Viscet #2315 - Winner by Mint Chip

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Viscet #2315 - Winner

Postby Mint Chip » Fri Feb 16, 2018 9:49 am


honorable mention

Alrighty, so I don't normally do impress me comps but I adore this viscet so much. And I want to give you guys a chance to show me what you can do. I'm looking for quality over quantity, so I really don't want to see much filler in your writing. I want to see story, themed or expressionate artwork. Something that shows me who they are! I'll have the rules below. c: This viscet is music inspired and the design is sort of watercolor tattoo inspired ish in the style? I love the way those look!

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impress me! see rules first tho!

  • this is an impress me, meaning there are no hard limits here but again, quality over quantity.
  • minimum requirement for qualifying is 500 words and 1 piece of art (this must be at minimum of a sketch/doodle)
  • here's a small list of things I'm looking for specifically
    • character development & character growth
    • artwork in general
    • any personal info such as hobbies, likes, personality, childhood, etc
    • consistency in character. which means that if they change drastically it needs to be explained as to why.
  • I would recommend making the forms at max 5000 words but again there are no hard limits.
      this is only a recommendation based on my attention span when reading. c'x
  • prettying up is allowed but no extremely tiny text or neon/bright text pls.
  • you can make off-thread forms if you'd like, but you must have them listed in your post as soon as possible for fairness.

Good luck~!

End Date: February 28th, 2018 @ 10pm CST.
snipe guard in effect. this snipe guard closes this competition for any new forms on February 24th @ 10pm CST.
so just be sure to have posted at least a portion of your form before or by the 24th. c:

mutations: none


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Last edited by Mint Chip on Fri Apr 13, 2018 5:29 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Viscet #2315 - Impress Me

Postby Peyto1217 » Fri Feb 16, 2018 9:55 am

name; Kamikaze
gender; male
impress me! see rules first tho!

What they think about their name;
- too crazy
- doesn't like it aside from the from the fact it’s unique

- quiet
- shy
- loves music

Other ideas;
- high standards to be good with classical music
- plays 12 different instruments
- secretly street rapper/ hip hop dancer

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Re: Viscet #2315

Postby PaintedBeanz » Fri Feb 16, 2018 10:37 am

name; Ongaku
gender; female
impress me! see rules first tho!

Back Story: Muse is a famous pianist in a band called "Wolf's Heart". She was nicknamed by Zero when they were both 6. When she was 11 was when she found love for piano and she and Zero decided to make a band with Zeros boyfriend Spade on back up vocals/base guitar and their best friend Alice on drums.

Meaning of her name: music in Japanese

Art: just a basic line art piece
Art by me
[Watermark is to prevent theft before the winner is announced. Will send file to winner when over]

Likes: music[of course] food, staying up all night, video games, and playing
Dislikes: dunk people, thieves,

Personality: sweet, tom boy,Outgoing, bubbly,
Sexual orientation: Bisexual

Best friend: Zero
Friends: Alice, spade
Crush: Alice

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Re: Viscet #2315

Postby kiffell » Fri Feb 16, 2018 10:53 am

res with being Lucio's helper
    -was a small music artist
    -lucio enjoyed his works and invited him to help him
    -became an international DJ like lucio

"𝙉𝙤𝙬, 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙢𝙤𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪'𝙫𝙚 𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙗𝙚𝙚𝙣 𝙬𝙖𝙞𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙛𝙤𝙧,-"


username;; kiffell
name;; Lukas "Luke" Morales
gender;; male


"-𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙤𝙣𝙡𝙮, 𝙇𝙪𝙘𝙞𝙤 𝘾𝙤𝙧𝙧𝙚𝙞𝙖 𝙙𝙤𝙨 𝙎𝙖𝙣𝙩𝙤𝙨!"




Last edited by kiffell on Mon Feb 19, 2018 2:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Viscet #2315

Postby G1 Sunstreaker » Fri Feb 16, 2018 11:21 am

filler for spacing oops

    What a beautiful baby, Mint, excellent work! <3 I love this kiddo but don't connect, so instead I'm here to offer any of my kids for relationships--especially my girl here, named Leia. She's an underground DJ who's just a little bit wild, but super friendly. Hmu if anybody wants relationships, even possible crushes! :>
Ask my Viscets/Kalons! | My Viscets ♥ | My Kalons ♥ | Friend of Fried-Disaster, we share an IP cause we're roommates. Please don't ban us!
You can't beat the best.

