buttersaur owned by Snowballz the Squid by santinel

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buttersaur owned by Snowballz the Squid

Postby santinel » Thu Jan 05, 2012 8:38 am

Read this first!
This is a female :3

Write a little story (about two paragraphs) and a name, to win her c:

Fixing the eye ref now

Owned by Snowballz the Squid~
Last edited by santinel on Fri Apr 06, 2012 8:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: buttersaur, up for adoption.

Postby emilyrose2k9 » Thu Jan 05, 2012 8:43 am

Name: Honey
Gender: female
Past: grew from a flower seed, the plant grew large and when the petals fell to the ground a magic power surrounded them they became beautiful pink wings and as they where pulled upwards a small-ish dinosaur appeared from the other debris, and now she lives.
Personality: Honey is kind and caring she likes playing around though she is larger than her other insect friends they do not mind.

I hope this is okay ^^
Last edited by emilyrose2k9 on Tue Jan 10, 2012 11:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: buttersaur, up for adoption.

Postby Coraychi » Sat Jan 07, 2012 9:12 am

Name: Banana Split


This little butterosaur, before she had a home, woke up one day, under a leaf. It was cold and damp outside, she had no idea where she was, or how she had gotten there. She didn't really remember anything. When she crawled out from under the leaf, she looked at the world around her. Everything was so big compared to her. And it seemed so frightening. She delicately sniffled, before a tear slid down her face. She was scared.

Who wouldn't be? Anyone her size, all lost would be scared. So, she grabbed the leaf in her mouth, and adjusted it in a way that hung over her head. She began fluttering, skipping and hopping through the tall grass, looking for some safe place to stay. She walked for a long time, until her legs were sore and she was starving. She sniffled and looked about, seeking out something she could eat. Coming upon a rotten cabbage, she fluttered over to it and took a munch, it tasted...icky.
She swallowed it hesitantly and made a sour face.

She continued on her journey for a day or two. But what she saw next was surely an amazing sight! She saw a garden, filled with flowers and vegetables. It was marvelous! She fluttered over, and ate her fill of pollen, cabbage and spinach. It was all much better than the rotten cabbage she had before. And she stayed there for an hour or two, with a full belly. Soon enough she fell asleep. When she woke up, she was inside a house, in a teacup with a tiny piece of fabric over her. She hopped out and saw a girl inside, she was staring out the window at her garden...that the little butterosaur had eaten from. She turned to see the little thing and smiled. "Hello! Would you like to stay with me...?" She asked.

{{And then the rest is up to if I get her or not! xD}}

Hope this is alright? ^^

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Re: buttersaur, up for adoption.

Postby doodleswiftly » Mon Jan 09, 2012 4:03 am

Name: Honeycomb


Honeycomb opened her eyes and yawned. Dawn-light seeped through the gaps between the big creamy petals. The little creature stood up and stretched each leg in turn, blinking the sleep from her pink eyes. She took a quick drink of pollen, and then opened out her pink speckled wings and walked out onto one of the big creamy-white petals of the lily where she lived. "What a beautiful day." She murmured, surveying the scenery. The field of lilies was white as snow, and butterflies flitted to and fro. A fat bumble bee came buzzing past, it's legs bright orange from the pollen. Honeycomb called out a greeting.

"Hullo..." Came the muffled reply as the bee crawled into a nearby lily. "Nice weather." He hopped out and flew over to Honeycomb's lily. "Any pollen?" He asked, walking inside. "Or has some other bee taken it all?"

"No." Honeycomb laughed. "It's all there, waiting for you." She sat down. "So how are you doing today, Barkis?" she inquired.

"Fine fine." Barkis replied. "The queen has been asking an awful lot from us workers these past few days."

"Oh dear." Honeycomb sympathized. "Why is that?"

"Can't say I know why." Barkis shuffled toward the edge of the lily. "I'd best be off. More pollen to collect."

Honeycomb stood up and walked over to the fuzzy bee. "Okay. See you when you're off duty, maybe?" She asked.

Barkis didn't reply. He was staring at something, his black eyes wide with horror.

"What?!" Honeycomb reared up, trying to see. She stood behind Barkis and craned her neck.

