Re: Halloween Viscet #1036 - The Serpent of Shadows

Postby grifforik » Fri Oct 28, 2016 8:28 am

Had this question so here's the answer:

6. Personality must be 100 words but not over 300.
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icarus ; male

Postby _Alex_ » Fri Oct 28, 2016 10:03 am

personality -
Icarus's personality would not be misplaced among those of the criminals who
are locked away in his prison. He's arrogant, extremely so, in a way that has
lead many viscets to attack him on many occasions. He overestimates his own
strengths, both metal and physical. He believes that there are none who can
outwit him. That everything he designs is infallible. He's sarcastic and
malicious. Choosing to speak words that will tear apart the hearts and souls
of those behind his bars. He's tyrannical, demanding a complete and utter
loyalty from the guards who work below him. Any mistake on their part often
leads to their permanent disappearance from the world. He's bitter. Twisted
and scared from sounding himself by the worlds worst for all these years.
He's persistent, not taking no for an answer and not stopping his efforts until
he has either succeeded or died. Most of all though, he's tainted. It would
take just a few more well placed words from a being of extreme evil to
convert him to the dark side

Prison Guard at a High Security Facility
Icarus works as the head guard at the highest security facilities in the world - Silent Heights High Security Penitentiary. Located
on a small island in the middle of the pacific, the prison is a five square mile impenetrable fortress. The only way on and off the
island is by the plane that lands once every other month to drop off both supplies and new criminals. In each of the five prison
wings, up to 1000 prisoners can be housed in cells that provide only the most basic of amenities. A combination of state of the art
biometric technology and old fashioned padlocks ensure that no prisoner leaves their cell at any time. There is no recess provided
at Silent Heights; that is a luxury criminals of the highest caliber do not deserve to enjoy. In fact, the only time inmates are
removed from their cell is for their weekly visits to the correctional wing located at the heart of the facility. Located every 10
meters, 360 degree camera's ensure that inmates are watched at all times. SHHSP is everything that Alcatraz wished to be. And
Icarus is the one in charge of keeping it that way.

After years of working at the penitentiary, Icarus has managed to secure the rank of head guard. It is his word that keeps Silent
Heights running like the fortress it is. He is the one who assigns the guards that are in charge of watching the security cameras 24
hours a day, 7 days a week. Each and every group of the 500 guards that patrol the grounds every second of the day were placed
together by him personally. It is him who checks each incoming aircraft for the correct security passcode. Although prisoners are
assigned their cellmates based upon the severity of their crimes and the results of their mandatory psych evaluation, it is Icarus
who makes sure that they will not murder each other in their sleep. And perhaps most importantly, it is Icarus who supervises the
worst criminals night after night. The criminals who are literally drowning in blood and sin. And he watches them not through a
camera, but rather from behind a thin wall of bulletproof glass. One that could easily be broken if the worst ever happened.

Flicking his tail in a vague greeting to the guards that stood off to the side observing the security footage, Icarus carefully placed
his paw against the scanner, patiently waiting the required five seconds for his print to be recognized and the door to slid open.
The section of the prison he was entering, Wing X, was the most secured and highly guarded location in the facility. Every door
secured with biometric locks that were keyed to open to only four individuals on the planet. Guards located outside of every cell
and armed with the most accurate and deadly weapons available. The standard bars of prison cells replaced with a wall of
bulletproof glass. Once one was locked inside Wing X, there was no escaping.

Silently making his way down the rows of illuminated and empty cells, Icarus paused in front of one of the two cells in the wing
that were currently occupied. The viscet inside, pale black with fire colored markings, sat quietly on his cot, obviously awake
despite the late hour. This was the famous Arson. The viscet who was responsible for the deaths of thousands upon thousands of
people with his ingenious fires and schemes. "Is your conscience finally catching up to you Chanyeol?." Icarus sneered, knowing
very well that his voice would carry through the glass. "Terrorizing your mind in revenge for killing all those innocent souls?"

