~Dante's Ashes~'s cake:

~Dante's Ashes~ described their cake:

Left making this way too late. But seeing as I'd wasted all the spare $$ I had on things, figured that I may as well have a go. Cake base is fruitcake. Thought it would be long lasting and more stable than, say sponge cake, for crafting. Brought a few packs of marzipan. First time that I've ever used it. Never again. Colouring it was messy, my hands are still blue. The "3" and squidy are that edible writing gel stuff. Sadly four out of the six cakes I brought were not as fresh a week later, so I really only had two cakes to work with properly. I had thought of something completely different, maybe I'll do it next year if you guys decide to do another contest. With only the two cakes that were workable, I decided to do a really bad pup, draped in a marzipan "skin" and blankie. The bum is way too short and the head too big, it looks ok foreshortened though. ~laughs~ My cat spilled the open red food dye onto one of the legs with his tail just as I was finishing off, making me paint the leg and half the body which I'd have preferred not to do. He looked rather cute white. I went over silly with the blankie, I should have made it plain, it looks too cluttered. Ohh well, what can you do. o_O Hmm first time ever attempting to cave and quilt a cake. I won't be doing it again any time soon and if I ever see a fruit cake again it will be too soon. Still, here be my bad entry and happy judging. :)