"Humans..." Barkis whispered.

"Humans?!" Honeycomb exclaimed. "Not humans!" She wailed.

A thunderous buzz went up around them. "Humans?!" came the multiplied cry.

The ground began to shake, and soon a huge human came into view.

Barkis buzzed his wings and flew off. "Hide!" He told Honeycomb.

She darted back inside her lily and sat cowering behind the stamen. "Please don't find me..." She whispered. "Please don't find me!" Suddenly, everything went dark. Then it lightened, and Honeycomb was staring into the blue eyes of a human. "Leave me alone!" She wailed. The human gently tipped the flower so that Honeycomb slid softly out onto it's pale pink hand.

"It's okay." The human murmured. "I won't hurt you."

Honeycomb crouched down, staring into it's eyes.

The human reached out a finger and stroked it tenderly down Honeycomb's tiny spine. The little butterosaur realized that this was a young female human, because of the size of her finger, and the gentleness with which she caressed Honeycomb.

"Don't let them find me." Honeycomb requested as the girl stroked her more and gently scratched her between her shoulder-blades.

"I won't." The girl promised. She paused, then went on. "Will you come and live with me?"

The end! :D :lol: The rest remains to be found out! I don't know the ending to this story! :lol: Sorry if it's too long!
Last edited by doodleswiftly on Fri Jan 13, 2012 5:23 am, edited 1 time in total.


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Re: buttersaur, up for adoption.

Postby Koiley » Mon Jan 09, 2012 3:55 pm

Butterbump. ouo
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Re: buttersaur, up for adoption.

Postby maluruloki » Sat Jan 14, 2012 11:46 am

-Kiley-, whoever that kid is shaking the purple object in your signature line is HYSTERICAL. :D

And now, onto my attempt.

Name: Goldyla Joy
(after this tea rose.)

Goldyla watched the human sitting on the garden bench below and slowly drooped down her antennae. The human was weeping again, very quietly. His shoulders shook with each nearly-silent sob.
"Why can't they grow? All I wanted to do was grow them in her honor... Just to put a bouquet at her grave, that's all I wanted." The gardener had been trying for a long time, many seasons now, to grow some circus tea roses in honor of his young wife who had passed. The little golden and pink butterosaur tilted her head, feeling very confused. Didn't he know about the bush beyond his low white picket fence? The one over by the willow tree? Steeling herself and forgetting all the warnings her family had ever given her, she fluttered down in front of his face. The young man gasped and nearly fell off the bench in surprise. "Oh my goodness! What are...what are you? Fairy?" His eyes were so wide and startled that it was all Goldyla could do to keep from tittering. She chose instead to fly away a few feet and come back. Repeating the movement again and again, the human finally understood that she meant for him to follow. He rose to his feet, still a little nervous about the odd-looking creature, but now too curious by her gestures.
It took her more than a few minutes to lead him to his white picket fence and yet a few more to goad him beyond the barrier. Across the field of tall wild grass she led him, into the shadows of the tall trees that surrounded the pond. Alighting on a nearby branch to take a moment to recover, she let the human watch her in quiet wonder. Shaking herself all over and shedding a few tiny pink wing scales, she flitted off again towards the willow tree. It didn't take him more than a moment to see where she was leading him and the reverent whisper that escaped his lips made her grin from cheek to cheek. There, growing in a single beam of sunlight, was one lone circus tea rose, proud and beautiful in its glory. The young man fell to his knees and Goldyla alit upon his shoulder as one tear slid down his cheek.
"Thank you, little one....whatever you are," he whispered, reaching up to gently brush his knuckle against her chest. Goldyla nuzzled it before squeaking and taking flight. She graced the tea rose just for a moment, savoring its gentle fragrance, before flitting back away towards the garden.
After this, the gardener was always kind enough to leave out a small tray of clover honey for his little "Rose Sprite", and Goldyla always wiggled her antennae in greetings to him before taking off again. They were unspoken friends from that point onwards.

Yay. This story makes me smile. :) Good luck, all!

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Re: buttersaur, up for adoption.