Slowly, Chanyeol raised his head, eyes locking onto Icarus own with no hesitation. "Of course not." he shot back, voice matching
Icarus' in tone. "I'm simply planning my escape. Just you wait. In a few days from now, it'll be Madigan and I who are walking
freely and you behind bars."

Icarus laughed at the others icy threat, "You've been telling me that now for weeks and yet we're still here. The prisoner locked
behind glass and the prison guard laughing in his face. Nothing's changed." he grinned at the other, less a smile and more a
challenge. "Let me know when you finally try to make your escape though. I'd like to watch my guards fill your body with lead."
Not bothering to wait for a response, he turned and continued down the line of cells, only taking a second to look in at the only
other occupied cell. Inside, the prisoner, Madigan, was fast asleep, just like always. Patrol done for the night, he nodded to the
guards and exited the wing, slowly making his way back to his quarters.
It was three months later than Icarus was awoken in the middle of the day (he was practically nocturnal by now) by the eardrum
shattering alarms and flashing red lights that indicated some one had decided to try and test their luck at breaking out. Quickly,
he rolled out of bed, scrambling to grab his gun and holster as he raced out the door and down the hall. Most likely it wasn't
anyone too dangerous. There had been a few inmates in Wing V who had been getting antsy. If they were behind the attempted
break out, it would be over fairly quickly. The guards in that wing had been trained personally by his second in command. Still,
it was best that he make an appearance in the command station.

"Requiem," he said quickly, claws sliding on the tile floor of the command station as he raced in. "Update. What the hell is going
on right now?" The dark green viscet didn't even look up from his monitor, claw tips racing across the keyboard as he typed at
light speed. "I don't know Boss. Something's going on down in Wing X but I can't tell you what. Electricity is down. Cameras are
off. Doors look to be blasted open. Guards aren't responding to my calls. It's basically our worst nightmare come true."

Icarus's eyes widened in pure panic, uncertainty rushing through his veins. It looked like Chanyeol had made good on his threat.
They had to move quickly if they had any hope of containing the situation. "Get me every guard on duty to Wing X now. Send the reserves to check the landing pad and every electrical relay station in the building. There's a reason Chanyeol is called Arson. And
if i'm right, he's going to burn this place to ashes while laughing with glee. Hurry."

Not waiting for a response, he rushed out the door, gun drawn and held at his side. He had a feeling he knew just where the duo
was headed (because there was no way Arson would escape without Madigan). It took him just five minutes to cross the complex
and reach the backup generators. He raised his gun and rounded the corner, only to be met with a laughing Madigan. Before he
could fire, everything burst into flames.
When he awoke an indeterminable amount of time later, it was to a pain more extreme than any he had ever felt before. Just
laying crumpled on his side and breathing hurt. He didn't care to imagine the pain he would feel if he so much as tried to move.
For a long time, he laid there, floating on the pain and focusing only on his breathing. It wasn't until he felt the cool, solid press
of what could only be another's claw against his side that he even attempted to move, tail twitching lightly as he tried to unwrap
it from in front of his nose.

"Kieran," he heard a deep voice call out from somewhere above his head. "I think this one is alive." To what he though was his left,
Icarus heard the tell-tale sound of rubble clattering to the floor and claws scratching against the floor as another viscet
approached him. "Chanyeol must have plans of sorts for this one then. All the others are ash." A second, higher pitched voice
mused. He felt a paw land on his forehead and he struggled to open his eyes, to see. "Hush now, rest little one." he heard, and
then everything went black once more.
Five months later, he's healed completely. The only evidence of his near death encounter the red markings on his back which seem
to glow like hot coals. They had been a bright red before the fire, now they're not. Kieran and his mate Ahriman had been the ones
to rescue him. To heal him even as they tore at his soul and mind with their words. Now, now he's bitter. He's seen that playing by
the rules, by even the tiniest bit, leads only to his own injury. He won't let it happen again.

