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Re: Hoofprints & Hearts - Equestrian Couples Roleplay - OPEN

Postby ryukrem » Thu Sep 04, 2014 1:25 pm

{Both accepted C: - but the "now what" girl's horse doesn't compete - for whatever reason you choose. She lost her competition horse

@dakottaawolven - no problem, just as soon as you can!

@Louis Tomlinson - yes! C: get your forum up ASAP though }
Last edited by ryukrem on Mon Sep 08, 2014 11:26 am, edited 2 times in total.


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Re: Hoofprints & Hearts - Equestrian Couples Roleplay - OPEN

Postby dakotaawolven » Fri Sep 05, 2014 12:05 pm


b r i a n n a . k e l s i . o ' f e r r a . . .
n a m e . my full name is brianna kelsi o'ferra. my name is irish, as both my parents are full irish. my first name means strong and my middle name means brave.
a l i a s . i usually just go by can call me brianna if you want, but usually it's just bri.
g e n d e r . i am obviously a girl. if you couldn't see that, you might want to get your eyes checked.
a g e . i am just barely twenty years old. my birthday was last week, actually.
b o r n . i was born on december twentieth in dublin, ireland.
p e r s o n a l i t y . brianna is usually a quiet young woman. she concentrates very hard on her riding and competing, but does save time to spend with her boyfriend and family. she is very competitive when it comes to riding, but never pushes her horses too far. she makes sure she knows their limits and her own before competing. her horses are her priority over everything, even her boyfriend. but of course she would never tell him that. even though she is super competitive, she does like to relax and have fun, too. whether it's by sitting and reading a good book, hanging out with her boyfriend, or just chilling bareback on one of her horses.
h o r s e s . brianna has three horses. faith when i fall[grace] is her beautiful, nineteen year old paint mare. brianna no longer competes high levels with grace, but the mare still gets ridden at low levels and bareback. then there is know when to fold 'em[king]. he is a four year old paint-arabian cross gelding, also grace's colt. he is super laid back and gorgeous and bri uses him for dressage. last but not least, wine and whiskey[whiskey] whiskey is a twelve purebred arabian stallion, also king's sire. whiskey is a very skittish and dangerous horse if he doesn't know you. he bites, kicks, and rears if brianna is not with him. she is the only person who can calm him and he is her jumping and hunt seat horse. he is beautiful and perfect under her hands, but to anyone else, he could be a fatal threat.
h i s t o r y . brianna grew up riding english. she has ridden many different horses and even trained a few. her first mount was an icelandic gelding she called stormy. she was four at the time and stormy was the color of rain clouds. she had stormy until she was twelve, when he was put down because of a broken shoulder. one of brianna's father's shires had kicked the the smaller gelding and practically crushed stormy's shoulder. brianna had seen many a horse be put down, but stormy had been special to her. when she was nine, she had outgrown stormy and gotten a seven year old hanoverian mare to ride. but she still took care of stormy until the end. then her and her blood bay hanoverian mare 'cherry red rose' or 'rosy' continued to compete in the higher levels for bri's age. but soon, brianna was in a higher level than rosy. she kept rosy for a year after she got her new horse, but then due to the cost of feed and care, rosy had to be sold. brianna was fourteen when she got her newest horse and barely fifteen when she sold rosy. the new horse was a purebred arabian mare bri named 'one chance only' or 'shay' for short. shay was ten years old and the perfect horse for bri. bri competed in higher and higher levels for two years. then she was at a very high level show that she had been waiting to compete in. her and shay had won first place in dressage and hunt seat and were in the middle of their show jumping class when it went wrong. shay missed a step, but still tried to jump the center fence - a spread with top height 4'5" - and crashed through it, splintering the poles and breaking both front legs in the landing. bri managed to get clear in time, but shay was put down immediately because of her legs. so bri was once again looking for a horse, though not very enthusiastically. it was only halfhearted because she didn't want to lose another horse. but after about three months, she found two horses being sold at the same place. one was a purebred paint mare, one a purebred arabian stallion. the mare was pregnant with the stallion's foal and both had been put up for sale because of it. apparently their owner didn't want a mixed breed foal or a wild uncontrollable stallion. bri bought them both and then raised the foal and trained him well for dressage. she also managed to train the stallion almost perfectly for hunt seat and show jumping. the mare was already a very high level jumper and was super sweet. now brianna competes with all of them, but her highest levels are ridden on whiskey.

