, the tome has been wielded by many heroes of various races. like other
legendary weapons, it can only be wielded by its chosen one and can change in size. this tomes allows
its hero to fight with all kinds of magic, even ones that are usually specialized by certain races. while
its power is immense its does come at a price of needing to have a vast amount of knowledge of the
spells and magic that it contains. the one using it must dedicate their time to much studying, which
could easily take years or even decades.

gungnir (spear): the legendary spear that was once the weapon of the greatest giant warrior to live,
bastillo. for many generations it was passed down by the giants, but was lost to them over a century
ago. like other weapons, it can only be wielded by its chosen hero and it is capable of changing in
size to fit whatever race its chosen one is. unlike many of the other weapons this lance isn't strong
in terms of magical capabilities, but it offers its wielder greater physical strength while wielding it.
heroes of this weapon are quite the physical force to be reckoned with and are usually front line
fighters. the one that wields this lance tired from long uses of the weapon because it draws from
their fighting spirit.

laevateinn (staff): the legendary weapon that was once owned by the angel race, but was lost in
ancient times. it can only be wielded by its chosen hero and is capable of changing its size. this
staff lack offensive capabilities but has immense healing magic. it allows its wielder to heal even the
greatest of damage. it is also said that it can resurrect, but it comes at the cost of some of the life
force of the wielder.

trishula (trident): the legendary weapon that comes from the depths of the sea. said to be the weapon
of the first merfolk queen, it grants its wielder with the ability to breath and swim underwater with
little problems. it also has strong water magic and allows its wielder to manipulate water to their own
wlll. while it is not as strong as the lance, sword or axe, it is still a very reasonably strong weapon on
the physical side of things as well.

labrys (axe): the legendary weapon that was taken from the demon clan and given to the races of aelios.
this weapon is extremely strong, but not as strong physically as the lance. however, it does grant its
wielder strong fire magic. like other legendary weapons it can change in size and can only be wielded
by its chosen one. those that are chosen by this weapon are often seen as strong and capable fighters
that protect their backline in times of need.

failnaught (bow): the legendary weapon said to belong to the greatest elfen hunter of old. its said it
grants its wield impeccable aim, allowing them to only miss on occasion if they know how to use it
properly. its magic is very limited, but this weapon allows to shoot multiple shoots at once as well as
send a volley of shots at enemy lines. the downfall of this weapon is that it needs distance, forcing its
user to be in the backline at almost all times.

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open & accepting

Postby Ploegy » Sat Dec 25, 2021 10:16 am


we are now open and accepting. please post all forms on the discussion thread

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cassian [ 001 ]

Postby Ploegy » Sun Jan 02, 2022 4:58 am

      xxxmale eighteen years old excalibur hero location: field outside bormasse tagged: open

      Who would have thought his adventure would bring him so close to home once again. Deep down Cassian knew one day he'd have to return, but it was something he could never prepare himself for. It wasn't even something he talked about with the other heroes he had met along his journey, though he figured some of them probably knew who he actually was. Anyone that knew a thing or two about Bormasse would have heard of the prince who "betrayed" his people by siding against the angels. Some might even know he was the one with a legendary sword. If that didn't single him out immediately, he wasn't sure what would. He didn't regret his decisions though. He still hoped that his people would come to and side with him soon enough. They were supposed to see his sword as a hope for mankind after all.

      None of those things matter right now. He couldn't let them hold back their current mission. If he was to enter Bormasse then he'd do so, though it would have to be with his face covered. Even in his time gone, he was sure the people would still be able to recognize his face with relative ease and if that were to happen, well, it wouldn't spell anything good for him or his current comrades. Trouble was the last thing they needed after the fight that they had just participated in. Fending off the monsters that had been sent to this land by both the angels and the demons was never an easy task and it always seemed to be more difficult the closer they drew to major cities. The same had happened months ago when he visited Linnois. It was no surprise that Bormasse was no different. A few monsters wasn't going to be enough to keep them out of the city. They were in need of supplies and the like, thus it was the optimal place to go, although a great risk given their current party.

      For starters, their weapons drew attention as is, though many probably wouldn't be able to immediately identify them as the legendary weapons. He could only imagine seeing a group traveling with such varied weapons would lead one to suspect something. The second risk was their varying races. In a war where races were so heavily divided, it wasn't easy to travel places without some issue arising in the process. It was something that, while a major problem, couldn't be solved easily. Finally, the last problem was Cassian, himself. He couldn't outright say it to the others, but he knew as soon as they entered the city, they might quickly find out. It worried him, but again, there was little he could do about it. Offering to stay behind would only cause questions to arise; ones he didn't want to answer. If anything he rather them see the problem for themselves than him need to speak it.

      Heaving out a sigh at the thought, Cassian reached for the hilt of Excalibur, using the sword, which was currently stuck into the ground, to pull himself back up to his feet. His moment of rest had been enough to help him find his resolve and prepare for what was to come. Pulling the sword from the earth, he quietly sheathed it at his hip before casting his gaze towards the city that loomed in the distance. Mixed emotions welled up inside him, though the expression on his face stayed neutral. For once his usual smile seemed to be hidden, hinting at the possibility of there being something wrong. Even his eyes had a distant look that was rare to see. Anyone that knew even the slightest thing about the boy would be able to tell something was troubling him. However, that expression only lasted a moment. When his attention turned away from Bormasse, a faint smile crossed his lips, though it didn't reach his eyes like it usually would. It was a small effort to not only mask his own feelings, but to assure himself that things were going to be okay.