His prison is back up and running, stronger and more secure than ever before. And much, much, more deadly to those unlucky
enough to be trapped inside. Now, he just has to play the waiting game. It's only a matter of time before Chanyeol is captured
once more. The arsonist too cocky to fly under the radar for more than a few years. And when he is captured again, Icarus will be
waiting for him. They have some unfinished business to settle. Mainly the burning question as to why Chanyeol left Icarus of all
people alive.

(400 word extra combined with 800 word story for a total of 1200)

𝚋𝚞𝚝 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚠𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚍𝚎𝚟𝚒𝚕'𝚜 𝚠𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜
𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎'𝚜 𝚊 '𝚋𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛' 𝚗𝚎𝚡𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 '𝚜𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚝'
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Re: Halloween Viscet #1036 - The Serpent of Shadows

Postby Pterolykus » Fri Oct 28, 2016 6:22 pm

Personality: MUST be 100 words, but not over 300.
Occupation: Unlimited
Story: Can only be up to 800 words.
Extras: You may do up to 5 art pieces, of any type OR another 400 words for the story, or anything else you'd like to do. NO combining these.


No longer trying out. I really love this one and want it so bad but it's been stressing me out lately. ;^;
Good luck and congrats to the future winner!!
Last edited by Pterolykus on Wed Nov 09, 2016 3:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it, or learn from it. *-Rafiki*
Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars. *-Les Brown*
Every adventure requires a first step. *-Cheshire Cat*

Please say that I referred you ^^ TY

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Re: Halloween Viscet #1036 - The Serpent of Shadows

Postby Firewolf56 » Sun Oct 30, 2016 11:06 pm

Quiet and reserved, Adakias is quite the wallflower. He tends to trip over his words, and finds more often than not that his interests aren't the most conventional. Because of this, he makes an effort to get out of conversations with strangers. Adakias only feels comfortable talking to those who have already established that they know he isn't the most eloquent speaker and that his passions aren't well-accepted.
Despite his timid-seeming mannerisms, Adakias is extremely judgmental. He holds himself in high regard, and believes that he's achieved much over his lifetime. Unfortunately, he holds all others up to his standards, and often sneaks in snide comments about how petty everyone's troubles are. He doesn't show emotion much, and is very confused about how to react when others show theirs.
Demon Hunter

"Mommy, where are we going?" The young bone-crested viscling looked up at his mother. Fear bubbled in his throat as tears began to well up in his dark eyes, "Where's daddy? Halphas was going to help us! Daddy got all those bones for him! Why would he take him!?" Shadows danced in the light of the fire that enveloped the seemingly-abandoned barn that had been Adakias' home since birth. Holding him by the paw, the dark she-cet tried to pull her fighting son toward the road. "We can't leave!" The young viscling kept yelling, "Daddy needs us!"
With a snarl, his mother turned to him, "Daddy is dead, we have to go!" Adakias' eyes widened as he looked at the dangerously glinting fangs now bore at him. His whole body began to shake as the sudden aggression from his mother just added to the confusion surrounding him. It took a few moments for the she-cet to realize how she had sounded. Her features softened as she knelt down to look evenly at her son. "I...I'm sorry, Adakias...We...we made a mistake. We need to get out of here while we still can. Please, sweetie, please understand." She gently squeezed his paw with hers.
"" With a sharp tug, the bone-crested viscling pulled himself free. Not wasting a second, the child turned back to the chaos that was once his home. "No, you're wrong!" He screeched, running toward the inferno, "We can help him!" Adakias dropped to all fours, sprinting at top speed as his mother took off after him, yelling for him to come back. In a flash, the viscling passed through the barn door, disappearing into the smoking structure as his mother stopped short. Fear kept her back, and she let out a wail of sorrow, believing her only son had just ran to his death.

