Sol-leks's cake:

Sol-leks described their cake:

I love the CS wolf/dog characters and I wanted to create a vibrant and cheerful cake to emphasize a celebration. Also, I love the little star balloons that come with some of the animals for special occasions, so I wanted to incorporate one of those. Of course, not everything went as planned color wise, but in the end, I was happy with the results and even happier to finally being able to eat the cake (after working on it for a couple of days. Pure torture I tell you). And yes, that purple mark on the wolf's shoulder is supposed to be a light/relatively incognito 3 :) I used a Duncan Heinz boxed cake mix (2 of them) and a family recipe for buttercream (well, I don't know where it came from, but my mother taught me). All of the colors were mixed by me using edible dyes. Different metal tips were used to get different effects (though some of the look I achieved was via creative buttercream handling, lol). I take pride in the fact that I'm old school and don't use fondant or gum paste for covering/decorating my cakes. I hope you all enjoy it and Happy Birthday CS!