k e e n a n . s c o t t . b a r r i n s . . .
n a m e . the name's keenan. keenan scott barrins. i am named after my dad's best friend.
a l i a s . it's just keenan. there isn't really a shortened version for that i don't think.
g e n d e r . um, i would hope you could tell that i'm a guy.
a g e . really? ah, whatever. i'm eighteen years old.
b o r n . my birthday or where i was born? i'll just give you both. august third in lexington, kentucky. that's right, i grew up in kentucky.
p e r s o n a l i t y . keenan is...difficult to get along with. he is quiet and kind to his horses and his girlfriend, but that's about it. he has a temper that flares quite easily. if he sees anyone mistreat a horse even the smallest bit, he goes off on them. he is also very competitive. he will do everything he can to win, not including messing with the other riders and horses. but he is a very sore loser and prefers to win. he gets that from his father. but then there is a hidden side to him that he only shows to his horses and girlfriend. his soft, loving, sweet side only comes out when either of them are around. his horses are his priority, then his girlfriend. but there is a reason for that. his horses have saved him more times than he can count.
h o r s e s . he has three horses. his oldest is an old thoroughbred mare named 'can't catch me'. but he calls her mia. she is twenty years old, but still competing with him. she is a total sweetheart, but can be protective of her human. then there's 'take me down tonight' or 'donny'. donny is an eleven year old arabian-thoroughbred cross gelding. he can be a little silly at times, but he is a great horse. keenan is still training him for dressage because the gelding spent his first few years on the track. last but not least, keenan's beloved stallion 'my brother under the sun'. keenan calls him both 'brother' and just 'sun' at times. the stallion is nine years old and keenan's most prized and beloved horse. he is a thoroughbred-appaloosa cross and was a 'disgrace' when born.
h i s t o r y . keenan was born in lexington, kentucky on august third. his mother died in childbirth so he never knew her. he was raised as an only child by his father. when keenan was old enough to walk, his father took him to the racetrack so he could go back to work. keenan's father was all about money, not the horses. the man never cared for the horses. he just cared for the money they made. when keenan turned five, he asked his father for a pony and his father laughed and ignored the request. so, keenan began sneaking out into the yearling fields to be around them. but when his father found out, he was furious. he locked keenan in the tack room so he couldn't wander after that. but not for very long. after a week of having to stay in the tack room while at the track, keenan was let out by one of the grooms. the groom was a quiet, elderly man. after about a month of talking to five year old keenan, the old man agreed to teach the boy how to ride. he learned to ride on a seven year old purebred thoroughbred mare. she was owned by a kinder woman who cared more about her horses than about the money. the mare's barn name was mia and keenan absolutely loved riding her. she was super calm and sweet and slow when he was riding her, but out on the track, she was like the wind. he kept riding her for a long time. when he was seven and she nine, keenan's father found out. but this time, he agreed to let the boy keep riding, thinking it would keep him from getting in the way. by this time keenan was learning to jump mia and she was learning how to jump as well. they made a great team and the woman that owned mia decided to take her off the track and let keenan have her for free. keenan felt like the happiest boy on earth when the woman gave him mia. and he spent practically every