Inside the barn was like running into a nightmare. The familiar hay beds and soft flooring that had once been so comforting were now charred. The musty scent of aged wood was gone, replaced by the asphyxiating smoke that assaulted Adakias from every direction. He looked around wildly, searching for any sign of his father. His search was quickly interrupted as a searing pain burned against his haunch. Hungry flames licked up his fur, causing him to jump. A large crack sounded, and further into the barn came a growl, quickly followed by a guttural hiss. Movement caught Adakias' eye; horrid singed feathers and-- wait! There! The silhouette of a larger viscet flew back, deeper into the hot smoke. "Dad!"
Mustering up his courage, Adakias charged toward his father, only to find himself blocked by a shadowy mass of burning black feathers. Through the haze, a sinister eye fixed on the viscling, and he felt himself unable to move. One by one, more glowing eyes opened, turning their focus onto the newcomer. Unease and fear sank into Adakias' heart as the eyes grew more menacing. Everything else seemed to fade into the background as an aura of pure hatred enveloped the viscling, leaving him trembling. Darkness crept in to the corners of Adakias' vision. His breathing came in rapid gasps as the darkness closed in around him. Everything was fading, a demonic shriek echoed in the viscling's ears as he lost consciousness.

"Dad!" Adakias jolted awake, blinking in the harsh sunlight that poured down onto the unfortunate scene. A panicked scan of the area confirmed the viscling's memories of that night; the charred skeleton of his home was barely standing in some places, and completely turned to ash in others. Shakily, Adakias tried to stand, only to trip as something smooth shifted under his weight. What...? The viscling looked at what it was, only to feel his heart sink. A bone. One of the many his father had collected as an offering to that demon. A few others were scattered nearby, vaguely keeping the shape of the summoning circle they had once formed.
A search of what was left of the barn came up mostly fruitless. There was no way to see where the demon might have gone, and no trace of Adakias' father. The only thing that Adakias could find was one singed black feather. He gripped it tightly in his paw, staring at the pinion as his eyes clouded with thoughts. Everything his parents had believed...had taught was wrong. The truth was tough to swallow. As he turned the memento over in his paws, one thing became certain in his mind. No matter what was real...Halphas, the one who his parents had trusted, the one who they believed would help them, that they summoned as a final plea...he and all of his kind was going to rue the day that he took Adakias' father. That was a promise.


Last edited by Firewolf56 on Tue Nov 08, 2016 10:30 pm, edited 8 times in total.

I need more sleep...
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Re: Halloween Viscet #1036 - The Serpent of Shadows

Postby Levi » Wed Nov 02, 2016 1:07 am


No longer trying out!
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Re: Halloween Viscet #1036 - The Serpent of Shadows

Postby ɩɴɗσℜαρτσʀ » Wed Nov 02, 2016 11:00 am


The Pumpkin King 'Jack'


Jack is kind of a loner. He loves everyone, but likes his solitude. As kind as Jack may be, just give him space. He is willing to tolerate kids who might come up and pet him while he and his owner inform others about Viscets. Jack is also somewhat of a hopeless romantic. He loves poetry and enjoys music. Sometimes he might be caught attempting to serenade a pretty female, but most females reject him due to his markings. They find him frightening. Here is a quote that can better describe is personality into plyful words:

Sanober Khan wrote:the one
who will jolt awake
all the unwritten
the unsung
and the unlived
in me.

i am waiting
for him.

Jack wants a real love. Someone who will look past his frightening appeareance and will love him for him. He is not pansexual, bisexual, or homosexual. He is heterosexual and will be looking for a female. Jack will be a very honorable, loyal, and sweet lover. He tends to spoil the females that catch his eyes and never strays from them.

Educating others about the species

Jack, Jack, the Pumpkin King! Why everyone kept singing that poetic part of a song from a human movie called "Nightmare Before Christmas" whenever Jack, the serpent of shadows, was around, he still didn't know. Perhaps they had found the correlation in his name for he was named after the movie. Jack just shook his head. Why can't they just leave me be? All he ever wanted was a friend, someone to love and return that love. He had been searching, DEEPLY searching, now for nearly two years. Was it possible that there was no one out there for him? Or was he just unlucky? Jack sighed softly. Perhaps, I just haven't found the right girl for me.

