Spotty's cake:

Spotty described their cake:

I wanted to make a cake based on my favourite pet, the Royal bobtail, all curled up and peacefully asleep. To me that pet is CS, it's what got me intrested in this place and it's what got me to stick around. The cake is a cut into layers and a vauge dog shape. The layers are separated by filling of blueberry jam, bananas and wipped cream. I picked those flavours because I wanted the taste to match the colours, yellow, blue and white. I know the jam is more like reddish purple, but it was the bluest thing I could think of to fill my cake with. Around the cake is a layer of uncoloured marzipan, about the same off-white as the fur of the Royal bob. The markings on the fur are made of pieces of marzipan coloured with food dyes, the lines are made of chocolate syrup, and the letters are chocolate that I melted and then shaped. Just as a fun detail I made the swirl on the pets shoulder into the '3' that symbolizes the age of CS. It was the very first thing that popped up in my mind when I saw the contest and I wanted to stick to it. The blue colour looks kinda greenish in the pictures, it's really much more blueish. Thank you for putting up this competition, it was great fun^^.