CSF's cake:

CSF described their cake:

My cake is lemon with orange flavored frosting. I was told the cake could be partly eaten, so I was limited to space and I was short on time. So I could only do simple decorating and I used little pretzel pieces for the lettering of "Happy 3rd B-day CS!" The "c" is smaller than the "s" because I didn't know how to make a smaller "s". The little round crackers with the pretzel bits are supposed to be balloons. Again, if I had more time, it would have looked better. The first picture is of the materials, the second picture is of the "balloons," the third is the finished cake, and the last one is a closer view of the information card. I forgot to put the card with my username next to the balloons, I hope that will still count. Any way, This is my cake and even if I don't win I hope you do decide to sell the buttons because they are amazing and I love shiny things. Hahaha, well I'll let you finish reading this so you can judge more cakes. Thank you for the opportunity.