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Postby PikachuTori25 » Mon Apr 03, 2017 10:03 am

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Postby PikachuTori25 » Fri May 12, 2017 11:01 am

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Link's daughter!
Nickname- Ash


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Postby PikachuTori25 » Thu May 18, 2017 5:00 am

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Postby PikachuTori25 » Mon Jun 12, 2017 6:50 am

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Breeding Slots-


Kishiko means child of the seashore
Kishiko's home is a seaside cave in Japan. Which has bioluminescent fish swimming in the small pools in the cave. Kishiko is a japanese goddess and the humans built her a small shrine in the cave to protect their homes from tsunamis, and so that the fishermen catch lots of fish and come home safely. They leave Kishiko offerings like fish, and various fruits in order to keep Kishiko happy and well fed. Kishiko enjoys her time in her house, and often just watches the waves roll on the beach. She does get kinda lonely over time, and is always glad when a human comes to visit. Since she's a goddess, they can't see her. It's only when the little kids come in that they can see her, Human child always see the supernatural and gods, so she's happy when a human child comes to visit. A certain human, a boy about the age of 15 gave her the bioluminescent fish one day to put into her pools. She was very grateful but wondered why this human boy could still see her, usually humans lose their sight of the supernatural and gods around two or three. The human boy, who was named Shimizu kept visiting her every week, bringing food for the both of them to share. Kishiko was cautious of the human at first, but the two became quick friends and her cave doesn't feel as lonely anymore. Kishiko knows it won't last forever, but she enjoys the days that Shimizu comes over and shares his food with her.

by Grifforik
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Postby PikachuTori25 » Wed Jun 14, 2017 9:22 am