minute with his new horse. but then at nine years old, keenan met another horse he fell in love with. one of his father's prize mares gave birth to a beautiful palomino thoroughbred-appaloosa colt. keenan loved the tiny colt, but his father would have rather seen it dead. "a dirty cross-breed" his father called the colt. but keenan was tired of his father's attitude toward the actual horses. so at nine years old, keenan stood up to his father and told him that the colt deserved to live. his father then proceeded to yell at keenan about the fact that only the money mattered. but keenan just yelled back. but his father had his mind set on killing the foal. he told keenan that it would only live for a week at most. so in those few days, keenan spent his time with the tiny, beautiful colt. he knew how it was to feel unwanted and how it was to be discarded. it only took two days to be able to halter, lead, brush, and even pick up the colt's feet. he was a fast learner. that must have been what made keenan's father change his mind. maybe this horse would get some money. when the week was up, keenan's father took the colt and began testing it's speed and endurance. keenan was confused though, because usually his father didn't start training the foals until they were yearlings. but when he asked his father about it, his father simply told keenan to "go play with your old mare. leave us be." but keenan just stood there, watching the week old colt try to please his father. but the colt was too young and he kept stumbling and falling. keenan was worried for the poor baby and was angry at his father like never before. but it was months before keenan could do anything. and by then, the poor colt looked like a skeleton. but finally keenan stood up to his father again. when his father went to get the colt, keenan beat him to the stall and refused to hand over the halter and lead. it ended up getting him hit in the side of the head -hard- but he no longer cared. he wouldn't let his father abuse the poor colt. and the colt was cowering in the stall behind keenan, for the colt's dam had been moved. keenan stood his ground and refused to do anything his father told him to. what surprised keenan was that eventually, his father gave up and left. "fine, but he's your responsibility now." and his father left him with the colt. it took two years to get the colt back to a healthy build and mindset. but keenan kept noticing that his colt was still not acting or looking super good. then he found the welts and gashes. keenan had a perfect idea of where they were coming from. so, he hid one night and waited. sure enough, his father showed up and tried to to take the two year old. the young horse reared and kicked, but keenan watched as his father beat the young horse. it was then that keenan left his hiding and went after his dad. he took a crop hanging by the stall and hit his father with the hard part on the back of the head. his father went unconscious and keenan went to calm his horse. he then haltered the horse and led him away. silently, he put the beautiful colt in mia's stall with her and told the older mare to protect him. mia took the colt in with no problem, just as keenan knew she would. that was the last keenan ever saw of his father. well, he still saw him on the track once in a while, but keenan never went back to the cruel man. keenan raised and trained sun to perfection, but to this day no one but keenan can even get near him. the stallion's mind is forever broken when it comes to humans. but at fifteen, keenan bought a gelding to do dressage with. the gelding had been a good racer, but hadn't won any huge races. but he still had a lot of speed and energy. so keenan is still working with him for dressage.
Last edited by dakotaawolven on Sun Sep 07, 2014 7:19 am, edited 1 time in total.

