[ ✧ // 1x1 Kies & it.will.rain]

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Re: [ ✧ // 1x1 Kies & it.will.rain]

Postby it.will.rain » Fri Nov 24, 2017 12:11 pm

Anthony looked as the football team sang and people from their school laughed. He looked over at Kacey and smiled a little when he saw his face. He was so glad that Kacey was happy with him. He listened to what the other said and nodded. He took his hand and handed the microphone back. He wanted to get out of here so he walked. But he got stopped because people wanted to talk with him and take photos. Most of his responses were just nods or head shakes. This was more than he could handle. He made sure the twins stayed close so that they would not get lost as he walked. Things only got worse when one guy from their school came up and took a picture with him. "This was the best prank ever! He is so awkward!" He said to his friends loudly. Anthony hoped that the twins did not pick up on it and and ask about it later. He was not sure what to say to get away from all of them. He continued to try to keep going.
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Re: [ ✧ // 1x1 Kies & it.will.rain]

Postby all_is_lxst » Fri Nov 24, 2017 12:31 pm


Kacey was glad that Anthony also wanted to get out of there, but quickly grew exasperated as the crowd blocked their exit. They were practically at a stand still in the sea of people, and Kacey had no idea how to get out. He would have stepped up and started answering the questions himself to distract the people so the other could leave, but everyone just wanted to ask Anthony about being crowned King. There was no way for Kacey to take over that for the other. He cringed at the guy from their school swept in to get a picture and started practically yelling about how it was a prank on Anthony, getting angry as one of his friends shoved past Ashton, almost knocking the poor boy off his feet. The twins were quickly coming down from their adrenaline rush from the game and were too tired to really register anything at this point, let alone push through the mob around them. Kacey immediately scooped his brother up and swung him onto his back, out of harm’s way, and tugged Quinn back so she was directly in front of him, wrapping him arms around her protectively. They kept slowly making their way forward, but even Kacey looked helpless having no clue how to handle this all. He had no say over these people anymore, not since he had given up his seat of power within the school, and he couldn’t just shove his way through them like he might have tried, since he had Quinn and Ashton and Anthony to look out for.
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Re: [ ✧ // 1x1 Kies & it.will.rain]

Postby it.will.rain » Fri Nov 24, 2017 1:15 pm

Anthony got an idea. "Come here Quinn." He said to her over the crowd. He picked up Quinn so that she would not get pushed around. He cared about her and did not want her to end up hurt from the crowd of people. He carried her and walked out of the crowd as the only people left were the school crowd who were still mostly making fun of him. He walked out of the stadium when he was able to push past them and carried Quinn to the car. He set her down in the back seat. "Are you okay?" He asked her. He wanted to make sure that she was okay and not hurt. It was clear that he thought of her as a sister just like he did all of Kacey's siblings. He did not have any of his own so this was as close as he had. He then put the crown in the trunk not wanting to deal with it anymore. He had forgotten about the sash or that would have come off too. He got in the drivers seat. He felt so horrible about all of this. He was not happy at all. This was what they had planned. It was the start of them trying to bring him down even more.
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Re: [ ✧ // 1x1 Kies & it.will.rain]

Postby all_is_lxst » Fri Nov 24, 2017 1:39 pm


Kacey let go of Quinn when Anthony called for her and she wandered over to him, acting for all the world like she was a tired toddler, not a sixth grader. He could understand why she was though, so he didn’t blame her. Quinn wrapped her arms around Anthony’s neck and cuddled into his chest as he picked her up, the snack bag gripped tightly in one hand as if her life depended on not loosing it. Kacey smiled softly as he watched the last of the crowd begin to part like the Red Sea for his boyfriend carrying his little sister, and he hurried after them with Ashton still on his back. Kacey set Ash down when they reached the car and opened the door to let the young back in. Ash clambered into the backseat before Kacey could help him, though the big brother bent down to help Ash with his seat belt and make sure he was alright. He glanced across the car as he heard his boyfriend speaking with Quinn and smiled, glad that the other cared so much about his family and that his family loved Anthony so much in the short time they had known him. He watched as Quinn nodded as the other’s question, rubbing at her eyes and mumbling something about how she could have played just as good as the football players had that night. Or maybe she was saying she could have done better.... it was hard to tell as she clicked her seat belt into place and then tilted her head back, obviously conking out for the night. He shut the door on Ash’s side as quietly as he could and made his way up to the front passenger seat, getting in at the same time as Anthony. He glanced over at the other, frowning as he felt a cloud of.... just bad emotions being emitted from the other. ”Anthony..... you want me to drive? You’re obviously still upset and, while I trust you to be responsible, I don’t want you so worked up that you get distracted or something happens....” he asked softly, looking over at the other with concern. ”And when we get home we can go upstairs and talk about it for a while if you want. Mom and Dad won’t mind....”
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Re: [ ✧ // 1x1 Kies & it.will.rain]