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Breeding Slots-

Momoka & Hiroki

He's actually Kishiko's human friend that was reborn as a companion for the goddess
Kishiko started to pace around her cave, waiting for her human best friend Shimizu. He was late today, usually he was right on time every time he visited his favorite goddess or a few minutes early. Kishiko finally sat down, watching the bioluminescent fish Shimizu had given her one summer day. She sighed, wondering if anything had happened to the human or if he finally forgot about her. Humans tend to forget about the supernatural quickly after they see them, well if they see them in the first place. Most humans can't, other than small children. That's what made Shimizu special, he could see Kishiko. The goddess sighed again, closing her eyes before jumping up as she heard someone race towards her cave which she called home. It was Shimizu, heavily breathing. "I'm so so sorry Kishiko!" He said, bowing to the goddess in front of him. "My mom wanted me to wear this, thinking I was going on a date to the fireworks festival..." Shimizu muttered, doing a three-sixty to show off his yukata to her. Kishiko happily wagged her big tail, racing over and hugging the human. "Your late..." She muttered. Shimizu pet the big viscet, and hugged her back. "I know, I'm sorry...but Do I look...okay?" Kishiko giggled and nodded. "You look lovely." she answered. Shimizu smiled, his face turning a bit red. "T-Thank you...I Didn't think I looked that good." he replied. "....So Are you ready to go to the festival?" he asked, looking at the goddess curiously. Kishiko nodded. "I can't wait to go! I've been waiting ever since you dragged me out of here and made me go last year." Shimizu grinned. "Great! Let's go then." he replied, gently holding onto the big viscets paw. Kishiko smiled warmly at the human. They both walked to where the fireworks festival was being held. Kishiko gasped and kept dragging Shimizu to the different food stalls, wanting one of everything. Shimizu being the nice person he was, brought anything the goddess wanted. Then they finally got to goldfish scooping. Kishiko could spend hours there, it was her favorite activity at the festival. "Okay, Kishiko. Which ones do you want for your goldfish pool?" Shimizu asked the viscet, smiling warmly at her. Kishiko grinned, starting to point out which ones she wanted. "Hmmm, this one, this one....ohh, I gotta have this one....oohohoh, I really want that one..." She started to go off and Shimizu paid, starting to catch the ones that his best friend wanted. After spending too long of a time at goldfish scooping, Shimizu finally caught all the goldfish the goddess wanted. "I finally caught them all!" he celebrated, grinning. Kishiko was delighted, wanting to squeeze her human friend tightly, but he was hold the goldfish bags. "Thank you so much Shimizu!" she thanked him. Shimizu grinned. "Your welcome my goddess!" he replied, before looking up at the sky and gasping. "We're gonna miss the fireworks!" he whined. Kishiko blinked and looked up, gasping. "I'll run the goldfish back home!" she offered. "Kishiko, there's no time for that! We need to get to our spot right now!" Shimizu told the goddess, starting to race towards her cave. The goddess viscet right behind him. Shimizu ended up putting the bags full of goldfish down in front of the cave and starting to climb up the cliff face where Kishiko was waiting on top. "I told you I could of been the one to drop off the fish!" she shouted to him, the first fireworks starting to go off as Shimizu got to the top. He gently pushed Kishiko when he got up there, snorting at her. She growled playfully at the human before gently pawing at his hand. Shimizu sighed, gently hold the viscets paw. They quieted down and watched the fireworks together for the rest of the night.
It was a hot summer day and Kishiko knew this day would come someday, the day her best friend Shimizu would pass on to the other side. He was nearly ninety and tried to visit the goddess every week, but some weeks he wouldn't come at all. It was the third week in a row that the human hasn't come to visit the goddess. She looked sadly at the pools of the new bioluminescent fish that Shimizu had brought her after the some of the older ones had passed on. Kishiko knew that the human had passed on, she could sense the empty void that once was a human that she had a very close friendship with. She couldn't hold the tears back any more and started to bawl her eyes out, the tears dripping into the small pool full of bioluminescent fish who curiously tried to eat them. Kishiko tried to wipe away the tears, keep them at bay but they just kept coming. She needed a hug, a hug from Shimizu but...he wasn't here anymore. She felt the tears well up in her eyes again as the goddess raced over to her shrine, it was much bigger then it was at first. The humans had built it up, making a proper shrine to the goddess. The goddess no longer had a hokora or Miniature shrine... but I full sized one that some humans cleaned up every week. They couldn't see the goddess like Shimizu once had, but they were always nice to the goddess and left fruit for her. Kishiko raced into her shrine and curled up tightly, remembering all the good times she had with the human male named Shimizu... he came to the goddess one hot summer day, carrying a plastic bag full of glowing fish. Kishiko fell in love with the fish, and thanked the human happily. She didn't expect the boy to reply with a "Your welcome" and a big old grin on his face. Kishiko was surprised and didn't reply, staring at him in shock. The boy soon left but came back, day after day, giving the goddess any left over lunch that he had with him. Kishiko had no idea why the boy could see her or remember her in fact, but they became good friends quickly and the boy named Shimizu visited every week...sometimes he would visit more if he wasn't busy. The goddess and the human began to wander out of the cave the goddess called home, and the two of them began to play nearby at first. Then Shimizu began to drag Kishiko out into the city and other places. They went to the aquarium one summer day, which the goddess didn't want to leave. Shimizu had to negotiate with the goddess and ended up buying her an oversized shark plushie which she still has to this day, even if it is wore out from Kishiko hugging it one too many times. She chuckled slightly, curling up even tighter afterwards. She missed the human already, once Shimizu began to get older she didn't see him as much, as he was working. He did make sure to visit every week though. For some reason the human never got married or even had an interest in human girls in fact, so he had no spawn that could visit her. Kishiko played with one of the very many fish toys that Shimizu had gifted the goddess, gently pressing it against her head and wishing that she could see Shimizu one last time, to say a proper good-bye to the human that the goddess was so close with. Suddenly, a white light came down and into the shrine, another fellow god appearing in front of the goddess. "I shall grant you this wish." He said. "I care see your future without the one named Shimizu and it looks very bare and lonely." the god added. "I do not wish this upon a fellow god, so I shall give you your Shimizu back." and with those final words, the god disappeared with a flash of light and standing in his place was a viscet, a male god viscet in fact. Kishiko blinked, staring at the other viscet god. "....Hello?" she asked, wiping away her tears as she did so. "....Kishiko?" the viscet replied and grinned the same grin that Shimizu had made on the first day that they met. Kishiko gasped loudly, and tackled the other god, knowing it was her best friend. Shimizu had returned to her, as a god himself...and the same kind of god. She didn't care about anything other than Shimizu in this moment, and the fact she could now spend forever with him.
This was Kishiko's and Shimizu's first festival since Shimizu became a viscet god like her. They couldn't wait to be honest and didn't stop talking about it the whole day before it was even on. The day of the festival, they both raced out there nice and early.
"Do you think they'll have goldfish scooping?" Kishiko asked, as they arrived. There was tons of viscets there already!
Shimizu nodded to her. "There's so many things and games to do here, I bet you there will be goldfish scooping!"
Kishiko grinned. "How about we go look for it then?" she asked, as Shimizu snorted.
"How about we eat first?" He questioned, giving the goddess a look.
Kishiko sighed, grumbling. "Fine....food first.... we didn't eat anything this morning anyways..."
Shimizu grabbed Kishiko's paw and raced off to the smell of pancakes. "How about pancakes my goddess?" he asked.
Kishiko smiled fondly at Shimizu. "I would love some." she answered as Shimizu brought two pancakes for himself and his best friend. They ate together, sitting side by side and after finishing got up together.
"How about we find the goldfish now?" Shimizu asked, and Kishiko nodded.
"I would love that." She answered.
The two searched and searched, but didn't find any goldfish scooping.
"Uggggg.... there's no goldfish here Shimizu...." Kishiko grumbled, about to give up.
"Come on, I can feel it close by!" Shimizu replied, and saw it across the way. "Kishiko! It's right there!" he grinned at the goddess who lit up.
"Well, let's go!" She said, racing over to the goldfish scooping and dragging Shimizu along. "You've always been better at this, you catch my new friends for me!"
Shimizu sighed, nodding. "Yes, my goddess. Which ones do you want?" he asked, grinning at Kishiko.
Kishiko grinned back, pointing out all the ones that she wanted to take back home to her little pools. The two of them spent the rest of the festival there, Shimizu catching all the goldfish that his goddess Kishiko wanted.
Image by SilverSamurai

Image by Knickknacks

Image by SilverSamurai
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Postby PikachuTori25 » Wed Aug 09, 2017 10:08 am

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Postby PikachuTori25 » Wed Aug 09, 2017 10:16 am

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A goddess born from love from Kishiko and Shimizu <3 She has the power over sakura trees!


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Postby PikachuTori25 » Thu Aug 17, 2017 7:46 am

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Postby PikachuTori25 » Sun Sep 10, 2017 10:58 am

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Postby PikachuTori25 » Sat Sep 23, 2017 11:02 am

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Momoka's best friend, Is the god of Koi Fish!


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