Darkwind's cake:

Darkwind described their cake:

My cake is the Chicken Smoothie Birthday CASTLE! The first celebraters to arrive are a strawberry rat, a lemon doggie waiting to give you a red balloon, and a purple striped gaint spider. BUT you have to cross a bridge over the moat to get to them. Some parts of the moat are harmless, filled with idle fish and pesky cats always falling in after them! However, you have to look out for the squid. Its cherry red color announces its approach. If you look up, along the dark vines, to the top of the highest candle topped tower you will find a family of butterfly wolves. Two tiny baby cocoons snuggle up against the warm chocolate cookie brick while their big sister sits below on a ledge. She is quickly eating away all the vines! Their mother flies in the sky waiting for the arrival of her husband. There will be a grand celebration at the Chicken Smoothie Castle once every pet arrives. HAPPY 3RD BIRTHDAY CHICKEN SMOOTHIE! <3