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Re: Viscet #2315

Postby Bloth Hoondr » Fri Feb 16, 2018 12:00 pm

name; Jerard
gender; male
impress me! see rules first tho!

(AU’ish in which Viscets and humans can communicate, live together, and age about the same as people
Quotes= Jerard’s most recent interview | Non-quotes are Jerad’s personal feelings and memories on the matter being discussed)
Q: Everyone we have a special guest here tonight! We met the Fireflyonce before as an up-and-coming artist in the EDM scene. Hello Jerard, how are you?
J: Heyya Quill! Long time no see. Livin’ life every day, you know? how are the kids?
Q: Oh they’re doing marvelous, thank you so much for asking. However, this isn’t supposed to be my Q&A after all.
J: (Chuckles) Yeah, I suppose not. (He clacks his claws together in anticipation)
Q: We talked briefly almost a year and a half ago when your first single on SoundCloud swept the country by storm! I don’t think we’ve had a more popular interview at the time! There’s only so much social media can unveil with what massive following you have now! What is it now, a million twitter followers?
J: Aha, oh gosh no. (He scratches the side of his snout in a small fit of nervousness) It’s in the high 700k and more are joining the gang every day! To be kinda honest, for as much as I hear my music on the web, I’m not sure people realize I’m the composer!
Q: Oh, how dare they! You are such a darling, credit should be giver where credit is due! I’ll speak more on that later but for now, let’s get started! We’ll start with the beginning.
We know more about you recently than your past. If you’re comfortable with sharing, what was your childhood like?
J: Heh, well… It was tough, it was really tough. School was alright but what a lot of people don’t know is that I had a lot of health complications as a kid. I know there was nothing I could do about it but still, I blame myself. It’s the main reason why I host so many charity concerts and donate most of what I earn…

His earliest memory was life in a hospital. Not to say that he was an unhappy viscling, many nurses to this day remember him as a ball of sunshine that lit up everyone and brightened their day should he choose to visit their room. Childish ignorance, where the most important thing on his mind wasn't his next surgery but if the cafeteria would be serving his favourite pudding that day.

Jerard's mother knew something was wrong with her baby not too soon after he hatched but couldn't understand what or why. A few months of an extremely vocal viscling and trips to the doctor later, the diagnosis nearly broke his family’s hearts. Jerard had a rare type of cancer only found in children and visclings, neuroblastoma was its name and he was already at stage 4. Scans showed that his had enveloped a kidney and reached bone marrow and acting as soon as possible would give Jerard a chance at survival, no matter how slight it may be.

As much as it would impact them financially, they couldn’t leave Jerard on his own. His mother decided to live with him at the hospital for as long as it would take, giving up her job in the process. His father would compromise with his current work and take on another job for the sake of their family. It was a long battle that lasted a little over a year. As the tactics for fighting this cancer was all experimental, Jerard lost a lot of fur due to radiation and underwent a lot of chemotherapy and bone marrow transplants. Miraculously, at the cost of a kidney, Jerard was deemed cancer-free in January, a month after his birthday.

It was a waiting game now as this cancer gave a 5-year survival rate. Meaning, if the cancer didn’t return after 5 years, Jerard would have no risk of developing it again. Still, no matter what Jerard was a bundle of joy to be around and eased eveyone’s hearts around him. His parents were happy knowing that despite the cost, everything was worth having Jerard healthy and happy.

Q: Oh my gosh, Gerard, I’m so sorry…I-I don’t know what to say.
J: It’s alright Quill. As a kid, I guess I kind of understood the situation I was in but I never let it get to me. It wasn’t until I was older and really fully grasped the situation that I was in did I realize “Wow, statistically I shouldn’t be here right now.” I know that nothing II face in life is going to be as hard as what I faced then. I was meant to be here, I was meant to be doing what I’m doing today. I fought my war years ago and if my music can ease the pain then I’ll play. If my concerts give hope then I’ll play. If this money can help find cures and develop better procedure then I’ll play. Live every day to the fullest, you know? Cause no matter what, you’re meant to be here.
Q: I can see why many look to you for inspiration, you’re not just you’re average guy off the block are you? Was everything fine after that?
J: Ehh, for the most part. My coat came back in fully about a year after I was able to come back home. Ma swore spots weren’t as vibrant so I guess I have another thing to thank the radiation for! (Both start to laugh, Jerard a little more so) What developed after was a bit ironic considering my love for music but it’s also why my earlier works were a lot deeper sounding and melancholic… ”

Jerard had enjoyed many things as a kid that he no longer did after the surgery. The only thing that would calm him down would be Mozart and the likes but he no longer had an ear for that. He took a little longer to respond to calls and whistles for him to come to dinner and became a bit quieter but he continued on normally. He made a good number of friends at school and his concentration wasn’t lacking but it wasn’t until a scheduled hearing test for the students that his parents received yet another call.