Likes wrote:-Pumpkins
-Playing tricks on other Viscets
-The moon

Dislikes wrote:-Daytime
-Sugary things

Quirks wrote:-Tends to show off
-Tends to feel lonely
-Tends to sing at random

Hobbies wrote:-Singing
-Romancing females
-Searching for someone to love
-Listening to poetry

Favorites wrote:-Song
Last edited by ɩɴɗσℜαρτσʀ on Thu Nov 10, 2016 10:28 am, edited 1 time in total.


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Feel free to check out the metallic horses!

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Re: Halloween Viscet #1036 - The Serpent of Shadows

Postby ABeardedDragon » Wed Nov 09, 2016 10:10 am

Username: ABeardedDragon
Name: Ragnar
Gender: Male
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He is athletic and likes to keep himself in the best physical health, though he isn't exactly sportive. His reason for fitness is to be agile when it comes to his 'work'. Another trait is that he is crafty. Ragnar can get what he wants by manipulating others. Also, he is willing to push himself and test his boundaries; he's daring when it comes to crossing the line. He is well trained when it comes to stealth and uses this to his advantage, combined with his excellent patience. While he may seem tough, Ragnar is actually slightly more gentle when you get to know him, but this doesn't mean he's kind. He's actually fairly simple, there isn't much more to him than what is deducted from a first encounter. As such, he is easy to deal with. That is, if you're a crook like himself.

Ragnar is amoral, meaning he lacks an understanding of the difference between right and wrong, nor does he care. He simply does what he wants, when he wants. This often causes him to act cruel, usually by violence or deeply upsetting others. It's not rare for him to resort to using violence. This viscet is neglectful; the more serious side is that he hardly has any compassion for others, but he also has a habit of not dealing with his problems. He is rather anxious as he fears the law coming for him at any moment; he doesn't think he has done anything wrong though, nor does he actually know who they are. Ragnar is hot-headed and snappy, it doesn't take much for him to turn on someone who hurts him. He's extremely jealous of others and wants everything that others have; even if he normally discards it within a day or so.
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Ragnar makes a living out of robbing others. He isn't exactly a thief, instead he is a bandit. Of course, he couldn't work alone. His small group of bandits resides in a small camp by a stream; it's heavily fortified and guarded by some of the members who take shifts. Together they rob any innocent passer-by who steps on the bridge a short distance away, but sometimes they venture away from this location. Ragnar is usually the one to strike first, due to his nature. Another reason is that his bone shell provides some protection and intimidates the victim; though he also confuses them with illusions. The stolen goods are either kept by the bandits or sold, the money would be shared between all members of the group. If he could, Ragnar would actually like to be a pirate.
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Bushes rustled in the gloomy woods. Gleaming eyes glanced out of the darkness, towards the couple left coughing in smoke. The trio ran with heavy steps. They slid down a steep river bank, kicking up dust behind them. Ragnar hesitated at the river while the others jumped from rock to rock. A quick glance over his shoulder. If he was left behind then the ones with the steel cuffs would find him. With that he sprinted after his group, not daring to look down at the white raging river beneath him. His foot slipped in the wet soil, making him stumble but he managed to regain his balance. He followed a swaying black tail ahead of him, red eyes locked onto it. As they passed under the old bridge, cold water dripped on him; he gasped in surprise though it went unnoticed. Ragnar didn't stop to shake his pelt, rattling the coins he held. A sharp turn around a familiar boulder.

