Site update news

30th March 24

We hope you've been enjoying the Easter event so far! Tomorrow (March 31st - Easter) will be the last day of gifts and giveaways. After tomorrow we will also have two more days of token hunting (April 1st-April 2nd). Once token hunting ends, you will have an additional three days to hand in the rest of your tokens before the trade-ins expire (April 3rd, 4th and 5th)in CS time)

22nd March 24

Our Easter Hunt has begun!


Is this your first Easter on CS?
Make sure you read all the instructions on the Event Page and in the news. This event is very similar to our Halloween candy hunt.

The Easter hunt is a special event where you can collect eggs from around the site and forum, and then trade them in for cool pets and items. To collect eggs look for special prize banners which sometimes appear at the bottom of the page. They could appear on any page on Chicken Smoothie, so browse around! You might have to hunt for quite a while before you find the prize banner, but don't give up! When you do spot a prize banner just click it to claim your egg. Once you've found an egg you have to wait at least 20 minutes before you can hunt again, so take a break and come back later. When you have enough eggs you can choose a prize on the Event page!

The event runs for about 10 days. Each day there will be new prizes available, and sometimes there will also be free gifts which you can get without spending any eggs! Don't forget to check the event page every day and remember to hunt for eggs when you've got time!

The prizes on the event page will all be available for the full event, so if you want you can just save your eggs for now and make your choices at the end. :)

Click here to enter your pets in the Easter Dress-ups Challenge!