CRYSTALJFURHFHFD described their cake:

Our cake is a devil food cake, with green, pink, orange, and purple icing. We used some plastic figurines, but everything else is edible. The figurines we used were the pets; we couldn't find edible animals anywhere. However, the pets we used are animals that have showed up on the site over the years. The Calico cat, a horse, some Easter bunnies, and huskies. We did forget to to the username tag, thing, but we did take a shot of the owner of this account, holding the sliced up cake with a card saying its ours. Monotone, her partner in making the cake, is typing this. We remember just a few moments ago and wrote a card really quick. You can still kinda tell its the same cake. Sorry! The pictures we have are: 1. When the cake was being mixed. 2. The cake baking in the oven. 3. The cake when it was finished, without the lit candles. 4. The finished cake, with lit candles. 5. CRYSTALJFURHFHFD pointing to the cake. 6. The cake after we massacred it with a knife and someone ate a piece, with the sing, after we remembered we needed it. 7. CRYSTALJFURHFHFD holding the cake and the little sign, after we remembered. The last two are our supplies. :3