Q: You failed the hearing test.
J: I COMPLETELY bombed the hearing test. It was awful. They had these little screens that we had to stick our arm through and raise our arms when we heard the sound so none of us would cheat and all and I thought mine wasn’t working.
Q: Do you know why that is? Was it a result of the treatment?
J: In part. More specifically it was a result of the immunotherapy. That’s when the doctors stimulate the immune system to work insanely hard with a bunch of synthesized proteins. Unfortunately it can cause stunted bone growth which I was thankful not to have, and hearing loss. More specifically I have high-frequency hearing loss. There are a range of sounds and frequencies I can’t hear if they’re over about 2300 hertz.
Q: And did that impact the start of your career?
J: Only in good ways, it’s how I got into music in the first place!

Children being children, no one judged Jerard for his disabilities. He started off with a hearing aid but as long as he could play tag with the rest of his class, he was a-ok in their books. He shied away when it came to music but with singing he could hold a note pretty well. His parents thought it a travesty if he were to give up on music completely and so they scraped together whatever they could spare and began taking him to local concerts and orchestras.
He could not have cared less for the sounds of Mozart which they had expected; he never responded to it like he used to and figured it was due to his hearing; the notes must have sounded off to him. When they took him to a Beethoven tribute, it was a whole different story. He fell in love with the deep and rich sounds of the piano, the viola, and the bass.
They didn’t think I knew but I did, my parents were still hurting with money after the surgery and didn’t have enough to get me a piano or an instrument. But I did have friends, they talked to their parents and they spoke to my parents and sure enough I was taken to as any free workshops and schedules would allow. I was good at it too, I don’t think words could describe how it feels to be playing a grand or the reverb of a bass. When middle school rolled around I tried my hand at a sax but brass and winds still weren’t for me.
Q: How did you make the electronic transition? From what it sounds like you would have rather been the next Beethoven!
J: Hah, yeah, I wasn’t always stuck back in the times. I’d play videogames at me friends houses’- still do and kept up with modern music... or rather the genres I could tolerate and I had no idea EDM even existed until my uncle played a Daft Punk vinyl. My mind was absolutely blown! Everything was so new and funky that I just had to get in on it!
Q: Would you say they were your main inspiration early on?
J: I’d say so, and a lot of other artists too, EDM was still largely underground and no one had a huge following on the scale that a lot of artists have today.

Jerard never told many others but worrying about his parents’ financial situation was hurting him more than he let people know. He was very thankful that everyone knew everyone in such a small community and that he was given these opportunities but at school, he would worry if his skills at an instrument would even be enough to not take care of not himself, but his parents. Death was still a hard concept to grasp but he knew that if it wasn’t for his parents love and support and the nurses and doctors he practically lived with he wouldn’t be here to see their smiles when he takes them to his practice, he wouldn’t fall asleep with symphonies in his mint, and he wouldn’t get the chance to support his family.

As he lay in bed at night, he believed that continuing classic music wouldn’t make the cut. There would always be a need for it but a little 3 AM self-deprecation had him believing that he would not be good enough to be a part of any orchestra. He knew better but it was hard to disprove that little bit of doubt in the back of ones mind and so he continued to ponder. Technology was advancing quickly, that much he could see. And what if… his music could reflect that change. Max, the older brother of his best friend Dave, was listening to something completely out of this world the last time he went to visit. Daft Punk. French EDM artists. EDM…… Jerard threw off his covers and went over to his old laptop. He had to know moe about this, he had to learn what this genre could offer. His research would have him stay awake for well over 24 hours but in that time he had a handful of favourite artists that he enjoyed despite their frequency and an electronic keyboard with the cheapest starter setup he could find with the cash he made now working at the shops in which he was taught.