      xxxfemale two-hundred four years old forest guardian location: tagged: open


      xxxfemale eight-hundred thirty one years old angel assassin location: tagged: open

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[ lysandros // 001. ]

Postby molotov » Sun Jan 02, 2022 7:30 pm

    𝐋𝐘𝐒𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐑𝐎𝐒 ────────── ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
    xxxxx [ fairy ] x x [ mistilteinn hero ] x x [ location: field outside bormasse ] x x [ tags: cassian, open ]
    lysandros sat quietly with his nose buried in his tome, off in his own little wonderful world of magic he had yet to cast. a protection spell had caught his eye this day, one he was quite intent of perfecting to ensure the safety of his comrades in the event they happen to stumble on more trouble, or monsters. despite his lengthy research and careful practice, he still felt reluctant to try it out. mistilteinn was powerful, he could feel the magic burning eagerly at his fingertips, and yet he was determined to remain patient. thus far, he had used the protection spell to aid an injured cricket away from the hungry mandibles of some ants, but his comrades were different, much larger than a cricket. sensing movement, he raised his head just in time to see a monarch butterfly come into view, making its way towards him, in response the fairy happily raised a finger for it to perch, in which it landed weightlessly upon. giving a respectful nod of his head, lysandros smiled as the creature beat its wings in greeting. it was calm, healthy, and so too reassuring; a spark of hope he deeply needed to feel and see. raising it slightly he compared its orange wings to that of his resting human comrade’s hair. in some cultures the butterfly was a symbol of strength - as he had read, he could understand why, they were quite resilient little creatures, striking a dignified and regal feeling anytime they were near, as if a royal. no name could fit it better, a true monarch among their species. tilting his head curiously he watched the butterfly flutter off of his hand, the bug choosing to perch atop his head instead to sunbathe, and he couldn’t help but let his gaze focus more on cassian.
    he had sighed; normally a signal of an unexpressed feeling - a negative one typically. lysandros let his gaze drop to his tome, reading over it’s ancient words once more as an excuse the divert his gaze. perhaps he was over-analyzing, still adjusting to the differences between the other races complex emotions in contrast to the simplicity of an insects thoughts. glancing back up as the other boy now stood with the help of excalibur, the fairy followed his lead, lowering mistilteinn to his lap, he shut it closed and lifted himself to his feet. letting out a small yawn he stretched his wings from his momentary rest, and pressed his book to his chest as he quietly approached the hero, the butterfly remaining happily sat atop his head as he did so.

    lysandros gazed drifted over at the distant city, uncertainty suddenly fluttering about his chest as if he had accidentally inhaled a swarm of butterflies. his inexperience would surely be brought into the limelight once more, interacting with humans - or any race outside of his own, for that matter - was oddly nerve wracking, and their current circumstances certainly didn’t help in the matter. he feared their weapons would easily be identified, and their array of races would draw suspicion. maybe he could find a spell to cast some form of disguise? he was sure mistilteinn had a spell that could do just that within its pages somewhere. though.. he didn’t like the idea of hastily learning magic like that, this was years upon years worth of knowledge, powerful as it was if he didn’t take the time to perfect his magic there was the worry of it going haywire.
    despite their plan, lysan still felt unprepared, unsure how to go about it. he could only reassure himself that this was a learning moment, it always was. the fairy’s wings twitched nervously, folding them against his back to stop them, though they still remained uneasy nonetheless. the city was an overwhelming sight in comparison to eislia forest, but perhaps he was use to being surrounded by the comfort of trees than he was buildings. stopping by the other boys side he glanced up at him “should we be on our way?” he asked softly, nodding towards the city. he smiled sheepishly at cassian. “pains me to admit i am quite nervous, though i suppose that feeling will remain unwavering regardless of where we happen to be.” the fae added. perhaps he was just timid by nature at this point, though that didn’t seem unrealistic given he was a fairy; being enveloped in the safety of eislia forest for most of his life, hadn’t prepared him for the rest of the world. he was happy enough to live among nature for the rest of his days, undisturbed by wars and conflict, but his legendary weapon had other plans. mistilteinn chose him regardless, forcing him to step out of his comfortable life, even still he felt unworthy of harnessing it’s power, he doubted that feeling would ever change. he was suddenly cut away from his flurry of negative thoughts, feeling the butterfly shift it’s wings, as if reminding him it was still there. right - he knew he couldn’t allow those insecurities to let his new ally’s down, for the good of aelios he needed to remain strong, even if he felt his strength was as fragile as a moth’s wing, he couldn’t allow himself to be perturbed away from their goal.
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Re: seven heroes of aelios || o&a

Postby Queen of flames » Wed Jan 05, 2022 2:05 pm

Valentine - male - demi-human - Gungnir hero - tags: open

- He stayed near some trees, wearing a hoodie whose hood protected his head even though he was using his transformation magic to hide his animal tail and ears. He was shocked to be one of the seven heroes which job was to fix and stop the bad situation that happened between demons and angels. He was unsure about himself and if he could be the right person for the job or become a hero. His brown eyes looked over to the few other people there, which he knew to be heroes just like he was. He felt nervous to team up with the six other heroes he barely even knew and he was still plenty of work left to use his weapon, the Gungnir the spear.

A sight escaped to his mouth as he pulls the hood deeper into the head so that it already almost covers his eyes, his gaze hits the ground. As he tries to find the courage to actually go and meet those persons, who he will be teaming with, during this Hero task which was given to them, but maybe he was not the only one who was unsure as so far he only saw two heroes.

Carla - female - elf - general sever heroes army - tags: open
-unsure what to do with her

Empyrean - agender (he) - demon - tags: open
-posting later
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