Hey, the name's kotaa.
I'm almost out of high school, I've been a horse trainer for four years, been riding since I was a toddler. I'm honestly a HUGE nerd. I love Pokémon, Yu-gi-oh, Supernatural, Heartland, SHERLOCK, Divergent(love the books, HATE the movies), LOTR, Harry Potter...the list goes on forever. I am a proud Slytherin with Ravenclaw tendencies, my Patronus is a Falcon, and my wand is Maple, Phoenix Heartstring, 12 3/4 inches, Supple flexibility(Thank you Pottermore). I ship Drarry.
I love to Roleplay, just shoot me a PM if you want me to join one! I am open to pretty much anything, though I tend to struggle with Anime-based roleplays. I'll still give it a try though.
I am a very friendly person, don't worry. want to trade someone? I'd be happy to try to work something out with you! Having a tough time or going through something and want to rant or need support? Just shoot me a PM, I'm happy to listen and try to help you. If you want to rant or talk about something but don't want advice? Just let me know and I'll gladly only listen and support you.
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Re: Hoofprints & Hearts - Equestrian Couples Roleplay - OPEN

Postby kimbaslioness » Sat Sep 06, 2014 5:46 pm

{ just wondering when we can start to role-play .}
this is my chivers wolf RP that I have made please join it is not semi is a wolf rp.
this is my werewolf roleplay { you are my mate }
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Re: Hoofprints & Hearts - Equestrian Couples Roleplay - OPEN

Postby ryukrem » Mon Sep 08, 2014 3:51 am

{accepted - we can't start until all the spots are filled and people with reservations post their forums.}


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Re: Hoofprints & Hearts - Equestrian Couples Roleplay - OPEN

Postby vash the stampede. » Mon Sep 08, 2014 11:45 am


name;; Harry Edward Styles
age;; 18
gender;; male
grade;; senior


hair color;; dark brown
hair type;; curly
eye color;; green
body type;; Muscular
body modifications;; 27 tattoos and 0 piercings


personality;; Harry is considered a flirt. Considered. He can be sweet and gentlemanly, but overall he is a flirt. Has been ever since he was able to form coherent words.
History;; Harry and his triplet brothers were born a few minutes apart each. He was the middle triplet and he didn't mind it. The brothers were originally born in Holmes Chapel, England, but they moved to America when they were pretty young. Their parents were divorced the time they moved to America and their older sister, Gemma, stayed in England to take care of their father.
Social status;; popular
Crush;; Chloe Hurley
Girlfriend;; Chloe Hurley
classes;; Math, Biology, English, Geography, Choir
theme song;; Can We Dance by The Vamps
sexual orientation;; straight

age;; 4
gender;; mare
discipline;; calf wrangling
show name;; Gypsy's Dance

age;; 11
gender;; stallion
discipline;; Show jumping
show name;; Mystic Gaze
Last edited by vash the stampede. on Mon Sep 08, 2014 11:54 am, edited 1 time in total.


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    o clear my head and just take time for my
    self. as for roleplaying, im interested in ju
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Re: Hoofprints & Hearts - Equestrian Couples Roleplay - 2 sp

Postby ryukrem » Mon Sep 08, 2014 11:50 am

{accepted - your character is already in the relationship with your roleplay partner}


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Re: Hoofprints & Hearts - Equestrian Couples Roleplay - 2 sp

Postby vash the stampede. » Mon Sep 08, 2014 11:54 am

fixed it}}


    hi guys, my name is onyx and ive been o
    n this site for almost 9 years. i am a cospl
    ayer and love traveling. i am in the easter
    n standard time zone, and i try to be activ
    e as i can. i do often take small hiatuses t
    o clear my head and just take time for my
    self. as for roleplaying, im interested in ju
    st about anything, ranging from fandom rp
    s to fantasy. pm me if theres an rp you wo
    uld like me to join xx gz credit



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Re: Hoofprints & Hearts - Equestrian Couples Roleplay - 2 sp

Postby WarriorWolf369 » Wed Sep 10, 2014 1:34 pm

{I hope I'm aloud to bump but I am, Bump.}
Sometimes The Smallest Things...
The smallest of gifts could mean a world to
someone who you never thought would
like it. You could change a life by sending
a single gift no matter how small, to
somebody who would have never gotten
one otherwise. It really is amazing that even
the small things could change the world.

Every word you say I hear,
For all your words have great meaning.
Every piece of your art I see,
For they all have unseen meaning to me.
Everything you do I'm there,
For I protect even when I'm not there.

...Make The Largest Changes
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Re: Hoofprints & Hearts - Equestrian Couples Roleplay - 2 sp

Postby ryukrem » Wed Sep 10, 2014 11:36 pm

{I guess we can start now while we wait for more people to join. Whoever wants to start it go ahead! Remember you are already in a relationship with this person. Follow the rules and have fun :)}


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Re: Hoofprints & Hearts - Equestrian Couples Roleplay - 2 sp

Postby ryukrem » Thu Sep 11, 2014 11:31 pm



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