He remembers making soooo much noise and being thankful that no one could hear it. His parents couldn’t understand his shift from classic to electronic but he assured them that this is the path he wanted to pursue. Not only because it seemed fun but because he had a feeling that this would be big and starting early would help him get ahead of the game. So, he continued to make noise throughout his first two hears of high school in secret; somewhat embarrassed by the thought that perhaps his music was horrible, especially with his hearing. He started to withdraw from people and his music as a result. His parents had noticed, no one could dim the lights of their little firefly and expect them NOT to notice. This electronic sound was their son’s passion and with resolve in their hearts, they took some money out, called Jerards music instructors and local shops he’s worked at and called in Max to coax Jerard out of his room.
Jerard never had a mean bone in his body and despite feeling like garbage he couldn’t turn the guy away. They sat for hours and he cried and when it was done, Max wanted to sample his music. To Jerards surprise, he could see the genuine enjoyment in Max’s features when he said he loved the sound and even offered to be his ears if he ever wanted to delve into higher notes. He was moved to tears once again when he allowed Max to drive him from Jerards home to his and everyone was there to celebrate the birthday he himself had almost missed. His only two present were ones he would treasure for years, a brand new Lenovo laptop and a Pioneer DDJ-RB Starter setup. Max had him set up a SoundCloud account under the nickname ‘Firefly’ and the two worked together for months to fine-tune his first real song. Not soon after, Sapphire was released. Reception was a little slow but all of it was positive! That first success spurred Jerard to pour any time not spent on schoolwork into his music. Not all of it became well known but he was having fun and that was the most important aspect.

Q: I remember Sapphire, it’s still one of my absolute favorites of yours to this day!>
J: Aw man, thank you! Saph is always my go-to when I’m feeling overwhelmed and need something to clear my head.
Q: It would seem our time is almost up; would you mind answering a few more questions?
J: I don’t mind at all. Shoot.
Q: Why the name Firefly?
J: (He looks a bit sheepish and chuckles) That’s actually the nickname my mom gave to me as a kid. I think I mentioned before it was partly because of the luminescence of my markings but also because despite what was thrown at me, I’d walk around with a smile on my face. Even if I was hurting it doesn’t mean people around me had to and I’d do whatever I could to brighten up their day. I’m still her little ball of light. (They both laugh)
Q: We can expect a lot of new sounds from you at your latest ‘Starbound’ concert, right?
J: Definitely! I have so many new songs I’ve been saving just for this and I’ve done so many new collabs with other artists. This is a show you’re definitely not going to want to miss!
Q: And there you have it, our time with Jerard the Firefly is completely up! You can catch him over at the West End Theatre this weekend for the debut of his ‘Starbound’ album and largest concert to date! You can also see the page after this for other locations and dated for his next showings. Jerard, thank you so much for your time today!
J: Always a pleasure! Keep shining, folks!

Quill took his paw and shook it. “It’s always a pleasure to have you here. You really do brighten up any place you go.
“Thank you Quill, I really mean that. It means so much to be here and not only for me but for my family and everyone I represent too. Will you really be going to my show?”

“Absolutely, my daughters and I have front row on the first balcony, we wouldn’t miss this for the world.”
Jerard gave them a watery smile and a gigantic hug. “I’ll be seein’ you around then. Gotta get a good night’s sleep. Later!”
A few minutes later and Jerard was back to the hotel he had booked. He doesn’t indulge himself too much from force of habit with saving money but seeing as he never really stays in the big city, he could afford the luxury suite once in a while. It was late as he returned, all he really wanted to do was lounge around the balcony sofa with his computer and check up on social media and anything he had missed. He put his calming songs on loop and stared out at what little stars he could see.

He never thought he could get as far as he had. He loved his music but the thought of giving back to his parents for all they had done and donating as much as he could spare to research and charities so that no family would have it as hard as he did is what drove him. No one should have to bury their kids for a simple cellular mistake. He sighed and mentally prepared himself for the weekend. Concerts had been easy so far but this would be his largest show yet and the thought of that size of a crowd gave him the jitters. He’s young yet and would hope it gets easier with time but only time would tell. He sent off a few emails to sponsors and venues and settled in with one last call to his mom; dad would be asleep around this time.

He excitedly told them about the interview, how much the city differs from their rural community, his plans for either a fantasy theme or 8-bit theme set later on, how much he misses them and is looking forward to coming home in a few months.

