Roonie-Roe's cake:

Roonie-Roe described their cake:

Alright. Well, I wanted to try and do something a bit different and make something other than one of CS's dogs/wolves, so did a Malk dragon instead... or well, tried to anyway. It came out looking more like a chibi version of one, and I did it completely from memory so the tail and head aren't accurate I'm afraid. For some reason I thought they had spikes on the end of their tails and had longer snouts. Whoops. Hope that doesn't count against me... ^^; I applied a slight coating of some green icing gel onto the dragon to make him look shiny and sort of scaly, and used some black icing to give him eyes. I had originally planned on having 'flames' coming out of his mouth to look like he was lighting the candles, but the fondant was too heavy and I decided against it. I think it still looks like he lit the candles with his breath though. ;) The red things beside the dragon are suppose to be flowers, but the icing spray I was using to make the flowers and the writing was giving me problems and kept coming out too fast. So that's why they're messy and lumpy looking. I've never been much good with those things, lol. I also got kind of carried away with the sprinkles, but it looked too bare to me without them in my opinion. Well, I hope you like it and it's good enough to be an acceptable entry. Thanks so much for hosting this contest! I had a lot of fun making my cake! :)