Site update news

7th November 20

This is the last day to trade in your Halloween tokens! Don't miss out!

The Halloween page has a countdown on it to the end of token trade-ins so you can check how much time you have left.

5th November 20

Our Halloween banner hunt has now ended! You now have three days left to trade in your tokens (Nov. 5th, 6th and 7th). These tokens just become regular items once the trade-ins end, you won't be able to spend them on future events.

CS runs on a different time zone than most members so don’t leave the spending until the last minute and accidentally miss out!

The Halloween page has a countdown on it to the end of token trade-ins so you can check how much time you have left.

Don't forget to pick up your Halloween stamps from the "Free Gifts" section at the bottom of the Halloween page!