Chicken Smoothie Christmas Giveaway 2014

It's Christmas time at the Chicken Smoothie HQ, and Santa has come by early and dropped off some goodies for us this year! We want to spread the cheer, so we'll be sending some stickers and buttons to some lucky winners from all over the world!

The draw is now closed!

Winners must claim their prize within 3 days of the contest end date. If winners do not provide a shipping address within 3 days of winning, they will forfeit their prize and it will be re-drawn for a new winner in a second chance draw. This is so that we can try to ensure prizes get to winners before the end of the holiday season, without having unclaimed prizes lying around at the CS HQ.

Here's a consolation prize pack for you, whether you won or not :)


You will be contacted privately about your prize by PM or email within 1 hour. If you fail to receive our message, then please contact us using the help system.

First prize winners - (button & sticker packs)

Second prize winners - Sticker packs including sunback sticker

Third prize winners - Sticker packs