“We love you, little firefly. No matter how long it takes you go out and pursue your dreams, we’ll support you every step of the way. You send us so much we’re worried you don’t have anything for yourself. You always were selfless but never to a fault, we know how well you manage your money but parents will worry as parents do. Everyone here is so proud of you Jerard. You’re doing great things for the world; always were bound for the starts you shine so brightly like. If it’s late here I can’t imagine how it is for you. Get some sleep and we can talk tomorrow if you’re still nervous. Good night, bedbug.”

“Good night ma, and thank you. For everything”

(Really rough wip because until now I've been a huge fan of edm but never bothered to look up the rigs or the settings)

--------------------Jerard's Compositions--------------------

Jerard's Calming Songs


Starbound Teaser Set

Last edited by Bloth Hoondr on Thu Mar 01, 2018 3:37 pm, edited 9 times in total.

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Re: Viscet #2315

Postby milo. » Fri Feb 16, 2018 12:04 pm

  • song
  • song
  • song
  • song
  • song
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Re: Viscet #2315

Postby ~Teya~ » Fri Feb 16, 2018 12:32 pm

Ahh congrats to the owner of this 'cet! I love the glowy music notes ;O;
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Re: Viscet #2315

Postby Gadgetrocks » Fri Feb 16, 2018 2:54 pm

impress me! see rules first tho!

Gadget/Tic Tac - he/they/she - adult

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Re: Viscet #2315

Postby VoidRinkusu » Sat Feb 17, 2018 6:50 am

The name’s Kaliber, and I’m honored to meet your acquaintance.
I’m growin’ up in a modern city that runs on clean energy and good vibes with a progressive economy, great schools, and ‘cets like me. However, there isn’t much to talk about when it comes to my childhood except my loving parents who did all they could to secure a good future for me. I... try really hard to impress them...
Y’see, I’m in college at the moment, a college of the arts where I take electives on poetry, rapping, and digital audio mixing. Unlike other schools, this one has much less homework but more effort on getting you to learn things, taking things at a steady pace. It’s kinda an experimental thing, but it seems to be working really well.
Another unorthodox thing the city is experimenting with is redefining gangs. In most cities, it’s more of a ‘group of Viscets who get together and have fist fights’ or something, but we are trying to rebuild it as a more artistic and expressive thing. It’s a new idea, so few gangs are actually in existence at the moment, and a lot of people are still sceptical so we don’t have too many members. All of the gangs follow simple rules. We are respectful of rival gangs’ turf, follow rival gangsters on social media, keep things friendly (Be polite man! No cussin’ or slurs, just casual chat), and exercise politeness when challenged to a gang duel. Wait, let me clear that up.
When picturing a duel you usually think of sword fights or gun stand-offs, right? Well, ours are more like competitions, a whole lot of ‘em put together for final results, sort of like the olympics. If in a situation where it is required, you can even do a 2-on-1 to have a duel even. It’s a mix between graffiti, rapping, dancing, parkour, DJing, and song composing. It’s pretty neat considering how everyone participates. Your gang leader is in charge of ranking you out of ten on your skills in these branches, choosing who to have you duel based on whether you have the same skill level as an opponent, or not at all (If your really bad, or don’t want to. They are Incredibly understanding.)

I am currently ranked:
0 in dance
1 in graffiti
3 in DJing
8 in parkour
9 in song composition
And a whopping 10 in freestyle rap!