The group stopped at the foot of towering oak log fences, spiked at the top. One of the bandits on guard nodded to them then disappeared from the top of the wall. Ragnar glanced to his two friends. He noticed they were panting and shook his head slightly, smiling. The gate opened with a creak, like it always did. As they walked into the camp, Ragnar whipped his bone-encased tail against the door, slamming it shut once more. He held his head high and strode across the trampled grass. The trio slipped into the darkness of a cave. Coins rattled and jewels skipped across the wooden table as they revealed their loot.
"Good haul, right?" The blue and white viscet, Viper, asked.
"Yeah," said the third with a crooked smile.
"Are we selling?" Ragnar questioned as he scanned the table.
"I'm keeping some of this," Viper said, digging around in the small pile of gems; his cheeks were tinted scarlet as he gazed into them. The black and red viscet frowned, silently pulling a handful of jewels under the table.
"I want some coins," the other said and took a coin, flipping it.
"Oh," Ragnar said, "alright." His ears fell against his head. He reached out for a silver ring. Viper snatched it away. Dark red claws sank into the dagger carved table. He snarled. The others ignored him as they searched the gold. Ragnar kicked the table, causing the spoils to spill on the floor. He swiftly turned and left the cave.

Under the cover of night, Ragnar stood at the entrance to the camp. He looked up at the blanket of stars and the silver moon that hung low in the sky. The air was silent. Except for the sound of a wooden board being moved. In the corner of his eye, he saw a shadow dart out into the wilderness. He followed. Ragnar slipped through the dark woods, stalking. He crouched in a bush, parting the leaves slightly. Ahead of him was... No, it couldn't be. The familiar shape of a white and blue viscet, his black snake tail shining in the moonlight. He couldn't hear what they were saying. A glimpse of a silver ring shimmering and sparkling jewels was all he needed to know. With silence, he encroached on his target.
"Viper," he said. His voice was flat. The thief jumped, hurriedly whispering as he shoved the black coated female away. His friend turned to face him.
"I," he hesitated, "I was selling it."
"I want it," Ragnar hissed. He lowered his stance as he circled around Viper. Wide black eyes stared back at him. He gulped. A deep red paw swiped. It grasped his wrist. The ring was gone.
"It's just a stupid ring," Viper blurted, "I'll go get it."
"Oh," the attacker said. It wasn't stupid, why would he want it if it really was? He slowly walked up to Viper's side, an exaggerated look of guilt on his face. Then he bashed his bone mask against the blue viscet, making him stagger away.
"I'm sorry," he said. Red eyes glared at him and Ragnar approached. The stunned viscet quickly turned and ran. Ragnar didn't take chase. Instead, he walked back to camp. He finished his guard shift and curled up to sleep.

The next day, Ragnar woke to find the silver ring at his side. A note lay next to it, mentioning leaving and love. It also warned him to watch his back. He simply shrugged and left the camp, hoping to rob someone else.
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A former close friend of Ragnar. They worked together as bandits, almost considered each other family, until that night. After the incident with the ring, Viper got tired of the black viscets threats and attacks. It had happened many times over trivial things but this was the last time for him. Ragnar was jealous as his friend would rather share the loot they 'earned' together with a stranger instead of him. While the blue viscet is scared of harming Ragnar himself, he has sent an assassin after him, still unknown to Ragnar. Now that he is gone, Ragnar actually misses him and wishes he came back; though he blames Viper for everything that happened and believes he was betrayed by his disappearance.
He hasn't spent any time at all with this viscet. However, he sometimes sees her outside the camp; waiting for Viper as she does not know that he left. Ragnar blames her for ruining his friendship with Viper; the blue viscet had a crush on her and would give her their stolen items instead of sharing. It was his fault for pushing him away but refuses to accept it. Whenever he sees her, he scares her away and has even tried to rob her once.
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Re: Halloween Viscet #1036 - The Serpent of Shadows

Postby grifforik » Sat Nov 12, 2016 12:52 am

Everyone should have heeded the warnings and this has been closed since Midnight :)

G'Luck to all of you!!!
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Re: Halloween Viscet #1036 - The Serpent of Shadows

Postby Ravenshadow17 » Sat Nov 12, 2016 7:59 am

Good luck everyone!!! :)
If you ever need to talk in these crazy times, don’t hesitate to PM me.
I am 18+ just FYI (and if you ever need advice)

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