Postby it.will.rain » Fri Nov 24, 2017 2:04 pm

Anthony was glad everyone was alright. He looked over at his boyfriend and smiled a little. "No I am fine. Don't worry about it. We can talk later though when we get to your place. I would really like that. This has really been a lot for me. We will be okay. I am not too upset to drive. I am really okay. You know I care more about getting everyone back safely than my own emotions. I can handle it. I do this all the time." He said quietly. He drove in the traffic being safe as always. He would never do anything that would put his boyfriend and siblings in danger. He got back to their house and went and picked up Quinn so she would not have to wake up. He did not mind carrying her inside. He knew Kacey could get Ash in and their stuff. He walked to the door not being able to open the door when he was holding the girl. He was glad that she was getting some rest and had not said anything about the kids. He looked over at Kacey. "I can put her in her room if you want. I don't want her to get woken up. She is really sleepy. Then I can meet you in your room and we can talk." Anthony said quietly to his boyfriend. He was still a little upset but he cared about getting the twins in safe and in bed right now. He smiled a little at his boyfriend.
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Re: [ ✧ // 1x1 Kies & it.will.rain]

Postby all_is_lxst » Fri Nov 24, 2017 2:15 pm


Kacey bit his lip, but nodded in agreement, letting the other drive. When they got home, Kacey saw Anthony grabbing Quinn and went to get Ashton. The boy was a little more awake than Quinn and insisted on walking back to the house, though he clutched his brothers hand the entire way. Kacey grabbed whatever he could from the car, pulling out essentials that would be need that night or earlier in the morning, knowing he could always retrieve the rest of the stuff tomorrow at some point. Kacey and Quinn walked up to the door a minute after Anthony, and Kacey dug out his keys, nodding at Anthony’s words. ”Alright, they have the two smallest bedrooms, directly to the right at the top of the stairs. Her name will be on the door and decorated with sports stickers and whatnot. I’ll take care of Ash and meet you in my room,” he said Ash pushed open the door and let Anthony in first before following with Ashton, asking sure to shut and lock the door behind him.
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Re: [ ✧ // 1x1 Kies & it.will.rain]

Postby it.will.rain » Fri Nov 24, 2017 2:24 pm

Anthony smiled at him a little and nodded. He took Quinn to her room and gently laid her on the bed and carefully took her shoes off. He then covered her up so that she could get some sleep more comfortably. He put her shoes in her shoe rack that he saw. He walked out of her room and quietly shut the door. He did not want to wake her up. He went to his boyfriends room and sat on the bed waiting for him to come. He thought that talking about it would make them both feel better about everything that had happened and tell them ways that they could move on from it in the future. He knew that this would be good for them. He had not seen his parents yet and hoped that Kacey talked to them about what was going on before he came into the room. He laid back and looked at the ceiling.
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Re: [ ✧ // 1x1 Kies & it.will.rain]

Postby all_is_lxst » Fri Nov 24, 2017 2:47 pm


Kacey took a little longer getting Ashton ready for bed, helping him slip of his shoes and coaxing him into changing into pajamas before finally tucking him in a leaving the room, shutting the door softly before going down the hall to his parents room. He let them know that they were back and when they asked how the game had gone, he stated that it had been great for the little ones, but there had been a few problems for Anthony and the other was staying over for a bit to talk it over. His parents agreed he could stay, but encouraged Lacey to make sure they both stayed quiet since the other kids were already in bed now and his parents were getting ready to follow their lead.he nodded before making his way back to his room, silently pausing in the doorway as he saw his boyfriend laying there and tilting his head with a soft smile. ”You enjoying the view from there?” he teased in a soft whisper, which was easy enough to hear in the silent house. He continued into the room a moment later and sat down next to Anthony.
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Re: [ ✧ // 1x1 Kies & it.will.rain]

Postby it.will.rain » Fri Nov 24, 2017 3:06 pm

Anthony sat up when Kacey started to talk to him. He smiled a little and nodded. "Ya. I always enjoy the view in your room." He whispered back not wanting to wake anyone up. He snuggled with Kacey. "Thank you for being there for me tonight. I know that I rely a lot on you and especially when I have to talk in front of others because I am really bad at it. I need you and there you were." He whispered. "I really do not know what I would do without you to support me." He added. He cuddled with him. "I wish that I could support you like you do me. I am sorry that I need a lot more than you do." He said to him still being quiet. He kissed his boyfriend's forehead. "I am sorry that Eric is such a problem. I know that he did this and that this will not be the end. I am pretty sure that he will do even more to make this hard on us." He whispered. He rubbed his back a little as he hugged him not sure what else to say.
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Re: [ ✧ // 1x1 Kies & it.will.rain]

Postby all_is_lxst » Fri Nov 24, 2017 3:30 pm


Kacey wrapped his arms around Anthony, smiling as they naturally began to cuddle. He let the other talk, just listening and being there for him as he got everything he wanted to say off his chest. Once the other was done, Kacey gave him another minute before kissing his cheek and responding to what the other had said. ”Well, first of, of course i was there for you. There isn’t anyplace I’d rather be and I will always do everything in my power to do what I can for you. And secondly, you do support me, so much more than you realize. In little things like helping with Ashton and Quinn tonight, and I appreciate that so much..... Plus there’s always soccer season in the spring. You’ll be my own personal cheerleader, won’t you.” he asked teasingly, pulling the other a little closer and once again kissing his cheek. Though at this point he didn’t even know if he would be playing next spring. He was good enough to get on the team no problem, but it would be miserable to be surrounded by teammates that hated you. He refused to let Anthony see his doubts though as he reassured him. ”As for Erik, neither you nor I can control what he does, or else he would be far, far away from here by now. Well take whatever he throws our way and deal with it to the best of our abilities.”
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