Postby Flutey » Wed Jan 18, 2012 11:05 am

I would name this adorable girly "Bumble" because her colors remind me of flowers and bumblebees. :)

A Story From a Young Buttersaur's Childhood

Bumble flew into the air and shouted out, "Ready or not, here I come!" She darted through the field of flowers, looking for her brothers. Hide-and-seek was one of Bumble's favorite games, and she wasn't going to let them show her up.

A rustle sounded nearby. Bumble darted towards the sound, but as she came closer, a rabbit hopped out of the grass. Bumble squealed in fright. The rabbit looked at her for a moment, then started to turn away.

"Wait!" Bumble called. "Have you seen any other buttersaurs? A blue one and a gold one?"

"Why yes! I saw them both headed that way, into the woods." the rabbit said, twitching her ears.

"Thank you!" Bumble said and flew off towards the woods.

The woods. Bumble shivered just thinking about it. Her mother had said countless times not to go into the woods. Until now, Bumble had listened. But she would not let her brothers win. There was a streak of determination in her, and Bumble could never bear anyone beating her. So it was with great apprehension that Bumble gave the last flap of her wings that brought her into the dark woods.

At every whisper of wind and every twip snap, Bumble froze and nearly fell to the ground. There were so many sounds in the woods that Bumble had never heard before. She looked around for her brothers, thinking the sooner she found them, the sooner she could leave. Bumble thought to herself They must have been stupid to come in here! Their bright colors will stick out here!

Suddenly, a crash rang throughout the forest. Snaps and cracks of branches sounded, getting closer every second. Bumble froze and waited.

"Run!" screamed her brother, Acorn. "Its a monster!"

Bumble smirked as she saw what her brothers fleed from. "A monster, huh?" she said with a laugh as a deer, looking as terrified as they did stumbled out of the dense bushes.

"Yeah, a mon-" Acorn began, but then turned and saw the deer.

Bumble and her brothers all broke into laughter.
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Re: buttersaur, up for adoption.

Postby Koiley » Sat Jan 21, 2012 10:57 am

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Re: buttersaur, up for adoption.

Postby BMO » Sat Jan 21, 2012 4:43 pm

Honey Glazed is her name :). Honey for short.

It was a cool winter day. Snuggled up in her den, Honey couldn't sleep. The cold wind blew right through her, even with the warm, soft moss around her. She shivered occasionally. She needed to find a warmer place to stay, so she bit her lip and ran outside. She ran and ran and soon found a big house. She was scared and alone, so she decided to go in.
Her mother had told her not the be around humans too much, but did she listen? No. As she pushed the door open, it creaked, and she stood frozen, hoping no one had heard. Then she continued into the house, once she thought all was clear. It was warmer already! Suddenly, something unexpected happened. A hand reached out and petted her. She flinched, but once she knew the little kid behind her meant no harm, she let the girl pet her. And so, they became best friends.
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Re: buttersaur, up for adoption.

Postby TheScamperPony » Sat Jan 21, 2012 5:09 pm

[ - | J O I | - ]

Congenial. Flocculent. Saccharine. It surrounds me, engulfs me, holds me tight in it's arms. My nose, my skin, my ears, my tongue- they tell me what is happening, not my eyes. My eyes are useless, just things to aid the other senses. Match a mocking bird to it's isochronous call, a blue shine to the liquid water on my skin. They were better closed. Yes, you do not see the physical colors, the wavelengths that show me a rainbow, but you are aware of a whole new level of colors. The bright purple percolating through your mind at that mocking bird's call, the sharp, suffocating red of a thorn in your side.

Now a lie in this meadow, my eyes closed, my ears, my skin, my nose giving to me a whole new spectrum of color. It is amazing, refreshing, aerating. It is me. It is my friend. It shows me the way. I don't have to open my eyes to know it is the afternoon. The sun's lethargic rays warm my skin with a mellow orange, the occasional cloud blocking it out, plunging me down into a gloomy blue. Soft, cordial plants surround me, brushing at my skin gently. They smell melliferous. I know I should get up, leave this place to be back... where ever back was supposed to be. But for now... I'm just content to lay here and feel the colors.
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