Mayorati's cake:

Mayorati described their cake:

Uhm yeah, how should I describe my cake..? I hope I'm doing it right. xD I have baked two different cakes so I could "stack" my cake up to three levels. For that I had the base one and the other one for slicing the two upper parts out of it. After I was finished with baking, I stacked the pieces together with some honey. After that I made vanilla flavoured icing with a bought mix that I had to warm up. After I was finished with spreading it over my cake and it dried a bit I did the decoration. So I put on the chocolate butterflies and flowers, the sugar-flowers and then I threw the sugar hearts (though most of them landed on the table xD) over the cake. After this step was finished I began decorating with the "sugar writing". I don't know if that's the right word but it's the same thing as Tess used for writing "CS" on the example cake. xD After all of that was done I made the marzipan dog, egg and bat. I really didn't know it would be that hard but the marzipan was quite a thing to handle. Anyways that was it. Oh, yeah, the "dragon egg" lies on a top of one of the base cakes. they were too high so I had to cut them off... :D I hope I did the description the way it should be. (Anyways even if I don't win anything this was a lot of fun, as CS always is. Thank you for that!)