I obviously don’t dance or do graffiti, and only DJ if desperate measures are required.
As part of joining a gang you try your best at every section as the gang leader examines you, giving you your starting skill levels. Every once in awhile, we retake the examination to see if our level has increased, to see if we’ve improved.
I was the youngest member when I got in at the middle of my highschool years, the leader took some interest in my poetry and knew he could make something of it. Once you get in to one of these gangs, the leader personally mentors you for a few months, testing your limits and helping you find areas for improvement. Then you just become another member. However, the leader and I became good pals, our personalities just clicked, and we still practice together. His gang name is Aero, ‘cause of how it seemed like he was flying when doin’ parkour. There’s 18 of us currently, small compared to the 35 members the gang had back in it’s hay day. It’s sort of falling apart, but it is very relaxed so it lets me get my college work done and do my best on it. I’m thinking of startin’ a new gang once I graduate. I originally got the idea from the Aero, he said I would make a good leader and he would help me get there if I decided to try.
You see, he was a 10X in parkour, a rank even higher than 10 that has to be voted upon by all of the gangs after an assessment of skill. He forgot to bring his wrist wraps to one gang duel, insisting he would be fine, but permanently injured his arms because of it. He’s only been able to help me learn more parkour vocally, no longer able to show me. I, of course, feel awful for him, always remembering my wrist wraps as the result of his story, like learning some kind of moral from a book. He was the one who taught me parkour, I started as a 2, he recognised active motion in my rap assessment, noting that I had a lithe build perfect for parkour. I suppose part of the reason I did so poorly in the entrance exam on parkour was because I shied away from the spinning parts with a bit of a fear of crackin’ my head open on something. Aero helped me get rid of the fear, I occasionally do flips and such just for show nowadays.
As people have even started paying money to watch gang duels or sponsoring certain teams, it’s being treated like a new sport, and folks pay good for art or audio made by us ‘cause of some trend, you can make a great living off of being in one of these gangs, if the crowd likes ya enough. I suppose that the most important things that Aero has taught me are character and charisma. The more the crowd likes you, the more of the total revenue will be given to you, so you will stay in the business. He saw that my personality was one of a gentleman with a confident attitude, helping to bring out the best in me. Now, I’m the kind of guy who uses lingo, slang, fancy words and all kinds of elegant expression in the same sentence. The audience seems to like it, but I don’t really care ‘bout that, ‘cause I like it and feel that it lets me allocate meaning for the music I compose.
I don’t just love writing music, I love listening to it. When I first started taking a liking to music, I would listen to it with those cheap earbuds you get with your device, jealous of other Viscets’ headphones. My parents caught on, raking up some money to buy me the blue headphones that I use to this day, contoured for perfect comfort and style. Some of my favorite songs have got to be: Such Nice Sounds by Atlas, Location by Khalid, Youth by Haux, and my top pick: Finale by Madeon, to name a few. Funny thing is; I had a lot of trouble admitting that I liked Location, considering how popular the artist was. I preferred listening to the lesser known because I was caught up in the stereotype that famous people lose their touch. Pretty glad I got over that.
I suppose you might be curious ‘bout what happened for the leader to hurt his paws to the point where he can barely do any parkour anymore. So, l guess I’ll tell you with some more detail.

I sat on the bench, eating a sandwich from the snack stall at the entrance to the duel grounds. There was a good crowd to this one, I was glad that they all witnessed my rapping, I had got myself a really good score and was pretty proud of myself, having earned an earthquake of cheers from the audience. It was the end of the gang duel, the last mach being between the leaders, as is customary. My muscles resonated with the tense feeling of having been used, like a dog after being taken on a long walk. I was still hot from my parkour run, which went pretty great as well, I lost however, having been only a 7 at it then, so I had taken my hoodie off and tied it around my waist, being careful to sit down carefully afterwards so as not to rip it on the coarse wood of my seat. I was looking forward to seeing Aero’s run, seeing the obstacle course before him and wondering how he would handle each part.
He started strong, weaving in seamless spins and movements. The other leader started with a strong burst. He was good, but not good enough. I knew Aero had things in the bag, we would have another close victory to make up for our last loss. I relaxed, hanging one arm over the back of the bench and taking a sip of my water, watching Aero dash across the course. The other leader started faster, but you could really tell that Aero was catching up to the other guy. My smile quickly turned to a grimace as I got this awful gut feeling as I saw the other guy turn around and give Aero this awful grin. I hopped to my feet and started a full-force sprint to them on all fours. Something was goin’ down. I called out a warning as I watched the other leader ram into Aero, knocking him off his guard and sending him stumbling to a bad landing, twisting one paw, then trying to land on another with all of his weight in an odd position, ripping a few ligaments in his wrist. The other leader had a look of pure malice as he turned back on Aero, running back at him to break him further. I was able to tackle the Viscet, sending him toppling over before pinning him down by the throat. It took everything in me not to try and strangle him. A few other Viscets came to escort the jerk, but I walked over to Aero to make sure he was okay. Long story short: he got some surgeries to fix his hands, but he has been ordered not to do anymore extensive activity with it, so no more parkour. The other leader was brought to justice, fined for breaking the rules of the contest embedded in a contract we all signed and banned from being a part of any of these gangs again. I try my best to become Aero’s successor, and may even inherit his title if deemed worthy. I’ve got a big legacy to live up to but no fear for the future because time is a rhyme invented by the oppressors to keep us in line and hey, it ain’t a crime to be a little confident.

Last edited by VoidRinkusu on Wed Feb 28, 2018 6:31 am, edited 4 times in total.
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